Eastern Sun, 13 December 1969

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 22 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY -JV Estd. 1960. Vol. 4 No. 1206 Saturday* 13 December 1969. MC(P) 0737 Price 15 cents
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  • 343 1 MANILA, Fri. (AFP) Foreign Secretary Carlos P. Romulo said today he Had been instructed by President Ferdinand Marcos to exert all efforts to hasten normalisation of relations between the Philippines and Malaysia when he goes to Kuala Lumpur this weekend. Romulo was closetted with the
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  • 134 1 SINGAPORE'S "Golden G»rl" Patricia Chan baqged ten golds at the close of the swimming championships yesterday at the Fifth SEAP Games held in Rangoon. Out of the ten events she competed she shattered seven of her previous Games records. Pat. 15, daughter of Dr. Chan Ah
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  • 45 1 TOKYO Pri. 'UPTi Radio Pvr>ngvng Fridav indicated the hijacking of the Korean Airli n e, YS-lt p'ane to North Korea was the work of the pilots, who it said are s eekmg poliUcal asylum in Communis Korea, according to the Japan Broadcasting Corporation <NHK>.
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  • 340 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.—A massive jungle operation has been launched by the Malaysian Army and police along the Malaysia-Thai border to track down a band of Communist terrorists who blew up a railway bridge near kampong Bukit Ketri in Kangar district, three miles from Padang
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  • 54 1 BANGKOK. Fri. <UPI> An undisclosed numbe r of 852 bombers will be withdrawn f 1 0 Thailand by the middle of i»7O. the U S Embassy announced here yesterday. The announcement followed n ew 5 from the Pentagon that tw o of the bomber g will be withdrawn
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  • 197 1 The Brltuh Army, which played Its full part in rescue and salvage operations at the height of the floods which hit Singapore and Malaysia, is now turning Its attention to Its own flood problems. The Jungle Warfare School at Kota Tlnggi is cut of!
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  • 63 1 LONDON. Pri <Reute r > Talk s between the Sultan of Brunei and the British government are expected to start next week no* that the Bultan' 5 father ha s left hospital. a Brunei spokesman <,a 'd today, The talfc will deal with the future of British-Brunei relations
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  • 332 1 TAY NINH, South Vietnam. Fri. (Reuter) Philippine forces in South Vietnam today turned over their sprawling, luxurious base camp to the United States Army watched by several South Vietnamese officers. The camp, looking cheer-1 fully green and freshly painted. has been the home of the
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  • 185 1 FUN Chnon Seng. a political detainee, who was released yesterday realised that his P*st Communist activities were detrimental t-> the interests of the f>eoPl* and th* Republic. In a press statement he said he had been misled bv proCommunist elements. He is now determined to play his role
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  • 253 1 TEL AVTV. Fri. (Reuter> Israeli Jet s shot down three Syr,an M 1G S i n dog-fight s Southeast oi Damascus today in the first a battles between the two countries for lv e months, a military spokesman said here. The panes. MIG 21 and
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  • 230 1 PARIS. Frl. (UPI>- Greece announced Friday it was withdraw ng from the Council of Europe, shortly before a vote in the organisation on a motion seeking hei expulsion. Greek Foreign Minister Panayotis Ptpinelis told the Council's Committee of Ministers hts government decided to avail
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  • 81 1 HONG KONG. Frl (LPI) Hong Kong movie actress Sabrina Kong said yesterday she is willing to jump into the harbour in a bikini or even in a half-bikini for Christmas charity. Sabrina told a news conference she will perform the jumping act in a bikini if someone will
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 141 1 ever growing Svery week, more and more (•MIIII people at* reeding— end en- TOITIMy Joying THE AUSTRALIAN BAPTIST. Join their ranks. Send a way today, and have Australia's onty National Baptist paper sent to your home each Enclosed is cheqwe/M.O. for $3.50 THE AUSTRALIAN BAPTIST to Inspim and Inform. Mm
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    • 69 1 T M 'Scuse me I Did you watch RTS X'mas Shopping Guide a fortnight ago? If you did, you'll know what my 'marvellous gift suggestion' was. If you didn't, tune In to TV SI NGAPU RA Channel sat about 11.00 AM to-morrow and I'll put you In the picture. I
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 247 2 THREE Lightning jet fighters from Britain roared Into the Royal Air Force Tengah last afternoon to complete the air-to-air refuelling deployment of ten Lightnings from RAF Binbrook in Lincolnshire to the Far 1 East. The exercise flight wai accomplished despite the difficulties which arose from the
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  • 264 2 AIR Chief Marshall Sir Brian Burnett has been appointed a* the new Comnund-er-in-Chief of the Par East Command He succeeds Admiral Sir Peter Hill Norton and h:s term of office will begin in May next year. Sir Brian's appointment has been approved by Her Majesty the
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  • 90 2 A film. 'The Orchid", selected to represent Sin. capce at the International Film Festival held in Cambodia recently, has won two awards Coupe D'Honneur and Prix D'Honneur. A Shaw Production, the film, shot in Singapore last year, has also won acclaims for its colour and photography The
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  • 205 2 A 22-r«ar-old youth, Balasingam, was sentenced yesterday to five vears' Jail and *ix strokes of the rotan followed by two years' police supervision. by the "Hiird District Court Judge, Mr. K T Alexander. after he pleaded to a charge of armed robbery Senior Inspector EG.
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  • 84 2 The first group prize for this Sunday's Toto Draw has been Increased to $105,000 to winners with five numbers correct. The other group and "three circle" prizes remain the same. This draw will be conducted at TV Singapore's studio and will be telecast live over the air. Toto
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  • 150 2 The tallest Christmas tree in South-east AMa. measuring 30 feet from it* base, is being erected and Installed atop the luxury Singapore Hilton Hotel in Orchard Road. Because of its height, special permission ha.> been granted by the Department of Civil Aviation to install it. A
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  • 77 2 All railway services out of Singapore has been d'scontinued due to the heavy downpour of rain which has breached portions of the railway track. Services will resume as soon as these lines are repaired. a spokesman of the Malayan Railway said yesterday No specific date was
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  • 252 2 A modern and prestigious Hotel Training School will be built by the Singapore Government at Nassim Hill to meet the increasing demand for trained personnel in the developing hotel and catering industries. The proiect will replace the present Hotel and Catering Centre in
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  • 392 2 PRESIDENT Yusof bin Ishak yesterday declared open the three-day Singapore Catholic Cultural exhibition and show in conjunction with Singapore's 150 th anniversary celebration at the Conference Hall, in Shenton Way. The exhibition, under the theme of "Love of Neighbour and Nation" is organised by the
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  • 468 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Four thousand more persons were evacuated today from shore areas and low-lying kampongs to emergency district flood relief centres as flood waters continued its path of destruction through most parts of Johore. The death toll to date 1* 30 Another body
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  • 169 2 A SPECIAL grade postman. Salmani bin Haroon. 39. who has been with the postal service for 24 years, was yesterday sentenced to 12 months* jail by the Third District Judge, Mr. K.T. Alexander, after he pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing 11 letters in the
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  • 135 2 A Bingapore-made film on th* pineapple industry has so a British shipping lin* that it has bought a cnpy for screening to importer* In Britain. The 20-mlnute colour documentary was made by Cathay K*ris studios for the Malayan Pineapple Industry Board It show? the erowlng, processing and packaging
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 205 2 J 'J 5^ W 'jJ& "3?* j Whoever heard of an overloaded engine that won't break down? fllUnder the most testing conditions even the toughest engine will feel the strain. The result-downtime and money lost. No one can afford to have heavy equipment standing idle. But if youve invested in
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  • 303 4 UNITED NATIONS. Frl. (Reuter) The big four powers hold their 19tn meeting today In the search for a Middle East settlement. Observers say they want to reach agreement before Dec. 20, when an Arab summit meeting in Rabat. Morocco, could
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  • 101 4 MOSCOW. Fri. (Reuter) Soviet and United Arab Republic Foreign Minister* Andrei Gromyko and Mahmoud Rlad met yesterday for what vai believed to be an effort to coordinate their country*' view* on the Middle East crisis. Mr. Plad arrived here on Tuesday as a member of a
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  • 69 4 LONG BEACH. Calif. Frl (Reuter) A Philippines fishing vessel sank after a collision with a US Navy destroyer off the California coast 100 mile* southwest of here early today. A Coast Guard spokesman said no injuries were reported and all 18 people aboard the 80-foot Orient, owned by
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  • 216 4 JERUSALEM Frl <UPI> Premier-designate Mrs Golda Meir called on President Zalman Shazar last night to report she had succeeded In forming a broad-based "National unity government" after 44 days of sometimes stormy negolatlons that ended only minutes before With a 9 p m appointment with
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  • 54 4 BRESCIA, Italy. Frt. (Reuter) —AH the court cases in this bustling north Italian town were postponed yesterday because many members of the court are ill with influenza About 15 million Italians, including Prime Minister Mariano Rumor, are estimated to have been stricken in the current influenza
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  • 57 4 SOME of the 600 Chinese artists who were stranded without funds for several weeks following a legal tussel of two agents leave Departure Hall of Riem Airport in Munich on Dec. 10 to board a British charter plane taking them to Singapore. German welfare authorities advanced the flight cost of
    UPI radio photo.  -  57 words
  • 285 4 LONDON, rn. (Reuter>— a fforernment committee vesteraay told British doctors of new evidence pointing to the potential dangers of half the contraceptive pilu on sale here Women face a slight risk of thrombom bl<v>d clotting if their oral contraceptive contains more than '0 microgrammes
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  • 368 4 TRIPOLI. Libya. Fri. (Reuter) A court-martial will try two Libyan government ministers for high treason on charges they attempted to overthrow the new government according to a decree issued here. Defence Minister. LieutenantColonel Adam Al-Hawas. *nd Interior Minister. LieutenantColonel Moussa Ahmad, face
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  • 210 4 COTONOI*. Fri. <R»uter)—Diboiney hu < vim yesterday m (he «Jir of Wednesday's military roup and the country's Armed Chief. Lieutenant (V)|nnd Maurirf KmuodfU wrnt on the radio to guarantee the sl f»»tv of «je pnewd President Lmile Drrlio 71—BU. The only brief disturbance came when
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  • 60 4 LON'DON. Fri (Router) Black box flight recorders fitted in airliner* to provide vital information In case of a crash have proved usele** in several recent incidents aviation officials said here yesterday. A box salvaged from tbe wrerkste of a Nigerian Airways VCIO which crashed near Lagos
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  • 357 4 PAFIS. Fri (Reuter) Greece todaT fa<w>d (tupmlmi from the Counril of Europe hirrlnr some rtramatie lastwlnntf. move from the Athens Government Groek Forelm Minister Panayotls PiplneHU KM spent th* last four day* lobbying delegate* to the lft-natlnm Council's <e«*inn opening her* thl* momine
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  • 297 4 £22 m. Profit For November LONDON, Fri. (Reuter) Britain maintained the upward surge in its economy yesterday with a comfortable profit of £l2 million on international trading for November. The government reported thot British exports during the month sold to the tune of
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  • 302 4 CAIRO. Fri (Reuter) Egypt will put a million men In the field for the inevitable war with Israel in the 1970'5, Cairo s leading political commentator said today. Mohammed Hassanein Hevkal. editor of the A 1 Ahram daily and a confidante
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  • 300 4 HELSINKI Frl < Reuter) US and Soviet delegations to the bilateral Strategic Arms Limitation (SALT) tains here yesterday continued discussions on a staff level but fixed no date for the next full-scale meeting. Conference sources »a'd junior member* of the t*-o negotiating teams met dunr?
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 highly efficient capacitor motor low current consumption unity power tactor noise-free running baked enamel polish for permanent gloss rust proof aluminium die formed blades available in 60*, 56", 48", 42", 36" sweep MRVICI ATTM USHA INTERNATIONAL 303, Chinese Chamber ot Commerce Bidg., 47. Hill St, Singapore 6. leeued by The
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 93 4 TODAY and YOU. Saturday, December 13, 1969. un. u ri OCT. IJ**t 4- 6-16-24 TAUBUS Aft. m rrrrr Wt I Negofiwt 82 Your 83 Expect 84 Against 85 You 96 rt 8/ Eyes TT 21 Atr ■vspnM 51 52 <W 82 YoJf 23 With 53 Feelings 83 Expect 24 To
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  • 466 5 RIO DE JANEIRO, Fri. (Reuter) A prominent Brazilian journalist yesterday publicly accused the Brazilian government of torture and said he had personally heard the screams of victims in jail. Luis Edgar de Andrade a writer for the leading magazine Realldade made the charge in
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  • 156 5 DUGWAY PROVING GROUNDS. Utah, Frl (Reu- About 200 people were evacuated from a U.S. \rmy Biological and Chemical Testing Centre here as deadly nerve gas leaked out of a storage container. But no one was hurt In the accident yesterday. Highly-trained Chemical Corps experts
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  • 153 5 EDGARTOWN. Mast. Fri. (Reuter) Judge James A. Boyle said today that an inquest into the death of Mary Jo Kopechne would open in District Court here on Jan. 5. The 23-year-old secretary died trapped underwater In Sen. Edward Kennedy's car when it plunged off
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  • 184 5 WASHINGTON Fr:. (Reuter) The Senate today passed the Tax Reform Bill, which President Nixon has threaten ed to veto because he believes It will leed inflation. The measure, including a series of comp.ex changes in tax law and allowances, now goes to a Conference Committee of
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  • 139 5 ST LOUIS. Miss. Frl. (UPI) Sen. J. William Fulbright, Democrat Arkansas. has called on President Nixon to stop the policy of Vietnamising the Vietnam war, and negotiate for a compromise peace. Fulbright. delivering the Thomas C. Hennings Jr. Memorial Lecture at Washington University, said Vietnamisatlon is
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  • 60 5 COLUMBUS. Ohio. Fri (UPI) Former astronaut John H. Glenn announced Thursday he would seek the democratic nomination for the US. Senate In the Ohio primary elections next May. It was Glenn's second attempt to win a Senate seat. He entered the Democratic primary in 1964 against incumbent Sen.
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  • 67 5 SAN QUENTIN, Calif Frl. (Reuter) Sirhan B Sirhan. condemned assassin of Sen. Robert Kennedy, today ended a two-week hunger strike at his mother's pleading but left open the possibility that he will resume the fast next month "until death." Sirhan took the regular Death Row breakfast of eggs, cereal,
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  • 89 5 CAMBRIDGE. Maw Frl. (UPI) Members of the Organisation for Black Unity OBUt seized the Harvard University Faculty Club for three hours Thursday, and later took up occupation in nearby university hali to protest minority group employment practices. Less than two hours after Dean Ernest R. May temporarily
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  • 269 5 LOS ANGELES. Fri. (UPI) Charles Manton, the accused leader of a Hippie cult charged with the TateLabianca murders, deferred a plea on Thursday when he appeared in Superior Court on murder charges. The 35-year-old Manson was clad In a filthy fringed buckskin jacket and trousers and
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  • 101 5 WASHINGTON. Frl (Reuter) Violent crimes i n the United States increased 12 per rent in th* first tune months of 1969 compared with the corresponding period last year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation s aid today. FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover, in h:» quarterly summary o*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 99 5 iL> ;.vj "v J V I i I ft I K /WJ y <m m r *>■ ■J V fjf w m i M fw If sL f I t m reel k the power of the tiger come a/ivz! mk ■ft.. KKL Just let the on your petrol gauge
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  • 858 6 LABOUR Minister S. Rajaratnam's admonition that trade unions in the developing countries of Asia must add dynamism by identifying themselves with programmes of economic development appears definitely farfetched. His arguments and logic are sound but one wonders whether the trade unions have developed the degree of
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  • 764 6  -  By GAMINI SENEVIRATNE LONDON One* upon a time, in the heart of London, there was a place called Scotland. The location itself is lost in legend, but an Act of 1531 referred to "the croft or piece of land commonly called Scotland'' and put it in
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  • 931 6 Effillilß THE Season of Goodwill, more often than not, will end up creating further animosity. This is period when people will unnaturally go ad out of their way to kill others with kindness. Like giving you this year's diary and calender now. Or wondering whether you should buy
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  • 425 6  -  By ROY GUTMAN FRANKFURT, Germany (UPI) Pin-up girls, talcs of rapes and sex slaying*, brave assaults on military brass, disclosures of espionage leaks these have been the seeds of success for the independent tabloid "Overseas Weekly" circulated to U.S.
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  • 442 6 LONDON. (Reuter) Flu. the snivelling, miserable* depressive ailment which annually attacks whole populations and sometimes takes on killer-characteristics, it back again. At least six types of influenza virus are known to man, the most dangerous being those popularly known as Asian and Hong Kong
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    • 408 7 CONDITIONS eased slightly in trading which again operated only through the Singapore trading room of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. Generally, the market trended listlessly and appeared to experience s ome fractional liquidation in front of the weekend and with
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    • 915 7 BUSINESS done in and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of f.OOO units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS AC MA (2.1 4 «4'; DIM $2 16 <1» 52 17 11 Ben Co
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    • 91 7 LONDON. Fri. fUPI) F .nber market clo&ed dull yesterday with spot 25. 26 *?iier nom SETTLEMENT HOUSE Jan. 23. 23-3'16 Feb. 23. 23-3'16 Mar. 23-1/ 6, 23-1/4 Jan./ Mar 23. 23-3 16 Apr/June 23-5 16 23-1 2 July Sept. and Oct./ Dec. 23-1 4. 23-3/3.
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    • 78 7 Fn. (UPI> —Japan T uced 378.155 bales of cotvarn and staple fibre in r rnoer an increase of 777 r or 0.2 per cent over r ober, it was announced J "stf-rday. he Japan Spinners Assoc -on said production of cotyarn alone in November s
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    • 159 7 SYDNEY Fri. (UPll Friday closing Sydney Stock Exchange (selected shares): MININGS Acmex 303 Ass Min 750 Austral Min .45 Barrier .85 »H South 496 C. Norse 730 C. Gold 980 CRA 1100 Emper 1-20 Endur 60 GM Kalg 95 GT Boulder 530 GT Ntsn .53 GT West
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    • 133 7 NEW YORK Fri. (LTI) Absence of fresh incentives and continued year-end tax selling out down an ear:y railv on Wall Street yesterday ss storks finished mixed in moderate turnover. At the close, the UPI marketwide indicator was off 097 per cert Of the 1.618 issues t
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    • 16 7 The tin price for yesterday was $7lO 12i par picul, up $7 87 J.
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    • 441 7 THE tail end of last week's trading met some cover* ing and far forward demand principally from overseas which reversed a sagging tendency, especially as these orders came to light at a very late stage state Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co., in its weekly rubber market review.
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    • 63 7 NEW YORK. FT!. (UPI) Rubber futures closed unchanged and untraded yesterday on the New York Commodity Exchange. (CLOSED (PREV) Jan 23 258 23 25 Mar. 24.25 24.25 May 24.25 24.25 July 23 008 24 25 23 00 Sept 23 008 24 25 23.00 Nov. 24 25 24.25 Jan.
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    • 276 7 December first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.ni. in Sinnpore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at tt-l cent* per lb., up seven eighths of a cent from the previous close The tone of the market was steady. The market moved very narrowly and quietly during the
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    • 124 7 OSAKA. Fri. (UPI) Five well-known Japanese chemical firms announced yesterday they have established a joint firm in Osaka to produce Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM). VCM Is the basic materia! for the making of various polymerised or co-polymerised chemical products, such as plastics The joint Arm
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    • 38 7 TOKYO. Fri (UPI> Exports of Japanese steel products in Oct totalled 1 400.000 tons, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation announced yesterdav The federation said since March the monthly steel e x ports topped 1.350.000 tons
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    • 239 7 THE Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for ships In port today. Saturday December 13. DEPARTURES Godouns Vessels 3/4 Nagasaki 10/ 11 Kamlshima Maru 2122 Auby 21/22 Waddenzee 26 Vishva Anand 33 34 Sir Lancelot 42/43 Sadoharu Maru 45 Edgar Andre 47 Fernstate
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    • 214 7 I LONDON. Fri. (Reuter) The market moved ahead strongly following the UK November trade surplus. The late Wall Street rally had an initial steadying effect after last night's drift, and selective buying pusl)ed prices ahead. Towards the close the FT index was up 8 3 a
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    • 184 7 NEW YORK. m. (UPI) Gold prices moved sharply h.gher yesterday on slight increase in demand on markets here and abroad In London, gold tamed 12* U.S. cents at the morning flxng and an additional 2J US cents lor a second fixing of 35 20 US. dolars
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    • 604 7 SINGAPORE Stock Exchange •old and other prices oil)dally llated at the close of bHlaeuINDUSTRIALS ACMA B 2 14 8. 2-15 Ben A Co 1-63 1.68 Borneo Bhd Bou«teart Co. Came! Plynood C. sugars 175 193 129 3 98 1 76 1.98 1 40 4 02 C.
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    • 41 7 NEW YORK. Frl. (UPI) Dow Jones closin* averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. 30 Industrials 783.53 20 Rails ***** 15 Utilities 107.17 85 Stocks 257 53 40 Bonds 69.05 Commodity futures index 141.26 Up 0 31.
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    • 66 7 HONO KONG, m CUPI) Money Quotations today: HKS« (M 75 per U.S. dollar HK56.0675 per U.S. dollar TT HKSI4 48 per pound sterling HK5283.50 per tael of gold SH.S per cent fineness HK5160.7 per 10.000 Japanese yen HK$lll per 100 Philippine pesos buyers HK$ll4 per 100 Philippine pesos
      66 words
    • 83 7 THIS noon prima at pore Chine** rrodnrc yesterday were> Ul the 1 KB Hlnrarhanre flillif Coconut Oil (F O B Bulk Coconut Oil (FOB) Dram Mixed Copra SS-K Montok White Pepper (FOB.) Sarawak White Pepper (FOB.) Sarawak special Blac* Pepper iFOM NLW. lamp<>nc Special Black Pepper (F.OB) Lanp<>n| Black
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    • 5 7 «*Hong KOBI Currency)
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    • 416 7 ARRIVALS ft no a m NCMiam. m10 15 am 10 i& a.m. M»4 <n» k. Lunipor M»i IIP k Lumpur M*A P!4 >I»A lit K 1 uiopur M-A nor, lp'ifc. K Lnmpur. UiiiKi io V> a m. JV p IB 111 VI 11*42J bunliuk UAHUDt I.4JUH. Mrdao I.in
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    • 223 7 Picture shows Mrs. John Le Cain, wife of the Counsellor (Defence), Singapore High Commission, U.K. and Mr. Le Cain with Commander CWS Dreyer, a director of Vosper Thorn ycroft at the launching ceremony. Sovereignty, one of six 110foot fast patrol boats ordered from the Vosoer Thornycroft Group by the Maritime
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 69 7 TLunaf TOURS a num. AOM*CT <RR%) tm Our office, with experience staff. It specially designed to deal with well-arranged handling of all Tour Travels. Be sure to avail yourself of the excellent service and enjoy our personalised service, too!! Come to where every Item of your travels' Itinerary will be
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  • 2204 8 TLfANILA, Fri. (UPI) In Indonesia, local officials sometimes present visiting VIPs with orangutans despite a ban on their capture. The three species of rhinoceros found in Asia are becoming rare because of the mythical aphrodisiac properties of rhino horn. The beautiful cheetah is fast disappearing from the
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 83 8 AMY By Jack TippH a 'Oh, hi, Roger...Dribbleoninond sfcry awhile." DATELINE: DANGER! V ty John Saunders aid AbenNkWiira m DOCTOR,, COME OUfCKLY, PLEASE f 1 SOMETHING'S HAPPIMID TO MR.NOSL&/ ...AND TOP REASONS YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND, I'M NOT ABOUT TO BLOW THE WHISTLE ON J HIS FATHER/ g*~.» ■k 1 "1
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  • 726 9  -  >/#«'<f/i(ii(r/ for 3tysi'lf...* Sheilah Graham LONDON, rn. I HAVE been watching Christopher Plummer supporting lovely ladleg on the screen for many years. Julie Andrews i n mv opinion owes a great deal of her success in "The Sound Of Music" to the reality
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  • 76 9 NEW YORK. Frl Columbia Pictures' "Michael Kohlhaas" starring David Werner and Anna Kanna. wa* shown recently at the International Colour F:.m Week id Barcelona An excising adventure story of violent protejt and Its aftermath. "Michael Kohlhaas" received acclaim at this year's Cannes Film Festival. Jerry Blr*
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  • 545 9  -  Ann Landers T) EAR ANN: I am a U 13-year-old girl with a terrible problem I have never read anything like it in your column and don't know what to do. Several months ago my Dad was told that he was being
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  • 141 9 NEW YORK. Fri. Milton Goldste«n Has been appointed Senior Vice President of Cinema Centre Films, a division of the Columbia Broadcasting System, jt was announced recently by Gordon Stulberg. President The appointment is effective i m m e diately Goldstein will be headquartered in
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  • 147 9 NEW YORK Fri. MAUD ADAMS, Mew York high fashion model, has been signed to make her motion picture starring debut in Cinema Centre Films' "THE CHRISTIAN LICORICE STORE", produced by M ichael Laughlin. The announcement was made by Jere Henshaw, Vice-President in charge of
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  • 43 9 LOS ANGELES En. Maurice Vaccarino has been Blgn#M by producer Mitchell Grayson a* unit manager on "The Adventure* of Aug'.e March.' an Everglade Film for MGM. Vaccarino recently completed his assignment on Claude Lelouch's The Man I Love."
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  • 158 9 NEW YORK. Frl.—paramount Picture*' roadshow attraction "Paint Your Wagon" ha* been designated by the company a* a "Diamond Jubilee Movie" In honour of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of motion picture* Special ceremonle* were held recently at the Wert Coast premiere of the Alan Jay
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 161 9 11l II SKSSMMI y,ZM/y/////yZ /A CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR SPECIAL DRAWS 4TH DEC. 1969 TO WIN TWO BIG CASH JACKPOTS EVERY THURSDAY SUNDAY! FOR DRAW NO: 70 (14.12.69) €inc nnnl s 20,000 ssalinilllll $350 1 ''i ■U U U fl* 1 C («cutovi»mxi»« wrruj V X Kl NUMB»»S CO»»tCT ItCI.UOIM6TM(
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    • 160 9 When the weather it sultry, alt forms of fever will Three Legs Brand RHINO HORN FEVER WATER is good for relief of al' fevers and also as a cure for baby's measles and pox fevers. fL <* r > i r VNJ WEN KEN DRUG COMPANY LIMITED Hea^Offtc^ 39 A-
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 296 9 dISHAW ORGANISATION I D O Phono *****; NOW SHOWTNG! 11 I m 1 M. t 00. «.3o la p to Vul 3-vnner IHE FILF or THE GOLDEN COOif" Color <PAt 4 Th'atre Midnight Tonight t LIDO-CAPITOL REX SKY jranv Hu RIVER OF TEARS" A SHAW PPOOCCTIOft' CQ-OI CAPITOL Phorw 2975
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    • 287 9 Tomtht Mitfflifbt! Mind l "OENEIAL l««V'• CO'O' Scope tano onm fai ujc with Engluh A Chifte*« SuotlU* iff A** CO!f rtm pai Cbioeae ■ORCHARD«TH rtXtMTIC wen: IN. IN A rift Tomorrow Extra Bbow 11 imi MirliUi C»n« R«f *artoi» "TBI ITALIAN JOB" la Color Pananeion iA Paramount Picture) |CA rHAy
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    • 963 10 pAN GOON, Fri. The singing of Singapore's national anthem by the Singapore contingent to mark Patricia Chan's remarkable feat in winning 10 SEAP Games gold medals carried the swimming star off her feet lost night. As Singapore s flag was hoisted following the gold
      UPI pix.  -  963 words
    • 125 10 RANGOON Frl (UPI) —Singapore and Thailand a re vying for secon p. ace behind Burma in the Fifth SouthEast Asia Peninsular Games over-all standings. W;th only two days of competition left Burma >d with 54 gold. 42 silver and 28 bronze medals at the end
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    • 588 10 Women s 20f)m Butterfly Stroke: 1. Patricia Chan (S) 2:39.1 (breaking own record of 2:46.7); 2. Tay Chin Joo (S) 2:517; 3. Ong Mei Lin (M) 3:04.2. Men's 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay: 1. Singajaore 8.45.0 (breaking old record of 9.07 7 set by Thailand); 2. Burma
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    • 295 10 LONDON. Fn (Reuter) The fifth Test match between England and South Africa next summer could cover eight days if it Is Interrupted by the weather or by antiapartheid demonstrations. Plans for extending the five-day Test if necessary were announced here today by the Test
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    • 36 10 LOXDON. Fri. (Reuter) The South African Springbok rugby team's match against England's southern counties at Bournemouth has been cancelled. Police have s ald they are unable to guard the ground against anti-apartheid demonstrators
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    • 145 10 RANGOON, Fri. (UPI) —Singapore fans demonstrated their joy over "he performance of their swimmers at the end of the swimming events in the Fifth South-east Asian Peninsular Games last night by throwing Chan Chee Seng, leader of the contingent, into the swimming pool. Chef-de-mission
      145 words
    • 254 10 THE 1970 British Open golf championship at St. Andrews has been boosted by £lO.OOO. the Championship Committee of the Royal and Ancient Club announced here today. The total prize money will now qo ud to £40.000. I When England's Tony JackLin won
      254 words
    • 124 10 BUENOS AIRES. Frl. (Reuter« American Jimmy Ellis will defend his World Boxing Association (W.BA.) heavyweight title against Argentina's Gregorlo Peralta on Dec. 20 in Buenos Aires If the nationality of the referee can be agreed. Ellis' manager Angelo Dundee wants an American refpree for the fight
      124 words
    • 89 10 PHILADELPHIA Frl (UPI) Heavyweight Leotls Martin will undergo an eye operation for an Injury believed suffered in his knockout victory over Sonny Llston In Las Vegas, Nevada, last Saturday Pinny Schafer. Martina manager, said Martin will undergo surgery for a detached retina of the right eye.
      89 words
    • 199 10 WELLINGTON FY! (Reuter> Guy Wolstenholme. former English International who now lives in Australia, withdrew from a professional golf tournament here yesterday after taking 12 strokes at the 18th hole. He had a ten-over-par 81 for the first round In the 72hole Caltex tournament
      199 words
    • 52 10 JOHANNESBURG. F r 1. (Reuter) The South Africa n Lawn Tennis Union have formally arrested an application by American Negro tennis star Arthur Ashe to compete in next year's South African national championships The application wa< made last month hy the Unites States Lawn Tennis Association on
      52 words
    • 71 10 WELLINGTON. Fri. (Reuter) Australian golfer Kel Garner clung to his lead in the Caltex US$5,OOO tournament with a second round two-under-par 69 here today. The 20-year-old left-hander who Intends returning to Melbourne after the tournament because he i$ "sick of the grind" of professional golf had
      71 words
    • 141 10 LONDON, Fri. (Reuter) Cricket authorities confirmed last night that next summer's South African tour of Britain was on despite widespread threats of antiapartheid protests. The M C C. ruling body of British cricket said they had unanimously decided to go ahead with
      141 words
    • 143 10 MANCHESTER. England, Frl. (Reuter) Colin Bell, the England inside forward injured in Wednesdav night's soccer international against Portugal, has displaced his shoulder, an X-ray taken here revealed "The shoulder is still very painful and I could be out for a couple of weeks", the Manchester City
      143 words
    • 53 10 SANTA BARBARA. Calif. Fri. (Reuter) United States decathlon champion Bill Toomey set a new world mark of 8.417 points for the decathlon. here last night. Toomey bettered by 98 points the previous record of 8.319 set by Kurt Bendlin of West Germany in Heidelberg, Germany. l
      53 words
    • 44 10 CALCUTTA. Fri. (Reuter) India had scored 176 for seven in their first Innings when bad light brought the first day of the fourth cricket Test against Australia to a premature close here today The teams are level 1-1 m the five-Test series.
      44 words

  • 327 11 LOS ANGELES. Fri. (Reuter) Mexico's Ruben Olivares is a 5-2 on favouriti to boat challenger Alan Rudkin of Britain in tonight's rid bantamweight championship bout here, but the Liverpool boxer laughs at the odds as being way out of line. "I am sure
    327 words
  • 1057 11 Raet 1 2.00 p.m. 3 4 7 1 9 in. IV ts ii 8ft0 134 03 ino n 3^4 000 400 007 414 THE C0W0RAY PLATE: M.A.R.A. CI. 4 5F. CatcfcwaifbH Hit. lOlba. Brock* f Cauoori < > 17 Bobble i J !b» pe«»l*T>
    1,057 words
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    • 623 11 N OTIC E S GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION ORDINANCE. 1963 (NO 18 OF 1963) NOTICE UNDER SECTION 19(10) Whereas in exercise of the powers conferred by subsections (1) and (3) of Section 19 of the Local Government Integration Ordinance. 1983 (hereinafter referred to as
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    • 465 11 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION ORDINANCE. INS (NO. 18 OF l»tt) NOTICE UNDER SECTION 19(19) Whereas In exerelse of the powers conferred by subjections (1) and (3) of Section IP of the Local Government Integration Ordinance. 1983 (hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance") the Director
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    • 266 11 PWD SINGAPORE Tender* are invited from PWD Registered Contractor* for the following w«rk*:Hotel and Catering Training Srh»»o| at Nauim Hill. Showround: Contractor* to meet SO at junction of Tanglln Road ind Na*slm Hill at 9no am on 20 12 69 Building Contractors above $T5n 000 Cl««in» Date: 2 170 at
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