Eastern Sun, 1 September 1970, Afternoon Edition

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Total Pages: 11
1 12 Eastern Sun

  • 57 2 Few will bravf moving: far from their villages to collect the wood. Rut here a hoy and an elderly man raw about in a sampan seeking to pick
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  • 46 2 STtX'KIIOI.M John Sweeney, a I!.S. Marine who spent IS months with the VirlrtHit before flying to Sweden last week to seek mayliiM. ha* returned to the I'nitrd States. Sweeney, 21. who arrived on Aug. 25 and applied for asylum, left with his parents.
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  • 121 2 LOB ANGELEB McuiTinc abdominal pains suffered by defendant Susan Atkins yesterday forced recess of the Tate murder trial. The defendant was pale and tottering as she walked out of the court when the morning session began and she said she was too HI to attend
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  • 14 2 PARIS French Catholic writer Francois Mauriac died earl* today. He was 85.
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  • 382 2 CAIGON Military police have stormed a hospital in Nha Trang, ending a bixarre six-day stand by a South Vietnamese Army doctor and aun wicMing patients. A U.S. soldier, o South Vietname e officer and two civilians were killed during the siege, a
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  • 40 2 DETROIT. A trapes artiste was critically injured in a fall from the top of a 150 ft. pole while performing at the Michigan State Fair last night. Andor Biro. 33. is in a critical condition.
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  • 84 2 PHILADELPHIA -Three policemen were wounded in rald« on Black Panther offices yesterday. The raids followed the murder of a police sergeant and the wounding of another patrolman on Saturday night in what police say was a Black Panther Dlot During a rain on Black
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  • 177 2 CALCUTTA Police shot four people dead and arrested 50 more when left-wing demonstrators attacked them yesterday. One of the demonstrators' demands was for new elections in West Bengal under direct central government rule from New Delhi since the collapse of Its Marxist-led coalition government
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 255 3 worth $120,000 belonging to five companies have been stolen from o Hovelock Rood godown. The godown was roided yesterday at 3 a m. by five men ormed with parangs. They held up the watchman, Gooranoo Sarioo Rai, 57, and tied him up with rope
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  • 196 3 CARPENTER Ng CHong Beng, was today jailed for six months when be pleaded guilty in tko Second District Court to charges of vandalism and possession of a subversive document. He was arrested on August 10 alter he was seen putting up
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  • 57 3 ROENNE. Denmark Ten Pole® sailed a fishing cutter over the Baltic Sea yesterday and asked for political asylum. Police aald five men, three women and two children, were on the cutter. "One of the women spoke broken Grrman and a.skrri for political asylum «>n
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  • 109 3 ABIDJAN Guinea has decided to resign from the World Health Orga msation in protest at allegations (hat there is eholera in the country. Radio Conakry has reported. The radio said the derision to resign was contained in a protest note •ent by the
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  • 96 3 COPENHAGEN Angry villaser* yesterday stormed their Parish Church to expel a group of demonstrators who occupies the building. The 15 demonstratora, protecting against the Vietnam war. retreated up the church tower but pollre led them to safety and questioning after the v called to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 133 3 V X X as a pilot in the SAF, Ba among t»»a plonoan In tha Air Oafanea Commar*! Thd SAF ottm yourtf man who vt phyakally fit and Intaliigant ma chaManga o4 th* welting and aatiafyWig caraa». Von mo»i ba baiwaan ITS and 23 yoartofaga with tha School or Ganaral
      133 words

  • 676 5  -  AFRICA I COLUMN Brides for sale from £5O to £l5O A m can have up six wives /I loirn in Emui+rm I%iff*rim Hm* ihmi m man ran marry fro— tftro to «ur tro»i»w. it hm* a/«o ral th<> brid* prirr Arast irattff. Mht» motvw hmrx» b**i*n
