Eastern Sun, 25 January 1970

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 23 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY Estd. 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1247 Sunday Edition, 25 January 1970. &MC (P) 1616 Price 15 cents
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  • 487 1 'PEOPLE HAVE WINED, DINED, >tND DISAPPEARED COUNSEL for two company directors and a secretary charged with offences under the Companies Act, 1967, yesterday failed in an attempt to "gag" the prosecution. The First District Court Judge, Mr. D. C. D'Cotta, rejected on application by
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  • 629 1 A STATIONER who conspired with the manager of the Taman Jurong branch of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and four other men to rob the bank was yesterday convicted for retaining stolen property ($210,000 cash) and jailed for three years,
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  • 43 1 LEICESTER. England, Sat. (Reuter) An elderly couple were killed when a five-ton tank of beer fell off a lorry and crushed their small car near here yesterday The tank, about 20ft. in circumference. was filled with 700 gallons of beer.
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  • 53 1 BRUNEI TOWN, Sat. (UPI) The number of cholera cases in the Brunei General Hospital rose to 22 with the admission of four more patients Friday night. More vaccination centres were being set up throughout the country to contain the disease and more vaccines were being rushed
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  • 529 1  -  By Charlie Chan A determined gang of burglars early yesterday moming cut their way through one of the floors of the Robinsons' Departmental Stor« in Raffles Place and got away with a fortune of more than $lOO,OOO worth of watches and jewellery. The theH was discovered
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  • 88 1 JAKARTA. Sat (Reuter) Demonstrating students appear, ed to be taking the day off here todav as reports from around the country indicated their campaign against recent price increases was spreading. Troops patrolled the streets of Jakarta and mounted a special guard on the offices of Pertarruna.
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  • 163 1 I May Ban Party Rakyat' TUNKU KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Tunku Abdul Rahman today warned Party Rakyat that he would ban them if the party continued with its rebellious attitude. The Prime Minister speaking to newsmen on his return from a twoday goodwill visit to Pahang said he was personally studyine
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  • 47 1 JOHANNESBURG. Sat. (Reuter) Nine doors including the front door have been stolen from a suburban house here in a series of overnight raids. The owner who is now moving out of the house tried using a guard dog But that was stolen too
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 PRIMA LTD. (FLOUR MILLS) /jfgjs, EMMAUS BIBLE SCHOOL 77-A, BRAS BASAH ROAD, iTn- SINGAPORE 7. Offering you studies on the most important book in the world the BIBLE. Do not miss this opportunity! •Four Free Courses (list of subsequent courses will be sent later) o Completion Card issued on every
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  • 320 3 VIENTIANE, Sot. (UPI) The military situation in Northeast Laos has become serious as government troops have been gradually forced back in many firefights, well-informed military sources said yesterday. Troops commanded by Maj. Gen. Vangpao, a Meo tribesman and tough guerrilla fighter, have been forced to
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  • 192 3 -A MANILA Sat. (UPI) student demonstrators numbering more than 1.000 carried candies and a coffin yesterwi P ar of a mock funeral wmch spokesmen said was to mourn the death of public higher education in the Philippines." The coffin was taken by a procession which ended in
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  • 89 3 NEW DELHI. Sat. (Reuter) —lndia's Chief Election Commissioner last night asked to be released from the job of deciding which of the rival Congress parties should have the vital election symbol of two yoked bullocks. In a country where more than half the electorate is Illiterate, the party
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  • 67 3 WASHINGTON. Sat (Reuter) The US. Army today added one more person to the list of men under Investigation in connection with the My Lai village massacre, bringing the total to 33. The new suspect has been discharged and is a civilian, the Army said. There are now
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  • 56 3 SAIGON. Sat. (UPP A Central Committee member of the Vietcong's political arm was killed last week in a bombing raid over Central Vietnam, a Communist radio broadcast said yesterday. The broadcast, monitored In Saigon. Identified the slain official as Huynh Thien Tu, a member of the Central Committee
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  • 205 3 VIENTIANE, Sat. (UPI) Four California women trying to learn if their aviator husbands are alive or dead watched in tears Friday as a plane took off for Hanoi without the letters they had written to the men. The crews of the International Control Commission
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  • 225 3 SAIGON, Sat. (UPI) High-flying U.S. Air Force 852 bombers hammered Communist buildups for a possible new offensive in Friday raids that ranged from the strategic A Shau Valley in the north to a mountain sanctuary in the south, military spokesmen said today. The eight-engmed Stratofortresses struck
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  • 291 3 MOSCOW, Sat. (Reuter) A Soviet journal charged today that Chinese leaders were expanding both trade and secret diplomatic links with the United States, despite continuing Peking attacks on U.S. policy. The weekly foreign affairs magazine "Za Rubezhom" also charged Wasfcington with seducing the Maoists with tips
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  • 266 3 NAHA, Okinawa, Sat. (UPI) Okinawan workers at U.S. bases in the Ryukyu Islands removed their picket lines Friday after striking for five days but the dis- pute remained unsettled. The All-Okinawa Military Workers Union (Zengunro) was unsuccessful in its efforts to block the dismissal
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  • 86 3 HONG KONG Sat (UPl> The China Mail said today anti-Maoist* are active In Shanghai, the biggest city of China, and In one Incident this week several soldiers were killed. "More than 1.000 starving peasants this week killed several PL A (People's Liberation Army> troops when they raided
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  • 72 3 PORT MORESBY Sat. (Reuter) Police and workmen today dug through a huge landslide on a road construction site in East Bougainville In search of 48 men believed burled under tons of rock and shale. An administration spokesman said here this morning that initial reports from Kieta. the main centre
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  • 34 3 JERUSALEM. Sat. < Reuter» The Israeli Supreme Court yesterday ruled that the term Jewish referred to nationality and not to necessarily religion in a decision which threatened to raise a poli-tical-religion storm here.
