Eastern Sun, 29 June 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Estd. 1966 Vol. 4 No. 1381. Monday, June 29, 1970. MC (P) 1616
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  • 282 1 T HE ten-year-old Singapore Tourist Association will soon ceose to exist. It has been told to terminate its activities A reliable source said moves ore underway to merge the Association, run by the private sector, with the Govern-ment-backed Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. The ST.A.
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  • 70 1 HFRE'S something well worth missing a heart heat or two Freshie Queen Christina lion, 19, in a breath-taking black evening ensemble with netted slits running skv high. Christina beat 11 other girls from various faculties of the University of Singapore to become Freshie Queen 1970. The contest
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  • 144 1 OANCJOON Burmese Government forces operating near Communist C li i n a's border have killed 126 Communist rebels, wounded 150 others and captured supplies including opium in a series of clashes between Mav 28 and June 21, it was reported yesterday. The News Agency
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  • 84 1 SAIGON Bout h Vietnamese marines broke up the Communist communication* network in Cambodia on Saturday by capturing a 40-man-radio relay station In swamp land* .southeast of Phnom Penh, military sources said futerny. Riding in helicopters, the marines swooped down on the station Detween the Biissac and
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  • 86 1 IMXFAST British troops opened lire on snipers here iia dawn broke yesterday alter one of the worst nights of rioting In Belfast history left at least five persons shot dead and about 200 injured. More than l .000 British troops battled through the night to end Protestant/Catholic
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 235 2 Singapore, as the convention centre in the Far East could earn some $5OO million in foreign exchange. Tills was the optimistic view ot Mr. Paul O. Peralta, Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Tourist Association, who will retire at the end oi the year.
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  • 424 2 Twenty-two fighting-fit young boating enthusiasts in Singapore have been preparing for their big occassion a bO-mile expedition round the Island of Singapore. The expedition is being organised by the Chinese Y.M.C.A. to highlight their 24th Anniversary Crlebration. It Is expected to last two days beginning July
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  • 40 2 KUAI-A LUMPUR.— fc five-man team of Indonesian Members of Parliament and officials arrived here Sunday on their wa v to Kuching to observe the State and Parliamentary Elections In Sarawak at the invitation of the Malaysian l Government.
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  • 185 2 An alarm at the Signal Cabin of the Singapore Railway Station saved 40 lbs of copper wire from being stolen and led to the arrest of a youth. On Saturday Lee Yarn Wee. 31, chief mechanic, heard the alarm and immediatel\ telephoned the assistant investigation
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  • 35 2 The Raja di-llilir of Perak today advised Muslim youths not to imitate Western culture. such as "flip pism". which could destroy the good image of the country and the culture they were proud of.
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  • 39 2 A housewife, Veerapan Sarasie. 22, had her cold chain snatched as she was returning from market alone Quecnswav last Saturday. The vouth who snatched the chain valued at $lOO escaped on a waiting scooter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 159 2 I r ■■■< •«< ■S •>■ ft* m m as a pilot in the SAF B« among the pioneers in the Air Defence Command. The SAF offers young men who are physically fit and intelligent the challenge of this exciting and satisfying career. You most be between 17'/. and 23
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  • 269 3 BUSINESSMAN and his wife on their way to the race course yesterday were robbed of $17,155 in cash and valuables by four armed youths. The robbers olso hijacked the grey-and-black Cortina E. of Mr. Goh Ah Too. The hold-up took place at Commonwealth Avenue at
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  • 151 3 Six New Zealand soldiers were luckv to he alive when their jungle post was struck hy lightning during a tierce electrical storm on Saturday night. The men, members of the Australian-New Zealand battalion, were camped in the Trengganu jungle. One was lifted by Iroquois helicopter
