Eastern Sun, 9 June 1969

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 22 1 EASTERN SUN SINGAPORE'S OWN NATIONAL DAILY -fr Estd. 1966. Vol. 3 No. 1022 Monday, 9 June 1969. MC(P) 0737 Price 15 cents
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  • 86 1 INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. Sun. (UPI) More than 70 persons were arrested on Friday night and Saturday during a second straight night of racial disturbances here. Sniper fire, broken windows, looting and massive crowds marked the sporadic flareups of trouble in the predominantly Negro northwest side
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  • 59 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Tunku Abdul Rahman who underwent a successful operation on his right eye yesterday was reported this morning to be making "very satisfactory progress.^ The Prime Minister's personal physician. Dato Dr. RP Pillai. in a medical bulletin Issued through the Information Control Centre here said
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  • 269 1 HUNTSVILLE, Ala. Sun. (UPI) A convoy of space ships carrying doctors, cooks and explorers can land a man on the surface of mars within 13 years, rocket scientist Dr. Wernher Von Braun believes. Such an undertaking. Von Braun told United Press International in
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  • 629 1 NIXON IN HONOLULU HONOLULU. Hawaii, Sun. (Reuter) developments on Vietnam seeme ed imminent today as President Nixon prepared to hold key talks with South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu on the Pacific island of Midway. Nixon flew here yesterday from his California home and
    UPI  -  629 words
  • 275 1 THE combined troops of the Singapore Army and Police yesterday conducted another massive operation in the Kampong Henderson Hill squatter area to weed out undesirable elements responsible for some minor incidents over the past 48 hours. The 90-minute operation, in the area bounded bv Tiong
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  • 58 1 BANGKOK. Sun. (Reuter) Cambodian troops fired across the Thai border on Friday slightly damaging a customs checkpoint a"d several houses in Prachinburl province, police reported today. Police said the shooting start, ed when Cambodian troops wronglv thought Thai Armed Forces had crossed into Cam bodian territory
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  • 81 1 KUCTONG. Sun. (ATP) Members of the Sarawak clandestine Communist organisation were responsible for three cases of arson in Kuching on June 6, it was stated here today. The State Information Control Centre said in a statement that the organisation had hop. Ed to create chaos and
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  • 70 1 NEW DELHI. Sun. (UPI) Gen. Sam Manekshaw, 52. Sunday became Chief of Stafl of the Indian Army. Taking over from Gen. P. Kumarmanglam, who retired Saturday. Manekshaw said in an address to armed forces during turnover ceremonies. 'I know you will make every endeavour to enhance the
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  • 174 1 KUCHING. Sun (AFP) A five-man Goodwill Committee was formed here yesterday at a meeting attended bv representatives from 14 Chinese organisations under the auspices of the Kuching Chinese General Chamber of Commerce. The committee, known as "Kuching District Goodwill Committee." was headed by Dato Wee Hood
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  • 242 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Australia could help Malavsia build up her naval defence, the Deputy Leader of the Australian Labour Party, Mr. C. H. Barnard, said today. 4 Mr Barnard, who was speaking to newsmen during a brief stop-over at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport before flying
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  • 262 1 MANILA. Sun. (UPI) The immediate futures of a young California junior grade Navy Lieutenant and a senior Australian Captain will be on the line on Monday when a joint investigation board begins determining why the Australian Aircraft Carrier Melbourne collided with the U.S. Destroyer Frank
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  • 47 1 JAKARTA. Sun (UPI) Foreign Minister Adam Malik Saturday denied reports that the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Gordon Jockel has met with him early this month to discuss the shooting of West Irianese Inside Papua, New Guinea, and that the ambassador expressed great concern about it.
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  • 92 1 NANTES, France, Son. (Renter) A tax-collector forced entry into a shuttered house In a village near here today, and found a skeleton lying on the bed with a cord round its neck, police said. It was the remains of a 65-year-old woman who had apparently committed suicide more
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  • 125 1 SALISBURY, Sun. (Reuter) The main Christian churches in Rhodesia, with the exception of the Dutch Reformed Church, today called on their members to oppose the country's proposed apartheid-style constitution. The Roman Catholic condemnation of the n«w constitution, to be Dut to a referendum on June 20.
