Eastern Sun, 13 June 1970

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1 12 Eastern Sun

  • 132 2 It's vaccination time for the canine world, for the big Alsatian and the cute poodle. And Fat-fat, aged 1, a golden brown Daschund got his share of the jab (right) at the Kg. Java Road Veterinary centre. Proud owner (face hidden) is Madam Yong
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  • 125 2 THE pastor of the Eternal Life Baptist Church, Mr David Chan, will be ordained into the miniatry this Sunday. He will be the first Singaporean ordained to the Baptist Ministry. Mr. Chan was educated at Nee Boon Secondary School Canberra School and Naval Baae Secondary School.
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  • 66 2 TOKYO. Fri (Reuter) Laotian Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma has said he would not ask Washington or sa'E on to send troops to Laos even if the North Vietnamese set up more ■anctuanes there In an interview the Premier is quoted as saying that in surh
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  • 249 2 jD D ro»» K^!^.r!ii J^ ,>U }ft if'' Tl lt S ndard Malaysia will soon and material and chenfieal tndos'tries ,r 11 "9 in «""9. textile and cloth,n 9 The chairman of the Standards Council and Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce and
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  • 85 2 JAKARTA. Fri (Reuter) Two Singapore Chinese admitted in court here they smuggled goid into Indonesia from Singapore on board a Japanese aircraft on December 18 last year. In court vesterdav Lie Boon Fng said he had 18 nieces of gold in a special vest and 13
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  • 42 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Various ministries and businessmen will meet on June .10 to discuss legislation for the introduction of the metric system of weights and measures in Malaysia. The meetmp is being organised bv the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
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  • 144 2 WA RSH PS The Netherlands will ma k e a a or fror June 19. The warships. Van Spellk an d Van Galen are on a round-the-world goodwill tour. Both warships participated in the Cook Bicentenary celebrations in Australia and New Zealand recently and called
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  • 48 2 The Department of Civil Aviation ha g announced the following telephone numbers concerning pnbhr enquiries r»f arrival* ind departures of air- V, Singapore Paya Lebar Airport The telephony number* from 10 a r* *****2. *****3. 8C0294. b'oBBB ard from midnight to 6 ajn. *****
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  • 134 2 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) —The Commander-in-Chief of Britain's Far East Com mand. Air Chief Marshal. Sir Brian Burnett, is made H Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath in Queen Elizabeth's birthday honouri. Sir Brian took over command in Singaoore from Admiral Sir
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  • 404 2 yiENTIANE, Fri. (Reuter) The Lao Government has decided to try to retake the southern town of Saravane, captured by the North Vietnamese four days ago. Informed sources said reinforcements had been flown to two outposts near Saravane colled site 171 and site 134,
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  • 16 2 The Yan Kit Road Swirr-n. lng Pool will be re-opened on Monday June 19.
