Eastern Sun, 21 December 1969

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 22 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY Estd. 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1214 Sunday Edition, 21 December 1969. MC(P) 0737 Price 15 cents
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  • 285 1 GENEVA, Sat. (UPI and Reuter) —Two gunmen claiming to be Arab guerrillas held Salvador Hassan, Portuguese consul in Geneva, and his wife captive in their own home for 24 hours and then released them yesterday after a bank delivered US$275/000 to the villa,
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  • 92 1 MANILA. Sat UPI) South Vietnamese Minister of State Phan Quang Dan said here today that his country row Is viable and ready to stand on its own against the Communists. Dan. arriving from Australia on a tour of Asia that has taken him to New Zealand
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  • 55 1 CLEVELAND. Ohio Sat (UPI) —Robbers v.-ere «titlO| for Alex Bartkiw 47. when he opened his w *?t Side Tavern Thursday. They took 53.700 in cash from the tavern owner and fled. The tavern is across from the Second District Police Station and Bartkiw had intended to use the money
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  • 437 1 FAB AT, Sat. (Reuter) of the Arab world gathered here today for a summit conference to decide how to liberate occupied Middle East territories from Israeli control. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and President Nasser of Egypt fly into Rabat this afternoon, the last heads
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  • 32 1 r.ATRO Sat (TPI) PreGamal Nasser today named Anwar E! Sadat Vice President of Eirrpt. Political nhseners sa'd Sadat's appointment c<mfirmed Ms emergence as F Number Two man behind Nasser.
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  • 37 1 LONDON. Sat (UPI) Nel] Arthur Copendaie 24, received an eight-month suspended prison senten<v» after admitting he stole U552,239 frcan his emnloyer He worked as manager of canteen in a London Police Station
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  • 101 1 HONG KONG. Sat. (Reuter'— Thousands of spectators waited in vain for three hours at the Hong Kong harbour front last night for actress Sabrlna Hong to plunge into the icy water. Sabrlna. wearing a bikini, which was struggling to hold her 46-27-38 flgu* also waited. She
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  • 64 1 CALCUTTA. Sat. (Reuteri East Pakistan troops fired across the border into Indian territorv in West Bengal today and the firing was tiil going on an Indian pnkesman said. The spokesman of India s border Security Forces, said the firing began at 3 40 p m. (1010 GMT)
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  • 55 1 SAN FRANCISCO Sat (UPI) Attorney Donald A. Zellnek has written to 30 radio and television stations demanding equal time to oppose army recruiting messages. Zellnek noted the radio and television Industry was persuaded to carry anti-smoking messages to counter cigarette advertising and contended that serving in the army
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  • 190 1 KAMPALA. Sat. (Reuter) A State of Emergency was declared in Uganda today a few hours after a gunman shot and wounded President Milton Obote as he left a conference hall. The move was announced a? troops patrolled the city and manned roadblocks following the shooting. Dr. Obote
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  • 197 1 BEIRUT. Sat. (UPl)—Libya has acTPrd to pay Arab merrillas £3 million a month, providing tbey unite first, an Arab nationalist newspaper reported from Tripoli Libya, today. The Beirut Al-Anwar daily said the offer came from the chairrr.an of the Libyan Revolutionary Command Council (RCC). Col.
    UPI radiophoto.  -  197 words
  • 147 1 MOSCOW sat. (Reuter) —One by one the 11 members of the too Soviet hierarchy the Communist Partv Politburo, dissolved in Eiggle* as they cat on the D'.atform at the winter session of parliament But Russia's joke of ■he year—m a har.d-wr:t-ten letter anparentlv ad- dressed
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  • 128 1 LONDON*. Sat. i Reuters A mercy flight has been laid on by Britain's Royal Air Force to repay an old wartime debt of gratitude to a Malayan Indian. The Air Force win fly the Injured Indian Mr A.S. D.. -ocd from Malaysia \o Brltreatment at the Stoke
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  • 478 1 The Great Captain W G. Bright was the first to fly in here yesterday ahead of 82 other aircraft from Britain in London-Sydney race which started last Wednesday. Captain Bright who landed at the Singapore Flying Club at 6.08 p.m. yesterday evening six
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  • 35 1 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) London zoo has hatched five Indian cobras after 54 days of artificial incubation. It is the first time in 12 years that the too has succeeded in breeding the snake.
