Eastern Sun, 13 September 1967

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1 16 Eastern Sun
  • 24 1 Eastern Sun tnifependent National Daily SINGAPORE EDITION Estd. 1966. Vol. 2 No. 409 Wednesday, 13 September 1967. MC(P) 2251 KD!M 2660 Price 15 cents
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  • 565 1  -  by Lim Thow Boon ITU ALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Governmerit will consider raising additional money by way of taxes to meet any shortfall in revenue in the light of the drop in the prices of rubber and tin. However, in its calculation, the Government
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  • 346 1 India calls for ceasefire; Chin^odges^senou^^rofest' MEW DELHI, TLES. (REUTER UPI) firing at Nathu Pass on the Tibet-Sikkim border continued intermittently throughout the night, the Indian Defence Ministry said today. The Ministry said the firing was on a smaller scale than yesterday. Machine guns, mortars and artillery were used
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  • 59 1 A forest of lanterns. This is how Petaling Street in Kuala Lumpur looks. The Mooncake Festival Is on Monday and everyone is shopping for lanterns to light up the town. Eastern Sun pix by Mok Yoon shows one of the customers trying out a lantern on wheels
    Eastern Sun pix by Mok Voon  -  59 words
  • 130 1 MANILA. Tues. (Reuter) A Malaysian Embassy spokesman here said today the embassy knew nothing about a note it was alleged to have received regarding a former Philippine Congressman. Mr Ombra Amilbangsa, proclaiming himself "Sultan of Sabah However, Mr. Andrew Gruber. an American who is handling the matter
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  • 130 1 MIAMI BEACH. Florida, Tues. (Reuter) Jack Dempsey defeated "Gentleman Jim" Corbeit with a seventh-round knockout here last night in the first of a series of computersimulated heavyweight title fights designed to find out who wa« the rreatest boxer of all time. Crowds in Miami Beach
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  • 84 1 TOKYO. Tues. (Reuter) General agreements to supply Malaysia with a Japanese yen loan worth US$5O million were signed here today by Enche A. B. Samad Noor. visiting Deputy Secretary of the Malaysian Treasury, with the Japanese Government's Oversea* Economic Co-opera- tion Fund and the ExportImport Bank of
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  • 96 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The National Electricity Board Employees' Union is to serve a 30-day ultimatum on the Board to start negotiations on the *tt» claims and nondltion* of services, submitted on Feb. 1. this year The President of the Union. Mr. P Vellachami. in a
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  • 179 1 BEIRUT. Tues. 'Router UPI) lsraeli forces e>7 handed heavy fire across the Sue* Canal at Qantara today after two Israeli Mirage jets violated Egyptian airspace. Egypt said today. A statement by the C.A.IL Armed Forces High Command quoted by Cairo Radio said the two Mirages were
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  • 63 1 BANGKOK. Tues. (Renter) Communist guerillas ambushed a police party, killing an officer and wounding three others, in the Southern Yala Province yesterday. police souwes said today. The police party of 32 men fought its way out of the ambush and re-engaged the Communists in two fierce
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 G.M.DE silva GOES A^LONC J Dealers in Gems, Jewellery and Watches of high Quality alto official distributer of Mikimeto Cultured Pearls. UrtttitfiM CAiNu. Wm 1. m:7lt«C FULLY AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL EVEN WITH ONE CANDLE-LIGHT POWER YASHICA Even omfer Mazing aonftght or dim candle light, the transistorized electronic shutter with shock
      79 words
    • 204 1 Handicrafts Rosewood Furniture Lacquer Screen and Cabinet CAR PARKING Available at rear entrance. (S'porc) m PEIPING STORE LTD., 9? 173. Orchard Road, Singapore. 15-17. Suleiman Court, off |alan TuankH Abdul Rahman, behind China Insurance Bldg. K. Lumpur. Performance The 1.089 ee. e«gine mors economical yet offers a better, mora brilliant
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 784 2  -  By Musa Scully T/"UALA LUMPUR, Tues. Naval frogmen and Army commandos will be seen in action in the Federal capital on Saturday Armed Forces Day. About 12 frogmen from the Royal Malaysian Navy will give displays on underwater demolition work at the Chinwoo
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    • 89 2 JESS ELTON, Tuei (.Reuter) Mr. Payer Juman, opposition member for Kmlu in the Legislative Assembly, resigned from the United Pasok-Momogan Kadazan Organisation today Mr Juman announcing his resignation from UPKO •aid he had become an Indepenrien'. In a statement, he said his continued participation in UPKO could
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    • 221 2 PEXAXG, Tues. The Mayor. Mr. Ooi Thiam Slew, today challenged the Chief Minister. Tan Sri Worif Pow N>e to 90 to the polls to get his mandate. "The mandate :n a democracy means free elections." stated Mr. Ooi. the purpose for which
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    • 326 2 KI'ALA LCMPt'R, Tues. 'Exercise Ccttt" is a small scale exercise as a follow up to Exercise Gedgely" which took place in Malaysia in June, this yaar. A British Army <pokes- man said today that >h» security situat.On wn mum improved although :t *a e kr.owr, that
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    • Article, Illustration
      212 2 JOHORE BAHRUS HOUSE-BREAKING GANG JOHORF BAHKI', Tues The Johorc Police hive •mashed a highly-organised fang of house-breaking specialists here and recovered a substantial quantity of stolen property, including a »1 508 Aim projector belonging to the iohore Information Department. The crackdown of the un- derworld wag aunched by ASP
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    • 93 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuea.— A 54-day tour of India ia comfort by sea, rail and air for only SI.BM Eighteen Government officers will be leaving here on Friday for such a tour which will take them through Delhi. Bomoay, Snnagar. Benaria. Calcutta and Kashmir Thev will also
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    • 77 2 SINGAPORE Tues. Three teenaged girls were today remanded for a week by the Ninth Magistrates Court on a charge of continuing to be members of an unlawful assembly after it had been lawfully ordered to disperae. They are Lee Ah Un. 15. Khor B.ah,
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    • 59 2 ALOR BTAR Tues —'The Malaysian Chinese Association Kedah branch ha* objected to the proposal to set up a padi marketing board in the State Also objeteing to the eatabluhment of such a board is the Kedah Rice Millers' Association. The association feared that, the proposal If
