Eastern Sun, 20 June 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN .Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Esfd. 1966 Vol. 4 No. 1374 Saturday, June 20 1970. MC (P) 1616
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  • Article, Illustration
    691 1 LONDON Conservative Party Leoder Edward Heath won on upset British general election yesterday. The Conservatives oppeored to hove a mojority over Labour of obout 42 seats. The prediction was made when only eight results were awaited. The Conservatives have so tar won 330 seats, Labour 288, Liberals five
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  • 56 1 BANGKOK, Thai Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn today flew to Saigon on a surprise one-day visit believed to be linked with the sending of Thai troops into Cambodia. Military sources said the Prime Minister would have talks w ith Saigon leaders and would inspect Thailand's 11.000xrian Black
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  • 29 1 KOTA BHARU, Kelantan trounced Singapore 8 0 n the second leg of the Malaysia Cup semi-final before 50,000 cheering fans in the Sultan Mohammad SUtdiU4Q hej« today.
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  • 43 1 MOSCOW, The twoman Soyuz-9 spacecraft parachuted safely to earth in the Soviet Union yesterday, ending an earth orbital flight of nearly 18 full days that put Russia ahead of America in the field of space endurance, the official news agency Tass said.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 FRIENDSHIP TRADING GO 28,Kerbau Road, Singapore 8. Tel: 2<4686 MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (Incorporated in the State* of Malaya Malay*)*) AUTHORISED CAPITAL. $5O 000 000 PAID UP CAPITAL 4 RESERVES: »37.«00 000 GROUP ABSETb EXCEED: »'<oo 000.00® For your information. a network ol over 100 branches in Malaysia. Singapore, London Hongkong
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  • 123 2 OSAKA Josephine Wong Yaw Jeug of Malaysia today became "Expo '70 Queen." The Malaysian lass, 18. was chosen from among 55 beauties from different countries. They are on their way to compete in the Miss Universe beauty pageant in Miami, Florida. The contest was
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  • 259 2 i motor-cyclist was killed instantly yesterday in an accident at Robinson Roa<J with a car and a lorry. He has been identified as Yeo See Chuan, 52 of Tiong Poh Road. The driver of the lorry, Ishuk bin Hassan, 48. was seriously injured. However, the
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  • 158 2 Tun Abdul Razak to night stressed that the "brave and firm"national ideology was the only guarantee for a "truly united" Malaysian society. He called on the people to be guided by the ideloogy as "this is a firm, brave and necessary measure to ensure th it
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  • 98 2 The police are offering a reward of $lO,OOO for the arrest of thieves who stole $338,470 worth of jewellery and antiques. The theft was at No. 349, Pasir Panjang Road. In the event of partial recovery of the stolen property. the reward will be paid in
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  • 54 2 A detective corporal. Lionel Jerome de Souza. was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday for accepting a bribe. He was alleged to have accepted $4O from Abbas bin Mohammed in return for not arresting him for selling Indian nemo. A bail of $2,000 was granted. The case wil
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  • 161 2 An eight-month pregnant woman would not have died if she had gone for an antenatal check-up in a maternity clinic. This was stated by Dr. Tai Chao, an assistant pathologist of o>> tram Road Hospital this morning in the Coroner's Court. This was an inquiry into
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  • 111 2 Fourteen young people, nine of which were girls, were yesterday convicted. The v were sentenced to nine month's jail for likely to cause public alarm' on May, 28 at Amoy Street. They were also sentenced to three months' jail for beinjj member* of an unlawful assembly. Both
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 3 "CLEAN AIR" an antt-| nmoKC device for curbing air pollution by carbon'] monoxide emitted troui the exhaust at dioael pcvtied vehicle# J Swed Mi Engineers flying here VXJD to Instruct local mechanics how to mount ana adjust this! delicate device 1 est* d ana recommended oy, the U b
      75 words

