Eastern Sun, 21 May 1970

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 23 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE S OWN NATIONAL DAILY Estd. 1960. Vol. 4 No. 1348 Thursday, 21 May 1970. MC (P) 1616 Pric® 15 cent*
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  • 513 1 Wed. (UPI) South Vietnamese troops led by tanks and armoured personnel carriers today launched a new drive into Cambodia from jungled highlands northeast of Saigon, the Defence Ministry announced. It was the 13th thrust across the border since allied operations against
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  • 111 1 PHNOM PENH Wed (AFP) A Cambodian Government newspaper today called for a simultaneous withdrawal of all foreign forces from Cambodia under the supervision of United Nations troops. Thf "Courrier Phnompenhois". appealed for the dispatch of several United Nations' contingents to supervise a simultaneous evacuation of
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  • 224 1 PHNOM PENH, Wed. (UPI) Cambodian military sources said today units of the American Seventh Fleet are in the Gulf of Thailand to help the South Vietnamese blockade southern Cambodian ports. The sources said the ships were radar picket ships that that were all patrolling in
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  • 214 1 JAKARTA, Wed. (Reuter) Indonesian police today seised illegal pamphlets plastered across Jakarta denouncing the government of President Suharto. The pamphlets, believed to have been distributed by Communists said "The new order (the present government) is worse than the old order" and "Americans get out of my country."
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  • 310 1 THE mystery man commanding "enemy" forces in the Bersatu Padu exercise vas unveiled, yesterday. He is Brigadier Peter Whiteley, normally c o m mander of the 3rd Commando, Royal Marines, but for exercise purposes, the "enemy" commander Col. Sapura of 502 nd Regiment, Ganasian Army. Combined forces
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  • 79 1 HONG KONG, Wed. (CPI) China's Chairman Mao Tse Tunc, said today the danger of a "world war'* exists. Peking Radio reported. Peking Radio, broadeasting an "important announcement" by Mao today, called on the world to "make preparations." Mao said China "resolutely supports" Prince Norodom Sihanouk,
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  • 439 1 LONDON, Wed. (Reuter) The British Cricket Council's decision to go ahead with the all-white South African cricket tour of England could harm the Labour Party's chances in the June 18 general election. Labour Party leaders now are faced with the problem that although Premier
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  • 163 1 LONDON Wed (LTI) The popularity of Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labour Party fell in a public opinion poll today, but still held a lead of 2 prr c«»nt over the Conservatives. The Harris Poll in the "Daily Express" gave Labour an edge over the Conservatives of 2
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 Importers of Carpets &Rugs of Quality Distinction AMIR SONS (Est. 1921) 276 Orchard Road Singapore. 9. Tel: ***** Persian, Bokhara. Indian. Pakistan. Belgian. English. German. French. Japanese Chinese A <f f The delicious natural drink that H Qood for you. Vitabaao >e saturated with bodybulging protein. Each pack Is gua-anteed
      106 words
    • 134 1 Hongkong'* First Class Hotel. All Rooms Fully Air-Conditioned. With Private Telephone. When In Hong Kong Stay In Comfort at HOTEL ROYAL 380 Nathan Road. Kowloon. Hongkong. Tel: K-*****1. Cable: Hotelroyal TOP BARGAINS ON ALL ITEMS C. K. TANG BARGAIN COUNTER (2ND FLOOR) Drastic reductions on Ladies' Imported dresses. housecoats and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 341 4 SECURITY COUNCIL CONDEMNS UNITED NATIONS, Wed. (Reuter) A big-four split in the Security Council over lost week's Israel raid into Lebanon raised doubts here today over the future of their search for a Middle East peace formula. The sharp division between the four wa»
    UPI radio picture.  -  341 words
  • 132 4 MEN HOA. Wed (Reueer> A South Vietnamese General today hinted that South Vietnamese troops would stay In Cambodia until the Vietcong and North Vietnamese had been driven back to North Vietnam. Lieutenant-General Do Cao Trl said he did not think the guerrillas would be