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    • 49 2 MUAR. Tues. Three warships of the Royal Ma laysian Navy will pay a three-day courtesy visi* to the Muar Harbour from Sept 18 Officers o- the warships will explain the various function* of the Malaysian Navy to school-children and members of the public
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    • 49 2 TAWAU. Tues. The draw for r h# 14th social welfare lottery for 1967 scheduled to be held on Wednesday Oct 11 will take place for the first time here The draw, to start at 2 pm. will be made at the Kong Fab theatre here
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    • 41 2 IPOH Tues.—One hundred rounds of 9 mm. ammunition and an automatic pistol magazine ware stolen from a house in Jalan Hussein las' night They belonged to Choo Kim Foong The thieves also got away with $6O.
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    • 30 2 KUALA KANGSAR Tues. The Indian High Commiasioner to Malaysia, Sri Mohamad Ataur Rahman, was today received in audience by the Sultan of Perak at Istaiu IskandanaJn hare.
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    • 250 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The new Butterworth railway station will be opened for passenger and parcels traffic from 6.30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 15. The Penang Port Commission ferry services will convey all railway passengers between Penang and Butterworth. The arrival and departure
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    • 164 3 J ESS ELTON. Tues. The Fr.me Minister. Tunku Abdul Rahman, has been invited by the Sabah Government to perform the opening ceremony of the new Tawau General Hospital. This was disclosed here today by the Acting Chief Minister. Dato Khoo Siak Chiew According to
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    • 217 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Mentri Besar. Dato Haran bin Haji Idns. wUI open the 2nd anniversary celebrations of the Malaysia Hindu Sangam here on Sept 18 at 8 p.m. The celebrations, planned on a lavish scale, will be held at "Kalamandapan' of the Kandaswamy Temple in
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    • 76 3 Azizah binte Zainal Abidin. the "Fire Brigade Queen" with a 36-23½-36 figure. A beauty consultant, Azizah. 23. of Johore Bahru. was crowned by Datin Fatimah binte Abdul Majid, M.P., at the 15th annual social and dance of the national Firemen's Union held at the Straits View Hotel here recently. A
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    • 148 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Minister of Finance. Tun Tan Slew Sin. will lead the six-man Malaysian delegation to the Commonwealth Economic Consultative Council meeting in Port-of-Spam. Trinidad, and Tobago on Sept. 20 and 21. After the Commonwealth Finance Ministers' meeting in Port-of-Spain.
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    • 41 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues DSP S. S. Sundram, Contingent Signals Officer Kedah/Perlis, has been selected to attend an 18-month signals course at the College of Technology, Southampton. England. Mr. Sundram, 41 joined the Police Force in 1951.
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    • 96 3 MALACCA. Tues. The Malacca MCA Is to start a Scholarship Loan Fund to assist the children of poor members. This was disclosed by MCA leader, Dato Tan Cheng Swee. at the delegates conference on Sunday. Dato Tan. who was reelected State Chairman, said the party
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    • 274 3 KUALA KANGSAR, Tues The royal town here will go gay for four days on the occasion of the 43rd birthday of the Sultan of Perak. Tuanku Idris Shah. The Royal Malaysia Police Band from Kuala Lumpur are taking part in the fete with a
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    • 124 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues The strike by 700 employees of the Nanyang Shoe Factory here entered its second day today. The striking workers are members of the Shoe Factory Employees' Union. They downed tools in protest against the manage- ment's attitude over a fight between three employees
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    • 345 4 TOHORE BAHRU, Tues. "The ridiculous political adventures" of the opposition parties will bring disaster to Malaysia. This warning was given by the Mentri Besar Da to Hajl Othman bin Mohd. Sa'at here last night. He singled out the Democratic Action Party, the United
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    • 173 4 CLU LANG AT, Tues There is an urgent need for Malaysia to have a loyal generation to build a peaceful and pros perous society, said the Assistant Minister of Education. Mr. Lee Siok Tew. The future generation must be healthy in thoughts and actions
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    • 70 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Soviet News Agency Tass has sent its "sincere congratulations" to Mrlaysia's National News Agency, Bernama in connection with its launching last week. The General Director of Tass Agency. Mr. Lapin. in a telegram to the Chairman of the Board of Governors of
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    • 63 4 PENANG. Tues. A "Queen Of The Night" will be selected at the Penang Arts Council s "Art Ball '67" at the Penang Golf Club on Saturday night. The "Queen" will get a free round-trip ticket to Singapore via MalaysiaSingapore Airlines. Tickets are available at the
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    • 86 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Pirates struck again In Malacca Straits and this time robbed Malaysian fishermen of 52.653 worth of fishing equipment. Four fishermen of TanJong Sepat were Ashing In International waters when they were intercepted by a gunboat at 11 a.m. on Sunday. There were eight
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    • 61 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Seven lorries were detained as a resullt of an operation mounted by the Traffic Police here. Th« operation code-named "Operation Lorry" was held at Jalan Kuching between 730 am. ro 8.30 a m today. Sixty lorries were intercepted and sever, were detained for various
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    • 59 4 IPOH. Tues An exhibition of military weapons and equipment will be held on the padang of the sth battalion. Royal Malay Regiment, In Ash by Road here on Saturday, from 9 am to 5 pm. The exhibition, organised by the headquarters of the second Malaysia Infantry Brigade
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    • 46 4 KUALA LUMPUR Tues The Chief Minister of Sabah, Tun Mustapha bin Dato Harun, returned here today after two-months' medical treatment in London. He told Pressmen on his arrival at tlse Subanjr Airport. he was fully recovered and in good health.