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  • 72 2 Traffic-control lights have been installed at the Junction of Boon Keng Road and Bendemeer Road. The Installation was due to the combined efforts of the M P for Kallang. Enche Abdul Aziz Karim and the Kallang Citizens' Consultative Committee. The measure was brought about
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  • 228 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Television will be launched in populated areas of Sabah by the end of next year, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Dato Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah, disclosed to- day. The original plan is to start television on the west coast
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  • 181 2 (From Ben Variyam DLNGUN, Fri.— Friendly forces will launch a dawn attack tomorrow to recapturf the Penarek airstrip which fell to the "enemy" a few days ago The assault will be carried out by the Royal Marine Commandos and Malaysian and United Kingdom brigades will
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  • 76 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Relations between fj. 1 f y and the ipplnes "have shown definite improvement" and would continue along "their present happy course." the Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia. Mr. R. 8 Busuego said tonight. Speaking over Radio Malaysia on the Phlllppnes- Independence Day he said: However,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 AMY By Jack TTppit sSS "Gee, Mervtn.. .you're just about the world* best wagon puller!" DATELINE: DANGER! by John Saunders and Alden McWißiams I KNEW THAT SOMEDAY WENDy WOULD FIND > X THAT 6LT/' PERRY... T 5Ay IT, RAV/EIS. you diont THINK CUPID WOULD WEAR A BLUE UNIFORM SOME DAY
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    • 14 2 V TODAY and YOU 7 Saturday, June 13, 1970. 5-25-44-47 55-69 84-(LS A 1-15-30-56
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  • 566 4 TEL AVIV, Fri. (Reuter) Israeli commandos hit hard at Egyptian positions across the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Sue* during the night in twin strikes in which small boats and helicopters apparently were used to ferry the raiders to their targets. At least 20 Egyptians
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  • 217 4 LONDON, Fri. (Reuter) Queen El«*ab«th yesterday described the Commonwealth she heads as an imaginative experiment in human relations and tne interdependence of peoples on a vast scale. The community of nations. she said in a Commonwealth Day message, was held together not by power or
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  • 59 4 PARIS Frl. ißeuter) French State Planning Minuter Andre Bettencourt will visit China from July 7 to 21 as President Georges Pompldou's social envoy. tJie foreign mlnistrv said here yesterday. Mr Bettencourt. who will be accompanied by five senior French officials, will have talks with Mao
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  • 641 4  -  Ann Landers DEAR ANN: With the divorce rate zooming upward, people need a'l the help they can get. Please don't think I'm a nut but f am convinced that twin beds saved our marriage. So is rn v husband. When we were first married we slept
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  • 218 4 PARIS. Frl. (Reuter) South African Prime Minister John Vorster arrived here yesterday (or a three-day stay as delegates of French political, religious and trade union f roups called at the orelgn Ministry to protest at his visit. As the anti-apartheid protesters waited outside the Ministry
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  • 48 4 MOSCOW. Frl. <Reuter> One hundred and fifty million soviet cltizena vote on Sunday In a nation-wide election in which none of the 1.517 candidates can lose. The election*, held every four years, are (0 the U.SSR Supreme Soviet, the countrys Legislative A&sembly.
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  • 123 4 MARBURG. West Germany, Fri. (Reuter) A letter written by Beethoven to hn carpenter was auctioned to a West German private collector for £1.200 here yesterday. The letter, signed 'Herr Beethoven." read: "Dear Mr. Carpenter. I ask you to send me someone who could put in
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  • 386 4 LONDON, Fri. (Reuter) Prime Minister Harold Wilson last night told British television viewers how he refused a request from President Johnson to send troops even if it was only a group of bag-pipers to Vietnam. "In 1966. I got a request from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 DRESSES at Tailor's price Available:- Bowling Slacks Swim Suits Ball Bottomed Suits BIOUSM Pa*ty Hos# Culotte and all men's wear. HABIB DRESS EMPORIUM 306. North Bridge Road Singapore, 7. SPECIAL COUPON EXCHANGE Gin SCHEME f. From 14th May (Draw No: 38 7(h to 26th July i Draw No: 59,70) 1970
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    • 48 4 KLLOMG RESTAURANT (off Ponggol Point 11 m.».) Presents MAGIC SHOW Tnp the great nioca sixnEß kSK >M 9K MARIO LEONSSI Miss LILY YUEN-THE NIGHTINGALE OF TAIWAN f V *tjh* Miss JULIE FUNG a. the mike and accompan* ied by The Sea Palace Quintet. Special luncheon music on Sundays.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 314 4 LIDO Phone 3734 Min ■•HiiniMi 4 shows: 11 2.30. 6.13. #14 p m. Susannah York. Beryl Be o The Killing Of Sister George to Color I SB 1 NEXT CHANGE III# U GOLD MEDALLION8" Mandarin IB Sha*scop«. color Spec! 5 Teenagers Preview Today 8 45 am No Free List Prices:
      314 words
    • 320 4 OPENS TO041" 11. ISM (Ml «3M VM pot Columbia "LOVING" In Co.or George P»ga. E-a Mar'.e Saint TONIGHT MIDNIGHT Pari THE MOLLY MAGI'IBES" Richard Harris. Sean Connery Pana vision Technicolor ORCHARD "***** Iftth DAT! I HO 4 (Hi 4.3 ft. »IS p m (Tomorrow Eitra Show 11 00 ami Cos
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  • 181 5 ADELAIDE. Fri (Reuter) A test satellite atop a European Launcher Develop m en t Organisation (ELDO) failed to K o into orbit. it fell Into the Atlantic near the West Indies after blast-off from Woomera north of here today. ELDO representative In Australia.
