Eastern Sun, 6 June 1970

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 23 1 Eastern Sun SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY ft Estd- 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1362 Saturday, 6 June 1970. MC (P 1816 Price 15 cents
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  • 532 1 gEOUL, Fri. (UPI) Two heavily-armed North Korean Navy ships overpowered a 120-ton South Korean Navy boat in a naval clash in the Yellow Sea today and hijacked the vessel and its 20-man crew. The South Korean Defence Ministry said the
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  • 205 1 THOMAS CLP KUALA LCMPUR Fri. Indonesia tonight blasted Malaysia wide apart to put themselves in a comfortable 3-1 lead in their quest to recover the Thomas Cup they lost three years auo. Tney outplayed and outgunned Malaysia in both singles and the first doubles and
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  • 83 1 BANGKOK. Fri. (Reuter) Vietcone and North Vietnamese forces, driven out o! their Cambodian sanctuaries near South Vietnam, have moved up to Thai border areas, according to Interior Minister Praphas Charusathien. The situation was very serious and Thai army troops and police in the border regions
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  • 277 1 Unlawful Assembly Charges THE Ninth Magistrate's Court yesterday rejected an application for bail on 15 young people, 10 of them girls, who are charged with unlawful assembly. They are also charged with taking part in an unauthorised procession and displaying statements on banners likely to
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  • 304 1 PHNOM PENH, Fri. (Rcuter) Vietcong and Cambodian Government troops were locked in battle today within 10 miles from Phnorn Penh as military authorities reported an upsurge in fighting in the country's northern regions. Air strikes were called In to support ground troops battling Vietcong
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  • 251 1 SAIGON, Fri. (UPI) A high-ranking defector from the North Vietnamese Army said today the allied invasion of Cambodia prevented bit Communist offensive in South Vietnam in May. The defector. Lt. Col. Nguyen Van Nang. 46. told reporters that since early In 1969 allied security has been so
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  • 41 1 SETBO. Cambodia. Fri (Reuter) Two Cambodian battalions today reoccupied the hamlet of Setbo from the Yietcong after two days of heavy fighting and air strikes which brought the war to within 10 miles of Phnr>m Prnh. (See storv this page).
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  • 67 1 The import of multitone horns, hooters and sirens for motor vehicles has been banned under the Government's campaign against noise pollution. Straight-through silencers for motor-vehicles have also been banned, a Government statement said yesterday. The import will now be subject to special licensing." "However,
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  • 224 1 MANILA, Fri. (Reuter) After an emotional interview with survivors of two razed villages, President Ferdinand Marcos ordered all national and local policemen in a northern Philippines province to turn in their guns. A Presidential Palace spokesman said the weapons would be given ballistics
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 >4'Chrflstian Books arm* your friends" SO HURRY ALONG FO SI I CHRISTIAN W BOOKROOM a«H PRINSEP STREET SINGAPORE 7 and choose your friends" from uur wide range ol MlOli CHRISTIAN LITERATURE MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (Incorporated la the States of Malaya Uu r -;il AUTHORISED CAPITAL: $5O 000.000 PAID UP CAPITAL
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 52 2 METEOROLOGICAL office staff at Royal Air Force, Tengah, are hard at work keeping an eye on the weather as Exercise Bersatu Padu gets into top gear. From left are William Newton, Senior Meteorological Officer, Mr. Gordon Nicoll, Meteorologist, and in the background are Mr. Thomas Miranda and Mr.
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  • 71 2 PANGKOR ISLAND. Frl. —Fire killed eight people including six children in a fishing village at Kampong Sungai Pinang Kechil early today. Ten attap huts were destroyed leaving 108 people homeless. A statement issued hy the headquarters of the Royal Malaysia Police said eight people—six
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  • 36 2 MANILA. Frl. (Reuter) The scheduled annual meeting: next week here of the standing committee of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations <ASEAN) has been postponed. A new date for the conference will be set later.
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  • 102 2 KOTA KINABALU. Fri. The Kinahalu National Park at the foot of Mount Kinahalu will have a clubhouse by the end of the year to rater for visitors. The Park warden. Mr H. Jemkins. said that the clubhouse will provide recreational facilities, simple meals and
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  • 189 2 PROVISIONAL pilots licences were presented to two Singapore students yesterday by the Minister for Defence, Mr. Lim Kim San. Quentin Loh i 9. a Law undergraduate and Dickie Tan. also If). a Higher School Certificate holder, are the first students in the Republic to qualify as
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  • 66 2 PENANG. Fri. Fifteen trawler fishermen found fishing in a prohibited area near Muka Head, off Telok Bahang. were detained by marine police in three separate incidents yesterday. A police spokesman said the first trawle r b°at with five men was detained at about 9.40 a.m., the
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  • 32 2 JAKARTA Fri <UPI) Foreign Minister Adam Malik said today Thailand's decision to send troops to to Cambodia would make it more difficult to find a solution to the Cambodian conflict.