  • 209 3 The five-power defence arrangement in this region will be strengthened if the British Conservative party came into power. Australian Defence Minister J. M. Fraser said this yesterday shortly after he met Defence Minister Lim Kim San. Karlier. Mr. Fraser met Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew a»
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  • 76 3 A youth who stole a car for a "joy ride" was today sentenced to 30 months jail by the Fourth District Court. Goh Kah Thiam, 22, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a car belonging to Lee Wei Teck valued at $3,200 along Lorong 13,
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  • 94 3 LAYANG. Johore One of the three coaches of the express train travelling from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur caught fire here this afternoon. The coach named "Tun Tahir" was engulfed b v flames at about 3 p.m shortly after pulling out of Layang La.vang railway station. All the
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  • 289 3 Singapore could contribute towards the industrial development of Its two neighbours, Indonesia and Malaysia. Finance Minister Goh Keng Sure said this last night at the annual dinner of the Singapore Manufacturers' Association at Tropicana. He said. "If we grow In affluence while they do not, we
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 EXPO "70 it MiN waiting tor you Witti all tha charm and aicitamant of jm m Japan Why not lat Aifl VIETNAM taka you thara? Diraci to OSAKA, from I mf IV* I PI JA M HONGKONG or TAIPEi Al»o from KUALA LUMPU« or SINGAPORE to mm W■» SAIGON and
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  • 262 4 THE PRIZE OF WAR T>HNOM PENH The mystery of the 4,065 captured rifles was solved today. By that time, the South Vietnamese had already flnwn 4 helicopter loads of newsmen to see them The "captured" arms turned out to be Cambodian
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  • 98 4 JAKARTA Hone Kong movie magnate Bun Kun Shaw denied reports that hi* arm was offering American comedian Danny Kaye a S(9 million Hollar contract. Shaw declared the report*. originating in the United States "are lust rumours." He was addressing a reception for delegate* to the
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  • 48 4 More than 500 people last night attended a preview ol the latest range of pioneer audio equi(>ment before sitting down to a sumptions dinner al Mine Court Hotel The function was jointly organised by the Pioneer Electronic Corporation and local firm, Hwee Song and Co.
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  • 114 4 ROMK Bus drivers and .senior civil servant* joined other workers yesterday in strike. However, Italians were so elated over their team's 4-3 win in the World CUQ semi finals in Mexico that they paid little attention to the walkouts The strike begun yesterday by 30.000 senior
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  • 169 4 RAWALPINDI President Yahya Khan disclosed America has not approved the sale of 100 Patton tanks to Pakistan. Yahya will fly to Moscow 011 Monday for a flve-day state visit. However, be claimed he was not carrying to Moscow a list of Pakistan's arms requirements. Secret
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 When Hie weather is lulrry, all forms of fever will come. Three Legs Brand RHINO HORN FEVER WATER is good for relief of all fevers and also as a cure for baby's measles and pos fevers. iR 1 nii iij VA T M WEN KEN DRUG COMPANY LIMITED HradOflit-e Branch
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 5 ASAHIYAMA ZOO of Hokkaido recently announced that it had succeeded In crossing a tebra and a donkey. The new animal is dubbed dobra by zoo officials. It is wearing the "striped stockings" of her mother, a zebra named Rosa. However, it has the father's long donkey ears
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  • 113 5 WASHINGTON Communist China is interested in resuming ambassadorial talks with America in Warsaw. They were postponed because President Nixon's venture in Cambodia, diplomatic sources disclosed. East European diplomats who have talked recently in Peking with Premier Chou En Lai and other high communist officials
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  • 36 5 WASHINGTON, A B t a t e Department spokesman said last night he could not confirm Bangkok reports that some of the 12,000 Thai troops In South Vietnam already had been moved Into Cambodia.