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  • 195 5 BUENOS AIRES. Fri. (Reuter and l'Pl»_A oneminute earthquake of medium intensity shook Santiago and towns along th" Chilean coast yesterday. however, first report* «fK'wed no serous damage. The epicentre of the trerrour was In the Pacific off the north coast of Chile and near the Peruvian irontier
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  • 163 5 NEW YORK Fri (Reuter) Alexander Kerensky. Russian Prime Minister for four months between the overthrow of Czar Nicholas I! and the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. died here yesterday. He died at St. Luke's Hospital of heart disease, a hospital spokesman disclosed He was admitted to
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  • 52 5 NEW YORK. Fri (UPI)— Two men indicated for allegedlv trying to assassinate the son of Nationalist China Premier on a visit to New York m April pleaded not guilty in Manhattan Supreme Court on Wednesdav. Justice Gerald Culkin accepted the denials of Peter Huang. 32. and Cheng Tzu
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  • 233 5 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, Fri. (UPI> The mysterious cartong of millionaire William. Thoresen 111 contained land-mines, live hand-grenades, dynamite, and more than 50 pounds of higb quality marijuana. Police sources disclosed a search on Wednesday night recovered at least five or six machineguns
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  • 169 5 AMHERST. Massachusetts, Fri. (l!PI> Senate Democratic whip Edward Kennedy goes before his party's state nominating convention today without serious competition for a second full term Kennedy formally announced his plans to seek re-election at a Boston news conference yesterday. He pledged not to seek or he
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  • 81 5 WASHINGTON, Fri. ißeuter) —The first two women Generals in U.S. military history received their silver stars of rank yesterday. Thy also got congratulatory kisses from the Army Chief of Staff, General William Westmoreland at a Pentagon ceremony. Formally elevated to the rank of Brigadier-Gene-ral were Anna
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  • 53 5 NEW YORK. Fri. (UPI) —America denied yesterday that it had had ever conducted biological weapons tests in Micronesia Taking the floor in the Trusteeship Council. Ambassador Harry Wright and other members of the US. delegation. including the two Micronesian advisers, made their closing statements m the debate on
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  • 60 5 TWO WILLOWY BLONDES stroll down a San Francisco street past a cable car. During the recent parade, they were accompanied by a nude dwarf (not shown). They identified themselves as soldiers of the "OM United New World Nude Brigade." The ladies explained the objective of the 5-minute march was "to
    UPI radiophoto.  -  60 words
  • 257 5 Growing Soviet Submarine Strength: WASHINGTON, Fri. (Reuter) The Defence Deportment again stressed Soviet submarine strength yesterday. However, it declined to confirm that Russian missiles are now trained on America from a new underwater launching area in the Atlantic off Greenland. According to Informed Pentagon
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  • 68 5 MANILA. Fri. <UPT) Sharks were reported today to have eaten 22 persons thrown Into the sea when a Philippine fishin* boat capsized. The site is oft Palawan Island, about 300 miles south-west of here. The Philippine News Service said another 22 persons aboard vessel. "M V
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  • 152 5 PARIS. Fri. (Reuter) The Saigon Government yesterday announced it would release 86 captured North Vietnamese soldiers and fishermen on the north coast next month Hanoi's first reaction suggested it might accept them. The North Vietnamese delegate did not gve a direct answer to the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 Fifty years ago they said it would never workout. It was a small affair, that day in 1920. Just a few close friends to wish Australia s first airline on its way Some thought we were young and foolish. And told us so But we showed them. We worked Hard.