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    • 35 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Saw Bok Kim. 24, was drowned in a disused mining pool near Jinjang New Village las' Saturday. Xo foul play was suspected. a police spokesman aaid today.
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    • 154 4 IPOH. Tues. The Malaysian Chinese Association is looking into allegations that the nominations of its executive committee in Perak was "rigged.'' A court of Inquiry, set up by MCA President, Tun Tan Slew Sin, held Its first closed-door meeting at the MCA Building In Brewster
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    • 66 4 The winners are Mr. Su San Wah, of Taiping (right), and Enche Yahya bin Ahmad of Dungun (second from right). Sitting next to
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    • 174 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A former Police restnctee is believed to be the "brains" behind a spate of house breakings here recently. A Police spokesman said today this man. who sneaked back into the Federal captial from restricted residence. was heading a well- organised gang 'We
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    • 150 4 MI'AR. Tues The Muar Veterinary Department «ill send a team to all the rural areas in the Muar District to rive fre* inoculations to poultry from tomorrow. The dates or the team s visits; Sept 13: Kampong Pint Unas. Jaian Abdul Rahman and Kampor.g Parit Haji Noor.
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    • 392 10 It will take over functions of S'pore Rubber Association SINGAPORE, Tues. A Singapore Rubber Fund is to be established under the Rubber Association of Singapore which will become a corporate body if a bill tabled before Parliament is passed. The Rubber Association of Singapore (Incorporation)
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    • 34 10 SINGAPORE. Tues Mrs. Wee Chong Jin. Wife of the Chief Justice of Singapore is the patron of the 1967 Poppy Sales Organising Committee Mrs Ee Peng Liang. Is chairman.
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    • 283 10 THE Building Fund Committee set up by the Singapore Association for Retarded Children will raise a sum of $250,000 to put up a new building for some 350 retarded children in the Republic. Following a meeting held last
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    • 42 10 TMr. RE Jennings, unrecently a company development officer with Shell Chemical Australia Pty. Ltd., has Joined the Australian Trade Commission as Assistant Trade Commissioner. He replaces Mr R T. Anderson who is returning to Australia. Mr. RE. JENNINGS
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    • 212 10 SINGAPORE, Tues An Indian sari expert pleaded with fashion houses not to modify the conventional sari He believes saris look better and more attractive as thev are unaltered Mr. Hoondamal P Uttam. a leading Indian textile merchant said this after he arrived in Singapore from
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    • 42 10 SINGAPORE. Tues. An 13-year-old youth. Tay Llong Blew, was today remanded by a Magistrate's Court for a week on a charge of possession of subversive documents at Dunearn Government Chinese Middle School yesterday The case will be mentioned on Sept. 9.
