Eastern Sun, 2 September 1970, Afternoon Edition

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 13 1 EASTERN SUN EVENING 10 CEN Wednesday, September 2, >970 Vol. 5 No. 1436
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  • 250 1 former mentol hospital patient who pointed o toy gun at three detectives wos shot in the chest early today. Ho Ngiap Kwee, 20, of Wei Huo Rood off Sembawang Village, is in the General Hospital in a critical condition. The shooting hapEned at
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  • 41 1 A FAMILY at Changl Road «as tied and gagged by three robbers armed with dagger* and robbed of $2,670 yesterday. The robbery victims are Miss Llm Lay Hwa. 21. her mother, a younger sister and a house servant.
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  • 125 1 New DELHI PriM Ministe Indira (iudhl last night toasted (he progress and proaprrltj of Singapore, describing It aa the "eye** of Sootheast Aula. She proposed the toast nt a banquet she horted in honour of the visiting Singapore Premier Leo Kuan Yew. She hoped that Mr. Lee's
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  • 30 1 JOHORE The anti-lit-ter law in the state came Into force to<iay. Litterbiißt »re liable < to be lined s2f>o io $l,OOO or six months jail or both.
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  • 326 1 AMMAN An attempt to assassinate King Hussein was followed by fierce fighting between bis troops and Palestinian commandos in the streets of Amman last night The hing's motorcade came under lire as he drove to Amman Airport to meet his daughter Princess
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  • 292 2 OARIS— Seven Asians, who hold British passports but were refused entry to Britain, a e staging a sit-in at the British consulate in Paris following the death of one of their group. A Paris hospital confirmed Hut Ramesh Manibhai Patel, 26, died
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  • 58 2 CHICAGO Comedian Dick Oregory nays he does not know why the Australian Government refused to give him a visa to attend anti-war rallies. "They refused the visa; that's all I know," he .said. "I plan to check with the Untted State* Embassy In London
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  • 207 2 NEW DELHI Indian demonstrators burned a crude cardboard eHigy depicting the British Broadcasting Corporation outside the British High Commission yesterday to protest against the BBC and British Government policy. The demonstrators, led by Shashl Bhushan. MP. marched to the High Commission and stood
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  • 60 2 THERE are many ways of serin e the world, and Ed Stiefel, 28, and his family have picked perhaps the slowest Stiefel left his Connecticut, U.S.A., home town in November last year, and expects to reach his destination Tucson, Arizona "sometime before the end of this
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  • 130 2 T? Tbe S»PP«ro disir i c t prosecutor's office tod*j announrrd it will not Indict Japans only heart transplant surgeon Dr. Jure Wada on murder charges. The announcement was made after the Supreme Prosecutor's Office in Tokyo had been consulted. The Sapporo district prosecutor's omce
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 How to Enjoy Being AloneE»«r p for a iwim (at to btbfiM) Jiid Hiddmly fck I<MK-*o«Kf Nr»• (toe, rA* iKt* r <ai S" T.V. Wkk bladi Hkcf lot contrail ww In brllbMtt «inbfhi and builf in tornptiiiiKui fat i«ilui|Mkl( CADNICA MiHin (or mip»kitr t anytime viewing (Com of btttowt tiiti)
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 272 2 CHANNEL S 6OA Opening anncU. in all Language* and Perils of Penelope Pit* tup lAmman I)e»ert Danger) 610 News In Brief (English* 635 'Fiah Farm' (Documentary In English) 6 45 Disneyland (Prince and the Pauper Pt 111 Long Live the Rightful King* 740 New* and Newsreel i n Chinese 8
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  • 533 3 JOHOItE BAHRU The occuscd in Hi« Esther Chan murder triol was worried obout explaining (he source of $54,000 he was to pay for land to the tax department, the High Court was told todoy. And then, the accused said the 'and was a gift
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  • 177 3 THE Pi— riM National Traces Uwwi CMtms, Mt. rkev Yew Kafc, t#4ay uii he "Mt m «fc« least worn#' aWut itatk threat* he iMi wceird. He said he had reported the telephoned death threats to police. Mr. Phey, also president of the Singapore Air