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  • 131 3 OURIMBAH. New South Wales. Sat. (Reuter) Stockmen on horseback, police in radio equipped caravans and 4.500 pop fans were scattered over a *OO- farmland at daybreak awaiting the start of Australia's first monster pop festival. The farmland of retired Col Henry Nichoils was dotted
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  • 62 3 KYOTO Japan. Sat. (UPI) Forty-six students, including 12 coeds, were arrested yesterday when 500 students fought 200 riot police with wooden staves and stones. Police said 10 students were injured. The clash followed a rally staged by the All-Kansal campus struggle faction of the Zengakuren students In protest
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  • 38 3 PARIS. Sat. (UPI) A factory worker who soaked his clothes in gasoline and set them alight was In "desperate" condition in hospital yesterday. He was the latest in a series of self-immolations In France In recent days.
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  • 149 3 MANILA. Sat. (UPI) A Philippine neuropsychiatrist has suggested the use of LSD, a hallucinogen popular among Hippies, in screening government personnel to determine their psychiatric conditions. In speech before the 14th Annual Convention of the Philippine Association of Military Surgeons, Retired Col. Jaime C. Zaguirre
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  • 295 3 SAIGON, Sat. (UFI) The Vietcong have launched a new nationwide drive to recruit South Vietnamese children for longterm guerrilla training in North Vietnam, informed allied sources said Saturday. The children, ranging from 10 to their mid-teens, are being scooped up individually and sent to staging
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  • 74 3 NEW DELHI. Sat. (Reuten An Indian Air Force MIG--21 fighter crashed just behind the President's palace here today close to one of the city's most heavily populated areas while rehearsing for Monday's Republic Day flypast. The pilot baled out safely and was taken to hospital. The Jet,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 50/rio«49 JACKPOT FOR TODATS DRAW! TO WMNOB WITH I NUUeots COMCCT $20,000 $350 $l5 TO Hus THt AO'iGNAI »«SWSIR co»«fcr lACM -O WIWKEWS ccwwcr nciuotac «OOiT(CN*I Novefß tAC* TO »m««S WITH J Njxotft'; cc«t»»f ct IXC I'OlWfc rut AOO'TiOHAt. FREE ENTRY FOR 3 CIRCLES CORRECT $5OO/FOR DRAW NO: 8/70 (25-1-70)
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  • 569 4 LAGOS, Sat. (Reuter Cr UPI) New relief shipments from the United States, Canada and Britain landed here yesterday but there was no word of any direct aid flights to the three provincial airstrips Port Harcourt, Enugu and Calabar which the government
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  • 225 4 PRAGUE. Sat (Reuters Czechoslovak Prime Minister Oldrich Cernik Is expected to lose hi* post following the meeting of the Communist Party Central Committee, next Wednesday. Informed sources said here yesterday. The meeting originally to debate the economic situation is shaping up as a
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  • 212 4 BONN. Sat. (UPI) The Upper House (Bundesrat) of the West German Parliament yesterday approved a Hamburg City draft law to keep the port city's 4.000 prostitutes off the streets during daylight hours. The city law. which still has to be passed by the second
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  • 86 4 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) Fine art dealers in a fashionable London shopping area lost £50.000 worth of antiques in two raids during the night In one raid in the Mayfalr district, thieves smashed a window and grabbed an antique clock worth £lO,OOO and other Items worth £15.000
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  • 317 4 UNITED NATIONS, New York. Sat. (Reuter) Hopes that Ounnar Jarring, the United Nations peace envoy, would return to the Middle East before the end of the month were shattered yesterday when the Big Four powers failed to Issue expected guidelines for
    UPI radio picture.  -  317 words
  • 182 4 CAIHO. Sat. fUPI) Egypt claimed victory last night in the 36-hour battle with Israel for control of the strategic Shadwan Island which controls the entrance to the Suez Gulf. A military spokesman said 80 Egyptians were killed, injured or missing before Egyptians "forced the
    UPI radio picture.  -  182 words
  • 364 4 LONDON, Sat. (Reuter) The world's biggest publishing company and a giant British paper group last night announced plans to merge into a £5OO million sterling a year joint company. TThe Reed Paper Group said It would offer £l2O million for shares