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  • 67 3 A detective on his beat at the c&r park in front of a block of flats at Jalan Satu arrested vouth in possession of •n iie-pick yesterday. The youth was with another behaving suapuciously in the area when the detective saw them. They ran when the
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  • 77 3 Tebuan pilot of No. 6 Squadron, Royal Malaysian Air Force claimed to have destroyed a large number of enemy supply sampans on the Marang River. The sampans tried to hide on a small island in the river, but they wore spotted by the forward air controller's aircraft
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  • 101 3 A bill-collector cum accounts clerk of the Malaysian Publishing House, Jaganathan s/o Suppiah, was robbed, of $1.686.74ct5. on Saturday. At about 11.00 a.m., Suppiah had cone to a bank in Orchard Road to deposit the money. In the bank he placed the money in an envelope
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  • 49 3 A businessman Chuan Cheng Lai, 28. woke up on Saturday morning to find his house in MacPherson Road, broken into and $1,020 and some articles valued at $214 missing. Chuan found a watch, cigarette lighter, two shirts and a pair of trousers gone from his uvj*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 LA A n Leave Singapore with PAL on Monday morning and our one-slop service will have you in Tokyo the same evening. Or leave on Wednesday morning, spend a leisurely night in Manila, and we get you to Tokyo on Thursday evening. Whither you take the fast conneetion, or the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 446 4 The unwillingness of vou n g Singapore youth with a smattering of primary education to do menial jobs will pose serious problems in the long term At present, because of this attitude, Singapore finds it necessary to import labour for such jobs. But. Prime Minister
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  • 47 4 Kota Bh.iru Thousands of pamphlets al>out cash rewards for information ranging from 50 cents for one round of ammunition to $20,000 for tius leading to the arrest or surrender of a district communist terrorist leader have been distributed along the MalaysianThai border in Kelantan
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  • 209 4 There is a new breed of girls in Singapore who are able to handle men in difficult situations, with kicks and chops Student Sum Yoke Kit., 16. who is delivrtnc a kick to Nancy Lam Pak Lam. 22 are two girls of the "new
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  • 501 4 \UIV«U 1 ii m lift Rith 1 u mpu' T ON ID MM fxNnkg, 1 M Hati* 1 VfMpur Itl Rttii U* par W Hi M<|« llf Kailt laa 1 Ml Ct* (M rni«(, H«iU 1 tniwi 1 M «K« fuS 1 «k «> 1* in p m
    501 words
  • 219 4 The imposition of mm lominant religion In Siniaporr would lead to religious it* tolerance. strife and bigotry, a Government leader has warned Secularism is the answer to Singapore's mul ti racial and multi-roll-gious society, said the Minister ot State far Foreign Atlairs, Etiche Rahim Ishak.
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  • 381 5 <s|AIGON President Thieu warned lost night "the whole free world" will be responsible if Cambodia falls to communist forces. He stressed that large-scale assistance to Cambodia was beyond his nation's capacity. Speaking on radio and television, the former army general declared the South
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  • 93 5 NEW YORK, Seven-teen-year-old "emancipated" unmarried girls will be eligible (or abortions here when the state's liberalised Abortion Law is passed next Wednesday. "Emancipated." according to a spokesman for the City Hospital Corporation, means a girl "who Is self-sup-porting or living away from home under such circumstances that
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  • 77 5 HONG KONG. Police announced they will investigate the operation of a (imbtinc r.iNtno following a newspaper report which claimed people "at the top" are involved. Horse-raring and mahjong are the two forms of gambling permitted by law ii this British Crown Colony of four million residents. The British-owned
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 Canon i •."j Xy MP •J* 4ft* m Canon exee the Electric Eye weighted metering. With two features which ensure professional-like pictures through-the-lens metering and Electric Eye automatic exposure. And for trick shots manually controlled aperture. Both ways, the light is measured by centreTo top it off, its aerial image
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  • 27 6 A HUGE SYMBOLIC CAKE was presented to U N. Secretary General II TliAnt in San Francisco on the 25th birthday of the United Nations.
