Eastern Sun, 7 December 1966

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1 16 Eastern Sun

  • 668 3  -  Daily-rated claim for wage increase By PETER LOKE SINGAPORE, Tues. The Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today flatly rejected claims from the Public Daily-Rated Employees' Union Federation for "wage increases." The Prime Minister said that he had very little room to give
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  • 169 3 SINGAPORE. Tues. Professor Max Beloff will speak on "The Role of International Organisations in World Affairs" at the University of Singapore on Friday. Dec. 16. at 7.30 p.m. here. Professor Beloff will be on a State visit from Dec. 14-18. He is a Gladstone
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  • 62 3 SINGAPORE. Tues.—The Closing date of the Tonic Gajah word-setting competition has been exuded to Dec. 7. The competition is being ?anised by Messrs. A.S. Mohd. Kassim and Co. of °<ngapore, Kuala Lumpur, *uchlng and Johore Bahru <Juct°le agents or the P ro prizes, including one r,?
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  • 100 3 SINGAPORE. Tues.—The Government will distribute $3,100 worth of foodstuffs and $7,800 worth of sarongs to Muslim islanders of Southern Islands, Pulau Tekong and Pulau Übin, during the fasting month, which begins on Dec. 13 or 14. Supplies for Southern Islanders will be distributed by the Minister
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  • 841 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, has urged the people to start thinking now as to how "we can have a tightly-organised society" otherwise the whole country will be chaotic. He was speaking at the joint celebrations held
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  • 204 3 SINGAPORE. Tues. A "satisfactory agreement" has been reached between the Singapore and Indonesia Governments on the repatriation of Indonesian pri-soners-of-war now detained in the Republic. This was disclosed today by Brigadier-General Sunarso of Indonesia before he departed for home by air after a three-day visit with
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  • 42 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. There will be no water in Blocks 101, 102, 108 and 110 Taman Jurong Flats on Thursday from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The shutdown is to enable connections to be made to the four-inch diametre main.
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  • 149 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. —Singapore's Economic Development Board has published a Trade Guide to inform overseas importers "what high quality manufactured products the Republic has to offer" The Trade Guide, published under the auspices of the Economic Development Board, of Singapore "is hoped to bring the products of Singapore
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  • 117 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. A 43-year-old taxi-driver, Low Siew Yong, was robbed of 523 cash his day's takings at Kampong Heap Guan San early this morning by two passengers he had picked up at Kam- pong Bahru earlier on. They had boarded his taxi and directed
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  • 95 3 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. S. M. Lim was elected President of the Singapore Association for the Blind. Three other Vice-Presi-dents were elected. They are Mrs. Wee Chong Jin, Mr. M. Coomaraswamy and Mr. Wong Yew Kee. Others elected were Hon. Secretary Mrs. Hed w i g
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  • 48 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. Two robbers one armed with a dagger yesterday held up a 60-year-old housewife. Gan Ah Gok. at Bedok Road and robbed her of $250 cash. She was bruised on the right hand wh"n she put up a struggle with the robbers.
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  • 21 3 SINGAPORE, Tues. There were 96 accidents of which eight were serious, during the past 24 hours. Police said today.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 f CABIN (COLD LIGHT) AUTO-ACE N24PROJECTOR r Lamp: low voltage 24V 150W true-focus "Cold light" with the 24V 150W low voltage lamp offers the following advantages: more light output than the conventional 300W lamp. Whiter light for correct colour temperature. Low working temperatures for maximum protection of you» slides. Great
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    • 56 3 S'pore Diary 7.30 p.m. National Library, Stamford Road: Foram Seni Lukis, (An Art Forum). 7.30 p.m. Victoria Theatre, Empress Place: National Language Month debate, organised by the Ministry of Culture. 7.30 Free film shows by the Ministry of Culture: RAF Seletar Quarters; Ping Mln School, Yan Kit Village; Kampong Teck
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    • 445 5 Washington, Tuesday. (UPI) \y ASH INGTON, Tues. (UPI) The State Department said yesterday it ignored proposals for Vietnam peace talks in 1964 because it believed the Hanoi government had no wish to end the war. The explanation followed a report in Newsweek
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    • 314 5 SAIGON Tires. The Republic cf Vietnam's amnesty programme sets a new record for success during November when 2,505 Communist soldiers laid down their arms and abandoned Communism. It was the highest monthly number of returnees since the programme began early in 1963 to assimilate
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    • 212 5 LONDON. Tues. (UPI) Commonwealth citizens who come to Britain on "working holidays" may be allowed to stay for longer than three months, depending on the merits of each case, a Home Office spokesman said yesterday. The spokesman was commentin? on a reported complaint by New
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    • 132 5 MOSCOW, Tues. (UPI) Ten Soviet air passengers had a lucky escape after their plane collided" at 650 feet with a pigeon and made a forced landing. But the Pigeon was even luckier. The pigeon flew right through the whirling Propeller of an AN-2 single-engine biplane without losing a
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    • 163 5 ROME. Tues. (UPP Blizzards, howling winds and heavy rains lashed storm-crippled Italy again yesterday as the nation struggle to recover from a month of disastrous floods. Seas churned to a fury by gale force winds and rain pounded the Lagoon City of Venice, whose barriers against
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    • 42 5 NEW DELHI. Tues. (UPI) Elections for a new Parliament and President will be held next Feb. 15, the Indian Government announced yesterday. Under the Indian Constitution, the President is elected by both Houses of Parliament and State Legislatures.