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  • 58 4 BEIRUT, Sat. (Reuter) Christian Belon. the young Frenchman who hijacked an American airliner to Beirut two weeks ago. was re-arrest-ed yesterday ana Is being detained in a hospital, judicial sources said. Belon. who was arrested following his arrival here and released on 25 Lebanese Kunds (about *hree
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  • 192 4 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) Outspoken Member of Parliament Enoch Powell came jnder heavy fire on two fronts last night from h:s Conservative Party leader Edward Heath and from student demonstrators Mr Heath denounced Mr Powell's views on race as not compatible with the Shadow
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  • 99 4 FONfE Sat.. <Reuter)—The Rome Deputy Public Prosecutor. Dr NicoLo Amato. last night denied that he had accused five doctors, who performed transplant operations here a week ago. of Illegal use or dissection of a corpse. Earlier, Slgnor Giuseppe Bucclante. defence lawyer for one of the surgeons. Professor
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  • 55 4 LONDON. Sat. (Feuter) A London restauranteur. convicted for sex crimes, yesterday won a Cut In his nineyear sentence because of brutalities" he suffered as a boy in Nazi Germany Benno Taylor. 37-year-old owner of two restaurants, was appealing against his conviction last year for "appalling" sex crimes against
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  • 64 4 BONN. Sat. (Feuter) Chancellor Willy Brandt has taken a concrete stet> towards agreement with East Germany by offering talks on establishing equal relations as part of non-agression negotiations. the West German government said yesterday The proposal w as contained In a letter sent bv Mr.
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  • 50 4 FREETOWN, 6lerra Leon#. Sa». (Feuten The supreme court here yesterday cleared 17 people of the artred robbery of diamonds worth more than £1,500.000 on November 13 last year The court dismissed the charges saying m ore evidence was needed and the evidence given was contradictory
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  • 53 4 LONDON, Sat. (Reuter) Women who have their first baby after 35 run more than twice the risk of breast cancer than first-time mothers under 20. This was the conclusion of a two-year survey conducted -in the industrial county of Glamorgan, in South Wales was published ;n the lancet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 29 4 UJLI mm ational of Chin Victory Y RECO rth Bri< 932 3i *Best Orchestral Performance *Best Chinese Traditional Music *Best Cover Design *Best Gifts for Chinese Nevr Year m
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 78 4 TODAY and Y0U..., Sunday, January 25, 1970. WA p mm You'll 3t l»od 2 Concwrtrata 32 fWed 3 Find 33 Your 40n 34 To 5 A 35M0 A Irxpiiotion 36 Variety 7 Dov 37 Atti Pi m rnr w. ►•a m r T» 20 Fr,«ndiy 50 21 Moods 51 22
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  • 53 5 Th e six solid fuel strap-on rocket engines ar e seen mounted on the Delta-N launch vehicle which hurled the Tiros-M,America's second generation of weather satellites, into space from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.,Friday. It was the first time they have been used for liftoff by providing additional thrust
    UPI Radiophoto.  -  53 words
  • 269 5 NE^ OR T N WS Y*' (UPI) Dtfance S.ceetary Melvin Laird, speaking Friday at keel-laying ceremonies tor the new nuclear-powered frigate, USS Califorril" i Am e r, n w meet "the inescapable reality ot growing Soviet sea power. j" The 800-foot. 10.000-ton Calu iornia
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  • 136 5 WASHINGTON. Sat. (Reuter> The US Senate tru day eave overwhelming approval to a sweeping bill aimed at combatting organised crime. The bill, supported by the administration but not part of President Nixon* anticrime proposals, was passed by 73 votes to one. It now
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  • 55 5 YUCCA FLAT. Nevada. Sat. YUPI) The Atomic Energy Commission triggered the first underground nuclear test of the decade yesterdav with a of less than 20 kllotons. The nuclear weapon was detonated at a depth 0 f 800 feet below the desert floor. No radiation leaked to the atmosphere
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  • 256 5 WASHINGTON, Sat. Reuter) Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said today the continued presence of large numbers of American troops in Western Europe made Europeans less interested in their own defence. It also resulted in a drain on resources that hindered America ability to deal with
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  • 129 5 The long delay o1 the Pan American Airways maiden jumbo jet flight to London waa the fault of the pilots and crew, the engine builders Mid yesterday. The clipper Young America, all set to swine across the Atlantic last Wednesday, was withdrawn after an engine overheated.