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  • 887 6 AS usual Foreign Minister 8. Rajaratnam has explored in depth various avenues of approach to a single subject this time regional cooperation, with particular reference to ASEAN. If he strike# a note of pessimism that ASEAN countries "are still a long way away from meaningful regional cooperation", it
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  • 1018 6  -  By Jean Maxwell LPS LONDON: Experiments in controlling the breeding of three fish species plentiful in the waters round Britain are being watched with interest by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation and by Asian experts. It is likely that the work
    LPS  -  1,018 words
  • 144 6  -  LE TAN SOO KHOON. HOB. Gen. Secretary. L.SSU. Sinfapors The University of Singapore Students' Union strongly supports the call by the Minister for Education for the re-formation of a Students' Union in Nanyang University. The Nanyang University Students' Union was suspended in 1I»64 after a lass
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  • 512 6  -  by ART BUCHWALD WASHINGTON The latest parlour game to catch on In the United States Is called "depression". Not since "charades" took the country by storm has there been anything to compare with "depression". The object of the game, which can be played indoors and out,
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  • 802 6  -  By Ruth Elliott LPS. LONDON: When Bri. tain's longest established women's organisation, the National Council of Women (NCW) celebrate* its 75th anniversary in late November (24-27), 1970, members can look back with pride on having achieved many of the causes close to their founders' hearts:
    LPS.  -  802 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • commercial and industrial
    • 252 7 July fir*t grade rubber buyers closed at 5 pm. in 'Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 58-1/4 cents per lb. up 5 8 cent irom the previous close. The lone of the market was quiet. The market was lifeless throughout the morning Levels were unchanged to
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    • 65 7 LONDON. Frl. (UPI) Rubber market yesterday closed inactive with spot 20-1 2. 20-7/8 SETTLEMENT HOUSE July 20-1/2. 21 Aug 20-11 16. 20-13/16 July/Aug 20-3/4. 21 Sept 20-13 16. 21 Oct/ Dec 21. 21-1/8 Jan March 21-1/8. 21-1/4 April June 21-1/4, 21-3/8 July Sept 21-5/16 21-1/2 Oct/ Dec
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    • 27 7 LONDON. Frl. <UPI> Tin was Irregularly easier yesterday 240 tons, spot buyers 1470 sellers 1471 business nil. 3-month buyers 1480 sellers 1481 business 1482 1474.
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    • 98 7 1 HE noon prlew «t the Hneapure c hlne>e Produce Exrnjnge tecterda; »ere:B IF Coconut Oil t OB) Bulk MOO Coconut Oil (FO B Drum MOO Mixed ultra 34 AO Muntok White Pepper 170 00 (FOB > Sarawak White Pepper (FOB) 16? 50 s-arauak Special Black rrpi)i-i it OB
      98 words
    • 82 7 Olanaierfc* Price for June 13) ll\KIKK> H I Ml IKIST* R GROWTH Hind 10" 105 ASIA I'MT TKL>TS >1 lnvf>t 1 untl \il 1.14 1 19 *I\«;APOKK INIT TKIST 1M «>insa|>ore 259 2nd sln{iipore 1-87 3rd «in;,ip«rr 114 The Com Ind 9*> 1 SO The sav. Knnd xd
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    • 175 7 MB REX C. HILL, man*grr. Packaged Equipment Division, of lA.C Group left this week for the United States to attend an advanced course in international marketing at the Harvard School of Business Mr. Hill will be away for three months. The main object of
      175 words
    • 458 7 AKKIVAI.S 1.45 am MsA |>{ k Lumpur •■25 a m MsA 586 Madras 730 a m MsA 123 k Lumpur 9-30 a m MSA 4">? k Lumpur 1105 am MSA 454 Peiuui k Lumpur 1150 a m MSA 203 Jakarta 130pm MsA 451 kucblng 230 p m MSA