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  • 148 5 MONTREAL Cuba's treatment of aircraft hijackers was praised yesterday by the chief U.S. delegate to the special assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) here. Frank Loy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, disclosed that so far, most hijackers who had diverted VS. plane* to Cuba
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  • 125 5 MIAMI, Florida Police with shotguns responded to scattered outbreaks of violence in two Negro areas last night. This was the city's fourth night of violence. Police reported sporadic gunfire in the Liberty City-Browns-vllle area and Ih coconut Orove, 6 miles to the south. The former was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 127 5 SPECIAL COUPON EXCHANGE GIF! SCHEME From 14th May Draw No: 38 70) to 26th July (Draw No: 59 70) 1970 If ym 'A* portions Hm witb «m o» both tabic* Ml« 4, do mot wim any o# Hie groap primes. RETAIN a*4 accwmaUte H»em in exchange for thete FREE CIFTS.
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  • 121 6 Sweden Two persons were killed and 71 injured when on express train with 300 pessengers derailed. If crashed east of this port city in West Sweden yesterday. One of the victims was a Finnish citizen. However, police declined to announce hLs name pending notification
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 6 MEN ON TIIF. MOON could around faster with this aircushion vehicle, according to the proposed concept. The "Lunagem" generates (iftin r force from eas pressure, raising the vehicle about an inch off the ground. It can achieve relatively high speeds and traverse obstacles up to 2 feet in
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  • 102 6 NEW YORK. Gold prices were steady to easier in featureless trading on markets here and abroad Thursday. London gold was 6 cents higher at the morning fixing. 6 cents lower at the afternoon fixing at (35.40. unchanged from Wednesday afternoon. Pans gold slipped four cents to $35.66
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  • 54 6 PEDRLCKTOWN. New Jersey Amateur archaeologists in Salem County have uncovered the skeleton of a Sixth Century man. It was subsequently examined by Richard Regensberg. a University of Delaware archaeologist. He estimated the era in which the man lived. The excavation site near here was thought to have been
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  • 36 6 AMMAN Two Palestinian guerrilla leaders warned more fluting with regular troops was imminent unless certain Jordanian officials were dismissed from their posts. They demanded the disbanding of the crack Jordanian Thunderbolt' unit.
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  • 119 6 MOSCOW—U Thant last night met Soviet Foreign Minister Gr«mvko for talks on the international situation. He Is also scheduled to meet Soviet Premier Kosygln during a fourday stay. Power U Thant also plans to meet the Swedish Ambassador to the Soviet Union. Gunnar Jarring,
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  • 151 6 ROME The Italian Government has rejected Vatican claims that divorce in Italy would break an international agreement between them. The official disclosure came as the Senate began a crucial debate on a bill. If would permit Italian couples to divorce after ftv e
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  • 53 6 MANILA. Four prisoners were killed yesterday In a jailbreak at Davao City, 600 miles southeast of here. Three others escaped. The break came at 6 a m., when seven prisoners awaiting trial on robbery charges broke out ol the city jail armed with dynamite
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  • 114 6 UTRECHT. Holland. Dutch firemen helped by army tanks fought a huge bush fire It threatened to engulf a small town near here. The 4.000 people of T Harde were ordered to evacuate as the t.re raced through dry bushes. At one stage, the town was blacked
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  • 739 7 BURMESE troops ore wary of attacking Kyugok, a town 100 yards from the Chinese border. They obondoned it to Burmese communists in Morch. Soldiers have been told to avoid at all costs hitting Chinese soil with stray bullets, because the government
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  • 366 7  -  THE DOCTOR SAYS By Dr. Wayne Brandstadt Q I get a severe heartburn every time 1 drink coffee or orange Juice or take aspirin. What can I do to get rid of all that acid and what can I take In place of aspirin? A—lf you don't
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  • 640 8 fpHE police statement that the Barisan Sosialis party here is under orders to promote terrorism and is part of the organization in Malaysia which has stepped up activities along the Thai-Malaysian border is nothing new to people who have taken interest in Communist activities in Southeast Asia.