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  • 112 2 The Singapore Association for the Blind is holding its 18th Annual Bazaar today at the Victoria Memorial Hall. The Association hopes to raise $200,000 for the maintenance. training and improvement of the Blind School, Industrial Training Centre and the Welfare Section. The bazaar will be
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  • 68 2 The Singapore Scout Association will hold a flveday Scoutcraft Exhibition at its headquarters Clemenceau Avenue commencing today. Mr. G. O. Thomson, Deputy Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will officiate the Opening Ceremony at 3.15 p.m. Models. pictures and other specimens of scout activity
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  • 114 2 JAKARTA. Fri. (Reuter> A Singapore Chinese and three Indonesians of Chinese descent have pleaded guilty to charges of smuggling pure gold from Singapore to Jakarta in December last year. Koh Teeh. 23. told the court yesterday that e had hidden 31 plates of gold, 18
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  • 85 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The leader of the New Zealand's Labour Party, Mr. Norman. Kirk today held talks with the Minister with Special Functions. Tun Tan Siew Sin. on the economic and financial situation of Malaysia. He told reporters after a 45-minute meeting that they discussed matters of
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  • 370 2 CCHOOLGIRL, Lim Ah Keng yesterday alleged a couple next 1 door had summoned three men to kill her father. Lim, IS, was testifying at cn inquiry in the Coroner's Court into the death of her father, Lim Hock Siang 40, on February
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  • 168 2 Terrorists Are Godless —Tunku PENANG, Fri.—The Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman said here that only people who were not God fearing, tried to overthrow governments by terrorism and violence. The Tunku referring to the gangsters and Communists said that they were not only Malaysia's trouble but also Southeast Asia's. The
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  • 103 2 PERTH. Fri. (Reuter) Malaysia's suspension of Parliamentary democ racy after last year's racial riots had been proved to be right, Malaysian High Commissioner Tan Sri Donald Stephens said today. Australian critics who had decried the Malaysian government's action had been proved wrong, Tan Sri Stephens
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  • 75 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The Commander of the CS Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral, Maurice F. Weisner, today paid respect to Malaysia's war dead at the c enotaph Admiral Weisner, who is on a three-dav good .v ill visit, was met on arrival nt the cenotaph by the Commander
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  • 59 2 A youth and his friend were robbed of a wr Istwatch and a jade ring valued at $l7B and $lB cash on Tuesday by three men along Cantonment Road. Ng Thian Soon. 17, of Kampong Bahru was walking with his friend when they were confronted with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 Made in Germany Take "MEMOiIN" pills to rid Depression, Giddiness, Sight Blackout, and gives you clear thinking. Is a natural protein preparation for nourishing the brain and nerve cells. If taken regularly will Improve your Memory ond Mental Capacities. Available at all Dispensaries ond Chinese Drug Stores in Malaysia, Singapore
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 1067 2 I DE CHANNEL 5 1.05 Opening anncts in all Languages and Phantaman (The Volcano Factoryi National Velvet (Edwina's Elopment) Horizon (War of the Boffins > Rugby Union Internatianal < Walei Vs France; Amuthum Thenum Whats Mv Line Dragnet '7O (BurglaryHelpful Woman Album of Folksongs (Elizabeth Gav and Aiex Abisheganaden) New
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  • 180 3 SEOUL, Fri. (UPI) Police yesterday arrested a Korean contact man tor an international gold smuggling ring known to be operating from Geneva, Switzerland. I Wu Bong Wun. 51. was captured by a team of detec* ives. They staged an early morning
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  • 151 3 6"\ DNEY, Fri. (Reuter) A gunman held up a city bank yesterday. Then he made his escape by car through peak-hour traffic with a 17-year-old girl as hostage. "Don't worry." the young bandit reassured his captive before dropping her unharmed within 100 yards of her father's city
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  • 85 3 HONG KONG. Fri. fUPI) Laziness has been added in tne long list of offenses The people of Communist Chinas Wano'tun** Province can be dragged before public peoples courts for such a crime, the "Hong Kong Standard" reported today. The English-language newspaper said 14 farmers faced mass
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  • 189 3 Sukarno's Group Vies For VicePresidency JAKARTA, Fri. (Reuter) —The Indonesian Nationalist Party, founded by former President Sukarno, delicately pushed its future plans today by setting its sights on the Vice-Presidency. There has been no VicePresident of Indonesia since 1958. when Dr. Mohammad Ha f ta resigned over disagreement with Sukarno.