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    • 193 7 TOKYO. Fri Construction of Japan's largest centre for designing, engineering. fabricating and manufacturing various »teel Items has begun. This will be the key *nitallation of the newly established Heavy Industries Division of Nippon Kokan. Japan's only ful!y Integrated steelmaker and fihpbuilder. R®in« built on a reclaimed
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    • 149 7 A COMPUTER costing approximately $500,000 has been purchased by the pioneer Chit Fund operators in Singapore and Malaysia, Messrs. Gemini Chit Fund Corporation Limited. An agreement to this effect was signed between Gemini and The National Cash Register Co (Singapore) Sdn. Bhd. at the latter's
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    • 34 7 NEW YORK. Frl. (UPI) Dow Jones closing averages yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Industrials 634.42 20 Transp 139 87 15 Utilities 98 83 65 Stocks 222.27 40 Bonds 67.08
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    • 466 7 Sydney Stocks, Closing Prices SYDNEY, Fri. (UPI) Falls swamped riies as pro-fit-takers moved in over a broad front on Sydney Stock Exchange today. At the close of business falls in the industrials section outnumbered rises by about 60 to 49 and by 184 to 72 in
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    • 205 7 LONDON, Frl. (Reuter) Government bonds were sharply lower and losses of up to I point were seen at the long end of the market with smaller falls in the shorter-dated issues. The Bank of England's warning on the UK balance of payments in its quarterly
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    • 57 7 MACAO. Fri. (UPI) Macao's gold imports in 1969 amounted to 218.298.421 patacas «about US$36 milIon». showing an increase of about 40 million patacas (about USS6.7 million) compared with 1968. Figures was released officially yesterday indicated that the gold Imports in the decade 1960-69 amounted to a
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    • 82 7 NEW YORK. Fri. (UPI) Gold prices were mostly higher in routine trading yesterday on markets her# and abroad. London gold gained 4 cents at the morning fixing an rose and additlonal t> cents for a second fixing of $35.65 a troy ounce. Zurich gold gained 7 1
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    • 198 7 TRADING rooms of the Malaysia and Singapore Stock Exchange continued to be quiet but steady. The bulk of business was concentrated on a few selective counters. Hotels and properties continued to be dull. Other commodity stores closed idly. Eupoc fluctuated erratically to close unchanged from the
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    • 711 7 DUSJNESS done in and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Alcan $1.63 (8); DIM $1 66 (I) $1.65 (6); Borneo Berhad $1.62 (2) $1.63
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    • 77 7 THE Guthrie Corporation in London has declared a final dividend of 10 per cent for the 1969 financial year An interim dividend of five per cent was declared in January, making a total of 15 per cent for the year The dividend for the previous
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    • 16 7 Business done on the Straits tin market yesterday was $648 per picul down $12.00.
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    • 47 7 NEW YORK, Fri. (VPIV Japan exported 69.253,000 square yards of man-made fiber fabric* to the United States in the first four months of this year, an increase of 5,064,000 square yards over exports of the same 1969 period, the JapanUS. Textile Information Service (JUSTIS) reported yesterday.
