Eastern Sun, 4 September 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Ettd. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1438 Friday, September 4, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 261 1 LUMPUR -The Government is reviewing the case of Opposition politicians detained after the May 13 racial riots. This assurance was given yesterday by the Minister of Home Affairs, Tun Dr. Ismail, at a 45-minute meeting with leaders of four Opposition parties. The meeting discussed the Joint
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  • 186 1 THE go-slow campaign by airport workers against British Oversea Airlines Corporation flights through Singapore was called off yesterday. The decision to call off the "patriotic action" was made bv the Singapore A 1 r Transport Workers' Union at the advice of the National Trades Union
    Sunpix.  -  186 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 IST HOTEL ROYAL 380 Nalhan ftos* Kowloon. Hongkong HONG KONG'S FIRST CLASS HOTEL The growth of 0.U.8. is founded on personal service. No client's too big, or too small, for 0.U.8. And it's their trust and confidence that has helped us develop into a world-size bank in only 21 years.
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  • 320 2 A RMED robberies and thefts oxer the last two months have cost firms losses amounting to nearly half a million dollars. Police are now investigating criminal cases involving highly organised and sophisticated gangs. Among the most notorious gangs that have emerged
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  • 259 2 Singapore textile manufacturers were yesterday urged not to be unduly worried over Indonesia's move to switch textile purchases from Singapore to Europe and Japan. The setback is only a temporary one and will soon fade away. Mr. Lam Thlan. Chairman of the Singapore
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  • 190 2 SINGAPORE Cathedral's pipe organ is playing more sweetly these days—thanks to a Royal Air Force fireman, Cpl. Jim Jones. Cpl. Jones. 37, Ls the Station Church Organist at Gan, the RAF's remote Island staging past In the Indian Ocean, some 2.000 miles
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  • 59 2 Teo Hock Kee. 20, was yesterday jailed for 18 months when he pleaded guiltv to robbing two watches and three Scout knives at Macßltchie Reservior on March 14. Teo, with two others, confronted Lazaroo Philip Patrick 16, Ng Kok Hwa. 16. and Tan Yang 800.
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  • 92 2 Mr. Mario Villanueva has been elected chairman of the Registered Tourist Guides Association of Singapore at Its recent annual meeting. Other office bearers: Vice-Chairman Mr. Abdullah bin Mohamed; Hon. Secretary Miss Sandee Ng Ouat Llan; Hon. Treasurer Mr. Ronnie Teo; News Editor
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  • 190 3 gCHOOLTEACHER Mervyn Simon Pereira, 39, was yesterday committed to stand trial in the High Court for allegedly kidnapping and raping a pupil. Pereira is alleged to have raped the girl at a cemetery at Upper Aljunied Road, between Aug. 1 and 20
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  • 39 3 J alii bin Mat. 21, a Malaysian, was jailed for •ix months when he pleaded guilty to illegal entry into Singapore on Aug. 17 without a valid pass or permit. He had two previous Convictions.
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  • 68 3 A charge of attempted rape against odd-job labourer, Ng Eng. 49. was yesterday reduced to outraging modesty. He was alleged to have committed the offence on a woman on July 15 at 2.00 p.m. at Jalan Chai Chee. Ng claimed trial and hearing has
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  • 43 3 NEW DELHI; Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (above), inspecting the guard of honour at New Delhi airport on Tuesday. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (below) seen calling on Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. UPI pix. UPI pix.
    UPI pix.  -  43 words
  • 161 3 The second meeting of the ASEAN Permanent Committee on Civil Air Transportation declared opened by Singapore's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Enche Rahim Ishak, ended on a warm note yesterdav. The Indonesian delegation was led by Mr. Fachrl Mahmud
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  • 110 3 More than 500 cake making enthusiasts from various races will take part in the 2nd Cake Competition and Exhibition to be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow, from 1.15 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Minister of State for Labour, Mr. Sia Kah
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  • 391 4 TOHORE BAHRU, A jud9e yesterday wondered why o young girl would wont to give away 113 acres of land worth $123,000 to a married man. "It also struck me os odd," ogreed the man who arranged the transfer, Ong Hock Cheng
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  • 169 4 KARACHI Karachi Anti-Corruption Police have arrested (our members of their own force for allegedly extorting money from innocent civil servants with (orged documents. The men were accused of selecting civil servants believed to be living above their income. and therefore possibly corrupt They then
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  • 129 4 JERUSALEM Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Alton disclosed the Arab territories Israel will not give up in any peace settlement. He said Israel would keen control of the Jordan Valley Basin, the mountain range running along the West Bank and the Dead Sea.
