Eastern Sun, 8 October 1969

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 22 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL PAIL ft Estd. 1966. Vol. 4 No. 1142 Wednesday, 8 October 1969. MC(P) 0737 Price 15 cents
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  • 661 1 Riots Explaine U.N. UNITED NATIONS, Tues. (Reuter) Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman spoke in the U.N. General Assembly today of his government's great concern over traitors within Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries "ever ready to carry out the orders" that emanate
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  • 320 1 JERUSALEM, Tues. (Reuter) The trial of a young Australian accused of setting fire to Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque took a dramatic, unexpected turn today when he admitted starting the blaze but pleaded insanity at the time. Only yesterday, first day of the trial 28-year-old
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  • 227 1 BANGKOK, Tutt. (Reuter) Police engaged on massive law and order operations in Yala province on the Malaysian border have killed three Moslem bandits and arrested 25 Muslim suspects, police reported today. The report said m eve than 150 policemen took part in early
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  • 81 1 Three men, two armed with revolvers, staged a daring robbery at the busy Change Alley yesterday evening. The armed robbers made away with some $15,000 from a moneychanger, Abdul Muthleeb, 37, who had only recently opened business there. A Police spokesman said this evening that the men escaped
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  • 40 1 LONDON Tues. (Reuter) Edward Short. British Secretary of State for Education and Science, left by RA F jet for Singapore today for a Far Easten visit during which he will visit service schools in Singapore and Hong Kong.
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  • 73 1 SANTIAGO. Tues. (Reuter) —A 45-year-old man was given the liver of a pig in a last-hope transplant here to save his life But he died last night, a day after the nine-hour operation was completed The operation performed at the Jose Joaquin Aguirre Hospital, is believed to have
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  • 91 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malaysian government's White Paper on the May 13 disturbances would be released on Thursday, the Director of Operations and Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Rasak said today. The paper is now being printed, he told newsmen after touring the
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  • 198 1 TEL AVIV, Tues. (Reuter) Israeli jets today flew across the Suez Canal to strike at Egyptian military targets on the West Bank of the waterway, an Israeli military spokesman announced here. He said all the Israeli plane? returned safely to base after completing their mission.
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  • 159 1 BERNE, Tues. (Reuter) Switzerland yesterday declared Israel's Military Attache persona non grata and accused him of industrial espionage involving plans for the engines of Mirage 3S fighters. A foreign ministry announcement said an enquiry Into the sale to Israel of the secret plans, which led
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  • 286 1 TOKYO, Tues. (UPI) Communist China announced Tuesday it will open talks with the Soviet Union on the Sino-Soviet border question in Peking, according to the New China News Agency, "The Chinese government and the Soviet government have now decided through discussions that negotiations are
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  • 86 1 LONDON, Tues. (AFP) Reuter's correspondent Anthony Grey, released last week after 26 months house arrest in Peking, has been given an exit visa allowing him to leave China, a Foreign Office spokesman announced here today. He said the British journalist was expected to leave Peking this
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  • 74 1 FRANKFURT. Tues. IAFP) Deutsche Mark todav shot up further to an average of 3.75 the highest level m official fore gn exchange dealing! here sinc e the mark wag P ut cn a floatingbbas s a *eek ago This compared with 3.7530 yesterday and was nearly 6.5
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 102 1 Join an over growing Every week, men and mora famShf pwpleimiwSne—end ww TWHIiy joytng JWf AUSTRAUAN BAPTIST. Join Mr ranks. Sand iwwy today, < and hM AuMapa'a <v./v National BapM papar aarrf to ywr hem* «aeh fnrtnaad Ji JiaqaaAtQ. far IMB THE AUSTRAUAN BAPTIST to Inpiro and inform. 9m IT,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 275 3 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. (Reuter) The Nationalist Chinese Foreign Minister, Dr. Wei Tao Ming, told the U.N. General Assembly yesterday the second round of an anti-Maoist power struggle in China had begun. Dr. Wei. said the puree of Liu Shao Chi. the Chief
    UPI photo  -  275 words
  • 169 3 MELBOURNE. Tues. (Reuter> Two young couples who agreed to swop husbands and wives were to-day granted divorces. The court was told that each husband fell m love with the other's wife after the two families who were close friends had pooled their resources to buy a joint
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  • 163 3 1st Married Roman Catholic Priest SYDNEY. Tues. (CPI> A ormer Protestant minister with a wife and three children will today become the first married Roman Catholic priest in Australia, according to a church spokesman. The spokesman said Peter John Rushton, 42, a university lecturer, may even be the only married
