Eastern Sun, 9 December 1969

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 Eastern Sun. SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY Estd. 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1203 Tuesday, 9 December 1969. MC(P) 0737 Price 15 cents
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  • 224 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Men. The Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rah•non is prepared to meet the Philippines Foreign Secretary, Mr, Carlos P. Romulo when he arrives for the Asean ministerial meeting. Speaking to newsmen at his residency this morning, the Tunku said Mr. Romulo couid even stay
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  • 191 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Two multi-lateral agreements have been reached among the five Asean countries. They are to set-up a $l5 million Asean fund to finance local projects approved by the organisation and to have fast implementation in mass media co-operation. Disclosing this after today's meeting
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  • 56 1 w ZURICH Mon 'AFP)—GoId <i-->t>ped to its officia, parity rat of US$35 per ounce on the free market here today The drop to the official rate —set for monetary transactions between central banks came a« no surprise. financia: circles expect it to go even lower for the
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  • 124 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The National Operations Council today amended the House to House and Street Collection Ordinance so that it would be an offence for any person to carr* out collection of money for religious purposes except for the Muslim religion The Council amended the definition
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  • 159 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The Secretary-General of the Asean secretariat in Malaysia. Enche Ismail Ambia, said today that no decision has been made as to which non-member countries of Asean should be invited to send observers to the Foreign Minister's conference opening on Dec.
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  • 306 1 TOKYO, Mon. (Reuter) j Firing the latest salvo in a running debate with In- j donesian authorities. Ma- j dame Ratna Sari Dewi today questioned the usual version of the 1965 events that brought the downfall of her husband former President Sukarno. Madame Dewi published
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  • 66 1 MANILA. Mon, (UPI) Authoress Han Suyin w 'ho has tried to explain thy mystery behind the bamboo curtain will come to Manila to clarify it further. The Eurasian writer who became famous f<v her books On Communist China will arrive here Dec. 10 accompsnied by her
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  • 55 1 Raya Puasa will be observer} as a Public holiday on Wednesday Dec. 10 as gazet'ed previously. a government statement announced yesterday. In the event that Hari Raya Pua-a fa is on Dec 11. Muslim emplovees in the Government and statutory Boards will be allowed time off in the
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  • 69 1 LONDON. M«n lUPH Two United Press International photographers today took pri?es in the British pres.* pictures of the year competition. UPI was the only agency among the winners of the competition. Awards for the competition, sponsored by the Rank Organization and open to photographers In Britain,
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  • 39 1 WASHINGTON. Mon *Feut*r> The White House said today that President Nixon will not announce another withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam tonight when he hold* hi* first televised press conference In two and a half months
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  • 115 1 More than 500 national servicemen braved the rain and stood as stiff as the ramrod as the Minister for Social Affairs. Enche Othman Wok, inspected the guard-of- honour. This as the passing-out par. ade of the fourth intake of Special Constabulary National Sen-Icemen The "core" of
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  • 517 1 Singapore's ProblemSolving Environment SINGAPORE'S "problem-solving environment" for businesses and industries it one of the nuin reason* tor the large volume ot activities by the International Executive Service Corps in the Republic, the Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee, said last night. He was speaking at a dinner party on the
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  • 545 1 BASIS OF PROFITABILITY' The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, has said that he was looking to British investment in Singapore bounding ahead, and to decisions about industry mode on the basis of profitability. An article in this month's issue of "The
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  • 97 1 PARIS Mon. (Reuter> The Vietcong said yesterday It would not attack Philippine forces withdrawing from South Vietnam if three conditions were met. A spokesman for tae iet_ cong delegation to the peace taik ß said the 2.000-man Philippine Civic Action Group (Philcag) could t>ull out lr. peace if
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 put CHRIST HRISTMAS. with a gift from BAPTIST BOOK STORE, 30 SEIEGIE HOUSE. TEL: *****4 For your shopping convenience, open daily (except Sunday) 9.6 p.m. until Christmas Our whole world is Asia The airline for Asia. CATHAY PACIFIC E> MtVKM OP TV* SW« QMOUP *ONG TAIPfI FOKUO*A-OSAICA-TO*>'O SfOUL OJA*4BTA CALCUTTA