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  • 43 4 WONG FOAN FATT, 45. from Mersing, was critically injured when a heavy tog fell on him. Wong, of Tinggi Turn® Luang, was then unloading timber logs from a lorry, at the Lian Huat Sawmill Woodlands The happened at 9.10 a.m.
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  • 64 4 The Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, gave away prizes to winners of the various competitions held during the National Day celebrations in Kuala Lumpur at the Banquet Hall. Photo shows the Director of Esso, Mr. C. B. Seitz, receiving the First Prise awarded for the
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  • 243 4 KV\L\ irWl'R Twelve sightings of intrusion by communist terrorists into the Malaysian territory in several places along the border hare been reported. The National Operations Council (NOC) was told at Its meeting yesterday that seven occurred In Perak and five in Kelantan. There were
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  • 67 4 A soldier ana road sweeper were admitted to the General Hospital today after being knocke<| down by a lorry. The soldier. Ng Eng Hock, 19, is in a critical condition. The roa<i sweeper, Bamy Kurbaya. is not In danger. Ng was on his way
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  • 55 4 Won* Chi Keung. 42, Wag fined $7.500 for o°s•ession of dutiable liquor. and tobacco on tioard a motor-tanker, On sept 2He admitted having 60 quart bottles of brandy, three quart bottles of whisky, nine lbs. of cigarettes and 14 o7S. of tobacco on board
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  • 266 5 J>HNOM PENH, An estimated 60,000 students yesterday staged the first anti-communist demonstration in Phnom Penh ofter the overthrow of Prince Sihanouk lost March. The students, supported by members of the Public Works Department ond Telecommunications Ministry, paraded peacefully through the capital's streets for several hours.
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  • 355 5 WASHINGTON U.S. Defence Secretary Melvin Laird disclosed a Russian Navy task farce, including two missile-firing ships and a troop landing craft, is heading toward the Caribbean fro m its normal duty station north of Finland. Laird said the five surface ships in the task
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  • 99 5 BILBAO, Spain Spanish military authorities plan a secret trial for 14 men, Including two priests, accused of being guerrilla leaders in the Basque Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (E.T.A.), informed sources disclosed. The trial, delayed for more than a vear, is due to be held in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 Albert Specr as IN catered Pwi. this was the key building designed by Albert Speer to redo Berlin In the grand fashion envisioned by Adolf Hitler. Beginning Monday you will know all that is to know about... The No 2 man in Hitler's Germany when World War II ended The
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  • 109 6 SAN FRANCISCO, California—A dwindling supply of breathable air may soon halt the expanding population of South California at 14 million persons, an environmental sp e cialist warned. Mark von Wodtke, Professor of Environmental Design, declared the Los Angeles Basin now has 11.8 million residents. Local
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  • 244 6 A MM AN, The Jordanian Government warned Iraq it would not accept threats of armed intervention on its soil. The warning note was handed to the Iraqi Ambassador a few hours before King Hussein successfully completed a motorcade journey interrupted on Tuesday by an attempt
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  244 words
  • 171 6 SANTIAGO, Chile The nation's 3.5. million voters will decide today whether this constitutional democracy, with a record of orderly successions dating from 1932, will become the first nation to freely elect a Marxist President. The candidates are: Dr. Salvador Allende. 62, a communistbacked Socialist, who