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  • 53 3 MORE than 3.00« worker* at Keppel Shipyard will benefit fr«« two collective agreement* card fc* aaaaageinrnt and tbrfr onion The agrrrmrnts on thr hourly-rated and month-ly-rated employers belonging to the Union of Kepptl Shipyard Employees of Singapore, stay in forrr until May 31. 1975. It was backdatrd
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  • 179 3 POLICf kirt iaNrtwwwl Mvcral witnesses m fktir invnlifttion mm the ■yitcfioiu pfitOH fM-cir cbic dratmm at ftai lauk Road fttltr*»Y. Mr Hnroid CwiroT, the Amwn .»n who rha»l md caught one of the cars leading to the arrrst of the driver was among
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  • 36 3 LUSAKA lanWM) police ha?f arretted United Pre«* International cameraman Peter Frenae. a South African. Ftenae wa« arretted when he arrived at the airport lant ntfrht to cover the Non-Aligned Malum* Summit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 79 4 LONDON Renewed speculation that Britain's bank rate might be rained hit the foreign exchange market last night after sterling's dollar rste had sunk to its lowest for a year. Although sterlin, Is never at its best at this time of jear. it is now having to face added
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  • 234 4 .WASHINGTON The Senate approved a 5557.6 thousand million Weapons Bill Tuesday containing unlimited authority for the sale of American jets to Israel. The big hardware bill authorises the procurement of scores of new aircraft, missiles, ships and other weapons for the
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  • 37 4 PRIME CREW members of Apollo 14 pose with lunar module mockup at Kennedy Space Centre, Fla. From top are astronauts Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot; Stuart A.Roosa, command module pilot: and Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander.
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  • 94 4 FAIRFORD Supersonic airliner Concorde landed on only three of its four engines aft fthe test base here last night after completing its first sonic boom tests over land. Test pilot Brian Trubshaw shut off Number 2 engine the inner right hand one because instruments Indicated
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  • 193 4 MADRID Argentine heart surgeon Dr. Salvador Liotta disclosed Monday that a team of scientists are ready here with a newly designed artificial heart which could be installed permanently In a human patient. They hope to Implant the plastic heart which has a portable power
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  • 32 4 JERUSALEM Israel Monday again delayed, apparently until next week, the resumption of the Middle East peace talks pending crucial discussions here on the country's reaction to reported Egyptian ceaselire jflolatlon*.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 Sfcprs -*n Downtime... We canft eliminate it altogether but we can reduce it drastically 'mTnr i "Yi&St'v. When your machine breaks down production stops. It must be repaired 3 and put back in operation quickly. Here's how The Professionals" at Tractors Malaysia Berhad can help you do it both faster
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  • 534 5  -  By Kenneth Braddick THE Vietnamese C o m m H nists may hove plans tc conquer Cambodia. Victory for *he North Vietnamese and Vietcong wouia reverse the role of the Communists from practitioners of so-called wars ot liberation to imperialists. And Vietnamese rulers
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  • 342 5  -  DOCTOR'B MAILBAG By Dr. Wayne Brandstadt Q Can too macb boor cause ulcers. liver disease or anything? A Prolonged asr of any alcoholic beverage In large amounts can cause cirrhosis of the liver. There Is growing evidence that in time It will
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    • 151 6/7 TSOVING, Taiwan About 50 college coeds (top picture) warm up their muscles by means of physical training here recently. The teenagers, belonging to the China Youth Corps, will undergo a combat technique programme and indulge in activities such as mountain climbing and skindivine in this southern region
      UPI photos  -  151 words
    • 823 6/7  -  By William Forrest ]y|AD dogs and Englishmen are not the only creatures who go out in the midday sun. In Europe at any rate the sun when it's at its hottest—from mid-July to early September---tends to bring out the war-makers. Look at the record over
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    • 554 6/7  -  From Murray Olderman in Kaysersberg, France I DONT know if you've shared a bottle of (lewurctraminer at 10 o'clock in the morning, but it tastes great across the dining room table of Theo Faller's farmhouse. With Theo doing the pouring
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    • 323 8 DISC CUSSION SP CAT STEVENS "LADY D'ARBAN VILLE" (ISLAND) No introdnetlon needed for this fabulous disc. Vastly different from "I Love My Dog" or "Matthew And Son" or anything else that Cat Stevens has done. However, the STEVENS' Impact is still there. Though not perhaps Immediately appealing, the song grows
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    • 239 8 11l (Sniff!) Til ERE! The flu bug's been bugging me today and I feel real flusy. (Sniff!) But don't worry readers It's not contagious through this paper. Wonaer if my new LED ZEPPELIN album would drive away this square (bug!) Oh well Please address all Get Well
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    • 326 8 FEW pop records have any lasting significance. Even fewer are anything more than a catchy melody, an Infectious arrangement and some clever lyrics. The transition of creativity from the alnfles to album field, has meant a complete downfall of what they used to call monumental landmark slnglea
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 103 8 Tn£l:iwi;l D O 3*3*' ICAPiTOL row Tkt W«Umb Of 0000 Ortnit to OMm»vt Piui apeetel rooiprottf REX SKY R OX Y| ,40-1 I 3* *9' I ■a-pro* IST ate y ToOoy Oolj! > "(.•M Of nw Tomorrty Tttmr I* (trope Color f "Oorr I p*o A Tk» COW GLOB E
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    • 37 8 im rrTTir BH. TIME Cm KILLERS INVADE Till KENTUCKY 111 LI 8! L v ■*V The Moonshine War wV i Vr >£•" Mrlro-Co'dwyn Mayer PrMrnii A Martfn R.tnmthoff Prndo< (ton PATRICK MrC.OOHAN RICHARD WIDMARR ALAN ALDA la Metrorolnr
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    • 189 8 ORGANISATIO □EON ***** UNI UAYt U mm. t.M lU. »M p m 10 70MM Mei/ocoJoi MUM lr« BlatUn ttkrt Rock Hadaoo Jin Brow i OPENS TOMORROW' Richard W .imin "Tkf Moan>kiaf Hir" Co'oi Ao M-O-M Pictur* I ORCHARD-: UTU TOMEUNC DAY! I nk«*i I.U Ili IJtin K4m IIM R W
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    • 640 9  -  By Elonora Mutarelli WHATEVER you think of the. change in skirt lengths, you can hardly help melting toward all the romance that's now in the fashion air. The Italian designers never did like the concept of "hard chic" which rules the mini look, and now they're
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    • 91 9 Country Western is more no w than the nime of a kind of music. It makes up good part of fashions for the young. The grass roots feeling can be seen In midi or maxi dresses with long sleeves, midriff smocking and flounced hemlines, Favourite prints art
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    • 64 9 WHEN jewellers hold a convention, as the Retail Jewellers of America do every year at this time, guess what they spend a lot of time doing. They look at Jewellery. They also have an official Miss RJA, green-eyed Christine Cahllt of New York this year, who has
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    • 133 9 CONSERVATION may be Idealistic, but It's also good business now, at least for fake fur makers. One maker of the fabrics has launched a bold ad campaign against ail furs which has furriers up In arms. Words like "murder,'' "slaughter" and "fashion bloodbath'' are used
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  • 283 10 Arsenal, playing with only ten men for oyer on hour, lost night robbed Leeds United of their 100 per cent record in the English Football League First Division. Arsenal held Leeds to a scoreless draw after 19-year-old Midfield player Eddie Kelly had been sent off
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  • 80 10 NEW YORK Undefeated American heavyweight George Foreman was yesterday named "fighter of the month" hv Ring Magazine for his victory over George Chuvale Foreman, the 1948 Olympic heavyweight champion, (topped Cnuvalo in three rounds at Madison Square Garden here on August 4. The victor* over the
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  • 205 10 ATLANTA. Georgia Former heavyweight [champion Cassius Clay I here for eight rounds of exhibition boxing against two opponents, said he could be a serious contender for the title again within a month. Clay who prefers to be known a* Muhammad All. raid he would
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  • 59 10 TURIN. Italy Medals awarded after seven days of competition at the Sixth World University Games: O. 8. B U.B.A. 19 22 i USSR 7 Italy 2 2 Tugoslsvis 1 2 1 Hungary 19 3 Japan 9 2 3 Rumania 9 2 9 9 14 Britain 9 9 5
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  • 21 10 LONDON Coleraine beat Ard» bs three goals to one in an Irish football league Ulster Cup match last night
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  • 213 10 SEOUL The Philippines appeared to have virtually clinched the first Asian Junior Basketball Championship last night when It beat Japan 126-94 to keep its record spotless with five victories against no losses. The Filipinos led 64-53 at halftime. For Japan the defeat was the first
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  • 282 10 TTRIN, Italy The rnited SUtfs beat Italy 95-56 last night to join the Soviet In ion ait the only undefeated team in the basketball finals at the fth World University Games. Algeria, paying politics Instead of basketball, wax disqualified for refusing to
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  • 161 10 LONDON Results of yesterday's cricket matches: Lancashire Yorkshire match drawn. Lanes 430-7 declared and 61.] declared York* 282-3 declared (Hutlon 81) and 45-1 Hove: Sussex Middlesex match drawn. Sussex 375-5 122-4. Middlesex 211 and 379-5 declared (Russet) 89. 8mith 140 Radley 88 not). Folkestone: Kent beat Nottlng.
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  • 31 10 TOKYO BenAea ol Lisbon last night thrilled a crowd of 55 000 at the National Stadium by playing 90 minutes of aggressive gocrer to overwhelm Japan's national I tr
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 70 10 TDTO 5. .49 NATIONAL DAY SPECIAL DRAW 30th July to 20th September, 1970 trfjJJ 2,228 ATTRACTIVE GITT PRIZES LSJ TWO M NM PACIFIC tto »>• lb U CATHAY MnkiMl^l BS zMnsa BIG CASH JACKPOT f*f*Y THUttOAT AWt> SUNDAY' For Tomorrow's Draw No: 70/70 3-9-70) will fee l»«M il Sinfipw* AMHitmenl
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 11 ALL the action Is taking place on board the Russian helicopter carrying naval ship the Moskva. This ship, the pride of the Russian fleet, normally operates out of Sevastopol and is often seen in the Mediterranean Sea.
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  • 319 11 SOUTHAMPTON William Honeywill, rescue* after eleven-and-a half-hours adrift after falling overboard in the Atlantic, says he was unconscious for most of the ordeal but somehow kept on swimming. The 210-lb research chemist walked stiffly off the 30.000-ton liner S A Vaal. his
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  • 179 11 LONI>ON British researchers have found a link between sex and the old school tie. According to a random survev of 50 men. most see their tie as a sexual symbol Soose choose flashy ones to wear at parties for the same reason a woman might wear
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  • 311 11 Prime Minister Edward Heath wants labour union support for the coming battle against inflation and strikes. But government sources say he has had little apparent success. Heath returned to the job at his No. 10 Downing St. office after a four-week sailing vacation and
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  • 28 11 LUSAKA —At least 13 mineworkers were killed when explosives-laden trucks in which they wrre travelling blew up In a remote area of Zambia's central province yesterday.
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  • 229 11 GENEVA Cholera has spread south of the Sahara lor the first time In history, killing more than 60 people In the West African country of Guinea. the World Health Organisation •aid. WHO broke its own rules to report a serious outbreak of at least 2.000
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  • 34 11 LONDON Cambodia's Foreign Minister Koun Wick will hold talks with Foreign OfUce Minister Anthony Royle. on Friday. The Cambodian Foreign Minister Is due on Thursday on a threeday private visit
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 Classified Ads. Salot A Service TehtvUJoit I Radio KKUItMMOh lU.KVINION KkMAU H P Ana ONiDM* ran«r (o <att mnoM MMwnwmi tirnifafraa Arena* Jou Chiat Road laiitan Juron* KMIKM'NIUh NftJilM AN HAKC Of TV IiKTI Madlottlionr CnnlrolM Main i manor rimnr: MM Irt H'porr mnmunai Arrtei (km* C lrrull T% HarlMrmiinit
      149 words