      60 words
    • 88 1 Hongkong's First Class Hotel. All Rooms Fully Air-Conditioned, With Private Telephone. When In Hong Kong Stay In Comfort M HOTEL ROYAI B*o Nathan Road. Kowloon, Hongkong Tel- K-*****1. Cable: 'Hotelroyal' I With every But only for the X'mas season So Hurry! This X'mas treat your whole family to a practical
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 477 3 V-N SENATORS' PROBE OF 'MASSACRE': GIs Not Responsible Facts Are Distorted SAIGON, Mon. (UPI) A Vietnamese representative conducting an official Investigation into the alleged Song My 'massacre' yesterday said he was not convinced the Americans were responsible. Nguyen van An, a deputy in the Lower House of Representatives, asserted he
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  • 195 3 KARACHI, Mon. (UPI) Strongman President Yahya Khan yesterday announced the suspension of more than 300 civil servants, including 38 officials, in a major bid to rid the government of corruption. The suspended officials included former Information Secretary Altaf Gauhar. who exercised a strong
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  • 81 3 SAIGON, Mon (Reuter) —The late North Vietnamese President Ho seems to have a runaway lead over Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung in the Vietcong popularity stakes. South Vietnamese troops captured 10 pictures of Ho but only one of Mao in a search mission in northern Kontum Province
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  • 489 3 AUCKLAND. New Zealand. Mon. (UPI) A lawyer for the relatives of Josip Kumarich, 21, studied a postmortem report on Kumarich's exhumed body yesterday and then decide whether to seek further investigation into Kumarich s death in Hong Kong Oct 31 The post-mortem
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  • 257 3 NEW YORK, Men. (UPI) Tim®' magazine, in its latest issue yesterday said that smuggled secret papers from mainland China reveal that Mao Tse Tung, architect of China's "Great Leap Forward", believed that he was punished by God because it failed. He suffered the
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  • 334 3 HONG KONG, Mon. (UPI) Two Americans woke up this sunny morning, trying to forget their solitary confinement behind the Bamboo Curtain that started as a yachting cruise last Feb. 16. At a press conference shortly after their release from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 289 3 NX .*ry.T s v ;-S- :< j 3 ,\l.. V r« -1 I >*'/ > 1 "Vi/ r irrrr a;';. jas* s' I 5 j. #t ;'V V x 4 £><£•* -Vr -v>->.^v*v v r J -iv > li -V' -'W* 'y- £L* .1® >' y ,j<~T"-~ fiBHMHB 4MB W:
      289 words

  • 517 4 BONN, Mon. (Reuter) The Soviet Union yesterday agreed to open talks with West Germany in Moscow today on mutual renunciation of force, as proposed by the Bonn government. The Kremlin's willingness to negotiate was seen here as an important advance for Chancellor Willy Brandt's
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  • 26 4 LONDON. Mon. Film and stage actor En<* Portman ves'erdav aged 66, a few months after a heart condition had forced him to retire
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  • 179 4 HONOLULU. Mon. (UPI> Christmas without Christmas trees? That's the predicament facing thousands of Hawaii residents. The ornaments are ready, presents are wrapped and waiting to be placed under the branches, but 130.000 Christmas T ree« for Hawaii are sitting in the holds of
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  • 95 4 TEL AVTV Mon (UPI) Israeli n*wspap*rs yesterday said Egypt had ill-treated two captive Israeli pilot* Th# two pilots stil: suffering from multiple leg fractures thev suffered when they were shot down over Egvptian territory more than three months ago. were returned to Israel in an
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  • 279 4 BINOHAMTON. New York. Mon. <UPI» A rejected lover murdered a newlywed couple with a shotgun and clawhammer, then took his own life early 7«sterday while a deputy sheriff listened helplessly on the telephone eight miles away. "My god. he shot him." Mrs. Charles Jarrard
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  • 112 4 HAVANA. Mon (Reuter) Four anti-Castro Cuban exiles who l*d a 10-man landing in Eostern Cuba earlier this vear were executed by firing gquad on Saturday nlgnt. u was reported yesterday. A report published io Juven. tud Rebelae. Havana's only Sunday newspaper, said the group sailed from
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  • 171 4 JERUSALEM Mon. (Reuter> A political crisis waa apparently averted here last night when Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir announced she would presented her new Cabinet to parl.ament wl'hln a day or iwn Mrs Metr on F nda y threatened to return her mandate to form a
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  • 102 4 LONDON. Mon U"PIl A hippie jtwawav was discovered in mid-Atlantic yesterday in a Trans World Airlines (TWA) flight from San Francisco to London London Airport authorities identified the stowaway as Cue Lessor. 29. They said he hid bee r questioned by Home Office officials at the
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  • 36 4 ROCHESTER New York. Mon (UPI> —A burglar broke into the suburban horre of an gambler durirg the weekend and stole a suitcase containing between LSSlOO.non and $125.M0 in cash the Sheriff's oflfi-e said yesterday.