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    • 141 7 HONG KONG. Frt i fCPI) Today's 5 a m current rtlM (lupplifd b« Forrico Cxrb»oce ind Investment Ud < Buyers) (Seller*) 195 5 1966 per 100 Straits dollars 146 6 1476 per 1,000 Taiwan dollars 6 745 6 766 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese
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    • 683 7 BID and offer prices officially listed yesterday at the close of business in the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore were: INUI STB1AI.S B6. Ainu >•••• 153 154 Brn 4> Co. 1 56 Hornto lUid *d IM 144 Hou»trad Co 1 90
      683 words

  • Special supplement on the official birthday of Quean Elisabeth II
    • 1352 8  -  By Anne de Courcy In spite of the fact that they live in a glare of publicity, the qualities that represent family life throughout the world the sanctity of the home, ties of affection and confidence, the sense of being one entity are strongly
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    • 61 9 The British today celebrate the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II In Singapore, the Brl- I tish High Commissioner, and Lady de la Mare will play hosts to prominent ruests. Including Govern- j ment Ministers, diplomats, businessmen and their wives at a reception at I Eden
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    • 460 9 Prince Andrew third child of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, at the age of eight, after having lessons for three years in the schoolroom at Buckingham Palace, became a boarder at a school near Windsor, just outtide London in 1968. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 178 8 The Robinsons want their U. K. leave to go further So first stop Hong Kong. Then we'll fly them to Japan for Expo'7o. And on to London over the pole or via Moscow* Between March and September this year, go to Japan for Expo '7O, the world's most exciting event.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 131 9 Best Wishes to Her Majesty Queen on Her Majesty's NATIONAL EMPLOYERS' MUTUAL GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION LIMITED (Incorporated in England) Fmlayson House (sth floor), Raffles Quay, Singapore 1. We deal in the following classes of Insurance Golfer* Television Faggage Plate Class Marine Householders and Houseowners Comprehen«!ve Public Liability Personal Liability Goods-in-Transit
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    • 74 9 We convey our best wishes on the occasion of the Birthday of HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II From: A.C. LOH (Contractor) 122 A, Joo Chiat Rood, Singapore, 15. Tel: *****6. SPECIALIST IN SANITARY SEWERAGE AND WATER SERVICES Birthday Greetings to Her Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from Cheong Enterprise* Cargo
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    • 1423 10 Race 1: CL 6 Dlv. Z—1 Mile—2.15 P- m ($5,000) 1 7r 9 00 Wonj 4 Teo 6v 8 11 Puchong Leong 3 4 Deittlle 6y 8 10 DelviUe M»n»or ***** Tatping Brightness Ty 9 10 Textile J Donnelly j ***** sb/ttf Tv 8 09 Shvree Sjoiauri
      1,423 words
    • 241 10 DENNI BOT CISCO ZODIAC RACE a 4 T BRIGHTNESS t 5 Shree 1 Cut* Co-Ed (5) SHYREE 4 T Brightness (14) Courageous (9) G of SARAWAK (17) August Moon 3 > Del\ilie <ACfc fc (11) PRIVY COUNCIL il2) Felicitation 8 W. Surprise 7 HE ADLTNER (12) Felicitation 4 Shanghai
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    • 910 10  -  B* Denni Boy T>RIVY COUNCIL was a beaten favourite last time out when sixth to Chaichana over BJf at Penang last month. He was slowly away and made up ground and was running on at the finish. Being his third outing in this country
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    • 132 10 KANSAS CITY, Fri. (UPI) The Kansas City Royals dismissed Manager Charlie Metro today and named pitching coach Bob Lemon to replace him. Metro was relieved of his duties after the Royals had floundered to a 19-33 record and fifth place in the American League's Western Division baseball.
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    • 94 10 When it comes to Judo in Hamburg women are fighting for equal rights. A Women's Judo tournament was recently held in the Federal Republic of Germany for the first time. Until then women in the past have been excluded from competitions for "aesthetic" reasons. This spurred Wiebke Miebach, wife of
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    • 320 10  -  By Denni Boy SHELFORD PEAK (Harbridge) and BEAUTY BEAUTY (Nelson) were engaged in an interesting trial on good going here yesterday morning. Clapping on the pace from the half mile, the pair raced stride for stride over 3f in 38, with little between them at
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    • 79 10 NEW DELHI. Fri. (AFP) Four members of an Indian team making a bid to climb the 20.840-foot Himalayan peak of Bethartoli were killed in an avalanche on the mountain on Saturday. according to reports reaching here yesterday. Two of the dead were climbers, including Everest veteran An»
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    • 269 10 Four countries have confirmed their participation in the Federation Internationale Des Quillers, Asian Zone Championships, to be held here from Aug. ll to 14 at Jackies Bowl, Orchard. The v are the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Japan who will be competing for the first time.
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    • 365 11 The 'new look* Singapore team meets Kelantan to- at th# J&lan Besar Bta f" m tor the ftrst leg semi-final of the Malaysia Cup Soccer tie with high victory r a convin <^» The 'revitalised* Singapore XI has the advantage ©f Paying on home ground.