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  • 76 5 ANN ARBOR. Michigan. Sat. (UPI) A jury of nine women and three men vesterday afternoon found ex-convict Ernest L. Bishop Jr. 28 innocent by reason of insanity in ?he murder of a university of Michigan coed. The Wastenaw County Circuit Court jury deliberated 10 hour, over two dav« before
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  • 69 5 WASHINGTON. Sat. fßeuter> The state of Florida filed suit in the Supreme Court vesterdav against all America's other 49 states demanding that a single school desegregation standard aPP'y to a'l. The documents were taken to the court personally by Fonda Governor Claude R Kirk Jr. He told reporters Florida
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  • 148 5 UNITED NATIONS Sat. (Reuter) Some 50 countries donated $215,400,000 at the UN. World Food Programme opening pledging exercise for 1971-72 here yeaterdav. The W.F.P. has set a target of $3OO million for the two years which will be distributed in form of cash and food supplies
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  • 149 5 WINNIPEG. Sat. (Reu-ter)—-Many of the prostitutes working here are happily married suburban housewives helping out with the family budget. This is reported by Prof. William Morrison, head of the University of Winnipeg Sociology Department, who is conducting a sex-for-hlre research. More than 50 women,
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  • 439 5 WASHINGTON, Sat. (UPI) A score of lank-haired, mini-skirted young women shouting, "WW ian't there e mele pill?" end Why are there no women on sub-committeer broke up a Senate Hearing yesterday on Hie safety and effectless of birth control pills. The protesters,
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  • 76 5 KNOXVTLLE Tennessee. Sat (Reuter) Modern rock muflte ha» become %o loud and potential! v harmful to human ear®, according to a university »pee«ch and hearing researcher here, that legislation should be introduced to eurt» excess: v* noise level. Discotheques ar# just one of the areas where the legislation,
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  • 61 5 ST LOUIS. Missouri Sat (UPI) Sister Cecilia Goldman a member of Action, a militant organisation. *aid y«0» terday she is renouncing her vow of poverty taken M a member of the Roman Catholie Maryknoll Order "The Church is 8 milliondollar racist Institution and It would be hypocritical for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 227 5 f t VcA>i f r. t'vk HAD I My UFE~J COME t T m icjzw. IVi t \S*fsf j <k fj m > K X i 0^ B frl rw M Li r K M VI I SCJ a X 1 CAN ££ff THAT XXJ BUT, I KEEP >W...T* A
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    • 539 7 MELBOURNE, Sat. Work will start soon on the first $92,000,000 stage of a new steelworks to be built at Westernport Bay in Victoria. The steelworks will be built near Hastings, 40 miles from the State capital city of Melbourne. It will be the State's first steel-
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    • 535 7 <HE market ranged within a two-cent spread during the week, recording a low of 68-7/8 cents and a high of 70-7/8 cents. Sentiment was mixed but bullish influences outweighed the bearish, according to a weekly review by Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co. At
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    • 234 7 NEW YORK. Sat The 1969 income of First National City Corporation, before securities. profits or losse§ of the Corporation and its subsidiaries rose 8.4 per cent to US$ 130.580.000 (U*****,475,000 In 1968). Thi s represented income per share of USs4.Bo, compared with US$4
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    • 91 7 iHfc noun prion* •t the Mnn pore Chlnfw Prodnr* r*rh«n«. iMtcrdki wtrr > ttu;ei Bcllri Coconut OU (FOB-) Bulk C'tH'OllUt Oil 58 00 (FOB) Drum 58 50 Mixed Copra 35-00 Mum ok White Pepper (FOR) 167 50 Sarawak White Peppri (FOB) SirdMJK »prtlM| HUH Pepper itdHl Wl* 16.-. 00
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    • 190 7 THE Port of Singapore Autnorlty has made the following beathing arrangements for ships in port today: Sunday Jan. 25: DEPARTURE Godowns Vessels 6/7 Lica Maersk 10/11 Neptune Amethyst 15/18 Eumaeus 31/32 Ixlon 46 Riverbank 47 President Harrison ARRIVALS Godowns Vessels 34/35 Palatino 36/39 Myconos 29/30 Knud Maersk
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    • 74 7 LONDON. Sat. (UPI) Rubber market closed neglected yesterday with spot 23-5/8, 24. Settlement House Feb 23-7/8. 24 March 24-1/8. 24-3/8 April 24-7 16. 24-5/8 April/June 24-5/8. 24-3/4 July/Sept and Oct/Dec 245/8. 24-13/16 Jan/March 24-5/16, 24-3 4 April/June 24-9/16. 24-11/16 Juiy/6ept and Oct Dec 241/2 24-11/16
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    • 79 7 MANILA. Sat. (UPI) Pan American World Airways announced yesterday It will start Its 747 Jumbo Jet service In the Pacific on Feb 25 on a Los Angeles-Honolulu-Tokyo flight. Stanley W. Burke Jr Pan Am director in the Philippines. said the airline has filed an application with the
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    • 60 7 The Association cf Banks in Malaysia-Singapore yesterday made the following changes In Its rates to merchants (rates are quoted to the equivalent of 100 units of foreign currency): SELLING T.T. or O.D. ready: Deutsche Marks $83.9225; Holland Guilders $85.0800; Swiss Francs $71.8500; Belgian Francs $6.2400; French Francs $55.7550;
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    • 13 7 THE tin price 'or yesterday was $688.87* per picul. down $4.12*.