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  • 266 3 PERTH. West Australia. Fri. (Reuter) Hundreds of nickel prospectors have invaded two small ghost towns more than 500 miles north-east of Perth. With them, they have brought truckloads of pegs and prospecting gear. They are ready for the lifting of a ban on
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  • 188 3 NEW DELHI, Fri. (UPI) Bhutan's National Parliament adopted a resolution providing tor the removal of the ruling Monarch, it was learnt d yesterday. This is a major step towards establishing constitutional monarchy. A cable received from the Indian political officer at Thimpu. capital of Bhutan,
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  • 78 3 ANDOVER, Massachusetts, Fri. (UPI) Tools estimated to be up to 20.000 years old, and possibly the most varied assortment of prehistoric animal remains found in south America have been unearthed in Peru Dr. Richard MacNish, Chairman 'of the Prep School Archaeology Department and director of the digging
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  • 385 3 SYDNEY, Fri. (Reuter) The "White Australia" Policy, whether it exists officially or not, is harming the nation throughout Asia and the Pacific, the Australian "Financial Review" commented today. In an editorial which accompanied a front-page story, it described Australia's immigration oolicy as potentially
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  • 299 3 MANILA, Fri. (UPI) The Foreign Office announced today Malaysia is being "sounded out" on the possibility of negotiating renewal of the AntiSmuggling Treaty with the Philippines. It was scrapped during suspension of diplomatic relations 2 years ago. The treaty is regarded
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  • 78 3 PORT LOUIS, Mauritius, Fri. (Reuter) Mrs Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister, is now on a fiveday visit here. She is to have a second round of talks toda v with he r opposite number. SirSeewoosagar Ramgoolam. Thousands of cheering people surged round Mrs. Gandhi's car yesterday in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 M HA h r-Mmm v *sBjl > Vir- 5 „>•* jiui. <•.;■*'• <x r<.> >;V |Mr <'. /•<- 3|j i ;:V <-V v > #4®> .■gam > i£m P* T „W *'-> 4 .r. It ml —i ■#*S& Es£?3?*:- SpxhtS ,t <& UK i-T ?>: >. i M > i
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  • 634 4 T ONDON, Fri. (UPI) Prime Minister Harold Wilson yesterday branded racialism in Britain as "detestable" and raised it as a major issue in the general election campaign. Britons vote on June 18 to decide whether Wilson's Labour Party or the Conservatives are to
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  • 135 4 LONDON. Frl. (UPI) Pop singer "Lord Sutch." who under the name of "Screaming Lord Sutch" ran unsuccessfully for Parliament against Prime Minister Harold Wilson in 1966. announced Wednesday he was running again on a "love corps" ticket In the June 18 general
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  • 70 4 BELFAST. Northern Ireland. Frt. (Reuter) The British army yesterday carried out. its biggest search for Illegal arms alnce full-scaJe sectarian violence erupted here last aummer. About 400 men. including members of Britain's marine commando and parachute regiments, scoured every house off the Crumlln Road. scene of CatholicProtestant
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  • 59 4 BONN. Frl. (Reuter) France will today formally end Its 15-month boycott of the Western European Union (WE.U) Council, ■which link* Britain with the six Common Market countries. The presence of French Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann at the two-day meeting reflects the new Impetus given to European
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  • 305 4 CAIRO, Fri. (Reuter) Palestine guerrialla leaders have decided to set up a unified military command to direct commando operations against Israel. But after a six-day secret session prolonged bv internal wranglings between representatives of ten different groups, membership of the supreme command was not
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  • 97 4 LONDON. Fri (Reuter) Mrs .Mary Wilson, wife of the Prime Minister. was hit by a flour bomb during an election meeting in southwent London last night. And Mr. Wilson was the victim of an egg attack for the fourth time in four days. The egg-throwing
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  • 168 4 PARIS. Fri. (LT1 > Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A Gromyko visited Normandy today, giving no indication whether he will tr v to get a glimpse of the battlefields where American and British troops fought and died at a time when Russia and the West were allies. Gromyko
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  • 64 4 CULVER CITY, California, Fri. (Reuter) "Clark Gable's rotting raincoat roally has no value as far as today's Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer is concerned," the new president of M.G.M., James Aubrey, told a press conference here yesterday. Aubrey, who took over last October, was explaining why he ordered the auction
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  • 391 4 Greenlight To Sales Of Sex Stimulant L-Dopa' WASHINGTON, Fri. (Reuter) The U.S. govern, merit haa cautiously agreed to allow marketing of L-Dopa, a new drug which can help sufferers from Parkinson's disease. Medical researchers have reported that the drug is also a powerful aphrodisiac capable of restoring sexual power in
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  • 94 4 LONDON. Fri. (Reuter > First editions of nine of Britain's 10 national dailies wore delayed by up to 50 minutes last night as 2.000 printing workers demonstrated for a 25 pt rent pay rise. The Communist Morning Star was the only paper not affected by a demonstration