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    • 57 11 The finals of the Singapore Ten-Pin Bowling Congress inter-association league will be held this Sunday at 3 p.m., at the Jackies Bowl, Orchard. Seven affiliated members of the sTBC will participate in this league tournament. They are: American Club Changi, Grange Bowlers Association Island Club. Jackies Bowl, Katong
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    • 40 11 The second police/military annual cross country chamEionshipg will be held this unda v at 4 t>.m. at the Police Academy Ground, Thomson Road. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Labour Mr S. Rajaratnam will give away the prizes.
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    • 239 11 LEON. Fri. (Reuter) The plucky amateurs of Morocco today lifted the prestige of African soccer by scoring a fully merited 1-1 draw with Bulgaria in their final World Cup group game here today. Morocco, who went close to pulling off the biggest surprise win in
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    • 765 11  -  A Column On A By Milton Richman NEW YORK, (UPI) Ordrnary Jim Lonborg could have relaxed and taken it easy. Ordinarily it would have been the perfect opportunity. The Boston Red So* had an open date on their schedule. They were playtag an exhibition with
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    • 233 11 MEXICO CITY, Frl. Final World Cup group standings (tabulated undar playad, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Group 0n« (Mexico City) P W D L GF GA Pts. SOVIET UNION 3 2 10 6 15 MEXICO 3 2 1 0 5 0 5 BELGIUM 3
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    • 322 11 MEXICO CITY, Fri. (Reuter) Mexico beat Belgium 1-0 in the final group one match of the World Cup here today and qualified for the quarter finals of the competition for the first time in the country's soccer history to the frenzied cheering of
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    • 222 11 TOLUCA, MEXICO, Fri. (Reuter) —With a strangling display of defensive football, the amateur, of Israel, held star-studded Italy to a surprise 0-0 draw in the last match of Group Two here today. Todays incident-marred match had the crowd of 7.000 on their feet In the second
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    • 518 11 GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Fri. (Reuter) Striker Allan Clarke celebrated his England debut by shooting the world champions into the quarter finals of the World Cup from a 48th minute penalty, which gave England o one-nil victory over Czechoslovakia here to- day. hngland. who finished second
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    • 243 11 MEXICO crrr. FH (IMter) Sir Stanley Rous, president of the International Football Federation (FIFA), revealed yesterday that the referee for Wednesday Uruguay-Sweden World Cup match had been changed at the last minute following allegations of attempted bribery. The referee, Brazilian Airton De Moraei, was replaced bv American
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    • 179 11 NEW YORK. Fri (UPI) —Following are the results and standings after vesterdav's major league baseball games AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST W L. GB. Baltimore 38 19 New York 33 24 5 Detroit 2" 26 9 Boston 26 26 94 Washmfton 25 29 114 Cleveland 22 31 134 WEST
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1181 11 UN-TV radio rm [ci'iinrjil CHANNEL 1 00 Opening AnncU Phantaman National Velvet "The Experiment" H«. Pufr.stuf "You Can't Have Your Cake" Star Soccer What'* My Lin# Chinese Matinee 'Two Beauties' Science In Action "Chemical Origin Of Life" Opera Night New* in B?ief Shari Lewn Show World For The Youn* News
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  • 336 12 CCC TALKS TO DR. GOH THE Government will study three Chinese Chamber of Commerce proposals on the i per cent service charge on goods imported from Communist countries. The chamber's president, Mr. Wee Cho Yaw, led a seven-man delegation for talks with the
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  • 330 12 AN 88-year-old woman's body had strangulation marks on her neck, a pathologist told a Coroner's Court yesterday. Dr. Chao Tzee Cheng, assistant pathologist of the Outram Road Hospital, was testifying into the death of Madam Lee Poon Neo at her house at Lorong Tamok on February
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  • 84 12 Two police constables. Chan Kok Cheong and Goh Kian Kieo, were yesterday charged in a Magistrate's Court with corruptly accepting $425 from Kung Tai Boon. They were alleged to have accepted -he bribe in return for not arresting. Kung* for carrying out an illegal character lottery.