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  • 463 8  -  By Art Buchwald WASHINGTON The Women's Liberation people take themselves very seriously and well they might. It's very hard to say anything to them without getting them very mad. While 1 have no idea what you should say to someone in Women's Lib, herr are some
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  • 244 8 LONDON. The 1 'Daily Mali" (Conservative) today summed up British reaction to the general election result with the comment that it had been "one of the century's most sensational turnabout election*". The mall's conclusion was typical of the commentaries front-paged by all Britain's dally
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  • 620 8 \I\V YORK: It is said that during times of trial. President Warren G. Harding often withdrew into a White House closet to contemplate decisions and other matters at hand Harrv S Truman once likened the presidency to riding a tiger. A man has to keep
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 Fnrelen new* and features appearing In nil edition* of the Katlrrn Sun anil The sim arc from: Renter*. United Pre** Internal tonal. genre Franc* Pre**e Editor* Press Syndicate. Newspaper Enterprise A*M»- elation. Publisher* Halt Syndicate, I,n* Aneele* Time* Syndicate. <Jemlnl News Hervlie. North American New»ri per Alliance. Fir*t eat it
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  • 1610 9 Day's Best: Count Babu, Sir Knight, Even Better Coing: Good Race 1: CI. 6 Div. 2 9 F. 2.15 P-iti. ($5,000) I. ***** lanjong Huofih 5y 900 A Tan IE Donnelly! Cheain t> a ***** Cutr Co-Id 7y 8 10 Wong ft Ten <Bougoure) Mtlebell 1
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  • 250 9 IIKNM ROY CISCO /OlMAC It u fc 1 (3) fl«L COUNT H\HI Ml) ree (lit* C»N (3) 4 (III (OIL) Count llaliu Mi) ree (4) (0) Ml Y It I K llftlitniuc 1 la-l» lhai l.o> HAlt 1 1 (12) (15) (11) HEU1 URCEN Count Carlo Yankee Clipper 77)
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  • 826 10  -  By Denni Boy S1 R KNIGHT, a beaten favourite last week, should recoup his losses in rare four today. A New Zealand gelding by Martian U. Sir Knight WAS well back in the early stages of the race but came home well and was running
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  • 74 10 ROME, A Germm tourist was among the four television viewers who died of heart attacks in Italy while watching Italy's semifinal victory over West Germany in the World Football Cup at Mexico City last Wednesday. The 65-year-old tourist, Ernst Kiendermann holt* daying at Marina neir Rimini on the
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  • 58 10 NEW YORK, A record sum of $160,000 will be distributed in prize money for this year's Forest Hills open tennis tournament. This is $23,000 more than last year's total. The men's singles title winner will receive $20,000 as against $16,000 last year and the women's singles title winner
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 75 10 THE BEST TOURIST JET SERVICE IN ASIA AIR CAMBODGE with more than 50 flights weekly is the only airlihe with extra services between Singapore, Hongkong, Bali, Canton and Phnom Penh or Siemreap For your convenience! These places are only hours apart! HONGKONG i —r < y Ss, ANGKOR SKI When
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  • Article, Illustration
    137 12 BOATING ENTHUSIASTS who also are home handymen will find this piece of equipment to their liking. Called an "AHaboard," the device was developed by an American Red Cross official as a safety item. In addition to use as a gangplank, a stretcher and a float for tired swimmers,
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  • 153 12 NEW YORK. (UPI) Following are the standings and results after major league games Thursday: AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST W L GB Baltimore 39 23 New York 38 25 1} Detroit 31 28 6' Boston 29 30 8} Washington 29 33 10* Cleveland 27 32 10} WEST Minnesota