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  • 204 6 BUDAPEST The Warsaw Pact, in a surprisingly warm reception to a NATO idea, announced yesterday they are ready to discuss a mutual pullback of foreign troops from European soilHowever, a technical problem remained NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) foreign ministers. in a meeting
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  • 72 6 SECRETARY OF STATE ROGERS conferred with a three-man delegation from the recent Jakarta conference on Cambodia. The group is seeking a negotiated peace settlement in Indochina. At the U.S. State Department meeting are (from left to right) Shin llogen, Japanese Deputy Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs; Rogers;
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  • 366 6 I ONOON American intelligence experts and Scotland Yard are investigating how alleged taps-recordings of secret U.S. nuclear war plans had been sold to a British civilian. The 'News of the World' newspaper disclosed the details in a story published today. An editorial complained
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  • 193 6 PESCARA. Italy Police fired teargas and battled with hundreds of ;in?TT residents until dawn today. 'Hie second outbreak of violence was over the possible naming of a rival town as the capital of Abruzzi region. Hundreds of police rushed to this Adriatic seaside town on
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  • 59 7 5 oV?« OW slwnes »t thr traditional parade of the staunch Protestant 2 50 slro "C• Belfast, North Ireland. The Saturday disturbance soon evelop«*d into a full-seale riot. I oliee and troops then moved in to keep the two faction* apart iviany mere hurt
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  • 185 7 ST. MH'IS, Missouri Pierre m;tde his conducting debut today with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra on the grounds ot his habitat, the St. l>ouis Zoo. Pierre is an 8-year-old chimpanzee w ho .stars in the aoo's monkey shows. While better handling of the baton has been seen
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  • 254 7 yiENNA, Communist Bulgorio has hushed up two potentially explosive scandols disclosed reports from Sofia yesterdoy. The first involved o protest morch there eorly th.s yeor by African students protesting d.srriminotion by Bulgar.ans. y It ended when police disjx rsed the African student* by force, injuring
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  • 134 7 BIIKNOS AIRKK Bombs exploded in 10 stores of government building* in four Argentine cities yesterday. They were apparently co-ordinated terrorist attacks to mark the anniversary of the bombings 8 year ago of 13 supermarkets owned by the Rockefeller family. In addition, fire-bombs were thrown at
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  • 48 7 SANTIACJO. Chile,— The dovernment yesterday declared a state of emergency here and the surrounding province of Santiago Two students had been killed during a political demonstration last night Police throughout the area of four million people were mobilized to ensure that no other tie monsUations started
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  • 38 7 I halo by SANA, ofhoal Syrian news agency.
    I halo by SANA, ofhoal Syrian news agency.  -  38 words
  • 111 7 SEATTLE. Wash r.pton. A won Ml 1 < should be seen and not heard swishing uiui»r a .skirt, according U an organisation dedir\i'»d to the eradlcat:on ol tae mldl and maxl. Genp Holce, the If >nder announced h-> <riinlMUon la < MOXIE.* which Man•!« lor "Men
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  • 70 7 SAN DIBHO, Califnr•i| ;irtoonist Al C'ppp reator of "L'il Ahner*' may rhallenpe Son Edward Kfnnifly lor his Massachusetts S«'n;ito sojit. Capp he had heen "in the White House twice in men! vn-oks" and had a phone call '"from a man who reallv counts in the
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  • 576 8 W .LLY Brandt, during the short time he has been Chancellor of West Germany, has achieved more towards arriving at an east-west detente in Europe than several others on either side of the vanishing Iron Curtain during the past decade. Without detracting from the merits of
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  • 787 8  -  »y Joseph Alsop WASHINGTON Besides making fools of Hie pollsters and the forecasters, the British election gave pleasure to Richard M. Nixon. Reportedly, the President had himself woken several times during the night to get the latest returns. And he was openly delighted by the Tory
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  • 70 8 Don't make it a trade war —NYT NEW YORK The New York Times In an editorial today expressed the hope the United States' dispute with Japan over textiles would not degenerate Into a trade war. The daily commented, textually: "The collapse of negotiations between the United CtßtM and Japan over
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 t-nrrlcn nrw> and feature* upprarini In aII edition* ill I lie Eastern Min unil Ihr sun are from I ICe inert., United Presa International. \k<• n < r I ranee Prrsw Kill tor* Pre*.* sttidirale. Newspaper KnlmtrlH' A«M>clatlon Pulilhhi'ri Hall H> initiate l.o* Aniirln j Timet. iidicate. O*. mini N