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    • 73 5 A MM AN, Jordan, Tues. King Hussein of Jordan inspects a guard of honour as he arrived at Parliament building to open an ordinary session of Parliament in Amman recently. In his address from the throne, the King called for anew Arab summit conference to consider the
      Palestine. United Press International Photo.  -  73 words
    • 360 5 WASHINGTON, Tues (UPI) Russia is in line to score an easy propaganda victory if, as expected, she responds to hungry India's urgent plea for wheat, diplomatic sources said today. The wheat is needed to fill a food gap that Indian officials blame on the United States.
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    • 448 5 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. (AP). —U.N. diplomats yesterday urged the U.N. Security Council for mandatory economic penalties against Rhodesia. But many African nations were already renewing demands for use of military force to smash the breakaway white minority regime. The 15-nation Council was expected
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    • 406 5 Tues. (UPI) US. Secretary of State Mr. Dean Rusk kept busy today with talks on the China issue and Vietnam war with Japanese Conservative Government leaders. Mr. Rusk, who arrived here last night en route to Paris for a Nato ministerial conference, began a busy
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    • 110 5 THOUSAND OAKS. CALIFORNIA, Tues. (UPI).— Actress Jayne Mansfield's woes mounted last night. After learning that her son has spinal meningitis, she was told by her doctor that she is suffering from viral pneumonia. The lusty Blonde actress was reported to have a temperature of 103. But she
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    • 258 5 JERUSALEM, Jordan, Tues. (UPI) Jordan's third largest city was under military eurfew today after fresh rioting aimed at undermining the throne of King Hussein. New violence in Nablus, some 25 miles north of here, broke out shortly after King Hussein had banned a protest
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    • 89 5 PARIS. Tues. (AFP) Israel stands by the principle that it will not the first country in the Middle East to develop an atomic bomb, Israeli Foreign Minister Mr. Abba Eban said in an interview published in the review "Realites" today. Mr. Eban said he did not believe
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    • 248 6 WASHINGTON, Taei. (AFP). An Agency for international Development grant of 'Food for freedom' wheat will be used as part payment of wages to help improve drinking water facilities in Ave states in India, A.I.D. announced here yesterday. The provision of potable water to villages that
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    • 188 6 B E I R U I, i.foanon. Tues. (AP) The trial of the alleged murderer of Kamel Mrowa, a prominent newspaper publisher, began yesterday with the defence claiming the court was not empowered to judge the case. Adnan Sultani. 24. is charged with having murdered Mrowa
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    • 125 6 RIO DE JANEIRO. Tues. (AP» Two children reportedly died of dehydration this week-end as record high temperatures sent 250 children to Rio hospitals. The mercury hit 104 degrees Fahrenheit the highest thus far this year and Cariocas took to the beaches and the mountains
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    • 124 6 ACCRA, Ghana, Tues. (AP) A score of Ghanaian doctors are known to have returned home from the United States and Europe since the Feb. 24 coup that toppled President Kwame Nkrumah. according to official statistics published recently. A number of Ghanaian medicos refused to return after completing
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    • 105 6 NUREMBERG. Germany. Tues. (AP) Labour statistics published yesterday reflected a levelling-ofT of the West Germany economy, which has been chronically short of labour for years. The Federal Labour Office reported the numbered of unemployed rose by 70,600 to 216.400 during November. This amounted to one per cent
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    • 120 6 PRINCESS YASUKO MIKASA, eldest daughter of Prince and Princess Mikasa will wed Moriteru Konoe an employee of the Japanese Red Cross Society, on December 18 in Tokyo. Prince Mikasa is the youngest brother of the Japans Emperor. Hirohito. Moriteru Kone is the adopted son of the late pre-war Prime Minister
      PAN A Photo.  -  120 words
    • 234 6 CAPE KENNEDY, Florida, Tues. (UPI) A multi-purpose telstar capable of controlling air na/igation, provide colour I v channels between continents and report on the weather will be launched tonight. The Applications Technology Satellite <ATS». is the first of five in a US $21.3 m programme that
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    • 309 6 ROME. Tues. (UPI) Actor James Mason and Hong Kong-born actress Yaschuko Yama. who stars with Sean Connery in the next James Bond film, p.iai to ce married, friends of the couple said last night. Neither Mason. 57, nor M Yama. 24. would confirm the
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    • 93 6 JAKARTA. Tueg (AFP) Newspaper vendors in Jakarta today introduced an "inexpensive read on the spot iystem" to cope with the recent increase in newspaper rates. The boys were shouting "one rupiah if you read the newspaper here and return it to us or Ave rupiahs if you
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    • 345 6 WASHINGTON. T u e s. (I'PI) The German Ambassador to the Hague, Julius Count Von ZzchBurkersroda, In 19 3 6 warned the German Foreign Ministry not to place "any great hopes" on the fact that Princess Juliana had become engaged to Prince Bernhard Zur
      (AP Photo)  -  345 words
    • 528 6 NEW YORK, Tues. A New York Times article yesterday said that relations between the I nited States and France "have sunk so low now that they probably have nowhere to go but up In his article Robert Kleimen, a staff writer who recently returned from
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    • 237 6 UNITED NATIONS. T Ue (AP) The U N General Assembly is scheduled todar to take up a resolution dorsing a comprehensive vey of the world's sea and conservation of fish storks Assembly approval of resolution is considered certain, since it was adopted last month by
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    • 193 6 NEW YORK. Tues. (API Mrs. John F. Kenned! has adopted the short look in hemlines, appearing at a stylish Manhattan restaurant recently wearing i skirt three inches abort mid-knee. As First Lady, the wife ol the late President sometimes was criticised fw wearing hemlines
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    • 356 7 WASHINGTON, Tucs. (AP) The Defence Department has decided to speed development of a new missile to counteract the air defences of North Vietnam. the Washington Post said today. The North Vietnamese brought down a record of P i e ht American planes on Friday.
