Eastern Sun, 10 December 1969

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY Estd. 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1204 Wednesday, 10 December 1969. MC(P) 0737 Price 15 cents
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  • 425 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Minister of Home Affairs, Tun Dr. Ismail today reiterated that holders of citizenship certificates issued under Article 30 will continue to be regarded as citizens until verification of their certificates are completed. "They will not be required to obtain employment
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  • 90 1 BRAZILIAN "millionaire industrialist'. O'Neill Shrian. who has five aliases and two passports, has been permanently banned from entering Singapore. This was announced In a i Government Gazette yesterday by the Minister for Defence. Mr. Lim Kim San. acting on the powers conferred on him by a
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  • 143 1 KUALA LUMPUR TUM. The government today introduced regulations making it compulsory for price tags to be displayed on all commodities except hardware. The regulations come into Immediate effect, but a grace period of one week has been allowed to enable shopkeepers to put up the tags. Announcing
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  • 78 1 LONDON. Tues. (UPI) Two Scotland Yard detectives today filed libel suit* against the Times for articles alleging that they accepted bribes from criminals. The suits were filed In the High Court by Det. Inspector Bernard Robson and Det Sgt. Gordon Harris. alleged In a Times article published
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  • 30 1 BANGALORE India. Tues. (Reuter) Mr. S. Nijalingappa. former President of the Ruline Congress Party, said today he feared India wa* heading towards Communism und*r the influence of fellow-travel-lers.
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  • 86 1 The home of Che Aishah (right) like that of thousands of other Muslim families was a beehive of activity last night as last-minute preparations were finalised for the BIG DAY —'Hari Raya Puasa. Naturally in the kitchen where plenty of delicious "yum yums" are being baked, there will be children
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  • 56 1 Former Singapore's Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. P.S. Raman has been appointed as the new High Commissioner of Singapore to Australia. Mr. P.S. Raman, 49. will replace Mr. Stanley Toft Stewart. Mr. P.S. Raman was the Director of Broadcasting before he was appointed Singapore's Ambassador to Indonesia
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  • 49 1 TEL AVIV. Tues. (AFP) Eros, an Israeli firm dealing in contraceptives, has lodeed a complaint before the High Court against a ban on the Import of contraceptives. The court ordered the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to explain to Eros whv it refused to erant the necessary licences.
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  • 37 1 ADEN. Tues. <AFP> Saudi Arabian Lightning and Hawker Hunter fighter aircraft flown by "mercenary pilots" violated Southern Yemen airspace last Sunday and yesterday. A 1 Thawrl. weekly organ of the ruling National Front, reported today.
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  • 198 1 TEL AVIV, Tues. (AFP) Israeli aircraft today bombed Egyptian military targets in the central sector of the Suez Canal, a military spokesman announced. He said all aircraft returned safely to base. Reports from the Israeli town of Beitshean said Israeli artillery shelled the Irbid
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  • 36 1 LISBON. Tues. (Reuter) Two people have died in an Asian flu epidemic spreading across Portugal The deaths were reported at Oporto where hundreds <* people- including whole faml'.les. have been con. fined to bed.
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  • 112 1 LONDON. Tue s (Reuter) The British government hoped to beg:n confidential discussions soon with Malaysia on defence matters. Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart told parliament today. He was being questioned about the future of the AngloMalaysian defence agreement now that Britain intended to
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  • 79 1 TOKYO. Tues (AFP) Precious sPace In the overpoDulated city of Yokohama 165.000 square metres has been returned to its citizens by the U.S. Armed Forces, who had been using It as golf course. But the place Is a shambles The ground has beer dug up ann is full
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  • 226 1 SAIGON, Tues. (UPI) —Vietcong guerrillas stormed through a police training centre flinging satchel charges at sleeping cadets in a predawn raid that killed 1 5 and wounded 25. allied spokesman said. The 50-man Communist company headed straight for the cluster of wooden
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  • 348 1 DOWN DRAFT ATHENS, Tues. (UPI) An Olympic Airlines official said today heavy rains and a downdraft of wind apparently caused an Olympic DC6B to crash into a mountain last night, killing all 90 persons aboard. The toll was the highest In Greek aviation history. The
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  • 48 1 Harl Ray a Puasa will oe observed tomorrow In view of the non-sighting of the moon last night. Meanwhile. President Yusof Ishak has ordered the grounds of the Istana to be open to the public today a public holiday from 8 a.m to 6 p.m.
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  • 27 1 The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. has sent the following message on the occasion of Hari Raya "I wish all Muslims SHaflnat Hari Raya."