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  • 164 3 MANILA, Tues. (UPI) A former American serviceman from North Carolina will be invited as a special guest to the 25th anniversary of the historic Leyte landing on Oct. 20, in The Philippines. Silas Thomas, a one-time Private First Class. was traced to his address at Route
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  • 309 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) President Nixon meets the Laotian Prime Minister, Prince Souvanna Phouma, to-day, and may face a request for more military support to help Laos fight the Communists. The Prince arrived here yesterday for a four-day visit, and the movement of
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  • 354 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) Americans were yesterday urged to drive with their car lights ON during the day of October 15 in a show of support for the Administration over Vietnam. This would he intended to counter planned na-tion-wide ar.ti-war demonstrations and prayer services by students
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  • 86 3 COLOMBO. Tues. (UPI) Buddhist monks In this predominantly Buddhist country are organising big protests in towns and villages against the pill. Buddhist monks have risen against the Government's campaign to popularise the pill to curb Ceylon's rising birth rate. Ceylon's birth control projects partly are financed by
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  • 60 3 ATLANTA. Tues (Reuter) A dozen hippies staged a three-hour demonstration here backing demands by their arch enemies the police for more pay. "Who knows." said Dennis Smalley, one of the demonstrators. "the next time they want to bust some of our heads under orders they might
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  • 542 3 JAKARTA, Tuts. (Reuter) A Soviet economic delegation flew home to Moscow from Indonesia recently three weeks behind schedule after successfully taking the first tentative step to further extend the Soviet Union's growing influence in South-East Asia. Until the delegation arrived In August. Indonesia under
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  • 422 3 SAIGON, Tues. (Reuter)— America's fop soldier has defined U.S. strategy in Vietnam as ''pre-emptive." General Earle Wheeler, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the strategy had been followed for several months in line with a marked change in Vietcona tactics. I The
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  • 336 3 HONG KONG, Tues. (Rcutar) Anthony Grey, Reuter's correspondent In Peking, who was released on Saturday, taught himself some Chinese during his 26 months imorisonTent in the Reuter House. He had no direct conversation Hiin ai_> -jo. **is Chinese servants throughout the period of his detention.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 BROUD Buvonnuii KITCHEN MACHINES OR MIXERS AND WIN EIGHT Table Lighters to be won this month HERE'S HOW YOU ENTER iWhen you purchase your Braun kitchen machine OA or mixer, you'll be given an entry form which W entitles you to participate in the monthly kitchen contest for one of
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  • 257 4 LONDON. Tue*. (Reuter) About 500,000 Britons are afraid of things ranging from blood to barbershops. Some are even afraid of being afraid. According to an authoritative pamphlet out today .Britain's phobia victims suffer from at least 130 different kinds of irrational fear. The
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  • 240 4 BOGOTA, Colombia., Tues. (Reuter) A Eve-mllllon-peso (about £120.000) ransom was demanded by kidnapper* of the 15-year-old son of the Swiss Consul In Call, Colombia's third city, and a member of the Swiss Embassy here, it was disclosed last night. An embassy spokesman said the demand
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  • 146 4 LONDON. Tues. (UFI) The British Government has made no decision to sell Chieftan tanks to brael. the Times said today. The limes said the tank issue ha« been kept alive by talks between British diplomats and the new Libyan refime and between
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  • 69 4 AMMAN. Tues (AFP) Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan had "miraculous escape from death" on Sunday when Arab commandos opened fire on him as he was carrying out an inspection tour in Gaza, the paper A 1 Difaa reported yesterday. The paper added that Gaza authorities had
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  • 75 4 THE HAGUE. Tues (UPI) —The Dutch coaster Donau sank early today near the mouth of the Eems River after colliding with a West German ship, Dutch coastal rftdio stations slid. Six crew member? were mistmt from the 357-ton Donau and one other was rescued by
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  • 40 4 MADRID. Tues (UPI) Apoiio-1 1 astronauts Neil Armstrong. Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrm arrived here last night aboard a ©residential jet from the Canary Islands to begin the European leg of their goodwill trip around the world
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  • 189 4 ALEXANDRIA Egypt. Tues. (Reuter) Jordan told an International conference here yesterday the growing numbers of Palestine refugees were exposed to big health hazards because o* shortage of relief funds Mr. Abdel Salam El-Magaly. the Jordanian Health Minister, said In a report to the
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  • 43 4 Seated behind him (front row, right) is Soviet Party chief. Leonid Brezhnev who also spoke at the festivities.— UPI radio- UPI radiophoto.
    UPI radiophoto.  -  43 words
  • 361 4 CAIRO, Tues. (UPI) A momentary lull settled over the Suez Canal today after one of the wont days of Egyptian-Israeli air and artillery fighting since the 1967 i Middle East war. A massive Egyptian air at- tacit yesterday afternoon desj troyed three Israeli radar stations
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  • 39 4 CAIRO. Tues. (Reuteri Presiden* Nasser will make an important political speech on November 6 at the opening of the second normal round of sessions of the U A R National Assembly. A 1 Ahram newspaper said today
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  • 263 4 BELFAST. Northern Ire- land. Tue*. (UPI) A crowd of 400 Protestants tried last night to storm a Roman Catholic housing area but was blocked by police and Bapeclal reservist* It later dispersed on the advice of militant Protestant leader Rev. Lan Paisley
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  • 198 4 LONDON. Tue* <Reuter>— A two-week strike by London garbage collector* appearM today to be growing into a general revolt by the nation's civic-employed lower-paid manual workers The pay strike has left mounds of rubbish rotting In the streets of the British capital. Roadsweepers. lavatory attendant* and
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  • 92 4 TEL AVIV Tues <UPI) Uraeli Premier Golda Meir flew home today from Washington taiks' with President Nixon to plunre into pr*>parafor the Oct. 29 national election campaign. Mrs Meir. 72. was reported to have asked N xon for more American finaneia: and militarv aid
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  • 476 4 Tf ATICAN CITY, Tues. (Reuter) Pope Paul renewed his offer to help settle Middle Eost problems during on historic meeting with Israeli Foreian Minister Abba Ebon yesterday. His offer of willing and cordial collaboration" alerady made to Arab leaders was disclosed in
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  • 134 4 LONDON'. Tues (Reuter) 6ecret plans for the British navy's new Sea Dart guide! missile have been found in the luggage compartment of a stolen car, a government spokesman said today The plans recovered apparently untouched, were missing two days. They were locked in a
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  • 309 4 BONN. Tue* (Reuten The Social Democrat'* pertive Chancellor willy Brandt and Liberal leader Walter Scheel today appeared rear the end of their interparty negotiations to fOrm West Germany's new coalition i Cabinet At their meeting yesterday in Mr Brandt's Bonn villa, both
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  • 76 4 MOSCOW. Tues (lUuter) —Two young Scandinavians were detained by Soviet policy yesterday after scattering leaflet® in Moecow'g huge gum department s'ore calling for the release of leader of Moscow's dissident intellectual community. The two who named themselves as Harald Bristol of Oslo and Elisaveta Lie of
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  • 71 4 ALGIERS. Tue«. (Feuter) Seventeen ©eople died and 36 were injured In the Biskra area, southeatt of here, in storm floods on Sunday and vesterday. the official Algerie Press Service News Agency reported. About 80.000 people have been made hame>a* in the whole country since the floods
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 Join in the NEW fun-to-enter Contest for the young Every Thursday EASTEBHSLN BAKPAHL F °»EI. TER PERFORMANCE Reduces Friction BardahJ motor oil BardahJ top oU BardahJ transmitalon differential oil Bardahl for radiator* carbir«tl«n Bardahl for oathoard motor* Bardahl for two atroko rncinea Bardahl mm Mlt freaao Bardahl aniii-pnr**** tr*«oo TU
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 105 4 TODAY a Wednesday, October 8, 1969. W, oc birth sign. or your t 31 torn 42 Ten«fht 43 64 Of 65 B« 66 P«5C'« 67 Mor«y 68 With 69 *W« 70 lnd«Ot*d 11& 34 Temper MVou 37 f»e« 31 T-cv.l Hoeid 40 2 Dart 3 Po't'ov 4W*n««i 6 7f,^ 8
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  • 116 5 While earth's closest in the solar lystem, the moon, Mars and Venus are being studied by the United States, and Russia, the smallest planet in the solar system and the sun's closest neighbour has been left to the Europeans to probe By 1975, the Mercury module (seen above),
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  • 236 5 SPACE CENTER, Houston, Tues. (UPI) A pair of moon rock investigators laid yesterday they expect to find unheard-of minerals in lunar samples from Apollo 11, but little or no organic material. Only on later moon landing flights are astronauts likely to gather dirt
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  • 129 5 HAMILTON. Bermuda Tues fUPI) Atty. Gen John N. Mitchell yesterday criticised Congress for failing to act on *he Nixon administration's anti-crime programme Each day of delay, he said, "means that more innocent citizens will lose their lives and property" "I would strongly suggest that the press
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  • 281 5 WASHINGTON. Tues (UPI) A former government auto safety chief said yesterday crash tests conducted on U.S.bujjt cars showed them to be ~remarkablv delicate.** One model, he said, suffered 814.90 dollars in damage when driven Into a wall at the speed of a man jogging Dr. William Haddon
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  • 278 5 ST. PAUL Minn. Tues. (UPI) Charles A. Lindbergh, the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic ocean, says he is worried that man and machines are in danger of virtually destroying the earth's environment for decades, perhaps centuries to come. He has quietly joined the
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  • 232 5 WASHINGTON. Tues. (Reuter) William Proxmire today called for a substantial cut in U.S. defence spending because, he said, the spectre of China as a major military threat was probably the most expensive Illusion of our time. In a speech prepared for delivery In the Senate, the
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  • 278 5 NEW YORK. Tues. (Reuter) —American photographer Mel Finkelstein today insisted that Mrs. Jacqueline Onassis floored him with a judo throw last night after walking out of a cinema mid-way through the Swedish sex film "I Am Curious <Yellorv) But a former employee
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  • 139 5 JACKSON, Tennessee. Tues. (Reuter) Attorneys for James Earl Ray yesterday asked the Tennessee Supreme Court to grant Ray a new trial on charges of murdering Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King. The petition by the attorneys contended that the death of Trial Judge W. Preston
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  • 84 5 HONG KOXG Tues. (UPI) An Italian blonde kissed a police detective to-day when he told the court she was not involved in a criminal case with two other Italians. "Thank you. thank you. thank you.'* said Seraftna Campanella. 22. of Rome, who was ftned about 83
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  • 101 5 LENZERHEIDE. Switzerland. Tues. (Reuter)—French film star Brtgitte Bardot and her West German industrialist husband Guenther Sachs were secretly divorce here In July, a District Court Judtce confirmed today The Judge. Geor* Janett. said the divorce hearing was held here because Bachs la officially a resident of the tiny
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  • 371 5 RIO DE JANEIRO, Tues. (UPI) —The High Command of the Armed Forces yesterday named Gen. Emilio Garrastazu Medici President of Brazil to succeed the ailing incumbent, Arthur Da Costa E. Silva. COSTA E. SILVA, 67, hat been left pertially paralysed by a stroke suffered
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  • 115 5 GENEVA. Tues (Reuter)— The United States and Russia today Jointly proposed a treaty to keep nuclear weapons off the seabed. They tabled a draft convention at the 25-nation Geneva disarmament conference. calling for a ban on the emplacement of fixing of all weapons of mass destruction on
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  • 232 5 LAS VEGAS, Nev. Tues. (Reuter) Police went into action with tear gas against bands of rock-throwing Negroes in west Las Vegas as race rioting erupted in thia gamblers' paradise for the second successive night. As lighting continued between police and an estimated 1.000 Negroes, the
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  • 117 5 SAN FRANCISCO. Tues (Heater) Prof Chris Barnard rave a broad smile and said. "You'll hare to wall and see" when asked yesterday if he was en cared to marry 19-year-o|d Barbara Zoell ner. daughter of a wealthy South African industrialist The heart transplant pioneer, recently
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  • 130 5 SAN FRANCISCO. Tueg. (Tteuter) A group of people worried about the world'® population problem has announced it will place 300 volunteers ins:de a massive plastic bag and deprive them of food for a week to demonstrate the effect o* over-popu-lation. Organisers of the "hunger show"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 460 6 IF Hollywood ever makes a motion picture of the recent events in Czechoslovakia they are likely to call it "Requiem For a Lightweight." For Alexander Dubcek was and is a lightweight who was outmuscled by the Russian bear and denounced by the orthodox Communists in his own
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  • 313 6 ORDERS given by Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister and Director of Operations Tun Aodul Razak for stepped up security measures along the northern border comes at an opportune time. The Communist terrorists who have been a plague along the Thai-Malaysian border will now face determined action by
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  • 29 6 To let oneself be bound bj a duty from the moment you see It appro#chin* Is part of the integrity that alone justifies responsibility Das Ham. marskjokL
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  • 555 6  -  By Terrance W. McGarry MEXICO CITY (UPI) President Richard M. Nixon, who got off on the wrong foot in his relations with neighbouring Mexico, has soured the Mexican Government further by choking off border traffic to hunt for marijuana. In less than two week* of "Operation Intercept."
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  • 563 6  -  By JENNIFER WALTON LONDON: Careers in engineering ore being considered by more and more giris in Britain and those who do decide to become professional engineers often achieve outstanding success. Elizabeth Laverick is a good exampie Dr. Elizabeth L'a verick, Ph D BSc. F I.E
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  • 165 6  -  Lollcrs... CAPT. J.S. LAUNDERS WHEN that grand old submariner. Lord Blyton of South Shields, visited the 7th Submarine Division (Eastern Sun. 20th September) he was most interested to hear that I am to hold a reunion for all Commonwealth submariner* who find themselves within reach
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  • Article, Illustration
    840 6  -  By JOSEPH ALSOP BA TRI, Kien Hoa Province You arrive, dead-beat, at the end of a long, long day, to be greeted by an improbably frail-looking young foreign service officer. You want a bath and a rest. He wants to show you Ba Trl District. He
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  • 970 6 (Acknowledging Miss Sylvia Toh's Attic Salt) siiiis THE fleeting passage of eleven months finds Lion City at it again with sett and by popular demand or, more acutely, sanitary disaster 'Keep Singapore Clean' hits the scene once more. So pursue the next BO days of frenzied
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    • 376 7  -  By Our Market Reporter Sinqapoirve5terdIv e0 T di tiOnS a9a n P r vai,cd in fbe Sfock E"h«"9« of Malaysia and to selected urnover was educed to 1.8 million uniti and interest confined T-ad.ne ln narrow price movements after a quiet opening. The market sllded
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    • 935 7 T>USiNESS done in and reported to the trading neomt of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore wtth the number of shares traded in brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Acma $lB3 <2"; DIM 11.90 CDBen Co. 51.85 (3) $lB4 (1>; Borneo Bhd. $1.78
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    • 217 7 OCTOBER first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m., in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 72$ cents per lb., down one eighth of a cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was very quiet. RL'BBLB Association of Singapore and Malaysian Rubber F.*change
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    • 59 7 HONG KONG. Tues (UPI) —Money Quotations vesterday: HK56.0875 per U.S. doUar. HK56.***** per U.S. dollar TT HKJ 14.52 per pound gterlin? HK5307.25 p«r tael of gold 94.5 per cent fineness HKS 163.5 per 10.000 Japanese yen. HK511(5.7 per 100 Philippine pesos buyers. HKS 118.7 per 100 Philippine P«s
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    • 14 7 THE tin price for yesterday was $631.50 per picul, down $1 50.
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    • 248 7 The Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for today Wednesday. Oct. 8 DEPARTURES Godown Vessel 3 4 Neder Eems 33/34 Bendearg 15 'l6 Thersus N W. 1 Bruas N.W 2 Rokan 146 21/22 Kot a Eagle 27/28 Hugheverett 31/32 Benarkle 35/36 Claudine 42/43
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    • 250 7 NEW YORK. Tues. (UPD New Zealand must look more and more to trade with other Pacific nations, mainly Japan. New Zealand Minister of Finance R. D. Muldoon said yesterday In an address to the Conference on Asia. The conference vu sponsored by
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    • 482 7 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues. Changes in the top executive responsibilities tor international banking activities of the Bank of America were announced recently by President Rudolph A. Peterson. Roland Pierotti, executive vice president for international banking will move to the office of the president
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    • 414 7 TOKYO. Tues. (UPI) Japan u willing to take part in a multi-nation conference to restrict textile shipments to the United Btates from low wage countries, informed government sources said ye«t?rday. The shift from Japan's traditional position of demanding full access for her woolen
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    • 148 7 BOSTON, Tues. (UPl)—Japan has become the world's second largest producer <>f consumer electronics products and is threatening to take the lead away from the United States, a business magazine reported. The current issue of "Appliance Manufacturer" s a id the consumer electronics
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    • 276 7 LONDON. Tues. It seemed a perfectly harmless kind of mystery, the anonymous milk churn that turned up at Heathrow Airport. London. But solvinc the riddle turned out to be an unexpectedly hazardous operation. The churn, with no labels on it at all, came in on
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    • 453 7 jlxf mm i 2! 9 11 i j VI iiii ST »Vf«M «taM t 2? 1:2 I ii ta fs 63 I'S! 0i 1 *3 n I aa 18 11 Sfl u 'i! M 185 in 2 .*>00 B7 1 b» 57 1.5tS It 50 40
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    • 162 7 SYDNEY. Tu®». (UPI) Tua*d*y's clasln® Sydney Stock Exehang# (**l#eted »har*t): MINING Acme* 3.00; A*g Min 170: Aiutral Min .40; Au*t D* v 1-W; Barrier 110; Bh South 3 95. C. Nor* C. Oold 8.90; Cri 17.30; Empe r 188. En<jUr .68; Om Kalf 1.45: Ot Boulder 10.10;
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    • 63 7 (ManagerV M«» for Oct. 9) ASIA I'M! TKIK18 Mai. Invent. Fund 1.30 140 SINHAPOKt UNIT TKUSTD laf MaliTiii 2 M 2nd Malavan 2.0" 3rd Malayan l 28td The Com. Ind 1M 116 The Sa». Fund id 10« l.l» Sterling Com. xd 5/8 H K TKl ST ri'NDf lit
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    • 4 7 ■rnr. J ip
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    • 119 7 PARIB. Tues. (Reuter) The French franc hit* it* lowest point since devaluation and the German mark edged towards a new Paris peak as speculative pressure increased yesterday. Despite support by the Bank of France, the franc dropped to 5.***** ***** against the dollar Its
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    • 398 7 ABKIVALS 5 00 am. MSA 029 K Lumpur 7 25 am. HAS *K9?X Hangkok. Tashkent. Copenhagen. 900 am. MSA 119 K. Lumpur 10.10 a.m. G A B D D A GABOO Jakarta. 10.15 a.m. MSA 121 K. Lumpur. 10.25 a.m. MSA 005 Penang, Ipoh. K Lumpur, Malacca. 10.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 SHIPPING NOTICE Ideal Holiday Trip to Colourful Hongkong and back By Luxurious Passenger Liner M/S "TAIPOOSHAff, ***** Ton* Cross. Speed 18 Knott. FOBTMGBTLY EXPRESS SEBVICE FOB BONGKONG SING4POBP PEN AN G Binzapore 3 4 Oct 19 JO Oct 4 5 Nov tt> SI No* Penang 5/7 Oct 21 23 Oct
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    • 696 8 MELBOURNE, Australia: A former dairy farmer has designed a milking merry-go-round in Australia a small rotary platform enabling one man to milk 100 cows an hour. At milking times you can see the prototype moving sedately, one revolution every minutes, on the farm of Dutch migrant Bill
      AIS  -  696 words
    • 114 8 RANGOON- The Burmese Director of Social Welfare. U Htwe has said that too much eisure is one of the reasons for children going astray in Burma U Htwe, shaking at the opening of a youth recreation centre, said: "Present day school children stav half a day at
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    • 442 8 By ANDRIENNE FARRELL NEW DELHI, (Reuter) Three hundred delegates from 40 countries meet here from October 8-18 to discuss the expanding role of Science in the education and employment of the blind. The conference the fourth genera! assembly of the World Council for the
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    • 537 8 WASHINGTON. Her* are tome comments en modern life: Robert A. Nisbet, Professor of Sociology, University of California at Riverside: "The most striking fact in the present period of revolutionary change is the quickened erosion of the traditional institutional authorities that for nearly a millennium have
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    • 532 8  -  Date-line By Ele and Walt Dulaney DEAR WALT: I work at a service station four nights a week. Because of this I don't get to see my girl as much as I'd like. The real trouble, though, is my tiredness when I do see her She takes It
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 293 8 new, simple fun-to enter time the song contest THE BCLES: All you have to do la time the eong. 3ABY, I LOVE YOU" from Popsound record PSE *****0 to the closest second and record your time in the coupon All entries must be handwritten as in the event of more
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 108 8 J. Who wrote: "She Stoops To Conquer?" 2 Who created the character Peter Pan? 3. Complete: "One man's meat may be another man's 4 What is a 'soliloquy'? 5 Name the first president of the U S A 6 Who were the victors of the Battle of Gettysburg? 7. What
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    • 142 8 AMY By Jack Tippff m "Wanna m% ma sink It right In thara, Daddy? 1 DATELINE: DANGER! by John Saunders and AldenMcWiiams YOU LOOK LIKE TWE U S. MINT, DUKE.' THERE ISN'T AN OUNCE OF FAT ON THOSE "NOBLE. BONES/ £lll BUT WHEN A r.\ IV IKL TUT HOWEVER,TO PROVE
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  • 498 9  -  By Dennis Chia lIONG KONG'S "Queen of A-Go-Go." pretty Irene Ryder, who stormed Singapore three years ago, is back again, this time not as a dancer but as a versatile and talented vocalist. Irene, as she is affectionately known, is currently drawing large crowds
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  • 68 9 JACK HALEY has been signed by producer Hal Wallis for a role "Norwood," markinjr the actor's first screen appearance in more than 20 yearv Halev is cast as a Texas farmer who is the father of a marine with playboy tendencies. The marine is being portrayed by Joe
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  • 316 9  -  By Florence de Santis NEW YORK, Tues. The first design by Ron Chereskln which came my way was a canvas tote handbag designed In vivid colours and one of those designs which owe something to Art Nouveau and something to Art Deco. That
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  • 568 9  -  Ann Landers J)EAR ANN: If you think you've heard everything, dig this: "Over the weekend my husband and I attended a wedding The ceremony was held in a church It was simple but quite spiritual, the way a wedding ought
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  • 560 9  -  "v 1 Sheilah Graham HOLLYWOOD. Tues Roman Polanskl. now In Hollywood again, but not In the house where hi* wife Sharon Tate was so brutally murdered, will make hU next movie "The Day Of The Dolphin," in the Caribbean. There wu some
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  • 136 9 NEW YORK. Tues Fuming of Paramount Pictures new comedy. "The Out-Of-Towners." starring Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis was disrupted when members of The New York B'.rd Watcher's Boclety marched angrily through a particularly difficult scene. The overly-exuberant bird lovers were protesting because they felt that the filmmakers
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  • 65 9 DIANE LADD hag been signed for a major role in Paramount Pictures' "A Hail of Mirror*." which currently la before the cameras on location* in New Orleans the actress' hometown. "A Hall of Mirrors." a Rosenberg -Newman-Foreman Production, stars Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. The fUm focuses on
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 229 9 1 MDi THEM OUT 8 ww ESOTERICA •V-capered brown spots em the surface of your hinds and face tell the »orid you're (p if oid— perhaps before you reaHy art. fiv hem a*a> with new ESOTERICA, t-» «?ec al cram that helps I'ghte* pigment riw< i the skm. makes hands
      229 words
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 307 9 PSHAWI D Q LAST DAY! 11 a m 130, 4 00. 8.30 ft |.u m SCHOOL CHILDREN »10fl j to ANY SEAT AT ALL SHOWS "FLOW EE DBl'M BONG" Panavisioa ft Color 'UI-BBi OPENS TOMOBBOW SftrnardDeVries. Rosemirle Doxtor THE SEX OF ANGELS" Technicolor. Techniacopo »UA) CAPITOL Phone *****j LAST DAT!
      307 words
    • 260 9 OPGANiS" lON (,A r HAY 3 3400, LAST DAT: U. I.M. 4. «.M ».M "A TRAIN FOE DCSANGO Mark Damon Color. Scop* Opeat Tomorrow: Burt Lancaster UCI( "The Gypsy N*tki" Color I b~D EON 211 73 Last 4 Shows: 11. I SO. 4 A CM FREE Coloured Photos of Miss
      260 words

    • 161 11 LONDON. Tues. Ann Jones, Wimbledon wortien'a singles champion, has announced that she and the National Tennis League. hav e mutually agreed to end their professional contract. Although the two-year agreement is not due to end until March. Ann Jones' last tournament as a contracted
      161 words
    • 52 11 "FORE", shouts Miss Angelina Wu, of the Australian Trade Commission, as she prepares to drive a golf ball down the fairway of the Australian Trade Commissioner's Display Rooms in Clemenceau Avenue where an exhibition of Australian golf and golf course equipment is drawing large crowds of interested golfers. The display
      52 words
    • 839 11 DESMOND ZWAR takes hia golf clubs with him to the City of London and has a great game on 18-hole 838-vards Walton Heath Old Course. Then he gets the bus home. It's all done with film and electronic eyes. Zwar
      839 words
    • 152 11 LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Tues. (Reuter) Officials of the Sahara Invitational golf classic said here that Arnold Palmer will compete in their tournament, which begins on Oct. 17. It will be the first tournament Palmer has competed in since he withdrew from the U.S. P.O.A. tour two
      152 words
    • 259 11 ELM IRA. New York. Tues. (Reuter) The future of British racing car driver Graham Hill, who fractured both legs during Sunday's United States Grand Prix, depends upon the recovery of a nerve in his left leg. the doctor attending Hill said yesterday. Dr. J.
      259 words
    • 93 11 NEW DELHI. TUM <Reuter) P Gunalan of Malaysia has been seeded number one in the sinale s event in in? Nehru Memorial Internationa! badnr.nton tournament opening here tomorrow. it was announced last night. Muljadl of Indonesia, who i* the Asian champion and won the singles title
      93 words
    • 102 11 The Singapore Joint Services XV to meet the Ceylon National rugby team todiy *t the padang pay commencing at 5.15 p.m., will be as follows: FULL BACK —Gnr. Keogh (Army). RIGHT WING Lt. Lyell (Army). CENTRE— IJ Cpl Keeble (Army). CENTRE —-Sgt Lewis (RAF), LEFT WING—Tpr
      102 words
    • 46 11 ROME. Tues (UPl> Pakist»n beat Italy 7—o in a friendly flel<i hockev same last night. Centre forward Zahid acor*« both goals in the 10th and 29th minutes of play. In a similar lame in Bo'.ogna two davg ago. Pakistan beat the Italians 6 —o.
      46 words
    • 32 11 HAVANA. Tues. (Reuter) The Soviet Union won the Gold Medal in the men's foi te?m event at the world fencing championships here latt nigh? The Russians overwhelmed Poland 9 —l.
      32 words
    • 142 11 LONDON, Tuti. Britain'! Open Golf champion Tony Jacklin could meet Gjry Player, the South African holder, in Hie final of the Piccadilly world match-play tournament at Wentworth near London, on Oct. 9 11. Jacklin meets American Ryder Cup player Tommy Aaron in the first round of
      142 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 324 11 IClassifiw^Ads^J Sales Service Television Radio REDIFFTSION TFI EVISION RENTALS BP A CAaB Como!H« r»r, t* to suit **vjon* Showroome; OnnoMu *»t. Joo Cbiat Road Tamaa J arm i •riiirmiioN arrAiß* ant make or rv SETP Uadlopfenne Controlled M»lnt»o»or* Phone «3t*l t A HW* •larioort Cnaioißii AerlaJ Bt(Un> Cleeatf Clrc ait
      324 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1262 11 W- "7 V (CHANNEL 5* i ,FM 300 Opening Atinct. In a.l Language* and Housewives Matinee Part I of a Cantonese film "The Faithful Lovers" (English Sub.); 350 Woman's World (Chinese"; 420 A Diary of Events in Singapore This Week (Chinese); 4.2* Scarlett Hill "Hannah EPS 2 A 3); 5.10
      1,262 words