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  • 295 4 LOS ANGELES. Mon. (UPI) One-time friends of Charles Man son. leader of the mystic hippie "family" linked with the Sharon Tate murders, say he spoke of a killing spree, using dune buggies mounted with machine guns, to trigger a Negro vs. White war. This
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  • 111 4 PARIS Mon (Router) —The crew of the Ai r France Boeing jetliner which crashed of? Caracas last Wednesday had onlv five seconds warning the airline's Director Genera'. Mr Perre-Domatien Cot. sain here yesterday Speaking to reporters on his return here from the Venezuelan capital. Mr
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  • 260 4 KHARTOUM. Mon. (UPI) Sudan sav* it favour* eventual political union with Egypt and Libya. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Sudan Premier Gaafar Numeiri, and President of the Libyan Revolutionary Council Moamer El Ghazafl will meet in Tripoli. Libya, this month to closer
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  • 204 4 LIVEFMORE. California. Mon (LTI) The last of 300.000 young rock fans railed out of debris-covered hiKs yesterday after a free concert by the Rolling Stones which left four persons dead. Some 2.500 persons. who tamper; overnight around bonfires In barren ranchland 50 til e» southeast
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  • 125 4 RdME, M6n (Reuter) Italian film star Gma Lollobriaida confirmed yesterday ner on-off wedding to New York real estate magnate George Kaufman will take place early next year. The wedding was originally set for December 18 but was postponed because Of the couple's conflicting work
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  • 46 4 DAMASCUS. Mon. (UPI> Syria'* Supreme S'a'e Security Court yesterday sentenced a Lebanese journalist to six years and three months imprisonment with nard labour for spying for Israel. The Journalist. Jalal A 1 Turk, pleaded guilty to passing Information to Israel about Arab guerilla organisations.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 147 4 TDTD 5 am o 49 /v vMS-'%vmm. wmwm. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR SPECIAL DRAWS ft 4TH DEC. 1969 TO 4 WIN TWO BIG CASH JACKPOTS EVERY THURSDAY SUNDAY! ||l| FOR DRAW NO: 69 to be held at Redlffu*lon Auditorium on Thursday. 11th l«(W at A pm. S IODLODD »«f ••ICT
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 290 4 SB^SHAW ORGANISATION LIDO Phone ***** LAST DAT*! 'No Free LUt> 11am. 145. 4M. >3* A *l5 pa. Angela Yu Chien. Chen Hung-Uah "THE WINCED TIGER" (A SHAW PRODUCTION» Mandarin In Shawacope. Color Opena Thuraday Yul Brynner "Tke Hl* Of Tte* Golden G«—e" Color UAi CAPITOL Phone 297b9l NOW SHOWING! U
      290 words
    • 289 4 HEM ari n m v3*Jw. ROANiSATI O II OUfcON ***** I««»T At 11. 1M 4. «V> »W|iß P9II "THI CM>ErE4TED* John W»vn« Rock HjOcob Paaavuioa Co or ot Deiuae PRC HARP-*****] Ittfc Day' 1 W 4. «V> Hi ca Michael cam* R»f Valon* "THE ITALIAN IOB" In Co'or Pinaruioa <A
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  • Fotorama '69
    • 36 5 Candid subject has to be co-ordinated, harmonious and reciprocal in relation to its natural surroundings; otherwise, the interests arc divided and form a number of separate pictures having no vivid idea.