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  • 118 1 CAIRO, Sat. (UPh Coptic monks fanned out into the desert yesterday in search of a colleague who fled from the city twice in one week to avoid promotion. Metaiss Al Souriany, Secretary to Pope Kyrollos of Alexandria and All Africa, was tracked down by three bishops after his
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 rretein suitable for making biscuit noodle, dried noodle, EMMAUS BEBLE SCHOOL 77-A, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE-7. Offering you studies on the most important book in the world the BIBLE. Do not miss this opportunity! *Four Free Courses (list of subsequent courses will be sent later) Card issued on every successfully
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    • 45 1 T •sws ■hi T J» ,li .V v Tf-y» -V -m +F""r *V. Jr.* X v i -sag 18 CARAT ROSE GOLD "mas quisite y^vjuuii^ ...A masterpiece of jewellery! Exclusively fromi LEE CHAY CO. 100. NORTH RRIDOt ROAD, SINGAPORE. Branch at: HOTEL MALAYSIA SHOPPING ARCADE
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  • 419 2 MALACCA, Sot. Tun Abdul Razak today directed the National Corporation, which was established recently, to take part in mining industries in the Malay reservations to help the Malays in this field. The Director of Operations and deputy Prime Minister was addressing the 10th
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  • 121 2 A six-member fatnlN «rrndlr.itp who nicked number* out of birth Aite* won th* first fToup pri'e r*f SI 00.000 in TOTO Draw No fi7 hell on 4 at the Rediffusion Auditorium. The voungesr of the si* lucky members of the syndicate is 30 years of age. According
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  • 154 2 NINETEEN owners of licensed eating house* ar.d coffee shops in the Katong district were fined between S4O-J6O by the Eighth Magistrate's Court yesterday for not keepIn? their premise? clean. The DPP Mr Choo 81 Sen. pressing for deterrent sentences. said that it was the policy of
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  • 258 2 The Secretary-General of the National Trades Unions Congress. Mr. Seah Mui Kok. yesterday urged parents to do their duty to their children and help make this world a better place to live in. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the Buklt Ho Swee Kindergarten
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  • 144 2 A former official of the Barisan Socialis Singapore Foo Chee Zee, 30, was released yesterday after more than six years detention A Government press release Issued yesterday said Foo's pro-Communist activities date back to 1956 when he attended Communist indoctrination classes conducted bv a known Communist. He has
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  • 304 2 "Cyclin* good will ambassador" from India. Raghubir Singh, left Singapore last night after completing his Asian tour to continue his "Peace odyssey** armed with a strange object. It is a bell for peace forged from the weapon of war. The bell, forged with th* help erf
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  • 211 2 The MP. for Delta Madam Chan C hoy Siuag. will a»k the Minister for Defence, Mr. I.im Kim San at the next Parliament meeting what steps he would take against organised gambling carried out in all the pay-centres of bus companies. According to Madam Chan,
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  • 64 2 More than 500 children from the Social Welfare Department's Children's Centre were treated to a Christmas Party organised at Eusoff College by the University of Singapore Students' Welfare Committee yesterday. Here, the master-of-ceremony, Mr. Matthew Verghese is organising the children into proper assembly before the fun starts. Mrs. Toh Chin
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  • 522 2 EVERYONE should think of their fellowmen and render whatever services and assistance needed in times of stress end strain, Enche Sha'ari Tadin, said last night. He was referring to certain people who did not do anything to help alleviate the sufferings of the
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  • 49 2 The body of a woman whoV arm WM paralysed, was found at the foot of a block of flats In Lorong Two. Toa Payoh yesterday. The deceased. Madam Tan Chonc Lam. 60, wag living in the same block of flats —(Block 130). No foul ©lay was suspected.
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  • 67 2 KUALA LUMPUR Sat The new Malaysian Post Guide (1969 edition In EngVh) will be olaced on sale at all t**t offices jn West Malaysia from De- 22 and shortly thereafter in East Malaysia, the Ministry of Works Post and Te'eeommunicatiors. announced here today. The fuide contains full detail#
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  • 61 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Malaysia will officially launch its firgt discotheque '"th 9 Place" utilizing the unique feature of controlling its lighting system by the s°und of the music. The Mini»te r with Special Functions Tun Tan Siew Sin will declare open d'scotheque situated in the basement of the Federal
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  • 82 2 THE Department of Social Welfare has advised th*t all donations to the General Relief Fund set up recently to aid flood victims should be in the form of crossed cheques. The crossed cheques, made payable to the Depart* mcnt's General Relief Fund may be posted to. or
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  • 238 2 SINGAPORE S youth must be educated and (eared towards the future so that they can take advantage of the opportunities in the industrial expansion of the Republic, said Professor Wong Lin Ren last night. The MP for Alexandra was at the annual Hari Raya Puasa
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    • 88 2 Time Tide TODAY SINGAPORE TOWN 253 am. (4 9 ft.) 8 36 a.m. (8 7 ft.) 3.37 pm. (1.5 ft.) 10.36 pm. (8 1 ft.) NAVAL DOCKYARD 259 am (5 8 ft) 841 am <9.5 ft) 318 pm. (2 4 ft.) 10 40 p.m. (9 9 ft > TOMORROW SINGAPORE
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  • 355 3 Sat. (UPI) North Vietnamese leaders •re "re-thinking their war strategy and are aware they cannot continue to absorb casualties at the current rate." official U.S. sources said on Friday. me sources said Hanoi was worried by the progress in the so-called "Vietnamllation"' programme In the south
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  • 257 3 MANILA. Sat. (UPI) Asian editors unanimously chose man's first walk on the moon as the No. 1 story in United Press International's annual poll for the top ten news stories of 1969 Editors who took part m the voting included those who serve on the
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  • 108 3 SAIGON. Sat. (UPI) Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker has received no Indication that he will be replaced as U.S. envoy to South Vietnam In the near future, a top aide said Saturday. A televised network newscast 'on the Columbia Broadcasting System* Friday reported that Bunker has asked President Nixon