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    • 231 7 BAGUIO CITY, Philippines. Tues. A church group here today plans to train men to assist their country in military service. The Far Eastern Division of Seventh-day Adventists has approved plans to conduct a medical cadet corps officers' training school in June in the Philippines. Delegates
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    • 113 7 UNITED NATIONS Tues. (UPI) The United Nations yesterday conceded as "substantially correct*' a report that secretary general U Thant relayed two Vietnam peace proposals with Hanoi's approval, both of which were rejected by Washington in 1964 and 1965. The United States dismissed the
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    • 113 7 PICTURED at the Bundestag here are the new West German grand coalition cabinet members. FRONT ROW (left to right): H. Paul Luecke (Interior); Hermann Hoecherl (Agriculture); Kaete Strobel (Health); President Heinrich Luebke; Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger; Willy Brandt (Foreign); Georg Leber (Transport). CENTRE ROW (left
      UPI Photo.  -  113 words
    • 157 7 GETTYSBURG. Pennsylvania, Tues. (AP) —Former President Dwight D. Elsenhower will enter the hospital on Thursday for removal of his gall bladder, his office announced yesterday. The exact day or time of the operation was not given. "The doctors have informed Gen. Eisenhower that he
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    • 158 7 LONDON. Tues (UPI) One of the world's most prestigious aviation publications suggested yesterday that the United States and Soviet Russia set up a space rescue service. Janes All The Worlds Aircraft for 1966-67, to be published here tomorrow, said the progress of aerospace science must be recognized
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    • 202 7 DAMASCUS. Tues. (AP) The official Syrian news agency said yesterday that the Syrian Government would impose extra transit and export fees on the Iraq Petroleum Company IPC to increase its revenue from the company. The measures to be taken by the government were included
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    • 499 7 'Worst police killings,' 'Great Train Robbery' trials now open LONDON. Tues. (I'PI) The trials of members who committed the worst cold-blooded police killings since 1910 and a member of the "Great Train Robbery" gang opens now in England. Both cases are expected to last over a week each. Ex-jungle fighter
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    • 170 7 BERLIN. Tues. (AFP) The Berlin's "Mayorelect". H Heinrlch Albertz, lent support today to the current fear that Berllners would not receive Christmas passes this year. "For the first time since 1963 there will probably not be Christmas passes unless reason prevails on the other side", he told Berlin
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    • 117 7 PARIS. Tues. (AFP)—A crowd of about ten thousand people massed outside the West German Embassy in Paris yesterday demonstratine against the NeoNaii national democratic party's recent election victories in West German State Elections. Armed police cordoned off the embassy as the demonstration. organised by the Movement
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    • 43 7 PARIS, France, Tues. Visiting Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin (right) shakes hands with Communist Chinese Ambassador Huang Chen here, when they met on Thursday. Premier Kosygin is currently on a nineday official visit to France. —UPI Photo. UPI Photo.
      UPI Photo.  -  43 words
    • 192 7 NEW YORK. Tues. (AP) —Millionaire heiress Barbara Hutton arrived in New York yesterday afternoon and angrily denied reports that she had left a US. S3 million settlement for her husband. Miss Hutton said she was on her way to Mexico City and that her husband.
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    • 247 7 WASHINGTON. Tucs. (AFP) The United States state department announced here today it was contemplating: easing restrictions on travel by American citizens to certain Communist countries. State Department spokesman Mr. Robert McCloskey said a review was now underway of restrictions on travel to Albania. Cuba, Red
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    • 33 7 ()>;<_:\+%!^$[`_[$|:),\.|!,|{_% MAN£ FATE LIE& IN HIS ability tq control His DesTiMy. ON CONTRARY; MAN'S FATE 16 PRE-PETERMI NED. tyro by Johnny hart ...TWEfsi OUR FREE WI LLANO OUR ABILITY TO THINK,MEANS NOTHING? appwzbntlY Nor.