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    • 61 5  -  —By WSF "A" 'Cold Feet' A picture of fishing should be taken at the exciting moment when the boy is pulling out his catch and the action of splash from a fish caught in the hook. The subject of this picture is not in harmonious
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    • 79 5 "C" 'Sitting Alone' The photographer has undoubtedly chosen the right colours combination; however, the distant forest could have been reduced to a much lower level if it was taken at a low angle. The main subject with her red umbrella should face the hut and the
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    • 355 5 THE PRIZES 1st PRIZE: $300 CASH VOUCHER 2nd PRIZE: $100 CASH VOUCHER 3rd PRIZE: 50 CASH VOUCHER Plus Certificates of Merit and ore roll of AGFACOLOR CNS each to the next 10 best entries THE RULES 3, To participate In this contest. el' you have to do la
      355 words
    • 95 5 Sketch for "In the Park" "In the Pork" "B" 'ln the Park' The trees in the park are good for framing pictures but this one is framed incorrectly, besides it cute the picture into two. The upper half shows the three persons with their heads bowed.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 42 5 WATCH FOR MORE "WHY YOU FAILED TO WIN A PRIZE" ON THIS PAGE OF FOTORAMA. Write to the Fotorama Editor with your name and address for advice, if you have any difficulty about Colour Photography* Your answer will appear on this pagt.
      42 words
    • 181 5 TRINOVID Trinovid Binoculars pocket-si«-d giants! Slim elegant shape due to revolutionary change in the optical light path*. Perfectly adjusted prisms allow prolonged viewing without eye strain or headache. High twilight performance due to excellent brilliance and freedom from flare. True internal focusing of distance and eye piece rigid closed housing
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  • 412 6 riiHH 1 drop in the price of gold from a prestiA gious U.S. $44 at the beginning of the year to barely 20 cents above the agreed exchange rate of $35 has set the central banks of western countries fluttering. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy
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  • 463 6 IT Is just over a month since U.B. President Richard Nixon made a major Vietnam policy speech and successfully appealed for the support of the "silent majority". Many of the polls conducted subsequently showed that he had got the backing he asked for and even the quarter of
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  • 390 6  -  By KEITH EUNSON Gemini News Service WELLINGTON Prima Minister Kiirii Helyeiki'i National Government has boon returned to power in Now Zealand with a six-teat majority. An ostimatod 7,000 votes in a poll of 1.3 million was all that separated a National win from Labour's challenge. Indeed,
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  • 417 6  -  By EDWARD DELONG SPACE CENTRE. Houston (UPI) Scientists last week said the moon was almost certainly once a molten globe but it now appears to be a dead and "very stable" body showing no signs of moonquakes or a "seething core." In their
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  • 704 6  -  By ISA ISMAIL JAKARTA (UPI) The end of this decide will see the end of the storybook marriage of a pretty Japanese nightclub hostess to the Father of Modern ndonesia. When Foreign Minister Adam Malik returned a>t week from Tokyo, lie carried a personal letter from «2? I
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  • 722 6  -  By Joseph Alsop WASHINGTON The first maior change in the Nixon Cabinet now depends upon the health plus the will to run again, of California's aging, ailing Republican Sen. George Murphy. If the movie actor-politician agrees to step aside. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Robert
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  • 988 6  -  By REG PRENTICE, M P. Gemini News Service LONDON A few w««ks ago. Harold Wilton re shuffled his Government. He .old me HIJM must leave the Ministry of Overseas Development, where I had been in charge of Britain's programme of aid for developing
    Gemini News Service  -  988 words

    • 370 7 THE Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday gave little or no indication of pulling out of its present depressive trend when it resumed trading after the weekend. In fact, it continued last week's listless trend and reduced further the volume of business done to
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    • 986 7 BUSINESS done in and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS ACMA $2.13 (4 > 52.12 (1): DIM $2 16 (1); Ber Co $164 (3)
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    • 132 7 NEW JERSEY, Mon —ln a unique and possibly pre-cedent-setting move. Princeton University in New Jersev has announced that it will voluntarily make an annual contribution declining in sum over 10 years to the town of Princeton and its public schools when any propertv It buy*
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    • 204 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Th*. Dow Chemical Company has announced development of a new herbicide for weed contro in rice paddies, and reports spectacular result* from field teMs just completed In the Philippines The new product called Tav_ G-Rice Herbicide has resulted in yield