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    • 142 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Tunku Abdul Afix bin Tunku Ibrahim of Kumpuian Guthrie Sendirian Brrhad has returned to Kuala Lumpur alter a year s training in personnel management and industrial relations in the United Kingdom. He will now take over as personnel manager of KGSB from
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    • 111 7 TORRANCE, California. Sat. (UPI) Plans to recall 32.000 1969 Toyota Carollas to replace the brake pedal assembly because it might bend under panic" stops were announced this week by Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. The company said an "abnormal amount of foot pressure" applied
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    • 49 7 NEW YORK, Sat (UPI) Rubber futures closed unchanged and untraded yesterday on the New York Commodity Exchange. (Close) (Prev) Mar 26.50 26.50 May 26.00 2600 July 26.00 26.00 Sept 25.00 25.00 Nov 26 00 26.00 Jan 26.00 26.00 Locally, No. 2 RSS was 251/2 cents per pound.
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    • 253 7 SYDNEY. Sat. (UPI) British Leyland Motor Corporation plan» to Invest US$ 33.6 million in Australia during the next three years to develop three new types of automobile here, company chairman Lord Stokes said yesterday. The first auto, to he marketed in association with
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    • 93 7 NEW YORK, Sat. (UPI) Prortt-t aklng. particularly among blue chip and pollution control stocks, turned the stock market lower yesterday In moderate turnover. At the final bell, the UPI marketwide Indicator showed a loss of 1.01 per cent on 1.581 Issues crossing the tape. Declines outscored
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    • 39 7 NEW YORK. Sat. (UPI) Dow Jones closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. 30 Industrials 775.54 20 Transp 170.24 15 Utilities 107.71 65 Stocks 254.96 48 Bonds 69.10 Commodity futures Index 137.10 off 0.56
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    • 341 7 HONG KONG, Sat. Miss Frances Brand Falk is to take over from Miss Delia Green as BOAC Administration Officer (Chinese and Japanese Stewardesses) based in Hong Kong. BOAC was the pioneer among world airlines in introducing Chinese and Japanese stewardesses on its
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    • 115 7 NEW YORK. Sat. (UPI) Oold prices were mixed in quiet trading yesterday on markets here and abroad. In London, gold slipped 1 cent to 34.99 dollars per troy ounce at the morning fixing and remained at that level for the second fixing. Zurich gold
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    • 216 7 LONDON. Sat (Reuter) The market moved lower yesterday on the government's proposals for the n ew industry and manpower commission. The falls were small however, and Kenerally reflected marking down, although some small end-account liquidation added to the decline. Towards the close the FT index
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    • 5 7 •HODS HOD* rnrrrnpji
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    • 399 7 ARRIVALS 813 am. MSA 123 K. Lumpur 945 am. .MSA 119 K Lumpur 1230 pm. MSA 451 kuchlng 230 pm MSA 021 k Lumpur. Malacca 3 25pm MSA 453 Kota Italn--340 p m MSA 521 Bangkok. Penan*. 5 55*pm MSA 333 «vdaey. DenEr (Ball). •27 Lam par. icra
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  • POPPING AROUND With Platter Pete
    • 301 8  -  GORDON COXHILL THERE were more than a few not-so-drv eyes a s the audience shuffled out of the theatre on Sunday after watching the Press showing of •Goodbye Mr Chips." Yes. even hard-bitten, cynical journalists melted to this classic love story, starring Peter O
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    • 326 8 TOM fOGUTY JOHN roGixnr DOUG CLIFFORD STUART COO* rail real names Tom Fogerty John C. Fogerty Douglas Ray Clifford Stuart Cook Birthdste: November 9. 1941 May 28 APnl 24. 1945 April 25. 1945 Birthplace: Berkeley. California Berkeley, California Pato Alto, Calif. Berkeley. California Personal point**
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    • 301 8 BARRY RYAN (Polydor) AS you might imagine, all the recording techniques in the world are employed here and there are bags of strings, choirs, brass and echoes. More important, though, are the twelve good songs by Paul Ryan and the consistently llstenable voice of Barry
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    • Article, Illustration
      43 8  -  By Neil Smith Cartoonist Nail Smith pictures P ETIR SARSTCDT as LitHe Mies Muffet, being rurad by an impresario into the show business net like his brother, iden Kane. was. But Peter is mora interested in his Copenhagen doll (bottom right).