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 an ever growing Evary weak, mora and mora f n—»■!■■ ara reading—and an- IdlTlllY oying —me AUSTRALIAN 9 MMBT. Join ihair ranks. Sand away today,' and have Australia'* only National BapM papar aent to your home aach tndoaad Ja <haqua/M.O. for $330 THE AUSTRALIAN BAPTIST to Insprra and Inform. Baa
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    • 75 1 \;,?{'^(:/?|~:<{|`]*~]'+:}:'&:@ THE Eastern Sun wishes its readers "Selama* Hari Raya." Today being a holiday, there will be no issue of this newspaper tomorrow. We resume publico tion Friday. FOn ECONOMY USE QUALITY RECONDITIONED STEEL DRUMS. ENQUIRIES/PROBLEMS WILL BE ANSWERED PROMPTY WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION BV SINGAPORE'S FOREMOST 45 I. G. DRUM
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 295 2 The President, Enche Yusof bin Ishak, has reminded the people ot Singapore that the survival of the nation depended on their ability to "innovate and adjust" themselves to the ever-varying events and circumstances around them. In a message on the occasion of Hari
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  • 160 2 Mr. John Chandler (right), head of the International Executive Service Corps In Singapore on Monday night received on behalf of his organisation the Lane Bryant International Volunteer Award. The presentation was made by the American Ambassador to Singapore. Mr. Charles T. CTOSS Among
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  • 55 2 Fifty-two NCOs of the Boys' Brigade from Singapore, Johore and Sarawak are now attending a four-day NCOs Training Course at the Faith Methodist Church at Commonwealth Drive. Mr. Wee Choon Stang. Principal of the Presbyterian Boys* School addressed the NCO's and opened the course on
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  • 43 2 A 70-year-old driver. Seek Tiong Sim. was killed when his car crashed into a lamppost in Woodlands Road vesterday morning. Seek, of Upper East Coast Road, died on the soot. There were 71 road accidents, six of which were serious. yesterday
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  • 86 2 The Chinese Young Men's Christian Association Is organising a camping programme for children between the ages of eight to 12 years on Dec. 11 for two days. More than 60 children from various races will be staying in at the Chinese YMCA. many of them away
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  • 571 2 THE Minister for Education, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, taid yesterday Singapore nacds a flexible system to produce veraatile technicians and craftsmen at minimum cost and in the shortest possible time. He was speakinq at th# opening of the "Industrial Training for the 1970'5"
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  • 309 2 THE Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Culture, Enche Sha'ari bin Tadin yesterday received a collection of 500 books on behalf of the Singapore National Library from the 'rulion Chamber of Commerce. The collection, which includes 248 books entitled •'Dlscorerlng India" and which ranges
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  • 67 2 Police are still look.ng for the body of a nine-year-old boy who was swept away by the gtrong currents of a flooded canal In the Queenstown area. The incident occurred on Mondav aJternoon lust after a heavy rain which flooded the canal. The boy. name has been
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  • 151 2 One of the foremost exponent* in the art of Chinese calligraphy, poetry and painting#, Mr. Wong Jai Img, will hold a three day exhibition of h.s works at the Victoria Memorial Hall from Dec. >2- 14. An illuatrlous personality. Mr Wong, who held numerous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 92 2 GREETINGS Mr. S. M. Abdul Gaffar And Mrs. Norma Gaffar of Gemini Chit Fund Corporation Limited Wish Selamat Hari Raya Puasa To All Friends, Business Associates And Well Wishers. i ra n Li K HARI RAY A GREETINGS The Chairman and Board of Directors of Gemini Chit Fund Corporation Limited
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  • 640 3 DEFENCE ATTORNEYS OF MASSACRE' FT. BENNING, Georgia. Tues. (UPI) Defence attorneys yesterday moved to dismiss the 110 murder charges against Army Lt. William Calley, Jr. because he "cannot be afforded a fair and impartial trial in any U.S. military court." Calley is
    CBS TV photo released via UPI radiophoto service  -  640 words
  • 112 3 MANILA. Tues. (Reuter) The world's first single-beam concrete house will be constructed in Rizal Province outside of Manila, according to Louis Bernasconi, executive Vice-President of St. Louis Realty Corporation The house would he built under a rvstem developed by an Italian doctor of
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  • 364 3 AMSTERDAM. Tues. (Reuter) The Inter-govern-mental group on Indonesia yesterday estimated that the country would require food aid totalling 140 million dollars in 1970, informed conference sources said. On the first day of a three-day meeting, reports drafted by the World Bank and the International
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  • 283 3 MELBOURNE, Tues. (U Pl) —Australian health authorities today began a nation-wide hunt for 125 people who have been in contact with an American tourist stricken with cholera. The cholera victim, Robert Williamson, 79, of Tennessee, is seriously ill in Fairfield Infect-
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  • 297 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) About 7.000 Chinese engineer troops are working in North Laos building a new road system. State Department officials said yesterday. Information on the activities of the Chinese force has reached the State Department from a variety of intelligence sources, they
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  • 447 3 MANILA. Tues. (UPI) The Philippine# is in the midst of a belt-tightening programme so strict that its Foreign Secretary will now have to travel economy class en rout" to international conferences. President Marcos ordered the austerity campaign right after his re-election to a second four-year term
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  • 65 3 BELFAST. Northern Ireland, Tues (UPI) Santa Claus will drop out of the skv onto a hospital for Children Christmas. but he'll leave his flowing beard at the North Poie. Maj. Edward Garnder of the First Battalion of the Parachute Regiment will drop 10.000 feet to deliver presents. He
