Eastern Sun, 27 May 1970

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 22 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY ft Estd. 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1353 Wednesday. 27 May 1970. MC(P) IRIB Price 15 cnnlt
    22 words
  • 312 1 Jackie 's Living On A Cool $1,000,000 A Week NF.W YORK, Tues. (I'PI) Jacqueline and Aristotle Onassis have been spending at a rate of 551.045,245 a week since their marriage, according to a Pulitzer rrize-winning reporter. Reporter Fred Sparks and an accountant, spent nearly a year getting estimates on the
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  • 103 1 -MOSCOW. Tues (UPI) The Russian TUI44 airliner flew today at twice the speed of sound. Tass reported "No passenger aircraft has ever flown at such a speed." Tass said. Chief test pilot Eduard Yel▼an flew the drooj»-nose jet at 1,335.9 miles an
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  • 124 1 COLOMBO. Tucs. (Reuter) All leave for the army, navy and air force has been cancelled in Ceylon and the services put on alert for any possible trouble during and after tomorrow's general election. Sources at the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of External Affairs say that
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  • 463 1 jpHNOM PENH, Tucs. (UPI, Reuter) Cambodia was told officially today that American troops would not stay after their withdrawal deadline of June 30. Cambodian Foreign Minister Yem Sambaur said yesterday the Phnom Penh Government wanted U.S. and South Vietnamese
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  • 233 1 BANGKOK, Tues. (Reuter) Thai Army heavy mortars and helicopter gunships today pounded a Communist jungle camp, on the Malaysian border while Thai and Malaysian troops prepared to attack. The 400 troops who have besieged the camp In Yala Province since thev uncovered It
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  • 31 1 TEL AVIV. Tues. IUPI) —lsraeli security iorces have demolished five houses in th« Arab town cf Nablus. on the occupied west bank. The houses belonged to Arab guerrilla suspects.
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  • 251 1 BOGOTA. Tues. (Router) Bobby Moore. England s World Cun soccer captain, was in custody today after a jeweller accused him of taking a 542.000 gold bracelet from his shop. A judge ordered Moore's detention pending further inquiries at a closed court hearing. Moore went to
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  • 174 1 PHNOM PENH. lues (Reutrr) Cambodian diplomats and officials from embassies in China and North Korea arrived today with thrir families aboard a chartered Swissair jet. The jet, which brought the 53 Cambodians from Peking was the same aircraft which left Phnom Penh yesterday with Chinese and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 or? *Jtt -j mr tm Sinclair' N 'Of "< Tc Hi»-t -<M tici r'ntMIM'MIMiWMMIK AUDIO SERVICES !2 St G'egery P'«ce SDo'e6T«i 36 1 8*3 ETm When In Hong Kong Stay In at HR HOTEL ROYAL 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon Hongkong. Telephone K-*****1, Coble: 'Hotelroyal' Hongkong's First Class Hotel. All Rooms
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1002 2 JP.J. Oft JR obbery-MurGer A step-by-step account of $124,000 payroll robbery at the Public Utilities Board depot in Kitchener Road in November last year was narrated in a packed court yesterday during a preliminary inauiry in which two men art tentatively charged with robbery
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  • 168 2 The University of Singapore is not only a place for acquiring knowledge and higher education but also a place for overseas students to know more about Singapore and Singaporeans. The Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Toh Chin Chye said this at
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  • 183 2 THE Minister for Education, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, yesterday described the members of the Junior College Fund-Rais-ing Committee as publicspirited people who are sincerely concerned with the future of the country. He said this when he inaugurated the meeting of the fund-raising committee at the Ministry
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  • 208 2 N Serviceman Gets Two Years For Extortion A part-time national serviceman, Quek Cheng Bee, 21, was yesterday sentenced to two years' jail for causing hurt to a shoemaker while trying to extort from him. Quek, who pleaded guilty, will also be placed on a year's police supervision after serving his
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  • 99 2 Richard Lim Kee Ming was re-elected Chairman of SATA for 1970-71, at a Council Meeting held recently. Office bearers include O. Utt&mr&m and Dr. O C. Leow (Vlce-Chalrmen), Yeo Hock Thye (Honorary Secretary). and Steven Tan Chee Chuan (Honorary Treasurer). Committee Members are Inche Ahmad Hajl
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  • 251 2 Machine operator, Alexander de Silva, 22, drowned in the sea off Bedok when he made his f»rst fishing trip on Feb. 14, a Coroner's Court was told yesterday. Hit body has tot been recovered since the mo-tor-boat in which h« and two
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  • 259 2 HOUSTON, Texas, Tues. (Reuter) Patterns of cancer in the Far East are enJarginq as the area develops, a Singapore pathologist told the International Cancer Congress here today. Dr. K. Shanmugaratnam, Professor of Pathology at Singapore University, said that in general cancer of th«
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  • Article, Illustration
    196 2 A total number of 594 units of flats were purchased by the public under the Home Ownership Scheme yesterday. The ballot conducted by Mr. Chor Yeok Eng, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health and also MP for Bukif Timah was held at the Toa Payoh New
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  • 115 2 Work on tht Jurong Bird Park, scheduled to open on Thursday, it progressing satisfactorily. The construction of the highest man-made waterfall was completed several weeks ago. and presently, landscaping around the rock-face of this structure is In hand to Introduce the "natural" look. Work on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 MEMORIN Made in Germany Take "MIMOHH" pills to rid Depression, Giddiness, Sight Blackout, and gives you clear thinking. Is a natural protein preparation for nourishing the brain and nerve cells. If token regularly will improve your Memory and Mental Capocities. Available at oil Dispensaries and Chinese Drug Stores in Malaysia,
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  • 212 3 MANILA, Tues. (UPI) The Philippines' First Lady, 'melda Marcos, is expected to lead a delegation of international beauty queens during Philippine Day at Expo '7O. Mrs. Marcos is herself a beauty queen. She had been crowned Miss Rose of Tacloban in her hometown
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  • 258 3 NEW DELHI. Tue,. (Reuter) India's top nuclear scientist, Dr. Viam Sarabhai, yesterday ["j* nme Minister Indira Gandhi to aecept *n expanded nuclear and space programme. 11 Woul d enoti ndla make the cad? Wlthln thls de e fio wished. Saral) hai announced f er
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  • 152 3 MANILA, Tuet. (UPI) A Filipino labourer returning home after three yearg on Guam yesterday was arrested. His savings and money given him for delivery to other families were alao confiscated by customs officials. Customs authorities were implimentlng a recent Central Bank regulation. It limited possession of
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  • 158 3 NEW YORK, Tues. (UPI) A Manhattan Supreme Court justice yesterday rejected a plea to lower the bail of two men. Peter Huang and Cheng Tzu Tsai, both 32, are accused of making an attempt on the life of Chiang Ching Kuo. the son of Nationalist
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  • 217 3 MANILA, Tues. (UPI) The Philippine Foreign Office today expressed regrets over the bombing incident at the Nationalist Chinese embassy early yestcr- day. It then promised to take steps to prevent a further almilar attack. The Foreign Office replied to a proteat note sent by
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  • 172 3 PAPEETE. Tahiti, Tues. (UPI) France's second nuclear explosion last Friday in a current test series was of medium yield. It measured about 500 kilotons or 500.000 tons of TNT. informed scientific sources disclosed vesterday. They said a third blast, similar in sire to
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  • 44 3 UPI MANILA. Tues. (UPI) The peso advanced slightly today against the U.S. dollar on the Interbank currency market. It closed at 6 165 pesos compared to fi.166 against one U.S. dollar Monday. Trading was extremely reduced with transactions amounting to U5575,000.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 187 3 TOKYO, Tues. (Reuter) Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau stressed Canada would not recognise China's territorial claim to Taiwan even if it opened relations with Peking. "When we exchange diplomatic recognitions with other countries, we don't "recognise their territorial claims." Trudeau explained. "This has been
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  • 108 3 JAKARTA, Tues. (AFT) Fishermen spotted three submarines east of Sulawesi recently. Antara News Agency reported today. The submarines dived as soon as the fishermen approached. Fishermen from Lasolo. in Kendari Regency, saw two black submarines on May 11 and 12. Other fishermen, who live at the
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  • 59 3 SYDNEY. Tues. (UPI) A South African today won *****.500 first prize in the Sydney lottery. He returned home last week. The winnin* ticket. "Leonard"*, was held by Eric Miles of Capetown. Paul Cannley. a friend of Miles, disclosed Miles had visited Australia to see a sick friend.