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  • 87 4 MELBOURNE. w ed. (Reuter) Arnold Tipmng was upset when he discovered his wife. Margaret, 24. was drawing social service benefits without telling mm So he stripped her naked end tied her to a tree. Then he set about her with a stockwhip and
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  • 87 4 FREETOWN. Wed (AFP) A miniskirted t»irl was arrested for indecent exposure in Freetown's busy shopping centre Tuesday ana fasnion stores reported falling sales in the thighhigh dress as the unofficial •war against this western fashion hotted up. Three-weeks ago Muslim leaders banned the miniskirt from
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  • 470 4 CAIRO, Wed. (Reuter) Israeli planes twice yesterday raided Egyptian positions in the southern part of the Sues Canal only hours after Egyptian troops had crossed the waterway in a pre dawn attack on an Israeli armoured force, a military spokesman said. He said Egyptian gunners
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  • 168 4 LONDON. Wed. (Reuter) Two journalists and an army colonel were ordered to stand trial today on charges of disclosing a secret report about the Nigerian civil war Magistrates at a preliminary hearing committed the three men for trial at Old Bailey criminal court. The defendants
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  • 72 4 JERUSALEM. Wed. < Renter) An international symposium on drug abuse bv youth will be nelo in Jerusalem from August 12 to 14. The symposium will study the social and personal factors in the abuse of marijuana and the prevention and treatment of psychological factors involved The
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  • 101 4 It was "Open Day" at No. 74 Squadron, which flies Lightnings from R.A.F. Tengah. and the children went along with their mums to see just what went on at dad's place of work. Here, a delighted Trevor Lewton, ton of chief technician Trevor Lewton
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  • 182 4 PARIS. Wed. (I'PI) A California doctor suggested yesterday that abortion could be used by mothers in future decades to prevent the birth of extremely aggressive persons who could make wars. Dr David A Hamburg of the psychiatry department of the Stanford University Medical School bpo
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  • 94 4 VIENNA. Wed. (AFP) Dozens of people have died or are missing in the floods that have devastated many areas of Rumania, the official Rumanian news agency Agerpress announced last night. The agency added that about 23.000 families hive been evacuated but the exact number of death*
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  • 381 4 BONN, Wed, (Reuter) —Chancellor Willy Brandt today put final touches to West German proposals for the second All-German summit in Kassel due to open tomorrow amid a singularly inauspicious build-up. For the meeting with East German Premier Willi Stoph it will be their second in two
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  • 157 4 MOSCOW. Wed. (tPI) A Soviet supersonic airliner on Tuesday (lew a test run developing a cruising speed of 2.010 kilometres (1,248 9 miles) per hour, the news agency Tass announced. It was the highest speed ever reported to have been developed by the giant TU-144
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  • 58 4 JUELICH. West Germany. Wed. (AFP) An eight-vear-old girl wrencned a kitchen knife from her father's hands tonight as he threatened her mother with it and stabbed him to death. Rhmeland-Wofttphalian authorities reported The parents had been having a family dispute, police said. The child *cted after her
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  • 55 4 LONDON. Wed (ATP) Foreign secretary Mr Michael Stewart has cancelled his scheduled visits to Ghana and Nigeria next month because of the June 18 general elections in Britain. The Ghaman and Nigerian governments nave been informed and no new date for a visit has h«»en set sa
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  • 218 4 PARIS. Wed. (Iteuter) Finance, trade and industry ministers of 22 of th« world's most developed nations meet here today to view economic prospects for the next decade Informed sources said th« flifft dljl meeting of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECDi is expected to