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    • 32 8 rrru UiniOT wH* kls ■»< ml (tHlr*) krMa. ANITA ATM. PETER SARSTEDT and his bride, Danish dentist ANITA ATKE, after their wedding at Copenhagen's English Church last weekend. (Stefan Liban photol.
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    • 450 8 AND BEHOLD! All hair the greatness of SOCRATES! Amid the destruction of all ideals, truth and morality in the Grecian world in the sth century 8.C., there appeared in Athens the figure of one, Socrates who was destined to restore order out of chaos, and to introduce
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    • 128 8  -  by D. Johnson UPSETTERS: Live Injection Trojan I. ON the whole, I welcome the current reggae boom because the music it undemanding, happy, compulsive and it conjures up visions of warm tropical climes. But I must confess that I found the Upsetters" "Django" the most
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 19 8 NEXT WEEK Special review of The MONKEES' first fulllength feature film -"HEAD". PLUS An EXCLUSIVE feature on FLEETWOOD MAC
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  • Jemme
    • 623 9  -  Ann Landers DEAR ARR; I am 28. My husband, who is a few years older, i s a high school principal and assistant pastor of our church. Thomas is a wonI love him very much, derful, thoughtful person. The problem, as you will
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    • 538 9  -  lor .I##/ Sheilah Graham IJ OLLYWOOD Is no place 11 for women, single or married." said Alan Jay Lerner. currently pausing for a breather after his latest Broadway nit. "Coco" he wrote the book and the lyrics Alan has been In
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    • 81 9 HOLLYWOOD. Sat. N«gotntions have been concluded between Columbia Pictures and Sidney Poitier for him to star in Kane," an original screenplay which Poitier's company. E R Production Corp., will film earlv next year. James Goldstone will direct the his second theatrical effort. He made
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    • 235 9 IN the world of western guns and fists, few men are their brother s keeper and keep no 'aw but their own. Exploiting the same on film is Columbia Pictures' "Land Raiders" starring Telly Savalas. George Maharis. Arlene Dahl and Janet Landgard Telly Savalas
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    • 705 9 T>O.VN Sit. The honwwlfe with the coloured wire basket who. with a precise JP h nd Purposefully set outs to th* corresponding shelves and fridges and within 10 minutes has got everything which she and the famiW will need that week on the one hand the slow-moving
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    • 159 9 P"— i LOOK FOR... DRESS detailing from th« Thirties. such a* Knocking, tuckmg. fagottmg and puckering. ai! to eef a r#w look In soft fitting PANTS established as an accepted part of fashion. in new mid-'eg length in new details such a& the wid# waistband of the Thirties.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 177 9 0 O PHone 284'4 NOW SHOWING 11 a*.. 1 4S. 4.05, IJI »U»J» David McCalium. Suzanne Neve MMquito NMiftn 1 (UAt NEXT CHANOE! Shirley Knight Si Jamw C*an Technicolor From WB-7 Art* CAPITOL khonc 297SV■ M..— I i.M— I.M~. ■> SOW SHOWING Ho FT* c_ 11 am 1.3 H. 4
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    • 322 9 •V V I ORGANISATION CATHAY ***** OPENS TODAT! 11 a.m.. l it. 4.M. «.M I.K p.m. MOM r "FOl'B BODE OCT" Color •tarring Sue I/rin Hobert* ORCHARD-***** New Shewtaj: Tada? ft «howt! 11 a.m.. IJS. W. < M 9 Ift P.M. THE APRIL roots- 'TKhnlOOlorl Jack Ummoß. Catharine Denture OOEON
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    • 299 11 NEW YORK, Sat (UPI) —The incredible Pancho Gonzalez scored one of the greatest victories of his twodecade career last night, defeating Rod Laver 7-5, 3-6. 2-6, 6-3, 6-2 to win the 10,000 U.S. dollars winner-take-all inaugural match of the 200,000 U.S. dollar tennis classic. A roaring
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    • 62 11 INVERCAROILL. New Zealand. Sat. tßeuten New Zealander Graham Mcßae. driving a McLaren MIOA. won the 82 lap International motor race at the Ifi mile Teretonga Par* circuit here tiray. Ron Grable of the U S., also in an Ml OA. was second with another American. Mike Ooth. third
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    • 49 11 Ceylon Sports Club defeated Port of Singapore Authority Recreation Club 3-0 In a SHA Division One league match played at the CSC ground. Balestier. yesterday. CSC were leading 1-0 at the end of the first half. Scorers: Farouk Merlcan. Arul and Roland Ferreira netted CSC's goals.