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  • 109 6 HOUSTON. Texas Savage cata in America's moon programme left Apollo astronauts and scientists angry and dismayed yesterday, raising the possibility of mass resignations by surplus spacemen. Acting against the recommendations of two h1 g h-1 eve 1 scientific boards, the U.S. Bpace Agency (NASA) axed
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    • 208 6 PHNOM PENH Three battalions of Cambodian troops recaptured the strategic village of Srang. Srang is 26 miles south of Phnom Penh and was captured by the Vietcong on Sunday. It was held during bitter fighting on Monday and Tuesday. PETERBOROUGH —The remains of an extinct sea
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  • 461 8 fHE reported statement by the acting Minister for Home Affairs and former Education Minister that nobody has an "inherent right" to higher education will probably set off some private highly emotional and irrational charges. The ''authorities" may anger parents whose children are in the process of fighting for
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  • 211 8 THE new Finance Minister has introduced his first Bili in Parliament to safeguard the economy by revising and adding controls in the Republic's banking system. One of his contentions is that Singapore is overbanked. In a free enterprise system there is always a tussle between business and government, but
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  • 647 8  -  By Art Buchwald T WAS talking the other day with a friend and we got around to the question of what was wrong with televi- 1 sion. We both came to the conclusion that everyone on j TV was being presented in a false i light,
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  • 508 8  -  By DANNY TAI Hong Kong. THERE is a growing campaign to make Chinese an official language along with English in this British Crown colony next to Communist China. More than 98 per cent of Hong Kong's 4 million residents are Chinese, and three-quarters
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  • 22 8 The best part of oar knowledge is that which teaches as where knowledge leaves off and ignorance begins. Oliver W. Holmes.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 Foreign nrwi and feature* appearing In all edition* of tbe EaMern Sun and The Ban are from; Heaters. United Pre* International. Agence France Prewe kdltors Fret* syndicate. Newspaper Enterprise ASM>gatton, FabQsbers Hall rndleate Los Angeles Times Syndicate Getntnl News Service. North American Newspaper Alliance llrat Features Inter-Press Features and Tbe
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  • 603 9  -  By Ha Anh Thong HPHE Soviet Union, possessor of one of the world's most sophisticated armouries of mocfern weaponry, is sending only inferior material to Hanoi but in massive quantities. bulk of arms be.ng captured from North Vietnamese troops bear Chinese markings. These are
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  • 387 9 DOCTOR'S MAILBAG Q What troubles can too much vitamin A cause? A—The daily requirement for vitamin A in adults is 2,500 to 5.000 units. Vitamin A poisoning occur s when 10 times this amount Is taken daily for several months. It is
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  • 1031 10/11 THE MORNING AFTER with Weatherbee Wong S I've said before nothing runs smoothly wnen I'm involved not even a lift or an escalator. So now begins the saga of the elevator that imperious machine on whose efficiency we all depend
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 234 10/11 «,^mK(iuii two »hows nightly: 11 45 p.m. featuring LVNN KOUIIH ihe Clin with an eye-popping figure with a vole* to match! -img.s oo the lame LP u Elvis Presley, The Beatlea. Bee oeea. 10 00 p m Duo Rf«rU« I 100 (ittthtllM A bit Orrhr-lr* with IIM nlngrr Cirmrn Perlna.
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    • 134 10/11 AMBASSADOR HOTEL On (he Waterfront at Katong PROUDLY PRESENTS THE CONSULATE BAR: For that quiet aftei-work. drink, or those ore-d<rner cocktails ioin vOu» friends in the Consulate Bat the NEWEST cocktail bar in Singapore Soft oile carpets, deep luxurious seats relaxing mus.c. and sensible prices Why not drop in tomgh!?