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  • 92 1 CAIRO. Sun. (Reuter) Egyptian heavy guns pounded Israeli positions in occupied Sinai in an all-night artillery battle along the northern sector of the Suez Canal. A military spokesman said the Israels were trying to reinforce their positions under cover of darkness in the area north of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 Christian Books or• your frionds" SO HUBBY aLONG TO CI I CHRISTIAN JU BOOK ROOM 36H PRINSEP STREET. SINGAPORE 7 and rhoo«« jour "friends** from our wide range of GOOD CHRISTIAN LITERATURE A a M A v MOST MODERN CONTAINER
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 258 3 CHICAGO, Sun. (UFI) An Arab Princess bestow, ed her crown on an Israeli one Saturday night when Teen Princess Israel Sharona Marash, 16, was chosen International Teen Princess 1969. "I can't believe it," said Miss Marash, a high school junior from Tel Aviv, as she
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  • 56 3 SANTA MONICA. California, Sun. <Reuter) Film star Robert Taylor, near death from lung cancer. spent as "comfortable a night a s could be expected" hospital authorities reported yesterday. Taylor. 57. veteran of 7o films hag been in and out of hospital seven times since last September and had
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  • 273 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. (UPI) Most of the world is in the midst of a "gigantic accident epidemic" which results in a traffic death every three minutes. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Saturday that reports from 27 countries indicate road accidents took 136.000 lives during
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  • 104 3 MONTREAL. Sun: (AFP) Discussion centred on tissue rejection as leading cardiologists met here today for the second working session at the second world symposium on heart transplant. Dr. Denton Cooley. of Houston. Texas, called attention to the need for an international unit "for measuring the potency of various
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  • 81 3 NEW YORK Sun. (UPI) The results of a nationwide survey indicate that a large segment of the American population disapproves of the lunar exploration programme. Sindllnger and Company, a market and opinion research organisation, said that a sampling of more than 1.400 adults interviewed by telephone after the
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  • 222 3 OTTAWA, Sun. (UPI) Communist China wants Canada to make a clean break with Taiwan before a Sino-Canada recognition pact is signed, according to diplomatic sources in Ottawa- The sources say Canada is balking and that is the main stumbling block in the protracted discussions
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  • 294 3 NEW YORK. Sun. (UPI) Charles Kenyatta., former bodyguard to the slain Black Militant Malcolm X, was shot and critically wounded on Saturday night as he stepped from a parked car on a bronx street. Witnesses said Kenyatta. 49. was cut down by a hail
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  • 73 3 MONTERREY. Mexico. Sun. (UPI) Officials at the US. embassy said on Saturday the remains of the 79 victims aboard the Mexicana de Avaciones airliner that crashed last Wednesday had been gathered and placed in 15 two-foot-square canvas packages. Thirteen of the packages remained atop rain
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  • 247 3 LA PAZ, Sun. (UPI) Antonio Argue das, former Minister of the Interior, was wounded in the arm on Friday night bv unknown terrorists who fired a burst of sub-machinegun Are from an automobile at Arguedas and a Spanish newsman who had just interviewed him.
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  • 112 3 CARACAS. Sun. (UPI) Venezuela last night "categorically and emphatically" denied any participation in Guyana's official charges of June 6 that "it has received reports on renovation of activities in the border The Foreign Ministry issued a communique In which it rejects "supposed Venezuelan meddlings" In the
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  • 152 3 SPACE CENTRE. Houston, Sun. (UPI) Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan apologised on Saturday for the salty language be used during an emergency on the Apollo 10 space Cernan erupted with some surprised profanity when be and Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford suddenly started tumbling about in their lunar lander
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  • 200 3 NEW HAVEN, Conn. Bun. (Reuter) The President of Yale University warned student activists today violent revolution could pave the way for "latter-day fascists who believe in order more than thev believe in law." Speaking at a graduation ceremony here, Kingman Brewster said those who showed impatience
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  • 62 3 CONCEPCION. Chile. Sun. (Reuter) Three hundred police armed with machinegun* and revolvers today raided the university here and arrested 36 student, in connection with the kidnapping. beating and public humiliation of a ne w sP*P e r •editor. The raid, approved by a Judge, was believed to be
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  • 534 3 SPACE CENTER, Houston, Sun. (UPI) The chief of the Apollo moonflight programme said on Saturday he is satisfied with progress toward a lunar landing attempt next month with Apollo 11, but that several problems must be cleared up before the flight. Lt. Gen.
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  • 298 3 NEW YORK, Sun. (UPI) Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat-Mass., on Saturday defended critics of U.S. defence policy against implications that they are fostering Isolationism. The speech was an apparent attack on President Nixon's speech last Monday in which Nixon warned of the "dangers" of a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 V taV.« s Vw i SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT, QANT AS OR MSA IN BRUNEI, HARRISONS AND CROSFIELO. f ...v -v. IAVMSV: ;«■«&/:wAoi«Mts4te^ < tteMHriift!itMM&MWvMffi&l<M4lWiiiiii>iiMfaHMNl!MSife'iafec%iwNiiwMwM^Sij QANTAS with AIR INDIA. AIR NEW ZEALAND, B.OAC. and MSA.
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  • 620 4 LONDON. Sua. (LPI) Britain is seeing wore of its future king and liking what it Prince Charles, who will he 21 in November, has emerged from a gangly, bashful- teeni|fr to a candid and sensitive heir-apparent who expresses a sense of duty about his
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  • 110 4 ALDERBURGH. England. Sun. (Reuter) Organisers of the Alderburgh Music Festival today searched for local churches large enough to hold concerts in after a *lr© badly damaged the festival's main hall on opening day yesterday. Mr. Stephen Reiss. secretary of the festival, one of the bestknown in
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  • 83 4 CAIRO Sun. (Reuter)—East German Foreign Minister Herr Otto Winzer met President Nasser today for talks on the Middle East situation and bilateral relations. During the meeting, at the President's Villa on the outskirts of Cairo, Herr Winzer delivered a message from East German head of state