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    • 258 11 Marathon 93-Game Duel SYDNEY, Sat. (UPI) U.S. Davit Cup Coach Denis Ralston pulled off a four let upset victory over top professional John Newcombe in a record shattering marathon quarter final of the Australian Open Tennis Championships today at White City. AM Ralston, 27, defeated Newcombe
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    • 539 11 THE Fifth Singapore Grand Prix, which will be held in the Thomson Road circuit from March 26-29 this year, promises to be the most spectacular event of its kind in Southeast Asia. Outstanding names in motor racing in Asia. Australia, New Zealand and even
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    • 1993 10 LOCAL jockeys had a good day at Bukit Timah yesterday. Out of an eight-race programme, they won seven races. Velayutham scored an early double, winning the first two races on Sunny Heart and Pahlawan, both owned by Dato and Datin K.L. Chong. TemerloH
      1,993 words
    • 1988 10 Race 1: CI. 5 Div. 1—6 F.—1.45 P*m. ($6,000) OOrtOO Senator ■yr 8 12 ?TT 5'able Teb < 1 2 033OH MotI* Town 5y S 12 Tullo), Podirore 13 a ?GP97 Salah Kanaka 5 7 8 12 E T Breuk Omer Subian 12 993*0 Runp«f Sew Zaal.nH
      1,988 words
    • 1270 10  -  By Jimmy Lad START Hii day with Myopic 11. The Pipe of Peace gelding it well handicapped and looks all set to outsprint his rivals in the Class Five Division One sprint (Race One) at Bukit Timah today. At the last meeting here he carried
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    • 282 10 JTMMY LAD CISCO ZODIAC SACK it (14) MYOPIC n l 7 1 Prrkau 11 (11) Be«p Beep (141 MYOPIC n 8 Nasi Lemak 7 i Perkasa II (11) BEEP BEEP (14) Myopir (2 Movie Town II 1 ACE S: (17) B. SUCC (11) Summer 1 Ulnae* ESS Fun (lit
      282 words
    • 194 10 SAIGON. Sat. (Reuter) Sixty-si* cyclists flashed across the finishing line today to end the Demi-Tour of Vietnam bicycle race. The organisers said a 27-year-old Army entry. Bui Van Hoang. was Judfed the winner of the six-day 474mile race, run to back President Nguyen claims that the
      194 words
    • 59 11 IN SINGAPORE'S sunny climate swimming just about tops the sport popularity poll with children at the three Royal Air Force stations. This group of Tengah "water-babies" all recently won Amateur Swimming Associition Gold or Merit awards. They received their certificate* from the Station Physical Fitness Officer. Flight Lieutenant Gibbs (right).