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    • 2717 10 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music today announced the results of the practical examinations this year. Private candidates and music teachers who have presented candidates are requested to call personally at the Examination* Dlvl slon. Ministry of Education. Kay Slang Road. Singapore
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    • 597 11 Ong: More public contributions to educational development SINGAPORE, Tues. The Ministry of Education will soon set up an advisory committee in each Government school composed of citizens residing in the district where the school is located. This was announced last night by the Minister
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    • 59 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. A 17-year-old girl. Lee Khee MJI charged in the Ninth Magistrate's Court today with criminal trespass with Intent to annoy the Principal of Dunearn Government Chinese Middle School yesterday. She claimed trial to the charge and was allowed ball of $5OO in one
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    • 188 11 SINGAPORE, Tues. A 25-year old cabaret girl was yesterday saved by the constant ringing of the telephone in her twostorey terrace house at Jalan Elok off Mount Elizabeth. The telephone which was ringing about fire minutes attracted her servant, who came running to answer the
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    • 80 11 SINGAPORE, Tu e s The Adult Education Board has announced that application for admission into German Language courses organised jointly by the Board and the German Embassy are still being accepted. Each course comprises 20 weekly lessons of 2 hours each. The tuition
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    • 134 11 SINGAPORE. Tues A manager's assistant. Madam Penny Lim Cheng Sim told the High Court in a divorce proceedings today that -here was nothing in common between her and her husband. Madam Lim was giving evidence before Mr Justice Bu'trose at the hearin* of her divorce
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    • 121 11 SINGAPORE, Tues National Servicemen will be included in the Special Constabulary wide- a Bill now tabled before Parliament The Police Force (Amendment) Bill was read the first time in Parliament, on Sept. 7. At present, the Special Constabulary consists only of volunteers
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    • 153 11 SINGAPORE, Tues. Families of political detainees now under detention today asked the Government to allow them to visit the detainees The Barisan Sosialis gave its backing to this. The Barisan Sosiahs Chairman, Dr Lee Siew Choh, claimed that the political detainees
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    • 103 11 SING APORE. Tue s. Two French models from Paris and probably some local models will P u U P fashion show for charity at the residence of the r encn Ambassador. 7. Gallop Road •t 10.30 a m on Sept. 20. The French models. France
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    • 68 11 SINGAPORE. T jes Police are looking for the relatives and friends of a male Chinese who was found floating yesterday at the Kallang River. Police said he was five feet four inches and wore a white shirt and li*bt grey shorts. There were no papers
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    • 79 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. Justice Winslow today sentenced a gunman to seven years Imprisonment on each of the two charges of unlawful possession of firearm and ammunitions. The gunman. Bulera bin Koro pleaded guilty to both the charges. The firearm and ammunitions were recovered from an unnumbered hut in
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    • 201 11 SINGAPORE. Tues The Minister for Health. Mr Yong Nyuk Lin. who mil be leading a five-man delegation to 'he United Nations Genera' Assemoly left by air for New York this morning The three-month session of the Genera! Assembly will begin next Tuesday The other
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    • 38 11 SINGAPORE. Tues The Singapore Philatelic Society will hold a Postage Stamp Exhibition from Serct. 29 to Oct. 1 at the Victoria Memorial Hall i n commemoration of one hundred years of postage stamps in the ReDuhlic.-
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    • 310 11  -  By K. S. SIDHU. 0 Voices In harmony that's what they trade in, the Les Baxter Balladeers a fantastic staffing trio from America. Now performing at the Goodwood Hotel. Arundel Room until Sept. 19. the wide repertoire includes spiritual item*, folk songs and "the latest and crauest
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    • 137 11 SINGAPORE. Tues Advertisements of medicinal products relating to 18 diseases and conditions will be prohibited. If a Bill now tabled in Parliament is passed The Medicines (Advertisement and Sale) (Amendment) Bill was read for the first time In Parliament on Sept 7.
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    • 29 11 SINGAPORE Tues—The Traffic Polio here recorded a total of 93 road accidents of which three were classified as serious during the t>aat 24 hours in the ItaauhlM
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    • 846 11 Contractors complain: SINGAPORE, Tues A group of local contractors today charged that there was now an acute shortage of cement in the country because local manufacturers were trying to achieve a trade monopoly in the cement market. The contractors, 35 of s them,
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    • 195 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. A sum ot $415,700/- has approved by the Government for the provision of street lights at 52 public streets The roads to be lighted ai Jalan Kiiang Barat, Btnjai Hill. Binjai Rise. B:njai Walk, Cheor.g Chin Aan Road. Upper Changi Roed (10ms to lHms),
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 420 2 'k WMK 1 i PQIZES One first prize —5lOO cash Two second prizes—s 50 cast) each Thirty consolation prizes -1 carton Marlboro each WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO The above is a cut.up wttion of photograph One •action will «ppeif daily IN TFCRT column Collect tbe in sections. appeari ng
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 121 3 Jet MSA to Bangkok better departure times every week... 4 non-stop afternoon jets 3 breakfast jets via Penang 4 breakfast jets via Kuala Lumpur ■H m F*AANG AFA lOJCRNG NON-STOP TO BANGKOK: Depart 4.20 p.m. each Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. VIA PENANG: Depart 8.30 a.m. each Monday. Thursday, Saturday (Depart
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 134 3 .L. DIARY Exhibition of paintings from Ball at Sam a t Art Gallery. sth floor. AIA Building. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.: Tenth National Art Exhibition at National Art Gallery 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.: Asia Impressions Art Exhibition at Galerl 11. Jalan Pinang. 10 am. to 7 p.m.: Works
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 1 J L all U.N.C.L.E: fans JHE EASTERN SUN U.N.C.L.E. FAN CLUB, sponsored solely by the Eastern Son, welcomes all U.N.C.L.E. fans to apply for membership. The object of the Club is to. bring together all the fans of the U.NC.UB. agents, Illya ft Solo. Every Wednesday, the Eastern Son
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    • 58 4 ff m mS w* hi! Fm Tommy Tiger. save with PUBLIC and I'm a yours- free! —or choose my many pais. Start a savings account with us to-day and watch your money grow. Your future will be as secure as your savings with a Public Bank savings account. We look
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    • 205 5 NEW YORK. Tues. (UPI) —More than 45.000 teachers boycotted opening day classes in the nation's largest school system yesterday In a determined drive to win higher pay and more control over educational policy. The Board of Education opened all 900 schools "officially" on schedule
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    • 299 5 1 Towards a United Europe LUXEMBOURG. TUCS. (Reut«r) Europe cannot become a real partner of the United States until Britain has joined the European Common Market, M. Paul-Henri Spaak former Belgian Foreign Minis- ter said yesterday. M. Spaak. also a former NATO Secretary-General, was speaking at the opening
