Eastern Sun, 7 September 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Estd. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1440 Monday, September 7, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 413 1 Boy sleeps throughout the flight A PART-ABORIGINAL Australian boy, dubbed as another "Patrice Lumumba/' left here last night on the last leg of a controversial flight home. The boy, Barry McKenzie, 8, slept throughout the flight, while bock at West Berlin, an angry British woman
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  • 385 1 ITNITED NATIONS— Lebanon and the United States clashed on Saturday night as the U.N. Security Council voted without American support that Israel pull back "completely and immediately'' all its forces from Lebanese territory. The 15-natlon body, called into emergency session by Lebanon which charged
    UPI photo.  -  385 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 W tOM -jg-g L*|.V\ "£53 Mtt aW» I PRIMA LTD iFLOUR MILLS* res 3 4 As a tree with deep roots can grow sturdy and strong! ha «JU»a domawrtial Corporation IN A HM7t 74C, IHWIHII f
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  • 471 3 gTUDENT leaders in the Republic's institutions of higher learning support the necessity for the Suitability Certificates, but said they should be withdrawn in the next few years. The whole set-up of the suitobilitycertificote ought to be reviewed in *he light of changed situations
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  • 43 3 The Commissioner of the Singapore Girl Guides Association, Madam Chan Siok Fong, is seen receiving the "Palm Leaf" award from Puan Noor Aishah, the Association's Patron. Standing next to Puan Noor Aishah la Mrs. Tan Boon Teik, the Association's President.
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  • 222 3 PUAN NOOR AISHAH, Patron of the Girl Guides Movement in Singapore, has been conferred the "Laurel Leaf" the highest award of the Singapore Girl Guides Association. The President of the Association Mrs. Tan Boon Telk. read the citation "the conferment of this
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  • 189 3 SINGAPORE Malays J are urged to change for the better in all aspects of life from the traditional and rural to the modern and urban ways. This call to discard old- fashioned prejudices was made by Enche Othman Wok, Minister for Social Affairs,
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  • 64 3 A bullet struck a policeman in the neck and went up and out through the back of his head at the Marine Police rest room here yesterday evening. Policeman Llm Chye Huat. 20, Is in a serious condition at the Outram Road hospital. Llm was hit
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  • 55 6 LEBANESE CHARGE D'AFFAIRES YAHYA MARKASSANI makes his statement to the United Nations' Security Council. Lebanon charged that Israel had launched "a large-scale military action" Into its territory. The Security Council then voted to demand the immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon. America abstained in the
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  55 words
  • 292 6 *VTEW DELHI Six-day of torrential rain has washed away villages of mud-brick houses, flooded cities and marooned thousands of persons in a deadly sweep over If4oo1 f 400 miles of North and Central India. The 'lndian Express' reported 45 persons, including three armymen had
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    • 748 6 WARSAW Polish Communist Party leader Wlady;Uaw Oomulka announced Poland Is seeking to normalise relations with West Germany so as to make possible co-operation In the Interest of all Europe. However, he reiterated that the basis of a treaty normalising relations must be West German recognition
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  • 70 6 ANCJELONI, mL f Mil n (left> and Geor *e Tsikouris, 30, of Nicosia, were both killed in a blast inside their car outside the U.S. Embassy in Athens. They are both believed to be responsible for the explosion. Meanwhile, the Greek police announced a 559,900 2^* a
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  70 words
  • 115 6 e.'S.j s*,s. sss-Tta? sturssa rte; zsnzsse sssxxss. sua The decision w a s announced after a final two-and-half hours session of the 14-member council which met following a week of clashes reported to have caused some 200 casualties in Amman. Th e council also decided
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  • 163 7 MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin A 41-year-old Wisconsin man was being held on 5575.000 bond after he allegedly mailed a packaged containing a bomb to Postmaster-Gene-ral Wlnton Blount. Dion Cross was arrested on Friday In Wau- kesha aft«r postal officials in Washington said Blount's office received a package
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  • 156 7 BELFAST, Northern Ireland Poliee cordoned off an area a few vards from where Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis and his wife Jackie were lunching after a bomb scare. Onassis. his wife. Jackie. and his son, Alexander, were lunching with shop stewards,
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  • 56 7 Robber (left, foreground) flees from Franklin Bank in Rirhford, Vermont, with a gun in hand as the teller and customers watch helplessly. The photo was made by a secret security camera. Four masked gunmen robbed the bank of $57,000 and made their escape, foiling an attempt
    (UPI radiophoto)  -  56 words
  • 190 7 PHILADELPHIA Negro militants threw bottles and surged around police cars after a rally called by the Black Panther Party to write a new American constitution. About 300 people ron through the strieets of the Block Ghetto District on Soturdoy, cheered by most of the
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  • 259 7 CALABAR, Nigeria East Nigeria's most destructive floods for 25 years slowly recede ed yesterday. They left at least 27 people dead and the fear that more floods may come. The floods, caused by unusually heavy midAugust rains 15 inches in two
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  • 92 7 HONG KONG A double-decker ferryboat missed berthing at a Hong Kong pier and era shed onto a neighbouring concrete seawall yesterday. A police spokntiran said 49 passengers were injured and about 13 of them were hospitalised. The boat carried more than 200 passen gers. The
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  • 289 8 pOR one who has touched port again in Singapore after forty years and through a World War in between, ADB President Takeshi Watanabe certainly is in a position to Judge the progress Singapore has made during that time. According to him, "I was fresh from school then,
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  • 206 8 T'HE First National Bank of Chicago' has the greenlight to open a full service branch in Singapore. This is no contradiction to the statement in Parliament last week by the new Minister for Finance that Singapore was "overbanked". The necessary service this Chicago Bank will provide in clearance
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  • 48 8 ONDON's shops are writing the death of the mini according to fashion observers. Thus the mini is being done to death at home while its popularity abroad can hardly be said to have gone past its peak. What will It be like here, come Christmas
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  • 617 8  -  While student demonstrations in California get all the play, garbage has been one of the state's biggest problems for years. By Art Buchwald MANY communities ore concerned obout the separation of church and state, but Los Angeles has a much more serious problem; and that is
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    • 230 8  -  WEE KIM SIAH IT is indeed alarming to read in the newspapers that anti-na-tional elements are living in our midst. The a n 11 national elements are probably unemployed youths who are used by politicians to serve their diabolical ends like planting bombs In community centres
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    • 269 8  -  Stephen Yea ONE would have thought that with the recent increase in outpatient charges (from $1.50 to $2.00) would at least help cover np the cost of artificial appliances obtained from the Limb Centre (Outram Rd. G.H.) on the recommendation of an orthopaedic surgeon. However, this does
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 61 8 Foreign new* and feature* appearing In all edition* ot tbe KuMern Hun ana The Hun are from Kentera Lniten Press International itentr France Pre«ie Kdltora Press syndicate Newspaper Knterprlte elation Pulillshrr* Hall Syndicate l.os Angeles rimes indicate Gemini News Berv I c e North American Newspaper Allianoe fir at t-oturea
      61 words

  • 893 9  -  ALBERT SPEER had 20 years n I ha solitary prison of Spandau to reflect om the phenomenon that urns Adolph Hitler. And he has had the trmnquil yeart since hie releme in 1966* spent in the ferni y uf/(i high
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  • 512 10/11 Fun time for kids Tanglin Integrated Primary School held its 2nd annual food and funfair to raise funds for the school's welfare cause over the week-end. The Member of Parliament tor Alexandra, Professor Wong Lin Ken officiated at +he opening ceremony. "We expect to raise more than $6,000
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1790 12 LOOKING AND LISTENING.... fv and radio guide I CARROLL RIOHTER'S from the Carroll Rights* Institute GENERAL TENDENCIES: You now realize If TOO fore* anything a serious situation could erupt Try to avoid being led into argument If you go alone with conditions, some unexpected but highly desired benefits mill come
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  • Students' page
    • 356 14 SCIENCE NOTES WASHINGTON U.S. Government scientists have undertaken an investigation of a deadly virus that causes a rare disease Jtnowr as Lassa fever. The study is being conducted at the National Communicable Disease Centre's new virus laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia. This facility is especially designed to protect