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 212 5 FORT VALLEY, Georgia. Wed (U PI )•—About 300 marchers plodded behind a wagon drawn by a white mule named "George Wallace." he_v covered I 2 miles on the first da v of a 110-mile trek protesting the violent repressiorf of dissent. Today's destination was Macon, where black
    UPl radiophoto.  -  212 words
  • 113 5 WASHINGTON. We d. ftrl) Vice-President Aenew is as facile with a tennis racket as h is with a golf club Several weeks ago. Agnew hit golfing partner Doug Sanders on the head with an errant drive. Yesterday. Agnew was on the tennis court He smashed a service
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  • 320 5 NEW YORK, Wed. (UPI) Between 10 and 15 per cent of the world's population is undernourished, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) announced in a report published here yesterday. A much higher percentage one third to one half of it is malnourished owing to
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  • 154 5 DIXON. California. Wed (UPI) Nine-year-old Pamela Cross sent a letter to President Nixon questioning some of his decisions. She has now been advised bv Washington to concentrate on her homework and let the President take care of national and in ternational affairs Pamela
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  • 62 5 WASHINGTON Wed Reuter> President Nixons Senate supporters today seared for a rull-scale filibuster to thwart a threatened cut-off of funds for US military action in Cambodia Several senators were reported ready to carry on the stalling technique involving lengthy speeches unless a compromise can be worked out
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  • 84 5 LOS ANGELES. Wed. (TPI)—A young woman, who claimed to bf an actress, was arrested for indecent exposure yesterday. She aitived at Los Angeles International Airport wearing only "pasties"' above the waist. I-ola Eaquel, 24. was carrying a f«r coat, but apparently, the weather was much too
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  • 271 5 HONG KONG, Wed. (Reuter) The International Press Institute (IPI) ended its 19th assembly today. Its authority was chal- i lenged by an angry government and Its existence threatened by a financial crisis. The challenge was flung by the Philippine Government after it had been condemned
    UPI radiophoto  -  271 words
  • 156 5 HONG KONG, Wed. (Reuter) Asian newspapermen were today described as "a frustrated, schizophrenic lot" at an International Press Institute (IPI), assembly here today. Anr.tabha Chowdhury of Asia Press Foundation reported. With the exception of a few Journalist.*: who have made the top grades, the vast majority
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  • 258 5 MOSCOW, Wed. (UPI) An earthquake which rippled down the mountain valleys of Daghestan caused heavy casualties and destruction, Moscow newspapers reported today The quake occurred last Saturday. It registered a strength of 6-7. which Is considered "moderately severe." Althougn the
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  • 200 5 WASHINGTON, Wed. (Reuter) President Nixon today holds a rare meeting with Negro leaders to discuss grievances fanned by racial tensions, and the fatal shooting of blacks in recent disorders last week. Nixon has been accused of "isolating" himself from the mainstream of American life.
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  • 82 5 LONG BEACH, California Wed (AFP) American customs men made their largest eve r haul of marijuana this week The v discovered iour-and-a half tons of the drug aboard a trawler they had been keeping under surveillance for several months The customs men swoop--ed as the eight-member gang
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 You depart Singapore at 8 15 am. Enjoy a wholesome breakfast. Arrive in Djakarta at the start of thebusinessday.9.loam. Any day, except Sunday. Additional Boeing flights every Tuesda>. Thursday. departing 8.30 pm. Only MSA give® you this choice. Morning or night. See your Travel Agent. Stingy Ing flights A great
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  • 870 6 ORITISH Prime Minister Harold Wilson's choice of June 18 is distinctly a gamble by a man who is notorious for not taking any gambling chances. The Labour Party has actually one more year in office before it is forced to face general elections. As such. Wilson must have