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  • 134 4 PARIS, Sun. (Reuter) The British and French prototypes of the Concorde supersonic airliner flew together for the first time today over the Paris air show. The French prototype, Concorde 001, took off from Le Bourget airport as the British model, Concorde 002, came overhead after
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  • 69 4 VIENNA. Sun. (UP I) Pretty Magdalena van det Spuy has confessed she lied to her parents that she had been kidnapped because she was troubled and just wanted to be alone, police Mid yesterday. The 16-year-old daughter of South African ambassador Johan Van der Spuy actually had been alone
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  • 77 4 MADRID. Sun (UFI) Police are seekln* the granddaughter of the late Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Trujillo and the young man with whom she disappeared. A family acquaintance said a ransom demand had been made to the young man's father a wealthy Spaniard. Maria Trujillo. 19. and Francisco Verjar
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  • 65 4 CAPE TOWN. Sun. (UPI)— A bill published yesterday will prohibit disclosing the names and donors and recipients under certain conditions in South African heart transplant operations. The bill, which will be introduced In Parliament soon, forbids publication of the names of either donors or recipients without prior
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  • 47 4 KHARTOUM, Sudan. A mass rally to support the two-week old revolutionary government includes banners and a portrait of UAR President Nasser (top photo) while the Revolution Council Chairman Gen. Gaafar Numeiri (in uniform, right, in photo below) and Premier Babakr Awadallah are seen at the stand. (UPI)
    (UPI)  -  47 words
  • 367 4 THE RED MOSCOW, Sun. (Reuter) Rumanian leader Nicolae Ceautetcu it expected to react firmly to the scathing attack on China made by Soviet party leader Leonid Breihnev, according to Rumanian sources. I But they added Rumania doe* not at present plan a walkout from the
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  • 67 4 ATHENS. Sun (Reuter) Greek Premier George Papadopoulos announced that he had foiled a plot by a group of retired Army. Navy and Air Force officers to overthrow his Army-backed government. He also angrily denied that his regime was responsible for torture and promised that if allegations of
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  • 90 4 BARNBLEY. England. Sun (Reuter) Prime Mlnlater Harold Wilson said today the government stood by Its proposed anti-strike laws despite the hostility of the nation s powerful trade unions. Mr. Wilson spoke in tough term* in advance of govern-ment-union talks on Monday that could determine the fate of his
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  • 264 4 ROME. Sun. (Reuter) The 18 Italian oil company workers freed by Blafra after being condemned to death went home to meet their families today as Italy observed a day of mourning for their 11 colleagues killed In the Nigerian fighting. The oil technicians 14 Italians,
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  • 274 4 NEW YORK. Sun. (Reuter) Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Prim« Minister today called the United States the "best friend we have in the world" and urfed the IJ.S. to influence Arab governments to change their rigid opposition to direct negotiations with Israel. Bhe said such negotiations were
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  • 341 4 MADRID, Sun. (Reuter) Spain tomorrow seals her land frontier with Gibraltar and withdraw! 4,500 workers who have long formed a major part of the rock colony's labour force. According to informed sources here, this is only the first of a series of measures which will
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  • 33 4 LONDON. Sun (UPI) Police halted a Lendon-bouad passenger train carrying Britiih Prime Minister Harold Wilson last night after they received a report that a bomb wa* on board. Nothlnf *aa found.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 f 12 th ANNIVERSARY BBC\ 1 i«ARTM£NTS TEXTILE FREE! amudAAJ B4ia on(l'M a« a skin Perfume) to e*ery Estee Lander purrha*er over $l5/1 SKIN BEAI'TY SET WORTH $2O/to every E»tee Lauder purchaser orer $25/Thal cotton 40" Jersey 44" Swiss Embroiders Cotton 44 <fc 52" Ptd- Cotton Suits (USA) T-Shlrts Dresses
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  • 303 5 S SpUL. Sun. (UPI) A Bouth Korean coastal defence lorce sank an armed North Korean boat carrying Communist agents early Sunday morning off Bukpyong located about ijp miles east of Seoul eastern coast. Military officials reported. The North Korean boat was at about 1; 50
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  • 169 5 BANGKOK. Sun. (UPI)—At least six persons have died in an outbreak of cholera in Übon province in Northeast Thailand and suspected cases are being hospitalised at the rate of 15 a day. officials disclosed Sunday. The outbreak, in two districts in the province 300 miles eastnortheast
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  • 375 5 Anti-ASPAC Demonstrations ITO, Japan, Sun (UPI) Leftist Japanese students turned this hot spring resort city into a mob scene and clashed with police time and again on Sunday on the eve of the opening of the Ministerial Conference of the Asian and Pacific Council. About
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  • 190 5 BANGKOK, Sun. (Reuter) Unidentified helicopters have been flying into mountainous Petchaboon province, about 250 miles north of Bangkok, where Communist-trained Meo hill tribesmen are entrenched, according to provincial officials. Officials told reporters that three large helicopters. suspected to be bringing in supplies for the guerillas,
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  • 142 5 SEOUL, Sun. (UPI) U.S. military authorities turned over several thousand carbines to South Korea Saturday to help arm South Korea's two million militia men. The carbines were presented at a ceremony held at Kimpo Air Base outside Seoul. Korean Defence Minister Im Chunf-Sik, Army
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  • 206 5 PARIS. Sun. (UPI) Asian diplomats said on Saturday that the Viet Con* and North Vietnam would unleash a new military offensive in South Vietnam if Sunday's allied summit on Midway Island failed to produce new negotiating offers for the "Vietnam peace -i talks." The
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  • 33 5 SRINAGAF. Sun. (UPI) The Kashmir unit of the Indian Swatantra Party demanded on Saturday Indian Presidential rule and dissolution of the state legislative assembly to remedy the deteriorating political and economic situation.
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  • 97 5 HONG KONG, Sun (Reuter) Government officials are looking for a reputable zoo to accommodate an Orang-Utan seized from a vessel when it arrived from Indonesia The rare mammal taken to a government kennet last Friday bv Agriculture and Fisheries Department officers is banned from trading in Hong Kong.