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    • 119 7 FRANKFURT. Mon. The 1970 International Air Freight Conference, to be held from September 15th 17th, will take place In Frankfurt, Germany under the chairmanship of Lufthansa Chief Executive. Hans Suessenguth. The conference will discuss all aspects of air cargo, particularly Improvements in "house-to house" delivery and the
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    • 207 7 The Port of Singapore Authority has rnade the following berthing arrangements for ships in port today, Tuesday December 9; DEPARTURES Godowns Vessels 3/4 Jalaratna 15 16 Schiekerk NV. 2 Petaling 21/22 Genko Mam 35,36 Memnon 42/43 Texaco Newcastle 44 Howa Maru 45 Rhexenor 23 Duren 26 Lipis
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    • 150 7 SYDNEY. Mon. (UPl)—Monday's closing Sydney Stock Exchange (selected shares): MINING Acme* 2.80 Ass Min 7.50 Austral Min -48 Barrier .95 Bh south 4.90 C Nora* 5.90 C Gold 9.50 Cra 20-00 Emoer .40 Endur .58 Gm Kalg .99 Bt Bould 4.70 T Nthn .52 Gt West .12
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    • 69 7 NEW YORK. Mon. mighty jet engines that power a Pan American World Airways' Boeing 747 turn out nearly 175,000 pounds of thrust on takeoff, enough horsepower to drive 900 automobiles. Engineers are quick to pomt out that, while Pan Am's 747s turn out maximum horsepower actual,
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    • 54 7 THE Association of Bar.ks In Malaysia-Blngapore yesterday made the following changes In Its rates to merchants 'rates are quoted to the equivalent of 100 units of foreign currency^: SELLING T.T or OD. ready Deutsche Marks 184.4750: Holland Guilders $B6 0475; Swiss Francs $72.1025; French Francs $55 5925 and
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    • 283 7 LONDON, Mon. Five leading European Airlines Alitalia, BEA, BOAC, Lufthansa and Swissair supported by five European Banks S.G. Warburg (j Co., Banque De Paris Et Des Pays/Bas, Banca Comerciale Italiana, Deutsche Bank and Union Bank of Switzerland have signed an agreement for
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    • 163 7 SEATTLE. Wash. Three Pan American World Airway* captains have become the first commercial airline pilots to qualify to fly the new Boeing 747 jet transport. Those receiving their 747 rating from the Federal Aviation Administration were Captain John A. Walker of Rldgefleld. Conn.. Pan Am i
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    • 293 7 DECEMBER first cndt rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m., in Singapore ind Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 64-7/8 cents per lb., up one and fire eichts of a cent from the previous close The toae of the market was quiet after steady The market gtesdied after the
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    • 117 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The directors of Austral Enterprises Berhad announce the comp etjon of a public issue of shares of the company involving a total of .S.840.00(1 shares of $1 each at par The Issue was fully subscribed when the share closed at 12
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    • 84 7 THE managing director, Mr. R. Adams and the general manager, Mr. D. E. Turnbull, of the British India Steam Navigation Company, flew into Singapore recently to inspect progress on
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    • 669 7 8INGAPORF 9tOCk Exchange 'old and other prices officially lifted at the close ot basloessI.N Dls> TRIALS ACMA B i 12 813 Ben A Co 1 60 162 Borneo Bhd 1.72 1-74 Camel Pl\ wood Central bD(iti C-C.M 1.35 4 00 1-61 1 43 4-04 CCM Deb
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    • 149 7 NEW YORK. Mon In a n attempt to give potential passengers an idea of the size of the Boeing 747, the engineering and marketing staffs of Pan American World Airways have come up with a new kind of comparison. Why not, they say. think of
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    • 64 7 HONG KONO. Mon. (UPI) Money Quotations today: HKJ6.OS per U.S. dollar. HKS6.O7 per U.S. dollar TT. HKJ14.48 per pound sterling. HK5283.875 per tael of gold 94 5 per cent fineness. HK5160.5 per 10.000 Japanese yen. HK5110.75 p*r 100 Philippine pesos buyers. HK$ll3 75 per 100 Philippine pesos sellers.
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    • 85 7 THE HOOD pticea at tlie Slngapore ChlDrM rrodoee Bxcban*a jesterdaj were> Barer Beller Coconut Oil NOT (FOB) Bulk Coconut Oil 64.50 (FOB Dram Mixed Copra 36 50 Muntok wtnte Pepper 180 00 (FOB) Sarawak White Pepper (F O B> 177 50 Sarawak Special Blara Pepper (FOB.) M% 182 V)
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    • 5 7 <*Hong Kong Currency)
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    • 14 7 THE tan price for yesterday was $691.50 per picul. down $9 50.
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    • 440 7 ARRIVALS ft oo am. MsA 029 K. Lompui 9 00 a.m. MM 110 k Lumpur 9-25 Iffl GAKIUA UAMR Jakarta 10 15 am MM 121 L Luinpur 10.2ft a.m. Ms A 00ft P e n a n g. lpoh. Kuala Lumpur Malacca 14W p.m. NAM 8K971 Copenbaccn. Tashkent.