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  • 70 3 TRIO of accused South Vietnamese Army officers (background) and star prosecution witness Sgt. Calvin T. Yates, 42. of the U.S. Army, face the bench on Friday as the Military Tribunal adjourned the trial indefinitely for further investigation. Defendants (from left) are Lt. Col. Nguyen Viet Can and Capts. Phan Van
    UPI.  -  70 words
  • 185 3 HONG KONG. Sat. iUPI> Three Chinese were shot by Communist militiamen while trying to escape over the border to this Crown Colony yesterday afternoon, the police said. A report said that the Communist troops fired two shots at the three men but apparently were not
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  • 266 3 SAIGON, Sat. (UPI) An estimated 500 demonstrators, predominantly Catholic refugees from North Vietnam, invaded the National Assembly chamber on Saturday, demanding ouster of three Deputies branded pro-Communist by the government. An angry opposition Deputy. Tran Quoc. accused President Nguyen Van Thieu of being "responsible for this
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  • 223 3 WASHINGTON, Sat. (UPI) Rep. L. Mendel Rivers, Democrat-South Carolina, told a special investigation unit of his House Armed Services Committee on Friday to pursue an inquiry into the alleged massacre at My Lai "until the whole truth is learned." Rivers made public a letter
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  • 272 3 SAIGON. Sat. (Reuter) South Vietnamese troops i killed 72 Vletcong in two major clashes in the southernl Mekong delta, a government! military spokesman said today. I The first action took place, in Kien Hoa province near Binh Dai district town about 40 miles south
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  • 396 3 AHMEDABAD, India. Sat. (Reuter) S. Nijalingappa. President of the opposition Congress Party, arrived here today to chair a meeting of Congressmen opposed to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Congressmen who call themselves the Organisation Congress Party begin a four-day plenary session In this western city
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  • 126 3 MANILA. Sat (UPI) Ferdinand E. Marcos' formal Inauguration Dec. 30 as the first re-elected President of the Philippine Republic will be simple and austere, a |OV* ernment spokesman said today. Some 26 foreign dlem'a'le*. including U.S Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. former Japanese Prem.e r Nobos ke
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  • 55 3 MANILA. Sat. 'UPI) Several person e who were turned away from a Christma* dance p*rtv in Iloilo city in southern Philippines, threw a homemade grenade into the gathering Friday night, wounding four persons. One of those wounded. Army Captain Tedoro Geca. fired his 45 calibre pistol, hitting three
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  • 225 3 HONG KONG, Sat. (UPI) Keiji Samejima, a Japanese newsman detained more than 11 months in China as a suspected spy, crossed the Lowu border into Hong Kong on Saturday, border controls said. Samejima. Peking correspondent for the Ninon Keizal Shlmbun. was the 25th foreigner and
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  • 93 3 WASHINGTON. Sat. (UPI) Vice President Soiro T Agnew's which had said there would be only 10 seats for newsmen on Agnew's plane during his coming Far East tour, offered on Friday to charter a special press plane—for US$l7B,OOO About 30 news organisations, inc udin? the Baltimore
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  • 102 3 JAKARTA, Sat. (Reuter) The Jakarta newspaper Indonesia Raya today called for the Inclusion of Australia and New Zealand in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). "The two countries are better to be included in ASEAN because their sites are in the chain of islands stretching from Southeast
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  • 98 3 BANGKOK. Sat (UPI) Flrst-Class hotels in Bangkok are planning to boost their room prices 8-25 per cent, to cover a room tax the hotels have k> pay. a spokesman said on Friday. A spokesman for the Hotel Association of Thailand 'HAT) said at least six
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  • 77 3 MANILA. Sat. (UPI) Government soldiers began a massive search Saturday for the graveyards of between 80 to 100 Filipino landowners and farmers believed kidnapped and later killed by Communist Huk guerrillas Aided by 30 Huk deserters, a constabulary team Friday dug up the bodies of four Huk victims
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 -f. V x N \w »> 2|»/ V^* CSi* C»=l r /J Vat 69 is 8 very speefsf Scotch whisky appreciated by Scotch connoisseurs all over the world. And now Vat 69 offers you a beautiful set of lucky Vat 69 playing cards—completely free—with every bottle you buy. Don't wait—get
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  • 372 4 BONN, Sat. (Reuter) Last Germany disclosed today that it had proposed a treaty with West Germany establishing equal relations between the two states. The official East German News Agency ADN made the disclosure while the Bonn government maintained a discreet silence on the substance
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  • 167 4 LONDON. Sat. (UPI) Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban yesterday blamed the Soviet Union for the absence of peace in the Middle East and said Israel has strong reservations about recent American peace proposals "The Soviets are primarily responsible for the absence of peace in the Middle
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  • 163 4 MADRID. Sat. (Reuter) The new Spanish Foreign Minister. Gregorio Lopez Bravo, yesterday issued a veiled threat that unless terms were agreed for renewing U.S. bases here Spain might go neutral "If the Spanish-North American alliance is not renewed this could be Interpreted as a step
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  • 97 4 UNITED NATIONS, Sat. fßeuter)—Miss Angle Brooks of Liberia. President of the General Assembly, today denied reports that she will soon marry Isaac Randolph, an official ol Liberia's Edu cation Ministry. But several high level diplomats told correspondents Miss Brooks had introduced Randolph to them as her fiance. A
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  • 264 4 ROME. Sat. (UPI) Police charged five more ydung men yesterday with complicity in bombings that killed 14 and injured 104 a week ago. The five, including the sons of a judge and a weilknown music conductor, were among many left-wing extremists arrested after
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  • 215 4 TEL AVIV. Sat. (UPI) Israeli Defense Minister Mashe Dayan said last night the latest commando rocket strike at an Egyptian camp across the Sues Canal dovetailed with Israeli military policy on the Sues ceasefire line both ideologically and operationally. "This is a static line and Israel
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  • 85 4 PARIS. sat (Reuter) Three men an<j a girl were prisoners In a bank strongroom for three and a half hours yesterday after armed -•'.ngsters locked them Inside it rhe gangsters snatched 50.000 francs from th# till of the suburban bank, herded the four employees Into the strongroom.