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  • 404 8 JPHE Republic's budget for next year is reasonable and realistic. The public are relieved that there are no increases in income tax. The incentive taxes are to encourage new industries so that investors need not worry at the outset about heavy tax burdens which would delay the
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  • 413 8 CEVEN South-east Asian nations are represented at the Conference on South-east Asian Agricultural Development now in session in Tokyo. These countries, with the exception of Singapore, are rice producing areas. Thailand is now the only rice exporting nation in this region, though in the pre-war era Indonesia
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  • 1233 8 I AM indeed very happy to have been invited by the Malayan Teachers' National Congress to address and declare open the Biennial Delegates' Conference of the Congress. It always gives me great pleasure to speak to such a professional group as the Malayan Teachers'
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  • 817 8  -  By: Louis Cassels Washington, Tues. Where were you on the afternoon of Dec. 7, 1941? That was when Americans learned about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Most men and women over 30 can remember vividly where they were and what they were
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

    • 563 9 SINGAPORE, T u e s. Despite of the painless budget for 1967 and new incen•jves to encourage investment in the Republic, the Stock Exchange was still quiet. Most equities were steady with no real trend. Small improvement was in Central Sugars which transacted from $1.02 to
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    • 33 9 LONDON. Tues. Th e tin Market was steady this morning. Turnover 300 tons. Spot buyers 1211. Sellers 1212. Business 1211. 1212. Three months buyers 1211. Sellers 1212. Business 1211, Settlement 1212.
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    • 16 9 SINGAPORE. Tues.—The tin price for today was *606 25 per plcul, down 25 cents.
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    • 555 9 BINOAPORE, Tues. The Singapore Government has shown a "sincere eagerness" to industrialise the country, said a leading Japanese industrialist to- day. He is Mr. T. Hayakawa, President of the Hayakawa Electric Co. Ltd., of Japan. He said "Initiative, determination, energy and, perhaps most of
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    • 75 9 LONDON, Tues. The rubber market closed inactive with spot quoted at 18-9/16. 18-13/16. SETTLEMENT HOUSE: Jan. 18-13/16 18-15/16 Feb. 18-15/16 19-1/16 March 19-1/8 19-1/4 Jan/Mar 18-15/16 19-1/16 Apr/June 19-9/16 19/11/16 July Sept 19-7/8 20 Oct/Dec 19-15/16 20-1/16 Jan/March 20 20-1/8 April/June, July/Sept, and Oct/Dec. 20-1/16, 203/16 GENERAL
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    • 94 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Association of Banks In Malaysia made the following changes in its rates to merchants today. They were: New York: T.T 32-11/16; Airmail O.D. 32-13/16; 90 d/st. 33-5/16 credit bills; 33-9/16 trade bills. Canada: Buying T.T. 357/16; Airmail O.D. 35-9/16; 90 d/st. 36-1/8 credit bills; 36-3/16 trade
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    • 222 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. One of the biggest drydocking jobs ever undertaken in Singapore is currently taking place at the Jurong Shipyard Ltd. where an army of contract labourers have been employed to work on the 96,000 dead-weight-ton vessel, the Mobil Daylight. The Mobil Daylight, owned by
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    • 121 9 STOCKHOLM Tues. Total new orders in Sweden's engineering Industry remained unchanged in the third quarter this year compared with July September 1965, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. Orders on hand at the end of September were 2 per cent smaller than a
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    • 24 9 HONG KONG, Tues. (UPI) Money quotations: HK55.***** 5.750 per US dollar for cash HK515.99 per pound sterling HK5268.0 per tael gold.
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    • 29 9 LONDON, Tues. (UPI) Lo n don rubber market opened very quiet with number one RSS spot 18-7/16 18-11/16 number one RSS CIF basis ports Dec. 18-3/6 18-5/16.
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    • 436 9 MIAMI. Tues. (UPI) It's "Sugar Cane Time" In Cuba and the Job of harvesting the 1967 crop vital to the Fidel Castro regime is getting priority over everything else on the Communist island. In the phraseology of Communist Cuba, the harvest is billed as
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    • 287 9 SINGAPORE, Tues. December first grade rubber buyers f o b. closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur today at 60| rents per lb., down cent from previous close. The tone was easier. Absence of incentive and fresh lead made for idle and
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    • 48 9 NEW YORK. Tues. (UPI) Rubber futures yesterday closed unchanged and untraded: Bid Asked Jan 22.30 22.90 Mar 22.60 23.10 May 2260 23.10 July 22.60 23.10 Sep 22.60 23.10 Nov 22.60 23.10 Locally, spot no. 1 RSS held steady at 22 4 cents per pound, nominal.