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    • 52 10/11 V-V-U 'I I V J §5l <5/ 4-' SB i *> a fc K m\< i With TENDERNESS the most sensational, swinging groovy group direct from Western Australia to give you, with 'THE ASTRO-NOTES'a non-stop musical blast to keep you on the move. mCUSCADEN HOUSE HOTEL 40.Cuscaden Road. Singapore. Telephone
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1906 12 LOOKING AND LISTENING....iv and radio guide I CARROLL RIOHTBR*S CHANNEL 5 front the Carroll Righter Institute P.M. 3 00 Opening anncts in All Languages and General HospiGENERAL TENDENCIES: Prepare for the coming l*<ng weekend by discussing plans with compatible companions who may share it, or may be able to give
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  • 636 13  -  By Harold Heffeman Jacqueline Briskin's 'California Generation/' the best novel ever on Hollywood and its oHspring, hasn't had time yet to show its nose on the best-seller lists, but, as might be expected, a major studio (Columbia) has gobbled it up. So, once
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  • 496 13 CULVER CITY Telly Savalas has been signed by producer Gene Roddenberry and director Roger Vadlm for MGM's "Pretty Maids All In A Row", starring Rock Hudson and Angle Dickinson. Having completed "A Town Called *****" in England, Savalas is now visiting friends in Greece and will return
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 178 13 ORGANISATION! CATHAY ***** NOW SHOWING! 11 a.a. ISO 4, B.SO 9SO MOM's "My L«ver. My Son Romy Schneider In Color I DDEOIM ***** NOW SHOWING! 11. IM. I N 8.30 W.M P m MOM's 'The Moonskine War' Richard Wldmark, In Color Tomorrow Mldnlghtl "INTAQAM" (Revenge! Sadhana, Sanjay. Helen Hindi In
      178 words
    • 226 13 L I D O Ph0ne *****4 NOW SHOWING! 11 M I.4ft. 4. «30 A t.lft Stuart Whitman "Hrrakoat" in Color (United Artl*tal CAPITOL W»on« I »lk 810 UAVI 11 I.4ft 4.M. CM. IJt •The Wiiiiau Of OMII Drtcili' ID Coloracope Plus Special Peutnrette 'lli>ii(kun« reitlitl" Color TOMORROW MIDNIGHT at CAPITOL
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  • Students' page
    • Article, Illustration
      184 14 THESE photos, mode at Shaker Heights, Ohio, show preschoolers in a two-week summer programme in which they are taught traffic safety. When they take off for kindergarten in the fall, they will be armed with a knowledge of rules for pedestrians and motorists. The city-sponsored Safety Town aims
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    • 66 14 Cloudless December nights, I love to sit on the windy verandah, Watching the stars signalling to me While the cool wind blows on my hot Dody. Frantic is their signalling. But what is the use? I know Morse, Likewise ol! well-known codes. But I know not what they
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    • 76 14 They say a man is blessed who lives in Happiness and Happiness comes from good deeds done; Happiness comes from loving all ond hating none don't believe them: in ffcetr hearts, they themselves are all sadness. The happy man is not the one who ts alone, not
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    • 339 14 INDUSTRIES are vital to Singapore. It is so very important because Singapore cannot depend solely ©n trade for ber earnings. This is wh the Government has decided to encourage the opening up of new factories and the building u© of existing industries on the islandBut many
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 193 14 ESSAY CONTEST: Rules to observe The Eastern Sun's essay writing contest toi boys and girls of 14 and under (Junior) and boys and giris ®»e» 14 (Senior) appears in I this page from Monday to Friday. Prfee money 1»C tor Seniors and %b »Or (utmom to* ever> nut oubl**«d AN
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    • 295 15  -  Real hair, By Marianne Pereira T F your're fond of wigs, and what women isn't there are now styles to suit you again, and again and again. So why not brush up your wig wardrobe. You can, you kinow, with the latest synthetic .fibre Veltex wigs.