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  • 67 4 TOKUSHIMA. Japan. Ba'. <UPI» On* person was killed and 36 passengers Injured when an express train rammed lr.to a row of houses In Ishll town near Tokushlma Friday after colliding with a dutr.p truck Killed was the AMlatant Engineer of the tram with 85 passenger? aboard Six of
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  • 64 4 30NN Sat (UPI» The West Germans announced ye«*erdav their approval of an agreement with Britain and the Netherlands to develop a system for manufacture nuclear reartor fuel that will reduce their dependence on American supplies An official announcement sa«d the Bonn government approved the at Its Thursday meeting.
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  • 45 4 LONDON'. Rat A u*«ve of influenza Britain *2 live* in the u*eic #ndtnr De«- 12. the HM'»h Departrr.en* m;<j tonifht department spoke*r.«n ia.a Jt was difficult V> forecast if the worse was rver. H» mH ter. people died of flu the pwious w**k
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  • 129 4 ULM We.«» Germany. Sat (Reuter> A team of West German doctors said today they had transplanted bone marmw celi» from a mother into her nine-month-old son. the first such operation in this country They toli a press conference here that the operation, performed nine days ago.
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  • 459 4  -  Ann Landers ISEAR ANN: The other day I ran across a very old clipping. It was time-worn and in small print. I found a magnifying glass ard read it. It is one of the loveliest expressions of humanity I have ever seen. I hope
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  • 218 4 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) Britain today told Peking of its continued gra*e concern about the nine British subjects detained or believed to be detained in China. Lord Shepherd, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth office, summoned Ma Chia-Chun. the Chinese acting Charge
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  • 122 4 PAFIS Sat (Reuter) France and Libya are engaged In arms talks, the French state radio said tonight, quoting reliable sources But the radio said France had not offered to take over British and American bases In Libya and arms figures Quoted In today's New York Times were
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  • 159 4 MOSCOW. Sat (CPI) The Soviets plan to have their supersonic passenger aircraft in international service within five year*, the nation's civil aviation chief said on Friday. Yevgeny F Loginov. soviet Minister of Civil Aviation and head of Russia's Aeroflot air line, said the TUI44 would
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  • 53 4 UNITED NATIONS Sit. (UPI t South Africa yesterdav formally rejected ar.v comparison ol its policy of separate deve.opmen' of races apartheid w.th racism racial discnm na^on South African Ambassador Matthvs I Botha told Secretary Genera' U Thant in a letter circulated as a GereTsl Assembly document. 'My government rejects
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  • 474 5 rtoJ WASH INGTON, Sot. (UPI) The United States announced yesterday it is partially lifting a 19-year-old trade embargo with Communist China. The decision, made by President Nixon and announced by the State Department, means that if the Chinese are agreeable, subsidiaries
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  • 258 5 Black Panther Killing WASHINGTON. Sat. (UPI) U.S. Attorney General John N. Mitchell yesterday announced that the Justice Department and a special Federal Grand Jury would investigate the Dec. 4 shootout in Chicago between police and members of the Black Panther party. Mitchell said a special
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  • 106 5 WASHINGTON. Sat. (UPI) The White House said yesterday there was no truth to a report President Nixon had advised Cincinnati Police Chief Jacob SrhoU that wearing American flag emblems on police uniforms was not proper or desirable The White House said a letter from Schott asking
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  • 69 5 PARIS. Sat. (UPI) President Georges Pompidou played Father Christmas though without the r®d robes and false beard to 600 French children at the E'.ysee Palace. The French President and Mme Pompidou distributed toys to some 600 children from schools in Pans, nearby suburbs and the official presidential residences at
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  • 140 5 WILKES-BARRE. Pen n s. Eat i UPI) Exhibits used in Massachusetts unsuccessful litigation to obtain an autopsy on the body of Mary Jo Kopechne. including clothing she wore the night she died in Sen. Edward M Kennedy's car. were released Friday by Luzerne County President
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  • 118 5 TEL AVIV. Sat. (UPT) An Arab guerrilla grenade thrown at an Israeli border police jeep in Nablus on occupied Jordanian West Bank missed police, but bounded Ii Arab bystanders, an Israeli military spokesman announced today. The spokesman said occupation authorities have clamped a curfew
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  • 59 5 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) Brunei and British delegations held a formal meeting at the Foreign Office here today to continue their month-old talks on Britain's future relationship with the Southeast Asian protectorate state. The delegations were led by Sultan Hassanal Boiklah. the 23-year-old ruler of Brunei. and Lord Shepherd
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  • 39 5 HACKENSACK. New Jersey. Eat. (UPI) Popular nightclub singer Tony Bennett has been ordered to produce his personal financial records ■within 60 days. In response to charges that his girl friend is living much better than his wife.