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    • 1039 8  -  Man In Wheelchair Gives Helping Hand To Aussie's Disabled People By Geoffrey Morris CYDNEY, Mon. Australia toon will have on* of the most modern centres in the world for the rehabilitation of disabled people, thanks to a determined man in a wheelchair. The $A 1,310.000
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    • 647 8  -  By John Newell T ONDON, Mon. Over the past few years astronomers have discovered a number of new and mysterious objects in the heavens. The most recent of these are the pulsars, the ticking radio stars first discovered by Professor Sir Martin Ryle in Britain,
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    • 187 8 TOKYO. Mon (Renter) More than half of Japan's high school students are more interested In a self-centred, easy-going lift, than i n honour or in making an active contribution to society. This was stated in a government White Paper which added that nearly 30 per cent
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    • 1020 8  -  Date-line By Ele Walt Dulaney T)EAR ELE: Every time I've gone to my steari/s house, he's gotten into some argument with his parents, brother or sister. I am not exaggerating; it's been each and every time and I've been there
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 22 8 By Jack TTpprf •'it won't work, Rogerl I'm still mad at you, andj giving me presents Isn't about to change my mindl"
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    • 198 8 1. Was Lady Astor the first woman elected to the House of Commons' 2. Why is the official report of the proceedings of the British Parliament known as "Hansard"? 3. Who was Kuklai Khan? 4. A famous American gangster, nicknamed Scarface", was credited with having amassed a fortune of £25
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  • 593 9  -  Ann Landers t)EAR ANN: My husband's carry-home pay is $lBB a week not counting overtime. He gives me $5O a week to buy groceries, pay for the dry cleaning, buy whatever gifts the family must give We have five children and two
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  • 596 9  -  •n 'Z t S/ffitL in if lo r Ili/st' 1f... I >' Sheilah Graham LONDON, Mon. "He was A not a gangster." said said Nathalie Delon. I was visiting her at Pinewood. where she is making her first British oicture "When
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  • 72 9 NEW YORK. Mon. J*an Seberg a* 52" is not exactly tiny, but during filming o* the Alan Jay Lerner Production of "Paint Your Wagon" she literally was dwarfed by her leading men. Miss Seberg played key scenes for the Alin with Lee Marvin, who is
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  • 668 9  -  Brigitte Steinforth t>ONN, Men. Must we feci sorry for her unability to make contacts because she cannot find a husband? Is she a blue stocking, who hates all men? Is she the envied bachelor-girl, dangerous to every married men? Too reserved?
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  • 250 9  -  By Mary Sue Miller IN this busy season, the homemaker too often M-riflces beauty to duty It doesn't have to he There's a big Plus for vo'ir looks In mary household tasks You chalk up oie every time you And quicker, less fatl guing way to
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  • 429 9  -  Gloria-mae IVE have Mrs Clara Anciano again in today's Cooks Comer. A few days ago, Mrs. Anciano was kept in her kitchen for long hours preparing the "goodies" for the music school's students' annual Christmas party. One would have thought that she would be resting after so much
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 V JUL •'-^jpSaaf! nut i jz xzn]„ a&m& IS Remember Feet First for Christmas 2iV TtVJ flat** v>i* /a v 4 -3 J Or Design 62/ •i' \V* W* X l%* 1^ A ul** 1 1111 K DESIGN 30 A classic style with the latest broad toe shape and extended
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

    • 473 10 AMERICAN LEAGUE FOOTBALL NEW YORK, Sun. (UPI) Jon Stenerud kicked five field goals, including the winning 25-yarder with 1:59 to play, as the Kansas City Chiefs shaded the Buffalo Bills, 22-19, Sunday and set up next Saturday's game with the Oaklond Raiders as the
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    • 588 10 AMERICAN LEAGUE NEW YORK Mon. (UPI) Charlie West returned the opening kickoff 78 yards to set up a scoring run by Dave Osborn Sunday and the Minnesota Vikings went on to defeat Lot Angeles 20-13, snapping the Rams winning streak ot 11 games. The victory was