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  • 883 6 GEMINI By Gaminl Seneviratne LONDON: From the Opposition back bench the member for Cheltenham. Mr. Douglas Dodds-Parker, set the pigeons among the Parliamentarians. He wanted to know why. •'in view of the City of Westminster's large expenditure on anti-pigeon activities.'" the
    GEMINI  -  883 words
  • 797 6  -  By Joseph Alsop WASHINGTON In over three decades in the business, this reporter has tried to put reporting ahead of opinion. Open letters are always written to air opinions, and no open letter has ever appeared in this space. But the time comes to break most
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  • 1030 6 L 8;r: Yo*r editorial essay in the paper of May 15 under the heading "India and Indochma", claims Ignorance of the reasons 'why India chose not to attend the conference this weekend in Jakarta called by Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik". Please allow me to draw your
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  • 188 6 THE Standard. Dares Salaam, in a recent editorial says: "With one or two exception* a common heritage of the non-aligned nations Is that our minds and our economies were, and still are colonised Our economies and our approaches to development still suffer from a colonial hangover aligned as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • commercial and industrial
    • 244 7 After a day's holiday, the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore resumed trading yesterday with all the sectors on an easier note. Turnover was just over a million units although it picked up from the previous close. Meanwhile, Empat Ekor still maintained Its position in the
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    • 781 7 J>'JSINESS done in and repoited to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of .1,090 units unless otherwise specified:- INDUSTRIALS ACM A $2.06 1»: Alcan $162 (7» $1.61 (1) $1.60 (It SI 58 (3)
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    • 39 7 NEW YORK. Wed. (UPI) Dow Jones closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: 30 industrials 691.40 20 transo 146.03 15 utilities 103.11 65 stocks 227.77 40 bonds 68 11 Commodity futures index 133.98 up 0.06
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    • 296 7 Fltzpatrlck's Board of Directors have declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent per stock unit less 40 per cent Singapore income tax in respect of the financial year ending June 30. payable on July 7 to stockholders on the register. The Transfer Book and Register of the
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    • 84 7 TWO Yardley Jardlrte men have left for London to attend a technical seminar conducted by British American Cosmetics from May 8 to 21. They are Messrs Robert Wong Fook Cheong and Chua Slong Kean. Mr. Won* is factory manager and Mr. Chua. factory chemist a
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    • 748 7 BID and offer prices officially listed yesterday at the close of business in the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore were: INDUSTRIALS B AC MA ibl 2 OO 2 09 Aiian 1*0 B» n jfc to l 1 00 Borneo BluJ. cd
      748 words
    • 264 7 June first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 56-3 4 cents per lb down 3/8 cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was easier. The market spent an Idle morning with little incentive to trade
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    • 60 7 P O are to consolidate the international air freight activities of group companies under a new company. Pandair Freight Ltd. Pandair will be one of the largest air freight organisations in the UK with a staff of 450. Shipments handled by the company will be worth
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    • 132 7 HONG KONG (tTI) —Wednesday's 5 pm. currency rates (supplied by Forrdin Excbanje and investment Ltd) (Buyer*) (Sellers) per 100 Straits dollars 195 1<>6 147 148 per 1.000 Taiwan dollars 8.735 6 745 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese *yata 460 480 per 1.000 Indian rupees
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    • 94 7 A POSTFR on Singapore entered by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board in a world-wide travel poster competition organised by the Pacific Area Travel Association has won second prize. Over 200 posters repre- senting entries from participating countries in the recent PATA conference, went on display at the Auckland Building Centre.
