Eastern Sun, 24 July 1970, Afternoon Edition

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 14 1 EASTERN SUN EVENING EDITION 10 CEN Friday. July 24. 1970 Vol. 5 No. 1403
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  • 131 1 TOKYO, A team of Japanese doctors has developed artificial blood capable of carrying oxygen. At a meeting of specialists on metabolism, in Kamamoto. Kyushu, Dr. Tadayoshi Fujlta said that the artificial blood, made from a compound of carbon and fluorine, could be put
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  • 332 1 His nephew will be the new kins ITU ALA LUMPUR Tunku Abdul Rahman might soon retire as Prime Minister of Malaysia. Political observers reason that the appointment of his nephew, the Sultan of Kedah. as the next Yong di-Pertuan Agong will hasten he Tunku's departure from
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  • 212 1 CAIRO- President Natter Mid last night Egypt accepted America's new formula for a Middle East peace settlement a ceasefire for a» least 90 days and indirect talks with Itrael. But he laid down one Important condition: That Dr. Ounnar Jarrlnc, U Thant'a peace envoy who
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  • 309 3 NEW DELHI—Mor« J**" 500 peopU art desd stter floods hmiMi a Nmu. fayan River into a raging torrent, sweeping away busloads of p j|. 9""* Mltd villous. fiore than 300 of the Ttcums were bettered to be Hindu pilgrims returning in a convoy jf
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  • 274 4 T>ANGALORE Vietcong leader Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh arrived in Bangalore yesterday to an enthusiastic welcome from Communists and leftists. She flew into Bangalore, capital ot Mysore State, from Delhi where she held talks with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and External Affairs Minister Swaran Singh. She
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  • 166 4 NEW YORK. A liferaft, possibly from a Soviet plane missing since last Saturday while on a mercy flight to Peru, has been picked up by U.S. Coa.st Guard cutter off the Southern Up of Greenland There was no sign of survivors, a Coast Quard spokesman said.
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  • 196 4 WASHINGTON. A "small round flbreg lass-like objrrt" wait found Just Inside the fence of the White House ground* yesterday, touchinc ofT a bomb scare until the secret service determined it was harmless. White House guards discovered the ob ject some time before 2 p.m. lying near
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  • 313 4 SAIGON Twrntythree day* of AghUng around a Jungle highlands artillery baae abandoned under heary Communist preusure coat American forces SI killed and 345 wounded The casualties were sustained at the 101 st Airborne Division's fire support base "Ripcord and in a tract of wild mountain
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  • 314 4 IMANILA A Congressman has accused a Syndicate operating in Manila and in Hong Kong of splicing "indecent love scenes" into movies shown in the Philippines. Rep. Jose Puyar, chairman of the House subcommittee on Games and Amusements, said the syndicate has an effective public relations
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  • 34 4 ATHENS The Greek Government will go ahead today with the trial of two Arab commandos accused of acta of sabotage against Israel. despite a pledge to set them free in 30 days.
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  • 756 5  -  By R.M. Sorge economies grow in the undeveloped notions, so does crime. The fourth United Notions Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders will focus its attention on this problem when it meets in Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 17 to 26. It
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  • 457 5  -  DOCTOR'S MAIL BAG By Wayne G. Brandstadt Q —What causes twitching in the right upper eyelid and what can be done to relieve It? A This common tie is usually due to fatigue. If you get more rest every night the twitching
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

    • 778 6/7 ALE? OLE AND OLE again a bull fight school in Singapore well, not quite, or rather, not yet. But should there be a demand for the nimble footed to face El Torero a number of enthusiastic if somewhat amateurish matadors were getting an early start
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    • 525 6/7  - THREE HOURS OF LOVE, LUST, RAPE MURDER Bjr Harry Eng 'THE ADVENTURERS" began with murder, pillage and rape. It ended the same way. And in between was three hours of murder, pillage, rape, love, lust, political and financial intrigue, and international wheeler dealing. It's a story of a South American
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  • Page 6/7 Advertisements
    • 51 6/7 SPOT-ON ENTERTAINMENT AT THE SPOT-SPOT© RENAISSANCE staggering word on the sound scene. Throbbing with unleashed wildness. Thrilling with gentle passion. More than a sound, an explosion of music. More than a show, a total experience. Grab some happening moments of your own—with the Renaissance, and the OCTOBER CHERRIES at the
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    • 69 6/7 I.murium roomr and tuilM with individually conlrollrd aireonditioning, private balconiet and bathroom! The elrgant Four l.iont rratauranl with auperb food and dancing nightly The e*dii»ive Kay* lounge (or cocktail* and dancing The Pebble Hat—cool and friendly atmosphere Tin Coffee llouae—alway* open Ultra modern awimming pool with Cabana*, Snaik Bar and
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  • Article, Illustration
    295 8 T ONDON—JThree new promoti onol items keyed to the Irving Allen production tor Columbia Pictures ore currently appearing in toy shops and department stores throughout the United Kingdom. The new items "Cromwell'' character dolls, an Illustrated book, and an Oliver Cromwell plastic construction kit. are one feature of Columbia's
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  • 345 8  -  By VERNON SCOTT, Gloria Grahame left motion pictures 15 years ago to have a baby she hasn't been bark since. 4 After the baby WM born I thought my responsibility as a mother was more Important than my career. Gloria said the
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  • 417 8  -  By Lucinda L. Franks LONDON Vanessa Redgrave, ginger hair flying and palms to the sky, ran down a green hill in London's East End and folded like an ostrich at the bottom. "People dont use their bodies anymore." she said, plucking
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 204 8 [L I D O 3734 14 Now Kbowlnf! —No Fret Ual 11 am. 1 M. *IB Chen| P»»-pe1 "Rrw«Ne*a ft" IA BHA W PRODUCTION» Hand In 8h»w»ot>» Co'rt [CAPITOL 29W] llprm Todarl No Irrf 11»« 11. I tt. 4.M. Ml A INpa Maria Bchell. Luciano Paluial w«mrn^_Cotor Tomorrow Mldnlghtl Capllol
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    • 190 8 PEON 2 1116 •TH DAT! N. Free Uai 11 am I.M. 4MI *j* t M aicBARO HARRIS AT "A MAN CALLED BOUI Paoartoloo Tecbnlcclcr A Cinema Center H.m» fWDUIIOD ODEON ORCHARD SIMULTANEOUS MIDNIGHT TOMORROW "IN F ATI'AT to PERSONS" Mandarin. Color. Scope Engiuh A Chin—t Subtitle* ORCHARD-121^ NOW SHOWING! Ml
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    • 523 9  - HERE'S IT THE LONG LOOK FROM PARIS reports from Paris Aline Mosby T'HE suspicion spread through Paris Tuesday that the high fashion designers may be plotting to send long trouser skirts into oblivion along with mini skirts. During the first day of the fallwinter collections Monday only a handful of
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    • 197 9 REPTILES, either real snakeskln in coa's. belts and boots, or Prints on all kinds of fabrics for suits, scarves and gloves. THE SUMMER gypsy. In dresses whose every flounce Is a different colour or pattern, worn With free-swinging hair, head scarves and •hawl*. STRANGE art nouveau
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  • 316 11 r ASHINGTON The Senate yesterday passed a controversial crime Bill which is expected to serve as a model for lawand-order legislation across the country. The measure, described by its critics as a fascist and racist, allows judges to jail defendants considered a danger to
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  • 75 11 UPI BANGKOK. Thai postal officials say the controversial "topless woman" on a newly-is-sued stamp is really a Buddhist monk. thus halting a growing wave of protests. The stamp depicts King Ramkhamhaeni. a great ruler oi the Sunothal period, teachtnc a group of his subjects, one
    UPI  -  75 words
  • 222 11 NEW YORK The United Nations Security Council has resolution calling on all states to bar sale of arms to South Atr.c.i 'unconditionally and without reservations whatsoever Britain, France and the United States abatained. The resolution, which was sponsored by the council's Ave African
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  • 46 11 JAKARTA. The government has warned the public to beware of census takers who demand an Illegal "administrative fee'* for counting them. A number of census workers in Jakarta and the Sumatran capital of Medan nave been arrested 'or Imposing the Illegal fees.
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  • 110 11 ROME —ltaly's second government crisis this year deepened last night after Premier-designate Giulio Andreotti gave up attempts to form the country's 32nd administration since fascist times. President Giuseppe Saragat asked the 51-year-old Christian Democrat 12 days ago to form a new centre-left coalition of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 Where To Stay STRAND HOTEL Rrnrnolm Street. Town centre Quiet, clean reasonable rates. Airconditloned rooms, private bath. R a r/R eslaurant. Homely nwrlcfs Tels: 2.J828/***** SALESGIRLS and SUPERVISORS WANTED IMMEDIATELY PLEASE APPLY PERSONALLY INTERVIEWS at 23 Cantonment Road, Singapore 2. July 24th 5.00 6.00 p.m. July 25th 5 00 6
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    • 315 11 NOTIC P.W.D. SINGAPORF TENDERS are In Tlted for the supply and d< livsry of the following (A) I unit: Vaa ni Tender Urge Mr* w»k» (Ht I unit W*lrt Tender: Large Hrf *ert ir*. Z.OOO llt I lon uiMrlff IC'I 1 unit. Mobile Tnrt mounted ater leader ul 1.200-gal lon
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    • 362 11 P.W.D. SINGAPORE TEN 1)K! i 3 AT* »n*tt®d from PW D Registered ***** nu tors for the la 4» lowing works:I Keatal of Pet Milk ■I Nnaitlnvlllrii Park at M alien llunrar* Road, "Open to »U" Closing Date: 7I TO at 10 00 amt l oastrwctlon o* K«scrve Road lifl
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  • 521 12 MARKET QUIETLY STEADY TRADING in the Stock Exchange this morning was quietly steady an operators concentrated on new comer* and lower pric ed shares. Sentosa. Fancy Tiles and U.OB. met Home profit taking. Kcntosa fell seven cents to $1.53 and Fancy Tiles declined three cents
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  • 268 12 QNE of the world's largest communication manufacturers todoy signed an agreement with the government to set up a $75 million manufacturing comDlex. The investment by Plessey Co Ltd., over the next five years will creote jobs for neorly 5,000 people. It is the largest single
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  • 153 12 LONG BEACH, California, (Reuter) MacDonnell Douglas Corporation rolled out its new DC 10 tri-jet today stealing a two-month march on Lockheed's L-1011 plane In American aviation's airbus war. Rival air buses. nearly Identical in sue. passenger capacity and rost, will both be In operation
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  • Page 12 Advertisements