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  • 234 12 SINGAPORE Civilians left here »his morning by oir for the second leg of the Malaysia Cup semi-final soccer tie against Kelantan at 4.30 p.m. ot th e Koto Bohru stadium today. The line up for today's vital game v»bitb will decide the learn to meet
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  • 70 12 IX>NDON At the final forfeit stage today Nija and Laugo were taken out of the New Stakes Royal Ascot tomorrow, leaving six declared runners. High Line, Tantivy, Coolroy, Torpid Mnrechal Drake and Durango were taken out of the Gold Cup Royal Ascot tomorrow, leaving six declared runners. Approval,
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  • 109 12 MEXICO CITY Rudi Glockncr, of East Germany, will referee the World Cup final between Brazil and Italy at the Aztec Stadium here tomorrow. Glockner, 41, a business man from Markranstadt, speaks only German. Before the World Cup he had officiated in half a dozen international matches. Although
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  • 77 12 LONDON Scores on thp second day of the first cricket test between England and the Rest of the World at lord's here yesterday: England Ist innines 127 (Sobers six for 21) Rest of the World Ist innings (resumed at 115 fo r two): 168 for two B Richards
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  • 82 12 Twenty teams from Malaysia ana Singapore will take part In a six-a-slde hockey tournament at the municipal padang here on tomorrow. The tournament, sponsored by the Pan Malaysia Works, will be opened by the Mentri Besar of Perak, Dato Hajl Kamaruddin bin Hajl Mohamed I sa The
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  • 39 12 RASTBOURNE. England. Andres Gimeno of Spain. the second seed recovered after dropping the first set to b«at Britain's Mark Cox 5-7. 6-4. 6-1 in the men's singles quarter-finals of the South of England Tennis Championships here yesterday
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  • 590 13  -  *y Sheila Graham NKW YORK "I remember Jack Barrymore saying, 'Slay out of films, go into the theatre'," said Anthony Quinn, explaining why he is now plunging into, television, the once despised medium of the arts "Stage Actors." said Tony "used to be so
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  • 95 13 Miss Sayuri Yo.shinaga and Mr. Koji Ishizaka. Japan's idol matinee of the movie* were at the Manila Hilton to film a movie for Shojiku Film Co., one of the biggest done in connection with the Shojiku' Co.'s 75th anniversary. The Japanese film was shot on location in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 28 13 feApIACE HITE-CUIB ««L* 4 Miss LILY YUEH-THE NIGHTINGALE OF TAIWAN Miss JULIE FUNG at the mikr and accompanied by The Set Palace Quintet. Special luncheon music on Sandan
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 277 13 OPOAIMISATIOIM ORCHARD-3 2161 171b l)*V Oally Shorn! |M «00 h :'M •14 p m TUMIIKHOH Eilra Bho» U m > M* s »l." In Color niallUiL.l ODEON 2 111< NOW SHOWING! II :<O. I.o* 6 V :c» p m •fc*A The H»j 1« l«o»e' Keuate Laraen. Color iMdMi rONIOHT MIDNIGHT'
      277 words
    • 293 13 SHAW I SH iOT ISATION L I D O PH0n.*****4 Mow Showing No Prfe Lint 11. I 4ft 4 O.M A l llpa MIBACMt or uri" WiiiPxcreen v Color Udo Kn Hky: Ton '(lit H tltf lhe Prlre Uit" A SHAW PKOOUCTION) M nidirii> la ttcope .k Color CAPITOL J77SV
      293 words

  • 602 14  -  DICK KLEINER TUCSON, Aril. (NEA) When Sherry Lansing was going to Northwestern, majoring in dramatic arts, the class studied motion pic- ture directors. They were taught that Howard Hawks had one type of girl he liked tall. thin, dark-hair-ed long-legged girls with husky voices. Fade
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 14 A scene in the forthcoming 20th Century-Fox picture "Beneath the planet of the apes".