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  • 140 4 CHIOC.GIA. Italy Fri. (t'PI and Router) AftTMi Sophia Loren bruispd her kncr* yesterday when she stumbled and fell durinc shooting of the film 'The Priest's Wife." A studio said the accident occurred when the Academy Award winning actress ran over a bridge In this laaaon city
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  • 802 4 MOSCOW. Fri. (Reuter and UPI) Soyux-9 cosmonauts Andrian Nikolayev and Vitali Sevastyanov headed for their fourth work day in orbit today after telling Soviet TV viewers everything was going well and they felt fine. As they swung back into radio contact again yesterday
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 98 4 TODAY an Saturday, June 6. 1970. MSB m 1/ Ucy 8 About 19 Should 20 Your 21 Foil 22 Con 23 Your 24 Are 25 Meet 26 In 27 See 28 To 29 PrtvQf* 30 Feel 47 Interesting 48 Pojftim** 49 Berber 50 Cosh 51 PKyvcolly 52 Clot. 53 Plans
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  • 599 6 TT was inevitable, we suppose, but it would be impossible for those who still have some respect left for Britain not to shed a tear for bringing racial issues into the current election campaign. Electioneering normally brings out the dirtiest in politics and few holds are barred in the
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  • 247 6 H" former Argentine President Pedro Eugenio Aramburu been murdered or not? Nobody ieems to know. The government is still searching for him and his kidnappers but the guerrillas who claimed credit for kidnapping him have issued a communique that he has been executed. But several other clandestine groups
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  • 744 6 (UPI) MANILA A film made to honour the memory of a father has helped launch the Philippines into international movie-making. Luis Nepomuceno, president of the oldest Pmiippine film company, has put all his efforts and faith and a good slice of the family fortune
    (UPI); (UPI).  -  744 words
  • 892 6  -  By R. M. Sorge (UPI) UNITED NATIONS The Garden of Lumbini, where Gautama Buddha was born 2,593 years ago, will be returned to its original beauty under plans sponsored by the United Nations. Initiated by Secretary General Thant two years ago, the project of a Pilgrims'
    (UPI)  -  892 words
  • 797 6 BIS LONDON: Although it was Jargely through our need for pills and potions that chemists probably first came into their own their complex work today plays a part in almost every aspect of our life. From raw materials like oil and coal, salt, sulphur, potash and other
    BIS  -  797 words
  • 176 6 At ©resent owners of selfdrive cars have to pay on behalf of tourists who have rented self-drive cars and through ignorance, or otherwise. have not paid parkin? fees when they parked in car parks etc. Bv the time the owners come to kno w that parking
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  • 477 6  -  By DICK WILLIAMS (UPI) YAP The few visitors who ever reach Yap call this remote island the topless capital of the Pacific. No amount of persuasion from American officials and Catholic missionaries have convinced the Yap women that they should cover their breasts. Bananas, papaya.*
    (UPI)  -  477 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

    • 332 7 INDUSTRIALS drifted lower overa broad front in the Stock Exchange yetterday due to lack of buying interest. Turnover issued only amounted to 1.3 motion units. Blue chips and the better shares showed fair trading while oil palms and tins showed negligible dealings. Ma«v counters especially
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    • 824 7 "DUSINiSS done in and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1,000 "nits unless otherwise specifed: INDUSTRIALS Allied Choc $3.10 (1); Alcan 51.55 (3) $1.54 (3) SI 50 (8); DIM $1.54
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    • 81 7 The Association of Banks in Malaysia-Singapore yesterday made the following changes in Its rates to merchants (rates are quoted to the equivalent of 100 units of foreign currency). Selling T T orO.D ready: Deutsche Marks $85.1775; Holland Guilders $*****0; Swiss Francs $7l 6260; French Francs $56.0275; Danish Kroner
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    • 682 7 BID and offer prices officially listed yesterday at the close of business in th« trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Sinaaoore vere: INDUSTRIALS A lean B s. 1 49 1.51 Mlied Choc. 3 10 A 1 't Borneo Bhd1 60 1 62 Bou.tead
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    • 164 7 LONDON, Fri. (Reuter) The mirket moved narrowly in very quiet conditions yesterday. A firmer trend was seen at the start after selective support but prices tended lower in later trading on an almost complete lack of interest. Towards the close the FT index
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    • 28 7 LONDON Fri. (UPI) Tin was steady with 250 tons. Spot buyers 15 fl 8 sellers 1509 business nil 3month buyers 1523 sellers 1524 business 1525 1520.
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    • 16 7 On the Straits tin market yesterday, business was done at per picul down $2.25.
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    • 496 7 ARRIV AL» 1-45 am MSA 120 Lumpur 0-25 a m MSA 586 Madr«t ?3vim M;»A US k Lumpur MO a m msa W k Lumpur 11 OA am MSA 454 Pen*ng. k Lumpur 1130 a m MSA 203 Jakarta 130 p m MSA 451 Kochlnt 130 p m
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    • 246 7 June first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 D.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 58-3/8 cents per lb. up 1/4 cent from the previous close. The t of the market was tuiet. market ruled quiet at slightly higher levels on improved London advices and
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    • 41 7 NEW YORK. Fri. (UPI) Dow Jones closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday 30 Industrials 706 53 20 Transp 145.29 15 Utilities 102.57 85 Stocks 230.03 40 Bonds 67.84 Commodity futures index ***** up 0.08. (UPI).
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    • 316 7 #am 1 Sydney Stocks, Closing Prices SYDNEY, Fri. (UPI) Stock rallied and produced more rises than falls in the afternoon session on Sydney Stock Exchange today. Lefroy which opened at 85 cents peaked at $2.50 and closed at $1.90 rise of $1.05. The directors reported
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    • 51 7 LONDON, Fri. (UPI) Rubber market closed nominal with spot 20-1/4, 20-5/8. Settlement House July 20-7/16. 20-11/16. Aug and July/Sept 2011/16. Sept 20-13/16, 21-1/16. Oct/Dec 21-1/16, 21-1/4. Jan./ March 21-1, 21-7/16. April/June 21-1, 21-9/16. July/Sept 21-7/16, 21-5/8. Oct/Dec 21-1/2, 21-11/16. Jan/March 21-11/16, 213/4. April/June 21-5/8, 21-13/16 July/Sept 21-11/16,
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    • 86 7 NEW YORK. Fri. (UPI) Gold prices turned mixed yesterday in moderately active trading after almost a month of steady decline on markets here and abroad. London gold rose 5 cents at the morning fixing and gained another li cents for a second fixing of $35.19 per
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    • 81 7 (Managers' Prt<* for Jane 8) CH\RifRFn i'NH rnt sts 8 Growth Fond... 100 103 ASIA UNIT TKlSls M Invest. Fund id I.I4 1.19 KINOAPOKE UNIT TKL'STS 1st Singapore 2-58 2nd Singapore 1 XT m 3rd Singapore 1 13 The Com Ind. 1 01 The Sat hind «d HH
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    • 125 7 HONG KONG, Fri. (UPI)—Today's 5 p.m. currency rates (supplied bv Foreign Exchange and investment Ltd.). (Buyers) (Sellers) 195 106 per 100 Straits dollars 147 143 per 1,000 Taiwan dollars 674 6.75 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese kyatt 460 480 per 1.000 Indian rupees 150
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    • 206 7 NEW YORK. Frl. (UPI) Profit taking turned the stock market lower yesterday after initial demand evaporated. At the close, the UPI marketwlde indicator showed a loss of 1.32 per cent on 1.597 issues crossing the tape. Of these. 914 declined and 468 gained. The
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    • 88 7 THE noon price* at the Slneapore Chinese Produce Eicnange ve«terriav am:R 0. Cocunot Oil (F.O.B.) Bulk Coconut Oil ■=>» 00 (r.OB) Drum Mixed Copra 34-fiO Muntok White Pepper (FOB.) 60 00 1ST 50 >arawak White Pepper (F O B ***** Sarawak Special Black I'epper (FOB) w6% 130 00 Lamponc
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    • 31 7 MANILA, Fri. (UPI) The Philippine peso was quoted today at 6.1765 pesos against one "U5. dollar, same as Thursday's rate, sales on the interbank currency market amounted to U*****,000.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 m i A* Sunday. Depart Singapore for Colombo in big Boeing 707 fanjet comfort at B.3opm.Every Wednesday via Kuala Lumpur,every Sunday non-stop. See your Travel Agent. m A great way to fly
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  • 955 8  -  Bv ISA ISMAIL (UPI) JAKARTA —Indonesia's Foreign Minister has seen and done more in his 53 years than anv 10 ordinary men could handle in a lifetime. But Adam Malik serves the most demanding taskmaster of all—Adam Malik and life starts anew for him everytime the
    (UPI); (UPI).  -  955 words
  • 423 8  -  DATELINE Br Ele Walt Dulaney Dear Ele and Walt: I've been going with a boy for about three years and I love him very much. The only problem is he's always too tired to come and see me. When we first started going
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  • 402 8 (AIS). MELBOURNE. Australia: Three students from Singapore gained the top t-Sree places in a class of 250 first-year mechanical engineering students in their annual examinations in Monash University, Melbourne. Mr Tan CheoK Kwang of 101-B. Prinsep Street; Mr. Mak Kum Thong of 167 Albert
    (AIS).; (AIS)  -  402 words
  • 984 8  -  By DATO AL-SYED IBRAHIM bin OMAR ALSAGOFF. MUSLIMS in Southeast Asia are looking forward to the coming visit of His Majesty King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to this part of the world. King Faisal ascended the throne of Saudi Arabia on the incapacity of KlngSaud
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 20 8 AMY By Jack Tippit "I kinda like to come up Here...it reminds me of when I was a little-bitty kid."
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  • 662 9  -  9y Florence de Santis NEW YORK Japan is often said to be a man's country, but visitors to Eipo '7O this summer will find that the country is full of things that interest women. Homes, gardens, flower arranging, tea ceremonies.