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  • 375 5  -  DOCTOR'S MAILBAG By Dr. Wayne Brandstadt Q —My son, 5 doesn't pronounce his words plainly. Will he oatgrow thlsT A—By the time A child Is 3}, he c&n usually speak plainly unless there Is a malformation or his voice box, soft palate, hard
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 587 6/7  -  By WSF AN DID shot* is a study of human expression, but for the excited type of expression sometimes it is necessary to include an auxiliary display in the background or in the foreground so that it could convey a suitable feeling to the viewers. Otherwise an
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  • 250 8 WITH o brilliant international cost topped by stars Alon Bates, Oliver Reed, Glenda Jockson, Jennie Linden and Eleonor Bron, "Women In Love/' based on tK« startlingl* frank and provocotrve novel by the famed D. H. Lawrence. opens soon at Hie
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  • 354 8 CULVER cm -Tfce Road Builder", a contemporary iDipenit drama beinf produced by Yongeatreet Film Productions in England starring Patricia Neal, brilm shooting September 28 Nick VanofT and William O. Harbach arc executive producers while Alan D. Courtney and Norman 8. Powell will co-produce the picture with Alastair
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  • 123 8 Seven lion cubs were an air safari from Florida to Africa recently to play starring roles l n "Living Free", sequel to the highly successful "Born Free" which executive producer carl Foreman and producer Paul Radln will fli m f or Columbia Pictures. The
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  • 96 8 Considered kk most explicit statement on sex. "Women In Love." tells the itor f of the tempestuous and profound sexual relationships of two couples against the haehcronmii of a small mining community. lavish country estates and the sneweapped mountains af Switzerland It is
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 109 8 Uil t Dtf* rm IM II mm I.U. IJI ll* L)a>M Chung "t«nmw" i A SHAW PRODUCTION' CAPITOL JUJi'l REX SKY ■RO X Y ***** I 3717}< MOW pnwma BKX: 11. I.«rc I*. KKVt It, IA Mi 11» ■OX T: 141 411 IN •THE emitraON OMtHiA lIIIAW wiOPnH*M«"taMn in Pmv*
      109 words
    • 160 8 CATHAY ***** OPENS TODAY! II ra 1.30 IM Coiumb'.a't "Trtilwl Gal* Oirt Ravmond. Aibcrt L.tvcn Com ng' Rumv Bchnndrr "Mi Uftr, My h«" An MOM Pictur* In Color DOEQN 2M16 LAST t OATS: II M. Ml LU. Ml pa la 70MM Matrocoior MOM** lr« Station Krbra Rock Hudaon Jim Brcwr.
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    • 933 9  -  A WOMAN WITH LA A WOMAN IN TOUCH By Liz Sherry Cummins was a selfeffacing housewife of Irish descent She received an ordinary education, admitted to being 'only of average intelligence' and yet wrote more than 20 books at alarming speed many of them historically
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    • 146 9 AZTEC-patterned fabrics, in woven bands of Kometric design, on avy winter cottons, soft wool challis, for coats, dresses and pants. RIBBON trims, sometimes as naive bows tied at necklines, sometimes as satin bands rimming a velvet hemline, sometimes as French embroidery. TIIE new sportswear, based on such
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 68 9 Cmbro-dania. a new beauty, and health discovery using r. t#< the chemistry of vitamin cosmetics and extracts T|O 0 give your skin new life, new glow, new vigour end new beauty It's an foundation too Your skin literally glow with health and vitality Wrinkles, pimples, rough skin and freckles will
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  • 288 10 JSJTOCKHOLM The International Amateur Athletic Fetlarotion {IAAF) Monday suspended South Africa for a period of two years because of "racial discrimination." The lAAF congress, meeting in Stockholm, unanimously adopted o resolution suspending tne South Attic art Amateur Athletic Union from the lAAF until the eemt
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  • 37 10 HOLUWKLL. England British goller Mike Ingham set the pace with a course record of 09 yesterday In the first round of 36 holes qualifying contest for the John Player Classic Tournament here.