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  • 74 3 CHICAGO. Tues <UPl> —SenCharle* H. Percy Republican -Illinois, had just begun speaking to an audience of 250 Mnon« in a hotel Sunday when Miss Judith Brodsky 20, walked in and said she had always wanted to meet Percy. Mi« Brodsky mas wearing bet wedding dress She explained she
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  • 328 3 MAEBASHI, Japan Tues. (UPI) A crowded commuter train today slammed into a crane truck at a crossing 50 miles north of Tokyo and sent a section of it crashing into a row of cars waiting for the train to pass. Police said six persons
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  • 85 3 AUCKLAND, New Zealand Tues. (UPI) Malaysian Yeow Gee Ing has become the first woman to obtain a Bachelor of Engineering degree at Auckland University. Yeow Gee Ing of Perak has for the past three years been the only girl in a class of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 500 4 LONDON, Tues. (Reuter) Prime Minister Harold Wilson warned yesterday that a crisis could blow up in Anglo-American relations if any U.S. atrocities in Vietnam were shown to have official sanction But he added that Britain snould not jump to conclusions and. in
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  • 121 4 UNITED NATIONS. New York. Tues (Renter)—lsraeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban again rejected UN. Security Council demands for the rescinding of Israel's takeover of former Arab Jerusalem. In note published here yesterday He also reproached the Council for maintaining an "indifferent- attitude to the
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  • 86 4 PARIS. Tues. fUPI) The general affairs committee of the Western European Union (WEU) said yesterday British entry into the common market was essential to political unity in Europe In a report submitted by Gljsbert Van Hall of Holland, the committee told the 15th ordinary session of the
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  • 304 4 PARIS, Tues. (UPI) Secretary of State William P. Roger* yesterday wound up his European visit with an SO-minute discussion of a subject with President Georges Pompidou. Rogers called the talks "fruitful." Rogers stopped off In Paris on his way home after the North Atlantic
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  • 250 4 UNITED NATIONS, New York, Tues (Reuter) Four Afro-Asian members of the Security Council yesterday tabled a resolution strongly condemning Portugal for allegedly ordering the shelling of a village in southern Senegal Algeria. Nepal. Pakistan and Zambia sponsored the draft, which also warned that
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  • 115 4 NAIROBI. Tues (Peuter) There will be 10$ new faces in Kenya's n ew 158-seat Parliament following on Saturday's elections, according to Acal results published vesterday An omciai count showed 14 ministers re-elected, Ave ministers defeated, 36 Members of Parliament returned. 77 Member s of
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  • 68 4 SALISBURY. TUM. <UPI>— One of Rhodesia's senior journalists. Roger Nicholson, 38. goes on trial today charged with passing Rhodesia's secrets to an enemy." Nicholson. Financial Editor of the Rhodesia Herald and Rhodesian correspondent of the London Times, will appear before Judge Harold Davles on charges of
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  • 268 4 PRAGUE. Tues (Reuters The Czech Censors Office acted yesterday to stop circulation of the "black book" the inside story of the 196S B©v;et-led occupation of Czechoslovakia, compiled by the Institute of History in Prague An announcement by the Czech Governments Office for Press
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  • 171 4 MADRID. Tuss fUPI> Spain will have new King next April, an Influential Spanish magazine predicted here yesterday. The Spanish "Mundo" magazine said "usually well informed sources" had Predicted that "sometime in December It will be known that next April Spain will have a
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  • 303 4 BONN. Tues. <Reuter> West Germany welcomed the start of lu non-aggression *alks with the Soviet Union in Moscow yesterday as a sign of possible normalisation of Bonn's relations with Eastern Europe Government spokesman Ruedlger Von Wechmar told a press conference West Oermany also repeated Its
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  • 482 4 MOSCOW, Tues. (UPI) For the first time since the Adenauer years, West Germany and the Soviet Union began formal talks yesterday on basic issues involving relations between the two countries. West German ambassador Helmut Allardt and Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko carried the
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  • 140 4 HOBART. Australia, Tues (UPI) —The Malay Language **lll be taught at primary school level next year for the first time m Australia The lessons will be given at Hutchins School m Hobart. the capita! of the island state of Tasmania Although Malay
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  • 128 4 ASIA 'S ARCHITECTURAL CENTRE IN SINGAPORE HONG KONG. Tues (Reuter) Asia's first centre of architecture the first of Its kind in the world will be located in Singapore, the third Asian regional conference of the Commonwealth Institute of Architects decided here yesterday. The centre, called Arcasia (the Architects Regional Cen
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  • 245 4 Jw* HANXESBURG. Tue s (Reuter i A crowded lootbridge collapsed on to tne platforms and traces duri-g 'he morning rush hour at a 'owr.ship s'atlon near Johannesburg vesterdav killir.g two Africans and injuring about 400 others. Most of those hurt had only minor lnjur.es and
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  • 301 5 LOS ANGELES, Tues, (Reuter)—Militant Black Panthers held off more than 200 policemen in a fierce, four-hour gun battle in the Negro Watts district of Los Angeles today. The eleven Panthers three of them women give up the fight for their headquarters only after police had
    UPI Radiophoto  -  301 words
  • 59 5 RIO DE JANEIRO Tues (UPIi The Brazilian Air Force Ministry reported yesterday that hijacks to Cuba <>f four commercial airliners In the oast three months has cost the country more than U.S $200,000 Loss to the airlines and the monies paid into Fidel Castro's funds have exceeded U.S $200,000."