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    • 72 7 The Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for ships 5n port today. Thursday May 21DEPARTURES (Godowns) (Vessels) 1/2 Flintshire 6'7 Hoegh Elite 15/16 Priam 27/28 Coronis 42/43 Mandalay 45 Centaur 46 Iyo Maru 47 John vket ARRIVALS (Godowna) (Vessels) 46 Iyo Maru
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    • 252 7 CARLSBERG, th e world famous brand of beer is to be brewed in Malaysia. The East Asiatic Company Ltd.. agents for Carlsberg beer in Malaysia and Singapore, has announced that a modern $l5 million brewery will be built at Batu Tiga
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    • 106 7 THE Queens Award to Industry for export achievement for 1970 has been awarded to Jt>hn Dewar Sons Ltd. Thig is the fourth year out of five, since the inception of the award, that the company has so been honoured. Mr. Robert Brown, export director
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    • 92 7 MANILA. Wed. (UPI) President Ferdinand E. Marcos said today he was convinced the Philippines' "floating peso" will increase In value. Marcos told a news conference. "the currency is stabilising gradually and I am certain the peso will be more valuable." He said projections by financial experts were
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    • 367 7 Sydney Stocks, Closing Prices si:'* jtW SYDNEY, Wed, (UPI) —Buyer, on Sydney Stock Exchange Wednesday were reluctant to maintain the upward trend established Tuesday in the mining and oil markets. A dull market in London overnight also dampened the enthusiasm of buyers. With no real trend emerging
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    • 67 7 RANK Xerox In London has recently signed a contract with the Russian State Trading Organisation Technopromlnport. to deliver a consignment of copying and duplicating equipment worth £1.140.000 "This is a tremendous business feat for a British company, formed only recently," announced Mr. Don Wilson. Rank
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    • 125 7 SALES of refined products of the world-wide BP Group increased by nearly 3.5 million tons tn the first quarter of thl* year as compared to the corresponding period last year. This shows a 15 per cent Increase Sales of crude oil for th» first four-month
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    • 82 7 THE noon price* at the Singapore Chline Produce EmrhanRP re*terda» were:H Coconut Oil (FOB) Balk 58 50 Coconut Oil (F.OB.) Brum *0 50 .Mixed Copra 3600 Muntok White Pepper (FOB.) 160 50 Sarawak White Pepper (FOB.) 157-50 Sarawak Special Biac* I'epprr (f O B.) «6% NI.AV 117 50 Lamporie
      82 words
    • 83 7 (Manager** Prices for M»y 21) Ntl 1K(M» 8. tirowtta Find 1.03 1 OS ASIA I'MT TKCSI> M Invest fund xd 119 1 24xd MMSAPOKK L'Mt TRlifT* ltt Singapore 2«7 1 94 2nd Singapore I.M 3rd Singapore 1.20 The Com Ind. 100 1 05\d The >av Fund *n I-03
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    • 13 7 The tin price for yesterday was $689-1/4 per picul down $B-3/4.
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    • 520 7 ARRIVALS 145 a- MSA 125 R Lumpur 6>25 am- MvA 554 Colombo 7 30am. MS* 123 R l.umpnr 930 a m. MSA 452 R Lumpur 1105 am M>A <54 Penang. R> Lumpur li-SO am- MSA 203 Jakarta 1.30 p.m MSA 451 Ruchtng 2 30pm M>A 021 R Inmpur,
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    • 803 8 WE reached the Collyer Quay at eight o'clock in a taxi early in the morning. The day was November the sixteenth. We were about to start on our trip to Penang After making sure that all our luggage were intact. we went to look for some
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    • 174 8 THE popularly known English dictionary was published in the middle of the eighteenth century that is, roughly two hundred years QO was Dr. Samuel Johnson who prepared this Dictionary, a very laborious task. He was thoroughly qualified for it, and when we remember that he produced it
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    • 295 8 In this pleasant world of ours there are many people, who like only money. Here is a story. There was an old woman, Sally Gibbs, whose fortune surprised her relatives. Old Sallv Gibbs was a very strange woman. The fine house in which she lived overlooked a
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    • Article, Illustration
      603 8 NATURE clothes the earth's surface with trees wherever rainfall is adequate and evenly distributed 'hroughout the world. The various types of trees generally represent an adjustment to various conditions Indirectly f rees play a fairly important Dart in the life of man To our remote ancestors trees were a
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    • Article, Illustration
      250 8 A PUPPY was presented to me on my eighth birthday by my uncle It was so cute that I named him Corgi. Corgi s clever, strong and brave He never loses any fight and always comes home victorious Corgi is a fussy dog. He is very pa-ticular about