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  • 91 10 TURIN. Italy Results on the sixth du v of fompetitiaa at the sixth world Unhenit* Games: Basketball consolation round for 17th through 24th places: Japan 102. Algeria «4 <53-34). Tennis quarter finals men's singles Proisy Frsnee. defeat Sakal. Japan 1-2 M Quarter finals ladies stogies- Sa»«m»tMi Japan
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  • 344 10 CLEVELAND. Ohio The United States wrapped up Its third straight Davis Cup challenge round, 5-0, but it took a record uphill victory by America's Arthur Ashe over an exhausted Christian Kuhnhe to preserve the five-paint triumph, before at cool, sanay Harold T. Clark
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 T« and ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINES ned^'oyd KONINKLUKE NEDLLOYD m announce that effective 14th September 1970 their office in SINGAPORE will be combined as KPM (Far East) Pte. Ltd. K.P.M. BUILDING, t FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE 1. for ROYAL INTEROCEAN UNES for KONINKLUKE NEDLLOYD nv P.O. Box 72 latapfron* 924XT0479 CM** JAPACKLINE
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  • 325 11 HAVEN, Connecticut Black Panther leader Lonnie McLucas has been convicted of the murder conspiracy in the torture slaying of former Panther Alex Racklev. The guilty verdict was returned in the sixth day of deliberations by a jury of 10 whites and two blacks after
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  • 32 11 NEW DELHI. The wreckage of an Indian Airlines plane missing since Saturday with 39 people on board was sighted yesterday. The Press Trust of India said "no survivors are expected."
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 11 ONE of London's most famous land marks is unused to such treatment, but hr doesn't object to this little girl seeking a b*rd's eye view of the pigeon* in Trafa'-ar c are. London's heat wave has hre St thousands out into the open to eatrh a It tie
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  • 338 11 UEAVEK, Oklahoma Pieces of white hot metal weighing hundreds of pounds that slammed to earth in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas last week probably were part of a Rus- sian satellite. The objects fell on rural areas No one was Injured and they did little
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  • 166 11 CAPE KENNEDY The Air Force hax launched a spy satel lite in *ecrccy in an apparent attempt to replace an early warning spacecraft that was stranded In the wrong orbit two months ago. The new spacecraft, described by the Air Force as an "esperl mental
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  • 146 11 LONDON British Uhour Party rank-and-file member* have attacked their traders for losing the election They said that cotnp'aronry. ovcrconfldence ana lug much empba^i* on personalities were prime causes of defeat. They did so In resolutions submitted for debate at the Labour Party's annual convention
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 295 11 Tonight's TV CHANNEL i 600 Opening anncts In all Language? and Woobinda u>r Fugitive! 630 New* in Brief (English! 635 Rifleman (The Angry Gun) 700 111 Happening in Singapore (Chinese) 7SO English For Everyone (Chinese) 7.40 News in Chinese 7.55 Many Voices Many Songs Bv The R1 S Chinese Choir
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  • 642 12 IN D t' HTRIA Lfl b 1 Acma 1.41 AjinoaMU |.ft Alcaa 144 Allies llw. 2M t.75 Ben. (id. 103 Its Berjaya IJM 1.25 Bornea 165 1.66 Routtrad |N 193 C Plywood M C. Suj»n 2 35 CC.H 143 144 C. Sloraft 2.43 V AC. ICS 1.64 D.8.8.
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  • 73 12 SEOUL Typhoon Blllie's death toll in South Korea roue to li today. Ten other* are Dilating and at least nine people were Injured. The government said winds of 45 miles an hour and Ave to seven Inches of rain In southwestern Korea had damaged or flooded about
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  • 95 12 WOOMERA, Australia The first attempt to launch a British satellite using the Black Arrow K2 rocket was called off today after a series of "holds". A spokesman said operational faults in the down range guidance ay stem was responsible for calling off the shot. lie
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  • 206 12 Sentence postponed to Friday PRINTER Shum Woi Tong, 53, ond Oh Ah Kai, 38, were todoy convicted of counterfeiting Malaysian $5O notes omounting to $70,000 in Jonuary last year. Mr, Justice Winslow postponed sentence to Friday. The Judge said he would have to assess
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  • 189 12 THE HAGUE—Armed youths yesterday held the home of the Indonesian Ambassador tor more than 12 hours, shooting dead a policeman, threatening to kill the Ambassador's family and forcing President Suharto to postpone a state visit to Holland The youth* armed with pistols and sten
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  • 51 12 TEL AVIV The number of cases of cholera confirmed In Israel and the Israeli-held West Bank of Jordan rose to 33 last night. A Ministry of Health spokesman said that two new eases, women from Ramalla and from Kafr Sajar Tillage east of Jerusalem, had been
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  • Page 12 Advertisements