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 595 16 The Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore improved sllrhtlv in yesterday's trading but the bearish trend was still evident and .htT.^ n t Jh. U Qd U SU,,po,t to ta Hotels an<j properties exhibited the sluggish mood while commodity shares were rather doll and featureless. Renewed interest
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    • 62 16 BRUSSELS Negotiations between the European Common Market and Japan to draw up a trade agreement will open In Brussels on September 17, reliable sources said here yesterday. The talks between the market and the U.A.R. and Lebanon lor preferential agreem ents will open respectively between September 21
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    • 277 16 September first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 51-1/8 cents per lb. down 2/8 cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was quiet. The market ruled very quiet and thin at around last night's closing
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    • 1 16
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    • 10 16 THE tin price for ye»WM SMO p«r plcul
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    • 645 16 BID and offer prices officially listed at tbc rlosc of business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS B. 8. Ajinomoto Alcan 1.92 1.34 2.08 1.37 Allied Choc 2.79 2.85 Ben. id 1 #1 1.03 Berjaya 1.25 1.27 Borneo 1.45
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    • 752 16 ta and reported to the trading rooms of the Slock i« i!ll 5# i I* y8 i a i «si? sln a P° r with the number of shares traded -Ti .i^yL n lots of 1 000 onlt unless otherwise specified. IHUUSIVIALB ALCAN $1.36 (2); DIM $1.38 (1);
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    • 443 17 SYDNEY Queensland Mines fell suddenly in an unsteady mining market on Sydney Stuck Exchange. Alter opening at $25 Queensland Mines quickly shed $2 00 to close at $23 for a net loss ol $2.50. The- decline la the giant uranium miner soon showed its Influence on
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    • 189 17 BRUSSELS Common Market Central Bankers' deputies met here Tuesday to find a way to narrow the present margins between member countries* currencies as a step towards fail economic and monetary union. They are looking for an interim mechanism to precede the creation of a controversial
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    • 2 17
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    • 95 17 The Port of Singapore Authority has ikade the following berthing arrangements {or today. Sept 4. DEPARTURES Godowns Vessels 5 Mitaka Maru 13/14 Songkhia 13/14 Themis 15/16 Ronneburg 27 28 Ken Sheng 29/30 Mombasa Maru 31/32 Centaur 38 39 TJinegara 42 '43 Ariake Maru 45 Indus 46 Eastern
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    • 91 17 LONDON Gunner Kjolstad of Norway was elected Chairman of the International Coffee Council. Sen or Rene Ifontes Cotwr of Guatemala will be Chairman of the Executive Board. The app o 1 n tments were announced following the successful conclusion of talks on coffee quotas for tlie year 1970-71.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 473 17 TENDER NOTICES P.W.D. SINGAPORE TENDERS are invited from P.WD- Registered Contractors and from other suitable Contractors for the tu4k>wta« work:. Alteration and ,%Mitl»n Of A Me/zanlnc I- lour to Government Printing Office at Upper Serancoon Koad. SingaporeShowround: Contractors to meet SO. at Main Gate of Government Printing Office on 10
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    • 422 17 P.W.D. SINGAPORE TENDERS are Invited from PW D Registered Contractors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the ioAlowlng wortw:I. Laying sf M.tla A Minor Sewers far SeruiiKoon Sewerase Scheme I'll.in.- I, Contract VIAll Civil Bngineerlng Contractors Closing Dale: 6 10 70 at 10-00 a at. 11. Uyinf of H6~ diameter
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    • 411 17 P.W.D. SINGAPORE TENDERS are invited (or the undermentioned Work:1. Description Rocliore Canal improvement (I) Contract A (II) Coo tract B or (111) Contracts A and B Combined r Tjrfe of CtMlnctun (a> Open to all Public Works Department reentered Con tractor* in CVvll Engineering (t>> Open to all per■on* or
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  • 2493 18 1 Race 1: CI. 6 Dlv. 2~ 6 F.—2.00 p.m. ($4,500) 1 ***** Senator 4y 9 00 STT (Teh) a. s. 4. 5. e. 7. a. 9. ***** Great Champ ***** Kingsel ***** Subali ***** Housing Development ***** Fiery Flight ***** Miss Raconteur ***** Jessie's
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  • 344 20 EL AVIV,- Israeli leaders yesterday decided to await further action from Washington on Egypt's reported ceasefire violations before taking any drastic action on the question of the Middle East peace talks, usually well-informed sources said here. The decision not to precipitate a crisis
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  • 62 20 With foundations solid and firmly in place, the Maidenf or m girls walked the Spot Spot's catwalk at Singapore Hilton yesterday and they weren't dreaming. A Maidenform maiden Joyce (left) slips a mini pettie over bra and panties. And, in picture above, two Maidenform
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  • 46 20 Singapore's Minister lor Foreign Affairs and Labour, Mr. s. Rajaratnam left for Bombay on bis way to Lusaka to attend the non-aligned Nations Conference last night. After the conference, he will accompany the Prime Minister to visit a number oi European countries.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous