Eastern Sun, 22 July 1970, Afternoon Edition

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Total Pages: 11
1 12 Eastern Sun

  • 270 3 ITU ALA LUMPUR n A building with hundreds of sinister secrets stands in the way of the General Hospital's expansion plans. Construction workers refuse to tear it down so a new matrons' quarters can be built The building is the old mortuary of
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  • 43 3 Today's Ranters Baa guide far better merle Tlevinr: THK MAGNIFICENT TF.XAN, Orchard Last *fiiE ITALIAN JOB, Cathay. First rlaan entertainment. A MAN CALLED HORSE, Odeon. Brutal. BROUfKKS ft, lido. Mandarin sward fighting Dim. OrERS WHO BILLED M* 12 LOVERS, Capiat
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  • 105 3 NKW DELHI A «l» ploiuatic row Kami op alter Uc South VietnaBCM acting consulirntral asked the Indian Government to arrest Vieteong leader, Mr*. Nguyen Thi Binh, as a rebel and band ber over to Saigoa. Indian officials indicated his request made at a meeting with
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  • 103 3 Lee Siew Eng. 36, was today sentenced to three months jail when she pleaded guilty to theft of valuables worth $6OO from another woman. The Ninth Court was told that Madam Tang Mau Mui, 28. returned home at Johore Road on Tuesday at 9.35
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  • 117 3 Two 7oaths were today ordered to be caned and jailed wbea they pleaded tolltjr to *aa> daliMß of a tekphoM booth. They are Lee HM Chin. 20. and llo'nun bin Muslim. 17. who vk re arrested on July IS in Pebble Lane. Coin fox Lee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 Yoursecond 'typewriter m costs yon honestly and truly only $55/(if you already have an IBM 72). fi Si If you already own an TBM 72, yoa wfll not even get the idea of feoyiof a new typewriter because of a new typeface. Since for $55/ yon can get a new
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  • 247 4 SPEU, Cambodia About 600 Cambodian troops are trying to fight their way into the key town of Srang 30 miles southwest of Phnom Penh. Brig Gen. Sosthcne Fernandez said the Communists moved into Srang on Sunday as part of what he called a Vietcong
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 Young British actor Jack Wild carries his own halo for his role in a musical comedy being produced in California. The device might be useful for every growing boy when being questioned by his parents.
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  • 162 4 CAIRO Libya will seise all property belonging to the 25.000 Italian residents. Head of Btate Col. Noammar AJ-Khadafy went on Tripoli radio to broadcast a decree by which the "Revolution Command Council" seized "all land belonging to Italians and everything on It." Khad a
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  • 77 4 SAIGON Australian artillery accidentally bombarded an Australian platoon last night killing two and wounding four others. An army spokesman here said at least one shell landed near the soldiers soon after 8 p.m. while on a defence patrol less than two miles from Nui. Dat
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  • 116 4 COLOMBO Member* of Parliament have unanimously approved a resolution riving themselves power to draft a new republican constitution severing links with Britain Parliamentarians will hold their first meeting as a Constituent Assembly next week The 13-member Tamil Federal Party voted for the resolution although a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 123 4 m 4W», tti s a s*oi§s :^fe s V ft S*. m r- CI II FtRTMZERS •Ml' H 11 11 :;HK tfSB agrcuturai chcmicais LOOKING for fertilizers, agricultural chemicals? BiAN HENQ has H ,H Whathar nba Thraa Star fartii./ars or Taak SW agricultural chamicala. tha ratultl w.M ba BOUNTIFUL HARVESTS.
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    • 145 4 SI 8 E mism ONLY REAL LITTLE PIECE OF ITALY IN SINGAPORE (It even has a parking problem.) There's more to Sorrento than coffee and cake*. There'* now a complete bar. Beer. The whisky you fancy. Brandy, vodka, even chianti. And now a full restaurant menu. Which meant you can
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  • 836 5  -  By Leslie Murphy CORRUPTION, one of Indonesia's oldest problems, has been brought into the open as the major political issue of the moment by strong student demands for its eradication. University and high school student groups and intellectuals, forming themselves into anti corruption fronts, have vowed to
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  • 263 5  -  THE DOCTOR'S MAILBAG 8y Wayne G. Brandstadt 0 What Is meant b> "vascular disease"? A The term Is not Used by Itself. Cardiovascular disease refers to a coronary beart attack; cerebrovascular disease to a stroke caused by a brain haemorrhage or blocking of an
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1631 8 WW? POPPING AROUND WITH PLATTER PETE JJI THERE Today bring you thr Pop Scoop Feature of the Year the spectacular, splcndorous and supreme BATH FESTIVAL Special! Since space Is short, and all else In comparison would be insignificant, I will go no further with P.P.P.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 172 8 SHAW f P*0n»*****4 J (Iffu Tmli| N» rm Uat II Mi. I.N. «N A 111 LMli rnptl Drathrr* [CAPITOL NOW HHOHINf.: 11. IN. I.U V.N Jenny Hu •CiruK WHO IA Shaw Production! Mandarin In Bcopa. Color "NEXT chanobi Maria Bchell. Luclana Patuaai "N WaaM«" Color REX Pho««- *****1 orKNH TODAY!
      172 words
    • 161 8 on CHAfiD« ***** U*T DATI 1M IN. 11l 111 "The MaiDiritMl Tetan" Olenn Saiuoß la Color 3PINS TOMORROW Columbia'* "TBI COMIC Dick Van Dyke, Ookor CATHAY 334QQ.M NOW BOWING I II M IB IN CM IB TBI ITALIAN JOB" Color Mlebat) Cain# PiottMor A Paramount Picture NEXT CHANOEt (Color Columbia'*
      161 words