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  • 354 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. (UPI) Sir Robert Thompson, the British adviser to President Nixon on the war in Vietnam, yesterday declared "The communists no longer look like winners" in Indochina. He also announced the drive by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces into Cambodia was a
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  • 170 3 SEOUL, Tues. (UPI) South Korean anti-smuggl-ing authorities today investigated for the third day a platinum smuggling case. It allegedly involved a Japanese in Tokyo and a number of Koreans in Pusan. The smuggling case was brought to light yesterday when Kim Pong Ju, a Korean,
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  • 150 3 CORDOBA, Spain. Tues. (UPI) The firs' policewomen In Spain began pounding beats in this city yesterday amid fears that a flirtation wave could boost arrests. The 10 young women picked for this unprecedented job in a man's country, however, were unworried. "With m v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 197 3 M W <* *j w Hill t i t i b i t£ U si* I* ••< Wm m r) V- ■*yHi m 5> > m >•; H *-V> > 'M v-v;' V,. v- m:W V yV A v- Ji ,;v V V v: v \> ><•*.£*: > •;v V
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  • 367 4 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) -—lsrael has told the United States it is determined to maintain air superiority over the Sues ceasefire son* even if its planes clash with Russian pilots and other Soviet military personnel siding the Egyptians. It was learned that Foreign Minister
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  • 31 4 BELGRADE. Tues. (UPI) Tou*h. apparently mdeitructlble President Tito marked his 78th birthday yesterday with ar emotional declaration of faith in Jugoslavia s nmth and hope for their future.
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  • 172 4 GENEVA, Tues. (Reuter) The situation in flood-stricken Rumania remained critical and there was a threat of further flooding in the lower reaches of the Danube, the League of Red Cross Societies »aid here yesterday. Mr. Slobodan Popov ic, the League's liaison officer in Bucharest
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  • 536 4 BEIRUT, Tues. (Reuter) Lebanon today faced a general strike, called to put pressure on the government to give swift nelp to refugees fleeing the southern border region after clashes there with Israel forces. About 17,000 people have already left their farms and homes since Israel
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  • 110 4 MIAMI, Florida. Tues. (UPI) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ngents. armed with search warrants in Spanish and English raided the miliant cuban exile Alpha 68 organization headquarters This is the first federal crackdown against refugee groups trying to wage war on Castro. The six agents
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  • 94 4 DUBLIN. Tues (UPlj 6ome 400 of Ireland's Junior doctors, seeking more pay and better working conditions. threatened yesterday to resign if th demands were not met. The resignations would paralyze many of the country's larger hospitals. The majority of the 400 doctors involved in the claim
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  • 67 4 CAIRO. Tues. (Reuter) Sudan has nationalised all foreign banks in the country. the Head of State and Prime Minister. General Jaafar El Nimeiry, announced in Khartoum last night, according to the Egyptian Middle East news agency. In a speech to mark the first anniversary of the
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  • 81 4 TEL AVIV. Tues (Reuter) The Chief Israeli Military spokesman yesterday denied Beirut reports that the Lebanese arm\ had been engaged in battle with an Israeli armoured column advancing into southern Lebanon. He said the only Incident. along the border had been a skirmish which developed after Are had
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  • 49 4 RIO DE JANEIRO, Tues. (UPI) Italian movie actress Gina Lolobrigida cam# out against birth control pills yesterday. "I'm against the pill because it causes cancer and makes one ill. I wouldn't use it/' she said in an impromptu press conference at the Regente Hotel.
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  • 438 4 ROME, Tue«. (Reuter) NATO foreign minister* start a two-day meeting here today to consider new approaches to the Warsaw nact countries aimed at reducing East-West tensions in Europe. The Nato Ministerial Council will decide whether to rene"* Us two-year-old offer to the
    UPI Radiophoto.  -  438 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 198 5 BALDWIN PARK, California. Tues (UPI) —A S$1»500,000 freeway bridge collapsed today. It crushed a passing motorist below under four million pounds of steel and concrete rubble. The 150-foot span's concrete was poured only last Thursday and was not yet -cured". It fell onto a
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  • 40 5 MINOT North Dakota. Tues. (Reuter) The U.S. Air Force has begun installing the Minuteman 3 misr capable of hurl ing several independent i ,ear warheads 7.000 miles, from concrete and steek underground «ilos in the Dakota prairies nere.
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  • 502 5 HOUSTON, Texas, Tues. <UPI and Reuter) —Persons who have smoked 20 years or 200,000 cigarettes are almost certain to die of tobacco-related diseases. a tading cancer specialist warned yesterday. Dr. John Turner of Springfield, Massachusetts, disclosed the longer a person smokes, the greater the
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  • 151 5 NEW YORK, Tues. (UPI) —A former astronaut, a Baptist minister, and three sports figures were proclaimed "Fathers of the Year" yesterday. Air Force Col. Frank Borwan, Rev. Leon Sullivan, golfer Jack Nicklaus. Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn and sports-caster and television personality Joe Garagiola were honoured
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  • 125 5 WASHINGTON. Tues. (UPI) Former Saaator Daniel Br ew ster pleaded in nocent yesterday to charges of taking 5573.500 in bribes during his single senate term. He then returned to his Maryland Hunt country home to await a November trial. The Government cftarges that Brewster, a Democrat
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  • 153 5 WASHINGTON. T u e a. (Reuter) A Senate Foreign Relations Sub- Committee yesterday began a searching inquiry into American military commitments in Europe. The probe included the location of U.S. nuclear weapons. Senator Stuart Symington (Democrat -missouri). Chairman of the Sub-Com-mittee on US. security .Agreements
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  • 606 5 MIAMI, Florida, Tucs. (UPI) -—Two American planes and one Mexican airliner were hijacked to Cuba in 3 separate incidents. The first two occurred yesterday while the third was on Sunday. The incidents brought to 18, the number
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  • 106 5 VIENTIANE. Tues <UPI) Laos has asked 'he International Control commission to send a team to investigate the stuation in Saravane. Finance Minister Prinze Sisouk Na Champassak said today. The prince said: Sara vanr must be and will be defended because Paravane has always been under
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  • 170 5 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) The Senate battle to cut off funds tor American military involvement in Cambodia receives its first vote today. Supporters of the move were more confident than ever of ultimate success The vote, however, s only aimed at removing any implied reproach to President
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  • 316 5 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) Indonesian President Suharto arrives at the White House today. He will confer with President Nixon on prospects for restoring peace to wartorn Indochina. The Indonesian leader is expected to maintain his neutralist attitude towards the Vietnam war Nonetheless he is
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  • 167 5 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) President Nixon was urged to act vigorously to restore confidence «n the nation's economy. The White House also announced that president Nixon would soon «oake an address to the nation on the U.S. economy. However, no date wai set. The announcement
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 937 6 HTHE projected visit of Thai Deputy Prime Minister Praphas Charusathien at the head of a high-power delegation to Cambodia is welcome news. Gen. Praphas holds several other positions like Interior Minister, Commander in Chief of the Royal Thai Army. Deputy Supreme Commander of the Thai Armed Forces, etc.
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  • 742 6  -  The State Of The Union —2 By FRED MPANGA GEMINI LONDON: President Nixon's action in Cambodia, for which he did not seek Congress approval, has again demonstrated the absolute powers available to a United States President between elections. The wisdom of investing one
    GEMINI  -  742 words
  • 365 6  -  By Dick West UPI WASHINGTON. Through foreign aid and various other programme?, the United States na s tried to stimulate economic growth in underdeveloped countries of the world Not all of the results have been notable, but there 's one project that now looks extremely promising.
    UPI  -  365 words
  • 798 6  -  By Joseph Alsop WASHINGTON: At the risk of being overly personal, the recent exchange between Sen. Edward Kennedy and thl« reporter requires a footnote. The trouble is that with all his decency, all his eloquence, all his normal good sense, the Senator hss altogether missed the
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  • 556 6  -  By Charles R. Smith UPI HONG KONG, Mao Tie-Tung apparently had two main aims in issuing a rare public statement en the Indochina crisis and launching the biggest "Hate America" campaign in China in five years. The Chinese Communist Party Chairman's
    UPI  -  556 words

  • commercial and industrial
    • 283 7 In the trading rooms of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday, industrials followed a downward pattern with sellers outnumbering buyers. Interest was mainly of a selective nature with marginal gains. However Blue Chips suffered heavy losses ranging more than 10 cents. Oil palms and the commodity shares were
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    • 923 7 T*USINESS done in and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1,0 units un'ess otherwise specified: INDUSTRIALS Alacn $1.53 (10) >1.54 (6> $1.52<2). DIM $1.55(61 $156 (1) $1.54(1). Borneo Berhad $1
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    • 78 7 K'LumpurSaigon Air Links KUALA LUMPUR, Tue» Malaysia and South Vietnam will negotiate for an air services agreement as a step towards strengtl.emng ties between the two countries the Secretary-General of the Vietnamese Ministry o» Communications and Posts, Mr Hoang Ngoc Than said today Mr Than is leading a sixman delegation
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    • 80 7 SYDNEY, Tues. Share prices crashed to new low levels on the Sydney Stock Exchange today following yesterday s plunge on Wall Street. BHP—once the nluesl of blue chips slumped 75 cents to A5U.40 its lowest point for two years. Mining shares also fell heavilv under
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    • 73 7 TOKYO. Tues ißeuter) The Japanese stock market was today accelerating its downturn in the wake of the hravv fall in New York stock prices. Disappointed investors werr> rushing again to liquidate their holdings at any price, while some dealers were ex-pressing profound doubts over the outlook
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    • 634 7 BID and offer prices officially listed yesterday at the close of business >n th e trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore were: I>DL>1KIALS a 6. AC>1A cbl 2 04 AilaU 151 15:« Allied hoc. 3 lb B«'n ii- t o. 1.55 Borneo
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    • 377 7 DJ Lowest Since Kennedy's Murder NEW YORIC, TIMS. (UPI) Despair on Wall Strut deepened yesterday with tha Dow Jones industrial average p I un g ing 20.81 points its biggest one-day drop since President Kennedy's assassination. Gloom prevailed again with traders and investors beset by long-standing
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    • 208 7 MR. WILLIAM LEE, creative director of Central Design iPte.) Ltd., returned to Singapore recently after a 5 week study tourr in U.K. and Europe to observe the latest advertising techniques used there. Mr. Lee who has been In the advertising business for more than
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    • 262 7 RUBBER: 58 3/ 8 cts. JUNE first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 58| cents per lb. up cent from the previous close. The tone of rhe market was quiet. In the absence of London advices, the market orened about unchanged from
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    • 18 7 On the Straits tin market yesterday business was done at $669 per picul down four dollars.
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    • 84 7 CATHAY Pacific Airways recently appointed Mr. Spencer Kung as its first cargo sales supervisor at head-office In Hong Kong. This is a new promotion and title within Cathay Pacific's cargo sales office network. Mr. Kung began as a cargo sales representative almost ten years ago, and has
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    • 38 7 TOKYO. Tues. (UPI) Daihatsu Kogyo Co one of Japan's major makers of midget cars, has announced it was Increasing production by 5.000 cars a month from its present 25.000 cars to 30.000 cars in 1970.
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    • 140 7 HONG KONG. Tars. (l*PI) Tuesday's 5 p.m. current} rate* (supplied b» Foreljn Enhance and Investmcnt Ltd >. (Buyers) (Sellers) 195 IPS per 100 Btralt* dollars 147 148 per 1.000 Taiwan dollars 6 735 6 745 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese Kyats 480 480 per
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    • 80 7 The Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for t >fU% May 27. ARRIVALS Godowns Vessels 15/16 Straat Holland 47 Ragna i^akke 12 Jalakendra 6/7 Gudrun Bakke 13/14 Sunnyville 20 West Toan Maru 42/43 Sally Maarsk 45 Thorscape 15/16 Fukusho Mini 25 Mi7Tishima Maru
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    • 351 7 M* ft A Sydney Stocks, r Closing Prices SYDNEY, Tues. (UPI) A 75 cent fall by market leader BHP, sent investors on a new selling wave on Sydney Stock Exchange today. At the completion of trading. BHP closed at $11.40 its lowest sale since 1967.
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    • 101 7 The Management Committee of the Fellow Brokers Association are as follows: President Mr Soo Ban Hoe. Fraser Co First vice-president Mr. Lim Cheng Hai, Pacific Union Co. Second vice-president Mr. Albert Chong. Ong b Co. Hon. secretary Mr. Tan Kiong Khoo, Robert Wee Co. Hon
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    • 35 7 TOKYO. Tues. (UPT) Machinery exports in fiscal 1969. which ended March 31. 1970, registered a record U557,670 million, up 24.6 per cent from the previous year, the Japan Machinery Exporters Association has announced.
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    • 87 7 I HE noon pn»i at the Singapore Chinese Produ«* change > eater day were* Coconut oil (FOB) Bulk '»-«0 Coconut Oil (FOB) Dram 60-50 Mixed Copra SWW Muntok White Pepper (FOB) t* 2fi 0 Sarawak White P*ppw (FOB) 150-00 Sarawak special Black Prpper <FOB-l KnA NLW H5 00 Lamponi
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    • 79 7 (Managers' Price for Mar 27) CHARTERED UNIT TKl STN Growth Fond 101 106 ASIA UNIT TRUSTS M. Intest Fund xd 1.17 122 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUSTS 1st Singapore 2.59 2nd Singapore 1 -IMi 3rd Singapore 1-14 Tbe Com Ind. -99 lM\d Tbe Sav Fund xd 100 1-05 S Prog
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    • 91 7 Mr. Sadao Abe, Shiseldo's representative for Singapore and Malaysia recently returned from Japan where ne attended a seminar on modern marketing techniques. The seminar was attended by Shiseido's representatives from South-East Asia. Topics discussed included new products planned or about to be marketed Measures to strengthen
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    • 87 7 NEW YORK Tues (UPI) —Gold was steady to slightly earlier on markets here and abroad Monday. There was no trading in London because of the Spring Bank holiday Gold in Frankfurt slippad to $15.73 per ounce from $55.77 Fridav, Zurich gold was steady at $35.8250 bid. $35.9250
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    • 40 7 NEW YORK. Tues. (UPj) Dow Jones closing ■versus vesterdav on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Industrials 841 36 20 Transp 133 87 15 Utilities 98.73 65 Stocks 211.85 40 Bonds 67.81 Commodity Futures Index 134.33 off 0.27
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    • 439 7 ARRIVALS 145 am. MSA 125 R. I nmpur 730 am. MSA 1*23 K Lumpur 9.30 a m MSA 452 K Luinpur 11.05 am. M>A 454 Prnang. k Lumpur 11 SO a m MSA 203 Jakarta 1.30 pm MSA 451 huching 2 30pm MM 121 K. Lumpur. Malacca aaspm.
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  • 617 8  -  By Gomini Senevirotne LONDON: The seventh general election since Ceylon became independent in 1947, takes place today. Five and a halt million electors, more than one third between the years of 18 and 25, are expected to vote to choose o new aovern- little island, ine
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  • 611 8  -  By Fred Mpanga GEMINI LONDON: Charles Cnrran. Director General of the BBC will soon be mingling with dozens of his opposite numbers at the eighth Commonwealth Broadcasting Conference. The conference opens In Jamaica on June 2 and will last a fortnight. Delegates from 33 mem-ber-organisations will
    GEMINI  -  611 words
  • 914 8  -  By ELA SEN GEMINI CALCUTTA: From the placid life of an observer from a window in London's Aldwych, lawyer Santi Swarup Dhavan has been flung into the tortuous politics of West Bengal. Mr. Dnavan was until last year Indian High Commissioner in Britain. Today he is
    GEMINI  -  914 words
  • 297 8  -  DATELINE »7 Ele,Walt Dulaney Dear Ele and Walt: Mv fathe r works for the school system In a high position. Recently there was a change of administration and after several weeks, my dad got canned. Every hodv Is asking about it and it
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  • 820 8 By STEVE HAMILTON LONDON: On the way to the Bird House at the London Zoo visitors pass an aviary containing the Northern Sociable Vulture which, despite its name, is a desperately unattractive bird. And. sociable or not, it is one of a group of ca*rion birds and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 11 8 AMY By Jack TippJf 'You really, seriously, honest-to-«oodness wanta BUY one?"
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  • 577 9  -  Sptaking Fer Myself... By Sheilah Graham NEW YORK: Count Luchino Visconti sat huddled in a chair unde r a tree near the terrace of the Hotel Des Bain s on the Lido at Venice. It was 8.00 in the evening and raining. He was
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  • 230 9 NEW YORK: The interest in visual education for children has led designer Ruth Scarf to create Educational Clothes Inc. The company will specialise in children's wear whose appliques, prints and embroideries will teach them how to handle various kinds of fasteners and closings, how to recognise
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  • 368 9  -  By Florence de Santis NEW YORK: There you are, on® of 380 milling passengers just off one plant alone. With several others arriving at the tamo time, there could be a couple of thousand people all waiting for luggage at one time. Somewhere in
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  • 181 9 CULVER CITY Sally Kellerman, who has achieved world-wide fame as "Hot LIDS Houlihan" in "M*A SVH,"5 V H," will again star under Robert Altman's direction in MGM's "Brewster McCloud's Flying Machine." Miss Kellerman made her Aim debut as one «f the victims in 'The Boston Strangler" and
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  • 561 9  -  Ann Landers T\EAR ANN: I was interested in the letter from the girl whose boyfriend asked her to have a butterfly tatooed on her hip. It seemed the kook wanted a highly personal symbol of her undying love and devotion something no one but he
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  • 233 9  -  A Lovelier You By Mary Sue Miller A LOVELY wiltes: My life allows Tor very little exercise. 1 ride to and from work, and sit at a desk all day. It shows around my middle. Will you please let me know a routine that trims the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 151 9 0 SPECIM COUPON EXCHANGE Off! SCHEME From-14th May (Draw No: 38 70) to 26th July (Draw No: 59/70) 1970 It your A portions ot the coupon* with one or both tablet tilled, do not win any at the group prises. RETAIN and accumulate them in exchange tor these FREE CIFTS.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 256 9 (tSHAW ORGANISATION L I D O Phon,-*****4 ort.NS lUUAI: U a 115 400 «H0 A Ml* p m IUB Novak ***** Walker "THE t.RF A 1 BANK ROBBERY** Pana ;.*ion .V Color W3« CAPITOL Phone ***** LAST 3 DAVS: Free Lut 11 an. 1.30. 4.(H1. 6.45 A 9.30 p m
      256 words
    • 34 9 f TAUBUS g-'\ A»*. 20 i W HAY 20 %36-44-si-63 Of MINI O */»r 2t rr J V*! 29 5-11-25-32 53-61 80-35 CANCfft f tm\ JUNI If 2- 8-23 35 55.6 C 37 38
      34 words
    • 224 9 ORGANISATION □EON ***** NOW SHOWING! II am. I.M. (do f, ao. o w pm. •■THE OBLONG BOX" Color (A J P I Vincent Price, Christopher L<ee CATHAV -***** Laat Oar! 11. I M. 4. «30 •*0 SidnfT Tana* Kenneth William* -CABBY ON CAMPING" Coloi (A Rank OrranUatton Pirturct Open* Tomorrow
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    • 453 10 LONDON, Tues. (Reuter) Rohan Kanhai, tht dashing West Indies batsman, blazed to his third century of the season when he hit 165 for Warwickshire aganst Derbyshire in the English County Cricket championship yesterday. Kanhai slammed 21 fours and one six to help Warwickshire reach
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    • 212 10 JOHANNESBURG. Tues. (Reuter) Peter Pollock, the South African fast bowler, is now willing to play for the Rest of the World cricket team against England this summer, it was reported here today. Pollock had earlier announced, along with his brother Graeme and Springbok capi t al All
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    • 77 10 R.A.F. Changi emerged the 1970 FEAF team fencing champions. The Station also produced a new Master-At-Arms in SAC Chris Kirman, winner of the Foil and Sabre events. He was also third in the Epee. Picture shows Cpl. Ray French of Seletar, last year's FEAF Master-At-Arms (left) congratulating Senior Aircraft man
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    • 559 10 PARIS, Tues. (Reuter) Controversy broke out in Paris today over the tennis balls being used in the French international Open championships. Players complained they were heavy, slow and stodgy. The balls are an unpressurised Swedish make and are being used for the
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    • 36 10 MELBOURNE. Tues. (Reuter) Australia today named Its four-man team for the Eisenhower Cup world amateur golf championship In Spain in September. Team: Kevin Hartley. Kevin Dono h u e. Tony Gre&ham and Terry Gale.
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    • 251 10 BRISTOL, England. Tues. (Reuter) —South African Test cricketer Mike Procter, now with an English club, said here last night he had been warned against playing for a "rest of the World" team unless he signed an antiapartheid declaration. Procter, who arrived in this
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    • 21 10 TOKYO. Tues. (UPI) Japan will send 13 shcoters to the world shooting cbam pionships at Phoenix, Arizona. Oct. 17-28.
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    • 276 10  -  By 3 v Our Racing Correspondent TPOH, Tues. Katong Ocean (Mat Shaari) and Katong View were associated in an interesting 3f workout on good going here today. The pair raced stride tor stride over 3f in 38 1/5 with Katong View finishing best. Katong View
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    • 155 10 LONDON. Tues, (AFP) The Queen's horse "Charlton", quoted at 16-1 for the Epsom Derby will miss the race, according to Lord Porchester. the Queen's racing manager. Charlton, who has won his two starts this season in impressive style was fancied to become the third
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    • 101 10 TOKYO, Tues. (Reuter) The Japan Table Tennis Association will make every effort to invite China '.o the World Table Tennis championships to be neid in Nagoya. Central Japan next April, an association spokes man said today. Japan will make the effort at a general meeting
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    • 37 10 OXFORD. England, Tues. (Reuter) Oxford University beat Free Foresters by eight wickets in a cricket match played here yesterday. SCORES WERE: Oxford University 315 and secondly 93 'or two Free Foresters 158 and secondly 246.
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    • 755 10 a. 2 DIv. F. ***** Vt nni rgo 5* 9 00 Boo« Wah N'-^rdin ***** myborn« fiv POO Goodman Dacuvls ***** Top Po»er Ty 809 OW Wong R Breuk MHO Encore By 8 09 Choo» Ten ***** Latmauuseat VD 67 h 08 Shaw Tuliob
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    • 129 11 NEW YORK. Tuti. (Reuter) —Tommy Aaron jumped from 26th place to ninth in the professional prize money standings yesterday, thanks to his U5525,000 winnings purse in the Atlanta Golf classic on Sunday. His earnings for the year now total U5559,258 Heading the money race is Lee
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    • 42 11 LOUISVILLE. Kentucky. Tues. (UPI) Japanese woman golfer Chako Higuchi won US$273 In the US $20,000 Bluegras a Invitational golf tournament here today with a final score of 77-77-71—225. Her compatriot. Marbo Sasaki, won US$ll5 with a score of 80-73-76—229.
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    • 264 11 Lottery To Decide TieBreaker MEXICO CITY. Tuei. (Reuter) The World Cup soccer competition opening there on Sunday coul*' be decided by a lottery. Officials have decided that drawing of lots is the way to separate two teams who finish level in their group or in the quarterfinal or semi-final rounds.
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    • 155 11  -  By Little Nene THE RAF Seletar Amateur Open Golf championship on Sunday will be an Interesting event when three leading golfers pit their skills against each other They are Allsdalr J Malcolm H eap 2, the current Malaysian, warren and Chang! Amateur Open champion. James
      155 words
    • 176 11 Baseball Results Standings NEW YORK. Tues (UPI) —Results of yesterday's major league baseball games: AMERICAN LEAGl'fc Boston 5 Washington 3 Kansas Citv 7 Chicago 1 Minnesota 6 Milwaukee 5 I>etroit 4 New York 3 Baltimore fi Cleveland 2 (Onlv games scheduled), NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati Reds 2. San Diego Padres 1
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    • 38 11 VIENNA. Tufts (UPI) Rumania defeated Greece 5-0 In their Davis Cup match in Bucharest yesterday In the two remaining tingles. Marcu beat Arghiriu in straight sets. 6-1. 6-3. 6-4. and Muresan whipped Gavrilidis. 8-6. 6-2. 6-3.
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    • 284 11 By EASTERN KNIGHT The first of a series of the Olympic trials is progressing smoothly. The results. to-date are:Tan Llan Ann 6 pts. (1 game postponed) Glam Choo Kwee 51 pts. (1 game adjourned" Llm Kok Ann 5J pts. Lee Chee Seng 4 pts. Pang Kwok Leong
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    • 502 11 \IEXICO CITY, Tuti. (Reuttr) world soccer champions England •"1 ware findina growing favour amongst fans Here in their bid to retain the title following wins against Colombia and Ecuador at high altitudes. Mexican soccer fans, who had previously put their fanatical weight behind Brazil,
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    • 339 11 SAN JOSE. COSTA RICA. Tues. (Reuter) Flying Finn Hannu Mikkola, in a Ford Escort, kept the lead in the World Cup motor rally yesterday at the end ot the 200 mile Costa Rica Prime, but a battle was developing for second place. This was
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    • 304 11 MEXICO CITY, TUBS. (RtuHr) A full-length feature film of violence, mayhem end bloodshed was required viewing today for all 16 teams as they completed their preparations for the World Soccer finals opening here on Sunday. Rulers of the world soccer organisation, F.1.F.A., hoped
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    • 123 11 MEXICO CITY, Tues. (Reuter) A total of 24 teams may compete in the 1974 World Soccer Cup finals in Munich, according to International Football Federation (FIFA) President Sir Btanley Rous. Sir Stanley was quoted in the influential Mexican morning paper Excelsior as saying
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    • 57 11 HONOLULU. Tues <UPI> Jesus Plmentel. the World Boxing Aasooatlon's (WBAi third-ranking bantamweight. will defend his North American title June 16 in San Antonio. Texas, against Japan's Kuniakl Shimada. it was announced yesterday. Frank Kawana who recently acquired the managerial rights to Pimentel. said the bout will
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    • 131 10 9 w X .4 X > Y as a pilot in the SAF Be among the pioneers in the Air Defence Command. The SAF offers young men who are physically fit and intelligent the challenge of this exciting and satisfying career You mutt be between 17% and 23 years of
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    • 1096 11 CHANNEL 5 P.M. 300 Opening Anncts. in all Languages Housewives Matinee A Strange Woman 'Part 1 of a Mandarin Film 3 35 Woman's World <C» 405 A Diary of Events in Singapore This Week <C) 4 10 Days of Our Lives 4.55 Close 600 Opening Anncts in all Languages At
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