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  • 594 14 HOLLYWOOD "Look at me, the movie star," Norma Crane said. She giggled nervously and pointed to the eurlers in her hair and the robe she wore. It was understandable, both the nervousness and the costume She was leaving, a few hours later, for
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    • 194 15  -  by Marianne Pereira FOR girls who have hern wanting a sports car, and their families and husbands a pratical family car. Ford has come up with a com- promise. It is the new Capri. It looks like a sports. Expensive looking and sleek, it
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    • 565 15  -  Ann Landers DEAR ANN: I have a problem I have never seen in your column. I have a real hangup on people who snore I know where it came from. My mother was widowed when I was five years old Two years later she married a
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    • 252 15  -  By MARY SUE MILLER A COMMON excuse for failing to exercise In summer is the heat. Maybe it's the one you Use? If so, my friend, you must face the fact that you will carry a burden of excess inches before the rool days of autumn.
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    • 43 15 MALK gravitation focusing on Aurora Pijuan, Miss International, at Filipino collection of I. Moreno at Manila Hilton's Top of the Hilton. She models a maxi-mini featuring a wrap-around over mini, clinched by Middle Eastern Inspired belt with its own bagatelle.
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 431 16 SYDNEY The market on Sydney Stock Exchange Friday fluctuated wildly-It rose in the morning, flowed in the mid session and rose strongly in the last quarter hoar of trading. Poseidon took a turn for the worst and closed $6 under Thursday's final price of $l3O. WMC
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    • 246 16 July first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur at 56J cents per lb. down cents from the previous close. The tone of the market was easier. After a fractionally lower opening following London advioes, stale bull selling and lack of orders
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    • 24 16 MANILA The Philippine peso Friday remained unchanged at 620 pesos against one US. dollar. Sales on the Interbank currency market totalled U*****,000.
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    • 165 16 NEW YORK Stocks, helped by some encouraging economic news, closed on the upbeat Thursday, with blue ehips lea<lin f the way. Turnover, however, remained »ght- At the close, the Dow Jones industrial average was ahead 8.15 to 712 83. The UPI marketwlde Indicator showed a
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    • 36 16 NEW YORK, Dow Jones closing averages Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Industrials 712 69 20 Transportation 139.01 15 Utilities 58.26 65 Stock! 126.90 40 Bonds 67.03 Commodity futures ind*x 135.26-0. 17
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    • 81 16 HIE Board of Martin Corp. Ltd., Merchant Bankers, recently announced In Sydney the formation of a holding company, Martin Corporation Group Limited, to acquire all the Issued shared of Martin Corp. Ltd. and Its subsidiaries. Th« group also plans to ofTer at a later date a shareholding
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    • 17 16 Business done on the Straits tin market yesterday was $644 per picul down 121 cent*.
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    • 52 16 S. H Benson (Malaya) Sdn. Berhad, a member of the Benson Needham Unlvas world Network, has announced the appointment of Harry Reid as supervisor on the Malayan Tobacco account. Mr. Reid was previously with Bensons Australian company in Melbourne and before that worked In London and Hong Kong.
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    • 27 16 OSAKA, Nippon Sheet Glass Co. said Thursday it w ill shortly «PPW for government permission to tie Uq with a major Iranian sheet glass producer Ghazvinglass.