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    • 459 8 FOR a middle-aged mother of nine to work practically the whole day surely demands vast amounts of energy both physical and mental. Most woman in this predicament would have given up hope early, but my neighbour, Mrs. Lim (who is very worthy of praise and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 237 8 NEW ESSAY CONTEST: RULES TO OBSERVE THE EASTERN SUN'S new essay writin* contest for boys and girls of 14 and under appears to this page every Thursday. One of the objects of this contest is to encourage young boys and girls to express themselves properly. And what better way to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 10 8 AMY By Jack Ti| v'asiir.'ROGERI You're ALREADY married for todayl"
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  • 430 9  -  By Florence de Santis NEW YORK Summer dresses for making at home feature a variety of hemlines, but they are generally simple and easy of silhouette. Leading pattern makers, such as Vogue and Butterick, recommend making summer fashions in fabrics that will travel
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  • 152 9 Q: Earlier this *t>rlAt, I bought a midl-length costume. wore It with kneehigh stretch boots. It's now entirely too warm the boots, but I could still wear th© costume which his a skirt., sleeveless jacket artd light snirt. But what le 8 look would I substitute for
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  • 593 9  -  Ann Landers HEAR ANN: Please tell my fat sister that tasting counts. She never wants any dessert until it comes to the table. Then her fork is in everybody's piate. She only "tastes" which, tor some strange reason she doesn't consider eating I've tried to
    593 words
  • 247 9  -  A Lovelier You BY MARY RUE MILLER A Trrn Lovely asks: Do you approve of beauty train* for cleansing the face? I have been told that, because of its grittiness. use can be irritating. I would love to know for sure. The Answer: First oft, please
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  • 652 9  -  by SHEILAH GRAHAM NEW YORK: "What makes Peter Sellers nervous" said director Roy Boulting. "also makes him a great artiste. He's like a ?au? violin string and. when the temperature chanres. he res/>onds to it enormously, f he didn t
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 255 9 CONSULT YRINA for Astrological and Tarot readings Also map given. Qabalistlc Philosophycal teachings Phone *****1, after 7 p m mfL K SPECIAL COUPON EXCHANGE GIEI SCHEME *V' r-" s From 14th May (Draw No: 38 70) to 26th July No: 59.70) 1970 M your 'A' portion* of the coupons with
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 218 9 L#SHAW I ORGANISATION L 1 D O Phone *****4 LAM i».*« j-jpf. U am lli 4<rt. n M pB Cftlao Chiao HEADS FOR SALE' A StJAW r*R( >DI)CT!ON I Maadar.n in Sh<»sCor*. C.ninr OPENS TOMORROW' Omar Sharif. Catherine Deneuve Jame.< Ma.« "MAYERLING" P 1: color iSBi CAPITOL Phone ***** ><)»
      218 words
    • 306 9 LAST D \Y! 11 a.m.. I S® OA. 6SO K M p m Columb a•* "THE EXECLTIONEB George P'ppard Jr>an Collin* Panai-taion Technicolor Open* Tomorrcw' 1A.1.P.1 THE OBLONG BOX" tn CoU>7 Vincent Price ChrlMopher Leo I CATHAY-: MI UEEK: 11 a .a.. 1 J4t fun hmi w.4« o m Sianev
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    • 138 10  -  By By Our Racing Correspondent pENANG, Wed.—Spring Glow is retaining his winning form. Willi Glynn Pretty up, the four-year-old Arctic Storm gelding went faultlessly over 3f in 431/5 on good going here this morning. The fastest workout of the morning was by Gilang Gumilang who
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    • 99 10 JAKARTA, Wed. (AFP) Some 500 supporters will fly to Kuala Lumpur to help boost the morale of Indonesian players during the Thomas Cup tournament, to be held from May 26 to June 7. The Indonesian team including 21-year-old All England champion Rudy Hartono, will leave here
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    • 1520 10 SATURDAY a. s DIV. »-7 F. 54 7? J ***** 5*697 mn ***** M705 S3 21 BOO f,3097 1O3O0 ***** 07 MonnlckendiB Ombudsman SlunfriU W Bimj Bulol Bendara Tudor Cloud Black Tulip Blah Blah Base Mr til Armlile Wodonga Kind Retard* IT t. asteroid Naiotir H«r 4y
      1,520 words
    • 117 10 LONDON. Wed (AFP) Terry Neill. the Arsenal and Northern Ireland cen-tre-half. will become Hull City'* player-manager In three weeks' time when he returns from holiday In Bpaln. The clubs agreed terms today at a fee In the region of £50.000 a record for the Second Division
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    • 38 10 Anglo-Chinese School beat Tanglin Integrated Secondary Technical bv ten wickets at the Ceylon Sports Club yesterday Tanglin were all out for 13 while the winners were no wicket for 14. Best bowler was Taql Reshti (7/6).