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  • 71 12 Mr. Li Vei Chen. Deputy Secretary, Prime Minister's Office received the Public Administration Gold Medal from the President, Enche Yusof Ishak, at an investiture last night. Mr. Li, for many years chief editor of a leading Singapore Chinese language newspaper, became head of the News Division of the Ministry of
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  • 91 12 Sunday's Toto Draw jackpot has soared to $140,000. Singapore Pools announced yesterday. There were no top prize winners in last Thursday's draw. Mr. Wong Loke Jame. Head of Research. Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, will be chairman of the panel of judges for Sunday's Toto draw. Other
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  • 112 12 A driver unloading tlmbpr from his lorry was killetl yesterday morning at Sims Avenue. Geylang. when one of the logs rolled down on him. Tay Boon Ton? 40 of 315 Rahang New Village.Seremban, had been driving the lorry carrying the load of timber from Malaya to
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  • 376 12 A young man of 23 was yesterday sentenced to three years iail and four strokes of the cane after he pleaded guilty to four charqes of armed robbery. Two charges were read out to Mohamed bin Dollah. unemployed, while two others
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  • 29 12 Four Indonesians were yesterday senienred to a montn jail each for entering Singapore without a valid pa««. They admitted illegal entry on June 4.
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  • 248 12 University of Singapore students yesterday channelled their youthful energies into a good cause raising money for charitv. And they did it in grand style with a well organised procession of gaily coloured and decorated floats and an army of rag and flag sellers. It was the
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  • 46 12 Student. Vise Jeffie Shanta Rpthnanai. 17 reported to the police th*t a vruth snatched her gold chain, as she v -as walking along Tanglin Halt Road, yesterday The gold chain valued at $5O was snatched while she was on rer wsy to school
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  • 108 12 Mr S. Ramaswamy. Parliamentary Secretary (Law) and MP. fo r Potong Pasir yesterday opened major extensions of Sang Nila Utama Secondary School Mr. Ramaswamv said "The School represents a concrete manifestation of the government's policy of parity of all the four language streams.*' The extensions
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  • 68 12 Three robbers armed with pen-knives held up a pedestrian Chong Nee Sin, 61. and robbed him of his watch valued at $5B. yesterday. Chong. of Toa Paj-oh estate, was walking along North Bridge Road when the robbers suddenly sandwiched him and warned him not to raise
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  • 23 12 Singapore jtchoole observed Commonwealth Day yesterday. The Cnmmnr.wealth Dav message from Queen was read bv school principal I to assemblies
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 58 12 CLASSIFIED Sales Service Television Radio KKDIFFLSION rKLKVISION KLM4IJ M P X CASH Complete range to «u» rter.iaae. showrooms: Clemenreau Avenue. Jo<) < hlat Koad. I a man Juront KKIII»M!(|«IN KLPVIK* >l*kh iH- TV f»LT« Kadtoptione <ont rolled Maintenance ftKini* K32SI/* s*pore Cnnimunal Serial System* J lo«ed ('lie all 'IV Kaikgruund
      58 words
    • 46 12 f m w* ifl Sit S m i V Boeing flights Monday i Depart Singapore for Madras f in big Boeing 707 fanjet comfort at 8.30 pm. Every Monday non-stop, every Friday k via Kuala Lumpur, h See your Travel Agent. A great way to fly
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 71 12 TIME AND TIDE TODAY SINGAPORE: TOWN: 432 a.m. (6.5 ft.); .04 a.m. <2.7 ft.); 5.50 p.m. (6.8 ft.). NAVAL DOCKYARD: 4.41 a.m. (7.8 ft.); 10.49 a.m. T3.7 ft.); 5.54 p.m. (8.2 ft.); 11.54 p.m. (4.4 ft.). TOMORROW SINGAPORE TOWN: 12.03 am. 13.6 ft); 5.54 a.m. <6.2 ft.); 12.09 p.m. (3.1
      71 words