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 Classified Ad. Where To Stay STRAND bOTEL. Bencoolen street. Town centre. Quiet clean, reasonable rates Alr e o 1 lor e d room*. private bath. Bar/ Restaurant Homely services Tels: 2382J 1 *****
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 40 11 BIG SWEEP FIRST PRIZE No. *****9 (53,974.00) SECOND PRIZE No. *****1 ($1,135.00) THIRD PRIZE No. *****3 567.00) STARTERS ($l5O ««ch) *****4 *****5 *****1 *****2 *****2 *****2 *****8 CONSOLATIONS ($lOO each) *****4 *****1 *****2 *****5 *****7 *****5 *****8 *****4 *****0 *****5
      40 words
    • 1258 11 ISA N-TV FBTTTBS I CHANNELB AM. It.oo Opening Annct» 10.C3 Skippy Tne Bush Kanfaroo Honest Jack"- 10.30 he Doctors And The Nurses, 1120 Pesta Pop; 12.10 Mr. Ed The Talking Horse; 12.35 The Monroes; 125 Chinese Matinee "True Love"; (Cantonese feature film); 315 Toto Draw; P.M. 3.30 One-hour Documentary "Never
      1,258 words

  • 720 12 A PLAN is currently being worked out by the Ministry of Interior and Defence to help HSC students save one year while serving a three year term as National Servicemen. Announcing this at a press conference, the Minister of Interior
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  • 104 12 TWO blood stain«d wooden poles each three feet long are the only "clues" which might throw some light into the death of a 20-year-old wagon labourer, yesterday. Police who identified him as Kadir Pacher of Jalan Übi. was employed by the Emergency Cleaning Corp. He was found
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  • 236 12 KWAN LIAN CHOON 34 was yesterday sentenced to nine months jail by the Ninth Court Magistrate, Mr. E. C. Foenander, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of cheating Madame Kwok Keng Sin of $4,000 on Sept. 18 1968. On Sept. 18 at
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  • 479 12 SINGAPORE must establish and develop the traditions of respect for her soldiers as protectors, the M.P. for Alexandra, Professor Wong Lin Ken said yesterday. He pointed out that there are countries in the world where soldiers are feared rather than respected. "This is because soldiers
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  • 86 12 Factory worker. Lee Ee Hiang. 19. who had a habit of 'digging her ears' with a nair clip, died of ear Infection last Dec. 26 the Coroner's Court heard yesterday. Her motner. Madam Tan Siok Heng told the court that her daughter who was sick lor a month
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  • 87 12 KUCHINO. Sat. MalavslaSlngapore Airlines has offered a special Incentive In the form of reduced return fare for the night flight betven here and Singapore to encourage domestic tourism. The reduced fare came Into effect on Jan. 15. The reduced return fa*-* 's $143 compared with $220 previously.
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  • 92 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A petrol kiosk* manager. Mr Tan Kim San. was held up by two youths, one armed with a revolver In Jalan Sungel Best here yesterday and robbed of $B9" Tan told police he was Inside the kiosk Sharlkat, Wah Seng counting the day's takings
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  • 57 12 THE Whampoa Constituency Citizens' Consultative Committee. Management Committee and Women SubCommittee of Jalan Tentaram community Centre will hold a buffet party on Feb. 1 at 7.30 p m The Member of Parliament for Whampoa. Enche Buang bin Omar Junld. who Is also Parliamentary Secret arv to the Minister
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  • 40 12 ONE tire-engine took less than five minutes to put off a flre which occurred in the kitchen or the Majestic Hotel in Buklt Pasoh Road, yesterday The fire is believed to have been caused by a short circuit.
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  • 18 12 THERE was a total of about 140 cases of littering heard In the Eighth Magistrate's Court yesterday.
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  • 174 12 THREE cousins who were standing near a vegetable stall at Jalan Cheng Hwa, off Bukit Timah Road were suddenly attacked by five youths, yesterday. As a result of the attack, two of them received stab wounds on the chest and buttocks. At about 10.26 a.m an
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  • 440 12 The "Thin Wire Gang" Friday night made a room-to-room raid on a goldsmith'* premises and escaped with jewellery worth $32,000. The gang, comprising tour members, one armed with a revolver, held up 10 people during the robbery. They gained entry on the pretext
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  • 95 12 A ONE MONTH-OLD baby bov was found abandoned behind a bus s ton Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim, yesterday. The baby boy was placed in a wooden rectangular. box, which contained an "ang pow" of $l. two milk tins, one feeding bottle and one milk bottle The baby was
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  • 165 12 TROUBLE over loveletters from a girl. Pushpa Vali to her lover Maruthavaman. a Public Health Department lab- ourer, led to a man K r i s h nasamy Nadesan 20. and a youth Arumugam Sindaya 18 being charged with attempted extortion yesterday. Krlshnasamy was
    165 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 148 12 f 7 n i O* Am a k'.' V y v r >• r "S fl V*' t ,^f: •r. r«Et* I A|B| AIAIAII T>l» i» yowr »v« Map «o artvantur* Fl»t)a datai* raquirad and aand tfca coupon JOIIM IMUW S to U CM Manpower Baee. KaHane, Sineap.Ka 14. I
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 79 12 Time 6t Tide TODAY SINGAPORE TOWN: 1.06 a m. (8.4 ft.) 6.20 a.m. (4.1 ft.) 12.13 p.m. (9.6 ft.) 6.52 p.m. (1.3 ft). NAVAL DOCKYARD: 1.15 a.m. (10.3 ft.) 6.20 am. (4.9 ft.) 12.34 p.m. (10.7 ft.) 6.34 p.m. (1.9 ft.) TOMORROW SINGAPORE TOWN: 1.28 a.m. (8 5 ft.) 6.51
      79 words