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    • 307 10 Nicky Robert Lead Into Finals MRS. Nicky Koh, who had all this while been trailing Helen Pederson during the qualifying rounds of the 1970 Cathay Pacific Brunswick Far East tournament, has taken over the lead at the semi-finals held at Jackie's Bowl (Katong). She battled with 21 other semi-finalists over
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    • 94 10 MEXICO CITY. Wed. (Reuter) Belgium, who play In Group One of the World Cup next month, have been pleasing trainer Raymond Goethal* in their preparatory work in Puebla. Commenting today on a practice match the squad played Goethals satd: "The boys played as though
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    • 55 10 MANILA. Wed. (Reuter) Tommy Manotoc. 21-year-old boy friend of recently crowned Miss International Aurora Pljuan ftrabbed the first round ead In the Republic of The Philippines amateur golf championship. Manotoc fired an evenpar 72 at the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club In suburban Manda'uvon to lead 51
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    • 813 10 TOKYO, Wed. (UPI) Former world junior lightweight champion Gabriel "Flash" Elorde of the Philippines has made a comeback at 35 by regaining a rating in the Orient Boxing Federation's (OBF) lightweight division. The OBF took recognition of Elorde's fifth round knockout of Munchai
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    • 196 10 Baseball Results Standings NEW YORK. Wed. (UPI) Results of major league baseball games played yesterday: American League Milwaukee 6 Oakland 3. Minnesota 5 Kansas City 4 (10 innings). California 3 Chicago Washington 3 Cleveland 1. Baltimore 5 New York 1. Boston 5 Detroit 4. National League Philadelphia 2 Pittsburgh 0.
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  • 752 11 London, Wed. (AFP) Lancashire, with a total haul of 22 points, beat Northamptonshire by nine wickets at Liverpool yesterday, and removed them at the top of the County championship table. Northamptonshire defended stubbornly until after tea, with Roger Prideaux spearheading t» partnership of 76
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  • 255 11  -  By Ben Variyan KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Badminton Association of Malaysia announced their six-man team to meet Denmark in the semifinals of the Thomas Cup competition at Stadium Negara here on Ma 30 and 31. The team, jed by doubles player Ng Boon Bee comprise
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 28 11 SPECIAL FOR ALL RACING ENTHUSIASTS sports liftout with full Saturday racing results and a complete Sunday race-card in THE SUN LATE EDITION ON SALE EVERY SATURDAY 7.00 P.M
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1193 11 EI3EEE22ESJ BHOKI WAVE SLKV ICL 5052 kilt S»9 38m I IJ*4* Kilt 2S.l3ia MtDIIM WAVE SKKVICE 63il Hit 47bm 190 k.MI .!80» (from 10.15 p.m to midnight) A.M. 6.00 Good Morning; 6CI Meet the Sun J way; 700 The News; "In Breakfast Bulletin: 7.30 Meet the Sun 4 way; 800
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  • 136 12 A picture of the moon, autographed by American astronaut* Tnomas T. Stafford, wa f yesterday presented to the Raffles Institution. The picture was a gift from the United States made earlier this year when Its Vice President. Mr Spiro Agnew. visited Singapore. It was decided that
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  • 491 12 Murder Trial: Day Richard Lai Choon Seng, the prosecution's convict-witness in the kidnap-murder trial, was yesterday ordered to produce his account books for examination in court. The High Court's order was in response to an application by counsel Mr. Allen Yau to check what