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    • 255 10 RIVERSIDE. Calif. Mon. (UPI> Ufi Auto Club (USAC) champion Mario Andrettl of Nazareth. Penn., passed Dan Gurney with 10 mile* to go Sunday and won the third annual Rex Mays 300 at the Riverside International Raceway It was the final USAC championship race for Indian apohs-type
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    • 95 10 LONDON. Mon. fßeuter) England's Rugby Union selectors included five new caps in the side announced today to face South Africa at Twickenham here on Dec. 20. They are left wing Martin Hale. stand-ofT Roger Shackleton. scrum-half Nigel Star-mer-Smlth. prop Stack" Stevens, and flanker Tony Bucknall. Despite
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    • 60 10 RANGOON, Mon (ATP) Thailand beat Malaysia 3-0 m the women's section of the tennis championship to win the gold medal. Results. Thai players mentioned first follow: Singles: Somsri Chotlchuti beat Radhlka Menon 6-3. 6-2; Pismai Samerpong beat Wan Suleiman 6-0. 6-0. Doubles: Panow Sudswadl and Suthasinee
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    • 128 10 MACAO. Mon. (AFP) John Mac Donald astride a Yamaha coasted to an easy victory In the third Macao Motor Cycle Grand Prix today after Japanese ace Hasegawa pulled out of the rac« because of mechanical defect. The latter had forged into the lead at the start
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    • 62 10 PERTH. Australia. Mon. (AFP) Western Australia beat South Australia by ten wickets here todav to take ten points m their Sheffield Shield cricket match. Magnificent bowling by Western Australia fast bowler Dennis Lillee was the highlight of the day's cricket, south Australia, out for 241 in their first
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    • 31 10 GAUHATI. India. Mon. (Reuter) The Australian cricketers beat India's East Zone by 96 runs here today. Scores: Australians 250 and 134 for six declared. East Zone 157 and 131.
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    • 286 10 NATIONAL LEAGUE EAST Century Division W L T Pet PF PA X-Cleveland 9 2 1 818 310 252 St. Louis 4 7 1 .364 265 317 New York 4 a 0 .333 216 267 Pittsburg^ 1 li 0 083 177 356 Capitol Division X'Dsljdj
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    • 388 10 SAN FRANCISCO. Mon. (UPI) Frank (Lefty) O'Doul, who came off the sidewalks of San Francisco to gain lasting Big League tame as one of baseball's all-time great hitters, died Sunday of a heart attack while hospitalised. He was 72. O'Doul was admitted to the French
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    • 701 10 SYDNEY, Sun. (UPI) Unranked Mexican Fernando Sotelo pulled off one of the biggest upsets in Australian boxing history when he stopped fifth-ranked featherweight contender Lionel Rose in the seventh round of a scheduled 10-round bout at the White City tennis stadium Sunday night. It «u
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    • 238 10 LI XEMBOI'RG. Mon <Reu. ter> Bulgaria become the 15th country to qualify for n*xt year's World Soccer Cup in Mexico when they beat Luxembourg 3 1 here today to clinch top in Qualifying group eight But Luxembourg without a point from the.r five previous group matches, made Bulgaria
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    • 123 10 CHRIST CHURCH. New Zealand. Mon (Reuter) Kel Nagle. the Australian professional who won the New Zealand Open last week won the $15,000 Garden City golf tournament here today with a four round aggregate of 272. Nagle. who finished two strokes clear of New Zealand professional John
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    • 194 10 PALMA, Majorca. MOB. (Rroter) Brazilian prodigy Henrike Costa Mecking drew Vlastimil Hort of Czechoslovakia yesterday in the bitter struggle to snatch leading in the Grand Master Chess Tournament here. When their 12th round match was adjourned last night. 17yeaiMJ d Mecking had a bishop
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    • 61 10 SYDNEY, Mon. (Reuter) Former Australian lightweight champion Gilberto Biondi stopped Arthur Thomas in the seventh round of a ten round bout at White City tennis stadium her«» last night. Biondi. who started stnnglv bv flooring Thomas with an upperrut in the first round, had Thomas defenceless in the
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    • 233 10 MIAMI. Mon. (Reuter) Arnold Palmer found his old form and stormed round the Presidential golf course with a seven under par 65 today to win the 5125.000. Danny Thomas Diplomat Tournament. The 40-year-old American veteran professional holed seven birdie putts including four of the last five holes