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    • 103 16 The Port of Singapore Authority has made the folio wlag berthing arrangements for today. June 2*. ARRIVALS God owns Ves&rls 6/7 Kyoyu Maru 21 East Sletter 22 Eastern Luck 25/26 Ramonererett 27/28 Fuyo Maru 89/90 Kyoryu Maru 35/36 Santos Maru 42/43 Tjingara 45 Glengyle 47 11NMS
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    • 138 16 Mr. Jonathan Martin has hern appointed district sales manager for BOAC in Singapore, lie comes to his new post directly from Hong Kong, where he held a similar position with responsibilities for the Crown Colony and Taiwan. He Joined BOAC In 1958 and worked in the
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    • 56 16 SYDNEY Australia may gain some special trade concession when Britain joins the European Common Market, Australian Minister for Trade and Industry Mr. John McEwen said Friday Speaking at Sydney Airport on his departure for a round of trade talks in England. Europe and Japan, Mr. McEwen declined
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    • 147 16 MR. NELSON Vermette, general manager of the Mandarin Hotel presently under construction on Orchard Road, announced the appointment ol Mr. Outdo Jonas as director of food and beverage operation of the 40storey hotel. Mr. Jonas received his early education In Germany after which he attended New
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    • 133 16 HONG KONG Friday's 5 ptn. currency rales (supplied by ment Ltd.): Foreign Exrhange and In vert (Ha; en) (Sellers) 1955 196.5 per 100 Straits dollars 140.5 1475 per 1,000 Taiwan dollars 6.74 0.75 per Australian dollar 350 .170 per 1,000 Burmese kyats 460 400 per 1.000 Indian
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  • 287 17 By Our Market Reporter VfOLUME ol business done surged ahead in the Stock llxchange yesterday. But after proiit taking several counters eased towards the close of the market. The overall market closed moderately firm with the exception of sterling rubbers which absolutely had no business throughout the
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  • 151 17 LONDON: A last minute public opinion poll showing a strong ■wing to the Conservative Party on election day boosted stock market prices Thursday in a flurr v of speculative buying Some leading indus tri il i*su« came off the top before the Anal hell. The
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  • 626 17 4I4UH %l.« 1 4 m Mi\ MA IMJIU 1 umpiir 6 in ftMi Mi»»l»*» 1 10 4 ill VIM Iftl MIHU 1 niupur Ju in MM* IV KIMI 1 umpiir 11 0-*i in MH* iti r.naiiE kilili 1 liliipui 11 fW iin MS( JIH J ik'irl 4 1
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  • 98 17 Till. ntioa prlrn HI lie "iliic i inirr (hiiie-e Pl'Mllllf rxli.inre fcnlrriJaf were CiMonui oil OK.) Itulk *.H (H) ClKHIIilJt Oil It O It Drum 1.0 00 M (<i|trw 54 im Munf.ik Mhitr IVpprr (FI)K| IT* SO *4ra»4k VV hue Ppppl-f (I'OK.) 170 «M »>iir iw iH III.irk l'«
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  • 831 17 BUSINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Stork Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Alcan $157 (I) $155 (3) 51.56 (7); DIM $1 59 (1); Borneo (I 66
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  • 657 17 HID i&nd ofYcr prices officially listed at the close of business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stork Fxchange yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS K 8. ACM A i SO AIcjM! 1 56 Ben IV 1.54 Born'O t 6f 1 Mi Roustrad xd 1 84 1
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  • 68 17 (Mjtnacrra* Price for lunr i'i) CIIAKTKKI I) UNIT TKU8T8 1 9 (> fund 1 00 \s|\ NIT TK1HTH M Invst. 1 20 I'u ml td MS HIMiAPOKK IMT ImI H'p«»rp 2nil H piirf 2 61 1 KM :»r«l S'pore 1 16 Com lu<1 M 1 00\il The Hiivln*
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 91 17 Classified Ads. Sales Cr Service Television Radio KFm»USION I tit. VISION KKVI\|.K CASH Complrtr rmngr to Milt everyone. Showroom*: C'lnmiK.-.u Urnnr J»« (bUI Koa.l 1.*****11 Jut-one *Jf°UM? ,ON r »»*»ks 4NV M\K» OK TV SI. i s R.i'liophonr ontroHnl Mjin tenanrr Phone MttJl f H-norr Communal Aerial doted Circuit TV
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 1791 18 LOOKING AND LISTENING.. iv and radio guide Min Saturday, June 20, 1970. ARKS YT? haa. i» i» ;S-7VHI yf TAURUS yf TAURUS AM. IO lV* MAT 10 STAR. GAXER'*^ By CLAY R. rOLLAN Your Daily Activity Guide Nf nyj jj V According to the Start. V HJ To develop messoge
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