    • 545 9  -  By Judy Owen AyESTERNISED geishas flashed flirtatious glances from behind sheer black lace fans as Rome couturier designer Antonelli opened the fourth day of his collections of Italian fashions. Antonelli showed enough kimonosin ribbed black chiffon velvet, prini gold silk lame and beaded
      Picture by United Press International.  -  545 words

  • 249 10 A gymnotium costing some $70,000, the first of its kind in the Republic was ceremonially opened this morning. Known as Harvey's Health International, it it situated at Still Road, away from Hie bustle of Hie city. The id«a to provide tk>s gymnasium wn conceived by 21-year-old,
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  • 122 10 EDINBURGH—Common wealth Games mcoai cable this morning: Australia Gold Silver I Ironsc Tatal 17 11 13 41 England 15 11 10 0 36 Canada 13 1 27 Scotland 2 4 7 Wales 1 1 2 4 Jamaica 1 1 1 3 Malaysia New Zealand 1 0 1 2
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  • 57 10 HONG KONG. Hong |M| racing ace Albert Foon said today be will paitMpaW tn the Manila Grand Prix even though he will not have his own ear there. Poon is likely to abandon his plans of defending his title at the Singapore Kartlng Prix next month
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  • 55 10 EDINBURGH. Patricia Chan. 16. Tke-cay-taia of Singapore's swimming team. failed to qualify yr% terday for tjw final of tke individual bmHtt She finished fifth la her heat ia fi Tf aiaates 37 M MrroadaThe fastest qualifier «aa A astral iaa Dealse Langferd, whaae tiae of 5:14 25
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  • 144 10 EDINBURGH Canadian Jaime Paulson last night fulfilled an ambition he trained nearly etery day for seven years for the badminton gold medal at tfce Commonwealth Games. Paulson, the tt-year-eld rdinls< Canadian champion from Calfarj, beat Paul Whetnall of England In three fames In an emotion charged
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 Hong m *s« WiIQ m 3* <. "I S > i Vi£s& +t < rA' i' m \\»~i tff a day 135pm Or catch the 1135 pm IMH, lunch on as. and arrive m Hong Kong in lime for supper Only MSA gives yo* this choice. T WHY a day.
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  • 196 11 Dick Whittin gton went to London, so the story roes, expecting to And the streets paved with cold. He was disappointed. But in Ravenswood, Queensland. Australia, there's fold
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  • 241 11 XTEW YORK A witness to a tear gas bottle between youths and police said lost night he heard one policeman yell "shoot him, shoot him" before pistol fire killed a University of Kansas student. It wa« the eighth college student killed this
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  • 91 11 NKW YORK. A SSI-VOOO fine, termed one of the largest levied In the (J-S has been Imposed on a plant for air polution Superior Court Judge t ugene Lora fined Industrial Metal Lithographic Corp. of V\" >dridge. New Jer sr\ after he found (hr company had
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  • 43 11 burglar, fleeing from the owner of the flat who surprised him at work last night. Jump ed from a secondstorey balcony straight into the arms of a policeman "Just bad lack." he shrugged when he was booked at a police station.
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  • 68 11 NEW YORK. A shipment ol gold bullion worth *****.000 was stolen yesterday by Hve hijackers carrying guns un<i wearing ski masks. They intercepted a truck at a busy Intersection in broad daylight. Tne bandits escaped with the truck, leaving the driver. John McOovern. and
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  • 226 11 SAN FRANCISCO A few d ays ago the Young Womeni Christian Association received $1,380,000 from Kasson Avery ard they won- dered who he was. And the story came out of an unobtrusive old man who, lived for 40 years in a shabby hotel, so
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 326 11 Sales Service laleviMon Radio tUIIMUMON ruivuioN UNiiu r (4hi UvaplrU r>*|t la <«i' vftritnt 1h Ckiti *»■<! larval UIIIMUION urtiii iNT am oa i% im K»4lapfc»a« MalMrtiMt U ear*, T-lmK Cln UII ft iWrhgraaaa Htm iMtolltliM Pkonr CMII f tt Baa M NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN that TAY lEE
      326 words
    • 360 11 HNIHM NO I Kit MINMIPOU CUHTOMa TKNUI.K NUTH'K NO iSH I'KNDKKtt VIII Or rt>CViTVd Uf> tO IS 0000 (Mi rruu, tui a usual, iino for Um purciuur of Uw follow lac oooSM'4ied goods: t.tSI pteeca batik «oroiig 2 Tli* shoremen Uaned goods iff dutiable and tenderers intrndiut to purchase them
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