Eastern Sun, 18 June 1970, Afternoon Edition

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 15 1 EASTERN SUN EVENING 10 CE Vol. 4 1372 MC (P) 1616 Thursday, June 18 1970
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  • 330 1 V\f ELLINGTON Members of the Asion and Pocific Council ore prepared to co-operate with Russia to prevent China increasing its influence in Southeast Asia, sources said today. Delegates to the fifth ministerial meeting of the counci l were told that Russia had mode clear
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  • 216 1 ENGLAND—A church choirmaster who bad a love affair with a 13-year-old girl was jailed for 30 months today by a judge who called him "a sea erased organist." Arthur Mervyn Millar, 2fl, admitted in court in this east England town tbot after becoming choirmaster and parttime
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  • 81 1 It's a 17-ft. long niter with an outboard motor, or a boat shaped Hke a guitar depending on which way you look at H And, it's complete with strings so it would be ideal
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  • 146 1 LONDON, A spokesman for Malaysia!) Prlmf Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman said today the Tunku "had never said Malaysia would be coini back to parliamentary democracy in two months' time". The Tunku was quoted as having said this in an sirport statement at Colombo on his
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  • 163 1 KAMPALA, Brian Lra, thr British diplomat who disappeared for three days last month, said he was kidnapped three days after flirting with a young African girl. Lea. 49, a consular official was giving evidence at a Judicial curomission of Inquiry Into his disappearance. He said
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  • 29 1 MOSCOW. Foreign Minister ol Indonesia Adam Malik said today the Soviet attitude is negative on conveninu a new Oeneva coherence to nrgotiult la Indonesia
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  • 110 2 A 15-year-old Sikh girl fell to her death from the 16th floor of a block of flats at Queenstown, yesterday. Police hos identified her as Sav»r.der Kaur, fourth daughter of a watchman, Fauja Singh. Her parents were puzzled over her death fall
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  • 83 2 An export manager of a leading export-import firm was found dead in his bathroom this morning. Police identified him as Phagwantdas Vashishg. 40, of Ben and Co. in Kuching Road. Ills blood covered body, was found by a servant at 7.50 a.m. Police recovered
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  • 86 2 ENGLAND Rebel Conservative Enoch Powell received an anonymous letter today threatening his wife with an acid attack The letter said: "Your wife la too nice looking for you. Don't underestimate coloured men's kindness. If you get in again (as a member of parliament In today's general
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  • 40 2 OTTAWA Nine parliamentarians from Malaysia. Singapore and Hong Kong, were entertained yesterday at a luncheon given by Senator Maurice Bourget. They group are visiting guests of Canadian Parliament and met government officials to discuss international affairs.
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  • 127 2 Your way to better first-run movie viewing starts with this column: EVA The Way to Love, Odeon. Bares in Eastm a n c o 1 our the "facts of life and love". THE MOLLY MAOUIRES, Cathay, Oood performance from 8e a n Connery and Richard Harris In
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 2 HIS CAITSF Is himself. Pooran Singh is a 50-year-old earpenter from Calcutta who has carried his grievances against the Indian Government on his bark for more than a decade. His tools and clothes were stolen in 1959 and he has parried a petition on his shirt ever since.
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  • 48 2 Scores of vendors and news hungry readers rushed for the new tabloid format evening Eastern Sun which appeared yesterday for the first time. The Eastern Sun, which published tabloid -st s e in the morning, came out with an evening ediuon tabloid of course.