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    • 521 11 RANGOON. Mon. (Reuter) Burma's Jimmy Crampton beat Malaysia's Rama Subramaniam in a thrilling finish here today to win the 1,500 metres final on the third day of the Southeast Asia Peninsular (SEAP) Games. It was the second gold medal for Crampton who captured
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    • 282 11 Following is the Stipendiary Steward's report on the last day's racing at Bukit Tlmah Sunday: RACE 1: After the start Housing velopment (Barclay) lost ground when h# bounded for "ome distance. RACE 2: "Auric Stable." owners of Trump Card were ordered to pay a forfeit of $2OO
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    • 148 11 RANGOON IUPI) Result* of yachting at the sth Southeait Asian Peninsular Games: Okay Dingh T Class 1. Khin Tnein Burma i 2. David Low (Singapore) 3. Suriya Chantaiojo Thailand) 4. Mohamad Yatln de Valda •Malaysia* National Enterprise Class: 1. Htoo Aung Gyi and Tun Kyi
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    • 75 11 RANGOON. Mon. (AFP) K. Thirumsl of Malaysia today broke the Asian Games record in the men's 50 km walk with a time of 5 hrs. 2 mins 40.6 sees The Asian Games record wa s held by B Singh of India with a time of 5
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    • 260 11 HONG KONG. Mon (AFP) Brilliant Allan Hooi pf Malaysia last night won another and the last title for himself when he won the Men's Masters in the last day of the seven-nation Fourth Allan Bowling tournament here Hooi totally won five tit'es for Malaysia.
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    • 157 11 RANGOON. Mon. (UPI) Slngapores bantamweight lifter Tung Chye Hong recovered in time 'rom diarrhoea to win a silver medal Sunday In weightllftlng in the Fifth South-east Asia Peninsular Games with a total lift of 295 kilos. Tung and five colleagues of the Singapore weightllftlng team were
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    • 77 11 RANGOON. Mon. (UPI) Thailand took a gold in cycling in the Fifth Southeast Asia Peninsular Games (SEAP) on Sunday in the 100-kilometre team time event when the Thais negotiated the course in two hours. 32 nuns, and 39.09 sees Vietnam was second with 2 hrs 36
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    • 532 11 Following arc the weights for this Sunday's combined amateur and professional meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Professional Ror«e« CliM 5 7 Furs. 8ta T Fre* p 00 Spv II 8.07 Tropoepher* 806 Beautiful Dreamer 8.^5 Gilang GumilA&t 8.04 Cairo B°4 Bulldoze r 8.03 Young Glory 8 03 Nttiv
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    • 207 11 RANGOON Mon. (ATT) B irmj and Thai and snatched the first two gol<i rredalf in tho openlrg events of the swimming championships of the fifth SEAP games. In the firs* e\-ert of the night Burma's Nanda Kyaw S*»r won the 100 m butterflv stroke
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    • 108 11 RANGOON. Mon. (Reuter) Two boxers from Malaysia have qualified for the lightweight and llght-welter-wetght finals of tiie Southeast Asia Peninsula (BEAP) Games. They are Wong Chin Kong who won over Singapore's Hashld Ma*od In the lightweight division ana Tobias Totu who beat Burma's Nllom. Wnng handed Masod
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 563 11 Classified Ads. Restaurant Bar EAT AND DRINK In quiet and homely atmosphere? Visit Restaurant Bar In Strand Hotel. 21 25. Bencoolen Btreet. Tels: *****/ *****. TENDERS gg STATE OF SABAH MALAYSIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE COMPETITIVE tenders are Invited from approved Contractors for the Construction of Wells (Boreholes) to
      563 words
    • 132 11 RITA SHOE CO. Grand X'mas Opportunity Closing Down SALE Shoes Garments at Bargain prices. 23/7, Coleman Street. Tel: *****. APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES MARITIME COMMAND JOIN SINGAPORE'S FAST EXPANDING MARITIME COMMAND AS:— SEAMEN APPLICANTS MUST (a) Bp physically fit <b> Have perfect eyexlgh. <c> Not be colour blind «d) Have
      132 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1056 11 I YOU TV *> (CHANNEL 6) PM. 300 Opening Anncts; 3 OS Morning Star. 3.30 Womm'j World; 4 00 Singapore This Week. 4 05 It s Happening In Singapore. 420 Peyton Place; 510 6 00 Opening Anncts.; 6 03 Rocket Robin Hood; 3f> Have Gun Will I>avei "El Paso Stage";
      1,056 words