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  • 368 12 An ex-construction labourer, Lim Kok Wah, 23, who is alleged to have set tire to the Housing and Development Board Building was found on the roof top of the building with "Happy New Year" printed in Chinese on his singlet a court was
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  • 50 12 Enche Othman Wok (left) Minister for Social Affairs receives a cheque for $22,788 from Tan Sri Tan Chin Tuan, Chairman of Fraser and Neave for the Sports Promotion Fund. Th e money was collected in January or the opening night of the "Holiday on Ice Show,"
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  • 39 12 Twenty-three people were made homeless and property worth $7,000 went up in flames when a morning blaze gutted a house at Kampong Tengah 41 ma. Paslr Pnajang Road, yesterday. Nobody was Injured during the fire.
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  • 18 12 There were a total of 62 road accidents o* which three were serious on Vesak Day.
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  • 172 12 Khoo Sut Hoe. who is described as. "the most fertile and imaginative artist." in Singapore and Malaysia, opened a one-man exhibition at the National Library Hall in Stamford Road, yesterday. Mr. Llm Chong Keat. the past president of the Singapore Institute of Architects. said this in the
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  • 226 12 24-Hour Record Broken A pair of RAF Phantom Hghter bombers of 54 Squadron rolled into RAF Tengah yesterday to trim six minutes off the "UK-Singapore" record flying time established only 24 hours earlier by a single Phantom. The crew of one of yesterday's Phantom pair on the
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  • 47 12 An annual picnic party will be held at the Pasir Pis Hotel ground. on sunday, May 24. 1970. by the Metal Box Company ct Malaya Limited Employees Recreation Club. Miss Picnic Contest will highlight the gathering. and some eight hundred people will attend the picnic.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 479 12 NOTICES APPOINTMENTS i You can be confident of a bright future join the SAP tooay as TRAINEE TECHNICIANS Opportunities are available tor young men Between 17V4 and 23 years of age with the School Certificate or its equivalent to be trained »n a worthwhile and rewarding skill. The Singapore Armed
      479 words
    • 133 12 Classified Sales Service Television Radio KblMfrM SIGN TKI.h V l>lO\ RLN'I 4LB HP X* CASH Complete range to *uli exerxme. Kbonroomi: Clemenceau Avenue. Joo Cblat Road. Taman Jurong REDIFFCSION Rt.P.tlK* ANY MAKE OK TV ((EXS Radiophone Controlled Maintenance Phone *****/2 s'pore Communal Aerial syatema Closed Circuit IV Background Mu«lc Installation
      133 words
    • 161 12 THE REAL LITTLE OF ITALY IN SINGAPOR (It even has a parking problem.) There's more to SoiTento than coffee and cakes. There's now a complete bar. Beer. The whisky you fancy. Brandy, vodka, even chianti. And now a full restaurant menu. Which means you can eat pheasant in casserole, while
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 80 12 TIME AND TIDE TODAY SINGAPORE TOWN: 437 am. (8 in); 11.22 a.m. (8 ft.) 445 p.m (3 8 ft.): 1037 pm. (9 ft.). NAVAL DOCKYARD: 425 am. (1 ft): 11.27 am. (10 ft.); 4.50 p.m. (4.3 ft); 1058 pm. (10.1 ft.). TOMORROW SINGAPORE .TOWN: 515 a m. (1 in.): 12.12
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