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  • 39 2 Lam Chew C'huan today claimed trial to a charge of punching a police officer at Jalan Besar yesterday. Hearing was fixed on August 25 in the Fourth Court and hail was offered at $250 in one surety.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 81 2 UJiliVlltllMlllfl w f r nil "CLEAN AIR" »n anttnmone device for curbing air pollution bf carbon monoxide emitted from the ex haunt of dlcael pc i ltd vehicle* I H wed Mi Englntent flying here eoon to Instruct local mechanics how to mount and adjtwt thta delicate device l«*Ud and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 241 2 OPf3AN)SATiorg ODEQN 2 OPEN* TOO %V! 11. IM. «M. VIS paa IV* TW War T. Lmrtltm*M Uma. Color iMOMi ON STAGE AT I II TIMKX PrrtcsU NUT THE CUM'K" AudioaM Participation She* SATURDAY MIDNIOHTt rsl'i "Itwilk TW rixrl Of TW *»tf" fVtoloa Charlton Helton In Color CAT HAY 3 3400J
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    • 168 2 SHAW ANISATTON IVM [L I O O fh0««*****4 l*4ir! N« I rrr List ii i u i.» i.U|.B. mibicu or urt W.tfricrwß Color NOW mowing: ii i m 4 t.» m ii»H rrw*rtct Stafford •*in v sion or ii Hor» In TrclultOlM Scopt Saturday Midnight at C4PirOUUOO-Bb *»T "IV Prte*
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  • 354 3 TX>LICE Reserve Units surrounded the Fifth District Court Htis morning os 15 young people went on triol for unlawful assembly. The police were there to maintain order but there was no trouble as the 15 young people filed into court from police
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  • 23 3 ■ft T Ma Ambang. 42. waa today fined «150 or g month's jail when he pleaded guilty to outranMNtf af a
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  • 97 3 Private Teo T«m Him, 19, of Ike Kingapare Aini Form was charged |kr Ninth CMit far causing the death af another aaMter. Pte Tah Chre Seng. It. Teo «u alleged have discharged two rounda of ammunition from a rifle which killed Pte Toh. The offence waa
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 HoW To Dunfe aßaraaiN i \V I V 2 4 4 J i anythmo. Mm yWn loading tor a |Q#«n 4 ll' 4* 119 At you drive away in your brand now car. pauaa far tent to congratulate yourself you've got everything you mM for. Including features that a lot
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  • 233 4 LIONGKONG—A month-long police hunt for the culprit of a double murder along o hillside lovers' lane has ended with a suspect being charged in court. Chan Yiu, 35, unemployed wot charged with murdering o girl university student, Francesco Leung, 22, and her fiance teacher
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  • 76 4 BAIOON. Students reie&sed from prison yesterday claim they had been tortured and called for "severe punishment's" for police responsible. Thejr called for the release of Ave fellow students still In the Chi Hoa prison. They warned that they would continue to fight until they had obtained "satisfaction"
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  • 81 4 HONG KONG A rescue tug has sailed to aid a British tanker crippled by explosion and Are caused by lightning The 22,723-ton British Architect has been abandoned The 47 people on board have been rescued by another British tanker, the 214,-000-ton Ardlui. The Ardlui will
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  • 189 4 PHNOM PENH The French doctor who sent Prince Norodom Sihanouk abroad for his health said today the former Cambodian Ruler's obesity probably cost him hct country. Dr Arm and Rtche also denied report* that Sihanouk was mentally 111. "Prince Sihanouk'* only problem vat
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  • 41 4 VIENTIANE. Communist forces set flre to a post at Bang Kok Mai four miles north of Saravane after taking It yesterday. The 600 to 800 defenders of the post withdrew after Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese troops attacked.
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  • 140 4 JAKARTA Former Indonesian President Sukarno is in critical condition and there is only little hope for his life, according to his second daughter Rachmawatl. Doctors are keeping a constant watch on him. Condition Is critical and there Is little hope. "I can do nothing but pray."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 SPECIAL COUPON EXCHANGE GIFT SCHEME From 14th May (Draw No. 38 70 to 26th July Draw No: 59 70; 1970 If your 'A' portions of the coupons, with one or borh tables filled, do not win any of the (roup prizes, RETAIN and accumulate them m exchange for these FREE
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  • 661 5  -  DICK KLEINER T>ETER Yates looked up of the tropical sky and sighed his 347 th sigh off the hour. Yates is directing o filn tailed "Murphy's War/' which is shooting in eastern Venezuela, on the bonks of the Orinoco River. And the rainy season is
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  • 40 5 WITH GREAT FEELING, ex-Marine Rick Hunter shows how the art of body finger-pointing is done. Hunter hos set up a studio in Seottle, Wash., where businessmen con proctice the art on live models for o substantial fee*
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  • 125 6/7 Would you believe It a girl with a figure like this who loves eating. It's true She's Barbara Duffy and a /oving SUN cameraman found her drinking in the sun on a beach at ramaroma, Australia Barbara is 21 a sun and
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  • Article, Illustration
    863 6/7  -  India sleeps while death lurks in the streets From Dale Morsch JYJORE than 1,000 Hindus and Moslems died in an orgy of mass murder that lasted six days in state last year. In Mav in neighbouring Maharashtra state, another orgy of communal violence claimed 300 lives. The
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  • Coping with ecology
    • 770 8  -  It's easier if you're young Part two By Dr. Martin Charles is undesirable sound. We send o tumult into our oirwoys from sonic boom of jets, from nerve-wrocking ru s h hour troffic, from building construction sites ond from blaring of loud and repetitive musical
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    • 284 8  -  THE DOCTOR SAYS By Dr. Wayne Brandstadt Although June Is traditionally known as the month of brides, weddings are fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. In planning a wedding, however, some couples fall to Include the blood test required In many countries. In some cases, this may
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    • 553 9  -  by Lee Mueller THE Bible does not tell us much about men's fashions. We know that Joseph had a coat of many colours and that Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes, but beyond that little attention is given to man's attire. Those were
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    • 134 9 MANUFACTURERS of to-called "alligatorhandbags are suddenly having a hard time. It's all because ihe word "alligator" has long been loosely used to describe a number of reptile skins, most of which arent alligator at all Recently. Federal legislation and laws In a number of American states have
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    • 219 9  -  By Mary Sue Miller Seen around town: I. Bulldog shoes whipping the hem of maxi raincoats through puddles and futters. What a splash! I Mini skirts revealing beautiful legs in ghastly poses twisted together like rope or spread In sprawls. Whatever happened to feminine
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    • 58 9 Here are some of the more imaginative costumes shown In New York by designers Pierre Cardln, left two. and Donald Brooks. Skirt lengths are long and boots seem to be "In" with one pair, right, madr of fabric matching dress. Shaggy coat follows poodle
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    • 120 9 COOL and colourful are hats this year which has restored the hat la fashion prominence in accessories. Paris and Rome designers all showed their midi styles with hats, usually lightweight brim, med straws to shade the face and lend that extra touch of drama. The straws
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    • 531 10 BRAZIL AND ITALY IN WORLD CUP FINAL MEXICO CITY, Italy, forced into extra tim« by a last second 1-| leveller, scored Hirst «or« is svertimi ts edge Wast Germany 4-3 today in Hlf semifinal af tfca wsjMi o c c a r The
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    • 633 10 GUADALAJARA,— Th« incredible Jairsinho, hammered from all fMailtn, atsured Brazil of their fourth World Cup final, with a three-ono victory over Uruguay yesterday. As Uruguay, with Ueir brick-wall defence weMgeneralled by Mujua and Ancbeta, rushed hard and fast into the game and scored a crucial
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    • 87 10 NEW YORK, Jerry Quarry shattered Mac Foster's mark of Invincibility here tonight, stopping (he previously undefeated heatjweight at two minutes and nine seconds of the sixth round hi a scheduled It-round bout at Madiaon Square Garden. After flee rounds of •eon battling between the two California!**, Quarry
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    • 140 10 GUADALAJARA. A wild free for all erupted yesterday outside Jalisco Stadium moments before the Brazil-Ururuay World Cup semi-final. Club swinging Jalisco state police waded into a crowd of about 190 fans to break up the fight Several rans were Injured in the scuffle but police asade no
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 81 10 A rocogniae 4 professional qualification In libra* iansb«p or recognised degree in Itoarianship. hfericMe rmqwit*4:~ At least thiee years' approved experience In library Experience in cataloguing would be an advantage Cowlidrtrd salary scale:$670 35 705/740 35 775/810 x 35 1020/1055 40 1255 per month. TV* point of entry in the
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  • 42 10 In L*vi«f Memory Mr V f late HM VfMwW# Dkammaiukhi wlw da- pArted from u« the full moon lay o# M»a sth moon lunar calendar (corraapond i i«f 3rtl July 19**). MAY bT ATTMN IK BUSS OF iIVANA! THE BUDOHIST UNION, SINGAPORE.
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  • 469 12 Mart still THE Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore continued to je mild today, following yesterday's trend. A feature when the exchange opened this morning was Pair Lady which inched six cents to *2.i9 Haw Par «u a shade steadier and was done at 96
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  • 200 12 familiar tourist haunt is being torn down to make way for the city's urban renewal projects. In the heart of busy Chinatown, the demolition has been going daily in Kreta Ayer area. In its place one day will rise two modern 21-storey buildings. The skeletal remains
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  • 139 12 PHNOM PENH, —Vietcong force* today surround the Cambo dian capital and attacked government forces af three major points north of the country. Rumount were circulating that the guerrillas might attack the eapltal tomorrow exactly three month* after the downfall of former Head ol State
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  • 32 12 W O L V E RHAMPTON The only coloured candidate opposing anti-im-migration conservative Enoch Powell in today's general elections has stood down under Labour Party pressure not to split the vote.
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  • 97 12 LONDON, Britain s girl athlete* will no longer gain an advantage as I hey breast the finishing tape with padded brassieres. Marea Hartman. secretary of the Women's Athletic Association, said: "Bome of our more flat-chested girls have not been too pleased with photo-flnlsh decisions which have gone
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 156 12 SHOPPING BARGAINS THIS WEEK C.K.TANG BARGAIN COUNTER (2ND. FIOOR) LADIES Cmllolc half *llp* Nj lon half *ltp« f Cardliim f Nt lon skirt* f Mjnnrlrlt* pjjiuun irom M fiom II 00 u fioni 91 VI u from *4 00 u $4 00 W ei» I 00 upward* I '>o upwarri*
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