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    • Article, Illustration
      330 14 FRIENDS are people whom we know weM end whom we love to be together with to study, to work and to have fun. All people in society, in fact, should be friends. Fo r those oeople who have neither brothers nor sisters or those who lack a sense of
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    • Article, Illustration
      287 14 Every Me dreaam when they sleep. Some hare frightening dreams while others have pleasant ones. One gloomy afternoon, after lunch. went to sit on a rocking chair in the garden. I soon fell asleep and stepped into dreamland. dreamt that I was sitting on a rocking boat in
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    • 252 14  -  DATELINE by Ele and Walt Dulaney Dear Elc and Walt: 1 weal with Regina for seven months. Then 1 felt trapped and told her I wanted to break np bat still be friends. 1 tried to follow through and ask her out some and call
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    • 173 14 THE school t( the Air At Alice Springs, Northern Territory has a classroom 7M miles wide. It« headmaster, David Ashton, has 75 pupils scattered right across the Territory, from Western Australia to Queensland. They live isolated lives, most of them on cattle station* (ranches) with
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 190 14 j ESSAY CONTEST Rules to observe The Eastern Sun's essay writing contest tor boys and giHs of 14 and under (Junior) and boys and giris over 14 (Senior) appears in this page from Monday to Friday. Pritt money SIC to* Seniors and %b for (union toi ev«r> esuv ooblished All
      190 words

    • 175 15  -  By Marianne Pereira MRS. LE QUAN GIANG, the young and lovely wife of the Vietnamese Consul General to Singapore, is hundred per cent woman. She loves cooking for her husband, growing her own vegetables and flowers doing anything she thinks will make her husband happy. Ao-dai
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    • 156 15 Mrs. Louise Klerk Is a beautician with a differences. Besides being a medically trained beauty specialist, she is also a physiotherapist. That Is why. she uses a lot of medicals terms while talking. There she was, quietly sipping a cup of black coffee and talking
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    • 140 15 There la a new bra shape for the new soft clothes. Leading Intimate apparrel designer Olga calls it the "pear." She says it's opposed to the former "apple" shaping which dominated until the recent furore over bralessness. Apple shaping pushed tip the bosom into
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    • Article, Illustration
      261 15 DEAR ANN: I am one of the Silent Majority in the sense that I have never written to Ann Landers. Until Now. The letter that got to me was signed "Sorry Mum". She was Bemoaning the fact that her brilliant son was ruined by one of those far-out
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  • 574 16 Market review THE Stock Exchange Malaysia and Singapore slipped from astronomical heights last week as it received frail support. A modest decline In the earlier part of the week was reversed as a technical rally cot underway and resulted In better sentiment. However the upturn never
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  • 461 16  -  By PETER YULE mi the Tmry Kcsesrch StoMtw, Aberdeen. Scotland. IN m**w •t «he nartoc and WaN wafers of ike developing cewadries •f Asia ffcere Is an afcondance of fish, hat the inadequate Methods of handling and uiesci valion often mean that mach of
    461 words
  • 104 16 The Introduction of a new refrigerated t margarine today was announced by Mr. Peter J. Dunstan, Marketing Director of Lever Bro-' thers (Malaysia) Sdn. Berhad and Lever Brothers Singapore Sdn. Berhad. According to Mr. Dunstan, the new product has a flavour com- pletely different to the existing tinned
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 457 17 y 0 Initiation of anti-dumping procedures against Japanese television sets, the latest development in a widening trade squabble. has drawn more reaction from Japan than comment from U.S. television set makers. The Japanese, (earful that other Japanese product*. such as window Iflasa. are in
      457 words
    • 529 17 4KKIVAL8 14A a m MSA ItS Knala La in pur t4» a MSA (MMJ I otumbu K Lumpur I Mi a iu MM ISO kuala Lumpur SM a m MsA 450 koala Lumpur 11 Oft a m MM 454 IVuaflg. k Lumpur 11 40 a-aa MSA SOS Jakarta
      529 words
    • 241 17 PITTSBURGH. Pennsylvania An aluminum engine block on Chevrolet's Vega 2300 will help the aluminum Industry ride out the Impact of the shift to mlnlcars on per car use of aluminum. Aluminum CO of America calculates that the basic Vega used about 60 pounds of aluminum
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    • 458 17 KIONG KONG Thailand last week save the initial greenlight to offshore oil drilling by foreign firms. The House of Representatives passed bills on petroleum drilling and petroleum Income tax. but a special committee will study then before the final goahead Is given. The proposed bills