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    • 242 5 CHICAGO Tues. (UPI) A 5-year-old girl was wandering around her home in the New York city area when she found a stray sugar cube. Predictably, she ate It. Unpredictably, she was screaming uncontrollably 20 minutes later that her body was cut off
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    • 108 5 WASHING TON Tues (Reuter) The senate has ratified the new commercial treaty between the United Sta'es and Thailand which President Johnson has said reflects the two countries' friendship and close cooperation. The senators unanimously approved the ten-year pact, which dearts with business and property r.ghts. taxation,
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    • 232 5 BRUSSELS. Tues. <Reuter) The six-nation Atomic Lnergy Community (EURATOM) last denied a pre>s report which stated that thermonuclear research at Its Italian station could have military aims. It said, in a communique issued here by its commission. that the work at the Frascati Station near Rome
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    • 89 5 The original Pestalozzi Children's Village was established in Switzerland in 1946 to take in children from war devastated countries, and in 1959 a Village was started in Britain at Sedles- combe battle in Sussex for the same purpose. Here the children who come from many different parts of the world
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    • 452 5 2 Towards a United Europe Appeal to religion' W ursaw, Tuen. (Neuterf—President HP Gaul If today offered Poland a partnership in a grand design in unit** all hurope, moire the German problem and help in end the Vietnam war. Addressing; the SFJM (Poland's Parliament)
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    • 249 6 WASHINGTON. T a e »1 (UPl)—The Navy is frantically searching for a sunken ship loaded with explosives which it lost off Alaska last month. The ship is an old wartime liberty ship. the Robert L. Stevenson. The Navy deliberately sank it on
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    • 166 6 EAST ST. LOUIS. Illinois. Tues <UPI» Negroes smashed windows and hurled fire bombs last night in the second night of unrest following a speech by 'Black Power" advocate H Rap Brown. Night Chief of Police J. Cedell Mosley said. We have been having some trouble.
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    • 26 6 WASHINGTON. Tutl. i Re-uter) Indian Deputy Prime Minister Mr Morarfi Drsat told key U.S. government officials today that his countryfood situation look much better
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    • 88 6 PAPEETE. Tahiti. Tues. (UPI) At least 16 territorial assembly representatives favouring selfgovernment for Tahiti were assured of seats in the 30-member assembly yesterday. With more than 99 per cent of the vote counted in Sunday's assembly election. 16 and possibly 17 proponents of autonomy had been elected.
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    • 597 6 WASHINGTON, Tues. Secretary of State Mr. Dean Rusk hopes to gain a statement of moral support on Vietnam during talks with Japanese Foreign Minuter >lr. Takeo Miki this week. t'.S. State Depart- ment officials said today. Mr. Rusk and Mr. Miki will
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    • 220 6 UNITED NATIONS, Tues (UPI) South Africa hat threatened to withhold its financial support from the United Nation* if th f world organisation continued to sanction efforts to create a "state of anarchy" in the Republic. I A South African memorandum, answering charges made
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    • 61 6 THE fourth Organisation of African Unity (OAU) "summit" conference opened in Kinshasa, the Congo, last nifht with only 13 of the 38 African heads of states present. Photo shows Emperor Haile Salaasie of Ethiopia (left) with Congo President Joseph Mobutu.UN Secretary General U Thant says he expects to be there
      UPI Radio Photo.  -  61 words
    • 376 6 UNITED NATIONS, Tues. (UPI) Nine Communist and Afro-Asian countries have formally called on the General Assembly to expel Nationalist China and five that country's U.N. seat to the Peking regime. Albania. Alger, a. Cambodia. Congo (Brazzaville). Cuba. Guinea. Mai:. Romania and Syria las» week requested
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    • 115 6 AngloSaxon Forces united by telstar WASHINGTON, Tues. (Reuter) Britain has decided to join a satellite communications system which will link its troops with those of Canada, Australia and the United States on the battlefield, informed sources said today. When perfected. the system, known a s the Mallard Multi-National Army Communications
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    • 121 6 TORONTO. Tues. (Renter) World leaders must enlKt youth in the struggle for better way of life or suffer the consequence of social disorder and chaos. the head of the Food and Agricultural Organisation or the Cnlted Nation* said yesterday. In an addres* to the young
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    • 111 6 SPOK ANE, ashinrton. Tn« <UPI) Rislnc demand and fallmt production will lead Japan to import more wheat live Japanese flour millers said yesterday They appeared at a newt conference here while on a tour of the United States wheat growing areas. Mr. Keinosuko Numata. President of
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    • 77 6 WASHINGTON, Tues. (UPI) The U.S. Navy i* testing a new lightweight remote-control gun primarily for use on destroyers The Defence Department said the weapon, made partly of aluminium, weighs less than 50,000 pounds one-third as much as the 5-lnch tun* now u«ed The navy said the
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    • 251 6 WASHINGTON. T u e s The International Mone's ry Fund (IMF has re.eased an outline of the proposed plan for a new kind of money to help finance world trade and investment. The plan was approved last month by the Group of ten" financial powers and
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    • 368 6 LAS VEGAS. Nevada. Tues. (Reuter) —Howard Hughes. America's most mysterious and elusive multi-millionaire. has broken his 15-year-long silence to forecast this Western desert town may become the main terminus for supersonic transport aircraft to serve Nevada. California and Arizona. Although Mr Hughes, who
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    • 443 7 Stalin "s decree made UPI Reuter. MOSCOW. Tues. The Soviet government has exonerated more than 100.000 Tartars whom Josef Stalin banished from their Crimean homeland for alleged collaboration with the Germans during World War n. A decree of the Supreme Soviet signed by President Nikolai Podgorny said
      UPI; Reuter.  -  443 words
    • 141 7 Nigerian war LAGOS. Tues (Reuter) Nigeria's Federal Military Government claimed it has put out of action the airport at Enugu. capital of the breakaway Eastern State of Biafra. with massive bombing raids over the past 24 hours. In its latest war bulletin the government said the Federa
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    • 196 7 LONDON. Tues. «Reuter) A n»»w daily newspaper went on sale today six months late because Its labour-saving machine* caused a union row about staffing. The Evening Post, latest in the vast world chain owned by Can ad! an-born Lord Thomson, will serve
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    • 325 7 HONG KONG, Tues. (Reuter) Fighting between rival factions in China's Kwangtung province has disrupted food supplies to the neighbouring Portuguese territory of Macao, the South China Morning Post reported today. In a despatch from its Macao correspondent, the British-owned newspaper said no food supplies arrived
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    • 77 7 NEW YORK Tues < Reuter i A nti-Vietnam war pickets turned out in strength m New York todar when the I" S. rovernment's Agency for International Development (AID) opened a campaign to recruit 1.5 M civilians to work in South Vietnam Th»» pickets surrounded the front
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    • 36 7 MANILA. Tues. President Marcos pardoned 113 prisoners on the occasion of his .>©th birthday anniversary yesterday. Las* month, the President also granted executive c'emency to "1 convicts who had reached 65 years or over.
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    • 35 7 AUTHOR of "The Tropic of Cancer", Henr y Miller,7 5 and singer pianist Hiroko (Hoki) Tokuda,28 were married in a Beverly Hills home on Sunday.It was Millers fifth marriage and the bride's first. UPI photo.
      UPI photo.  -  35 words
    • 190 7 Surveyor-5 unravels lunar secrets CAPE KENNEDY. Florida. Tues. Reuter)— America's Survftor V spacecraft be(an usinr Its chemistry kit to try to <«lvf the age-old question of what the moon is made of. yesterday. Officials pronounced Surveyor in excellent condition after Intricate touchdown manoeuvre* Anxiety had
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    • 63 7 MANILA. Toes. <Reuter> The Armed Forces of the Philippines <AFP> has intensified intelligence operations because of a reported Increase in Communist activities here. Military authorises said ♦he illegal entrants tn the southern oart of the coun*ry were mostly "Confirmed Communis s from e'.ther Indonesia or Communist
      63 words
    • 80 7 JAKARTA. TUPS. (Reuter) Six Innonesian Communists have been killed in battle wi h security forces in tne Northern Celebes. Indonesia's An ara news agency reported today. The agency repor T ed from Menado the Northern Celebes capital that the bat le took place when government
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    • 80 7 NEW YORK. Tues < Reuter) Singer Frank Sinatra has walked out on his contract to perform at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas because he was denied credit at the hotel's casino. New York Post columnist Earl Wilson reported today. "Yeah. I quit the Sands." Sinatra
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 426 5 OF LONDON, brings direct from overseas the very latest eye make-up Fabulous new Brush-On eye shadow Exciting new Cake Eyeliner Exquisite new' Make Believe'eyelashes Plus:a fantasy of fabulous new products CYCUX "USH toADOHp' CVCUX •MAKE BEUEWT EVE LWHXUP m C(f.+*YV IU" 09 A\Cy c X The eyes have it! This
      426 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 SINGAPORE'S ONLY INDEPENDENT NATIONAL DAILY If tou live in Singapore or in Malaysia or in the surrounding areas, why not subscribe to the EASTERN SUN and have it delivered to your home daily or to your office if preferred? All you have to do is fill in the form below
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1062 7 CHANNEL 5 KUALA LUMPUR and Pulau Pinang: 6 Ipoh and Melaka; 3 lo Johore Bahru. 4 Taiping; 7 Batu Pahat: 9 r t v M 5 45 Prog. Summary: a.50 News Outlines in the national Language; 5.55 National Songs; 600 News in i World Round-Up <•00 News in English; 710
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  • 858 8 THE Minister of Education. Enche Mohamed Khir Johari, speaking at the opening of a Malay secondary school in Kangar by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong over the week-end expressed his regret that many Malay parents still failed to send their children for secondary education. He urged Malay intellectuals
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  • Article, Illustration
    1141 8  -  A city of present and past delights By Wee Hock Chye Our staff reporter in Malacca. This is his second instalment on his recent tour of E. Malaysia. Manila, Hong Kong and Bangkok. MANILA is a city of present and past delights. It loves modern living, but also clings
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  • LETTERS...
    • 820 8  -  Ibrahim bin Ali. CONTROLLER-GENERAL IMMIGRATION, MALAYSIA. WISH to make the following clarification in reply to letters from Richard Tan and Scorpion appearing on page 8 of Eastern Sur on Saturday, 9th September, 1967:- Richard Tan and Scorpion must appreciate the fact that Malaysia and Singapore
      820 words
    • 102 8  -  RANNY CNG Baling of educated People live in Sungei Patani ILm PUb iC brary On the other hand there a Xl J2?fli? nice golf course for a small number of golf nlayers. And thousands of do!IE fie e d SPent t0 Which is better, a z 0 lf
      102 words
    • 54 8  -  inrrii IVVCrCa. Mil-iv ciru VA\I i; 01 L,n iiflji, i(. Director of fublic Works, Singapore I REFER to the letter from Chris J. Tay which appeared in the "Eastern S» n on 16th August, 1967, and am pleased to inform him that the gap along the railings
      54 words

    • 293 9 rjENEVA, Tues. (Reuter) Trade between members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) has more than doubled since the group was founded seven years ago. its annual report said today. The report covering July 1966 to June 1967 added that with minor
      293 words
    • 153 9 JAKARTA. Tues (Reu Indonesia's export dipped sharply In August despite the lntroauction of new -economic regulations aimed at boostlne the country's export trade, it was announced here today. Figures released by the trade department put total export earnings, excluding petroleum at 521.*****0 in August compared with
      153 words
    • 97 9 LONDON. Tues (UPI) The rubber market closed Inactive with spot 15-1 8 15-1 2. Settlement House: Oct 15-1/4 15-7 16 Nov. 15-7 16 15-5 3 Dec. 15-9 16 15-3 4 Jan March 15-7/16 15-5/8 April June 15-13 16 16 July Sept 16-3 16 16-3/8 Oct Dec 16-7
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    • 16 9 SINGAPORE. Tues— The tin price for today was $593 per picul, up 50 eta.
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    • 208 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Mr. Mok Chee Slang. Equipment Engineer of Dunlop Malayan Industries Limited, left Kuala Lumpur today for a ninemonth engineering training course In the U K Mr. Mok become* the 34th member of the Dunlop Malayan Industries Limited to be sent overseas
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    • 63 9 NEW YORK. Tues. (UPI) Closing Dow-Jones averages on the New York stock exchange: 30 Industrials 909.62 20 Rails 259.28 15 Utilities 131.42 65 Stocks 327.23 40 Bonds 79.28 Commodity Future Index 132.02 The volume was 9,170.000 shares. Of a total 1.481 issues traded. 604 were higher and
      63 words
    • 277 9 SINGAPORE. Tues —A very advanced type of cargo vessel will arrive in port flying the Royal Interocean Lines colours tomorrow This ship. the STRAAT HOLLAND", is the first of four high speed, all pur pose cargo vessels which will be introduced on RlL's FAR EAST-AFRICA-SOUTH AMERICA
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    • 88 9 NEW YORK. Tues (UPI) Stock prices turned mixed in active trading after heavy profit taking almost erased an early advance. Analysts attributed early strength to some encouraging items in the weekend news including a pickup in buying by American business. But they said traders still seem
      88 words
    • 104 9 WASHINGTON, Tud. (Reuter) General Services Administration today announced an offering of 17.500 long tons of crude rubber for sale in its disposal programme during the quarter beginning Oct. 1, the same amount as in the the previous quarter. GSA. said 10.000 tons would be set aside
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    • 338 9 SINGAPORE. Tues September first grade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur today at 47i rents per lb., down five eighths of a cent from previous close. The tone was uncertain. Initial price indication was fractionally lower on last night's levels.
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    • 24 9 HONG KONG. Tues. (UPI) Money Quotations: HKS--5 7725/5.7JW25 per l*S doUar for cash HK516.09 per pound sterling HK«269.5 per tael gold
      24 words
    • 825 9 SINGAPORE. Tuei. Ben Si Co and Gammon dominated the day's active on the Stock Exchange Otherwise, the market had a quiet tone However, industrial prices on the whole mere steacy but dealings were rather selective. The highest turnover was returned by Ben
      825 words
    • 90 9 MANILA Tues. (UPI) A 12-man trade mission from Finland headed by Ambassador Helkkl Hannika;nen arrived here for a five-day visit to explore possibilities of increasing trade between the Philippines and Finland. The de egatlon's schedule Include discussions with Philippine government and bu c ineleaders and
      90 words
    • 95 9 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The Association of Banks in Malaysia today made the following changes in its rates to merchant*: NEW YORK: Buying TT. 32-9 16; Airmail OD 3211/16: 90 d/st. 334 credit bills. 33-7/16 trade bills. CANADA: Buying T.T. 354; Airmail OD 35 J; 90 d/st 352 credit bills;
      95 words
    • 492 9 SINGAPORE—Stock Exchange bid and offer price* officially listed at the close of business. INDUSTRIAL Ben A- Co Boustead C sngar Chemical Co Cold Morage Dunlop F. Smelting E.A. E**o Ord*. T. A N. Ords. Gammon G.E. I.lfe (iuinnesv H Ollfillan Hotel s'pura CD Hume (>I> Ltd Hump (F.E.)
      492 words
    • 53 9 (Managers' Price*) First Malayan 2.29 2.3* second Malayan l.M 1.73 Third Malayan 1.13 1 22 The Com mere* A Industry Kund... 417 97 The Savings Fund XD 1.24 1.S3 Ma lax an Investment (und 1.00 1.10 First Hongkong .77 *2* Second Hongkong .52 5«* 8'lng Commodity 3/10 4/5
      53 words
    • 102 9 SINGAPORE. Tuev The noon prk-e*. at the Singapore Chines Produce Exchantr toda> are > Barer Seller I'wunul oil (FOB Hulk 48 00 Coconut Oii (FO B brum* 50 50 Loixf Copra Mlird sept on 29.50 Muntok White Pepper (F.O.B.) XL*. 127.50 Sarawak White Pepper (FOB) N.L.U 125.00 Sarawak >pedal
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    • 20 9 WASHINGTON. Tue«. <Reuter> The General Services Administration announced that no tin was sold today from national stockpile.
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    • 208 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. The followinr ships are expected to be in port today:Godowns Veasels 1/2 Bavaria 3/4 Shoun Maru 5 Grand Explorer 6/7 Bawean 8 8 Waitaki 10/11 V*almas 13/14 Woodville 15/16 Straa* Freetown 18 Iyo Maru 19 Bankura 21. 22 Empire Kittwake 23 24 Rajah 25/26 Anna
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    • 822 9 AIR MOVEMENTS S'PORE, K. LUMPUR ARRIVALS IN SINGAPORE Time 12.05 a m. Airline MSA 029 from Kuili lumpur Time 8 a.m. Airline MM SOU from Perth. Time 8.35 a.m. Airline MSA "1® from Koala Lumpur Time S..MI a.m. Airline JAL 712 from Jakarta. Time 9 30 a.m. Airline MSA IXI
      822 words

    • 232 12 Eye research rpiNY contact lenses fitted to rats will Help research into human eye disease in New Zealand. They have oeen made by an Auckland firm which, by adjus*ing n*e equipment used for making glass Lenses for men. women, and children produced a plastic lens
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    • 224 12  -  By J.T. CLARKE /CANADA'S mining industry is looking to Asia as a possible source for labour because traditional immigration From Europe has seriously dwindled. A group of large companies and the Mining Association of Canada ar« specifically studying the South Korean market to see whether miners there
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    • 1058 12  -  Pressures from the proletariat on Soviet rulers Bu Sidney Weiland HALF a century after the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia's rulers face growing pressures between the demands of ideology and the needs of a modern state. The conflicting tensions, largely a battle of the generations, are
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    • 282 12 mand for tunnel workers at the British Columbia Government's huge hydroelectric project at the northern Peace River produced a severe shortage in the mines. This tunnel work in now finished but new hydro-electric projects in Central and Eastern Canada will create future shortages which,
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    • 413 12  -  By Alexander Chancellor name of Panhard, France's oldest automobile firm and possibly the oldest in the world, is disappearing from French roads after three-quarters of a century. Citroen took over the company two years ago and has Just ceased production of the last Panhard model. From now
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    • 962 12  -  DANGERS AND DIFFICULTIES AHEAD By ADRIENNE FARRELL JNDIA has entered its third decode of independence with a strong sense of the difficulties and dangers which lie ahead, and determination to overcome them. Despite the achievements of the past 20 years, signs of stress and
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    • 415 13 TT has long been well known in the cannier canine quarters of France that a soulful eye or hastily adopted limp when Mile. Brigitte Bardot moves into sight is generally good for a life of ease. Even the wo r st doggy actors or obviously
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    • 398 13 SINGAPORE, TUES. "'PHIS time Fronkenstein creates a beautiful girl from one who hot been ugly. Only something goes wrong. She goes around chopping people's heads off with an axe." Producer Anthony Nelson Keys almost seemed to lick his lips describing his latest horror thriller,
      398 words
    • 216 13 QINGAFORE Tuet "Never Judge a book by Its cover." so the saving goes Put this phrase in the context of a very French love affair and vou have the essence of "Angelique*\ a forthcoming Cathay release The beautiful Angehque (V Sauce. play* a pretty girl
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 43 13 Wl gH «> mm Ks*s. fv. v V. V ■■'j. x;• TICKETS $5. $3. 52, $1 available at COLD STORAGE LTD. Orchard Road. POPULAR BOOK CO. 359 North Bridre Road. WORLD BOOK CO. LTD. 205 South Bridae Road. MALAYSIAN C. E. TOURS LTD'S PRESENTATION
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 261 13 'SHAW GANISATION LIDO pt'-w* Sth W r«k: 11, IM. 4. 030 115 m Harr»: It* It No F"+ li»t! sea:: Ccasery is J%me» Bead 001 Tor ONLY LIVE TWICE' Tec==:r- or P»atl*loa <T7A» CAPITOL *****1 L»i* P»T: 11. 1 30. 4. 45, >'OT w«B9(nd(4 fw (Wlirw) W s=»r c? 3
      261 words
    • 199 13 IBSM fcoDEON .M 1 Ibj La»« 4 sit.i: 11, in, 4.00 «»f THE RABATE KILLER* Robert Vaughn Daud MeCaDun: MetrocoJor, fMOMI Premier* Tonlfht at fl 00 p m In Tovcm A Pull Stereophonic Sound THE DIRTY DOZEN COLOR Lee Marvin Ernett Borgnme SEASON FBOM TOMORROW ORC HARD ***** 14th Da*l
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 53 16 TIME AND TIDE Penang: 9.01 a.m. (5.8 ft), 10.28 p.m. (5.8 ft*) Port Swettenham: 12-21 a.m. (11.1 ft.), 1.16 p.m. (11.3 ft.) Port Dickson: 12.37 a.m. (5.5 ft.), 2.42 p.m. (6.1 ft.) Singapore: 5.01 p.m. (7.1 ft.) Sedili Kechil: 5.50 a.m. (7.1 ft.), 308 p.m. (5.9 ft) Kuan tan: 4.46
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