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  • 351 5 WASHINGTON. Tues. (UPI) The House Appropriations Committee Monday voted to slice an additional 600 million U.S. dollars from an already pared-down Foreign Aid Bill, but included an unrequested grant of 54.5 million U.S. dollars to buy new jet planes for Taiwan. The committee approved
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  • 82 5 WASHINGTON. Tues (UPI) —US Postmaster General Wlnton M. Blount on Monday announced a special airlift to send up a backlog of up to 200.000 pounds of civilian Christmas parrels to Guam. Because of a shipjunr tie up at San Francisco, Blount said no ships were sal'.in* for Guam
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  • 69 5 NEW YORK. Tues (Reuter) A 31-year-o d Chilean hairdresser has been remanded on $200,000 bail here accused of trying to smuggle three million dollars worth of heroin Into the United States. Justice Department Attorney Denis Dillon said the hairdresser. Arsenlo Araya-Mur-chlo. of Santiago. Chi'.e. was linked with four
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  • 363 5 SPACE CENTRE. Houston. Tues (UPI) The crew of Apollo 12 performed or the ■noon as well as any geolog:st" could have, and better than most, a geologist in quarantine with astronauts Said on Monday But said Dr Robin Brett, geologists should visit the tr.oon to
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  • 130 5 DAVIS. Calif., Tues. (UPI) A 57-year-old Roman Catholic monk stripped off his robes while reading poetry at the University of California Sunday and. standin? on the stage in pants and tee shirt, announced he would leave his order to marry a 22-year-old woman. "Mv life longs
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  • 175 5 SAN QUENTTN. Calif Tues (Reuter) Sirhan Sirhan. convicted assassin of Sen Robert Kennedy. ha 4 been n n a hunger atrlke for 10 days in protest against what he calls "Nazi concentration camp-like treatment" at San Quentln prison. it was disclosed today. The Jordanian immigrant has been
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  • 205 5 WASHINGTON. Tues. (UPI) Senate Leaders said Monday the Nixon administration was quietly withdrawing troops from Vietnam in greater numbers than announced and was now 9.000 men ahead of schedule. Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield and Sen. George D. Aiken, the Dean of Senate Republicans, made the disclosure
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  • 119 5 NEW YORK. Tues. (Reuter) A new category of Pulitzer Prize, for criticism or commentary In US newspapers, was announced here today. This br.ngs to 10 the number of Pulitzer Prize categories for journalism. The awards are regarded a-s among the highest accolades in the profession. The
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  • 298 5 WASHINGTON. Tues. fßeuter) The National Commission on Violence, headed by Dr. Milton Elsenhower, today unanimously condemned massive violent civil disobedience a method of changing unjust laws And In an unusual divided opinion, a bare majority of It* members also condemned peaceful protests against un. just laws,
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  • 146 5 SANTA MONICA. Calif. Tues. (Reuter* Murdered film actres* Sharon Tate left an estate of under 50.000 dollar* according to documents filed by her father here The actress* father, former Lt. Col. Paul Tate, listed her asset* to the Santa Monica Supreme Court a* 45.000 dollar* (about 18.000 sterling*
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  • 79 5 UNITED NATION'S. Tues (ReuterV U.N. Secret aryGeoeral U Thant said today that racial discrimination and apartheid wei> odious practices that shocked the conscience of man, He also listed colonialists' abuses, military occupation, and the maltreatment of minorities as tfnonc the current violations of human rights In a message
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  • 307 5 WASHINGTON. Tuci. (UPI) Senator Edward M. Kennedy has protested as "unnecessarily cruel" a news mjgssinet article on the death of his father, former Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy. In a letter published In the current edition of Newsweek. Kennedy wrote: "In evaluating the long life of
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  • 306 5 PARIS. Tiies. (UPI) U.S. Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird hinted after a meeting with American peace negotiators Monday that President Nixon would announce a further reduction of 40.000 or more troops in Vietnam before the end of Hie year. At the samp time however. he
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  • 60 5 WASHINGTON. Tu*s (UPH The State Department explained on Monday the United States increased military assistance to Thailand to counter a local insurgency threat of serious proportions State Department Spokesman Carl Bartch. asked about the nature of the insurgency, said. "The threat to Thailand's internal security stems from Communist
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  • 339 5 LOS ANGELES Tues. (UPI) Five members of a mystical cult were indicted for murder Monday in the slaying of actress Sharon Tate and six other persons last August. A sixth person was indicted on only two counts. The County Grand Jury returned the
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  • 90 5 WASHINGTON. Tuev (UPI> Officials Monday speculated here that the reported public executions of lour exiles In Cuba th:* weekend may be the beginning of a harder line against antlCastro elements operating inside the island. The officials were particularly concerned over unconfirmed report* that the exiles had been executed