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  • 256 9  -  A Lovelier You By Mary Sue Miller Oval-shaped fingernail* are one mark of a lovely hand. Tapering and delicate, nails so sh?ped lend even large or awkward hands a graceful appearance. Although you may lack the asset there is no reason to fret The stubbiest nails
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  • 649 9  -  Ann Landers ANN: My cousin, who is in his early 30's, is a career man in the Army. Bill has been stationed all over the world these last 12 years. Yesterday we learned the horrible news. He has leprosy. Bill's young wife, who is visiting
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  • 436 9  -  Sptoking For f Myself Br 4 Sheilah Graham NEW YORK: A chat with Albert Finney and we will then he finished with "Scrooge" until it is released hopefully in 300 theatres between Thanksgiving and Christmas. "I had said that I would not act again.*' admitted Mr.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 m m THE ONLY REAL LITTLE PIECE OF ITAL IN SINGAPOR (It even has a parking problem.) There's m6re to Sorrento than coffee and cakes. There's now a complete bar. Beer. The whisky you fancy. Brandy, vodka, even chianti. And now a full restaurant menu. Which means you can eat
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    • 107 9 NITE-CLUB ..Mil- v;i m 11 \L JJ KtIONC RESTAURANT (off Ponqqol Point 11 m.s.» Presents MAGIC SHOW TOP" iflrali THE GREAT NIOCA SINGIR MARIO LEONSSI ■SS YUEN-THE NIGHTINGALE OF TAIWAN |IHI P Miss JULIE FUNG a. the mike and accompanied by The Sea Palace Quintet. Special lunchnon music on Sundays.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 285 9 ORGANISATION [l I D O Phone *****4 OPENS tOPVY! 11 ia 1 >.V 400 :«> A 915 Oiu s»*,i Cirmni B b Anderson RLOW HOT BLOW COLD" i r -r WJW S"• Art*J fCAPITOL Phone 29/59 UST PW 11 IN I.ML. 4 00, K5» VHO Hi* »y Milia. Hv*e! Bennett
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    • 237 9 ORGANISATION ODEON ***** VOH SHOniV(i! II am. 1.30. I no. «30 ft 9 p m MOW •rLunr' in Metrooouw Wf eh Jawe.< Stacv TONIOHT Midnight! 'Mand.t La' Chen 'The ("ndefeated Sword" Color Rrope English Chmeae Subs CATHAY -***** NOW HHOUIM. II am. (Jfc IN. g.3A ft 9M pm THE VIRGIN'
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    • 236 10 DENNY BOY CISCO ZODIAC RACE It 6 QUEEN'S GAMBIT 5 i Bukit Serok 1 Voluble 5 BUKIT SEROK 7 Sejarah 4 Pink Heather 8 Q. G AMBIT 1 > Vnlublfi 4 i Pink Heather RACK fc f7 ROAN PRINCE 4 I Sarah Dina < 3 i Watari (4) SARAH
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    • 863 10 Race 1: CI. 5 Div. 4—6 Furs.—2.15 P #m ($5*000) ipt tz-mnv OwnrF Shaari 4 1. 008 7 oinnie ay 1.00 900 8.11 8 06 803 8 03 7.13 8 11 8 06 Mansor Lee a 2- ***** Graceful \lew 3y 8y Ahma1 Nawari 5 3- *****
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    • 925 10  -  DENNY BOY On his fourth to Desert Terror in a blanket finish over Bif on the first day, I give GRANDEUR OF SARAWAK a confident vote to outstay his opposition in Race 6 at Ipoh today. The flve-year-old Irish horse by Rise N* Shine
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    • 164 10 LONDON. Fri (Reuter) English Champion Jockey Lester Piggott seeks to maintain a 100 per cent record In this season's English Classic races when he rides French-trained Ally Prime Aboard in tomorrow's Epsom Oaks. Piggott has made a clean sweep of the Classics so far with victories
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    • 117 10 MEXICO CITY. Fri. 'Reuter) Twenty goals have been scored in the eight games so far played in the 1970 World Cup. This is one less than for the same stage in England's winning year of 1968 Sharing the lead are Wilfned Van Moer (Belgium) and Jair
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    • 55 10 MEXICO CITY Fri (Reuter) Nineteen ticket touts caught by a special squad of plainclothes detectives have been sentenced to two weeks' jail and a fine of 3.000 oesos (SS72O) the last two days The touts were found selling tickets to the World Cup matches at inflated prices near
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    • 184 10 NEW YORK Fri. (UP!) Following are the results and standings after major league baseball games yesterday: AMERICAN LEAGLE EAST W L. OB Baltimore 34 17 New York 29 23 5* Washington 24 25 9 Detroit 23 24 9 Boston 22 2i 10 Cleveland 20 27 12 WEST
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    • 60 10 NEW DELHI. Fri. (UPI) —The government said today it has approved a olan to send an 18-member women's hockey team to Japan in August for a series of exhibition matches and to take part in the silver jubilee tournament of the Japanese Women's Hockey Association Aug 15. The
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    • 324 10 (UPI). NEW YORK, Fri. (UPI) Mike Andrews and Billy Conigliaro belted sixth inning home runs to back the five-hit pitching of Sonny Siebert today and helped the Boston Red So* to a 5-1 victory over the Minnesota Twins. Andrews tagged his fifth homer of the
      (UPI).  -  324 words
    • 183 10 CHARLOTTE. N.C.. Fri. (UPI) Gibby Gilbert playing his first full year on the pro tour, fashioned a 6-under-par 66 today to soar into a first round tie with veteran Lionel Hebert in the US$l5OOOO Kemper Open Golf tournament. Gilbert, a 29-year-old resident of Florida, knocked
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    • 144 10 PARIS. Fri. (Reuter) Jan Kodes of Czechoslovakia and Zeljko Franulovic of Yugoslavia will meet in the first-ever all East European men's singles final in the French open tennis championships here on Saturday. Kodes beat Frenchman Georges Goven 2-6. 6-2, 5-7, 6-2. 6-3 and Franulovic beat American
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    • 268 10 NEW YORK, Fri. (UPI) Doug Raders grand slam homer in the first inning and the six-hit pitching of Tom Griffin carried the Houston Astros to en 8-0 victory over Montreal last night and sent the Expos down to their 11th straight loss. Raders hit 2-2 pitch
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    • 274 10 IPOH, Fri.—KATONG OCEAN, winner of the Singapore Gold Cup last year, did an impressive gallop on good going here this morning report* our Racing Correspondent. With Mat Shaari up the Dara grey gelding went round the track once and then clapping on the pace finished the last
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    • 56 10 TOKYO. Fri. <UPI) Japan s Nobuo Chiba will make the first defence of his orient featherweight crowr in a 12-round bout with Thailand's Anantakorn S. Lukmuangraj. the No 5 contender, on Aug 5 in Tokyo. Chiba wrested the title fom South Korea's Herbert Kang with an upset unanimous
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    • 316 11 MEXICO CITY, Fri. (UPI) The World Soccer Cup contestants licked their wounds today and prepared feverishly for the weekend battles at the 9th championships with the England-Brazil tussle at Guadalajara overshadowing everything else. The top favourites for the crown both had key men under treatment.