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    • 57 9 STOCKHOLM. Tues. The volume of Sweden's exports over the first three Quarters of the year was up per cent on JanuarySeptember 1965, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. At the same time imports rose by 3 per cent. In terms of value, exports were up 8
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    • 160 9 TOKYO. JAPAN, Tues. A 250,000 ton mammoth dock, the world's largest, has recently been completed at the Hitachi Shipbuilding Engineering Co., Ltd. at its Sakai Shipyard. It meansures 400 m. length, width 56m, depth 12.5 m. The gate, unlike the conventional shutter type, is a flap type
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    • 848 9 ARRIVALS IN SINGAPORE Time 'B.SI a.m. Airline MAL 019 from Kuala Lumpur. Time 8.50 a.m. Airline JAL 712 from Jakarta. Time 9.30 a.m. Airline MAL 121 from Kuala Lumpur. Time 10.30 a.m. Airline MAL 451 from Kuchlng. Time 10.35 a.m. Airline MAL 005 from Penan*. Ipoh,
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    • 443 9 INDUSTRIAL R. S. Roustead 1.52 1.55 Central Sugars 1.03 1.01 C T.S. Ords 47 Chemical Co. 1.60 1.61 Cofri storage 2.98 3.00 IMinlnp CK :.n 2.04 K. Smelting XD 4.10 Etso Ords 2.98 3.00 Fit/pat ricks 1.40 1.55 F. N. Ords. Mt 3.34 (iammon 1.39 1.40 Georgetown
      443 words
    • 44 9 (Managers' prices) R. 8. First Malayan 2.08 2.18 Second Malayan 1.48 1.51 Third Malayan 1.06 1.17 Malaysian Commerce XI> .83 Mai. Savings Fond 1.25 1.35 Sterling Commodity 3/8 4/1 First Hong Kong 1.00 1.05* Second Hong Kong .70 .•4* (*Hong Kong Currency)
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    • 109 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Slneapore Chinese Produce Exchange noon prices today were. Bu>ers Sellers Coconut oil (FOB) Bulk 41.00 Coconut oil FOB > Drums 42.50 Loose Copra Mlved Nov/Dec. 26.50 Sugar (Java) evgodown 26.50 Nutmegs 110s 495.00 Nutmegs B W 235.00 Garbled Fa m pong Black Pepper (FOB) 120.00 Pepper Black
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    • 161 9 SINGAPORE, Tues. The following ships are expected to be in port today:Godowns Vessels 1 2 Patroclus 3 4 Sieel Apprentice 5 Kin Yung 8/9 Bendoran 10/11 Centaur 13/14 Maron 15/16 Miharu Maru 18 Taboa IP Empire Kittiwake 21/22 Empire Gannet 23/24 Rajah Brooke 25/26 Malaysia 27/28 Nirhirei Maru
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  • 325 10  -  By MAUREEN LEE KUALA LUMPUR, TUES. DEVELOPED countries have shown a tendency to "harden" their terms of aid, which has already been stagnant in recent years, to developing countries in the Colombo Plan areas. This was stated by the Minister of Commerce
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  • 213 10 KOTA BHARU, Tues. The flood situation in Kelantan has improved further and the water level at Bradley Step. Kuala Krai, is now 69 feet 6 inches. All the flood operations rooms in the State have now closed except the one in 1 lu Kelantan. The chairman
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  • 77 10 BUTTERWORTH, Tues. The Butterworth 0.C.P.D., D.S.P. Samsudin bin Mohd. Jai today appealed to the residents to inform the police of suspicious people during this festive season. He said this when commenting on an armed robbery at Permatang Tengah, Butterworth. and several cases of house breakings and
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  • 51 10 TAIPING, Tues. An unemployed, Tan Boon Seong, 40, was admitted to hospital after he was attacked in front of a second hand dealer's shop in Upper Stephens Road here. The condition of Tan who sustained head and body injuries is reported to be serious. Police have detained a
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  • 190 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A cool Narciso Epes displayed His magic power over his 10-stringed Spanish guitar, at a solo concert here last night. For two hours, he demonstrated to a packed audience just how much human passions could be expressed through the instrument, with such
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  • 499 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. This is turning out to be regular a "whodunit" case the dawn attack on 20 sleeping sawmill workers by another 20 men as the answers all round appear to be "I don't know"'. In the attack, which took place at the
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  • 58 10 KUCHING, Tues. (AP) The Federal Minister for Sarawak Affairs, Tan Sri Temenggong Jugah, today presented a cheque for $2,000 to the widow of tfte late Petrus Tayon. In handing over the cheque, Tan Sri Jugah said Petrus Tayon was one of those brave men who risked their
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  • 337 10 TV plants: Warning by firm's director KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A warning that television assembly plants in Malaysia might be relegated to the rank of a "screw-driver" industry in two to three years was given by Mr. G. J. Vanderbergh, a director of William Jacks Co. (M) Ltd. Mr. Vanderbergh based
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  • 88 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Mr. V. David. State Assemblyman for Bungsar (Labour), today described as "strange and surprising" the Federation Government's silence in the most vital issue on the banishment of 74 former Nanyang University students and three University of Singapore students from Singapore. "The banished students are
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  • 62 10 During his recent visit to Britain, Knche V. Manickavasagam (second from left), Malaysian Minister of Labour, met Britain's Minister of Labour, Mr. Ray Gunter, at the Ministry of Labour in London. Also present were Mr. Yeap Kee Aik, (left) Permanent Secretary of the Malaysian Minister of Labour, and Tan Sri
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  • 386 10 IPOH, Tues. Development is of prime importance in Perak. declared the Mentri Besar, Dato Ahmad bin Said, when he presented the Development Estimates for 1967, at the State Legislative Assembly meeting here today. 'While we are now occupied with the launching of
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  • 281 10 Kt'ALA LUMPUR, Tues. The imaginative creation of a young girl has enabled her to fulfil one of her pet dreams to visit Hong Kong. The girl was Rita binte Basir, a Form V student of the Kajang Convent, who was unanimously adjudged "Miss A-Go-Go*' in
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  • 290 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A taxi-driver. Won? Quek Min, was today ordered in the High Court here to pay $5,000 in general damages to a cake-seller, Ng Ooi Sek, whom he knocked down from his bicycle in Cheras Road three years ago. Ooi, as a result of
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  • 69 10 TAIPING, Tues. The Bishop of Singapore, The Rt. Reverend Chiu Ban It, will make an official visit to Anglican Churches in Perak North on Dec. 8. Bishop Chiu will officiate at a confirmation ceremony at All Saints' Church here on Dec. 8 at 6.30 p.m.
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  • 4447 12  -  NEW SOCIAL NEEDS By: By: C. WILFRED JENKS, Deputy DirectorGeneral of the International Labour Office. Mr. Jenks gave a public lecture on "Tolerance and Good Neighbourliness as Concepts of International Law." The lecture, sponsored by the Department of ExtraMural Studies of
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    • 1030 13  -  HOW TO MAKE A MILLION By Henry Fuller FROM time to time certain trends and crazes sweep the country, and even the world. The population goes whole-heartedly for some particular product, be it luxury or food and that's wfere some wise people make a million.
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  • 1044 13 Vaccination is better than a cure MANY people are prejudiced against an epileptic, because they believe his disease to be synonymous with a mental disorder which more or less labels him a lunatic. Professor H. Witter (Homburg, Saar) contradicted this view very emphatically at the 18th
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 Q-n bOTCls (fully ■ir*c«nditi«Mrf) Book now tor your X'mas Mow i* Yoar's Dinnor Danco X'mas A New jfr leirt Eve ext. till Uj S a.m. jU! I ttth., 26th. and Ist. ImA ext. till 1 a.m. Wq /vtvud DINERS h^l X'ma< Eve *l3/N>w Year's Ere f1?.50 25th. 26th. and Ist
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    • 273 13 ORGANISATION ODEON 21 116 ?1«t SPECTACILAB DAY! D»IIt 3 Show*: 13.43. 4.3® A 8.15 SUNDAYS A HOLIDAYS Extra Show at 9.00 a.m. «J«. r. v» S4.No Free Lut Cash Bookings Only) Mth Centurr Pox Present* THE DINO DF LAURENTIIB Production Of 'The Bible'.. ..In The Becinnln; FILMED IN D-150 Technicolor
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    • 658 13 3?' -V. <<*>•• WHJM antiliiili CHANNEL 5 Kuala Lumpur and Pulau Plnang; 6 Ipoh and Melaka; 3 10 Johore Bahru; 4 Taiping; 7 Batu Pahat; 9 Kluanf. (Singapore viewers, please switch to channel 3 for T.V. Malaysia programmes). P.M. 5.45 OPENING ANNCT Prog. Summary. 5.50 News Outlines in the National
      658 words
    • 215 13 SHAW GANISATION "APITOL rhomLast Day: 11. IM, 4. ••OPERATION LIPSTICK" Mandarin in Scope Color OPENS TOMORROW! Dean Marttn. Alain Delon St Joey BUhop -TEXAS ACROSS THE M>EB" Rosemary Forsrth Color I PI-6B' D O Phone 2841 Now Shoving: 3 Shows Daily Note Times: 11 a.*. I.S* A I.U Cash Bookings
      215 words

  • 215 14 CALCUTTA, Tues. (UPI) India today won the Davis Cup interzone final against Brazil and will Xace Australia on Dec. 26-28 for the Davis Cup title. Ramnathan Krishnan came back today to beat Brazil's Thomas Koch 7-5 in the fifth set of their adjourned singles play
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  • 88 14 The Joint Services soccer team one of the strongest Services' side in Singapore pictured soon after their arrival in Hong Kong for a series of matches in the British Colony. Joint Services drew 2-2 with Combined Services H.K. in the opening match of their tour. Members of the Joint Services
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  • 555 14 SINGAPORE, Tues. Results of the tournaments held recently at Jackie's Bowl, Orchard, here. Lavis Lim returned the highest score with 243 points. Women's Monday 9.15 a.m. league: Team Competition 1. Marie Brizard 62 pts., 2. Witchitty's Tribe 59* pts., 3. Tiger Balm 55*
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  • 147 14 BOMBAY, Tues. (AP> The West Indies cricketers drew the first match of their Indian tour against Combined Universities yesterday in Hyderabad. Home side declared their first innings closed at 249 for nine wickets against the tourists first Innings score of 245 for eight. In
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  • 60 14 TOKYO. Tues. (AP) Second ranked Japanese lightweight Koji Oka no won a split decision against Paul Armstead, America's fourth ranked world lightweight, in a ten-round fight here last night. The referee and one Judge gave Okano the nod. while the second Judge saw it a draw.
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  • 218 14 SINGAPORE, Tues. This Saturday at Gay World Stadium, local wrestling enthusiasts will be able to witness one of the most thrilling wrestling bouts when Hari Pahlewan takes on Tony Edwards. This clash of the giants between Hari Pahlewan heavyweight champion of India and Tony
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  • 122 14 LONDON, Tues. (UPI)— It will cost more to watch the world's tennis stars in action at Wimbledon next year. Centre court seats under cover go up from 27 shillings and six pence (3.85 dollars) to 32 shillings and six pence (4.55 dollars). Seats in
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  • 98 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Mohamed Sidek, Selangor State player, will captain the State "under 23" hockey team for the four-day Penang sports festival quadrangular hockey tournament to be held in Penang from tomorrow. The team for the quad will leave for the island tomorrow morning
    98 words
  • 209 14 MALACCA. Tues. Mr. Joglnder Singh will head Malacca Hockey Association's four-member State Selection Committee again this season. At its first executive council meeting of the season held recently the Malacca Hockey Association elected several new "faces" to the various Sub-Cmomittees. Prominent newcomers to the committee
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  • 63 14 MALACCA. Tues. The annual Ayer Keroh Country Club's championship golf title went to M. Sullivan at Ayer Keroh here. Sullivan (4) returned the score of 87.84 (171) Heah Hock Heng (4) 91.85 (175) emerged the runner-up. Loong Leek 800 (net 35J) won the first nine ball
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  • 236 14 HOUSTON, Tues. (UPI) Cassius Clay will defend his heavyweight championship against Ernie Terrell on Feb. 6 in the Houston Astrodome, the Houston Chronicle report- Ed yesterday. A spokesman for the Houston Sports Association, which has the lease on the Dome, declined to confirm the
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  • 97 14 SAN FRANCISCO. Tues. (UPI). Nate Collins, exploiting piston like left jabs and his youth, stopped former world middleweight champion Joey Giardello in the eight round of their 10round contest last night. Collins, of San tFrancisco, weighed 162 pounds to 168 for the blood-smeared extitlist. Referee
    97 words
  • 213 14 LISBON, Tues. (UPI) A Benfica soccer player was electrocuted this morning and seven others, including "Black Panther" Euse* bio, narrowly escaped death when a new electrical massage apparatus went wrong. The player who died waus Luciano (Luciano Jorge Femandos) a first choice halfback. The players
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  • 51 14 SINGAPORE. Tues. Young Men Sikh Association played magnificient game yesterday when they routed the Singapore Police Force 6-0 in a division 2 hockey SHA league played at the Police ground in Thomson Road. The most outstanding players was 18-year-old Devinder Singh who scored five goals in a
    51 words
  • 197 14 BALTIMORE, Maryland, Tuas. (UPl)—Ogden Phipp'g Buckpasser completed a sweep of post season hemours yesterday when he was named Horse of The Year by the nation's racing writer and broadcasters in the Turf and Sport Digest s annual poll. Earlier the brilliant son of Tom
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 405 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE 20 Words $5/- (Minimum) PIANO FOR SALE good condition $B5O/- 0.n.0. View at; 129, Joo Chiat Place, 12 noon to 5 p.m. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT 20 Words $lO/- (Minimum) FREE PUBLIC LECTURE on Christian Science, Monday December 12, at 6.30 p.m. in the Victoria Memorial Hall Practice
      405 words
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  • 124 15  -  by Windsor Lad SINGAPORE, Tues. Only a few horses wtre sent against the clock at Bukit Timoh this morning and Invincible (S. Lim) did the fastest time when he strode out smoothly over three furlongs in 40 3/5 sec. on the bit. The going was
    124 words
  • 1306 15 S pore Yearling'! Dlv. 2—6 f.ftis Yd». j The Pointer ,r Count Babu v: Ea*y Mopfr r>r> \rtor IV A Tin**» lUrapan II Survevor n Mjlnvan l)»*n i*i Flaming Bull lallang lourf* Gift V onrnrd* r.in R»i«h pn Landaulet hi iinidnk Mrnanf < f «i)d Nugget o>\ Rina
    1,306 words
  • 1399 15 The Williamson Memorial Stakes Class l Dlv. i 1 mile ft >5 yds. 990 710 010 310 612 MO a 17 113 4.16 218 347 00 069 881 332 331 123 no4 115 Crrdil Balance 111 6y Hnkoru fly Half Cenlurv 4*v Napoleon Solo 6y Pufau Pangkor fly
    1,399 words
  • 169 15 IPOH, Tues. There will be two runs each for Classes 2. 5 and 6 horses and Singapore Yearlings in the Perak Turf Club's meeting on Jan. 8, 11, and 15, 1967. For Class 2, the first run 6 furlong* or nine furlongs, and second run 5-4
    169 words
  • 345 15 LONDON, Tues. (AP) —Nobby Stiles labelled the bad boy of England's World Cup winning soccer team yesterday got ready to be suspended for the first time in his career. "I'm afraid it will come this time/' the fiery little wing-half told newsmen. Stiles had his
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  • 253 15 COPENHAGEN, Tuts. (AP) The old lody gingerly sot down ot ringside, pushed her old-fashioned black hat back on her head, peered over her spectacles at the pugilists and shouted: "now use your left, sonny." Startled sports writer* at the Danish Amateur Boxing Championships politely
    253 words
  • 224 15 TAMPING. Tues. Malacca retained the Lim Cheng Siong Cup when they handed a ft-1 beating to Negri Sembilan in the lawn tennis encounter played here yesterday. Negri's only victory came through their veteran R. Victor who beat 15-year-old Mohd. Ali 6-4. 4-6, 6-2. Miss
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  • 227 15 TOKYO. Tues. <AP) The United Statea will meet Communist China in elimi«« nation matches of the Fifth World Women's Volleyball Championships scheduled in Japan next Jan. 21-28, the Japan Volleyball Association announced yesterday. Japan, defending world titlist. will play Czechoslovakia on the opening
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  • 115 15 SINGAPORE. Tues. R.A.F. Changi trounced Kota Raja Sports Club by eight goals to nil in the seml-flnals of the Division 3. Football Association of Singapore league competition at Jalan Besar Stadium. In the other semi-flnal fixture Race Course beat Telok Kurau United by two goals
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  • 514 16  -  Bv J Albert Johnson SINGAPORE, Tues. The Minister for Culture and Social Affairs and Chairman of the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council, Enche Othman Wok, today announced details of the multi-million-dollar national sports complex to be built at Old Kallang Airport site. The national
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  • 130 16 BANGKOK. Tues. (ATP) South Korean capital Seoul's selection as the site of the Sixth Asian Games is almost a foregone conclusion, D. Han, Korean Embassy Attache to the Fifth Asian Games told AFP in an interview at the Games Village. Han said
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  • 50 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Victoria Institution Old Boys' Association XV playing their Milsum Trophy game went down fighting to the Royal Malaysian Air Force by 29 points (four goals and three t?ies) to 16 points (two goals and two penalties) at the RMAF grounds here this evening.
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  • 82 16 PENANG. Tues. Johore scored another win when they beat Perlis by 4-2 on the second day of the Burnley Cup soccer tournament at the City Stadium last night. Yap Eng Kok (2), Poh Kim Guan and Mohd. Hussain scored for Johore while' Idris
    82 words
  • Pre-Games spectacle...
    • 291 16 BANGKOK, Tues. (UPJVMalaysia hope to harvest about eight gold medals in athletics alone during the Asian Games here, according to athletic team manafr er, Haji Osman bin Daim. And the man to watch a the track events is M. .Je;athesan. 22-year-old Malaysian
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    • 47 16 Tues. <AP>Athletes at the Asian Garr.rt Viliage have been tod that they should "not hesitat? to steal." The object of licensed larceny, however, was limited to the 100 bicycles pr°* vided by the Thai Organising Committee for transportation within the 113" acre village.
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    • 392 16 BANGKOK, Tues. (AP) India's trouble-beset contingent began arriving in Bangkok yesterday for the Fifth Asian Games as criticism continued against Thai organisers of the international sports meet. The criticisms ranged from a Filipino charge that the Thais were "disorganised" in scheduling sessions for
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    • 135 16 BANGKOK. Tues. (AP) Malaysia, India, Japan and Iran are in group B in the soccer championships of the Fifth Asian Games. In one of the first three matches on Dec. 10. defending champion India will tangle with fleet footed Japan. In other matches Singapore
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    • 353 16 BANGKOK, Tucs. (AP) Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan major badminton powers were drawn yesterday in the same group of the men's badminton championships of the Fifth Asian Games. Thailand, host nation for the Games and also a ranking nation in the sport, was drawn
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    • 39 16 BANGKOK, Tues. (AP)— Indonesia, a nation not particularly known for its boxers. may assume a place in amateur pugilism in years to come The prediction was made by Indonesian boxing referee Manoch Reineir at the Asian Games-Village,
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    • 232 16 BANGKOK, Tups (AP) The Philippines is out for revenue in the Asian (lames basketball tournament. but they will have their work cut out for them. The race tourney is shaping up as one of the closest in Asian Games history, with at least four
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    • 67 16 BANGKOK, Tues. (AFP) —The name of Mona Sulaiman Asia's fastest women, was on everybody's lips today and invariably the question was asked: 'ls she coming?" Nobody, it seemed, could answer. Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation executive secretary Serafin Aquino could only shake his head on the sex
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    • 243 16 _BANGKOK, Tucs. (AFP). Philippine basketball coach Felicisimo "Fely" Fajardo today rated Israel as the strongest of the Philippine rivals for the title during the Asian Games in Bangkok. The 50-vear-old Fajardo also thinks highly of Japan. Nationalist China and the Republic of Korea, but undoubtedly
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 62 16 TIME AND TIDE Penan*: 8.25 a.m. (6.1 ft), 9.41 p.m. (7.2 ft.). Port Swettenham: 12.50 a.m. (119 ft.), 1.14 p.m. (10 ft). Port Dickson: 1.38 a.m. (7.8 ft.), 2.27 p.m. (6 4 ft). Singapore: 6.54 a.m. (7.8 ft), 6.39 p.m. (7.7 ft). Sedili Kechil: 4.45 a.m. (7.6 ft), 5.04 p.m.
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