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  • 81 5 JAKARTA. Sun. (UPI) Ten of 14 Chinese arrested in South Sumatra late last month have denied charges of subversion filed against them It was reported here on Sunday. The Chinese were charged with having distributed antiIndonesia leaflets to Instigate the local Chinese population to overthrow the
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  • 148 5 RAWALPINDI. Sun (Renter) Gen. De Gaulle has invited Field Marshal Ayub Khan, former President of Pakistan, to visit France as his private fuest, the authoritative Urdu daily, Jang, reported today. French Embassy sources confirmed that the French Ambassador, Michel Lengendre, handed a personal letter
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  • 189 5 JUNEAU. Alaska. Sun. (UPI) The Coast Guard cutter Stons seized two Japanese fishing boats yesterday for dropping their nets inside the US. 12-mile limit. Coast Guard District Headquarters said the Stons seized the vessels in Norton Sound on Alaska's west coast and was taking them
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  • 125 5 SRINAGAR Kashmir. Sun (UPI) —Thirteen students and Buddhist Lamas have been arrested in Leh, the principal town of Ladakh. according to official sources. The sources said those arrested were charged with arson and rioting. They also faced charges of violating section 144 of the Kashmiri
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  • 624 5 VIETNAM WAR REPORT SAIGON, Sun. (TO) U.S. infantrymen in tanks and armoured carriers caught up with about 200 North Vietnamese regulars in a rubber plantation near Cambodia and killed 95. military spokesmen said on Sunday. The battle Saturday 58 miles northwest of Saigon came Just
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  • 49 5 BANGKOK. Sun. (Reuter) —The Local Administration Department has prohibited female officers from wearing mini-skirts or dresses in psvchedelic colours during office hours. A directive of the department told the women officials that the proper dress was knee-length black, blue or tan skirts and white blouses.
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  • 198 5 TOKYO. Sun. (Reuter) Japanese Foreign Minister Kiirhl Aichi said today he felt President Richard M. Nixon knew Asia better than any other American President had done. i 1 Returning from talks in Washington with President Nixon and Secretary of State William Rogers. Aichi stressed
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  • 42 5 JAKARTA. Sun. (UPl)—lndonesian President Suharto celebrated hi* 48th birth anniversary Sunday with an informal reception in the traditional Javanese style at the Presidential Palace. A Palace spokesman said the President also received wellwishers led bv other ranking Indonesian public officials
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  • 80 5 TOKYO. Sun. (UPl)—Cambodia has lodged a protest with the United States and South Vietnam against the sending of helicopters into Cambodia, straffing and killing five inhabitants on May 23. according to the official New China News Agency (NCNA). The broadcast monitored in Tokyo Sunday quoted a Cambodian News
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 i .time 4 Teething time xgteetUn*' 1 r v My voor. teething Bnby Y trull soon be tip-top. M'i s given you Steedm/jn't Ana your pain't bound to stop Both Powders and Jelly Will your plan drive away And keep Baby happy And iolly all day! STEEDMAN'S PRODUCTS ARK MADE
      121 words
    • 120 5 IN m DAT ffEASOW from •atnrdaT 14th J«n« daily •I 8 3ft p m. at the National Theatre. Ticket* at K. M. K SS Special Family Matinee Bandar 15th June at t Oft p.m. Tlfkeu at 92, SI. IS Obtainable from: National Theatre. Robmtoaa CI Tanr A Cold Storage. A
      120 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 149 5 SHAW I Mfotvir.a 1L D O Phone ***** 1 LAST DAY: Ti*Sv 14 i 9 m IJ China Margaret H# n« Hul TO CALL HOME" (A SHAW PRODUCTION 1 Mandarin in 8hawseope. Color OPEN8 TOMORROW' Hu»h 0"»rfan. Barbara Rush RATEGT OF TERROR c«l 8 r CAPITOL Phone 297?* NOW SHOWING:
      149 words
    • 217 5 ODEON 21-11 1ITH DAT! <>• Free Li*t) 16.45. I lk. I 4S. CM 9 13 p.m. Columbi* Picture* Present* "MACKENNAS GOLD" Gre gory Peck Omar Sharif 6uper Panavision Technicolor iORCHARD-***** New Shewing: 1.3*. 4. CM. 9.15 |e. ONLY WHEN I LARF' eolor David HE MM IN GS Paramount NEXT CHANGE'
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  • 566 6 OKI of the surefire manoeuvres which can improve British Prime Minister Harold Wilson's standing both in his party and in his country will be Britain's entry into the Common Market. Now that the diplomatic dust has settled after the crash of Gen. Charles de Gaulle, with
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  • 303 6 rjiHE nation deserves the press it gets in J. as far as the newspapers in the traditional western democracies, and in the lands where these colonial powers bequeathed the fourth estate, are the barometers of the social and political climate of the day. Where the press has
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  • 539 6  -  By RICHARD BECKETT NAIROBI, Sun. (Reuter) Kenya's politician* hare found themselves in the middi of a full scale row over the rights of Parliament to criticise following charges of corruption against high ranking Minis* ters and civil -trvonts. The charges were first made by a number
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  • 196 6 SINCE Communism c*me to Cuba only a deeade ago. most Cubans have vivid memories of better times. Two friends wert reminiscing in a Havana eoffee shop recently and one of them became so excited that he forgot to keep his voice down. "I would walk to the
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  • 218 6 DENVER. SUB <UPI>— Anthropologist Margaret Mead UTS the main cause of the so-called "generation gap" is the "tremendous speed of change." technological snd social, since World War Two. "The change has been so rapid that youths hare no mentors, no models to teach them." she said.
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  • 437 6 EXTRACTS from the speech of Dr. Toh Chin Chye, Vice Chancellor, University of Singapore, at the Convocation cere~ mony held on June 7th. It It appropriate that «a this 150 th anniversary th« foundIn, of modem Singapore wt should look for now
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  • 888 6 HONG KONG, Sun. When banks in Hong Kong recently asked the government for permission to set up branches in resettlement estates, birth control and census authorities cheered. For to them, the request was another way of saying in a fashion peculiar to Hong Kong—that a vastly-improved standard
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  • 435 6  -  »y DALE MORSCH NEW DELHI. Sjii. (UPI) looaa figured prominently in tha formatio:. of Andhra Pradesh State 13 years ago. The revenue derived from it is a root cause of the Telengana struggle today. The nine districts which comprise Telengana once belonged
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  • 12 6 Never answer a letter while yea are angry Chinese proverb.