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    • 260 11 MEXICO CITY. Fri. <Reu- The World Cup organisers and travel agencies today continued their feud over surplus ticket «ales in the aftermath of disappointing attendances at the early matches. So far the only game which has been sold out was the opening match between the Soviet
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    • 144 11 RIO DE JANEIRO. Frl. (UPI) Argentine professional Roberto De Vlcenzo shot a slx-below-par score of 66 to get off to a fast start today in the 7th open championship of the Itanhanga Golf Club. Some 170 golfers. Including entries from Argentina. South Africa. Venezeula. Uruguay and Japan
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    • 243 11 LONDON. Fri. (Router) Brian Luckhurst of Kent punished the Cambridge University bowlers for an unbeaten double-century to head impressive batting performances in today's English cricket programme. The left-handed opener compiled his first 100 In three hours, including 18 fours, and reached 203 before Kent declared
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    • 57 11 The Ikan Belis Swimming Club of Selangor will take on the Chinese Swimming Club in an inter-club meet at Amber Road. <» 30 p.m., today. Among those representing CSC will be the famed Chan swimmers, Patricia and Alex This new inter-club event is being held here for the
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    • 706 11 LONDON Millions of football fans will be losing a lot of sleep this month, and Swedish sociologists fear homes may be split up. But the Kremlin, anxious to avoid problems which could affect the production line, has decided that Russians must go to bed in
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    • 160 11 The Singapore Ten-Pin Bowling Congress has announced the following tournament directors for the forth-ooming scheduled bowling tournaments. The officials are: Mr. Chris Thong, director for the sixth Singapore National championship Mr. Charlie Kang for the second International championships and Mr Victor Yap as director for the FIQ.
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    • 216 11 THE selection of Singapore's National team for the forthcoming first FIQ (Federation Internationale Des Quillers), Asian Zone Championships will be held at Jackies' Orchard and Katong bowling centres today. This will mark the close of five weeks of bowling which started on April 18 this year.
      216 words
    • 42 11 DOUGLAS Isle of Man. Frl tßeuter) World champion Giacomo Ag°*tini, of Italy, clocked the fastest time In practice here yesterday for next week's Junior Tourist Trophy motor cycle race. Agostinl, 'on an MV. covered the circuit at 103.8 m.p.h.
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    • 50 11 A local bowler. Ken Yong will be awarded prizes of appreciation on Bth June at the Jackies Bowl, Orchard at 6.30 p.m Yong. a company executive recently bowled a fantastic 297 scratch in the league series at the centre. This score Is the highest officially recorded In the Republic.