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 621 9 PAGE a SPECIAL since Joe McGinnis gave the J world a lesson in presidential packaging with his book, "The Selling of the President/' there has been uneasy feel- ing going around. A whiz-bang advertising campaign could get just about anybody a
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  • 392 9  -  THE WELL CHILD By Dr. Wayne Brandstadt Infants whose birth Wright is normal must be given 1 milligram of Iron per kilogram of body weight every day beginning at the age of three months. The dally dosage •hould not. however, exceed 15 milligrams. Infants with
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  • 350 9 A couple of years ago, a couple of young Frenchmen named Guy Bcrbey and Jocques-Andre Prevost committed themselves to a task that, as Charles Aina* your would chant, seemed formidable. They would not only lure American tourists to Paris but prove to them
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  • 539 10/11 Mrs S. Rajaratnam, the wife of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and concurrently the Labour Minister, receiving a bouquet of flowers from a young lady dressed in the old tradition of the Ming Dynasty at the official opening of the $2O million Ming Court Hotel last Saturday. Mr.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1601 12 LOOKING AND LISTENING.,..iv radio guide A V. MAt.lt n 36)9 jf TAUIUS m. M 7V< hai tt Of V 5-14-li &SU1 n MMINI Vfjmt t» Of* HfrM CAMCU II MHvtV n rm 24.37* i>fr7-7MH7 Monday. June 29, 1970. STAR. GAXER*'^ By CLAY 1POLLAN H Vs*T Dot// Afiirity GviJt H «/r
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  • Students' Page
    • Article, Illustration
      377 14 HOW (Vat was a very enthusiastic and diligent boy lie wan verj helpful to his clansmates Often, when they were in doubts or difficulties How Cheng w as very willing to help them. In the first and second term examinations How Cheng topped his class. More friends
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    • Article, Illustration
      512 14 ACQUIRING bad habits is simple, yet abandoning them is a test for human courage and will power. The more we indulge in vices, the more intensely our de sires crave for them A wise person will always exert all his determination to check himself from succumbing to the
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    • 587 14  -  Dateline HI 3F By Ele, Walt Dulaney Dear Ele and Walt: I am a 15-year-old girl and I'm afraid of boys. For a while I thought I was weird because I felt mor e at ease in the company of my own se> than with a
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    • 186 14 SEOUL South Korean high school do not believe people enJoying prestigious social status are contributing much to economic development. according to a survey conducted by a research institute of the Seoul National University. The order of prestigious social status, in the eyes of high school students, was;
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 195 14 ESSAY CONTEST: Rules to observe The Eastern Sun's essay writinq contest tor boys and girls of 14 and under (Junior) and boys and girts over 14 (Senior) appear* in this page from Monday to Friday. Prize money is: $lO for Senior* and $5 for Juniors ♦or every et-s««y published All
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    • 1226 15  -  So you think you know your onions as far as beauty is concerned? Hut your greatgrand mother probably had the rdge on you! By Katharine Hill IN TOI) A Y'tj age of "beautiful people' most modern women consider lliey know everything there is to
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    • 502 15  -  Ann Landers BEAR ANN: I was stunned by your answer to the woman who was mad because the 14-year-old neighbour girl kissed her husband "Happy Birthday" and presented him with a pair of argyle sock which she knitted for him. All this was
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    • 39 15 Aaron Rose, holding an ancient wooden plan« eight feet long, displays part of his huge collection at New York's Hallmark Ga'lery. Rose owns more than a thousand craft tools dating back to medieral times. Antique-tool collector
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 320 17 WEEKLY STOCK MARKET REVIEW business was noted in the Stock Market at the beginning of the week but tended to subdue as the weekend approached. At usual, industrials dominated the scene in H«e market through, out the week leaving hotels, properties and the smaller commodity
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    • 224 17 VEW YORK Coal and steel scrap shortages are spurring a basic change in steel-making technology, Iron Age said over the weekend. The direct reduction process, in which ore is reduced to iron without melting. is taking the place of the -year-old blast furnace, the national ■netalworking
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 756 17 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC SCHOOI INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS are invited from suitably qualified persons fo« posts as Senior Instructors or Instructors m the Departments of Civil Engineering Cr Building, Mechanical O Production and Electrical Engineering DiNM: THE successful applicants will be expected to give instruction to technician students in one or mure
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    • 62 17 Classified Ad. Sales Service Icl«!vi*iou I Radio KM.II rUIMON Ifcll VISION KKMIU ii p 04MI Otnill'U tiiifr to <»H r» fljuiif <tkii«r<iiinu; l lrniru. rju limtt ioo ibiil K««l lliatu JuruiK RKUM'M HION RtrilHH inv w\Kk o» rv unit iMlrtfcd Niinlrimrt Phitnr lt!ll t H'mwe lauiinuuai irml S/>lrm> I Circuit
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  • 1331 18 By Our Racing Correspondent ABLE Envoy, with George Pod mo re up, put up a spa Hi ling Crformance when he I all the way to win the class two division one field over 61 at Kuala Lumpur yesteriay. The Idomeneo gelding was
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  • 90 18 KIMBKRI.Y. South Africa. White and coloured rugb v fans clashed yesterday in a racial brawl after New Zealand tourists beat the local Griqualand West Team The trouble started as thousands of tators streamed on to the playing field on the De Beers Stadium after the m a
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  • 162 18 The annual closed championships for the pistol and revolver lection, organised by the Singapore Rifle Association will commence on July 12. The championships Will alßo serve as a trial for the Asian Games, •cheduled to be held in December at Bangkok The following have been
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  • 155 18 CASTLE ROCK. Colo. Indianapolis 500 winner A 1 Unser broke a Continental Divide Raceway <CDR) track record yesterday to take the pole position tor Indy-Rocky Mountain 150 Unser of Albuquerque headed the pack of 21 drivers who qualified lor the 150-mlle race over CDR's 2 66-mile,
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  • 157 18 THE CURRAGH, Ireland New Yorfc sportsman Charles Engelhard scored his third Irish Sweeps Derby success in four years today when Nijinsky stormed home to take the 57,000 pounds (*****,400) prize. Nijinsky. ridden by Irish jockey Liam Ward and trained by Vincent O'Brien, won the English Derby at
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 46 18 fTOTAL POOL: ($18,622) Ist Prize No: *****4 ($4,609) 2nd Prise No: *****6 ($2,304) 3rd Prize No: *****3 ($1,152) Starters ($ll5 each) Nos: *****8 *****7 *****9 *****1 *****9 *****7 *****9 *****7 *****5 *****1 Consolation ($lO2 each) Nos: *****8 *****3 *****6 *****0 *****8 *****2 *****3 *****5 *****2 *****6
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    • 338 19 Singapore won the three day Test' cricket match against Malaysia by an innings and 22 runs when play concluded before tea time at the Padang yesterday. Overnight Malaysian batMiirn, C. Navaratnam and T. Hart wrre dismissed by (iarnn in the first two over* and Malaysia were all
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    • 203 19 BALTIMORE, Md Bob Faster, who successfully defended his light, heavyweight title with ft 10th round knockout over Mark Tessman, said last night he would like "two or tliree lights Against some good heavyweight before Joe Frazier.'» The 31-year-old champion said he was disgusted about not
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    • 184 19 NEW YORK Major league baseball results and standings after Saturday's games: NATIONAL LKAGUE BAST W I. <;» New York 38 32 Pittsburgh 38 35 1| Chicago 35 33 2 St. Louis 33 36 41 Philadelphia 31 37 6 Montreal 27 44 lli WEST Cincinnati 51 21 Los
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    • 221 19 AURORA, Ohio Quiet Grier Jones shot a two under par 70 today to take the lead in the 150,000 U.S.-dollar Cleveland Open golf tournament with a six-under par 134 for 36 holes. Steve Eirhstaedt. a Vietnam veteran from Florida, shot a blistering second round five under
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    • 580 19 \VTIMBLEDON Defending champion Rod Laver of Australia and third-seeded Arthur Ashe of the United States were ousted from the U. 5.5100,000 Wimbledon Open Tennis Championship Saturday in upsets. Roger Taylor of England, who said later "I guess I was the only man who believed I could win,"
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    • 79 19 COWES. Isle of Wight. British Prime Minister Edward Heath yesterday skippered h 1 s yatch Morning Cloud to a fifth place finish In the annual sailing race around the Isle of Wight ofT the southern coast of England. Heath, one of 480 starters In the race, took six
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    • 174 19 MANILA Indonesia's Heinke I ri.iw.in yesterday came from behind a 12-man field to lead on the first day of the two-day Ist Manila International Karting Prix. The miniature car Grand Prix being run on a 1.2 mile circuit at seaside Luneta Park in downtown Manila offers
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    • 46 19 JAKARTA Malaysia notched up two late goals here last night to snatch a 2-0 victory over South Korea and captured the Jakarta Anniversary Soccer Cup. After a goalless, even-ly-matched first half, the Malaysians took control of the situation with a spries oL attacking lorays.
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  • 976 20  -  By Ben Variyan jy|ALACCA, Just five minutes drive from this town is o settlement along the coast facing the Straits of Malacca. It is a settlement of o forgotten race the Portuguese. Today is a special day for them to forget their poverty and celebrate
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  • Page 20 Advertisements