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  • 98 6  - Punish RumourMongers Severely LETTERS... S. C. HOW I think it is about time that really severe punishment be meted out to persons caught trying to disrupt the racial harmony of our Republic, be it assault, rumour mongering or race incitement. Heavy prison sentences, canning and even the death pun* ishment
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    • 140 7 Li f P'«PW»tl©H the final cailSOn W»S Th\ pM S n» nf tv, P v«?./ n 1 ,unk th# opening in the Volkerak on April 25 1960. iSu- e of the Volkcr *k was then virtually a fact, i.v.r «V .Jh #k mon th *U
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    • 165 7 GENEVA. Sun. (Reuter) Four European airlines have announced joint plans for their next generation of airliners. The Scandinavlsn Airline System (SAS). the Royal IKitch Airline (KLM), the Swiss National Airline (Swissair). and the French overseas airline Union de Transports Aenens (UTA) have jointly decided oil McDonnell-Douglas
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    • 92 7 TOKYO. Sun. (UPI)— Sanyo Electric Co.. maker of electric appliances in Japan, sayj it has reached agreement with Axmayesh Industrial Manufacturing Co. of Iran for technical assistance in the production of black and white TV sets. It said under the agreement Sanyo will export parts for
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    • 213 7 TOKYO, Sun. (UPI) The government's Foreign Investment Council has approved the proposed import of production techniques from the McDonnel-Douglas Aircraft Company of the U.S. for domestic production of the F4E Phantom jet fighters. The spprovsl hsd been •ought by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries which
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    • 116 7 MANAGERS and sales staff of Burroughs Wellcome li Co. from 7 countries will be attending a Sales Conference in Singapore from 9-14 th June. The purpose of the conference announced by Mr A. Davies. Director of Burroughs Wellcome k Co. (S) Pte. Ltd. Is to improve sales training
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    • 21 7 TAIPEI. Sun. (UPI) A 19-member trade mission from New Zealand arrived here yesterday from Manila for sixday visit.
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    • 898 7 The weekly inaiket review Trading Time Advan THE decision by the Commit*## of tht Stock Kxckong# of Malaysia and Singapore to chang# th# tradina hours ot from today provided just obout tht only bright note to on otharwis# #asi#r, listloss and f#otur#l#ss week in th# stock market.
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    • 169 7 NEW DELHI. Sun. (Reuter) A government committee on the tea industiy has recommended that the tea board should be reconstituted with a permanent deputy chsirmsn. usually reliable sourees ssid todsy. The Boroosh committee, whose report is now being examined by the Ministrv of Commerce md Industry, also
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    • 52 7 TOKYO, Sun. (UPI) Japan has agreed to a request by the United Arab Republic (UAR) for extentien of the July 31 deadline for UAR's redemption of its trade debt to Japan. Unaer the agreement. UAR will repay a total of US$lB,330.000 debt over a ftve-year period starting
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    • 191 7 WASHINGTON, Sun. (UPI) An American labour leader says U.S. textile worken are willing to aaaist Japanese textile worker# to build ftronf uniom and improve their living standards but not at the price or American jobs. George Baldanzi president c! the United Textile
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    • 195 7 PARIS, Sun. (Rsuter) The group of 10 leading non-Com-munist industrial nation® will support the International Monetary Fund (IMF) In meeting a requested drawin* by Britain under a new stand-by credit arrangement. The «roup. leading member nations of the General Arrangement to Borrow (GAB) gave no
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    • 55 7 TAIPII. Sua. (Iteuter) Th« Nationalist China Power Company ia planning to uk the world Bank for a further loan el US$36 million for lta expansion and development, the Central Newa Agency said today. The company had pravjoualy asked for 173 million to buy ha first atomic power plant
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    • 332 7  -  ■y HARRY HOBBS LONDON, Sun. (UPI) The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) took a gloomy view of the outlook for Britain's economy in its latest survey and a slumping stock market appeared to snare the opinion of the researchers. The politically independent
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    • 204 7 HONG KONG. Sun (CPI) A leading American hotrl ring U collaborating with a rich Indian businessman in Hon* Koof to venture Asia's hetal bualnaaa. The Holiday Inns of America are p!an Dine with the Harllelaa to establish a ehsin of hotels in Southeast Asia and India.