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    • 177 17 TOKYO. A tripartite Franco-U.S.-Japan Joint venture plan for handling world-wide trade and transportation of liquefied petroleum gas and petrochemical products is being worKed out, a Japanese partner said. Bridgestone Liquefied Gas Company said It had already reached a basic agreement with Phil Tankers Inc. affiliated
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 139 17 Classified Ads. Sales Service Television Radio KKDirrUMIO* TM.KVI*IO> KKNTAIJ HP < ABB C'omnifir rang? to «nif f»fr»onf showrtNim*. Clemrnreaa trena* Joo Chiat KrNid Tamil a Jarong KMIIKM Hl<>* KKPMKN MAKK Of TV HKTfI Kartloplionr Controlled Maintenance Pbonr KMAire M por* Communal Aerial irHrnii Cloned Clrrult T» Background Mnvle ln«tallarton Phone:
      139 words

    • 188 18 l/'ARACHI Tht monoger of the Pakistan hockey team which abandoned its tour of Kenya after violence wrecked the third test match, said the Kenyans would be welcome in Pakistan. Manager Colonel A. Hamidl, speaking yesterday after the team returned, described as absurd a statement attributed to
      188 words
    • 99 18 BRIGHTON Shavl Ladany, a 34-year-old Israeli professor, won the 50-mile London to Brighton walk here Saturday. For most of the race Ladany battled with Britain's Ray Middleton but seven miles from the end he established a halfmile lead and finished in seven hours, 46 minutes 37
      99 words
    • 674 18  -  A column on American sports by Milton Richman NEW YORK Ron Swoboda may have talked himself right •ff the ballclub. He hopes not but if be did, well, that's the way It'll have to be. The Important thing fc that he had a
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    • 1085 18 LONDON English and Scottish football league tables after Saturday's matches were: ENGLISH DIVISION ONE Leeds United Manchester City Arsenal Crystal Palace Liverpool Nottingham Forest Chelsea Derby County Southampton Coventry City Huddersfield Town Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Newcastle Stoke City West Bromwich Albion Everton West Ham United Wolverhampton
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    • 111 18 SUNG EI PAT AN I Malaysian sepak takraw players can expect stiff competition if Indonesia takes up the game. "We should now be prepared to face such an eventuality, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, according to Ench« Mohamed Khir Johari. Enche Khir, who Is also
      111 words
    • 1002 19  -  (By Our Racing Correspondent) jpENANG Laju Laju, splendidly ridden by apprentice Sairi Suliman, scored a runaway 10-length win to take the Club Cup for class two horses over BJf. here yesterday. field «t^i^hte^ d fV > home' 01 0t JOurney La,tt sUrted hXa
      1,002 words
    • 252 19 NEW YORK Standings of the two major leagues after Saturday's games: AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST W L GB Baltimore 89 49 New York 78 60 11 Detroit Tigers 72 66 17 Boston Red Sox 70 67 18 ft Cleveland Indians 66 72 23 Washington Senators 65 72 23
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    • 298 19 The Managment Committee of Joo Chiat Community Centre is organising its Second Annual Big Walk Competition on September 27. The event Is open to all resident* In Singapore. It Is sub divided Into 3 sections to give everyone a lair chance of winning: Junior
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    • 103 19 KOTA KINABALU Sabah's Cricket XI will, meet Brunei for the Davidson Cup at the, Police Headquarters, grounds her on Sept. 1 12 and 13. The cricket competition. open to Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak, was started In 1962. Babah has been hold-, ing the cup since then, except in
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 47 19 SWEEP TOTAL POOL: ($9,440) Ist Prise No: 5638? ($3,115) 2nd Prise No: ***** 778) 3rd Prise No: ***** 389) Starters ($57 each) Nos: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 547 IS ***** Consolation ($3B each) Nos: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
      47 words

  • 296 20 SANTIAGO Chile Marxist candidate Salvador Allende, who gained a narrow victory in Presidential elections on Friday, said here that his example pointed the way for other Latin American countries. AUende, 64-year-old leader of a leftwing Popular Front Alliance, who failed
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  • 280 20 /\SAKA, Japan A crowd of 835,832 visitors crammed into Expo '7O on Saturday for the biggest single day attendance in the history of world expositions, Expo officials reported. The crowds were so big that by closing time at 10.30 p.m.(1330 GMT) there were still
    UPI radiophoto.  -  280 words
  • 150 20 LONDON An Israeli El A 1 Airliner was hijacked and landed at London Airport yesterday with the pilot and another man shot, airport officials said. They said both were taken to hospital. Unofficial police reports said five persons were believed to have been killed
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  • Page 20 Advertisements