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  • 135 5 NEWARK. N.J. Sat. (Router) Mayor Hueh J Addomzlo and reputed Mafia boss Anthony Boiardo yesterday den led extortion and Income tax evasion charges. They are among 15 people accused by a Federal Grand Jury of extorting $250,000 from Arms doing business with Newark. New
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  • 59 5 AD ANA. Turkey Sat. (UPI) Comedian Bob Hope arrived at Incirilk Joint American Air Base yesterday on hi* way to Vietnam. Hope, who is travelling with a troupe of show business celebrities for hi* annual Christmas show to entertain UJS troops abroad, performed Friday night for some 50.000
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  • 225 5 OWE FOR UNITED NATIONS, Sat. (Reuter) The U.N. General Assembly talked less in 1969 than in any previous year since 1963 according to official statistics released here. Delegates spent only half the average working man's eight hour day attending meetings, the report added
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  • 164 5 BODEGA BAY, Calif. Sat. (UPI) A Pacific Ocean storm sank one navy patrol boat, beached another and left two more tossing helplessly for more than 12 hours yesterday. All 30 crewmen on the fleet of five boats were rescued, three of them after swimming for
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  • 52 5 WASHINGTON. Sat. (Reuter) The Senate today confirmed President Nixon's appointment of Henry Tasca as the new US Ambassador to Oreece. despite a plea that action be postponed to show American disapproval of the Athens regime The vote confirming Tasca a State Department career foreign service officer, was 79
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  • 425 5 LOS ANGELES. Sat. (UPI) A former prosecuting attorney for the state and county was appointed yesterday to defend Leslie Van Houten, 19, against charges she murdered a wealthy couple as a member of a Hippie cult, Marvin L. Part. 38. who went into
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  • 57 5 BUENOS AIRES. Sat (UPI) A sudden thunderstorm turned the main streets of Argentina'* capital Into a swamp Friday afternoon, halting subways, trains buses and cars in water that was waist high In some areas One person Carlos Adolfo Alvarez. 23. was reported to hive d'.ed in a residential neighbourhood
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  • 184 5 HONOLULU. Sat. (UPI) A massive airlift of food to Hawaii—caused by a shipping tie-up on the west coast—has touched off price rises as much as 30 per cent, officials reported on Friday Forty ships are now idle in west coast ports as a result
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 181 5 ras: mrzr TA K •UCj mJK I U i Wife ws fa •T% a 4- i 9 S-i R I *7 av r. m «y a a <c 3§*S l »> 7*l* 'J Ok. 7R\ *1 3 KV &> FOX A covwutf PI NN*« J&lw Ai £-OW I 5^ S6
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  • church at home
    • 742 6 May Hie peace and joy which radiates from Bethlehem's manger fill your hearts and hemes. \yHILE we appreciate the efforts of many of those who are again urqing the citizens of the nation to PUT CHRIST BACK INTO CHRISTMAS, it is more
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    • 250 6  -  By Rev. K. Neill Foster hu a 1 wayi been bitter-sweet and It will be to again this year. This mixture of delight and despair falLs upon th» earth each December like a fascinating but fatal frost. In the Hoiy Land lor example, the pilgrims will again
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    • 412 6 CHURCHES HAVE bean preparing intensively to proclaim the birth of the Living Saviour. Jesus Christ during this festive season. Christmas parties, gospel plays, nativity pageant, concerts, have already begun in churches and mission organisations to instil in Christians as well as non-Chnstlans the significance of this
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    • 182 6 THE Public Utlhtiej Board will present again this year, as part of the ee'»bratlons for the feat IT© season, an Evening of Carol* and Popular Entertainment at the Macßitchie Reservoir Park on Sunday, 21st December. 1969. The entertainers for the evening will be the Reel emptor,
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    • 93 6 THT Ganerai Manaier of Scandinavian Airlines System for Singapore. Malaysia and Brunei Mr. John vi'.l b« iwjv frorw Singapore and Malavsia durirr the festive season of urgtnt consultation at Copenhagen "Thia is the flrat time in five years that I and my familv mill he away during Yufctide
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    • 683 6 DR. BECK explains translation of Angels' song In Luke 2 14 entitled Glory to God in the highest heavens, and on earth among people who have His good will (Luke 2.14 eck). In the last few words of this eong of the
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    • 841 7 SYDNEY Australian steelmaking capacity should jump 30 per cent by the and of 1971, lifting annual ingot>ton output from 6.758.000 in 1969 to nearly 9,000.000. Broken Hill Proprietary Limited (BHP) Australia's only producer of raw steel announced its new expansion plans early
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    • 63 7 TOKYO. Sat. (UPI) Fuji Tr-n *nd Steel Co.. one of Japan's major steel makers, a ,'junced baturday plans to extend a 25-million U.S. dollar loan to a U S. c°al mining firm for import of high quality coal. Fuji did not name the American Arm but said It
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    • 194 7 Port of Bi-.faoere Authsfitv na» made the following b*rth:r.g arrangements for sn pi In port today. Sunday Dec 21 DEPARTURE Godown Vessel? 5 Heivo Manx 3 4 Margaret C. Ertel 13/14 Kara !8 Benr^.ch N W 1 Sletter K W 3 Giang Lee 25 26 losing Sun
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    • 377 7 WASHINGTON, Sat. (UPI) The world's economic qiants have agreed to ketp the market price of gold from falling much below the official pnee of 35 dollars an ounct. a high administration official said on Friday. The agreement, which has not been officially
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    • 63 7 THE Association ©1 Banks in Malaysia-Singapore yesterday made the following changes in its rates to merchants 'rates are quoted to the equivalent of 100 units of foreign currency): BELLINO TT. or O D ready: Deutsche Marks $B3 9825; Holland Oullders $85.4525; Swiss Franc; $7l 9850; Belgian Francs $8
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    • 13 7 THE tin price for resterwas $B9B 00 per plcul. up 50.
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    • 341 7 THE world-famous Northern Feather Works, Ltd., founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1901, have now established closer co-operation with the new Singapore Feather Works, (Pte) Ltd., in order to assure supplies to their fast growing markets and meet the increasing demand for feathers in Western Europe, United
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    • 58 7 OVER 5,500 feet of concrete pipes will be laid between Braddell Road and Thomson Road, bringing modern sanitation to householders in that area. Hume Industries are supplying $130,000 worth of the pipes to the project, which is being undertaken by the Sewerage Branch of the PWD. The concrete pipes of
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    • 181 7 LONDON. Sat. (UPI) An aircraft which can navigate in flight by road signs and costs less than many lamily cars is making a bid for British executive plane market And if the pilot misses a sign, he just throttles bar k and flies round
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    • 102 7 NEW YORK. Sit. (UPD Gold prices were narrowly mixed in featureless trading on market* here and abroad yesterday. London fold slipped on# cent at the morning fixing to 3.i dollars an ounce even *na stayed thera at the second •easion. Th« unofficial closed was at a range of
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    • 436 7 NEW YORK, Sat. (UPI). Frowns changed to smiles on Wall Street late this week following a comment from newly appointed Federal Reserve Board Chief Arthur F. Burns that he hoped the board soon could reconsider its tight credit policy. Although year-end sellinr for tax purposes
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    • 58 7 NEW YORK Sat. (UPI) Rubber futures closed unchanged yesterday on the New York Commodity Exchange. There were no sale*. (CLOSE) (PREV) Jan. 23.258 23.25 March 25.00 25 00 Mav 23.758 2500 Julv 23.308 2500 Sept. 23.208 25 00 Nov. 25 00 25 00 Jan 25 00 25.90 Locally.
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    • 161 7 LONDON. Bat. (UPI) Western Australia's supershare. Poseidon, dominated the whole stock market scene yesterday and .soared under hectic buying to top the 60 pounds ($144.00) level—more than 60 times Its price about three months ago. The new buying scramble was prompted by news of th« company's statement
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    • 92 7 1 HE nooo price* at tlx Mnja'banf« pore Chinese rro4DM KM j eeterday were > Hoft Miiar Coconut Oil (F O B Balk •toe Coconut Oil (F.O B) Drum 64 60 Mixed Copra ST 00 Uunink white Pepper r o B i 1700© Sarawak White Peppet (FOB.) 1«T SO
      92 words
    • 5 7 «»H<mg Rons Current)
      5 words
    • 38 7 NEW YORK. Sat. (UPI) Dow Jones Coding averages yesterday on the York stock exchange. 30 Industrials 789.86 20 Rails 172.50 15 Utilities ***** 65 Stocks 258.88 46 Bonds 68.32 Commodity futures index 1.40.83 up 6.02
      38 words
    • 429 7 ARRIVALS II JO a HI 1 1 t TlMI L o tnirtrt r < f t It. Hill <11, kxSMfl kuoan. MM its* k Lumpur UNO am. M»4 11* K. Lumpur 1145 am- MiA Ml ilktflt IVlitm >1 -A 11? K Lnmpur l< «I p IU. I M
      429 words

  • POPPING AROUND with Platter Pete
    • 446 8  -  By P.P. LIKE Holy Magnificent Mistletoes! I've been raving so much about the NEW ANDY WILLIAMS SHOW, that I thought I just must write something about it. It's just begun its run some three weeks ago on Television Singapore. The time slot for
      446 words
    • 424 8 J KNOW many peop'e think we're eccentric and do crazy things But if they don't understand what we're trying to do. why put it down just like that?" George Harrison was protesting against the intolerance the Beatles often encounter today (writes
      424 words
    • 852 8  -  Album Review By Richard Green rpHTS is an RCA doable album Two tides wet* recorded 'lire" daring Elvis* highly successful cabaret season and Ihe others in the stadlo BLUE SUEDE SHOES, Oarl Perkins' bif rocker, makes a ;-and opener and Elvis comes
      852 words
    • 754 8 SEASON'S GREETINGS. CATS! And thanks heaps for all the cards and good wishes you've sent me. You cats are the greatest so says ITOP CAT (Me! Not the cartoon character'). If you read the Andy Williams feature this week, you'll know how much I'm raving about It.
      754 words
    • 172 8 THE SINATRA FAMILY WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS (Rrprlse>. A SUPER-MADE Album which will give vou a Christmas box from Sinatra 'and give him one. too. I suppose*. Frank has not only his three youngsters here, but the Jimmy Joyce Singers and AT orchestra under Nelson Kiddle's
      172 words
    • 169 8  -  by Derek Johnson. THERE'S many a girl who would like to find Tom Jones in her Christmas stocking Wishful thinking I'm afraid but here's the next best thing More esoec-.allv as the first 45 seconds of this disc are occupied bv an intimate spoken passage, which any
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 Results of TIME THE SONG CONTEST No. S Sang: "A TIME FOR US'' By Ernie Djohan Time: 2 mins. 40 sees. Ist Prix*: 10 PhilipslPopsound LP's Mr. Patrick Lim, 4, Jalan Naung. Singapore 19. 2nd Prixt: 5 PhilipslPopsound LP's Mr. KJ. Lim, 32, Holy Innocents Lane. Singapore 19. 3rd Prist:
      97 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 h MAKING Tftf You"re not in if you are out of Shindig. Psychedelic art is now! It'i extravaganta A cataclysm of beat. A spectacle of syncopated vibration* and hypnotic rhythm by tho Kingfishers and the big-sound Imperials. Experience Shindig. The mood it Infra. NIGHTLY: 10.30 P.M. TO 3.00 A.M. Emerald
      82 words
    • 94 9 Boutique and Beauty Saloon §2l-A Killiney Road, (off Orchard Road) Singapore, 9. Telephone: ***** YOUR VERY OWN WEEKLY PHOTO PAGE FOTORAMA '69 Every Tuesday in EASTERN SUN :< featuring CROSS TOW?, TKAFFM: i 5 j r? /'J r- iRf j top Tvuropr;in Soul Group frotti U.K. on .tour' Young Corporation
      94 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 237 9 I 0 il I D O Phone 2841 SOW SHOWING! 11 a m IH IM. 63« g|s D m Chr-itopher Lee. Peter Cushiag HOKEOR or DRACULA" '.n Technicolor WB-7 Art*) CAPITOL Phone *****] OPENS TODAY No Free Lilt .11 »m. 13*. DA. 6 45 9 3* pa. Aage a Yu
      237 words
    • 21 9 TODAY and YOU. Sunday* December 21* 1969 M I B JAM. It H V 23-47-41 i 9 70 80 84 V-
      21 words
    • 55 9 TOD AT AT U AN irtCIAL 1 MoiHur. »aow A T PALACE GALAXY DIAMOND PALACE [GALAXY] [DIAMOND] -LADY BOND" LATEST DETECTIVE TUBLLLEE Last Day: 1.15 3.30 7.15 9.30 pm. Today 4 Shows: 1.30-4.00-7.00 9.30pm. Today 4 Shows: 1.30-3.45-7.15&9.30pm. HSIAO FONT. rOXG WC tin 13D!* g k scOPf Suspect PALACE Oj»n»
      55 words
    • 312 9 NOW SHOWING! fNo Free Lilt) TODAY 4 SHOWS! 11 45 U, 2.00 5.30 846 p.m. DOLLY 1 STARTS 11.03 a.m. 2.18. 5.48 k 003 djo. Advance Cash Booking* Only Adai lI.SO. 12 50 $4.00 Barbra Btreutnd "HELLO DOLLY" 70MM. Color by Deluxe (Fa*) Bctiool: »1.50 to any seat at 2.00
      312 words

    • 204 10 JIMMY LAD CISCO ZODIAC RACE U (14) KACHANG FUTEH 3 Wisdom (8) Proroolos (14) KACHANG PUTEH 7 Matstar 5 Magic Ring <6) SUN RAGE (141 Kar hang Puteh (7) MaUtar RACE fc (2) DRAGON STEED 1) Outspoken (7) 19th March 2 DRAGON STEED 1 Outspoken 4 Baron Boy (3)
      204 words
    • 421 10 RUGBY LONDON, Sat. (AFP) South Africaare to propose changes in the point-scoring system in rugby union at the next meeting of the International Board in Edinburgh in March, said Dr. Danie Craven, President of the South African Board, here yesterday. He was speaking at
      421 words
    • 248 10 MEXICO, CITY, Sat Reuter) Ramon Ala tor re general secretary of the World Cup Organising Committee yesterday officially denied knowledge of a secret agreement under which Brazil West Germany. Mexico and England were seeded as group leaders. He did not comment on an International
      248 words
    • 341 10 LONDON. Sat. (UPI) Britain, making a bold bid to attract the top names in professional golf in 1970. announced plans yesterday to stage a tournament at Nottingham carrying a prize purse of US$l6B,OOO. The tournament, to be known as the John Player golf classic,
      341 words
    • 88 10 MOSCOW. Sat (Reuter) lvanchenko. the Soviet Unton, set two world weifhtlifting records in the light-heavy weight division at the Soviet national championships a\ Lvov yesterday. Ivanchenko broke the world record for the jerk with a lift of 191.5 kilogram* (422 lbs), adding half a
      88 words
    • 154 10 MILAN. Italy. Sat. (UPl> Former world Junior welterweight champion Sandro Lopopolo took only two minutes and 11 seconds yesterday to knock out Lennox Beckles of Guyana In the first round of a scheduled 10roun<i fight. It was a revenge for a 1968 fight In Milan which
      154 words
    • 844 10  -  By Jimmy Lad T OONSHIANG it my choict In Hit Governor's Cup (Race Four) run over BJf at Penang today. The Gold Vase winner can stay Hie trip as shown in his mile attempt at Bukit Timah early this month when second to Ness Lane
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    • 109 10 MELBOURNE Sat. (Reuter> The Australian Board of Cricket Control will not oall for a special report on the incident in which Test captain Bill Lawry allegedly hit an Indian photographer during the fourth Test !n Calcutta. Both Board Chairman Sir Donald
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    • 81 10 ROME, Sat. (AFP) Kid Rainbow of Nigeria was stopped In the second round by European light welterweight boxing champion Bruno Arcarl of Italy here yesterday. Arcarl. who was using the fight as a warm-up to his world title challenge against Pedro Adieue of the Philippines. probably on
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    • 50 10 LONDON. Sat. (Reuter) Snow on the course forced stewards to abandon today's racing programme at Nottingham following the wave of bad weather and influenza which has already ruled out eight British soccer matches. But racing was reported to be "definite" at Ascot where tb« going was good to soft.
      50 words
    • 1456 10 faM 18 CL 4 Dtv. l-SH r.—2.30 p.m. ($6,000) 1. M6 3 OM 3 791 4. «3 4 143 8. 120 T. 184 a. in 0. 173 111 444 11. 915 12. 401 11 00 54. 19 *oarf«4 Prtno« Melody Slag Wtodo™ Olympic Jot Magic Ring Sun
      1,456 words
    • 1022 11 By Our Racing Correspondent PENANG, Sat. Champion jockey Glynn Pretty set up a new record today when h« won on Conflict in race three. At the Bukit Timah meeting e fortnight ago he equalled Colin Tulloh's 1952 record of 88 winners when he booted home Sokitomi.
      1,022 words
    • 211 11 Sir.gapore Civilian* qualified for the Malava Cup rugger Ana; when they scored an easy 20 —win over the Commonwealth Brigade XV tt the S.CC. Padang vwtffinv. They had earlier bea'en the flve-tlme Cup holder* Singapore Joint Sen-ires, received walk-over from the Combined Negn-\lalacc a XV
      211 words
    • 171 11 PERTH. Sat «Reyt*r) W'estern Australia were in a good position at clos* of play today m their Sheffield Shield cricket match against Queensland Afte r dismissing Queensland for Western Australia were 159 for three at the close. This left them only 139 run* behind with
      171 words
    • 602 11 Jugjeet S.ngh won the men* individual championship title in the Singapore Polytechnic Student** Union first annual athletic meet held at the Farrer Park Athletic Centre yeste^lay. He scored a double the 5000 metres race in 20 minutes 41 6 feci and the 3.000 metres steeplechase in
      602 words
    • 119 11 SYDNIY Sat. (Reuter) Crowd*. the ®riti«h cuttar skippered by newspaper publisher Sir Ma* Aitkcn. was tonight reported to be BO miles from the finish in the 200 miles Southern Cross Cup yacht race. A spokesman for the cruising Yacht Club of Australia said Crusade was 11 miles
      119 words
    • 536 11  -  By Ben Variyan,Yap Koon Hui KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Indonesia's Hengkie Iriawan, the 1968 Malaysian Grand Prix winner, gave notice of an easy win tomorrow when he returned the fastest lap time for grid position trials at the Batu Ttga circuit here today.
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    • 116 11 NOTTINGHAM. England. Sat. <UPI> Nottingham Forest today signed Alex Ingram a 24-year-old centre forward from Ay r United, for £4o.ofto. The deal went through after Ingram and his wife traveller by train from Scotland and were met by the Forest manager. Mat Gllles and
      116 words
    • 63 11 Royal Navy Wanderers entered the final# of the President's Cup knockout soccer tournament when they rallied in the second half to beat RAF geletar 4-3 at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night. They were down 1-2 at half time. Wanderers will meet either the Police, the defending
      63 words
    • 41 11 BANGALORE India Sat. (Reuter) India a South Zone had made 204 for seven in their first innings a t the close of plav cm the first dav of ♦heir three-day match against the Australian cricket era here today.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 209 11 Classified Ads. Where To Stay STRAND HOTLL. Bencoolen Street. Town centre Quiet, clean, reasonable rates. Alrconditionm rooms, private bath. Bar/ Restaurant. Homei\ services. Tels: *****,*****. RADIO/TV SERVICING COURSES New classes start immediately. Edison Electron Institute. 56-58 (2nd *'oor) Jalan Besar, Sin-gaDore-8 Tels: *****1 *****4 MAKEJuFLYING START IN LIFE Igl JOIN
      209 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 45 11 TOTAL lit PRIZE: 2nd PRIZE; 3rd PRIZE: STARTERS: ($136 *****8 *****1 *****9 *****3 Consolation: ($92 *****6 *****5 *****0 *****4 POOL ($22,400) No. *****2 ($7,392) No. *****9 ($1,848) No. *****2 924) ooch) Not. *****7 *****4 *****8 *****4 *****7 oach) Not. *****9 *****5 *****0 *****0 *****9 *****6
      45 words
    • 1277 11 i CHANNEL 5) AM 920 Opening Anncts In •11 Languages »nd Skippy The Bu*h Kangaroo <Roundup'; 945 The Doctor* and The Nurses (Time For You and Tim* For Me'. 10 40 Christmas Shopping Guide; 11 10 Pesta Pop »Repeats PM 12 00 Mr Ed The Talking Horse <Ed* Christmas Stnrr>;
      1,277 words