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    • 96 7 TOKiO, Sun. (UPI) The Powfer Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp. announced it had total of 12.600,00 tons of uranium ore deposits in stock as of April 1. It constituted an Increase of 2,327,000 tons as compared with a year ago. The ore deposits contain
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    • 86 7 TOKYO. Sun. (UPI) Exports validated In May totalled US$l 337,400 up 3 per cent over the preceding month, the Ministry of International Trade and Ministry announced. The figure was an increase of 11 per cent a* compared with a year afo and the second highest
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    • 283 7 NEW YORK: The sparkle of a girl's earring is *U the Ufht that's needed to projeet a 3-D image from a eomputer-produced slide called a kinoform. The experimental kinoform, developed by International Business Machines Corporation, overcomes many limitations of holograms. Most holograms which also
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    • 65 7 OSAKA. Sun. (UFI) Kanegafuchi Chemical Industry Co and Maruzen Oil Company said in a Joint announcement they will shortly establish a new firm to produce paraffin from petroleum protein. It will be the first firm in Japan to specialize in paraffin production. The announcement said a plant capable
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    • 345 7 akKIVALS ft 00 a m. MSA MLO29 Koala Lumpur. 9 09 am MSA MLII 9 Koala Lumpur. 19-lft a-m MSA MLltl Kuala Lumpor 10.2 ft a n> MSA MLOOft Penang. lpoh, Koala Lumpur. Malacca--1940 a u> THAI Torn Bangkok. 12-35 pn. PAN-AM PAB4I Saleon, Guam. Honolulu, ban Franclsco
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 380 8 THE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew reviews the Schools' Prefects contingent as it marches past during the Raffles Institution's Annual Speech and Prize-Giving Day. EASTERN SUN picture taken at the finals of the Sixth Annual Inter-School Science Quit organised by the Science and Mathematical Society of
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    • 528 9 THERE ore different kinds of people belonging to various races living in Singapore. Due to itheir different religions, various kinds of festivals are celebrated within a year. Mandisafar is a festival which ie celebrated by the Malays, Thaipusam by the Indians and Christmas by Christians Because of
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    • 401 9 THERE Is hardly a day without a mention of road accidents in our daily newspapers. Although the invention of modern transportation has eased the problem of communication, it is also indirectly responsible for the high mortality rate which has seriously drawn the attention of
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    • 272 9 EVERYDAY we hear of student revolts. Maybe this is because they do not like the way the government controls them. Too much freedom is given to teenagers today. In schools, the teachers are not allowed to use the canes and that makes the student* grow
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    • 483 9 The most remarkable development in human habit in the second half of the twentieth century is the great urge of people to travel and see how their human counterparts live in other parts of the world. Tourism is one of the growing factors In foreign exchange. The
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    • 415 9 IN the twentieth century the world has changed into a paradise when compared with the uncivilised times. We now live a comfortable and healthy life. We have gained much advantages. We have tall and clean buildings. Even if we are living in the sixteenth storey we can
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    • 467 9 SINCE the birth of science, the face of the world has been completely changed. It is through science that man has made progress. Formerly, man had no proper means of communications. Today, people witness more tremendous technical achievements than thousands of previous generations put togetner. The
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    • 364 9 GIVING presents is o natural way to show one's love of affeetion for others. Presents are bought for occasions like birthdays, weddings, Christmas and many other occasions. Many hours are often spent in visiting shops to find something original and suitable. In choosing birthday presents care should
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    • 278 9 THE value of newspapers increases as the world strives ahead. Modern newspapers differ a great deal from those of the early period. Today's papers have up-to-date news and play of words to promptly attract your attention. There ire different type* of newspaper* in Singapore Newspaper* are
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 190 9 Essay writing: Rules to observe All entrants are requeued to observe the following rules: 1. Each entrant mutt fill in hi* I her own writing the entry form appended below in block letters. 2. No entry will be considered without the entry form properly filled up. 3. The entrant must
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 97 9 AMY By J«elc Tipprt m LA >3* VV I Mom, can you throw In an extra peanut butter sandwich? The/ have great trading value." DATELINE: DANGER! by John Saunders and AidenMcWiiams y'KHOW WHAT ro DO IP I WAS you, BAVIN ro TAKE THIS LITTLE OLD ROCK AN', MAN.l'O...* COACH LtWl*
      97 words

    • 1668 10 By 810 BEN IPOH, Sun. Royal Syndicate's Joint Command with Rod Dawkins riding a confident race captured the $30,000 Perak Derby here today. In seventh position at the half mile the Poly's Pet gelding made a forward move at the 3f post and was first into the
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    • 534 10 EPSOM, England, Sun. (Reuter) Pulling out on electrifying finish for South African jockey John Gorton in the last 50 yards, Lord Rose be SLEEPING PARTNER won the Oaks classic for fillies here yesterday. The final battle for the winner's £30.422 purse was restricted to
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    • 272 10 NEW YORK, Sun. (Reuter) Art* and Letters yesterday won the Belmont Stakes, ending Majestic Prince's hopes of becoming the first horse to win the triple crown since 1948. Arts and Letters finished sbout six lengtns ahead of Ma. jestic Prince, the winner of the Kentucky Derby
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    • 119 10 DURBAN, SUB. (Reuter) Home Guard, fancied to win the Durban July Handicap. streaked to a one and three-quarter lengths victory In the South African Guineas over a mile here yesterday. Ridden by Charlie Maree. the 2-1 on favourite stayed with the field of 12 before moving easily
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    • 403 10 BINOAPORE Cricket Club, the only team with an unbeaten record In the first round of he SCA senior division league tournament, got off to a very good start In the first encounter of the second round when they thrashed Ceylon Sports Club by
      403 words
    • 152 10 SEOUL. Sun. (UPI) Japan captured three gold medals today to beat hardtraining South Korea and win the 4th Asian cycling championship* tournament at Seoul stadium here. A Japanese four-member team won the 4.000 metres team pursuit race by defeating Korea. Kooft Katoo and Kenji Enoraoto
      152 words
    • 814 10 NEW YORK. Sun. (UPD Juan Marich&l, making his first start in two weeks, allowed only three singles yesterday and Ken Henderson slammed a two-run homer to pace the San Francisco Giants to a 3-1 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies. The Phillies, who suffered their
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    • 151 10 AUCKLAND. New Zealand, Sun. (Reuter) The New Zealand cricket team left here by air tonight for a threemonth tour of England. Team manager Mr. C.G. Burgess said before departure he believed the team was "potentially a Test winning side.** The New Zealanders, who plav
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    • 437 10 LONDON. Sun. (Reuter) Yorkshire opening batsman Phil Sharpe has been recalled after five years to the England cricket team for the First TMt against the West Indies starting at Old Trafford next Thursday. Another recall is Leicester, shire allrounder Barr v Knight who lost his
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    • 40 10 Sun (Reuter) The M.C.C. selectors today named the following 12 players for England's first cricket Test against the West Indies at old Trafford. Q r next Thursday. Boycott, D Brown, B. D'Oliveira, J. Edrich, T. Graveney, Baow a
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    • 363 11 SINGAPORE, Sun.—Last year's Taiwan champion, Kao Cheng-Hsiung retained his title in the Taiwan national finals of th e 1969 Cathay-Brunswick Far East Bowling championships held at the Yuan-Shan Recreation Centre in Taipei, recently. He rolled a 12-game total of 2.262 pins to snatch the title.