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  • 47 5 OMAHA. Neb. Tues. (UPh If Santa Claus Had used more traditional means of travel he would have made it. Santa was to have swooped down this weekend and officially open the downtown Christmas shopping season here—but 101 inches of snow grounded hit helicopter.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 173 5 y FIRSTAt tt* vary first Ortjrm*. thru Kinp of Orient 9M Gold. Franklnanaa and ttyiili as the wry fir* gift*. ffj We ft Orient Crafts ar't mjppJv frsnklneanas or rrryrrh for your Oviitmas grvino. but wa DO have gold. And chunky pwettory. And •knr, prow, and ivory. If you prefer
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  • 957 6 rwhat Indira Gandhi is doing to the Congress Party in India is ridiculous what the Chief Minister of West Bengal is doing to his own government is both unbelievable and perfunctory. Ahoy Mukherjee, the Chief Minister of Bengal, is leading a revolt against his own government! Declaring
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  • 710 6  -  NOBODY raised an eyebrow when the Vietcang's Hue Massacre was discovered. There was no trial ar investigation. The same goes far countless others committed elsewhere. Yet when only a probe was called onto My Lai the world, now half-starved for juicy scandol, took to
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  • 627 6  -  By DEREK INGRAM LONDON In these dying weeks of a decade, the marvels of science are equalled only by the marvels of fashion. For three years at least, those who care and those whose'business it is to keep styles on the more
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  • 721 6  -  By CHETAN CHADHA NEW DELHI. The Panchen Lama, whose whereabouts are again the subject of speculation, symbolises the last flicker of Tibetan resistance to Chinese rule in the Himalayan tableland. An Indian news agency reported some time ago that the 32-year-old temporal head of the
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  • 381 6 THE LIGHTER SIDE BY DICK WEST: WASHINGTON. <UPI» Chairman J W Fulbrlght of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is ordinarily a rather temperate man whose utterances reflect a fair amount of diplomatic restraint. I was therefore astonished by the seventy of the charge that the Arkansas Democrat
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  • 425 6  -  By BARNEY SEIBERT BUN HOA Vietnam (UPI) The accent it on m South Vietnamese army's prisoner of war p OW) camps. South Vietnam holds about 30.000 Communist prisoners of war, about 6.000 of them North Vietnamese army regulars. They are held in five
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  • 131 6 idlers... Reference your news item headed "Singapore Govt. Halves Shoe Tax"' in 5 issue, it is stated tha* the customs duties on ail foot--2o£ r TM slash<, d t0 c This is xiot quite correct. The reduction applies only to footwear or parts of footwear falling under tariff
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  • 31 6 "It mattrrs not how strait the gate. How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my »oul" WE. HEKLET
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    • 346 7 Basically, trading in the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday was quiet and the tendency was still tor a downward drift after initial business. Falls then remained in a large majority following the listless trend. However, at the lower levels towards the latter half
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    • 1023 7 BUSINESS done in and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS ACMA $2 10 (It $2 13 (1> $2 14 <4»; DIM $2 15 <1»
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    • 74 7 HONG KONG Tues. (UPI) —Monev Quotations today: HK $6.***** per U.S. dollar HK $6.0725 oer U.S. dolla r TT HK $l4 48 per pound sterling. HK 5281 25 per ta«i of gold 94.5 per cent fineness. HK $160.2 per 10.000 Japanese v *n. HK $llO D er 100
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    • 147 7 SYDNEY. Wed (UPI> Tuesdays clos.ng Sydney stock exchange selected shares. MININGS Acme* 2 85 As* Min 7.50 Austral Min .48 Bh South 4.95 C Gold 9 50 Cra 20 40 Gm Kalg 100 Bt Bou Id 4 90 Gt Nthn -53 Ot West 13 Kath Inv 550
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    • 211 7 LONDON. Tues. <Reuten The market closed quietly steady on the first day of the new account with little reaction noted from Wall Street's lower closing last Friday. The F.T. index was 0.7 up at 383.1 towards the close. Main Interest centered around Australian Issues with
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    • 270 7 ONE of the Republic's well-known shipbuilder, M/S. Cathay Shipbuilding Factory and Industries Company has recently again completed construction of a 300 DWT self-propelled oil tanker, named MV. "WING LEONG" which is owned by a local company, M/S. Asiatic Navigation Private Limited. The launching ceremony
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    • 212 7 The prospect of Singapore's hotel industry being faced with a large number of empty room» within the next few years, could be overcome if the hotels themselves increased and maintained thet r role in helping to develop Singapore's tourist industry This
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    • 124 7 THE Association of Banks In Malaysia-Singapore yesterday made the following changes in its rates to merchants (rates are quoted to the equivalent of 100 units of foreign currency): SELLING T.T or O.D ready: Deutsche Marks $84.3550; Ho'land Guilders 5M.0225; Swiss Francs $72.0200; Belgian Francs $6.2475; French Francs $55.5925;
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    • 283 7 LONDON. Tues. lUPI) The price of gold slumped to Its lowest point yet on the "free market yesterday and slipped below Its official monetary value. There was no sign of a P'an by Western Central (government) Banks to ball out the metal. Financiers faced
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    • 12 7 Dm us nr*cc for yesterday ptf plcul. up $0 75.