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    • 243 11 COPENHAGEN, Fri. (Reuter) Emil e Griffith, 32-year-old evergreen of American boxing, ended the unbeaten record of European middleweight champion Tom Bogs when he outpointed the Dane over 10 rounds here last night. I The punishing performance served up by Griffith, former world welter and middleweight champion, was
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 561 11 CLASSIFIEDS... CLASSIFIEDS... Sales Service Television Radio REDMEIMON TEI.E\ islON RENTALS HP ft CASH Complete rsnge to *Oll everyone. »bow rooms: llrmrnnnii Avenue. Jno hlni Road. Tainan Jurong RCUIKKI BION KKPtIKS ANV MAKE Of TV StTI Radiophone Controlled Maintenance Phone *****/« S'pore Communal Aerial Myilfmi Closed Circuit IV Harkrroand Mn«lc Installation
      561 words
    • 526 11 RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS BARTLEY CHRISTIAN CHURCH (CNEC) English V. Hartley Koad Singapore 19 Sunday 830 am— Worship (service 300 D m Primary A Junior s» 8 30pm s»nior ft Adult 88 600 D-m Evening Goo Del Service Saturday 830 p m Youtb Fellowship Wednesday 7.30 pm Prayei ii Bible Btudy H
      526 words
    • 628 11 RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS HAKKfcU ROAD MtTHOUISI CHURCH U. Barker Ku*4 Singapore. 1L Sunday 10-00 am Worship service 830 am. Sunday School IfcLOh HLANUiH HINhSK MhIHODISI (HIKIU 4. Miahart Komi. Singapore. 4. Sunday i-30 pm. Worship Sernoe iHokkien Can.) i.30 o m Sunday School 4.00 d m Young People* Meeting Bible Btudy
      628 words

  • 280 12 IVIEASURES have been taken to outfox Soviet spyships which may try to snoop on Bersatu Padu naval exercises in the South China Sea. Rear Admiral T.T. Lewin, who commands Exercise Matlock, which begins on June 13 however, rejected speculation that Russian
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  • 67 12 Six Indonesians were yesterday sentenced to a month's jail when they pleaded guilty to entering into Singapore illegally. The six admitted that thev landed in various parts of Singapore between May 3 and June 3 An Indonesian youth, Zainani s/o Ahmad was also sentenced to a
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  • 497 12 AN accused in the Ong Beang Leek kidnap-murder trial yesterday alleged in the High Court that a police inspector taking down his cautioned statement deliberately ignored some facts. Lim Kim Kwee. an oddJob labourer and plumber, was questioning the contents of a cautioned statement
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  • 96 12 A punter won $20,000 In Thursday's Toto Draw The lucky coupon No A 3206R61 was bought at the People's Park. Car Park Toto Booth The jackpot for Sunday's Toto Draw remains unchanged $130,000. Mr. Chong Tong Chab. acting Deputy Director. Telecommunications. Ministry of Communications, will chair the
    96 words
  • 259 12 THREE men were each sentenced to 33 months jail by the First District Court, for cheating the United Malayan Banking Corporation, of $349/000. Tang Fook Wai, 36, Kan Kai Hing, 29, and Hew Koon Fong, 25, pleaded guilty to six charges of cheating
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  • 81 12 Mr. David Chan waa elected President of the Singapore Ballroom Dancers' Association at the Annual General Meeting held recently. Other office bearers are: Vice President. Mr. Jeffrey Tang; Secretary: Mr. Tan Soon Bee and Treasurer: Mrs. K Y. Kok. Committee Members are Mr. David
    81 words
  • 114 12 THE Commander of Far East Land Forces, Lt. Gen. Sir Peter Hunt yesterday received a cheque for SIOO,OOO from the Minister for Defence. Mr. Lim Kim San for the Gurkha Welfare Appeal Fund The Minister said he hoped that many people would spontaneously contribute toward the
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  • 33 12 It was reported in yesterday's Eastern Sun that one of th»» consolation nri7.es of 52.000 in the Sintapore Sweep was won by ticket No *****11 Thi- correct number should be *****11
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  • 192 12 A (roup of Victoria Cross and George Crost. holders made a brief stop-over at RAF Changi yesterday enroute to London for the seventh biennial reunion. The group 13 men and one woman Miss Daphne Pearson, were the association's overseas members from Australia. New Zealand and Malaysia.
    192 words
  • 124 12 There has been the big drift from the teaching profession to other trades and professions, according to the annual report 1969 70 of Singapore Teacher'# Union. The STU's general secretary. Mr. K Thiagarajan said the figures released by the Minister in Parliament were alarming and then
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  • 132 12 Singapore received nearly $BO million from Britain under the British Special Aid Programme last year. This was disclosed during the talks between the British High Commission and Singapore Government. Press release issued by the British Information Services said It was noted at the talks
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 236 12 1962 AUSTIN VAN 7-seater. Good condition, regularly serviced Ring ***** (Spore) office Hours. APPOINTMENTS NOTICES I m SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD TENDER NOTICE LION CITY TENDERS arc invited by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board from Banks carrying on business "n Singapore to tender for the sole and exclusive right of
      236 words
    • 90 12 m Apply now/ to: The Recruiting Officer, Join the SAF today as TRAINEE TECHNICIANS. Opportunities are available for young men between 17% and 23 years of age M§j|jjfe with the School Certificate or its 5?xL j|p equivalent to be trained in a worthwhile and rewarding skill in the aircraft maintenance
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 69 12 TIM? AND TIDE TODAY SINGAPORE TOWN: 611 a.m. (0.0 ft.); 1.08 p.m (7.3 ft.)- 6.03 p.m (4.1 ft.); 11.47 p.m. (8.9 ft.) NAVAL DOCKYARD: 549 a.m. (0.5 ft.); 1.17 ©m. (9.3 ft 611 p.m. (5.0 ft TOMORROW SINGAPORE TOWN: 6.52 £m. (01 ft); 1.46 p.m. (7.1 ft.); 645 o-m. (4.0
      69 words