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    • 35 11 MANCHESTER. England, Bun. (Reuter) Clark Graebner of the United States won the men's singles title at the northern tennis tournament here yesterday bv beating Britain's Graham Stilwell 9-7, 3-6. 6-4 in the final.
      35 words
    • 69 11 SANTIAGO. Chile. Sun. (Reuter) Rain yeaterday prevented an? further play In the South American zone tennis flnal of the Davis Cup here between Brazil and Chile, with Brazil leading by one match to nil. A second match, begun on Friday but abandoned because of bad light,
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    • 32 11 LONDON. Sun. (Reuter) South African Derek Schroeder won the men* singles title at the Lowther tennis tournament here today by beating Australian Max Senior 5-7, 6-1, 6-2 In the flnal.
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    • 505 11 LONDON, Sun. (Reuter) Barry Richards, the South African batsman, was in rampaging mood in the Gillette Cup one-day cricket competition yesterday. The Durban-born 23-year-old rattled up a rapid 78 for Hamp. shire against Surrev, clouting three sixes and eight boundaries. Richards' thundering knock helped
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    • 103 11 LOS ANGELES. Sun. (AFP) Three world best performances of the year, including a three minute* 55.9 second* mile by Jim Ryun. were *et at an athletics meeting in the Los Angeles Coliseum yesterday. The other two achievements were a 20.62 metre* ahot putt by Neillstelnhtuer
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    • 302 11 CHICAGO, Sun. fßeuter) Frank Beard refused to play the game of giveaway on the Midlothian Country Club course yesterday and assumed command of a US$l3O,OOO (about £33,000) Western Open golf tournament by two shot® over Billy Casper. In contrast to other 38 hole leader*
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    • 472 11 STOKE ON-TRENT, England, Sun. (Reuter) Th e West Indian cricketers, fresh from their first tour victory over Somerset on Friday, were given a rude awakening bv the English Minor Counties on the opening day of their three-day match here. Opener Graham Saville and skipper Fred
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    • 133 11 MEXICO CITY. Sun (UPI) The Mexican Tennis Federation yesterday was reportedly considering the possibility of withdrawing the Mexican team from Davis Cup competition as a sign of mourning for the tragic death of Mexican tennis star Rafael Osuna in an airplane crash last Wednesday.
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    • 217 11 NEW YORK. Sun (UPI) Star Quarterback Joe Namath, sports' swingingest bachelor, announced his retirement from pro football on Friday rather than bow to an order from pro football commissioner, Pete Rozelle to sesll his interest in a nightclub Rotelle described as a "hang-out for
      217 words
    • 211 11 ANYANG. South Korea. Sun (UPI) Nationalist China's Hsieh Yong Yo fired a one under par 55-26—71 yesterday for a four-round total of 286 and won the 12th Korean Open golf championship and a cash prize of US$3,OOO. Playing steady golf. Hsieh broke a four-way
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    • 520 11 PAR 18. Sun. tßeuter) Rod Laver. the 30-year-old Queenslander, won the men's singles title at the French tennis championships here yesterday, beating 34-year-old fellow-Australian. Ken Rosewall 6-4. 6-3. 6-4 In 93 minutes. The undisputed world number one player thus reversed last year's result when Rosewall beat
      520 words
    • 36 11 MANCHESTER. En f land. Sun. (Reuter) Mrs. Mary Ann Curtis beat Patti Hojan 6-4. 6-4 to win the women's smiles title in an a 11-Ameri-can final at the northern tennis tournament here yesterday.
      36 words
    • 35 11 SYDNEY. Sun. (Reuter) Results of major rufby leaaue matches played here today were: South Sydnev 27 Caterbury 7, St. George 16. Cronul-.a-Sutherland 12. Balmain 25. North Sydney 15. Paramatta 25 Eastern Suburbs IS.