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    • 304 7 RUBBER: 63 3 /4 Cts. December first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 om.. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday a t 63-3/4 cents Der lb., down one and one eighth of a cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was very quiet Buyers were cautious after
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    • 166 7 BASEL. Switzerland Tues < UPI» No immediate decision on gold was taken th;s weekend at th* Bank for International Settlement BIS' monthly rru f, .ne meeting of the western central bank governors, a spokesman of the Swiss National Bank said yesterday. The situation on
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    • 189 7 THE Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for ships in port today. Wednesday 9. DEPARTURES Godowns Vessels 3 4 Jalaratna 18 Karotua N W 2 Hua Heng 21/22 Genko Marti 23 Duren 24/25 Talthyblus 26 Lipis 27 '2B Browind 44 Howa Maru 46
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    • 641 7 SINGAPORE M>ld and other stort Exchange price* officially listed at the rlo<M> of hoclnesaIXDI STRIALS A CM.A B2.12 2 14 Ben <£• Co. 1.82 Borneo Bhd 1.72 1 73 Camel Pi*wood Central Mi(*rk C.C.M. Deb as 147 4 02 C Storage Hold C- Carriage DR.fi. 2
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    • 77 7 LONDON. Tues (UPI) Rubber market closed quiet but steady with spot 25 nominal 28 nominal. settlement house Jan 23. 23-1/4 Feb 23-1/8. 23-3/8 March 23-1/4 23-1/9 Jan/March 23-1/8. 25-3/8 April June 23-5 8. 23-3/4 July/Sept 23-9/16. 22-11/18 Oct./ Dec. 23-7/16. 23-5/8 Jan/March 23-3/8. 23-8/16 April/June
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    • 40 7 NEW YORK. Tues. (UPI) Dow Jones e'.osing averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. 30 Industrials 785.04 20 Rails 175.65 15 Utilities 107.43 65 Stocks 258.93 40 Bonds 69 41 Commodity futures index 141.92 off 0.13.
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    • 65 7 NEW YORK. Tues fUPI) Rubber futures closer 125 points hjfrher to 100 points lower vesterdav or the New York Commodity Exchange. There were no sales. (€!«*< <Prev.) Jan 23 758 23.50 March 24.25 A 24.00 May 23.008 24.00 Ju> 23 008 23.00 Sept 24 25A 23 00 Now
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    • 89 7 I UK HOOD prima at the Mnrspore Chinese rrodnce fcxcbante yesterday were> Bayer filler Coconut Oil (FOB) Bulk 62 00 Coconut Oil (FOB) Oram 64 50 Mlved C opra 36 50 Muntok White Pepper (FOB) 175 00 «traw»k White Pepper (FOB) 172 50 Sarawak special Hiact Pepper (FOR) XLW
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    • 5 7 <»Hon« Root Currency)
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    • 463 7 tMNH 1L» a AO a m M»* Oil k Lumpur *k»li MtMkuk, l««PkfS( Krpnkv KP MJK'» m M*\ IIP K Lumpur 10 l« ml> 1 K L l< A OUVO Jakarta 10 16 am MM I'l K Lam pa/ 10-15 a mMM nos PeaaBf. Ipoh. K Lumpur. Ualscca
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    • 852 8  -  Date-line By Ble and Walt Dulaney DEAR Ele. This boy I like doesn't have a car or friends who do, so we always take the bus. I don't think anyone writes anything about bus etiquette because his manners aren't so
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    • 971 8  -  By Colin Main FYARWIN, Tues. There was a time when creatures of Aboriginal myths haunted every cranny of Ayers Rock in Australia's Northern Territory. The creatures are gone now The tribes have scattered Motels are creeping closer to the rock. Light aircraft from an
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    • 693 8  -  Science Topic By Fritz Sharpe LONDON, Tues. If one had to choose the smallest recent invention with the biggest future, microelectronic devices little chips of silicon carrying complex integrated circuits with a startling range of computer, data processing, instrument and automotive applications would certainly be at
      693 words
    • 92 8 WASHINGTON, Tues. The US Government is giving the American Bar Association (ABA) $500,000 t o support the ABA s two-year-old programme for producing more Negro. MexicanAmencan and American Indian lawyers The grant wIU be used to give minority students intensive legal training six weeks each summer
      92 words
    • 227 8 STUFFED birds of many species and expert Instructors two of the aids to the study of wild birds provided at a new £55.000 youth hostel, built as a joint venture between the Youth Hostels Association and Britain's Wildfowl Trust on the edge of
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 148 8 AMY By Jack Tppit S fog; c\ 1 m JU Ui "I hope Agnes doesn't hove to hove a shot, Doctor she HATES 'eml" DATELINE: DANGER! by John Saunders and Alden McWiliams 1 31 /A r s ANY THING BUT THE TRUTH NO MATTER WHAT I THINK OF My OLD
      148 words
    • 158 8 QUIZ Corn i i ii 1. A hogshead contains 54 gallons How many pints' 2 In which year did Rocky first win the World's Heavyweight Boxing Championship? 3 Which fish are known in the north-east of Scotland as the "silver darlings"' 4 How many Kiobe' Prizes are awarded annually' 5
      158 words

  • Jemme
    • 539 9  -  Ann Landers TIEAR Ann: I am fed up with your advice to wives of alcoholics that goes like this: "Have a little compassion. The man is sick. Alcoholism is an illness Etc., etc., etc." It's apparent that you have had no
      539 words
    • 612 9  -  I S/lftlliiiltf Sheilah Graham LONDON. Tues. JANE Forda was all maxi when she came Into London from Paris for a short shopping trip, bulging with black leather and a weird hippie handbag. In London, only the very young have taken to the
      612 words
    • 588 9  -  By Gloria-mae yHE school holidays have started and the home is filled with so-and-so walking in and out of the kitchen after raiding the refrigerator. Telephone lines are kept busy on ramy days when stepping out of the house is just impossible So lad>es, get busy and
      588 words
    • 81 9 NEW YORK Tues Marianna Hill, stars in Paramount Pictures' contemporary drama Medium Cool In "Medium cool" which was written and directed bv Haskell Wexler Miss Hill play? the nurse Ruth who Is having an affair with a TV newsreel cameraman It la set against the background of 1968
      81 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 NOSE BLOCK nwjc SINUS NASAL JET TABLETS TAKE FFW MINtTES TO CLEAB CHBOVIC BLOCKED NO>«. SNEEZING. BBONCHITIS. l-Ll Good for yoang and old no «id» effects and no other drag* reqoired Avoid Coffee Available at Drug Store* and Dispensaries. Sole Agent*:- KHI SHI BROTHERS. S D Almeida Street Smgapore-1. Tel:
      203 words
    • 66 9 hotel*nite club SINGAPORE TEL *****0 come to our NITE CLT*B for an evening of spectacular entertainment! ELEGANCE STYLE FOR KATONG GIRLS Visit this most exquisite boutique Announcing A Fashion Show on Jan. 10th 1970 10.00 a. m. at Y. W. C. A. Hostel Outram Road, Singapore Ticket* $2/- Obtainable from
      66 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 315 9 I SB SHAW I ORGANISATION SELAMAT HARI RAYA PI! ASA LIDO Phone ***** LAST DAT! No Frw Lift Ham. 1 43. 4 OA, 634 A 111 p a Angela Tu Chien. Chen Hung-ileh THE WINCED TIGER < A SHAW PRODUCTION! Manaar-.n in Shawscope. Color OPENS TOMORROW 5 SHOWS 11 am.
      315 words
    • 17 9 TODAY and YOU. Wednesday. December 10.1969. (M>r «.x -40-81 -87. C <0 m Thursday. December 11, 1969.
      17 words
    • 296 9 withiar All Oar Maallai Patrona Seiamat Hari Raya Puasa l ORCHAND-***** 1 19TH r ANTASTIC DAT! TODAT S SHOWS! U a-m I N, «.<W. 6 M I IS fm. Michael caina Raf Vanoo* "THE ITALIAN JOB" In Color Panavtaion (A Paramount Picture) 1 CATHAY 3 3400 NOW SHOWING: 11 a.aa
      296 words

  • sun sport
    • 528 10  -  By Francis Daniel RANGOON. Tues. (Reuter) Burma's new sporting hero, distance runner Jimmy Crampton, won his third gold medal of the South-east Asia Peninsular (SEAP) games today. Crampton. a 19-year-old schoolboy, overcame the determined challenge of two experienced Singapore and Malaysian runners to
      528 words
    • 190 10 FLAMING Star are holding to their lead in the Sharlkat National bowling league tournament being held at the Ja"!-'-' 3owl Katong, every Tuesday. They t ie table with 41 points and ***** pinfalls. Close behind them are The Hustlers with 39 points and ***** pinfalls. The
      190 words
    • 139 10 Water-polo RANGOON, Tues (Reuter) Singapore beat Malaysia 6-5 in an exciting match on the opening day of the SEAP Games waterpolo competitions at the National Swimminq Pool here today. The Malaysians, trailing 2-5 after the third quarter suddenly came into life and tbrew the Singaporeans off
      139 words
    • 123 10 LONDON. Tues Louis Martin, four times world m:ddle-heavywelght weightlifting champion and a 1964 Olympic Silver Medallist, has announced that he is to retire after the Commonwealth Games in Scotland next year Martin, who went to England from Jamaica 11 years ago, works as an electrician for
      123 words
    • 427 10 "RANGOON, Tun. (AFP) New SEAP Gomes records were set in the first two events of the swimming championships tonight. In the opening event Burma's Nanda Kyaw Swor shattered the SEAP Games record in the 200 m men's butterfly stroke with a new time
      UPI pix  -  427 words
    • Article, Illustration
      751 10 WATERPOLO Thailand beat Burma 7—l. Singapore beat Malaysia 6—5 BASKETBALL: Thaf.and heat Laos 105-41 in a semi-flna]. TENNIS: Womb's singles SakVlMk: S. Chotichuti (T) bt Ma A» Tin (B) 6 —3. 6—3. P. Sudswasdi (T) bt Yee Yee Than <B) 6—2. B—l. Men's Team Finals—Single# Vo Van Bay
      751 words
    • 378 10 RANGOON, Tues. (AFP) Malaysia this morning rescued the sixth SEAP Games when they accepted to host it either in 1971 as scheduled or early in 1972. In allowing Malaysia to host the next Games, the SEAP Games Council agreed to let Malaysia omit swimming
      378 words
    • 240 10 Br Eastern Knight After two rounds of the Singapore Chess Club Championship Class I. three players have scored the full points. They are Tay Kheng Hong. Choong Llong On and Robert Yap Close behind them are Prof. Llm Kok Ann and Leslie Leow with 1}
      240 words
    • 137 11 HONG KONG. Tues (AFP) The Fifth Asian Bowling tournament WI H b e held in Bangkok December next year and there will be more countries to participate. probably including Telwan. Australia and New Zealand, the Federation International De s Quilleur» «FlQ> bowling section announced here
      137 words
    • 252 11 Swim Sisters On TrophyWinning Path Pauline Bright, 10, and Her six-year-old sitter, Susan, could not •wim a stroke whan thay arrived in Singapore two and a half years ago with their parents. Chief Technician John Bright and Mrs. Constance Bright. In the sun and warmth of the Far East they
      252 words
    • 293 11 LONDON, Tues. (Reuter) Hillingdon Borough and Sutton United, two of the five surviving non-League clubs in the competition, were yesterday drawn to meet in the third round of the English Football Association cup competition. Both clubs had hoped to draw a money-spinn-ing tie
      293 words
    • 136 11 NXW YORK Tues rßeu»er) —Frank Beard won the IM9 monev-wlnninr title on the US pro tou r with a total of US* 173.223 (about 73.000 >. flra; Professional Golfers Association statistic* show Dave Hill was •erond with U*****,432 (about £63.0<>0) and Jack Wklau* third with U*****,167
      136 words
    • 107 11 JAKARTA. Tuti. 'Reuters Thailand have informed Indonesia that they have decided to postpone the next round of the Tnomas Cup to Jan. 13. Chairman of the Indonesian Badminton Federation Sudirman said today The tie was originally scheduled to be held on the 25th of this month
      107 words
    • 56 11 LONDON. Tues (Reutert Results of foothill matches played !»'t n:ght were English FA. Cup—Second R*pl*r Tranmere 3 Port Vale 1 (Winners away to Portsmouth in the third round to b* played on January 3). ENGLISH DIVISION TWO Millwail 3 Portsmouth 1 'Postponed from November 29). FRIENDLY
      56 words
    • 382 11 Villacampo Benvenuti Are 'Boxers Of Month' SYLVANIA Ohio. Tues. (UPI) Bernabe Villacampo of the Philippines and Nino Benvenuti of Italy were named "boxers-of-the-month" in the latest World Boxing Association (WBA) rankings. Villacampo was honoured for his flyweight titi* victory over Hiroyuki Ebihara of Japah. and Benvenuti for his knockout of
      382 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 357 11 Classified Ads. Sale» Service Television Radio REDIFFCSION TELEVISION RENTALS HP Ac CASH Complata range to »ult everyone Showroom*: c:emtnetti] A*e. Joo Chlat Roa3. Taman Jurong BTNIRFRSION BCPAIES ANT M4KE or TT srr«. Badlophone Con trailed Maintenance Pbooe M2SI/t !t"M Bli|ioere Cnaaaail Aerial Syiteau Cl««ed Clrralt TV Bacagroaad Maalc Inttailatlon Pfcone
      357 words
    • 42 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Rev Yap Kok Hu (The Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore Gr Malaysia), and family thank relatives Gr friends for their visits, and wreaths during their recent bereavement, and also for their donations to Glory Church and Singapore Bible College.
      42 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 2043 11 (CHANNEL 5) AM 900 Opening Annrt* 903 Sc en~e in Ac'io-; J 25 \n F.ngli*h Documentary. 9.50 THe K ght Career; 10 03 Clo«e PM 300 Opening Annct*; 3OS Housewives Matinee Part 1 of a Cantonese fllir. "Sword Of T*m Wan 330 Wnman'i 'C 400 Singapore This Wee* C»; 405
      2,043 words