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    • 261 11 WARSAW, Sun. (Reuter) The International Olympic Committee (IOC) prepared today for talks which could affect the future of the winter games, recently criticised for alleged commercialism by the lOC's American President Avery Brundage. The Olympic Games administrators cleared the way for these talks
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    • 72 11 TOKYO. Sun. (Reuter) Britain took a 3-0 lead over Thailand in the inter-zone semi-ftnals of the world's women badminton tournament here yesterday. The British women were assured of advancing into the final of the fifth Über Cup championship by taking all the three single matches.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 117 10 BIG SWEEP TOTAL ($31,512) Ist Prix* No: *****6 $7,799 2nd Prix* No: *****1 $3,899 3rd Prix* No: *****6 $1,949 Starters: ($543 each) Nos: *****8 *****2 *****8 *****4 Consolation: ($l5l each) Nos: *****5 *****5 *****9 *****3 *****5 *****2 *****4 *****3 *****5 *****9 Time And Tide TODAY SINGAPORE Town: 0.01 a.m. (3.7
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 147 11 Sales &l Service Television I Radio REDIFFCSION TELEVISION RENTALS BP CASH Oempleta ranee to colt a'dffuue Bhotrrocnu: Clemenceau Ate.. Joo Cblat Head Tainan Juroni (EDIRRRSION RCTKIII WO MAKE or TV srr* Radiophone LOB trolled Maintenance Phone RS23I/S UTW SlDtapare r«aa«Dti Aerial 8?* tern* Closed Circuit TV Backftoand Made laatallattoa. Phoae
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1105 11 V Xrorar TV |*v mmmmm nuttoiii WHSMI 11 3 KdQiO TODAY I (CHANNEL 5) guage Elementary Sukar. SePM. 300 Ot>ening Anonunce- kolah: 11.20-11 40 Mathematics mints' in all Language* ai d Sec II Logarithms and the Morning Star: 3.20 Health In the Slide Rule: 11.55-12 15 Engish 2nd Home (English
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  • 325 12  -  The Moment By Peter Ooi THE Housing and Development Board is now planning to build four-room flats for sale to the public under the Home Ownership Scheme. So far, the Board has sold about 90,000 of the 120.000 units of two-room and three-room
    Sunpix by Richard Chow.  -  325 words
  • 185 12 MRS. Lim Kim Son, wife of the Minister for Defence, will officiate at a keel-laying ceremony of the first of several fast patrol boats for Singapore, on June 12. Four of the *l* 110-foot last patrol boats ordered by the Singapore Government will be
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  • 48 12 Police detained a man who was caught hiding near the entrance to a store at Jalan Minyak yesterday. Police recovered two tins of paint, which are believed to have been stolen from the store The detained man will be charged In court today.
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  • 88 12 These concerts are being carefully arranged so as to present a wide variety of programmes including Asian and Western music, singers, dancers and instrumentalists. Tickets at SI/- are obtainable from Robinsons, C. K. Tang, Cold Storage and the Singapore Emporium. The Far East Air Force Band
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  • 139 12 No 9 Lives Business Would you believe that a eat was responsible for Saturday night's "blackout** at Hotel Malaysia? Everyone was taken aback, when at 12.14 a.m. every light in the 11th storey hotel went out. Anxious officials went about hurriedly to find the
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  • 42 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Sarawak Government toray blamed the Sarawak Communist organisation for the two cases of arson in Kuching cn Friday morning. It said it has obtained complete evidence on this, but could not disclose details for security reasons.
    42 words
  • 56 12 DUE to unforseen circumstances, the 150 th Anniversary of the founding of Singapore and the 32nd Anniversary of the Singapore Traction Company Employees' Union Celebration Dinner will be held at 5 p.m. instead of 7.30 pjn. on Saturday on June 14. The venue is the Happy Nightclub and
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  • 31 12 THE Adult Education Board will hold an 8-week course in "Keeping Accounts for Societies" at its office in Cairnhill Road, commencing on July 5. Applications close on June 18.
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  • 68 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The curfew relaxation in the Kuala Lumpur Police District for tomorrow has been extended by another two hours from 5.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Areas which will enjoy the longer curfew relaxation include Subang. Subang International Airport, Sungel Buloh New Village. Keponf
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  • 110 12  -  By K. S. SIDHU SIXTY tiny tots remained lost in a world wonder and magic for all of 45 minutes on Saturday. They were being entertained by the World's "King of the Pickpockets" Steford Kalanu at the Red Cross Home in Tanah Merah. Though
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  • 84 12 Determined to make this a "Give and Take** affair, Kalanu was in turn treated by the children to a repertoire of pop songs ending with "When the Saints go Marching in," to his Intense satisfaction. Said Kalanu. his eyes a mite misty: "This has been
    84 words
  • 276 12 BROADCASTING DEPT. CONTEST WINNERS of the Song Competition organised by the Department of Broadcasting have finally been selected by a panel of judges. This began on March, 31. The competition, reflecting the history, life and aspiration of the people of Singapore, was divided into fou
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  • 141 12 THE DOMESTIC savings drive launched last September had resulted in a steady Improvement with new records in volume of savings and saving accounts last month. A record number of new accounts, the highest in any one month, now stands at 26.449 and new accounts in March and
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  • 70 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. No major incidents have been reported in the last 12 hours ending at 8 a.m.. the Information Control Centre here said this morning. It adden that there were only s few isolated incidents. These incidents and rumour mongering were the main cause of
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  • 29 12 THE Adult Education Boara will hold a 16-week course In batik painting at its office in Cairnhlll Road, beginning on June 22. Applications close on June 14.
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  • 122 12 Sport The Nation Sports can not only build muscles but a'so national concepts apd aspirations such as the oneness and togetherness of a nation. Enche Mohd. Ghazali Ismail, Polllcal Secretary to the Ministry of Education, said this at the closing ceremony of the Schools National Basketball championships at the Chung
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  • 142 12 The Secretary-Oeneral of the Democratic Action Party, Mr. Goh Hock Guan vesterdav explained his absence at the forum on 'Regional Cooperation" at the University of Singapore on June 6. It was because of the abscence of another speaker. Dr. Mahathir, a central executive committee member
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  • 40 12 THE Adult Education Board will hold a 12-week course in "Graphic Design and Silk Screen Printing" at the Cultural Centre, beginning from June 26 (7 p.m. to 10 p.m daily). The closing date for applicants is June 16.
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  • 296 12 SINGAPORE is the melting pot of various cultures of this region, and this has placed an obligation on Singaporeans to spearhead the blending of these cultures. The president of the University of Singapore's Indian Cultural Society, Mr. Joseph Rajah, speaking at a tea party in
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  • 115 12 The Geylang Serai Citizen's Consultative Committee has organised a goodwill committee whose object is to create and maintain a happv atmosphere among the people in the area. The Secretary of Geylang Serai C.C. Committee. Mr. Lawrence Arokia, said the C.C. Committee had formed a goodwill
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous