Eastern Sun, 20 September 1966

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1 16 Eastern Sun
  • 26 1 EASTERN SUN Independent National Daily SINGAPORE EDITION Estd. 1966. Vol. 1. No. 65. Tuesday, September 20 1966. vV WC (P) J912 KDN 2309 Price 15 rents
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  • 90 1 KUALA LUMpur, Mon. Four members of the Sarawak National Party crossed the floor to the opposition in the Dewan Ra'ayat today in protest against the Emergency (Federa 1 Constitution, and ConstittfjJoJ* of Sarawak) Bil^y The four kd by Mr. Edmundvtanggu An a k Saga, Secretary General
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  • 342 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. At a joint press conference all opposition parties expressed their opposition to the introduction of the Bill which they said was a violation of the fundamental and basic principles of democracy. Opposition parties of Sarawak charged that the Bill was
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  • 548 1  -  They oppose the C-Bill By Ben D'Cunha, Lim Thow Boon KUALA LUMPUR, MONDAY, AN GENCY sitting of Parliame tonight approved Emergency IFederal Constitution Constitution of Sarawak) Hill aft seven-hour debate Dewa ayat. The emergency meeting was called to amend the Federal and Sarawak Constitution to give powers
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  • 164 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The leader of the United Democratic Party, Dr. Lim Chong Eu lodged a protest with the Speaker of the Dewan Ra'ayat against the application of the guillotine in the debate on the Emergency (Federal Constitution and Constitution of Sarawak) Bill. Dr. Lim who rose
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  • 353 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Minister of Home Affairs, Tun (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, today refuted opposition allegations in the House of Representatives that the Government had "concocted" the Communist threat in Sarawak. Producing a copy of the Government White Paper, which was tabled in
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 9 TRANSISTOR TAPE-RECORDER UPRIGHT STYLE 2-SPEED Obtainable at all dealers WO KEE HONG <*> LTD., SIN&APO*! KUALA UJMPuD ACT NOW! To ensure a higher edneation for your children When your child reaches school leaving age, can you afford to give him or her higher education? You can...with an M.C.I.S. Child
      115 words
    • 156 1 GRINDING WHEELS CONTACT CEMENT j FINISHING TOOLS COATED ABRASIVES/ INDUSTRIAL TAPES TUFBAK ETC. GROUP CR SINGAPORE'S FIRST COMPUTER CENTRE .(in operation for over two years) iiwahnost ready In step with NCR's policy of progressive expansion and improvement of its Data Processing System to Government and Commercial concerns in Singapore and
      156 words

  • Local News
    • 988 2 KUALA LUMFUR, Mon. A Sarawak member in the Dewan Ra'ayat today called on the Central Government to let the State Government and people of Sarawak settle their differences without blundering interference from Kuala Lumpur. This plea was made by Mr. Edmund Langgu
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    • 65 2 MALACCA, Mon. Strap check for Australia's Chief of the General Staff, LtGen.T.J Daly, by scout helicopter pilot, Capt. Frank Markcrow, of Randwick, Sydney. Lt.-Gen.Daly flew by helicopter from Malacca airport to an artillery demonstratiom in th e 28th Commonwealth Brigade area. Later he inspected the 4th Battaliom,Royal Australia Regiment, and
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    • 712 2  -  mtn>t iSSSJON, By Ben D'Cunha, Lim Thow Boon KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A Sarawak member, Enche Wan Abdul Rahman, in supporting the crisis Bill said that all those who has the interests of Sarawak and Malaysia truly at heart and who wants
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    • 188 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.-. As both Houses of Parliament passed the amendments to the Sarawak Constitution. more than 100 people stared A 15-minute protest march tonight. They grouped at Foeh Avenue in th e heart of the Federal Capital at 6.45 p.m. and in procession proceeded along busy
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    • 315 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Mod. The leader of the PPP. Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam warned that if the Bill is approved then the whole of Sarawak situation would explode into violence and bloodshed. He questioned the legality of the Government's move in 'tampering with
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    • 723 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Mr. Stephen Yong Kuet Tie (SUPP) said the Bill would involve the Governor of Sarawak in party politics. "The Governor, a benign old man. should be above politics. He was and should be acting on the advice of the
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    • 2552 3 SINGAPORE, Mon. Tht* prospects for a Communist victory in Singanore either by way of a general election or by a violent seizure of power *lim said the Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam at the Second Anniversary Dinner of the Democratic Socialist Club held
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    • 59 3 SINGAPORE, Mon. A six man team from the Singapore Polytechnic Building Society returned recently after a two week study tour of Cambodia and Thailand. They visited Government departments and universities of the two countries. They also paid courtesy calls on Singapore's ambassadors to the two countries.
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    • 843 3 WHITE PAPER: APPROACHING SAME STATE OF AFFAIRS IN MALAY 1948 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Government today tabled a White Paper in Parliament giving for the first time in full "The Communist Threat to Sarawak" The White Paper said that the position in
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    • 265 3 SINGAPORE, Mon. Another Singapore ship is scheduled to leave for Jakarta tomorrow with more than $1 million worth or flour and general cargo. The ship is Guan Guan Shipping Co.'s "'Dumas" the second cargo vessel to leave for Indonesia since the resumption of
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    • 179 3 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Presidnet of the National Trades Union Congress, Mr. R.A. White, announced today that the union had already collected $ll,OOO for the Devan Nair Research and Training: Endowment Fund. The VIP dinner which 4 s to be held on Sept. 25, will be
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    • 57 3 MUAR, Mon. The Tangkak Local Council, 17 miles north of here, at its monthly meeting, has decided to seek the assistance of the police to prosecute hawkers who have not renewed their licences for the year. The meeting also decided to spend $500.00 repairing bad conditioned
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    • 44 3 MUAR, Mon. The Committee members of the Maharani Ward Malaysian Chinese Association here will hold its monthly meeting on Sept. 23 at 8.00 p.m. at the party's premises along Jalan Bakri. Several important issues are expected to be discussed during the meeting.
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    • 164 4 TAIPING, Mon. A Perak prince will take a stenographer for his bride In what promises to be the most colourful society weddings of the year in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. He is Raja Lope bin Raja Sharome. 29. a senior economic officer with Bank Negara
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    • 104 4 MALACCA. Mon. Malacca's Chief Minister. Inche Abdul Ghafar bin Baba is a man of many skills. He has proved himself to be an able politician and an administrator. He is equally adept in fishing. tapping rubber and harvesting padi. When the Deputy Prime Minister visited the state last Sunday the
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    • 307 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Dr. Devan NaNir of the (DAP) said "The proclamation of the Emerkency in Sarawak, together with this Bill, seeking to amend the Constitution, shall stand or fall in the public eye, depending on the validity of the arguments advanced by the Government in their
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    • 369 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The National Union of Malaysian Students today described the Central Government's move to solve the Sarawak crisis by amending the Malaysian and Sarawak constitutions as "appalling" and "not just". In a statement signed by the President, Mr. K. Rajkumar and the
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    • 132 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Mr. Asivadam Emmanuel, superintendent of Postal Department, Kuala Lumpur, told the High Court here today of his trouble with his "very quarrelsome" wife. "My wife is very quarrelsome. She always wants money and more freedom," he told the High Court. Mr. Emmanuel
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    • 57 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —Two robbers yesterday told a watchman In the Ulu Caledonia Estate here to keep quiet while they got away with important parts of an engine worth $9,000 Pang Lek. the watchman was sleeping m the engine house on the estate when the two robbers woke
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    • 363 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon— A deadlock has been reached between the National Electricity Board and the NEB Employees' Union over the date of implementation of an interim award for NEB workers in the industrial and manual and division four groups. The interim award of $12.50 or
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    • 62 4 TAIPING, Mon. The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Hussain bin Sidek, today opened a new four-storey barracks for police personnel here. The four-storey block the first of its kind to be built here will provide accommodation for 24 families. Tan Sri Hussain inspected a guard of
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    • 52 4 KAMPAR. Mon. An old folk's home costing $20,000/- is to be built In Gopeng. The Kampar District Welfare Committee headed by Mr. Oh Kay Seng, Perak State Legislative Assemblyman and a Town Councillor. Kampar has been given $20,000 by the Social and Welfare Services Lottery Board for
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    • 65 4 PEN AND. Mon. Two hundred kampong residents of Kampong Perils and Pulau Betong braved the rain to carrv out repairs to the football field of Sekolah Kebangsaan, Pulau Betong, under the spirit of gotong royong yesterday. For this project, the government provided 150 lorry loads of red
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    • 87 4 IPOH. Mon. The Superintendent Engineer of the "Eastern Sun" and "Sin Chew Jit Poh" in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Mr. Lam Keng Tong. is seen here with his charming bride. Miss Tan Tok Lan after their wedding here last Saturday. The bride is a graduate of Faculty of
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    • 280 4 TANJONG MALIM, Mon. The Perak Branch of the National Union of Teachers was yesterday urged to issue strike ballots to its members throughout the state to press for housing, medical and improved salary schemes from the government. This is one of the resolutions which
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    • 111 4 MALACCA, Mon. The State Secretary of Malacca, Enche Idris bin Zabidin, today called on all road users to strictly adhere to the highway code for their own personal safety and that of others He was opening the Poster Exhibition by school children at the Dewan Hang
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    • 214 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mob. Nine massage parlour girls and their four clienti were held up by two armed robbers, one of whom posir.j as a client. They got awaf with $3,814 in the mid-nighl robbery in Jalan Ipoh. Madam Lee Yoke Lan. the proprietress of the massage parlour,
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    • 74 4 KUANTAN. Mon. Mfc Kong Siew Hock (Tanah Puteh Timor) was elected new president of the Kuantan Town Council here The former president Dato Haji Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad was returned a* Vce-President. The election was hela during a special session due to the recent resignation or former
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    • 53 4 KAMPAR, Men. Loh Khim Wah, 36. a tin miner of M'alim Nawar pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court, Kampar, for fai>m» to submit his income a returns within 21 days the years 1963, 1964 ar.c 1965. He was fined a total oi $9OO/- by the Magistrate. Enche Abu
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    • 57 4 KUCHING, Mon. Mj; Khoo Chiew Phoe. 27. assistant engineer in the blic Works Department Kuching, has been a war a Sarawak Government service training award to atend a one-year r f fr J;^ al course in advanced elec».r engineering. He will complete bis Pr 3, 1. E.
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    • 149 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —Two representatives from the Girl Guides Association of Malaysia will attend the 19th World Conference of the World Association of *ir' Guides and Girl Scout* in Tokyo from Sept. 28 to Oct. 8. They are Mrs. P. Navaratnam, the Chief Commissioner and
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    • 68 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A sawn-off shot gun was discovered by Bentong police in Bentong near a rest house at 5.15 p.m. Found with the gun was 21 rounds of ammunition wraoped in a plastic bag. The gun was the one stolen from Mr. Sho Geok Peng
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    • 81 4 MIRI, Mon —A grand regatta in conjunction with the Governor's birthday will be held on the Miri River this year on Oct. 1 and 2 by the Miri Junior Chamber of Commerce. At a meeting of the Miri Jaycees recently a committee under the chairmanship of
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    • 346 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. The first Malaysia's Floatin? Fair, displaying a wide range of Maiaysian products aboard the "Rajah Brooke", sailed into Singa- pore this morning. The fair will be here for two days. It will be open to the public
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    • 141 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. A five-man team from the new Zealand National Film Unit arrived here today to gather material for television productions and documentary films. The five film men are Mr. John King, director; Mr. Hugh Mac Donald, assistant director; Mr.
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    • 109 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. The proposed first Girls' Home here was today welcomed by several welfare organisations which will initially house 100 orphan girls. The proposed Girls' Home vUI be built by the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus at Chestnut Drive, off Bukit Timah Road here once
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    • 62 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. 1. Economic Society of the L Diversity of Singapore is organising a talk on "Cursp implications r* ec n °mic consequences". It will be held on Sept. 4 at 7-45 p.m. at the New Lec.ure Theatre 4. Univerof Singapore, Bukit Tinman. c V; e speaker will
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    • 743 5 By a Special Correspondent SINGAPORE, Mon. There is little doubt that a wide section of road users, if not all, know what road courtesy means and yet not most of them really make an effort to put it into strict practice. One must
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    • 27 5 7.30 p.m. Free film shows by the Ministry of Culture: Kampong Dunearn; Jalan Sagu. Chinese Temple; Methodist Tamil School, Sembawang Road; and West Coast Road.
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    • 133 5 More than 250.000 entries have been received from Singapore and Malaysia for the $64,000 Shell-Philips contest which closed recently. The winners will be announced on Oct. 11. The flood of entry forms has kept 20 girls working round the clock at Far East Research Organisation sorting out
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    • 200 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. More than 800 applicants have been received by Malaysian Airways for vacancies as air-hostess advertised recently. This was disclosed to the Eastern Sun by Mr. G. P. Drayson. Passenger Service Manager, of the company. It was learnt that there were six vacancies. Asked
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    • 438 5  -  COMPLAINTS ON 'RAT' STATE IN AIRPORT VICINITY By H. M. S. SUTAN SINGAPORE, Mon. The Government will take action accordingly against the occupants of unauthorised houses mushrooming in the area within the vicinity of the Paya Lebar Airport. A spokesman for the Housing and Development Board.
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    • 68 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. Mr. Lim Theng Kuan has been elected president of the Commissioner-Generals Local Employees' Union at the union's 10th annual general meeting recently. Other officials are: Mr Albert Tan (vice-president), Enche Ayub Ibrahim (honorary secretary), and Enche Ismail bin Sangkon, Enche Salleh bin Sham, Mr. K.P. Murthi,
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    • 120 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. A Royal Air Force Whirlwind helicopter from R.A.F. Seletar here is now in Vientiane, Laos undertaking: mercy missions in aid of the Mekong flood victims.. With two crew the helicopter had been on almost round-the-clock duties since it was flown to Thailand six days
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 403 2 Why crack your head when you can tackle easier quiz like ours EASTERN SUN 3,000 Contest CONTEST NO. 8 Quiz for September 20, 1966. 1. Who was the original Santa Claus? 2. Which planet is known as the ''Evening Star"? 3. Which is the largest bird in the world that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 Mill I > K1 kj •iiil '••mm LINE OVERLOAD »V# >• ,v.v < •••V r r t t I >•••••• >•••••• >••••••• i MlO i TYPE ER The Ferranti Line Overload Indicator is designed to sense an overload current in an Overhead Electrical Supply Line and is intended to assist
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 652 4 CHANNEL 5 Kuala Lumpur and Penan?; 6 Ipoh and Malacca; 3 and 10 Johore Bataru; 4 Taiping, 7 Batu Pahat; 9 Kluang. A.M. 8.30 a.m.-1.05 p.m. Saloran 5 TV for Schools. P.M. 5.45 Opening Annct. Prog. Summary; 5.50 News in the National Language; 5.55 National Songs; 6.00 News in Tamil;
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 244 5 If you know all about Handy Angle why are you reading this ad? Handy Angle isn't news any more. Nobody makes cracks about "kiefs stuff*. No-one asks wfiaf eTs® Santa brought Evan venerable engineers recommend it to their clients. The only trouble is, everyone thinks they know all about it.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 63 5 TIME AND TIDE e nanfj: 3.33 a.m. (7.9 ft.), 3.58 p.m. (6.7 ft p ort Swettenham: 8.49 a.m. (13.2 ft.), 904 p.m. n (H.B ft). Port Dickson: 9.53 a.m. (8.9 ft.), 10.01 p.m. (7.3 ft.), g'nsapore: 2.25 a.m. (8.6 ft.), 20.05 p.m. (88 ft.), aedili Kechil: 1.27 a.m. (7.7 ft.),
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    • 331 6 NEW YORK. Mon. (UPI) Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg United States Ambassador to the United Nations, said yesterday that U Thant might be persuaded to accept reappointment as Secretary General of the U.N. when his term expires on Nov. 3. Mr. Goldberg
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    • 88 6 PARIS. Mon. (UPI) Nerves ragged? Worn out? don't worry dance the samba and your troubles wild disappear. That, at least, is the theory of Dr. David Akstein, a Brazilian psychiatrist who presented a paper yesterday to an International congress on psychiatry meeting here. Dr. Akstein,
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    • 98 6 GEORGETOWN. South Carolina, Mon. (UPI) A 21-year-old skydiver was killed yesterday when her parachute failed to open after she jumped out of a plane 2,800 feet In the air over the Georgetown airport. She was identified as Mrs. Carol Yardbrough Carr of Goose Creek, a member of
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    • 35 6 FUQUAY-VARINA, North Carolina, Mon. (AP). Five North Carolina men were kil'ed yesterday when a convertible in which they were riding left the road on a curve and slammed into a culvert near here.
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    • 235 6 OSLO, Mon. (AFP). Mr. Huynk Phan, a leader of the South Vietnamese National Liberation Front, said here today there would be no question of a compromise with the "American aggressors" in Vietnam, and that the only basis for a negotiated solution is the
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    • 48 6 LANGHORNE, Pennsylvania, Mon. Driver Terry Parker escapes through the window of his late model stock car as it bursts into flames during a 150-mile race at Langhorne recently. His car spun backwards into a guard rail puncturing the fuel tank. (AP Photo). AP Photo.
      AP Photo.  -  48 words
    • 378 6 DEFENCE OF THE PHILIPPINE PEOPLE -PJ. HEAD NEW YORK, Mon. (AP) Philippine President Mr. Ferdinand Marcos last night defended his policy of sending troops to Vietnam as "Defence of the Philippine people." "I do not know any other country as allergic to
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    • 134 6 SALISBURY, Mon. (UPI) Rhodesian Premier Mr. Lan Smith a former world war II fighter pilot with the R.A.F. and government officials attended Battle of Britain memorial services at Salisbury Anglican Cathedral yesterday. Clifford Dupont. the officer administering the government. laid the wreath at the R.A.F. Chapel.
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    • 129 6 ATLANTIC CITY, New Jersey. Mon. (AP) The United Steelworkers of America took issue yesterday with President Johnson'j economic policy, brushing aside the administration's wage guideposts as "inequitable and unworkable." The union, the nation's third largest with 1.1 million members, said the 3.2 per cent
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    • 115 6 BERGAMO. Italy. Mon. (AP) The Polish movie "Bariera" won the five million lire $B,OOO grand prize in a film competition sponsored by this north Italian City on Saturday night. Belgian. Japanese, Czech and American movies also were honoured. "Bariera." directed by Jerzy Skolimowski, tells the
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    • 43 6 SOFIA, Mon. (UPI) Soviet party boss Mr. Leonid Brezhnev will arrive here today for a four-day visit to Bulgaria, the news agency BTA announced here. Mr. Brezhnev has been invited by Bulgarian party boss and Prime Minister Todor Zhivkov.
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    • 111 6 MUNICH. Germany. Mon. (AP) Retired U.S. Air Force General Lauris Norstad, former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, declared last night he opposed the withdrawal of any NATO troops from continental Europe Mr. Norstad tcld a news conference that such withdrawals would shake confidence in the
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    • 92 6 SEOUL, Mon. (AP)— General William C. Westmoreland, Commander of the I T S Military Forces in South Vietnam, was decorated with the honourable ROK military medal "The Order of Taikuk" when he visited ROK President Chung Hee Park recently at the presidential residence
      PANA; Photo.  -  92 words
    • 121 6 WASHINGTON, Mon. (UPl)—Five members of the Puerto Rico Independence Party <PIP) yesterday began a week-long hunger strike in front of the U.S. District Court in Downtown Washington to protest the Vietnam war and compulsory drafting of island youths. The group carried signs calling for the immediate
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    • 60 6 BUENOS AIRES. Mon. (AFP( A bomb planted during the night exploded in front of a branch of the first National Bank of Boston in a Buenos .Aires suburb today. The bomb, which damaged the front of the bank building in the Ellaneda district, caused considerable damage
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    • 116 6 READING, Pennsylvania, Mon. (AP) The Head of the State Department's working group on Vietnam said yesterday that military, economic-social and political progress in South Vietnam will spell defeat for the Communists. Robert H. Miller, who returned from the U.S. embassy at Saigon to
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    • 291 6 NEW YORK, Mon. (AP) A man armed with i shotgun and a target pistol commandered two cars yesterday and led police on a five-mile bullet spattered chase before he was shot to death in a park as afternoon strollers scrambled for cover. Police
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    • 109 6 REGINA, Saskatchewan. Mon. (UPI). The Roy* Canadian Mounted longer are a Mounted 0;i Force. Horses used to train the Mounties were sold at auc ion during the weekend a the last equestrian class 0 a duated on Friday. Emphasis now will placed on academic physical
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    • 215 6 LONDON, Mon. (AFP) Commonwealth Secretary. Mr. Herbert Bowden and Attorney-General Sir Elwyn Jones left hers tonight for Rhodesia after a remark by Rhodesian Prime Minister Mr. Lan Smith had caused the British government to hold up their departure at the last momentOnly after tense
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    • 68 6 JOHANNESBURG, Mon. (UPI). Mrs. Betsy Verwoerd, widow of assassinated South African Premier Mr. Hendrik Verwoerd, will take a European vacation later this year, informed government sources said today.. The sources said Mrs. Verwoerd would visit Germany where she and her late husband were married 40 years
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    • 547 7 WE CAN'T ALLOW PEOPLE WHO COMMIT MURDER TO ENTER A COUNTRY TOKYO, Mon. (DPI). rrHE fate of four North Korean mutineers who killed seven men and sought political asylum in Japan last week, rests on the tenuous relations between three
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    • 91 7 THF Visitinr Burma's Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, General Ne Win (2nd left with key) received the Key to the Washington City from the Chairman of the Washington D.C. Board of Commissioners, Walter Tobriner (3rd from left* while U.S. President Johnson (2nd right)
      PANA Photo.  -  91 words
    • 124 7 MEXICO CITY. Mon. (AP) Tlje Police Chief of the Village of Netzahualcoyotl in the State of Mexico has been accused of selling bodies. The accusation was made in Court on Saturday by three young girls from the village who were friends of an 18-year-old
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    • 101 7 SYDNEY, Mon. (UPI). Prime Minister Mr. Harold Holt today accused AfroAsiar and Carribean Commonwealth nations of threatening the future of the organisation by holding racial caucuses at the recent London Commonwealth meeting. Mr Holt, who returned here today from the conference, said the
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    • 83 7 PAPEETE, Tahiti. Mon. (UPI). —Bad weather forced postponement of the scheduled explosion of a souped-up French atomic bomb yesterday fo r the fifth time in a row. Officials at the test site at Far.gataufa and aboard the cruiser De Grasse. flagship of the French fleet in the
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    • 37 7 BOGOTA, Mon. (AP) Seventeen persons perished and thirty were injured yesterday when a bus plunged off a cliff near Culcutta in the northeastern part of Colombia. All of the victims were believed to be Colombians.
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    • 140 7 TUNIS. Mon. <UPI) Tunisia welcomed King Faisal of Saudi Arabia yesterday with cheering crowds, flowers and expressions of Islamic friendship. The Saudi Monarch flew here from Bamako. Mali for a state visit. He was welcomed at the airport by President Habib Bourguiba and together the two
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    • 204 7 HK girl with hole-in-heart arrives in Houston for surgery HOUSTON, Mon. (UPI).— Lam Kit-Chung, 9, a Hong Kong girl with a defective heart, arrived yesterday at Methodist Hospital to undergo possible corrective surgery. The little Chinese girl, accompanied by her mother, Madame Chi Wai Chung, flew in from Los Angeles
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    • 102 7 CAIRO. UAR. Mon. (AP). Afghanistan Prime Minister Mr. Mohamed Hashim Mainwandwal suggested yesterday the formation of an international commission to work out a settlement of the Vietnam war. In an interview with the semi-official mid-east news agency, Mr. Mainwandwal said representatives on such a
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    • 55 7 NEW YORK, Mon. (AP). A newsman inspects the damage in the basement office of the Communist newspaper, The Worker after a bomb exploded in a nearby area recently in New York. The blast caused minor damage to the newspaper offices and shattered windows in a
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    • 191 7 Mon. (UPI). A honey blonde twin daughter of Republican Senatorial candidate Charles Percy was stabbed and fatally beaten in the family's lavish suburban home early yesterday while members of her family slept nearby in the 17-room mansion i The body of Valerie Percy.
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    • 89 7 NEW YORK. Mon. (UPI) Philippine President Mr. Ferdinand E. Marcos suggested whimsically yesterday that he may be related to Indonesia's top-ranking general and Congress Chairman, Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution. Tracing early democratic practices among ancient Philippine tribes, Mr. Marcos noted that in the Batak
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    • 137 7 ANKARA. Mon. (UPI) Turkey has buried its former President Cemal Gursel who died last week at the age of 71. Gursel, leader of the coup that ODened the way for the present government was accorded full honours as various political and military leaders took
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    • 95 7 HONOLULU. Mon. (APV General Ne Win, Burmese Chief of State, and his wife left Honolulu by air yesterday after a Hawaiian vacation. The Ne Wins' vacation followed a State visit with President Johnson in Washington. Their estimated time of arrival in Tokyo was 3.25 p.m. Toyko
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    • 59 7 KINSHASA. Mon. (AFP)] The Governor of North Katanga Henri Ndala KamboJa has imposed a curlew from midnight to 5 a.m. in North Katanga, the Congolese press agency reported today. The decision was taken at a cabinet meeting on Friday where the general situation in the province was
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    • 45 7 PARIS. Mon. (AFP) North Vietnam knocked down two more American planes today, the North Vietnam news agency (AVI) claimed. This brought to 1,437 th® number of U.S. Planea downed to date, the agency said in a French-languagt despatch received here.
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    • 150 7 LONDON, Mon. <AFP> Mr. Forbes Burnham. Prime Minister of Guyana, said at a rally in London today that the Commonwealth conference had made it clear that force was the only means of settling the Rhodesian problem. He was speaking at a rally of the
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    • 64 7 NEW YORK, Mon. (UPI) The New York Times continued its criticism of American Vietnam policy today by saying the real question is what the United States can do to avoid a third world war. Its lead editorial said "the road to an ultimate settlement lies through
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    • 31 7 ANKARA. Mon. (AFP) Fire destroyed much of the city of Tokat in Central Anatolia today. The entire commercial centre of the town of 40,000 inhabitants was razed.
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    • 212 7 GRENADA, Mississppl, Mon. (UPI) Gov. Paul Johnson has urged Mlsslssippians to remain calm when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. visits Grenada, warning violent action could lead to the passage of the "vicious" civil rights Bill now before Congress. Dr. King was scheduled to
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    • 257 7 LONDON. Mon. (UPI> —A Royal Navy diver narrowly escaped death yesterday when he became entangled in lifelines after inspecting the bulk of the German submarine Hai lying 160 feet down on a north sea Sandbank. A Defence Ministry spokesman said the diver—unidentified by name—was brought
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  • 458 8 AT the emergency session of the Malaysian A Parliament yesterday, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, gave chapter and verse on the communist build-up in Sarawak, which he warned would be a prelude to an insurrection similar to that launched by the CPM in
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  • 357 8 JT is the irony of American aid that American presence in any Asian country is bound to cause embarrassment to that country. One case in point is Thailand. She needs American aid to build up her military forces because she is nervous about her security when she
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  • Letters...
    • 432 8  -  M. RIK. THE struggle and crusade by the NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS is receiving more support and greater sympathy from parents, pupils and even editorials. The whole struggle is for the following: In the new UTS scheme teachers do not receive medical and housing facilities.
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    • 134 8 T.V. MALAYSIA is taking viewers for a cool ride. Old films, repeat shows, tired variety almost anything goes. Certain Members of Parliament fought for longer broadcasting hours for the Indian section but their efforts are wasted with the screening of program m es more
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    • 160 8 DATC Stephen Kalong Ningkan has now demonstrated in his political life the qualities which I have most admired the courage and determination to pursue an unpopular and politically harmful course which he considers right and necessary. The deteriorating political situation in Sarawak following the
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    • 56 8 I LIVE quite near the Kim Keat Avenue community centre and every night I have to endure until the closing time of Television Singapura, the noise from the television set installed there. I have great difficulty in concentrating on my studies. The set is switched on at
      56 words
    • 256 8 IT IS GOOD to notice the expansion of our Armed Forces to take over the command of defence from Commonwealth troops who have helped during our crisis. However, the method in which it is being done invites some criticisms. I would like to make some suggestions for the
      256 words
    • 131 8  -  HENRY WONG. PLEASE, may I take advantage of this fine opportunity to thank the United States Armed Forces for doing a very wonderful job in Vietnam. I am certain that had it not been for them, the whole of South-east Asia would be dominated
      131 words
    • 111 8  -  Lint Gee Seng. WITH the impending departure of Mr, U Thant as the Secretary-Gene-ral of the United IS at ions, the ft or Id Body is today faced tcith another major crisis, if not a dilemma. If no acceptable successor is found by the coming November*
      111 words
    • 274 8  -  BAYAR CHUKAI TIIE Perak Turf Club gives a Dinner at each race meeting to the Members of the Malaysian Racing Association. At these dinners it has been noted that in addition to the officials there are many others present who have no standing whatsoever in racing circles.
      274 words
    • 178 8  -  Chan Chieu Kim, Director of Adult Education, Singapore. I REFER to the letter written by 'STUDENT' appearing in your paper dated September 13, 1966. The Board makes use of the Science Laboratories of the schools where the Board holds its Secondary Evening Classes. It is
      178 words
    • 245 8  -  C. A. Peris. I HAVE been directed by the Commissioner of the Federal Capital of Kuala Lumpur to refer to the Press reports on the fire which occurred in the Town House Hotel on Sept. 3. The reports created the impression that the Hotel does net
      245 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Commercial and industrial
    • 326 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. Thirty-six major shipping lines of Singapore have confirmed in writing to the Port of Singapore Authority that they are concerned about touts boarding their vessels. It is explicitly stated that such persons are not authorised to board their vessels. The Eastern Sun
      326 words
    • 133 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Scandinavian Airlines System yesterday announced the debut of the "Gorm Viking" the fan jet flagship of the Sky Freighter Fleet which will start operating between Scandinavia and New York, as from Sept. 22nd. A spokesman for the SAS In Singapore said, that the
      133 words
    • 334 9 ANN ARBOR, Michigan, Mon. (AP). The President of Ford Motor Co. says the firm is developing a battery-powered system for automobiles that could eliminate the problem of air pollution from car exhaust. General Motors Corp., Chrysler Corp., and American Motors Corp., also are known to
      334 words
    • 289 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. —Oct. first grade rubber buyers f.o.b. closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore ana Kuala Lumpur today at 58-7/8 cts. per lb., down The tone was very steady. The market opened easier on London advices and remained around the new level until late in the morning when
      289 words
    • 21 9 HONGKONG. Mon. (UPI) Money quotations: HK55.756-5.***** per US dollar for cash. HK5266.875 per tael gold. HK515.99 per pound sterling.
      21 words
    • 218 9 PARIS. Mon. (AFP) The 1966 annual meetings of the boards of governors of the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Development Association (IDA) will be held at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington D.C.
      218 words
    • 64 9 In a recent Vaseline Hair Cream Dealer Competition a first prize valued at S250/was won by Neo Soon Whatt of 61, Serangoon Gardan Way. The competition was organised by Muller Phipps (FE) Ltd., agents for Vaseline Hair Cream. The picture shows the proprietress of the store. Madam Goh Tung Whay
      64 words
    • 375 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. Industrials were quiet and prices were slightly beluw Saturday's closing level. The volume of turnover was low. Prices for Property shares remained unchanged. Tins had no incentive to trade. Turnover. 330,200 stock units, of which industrials accounted for 237,000; properties 79,000; tins 12,200 and sterling
      375 words
    • 15 9 SINGAPORE. Mon. The tin price for today was S6O4J per picul, down 3/8.
      15 words
      • 204 9 B S Soustead 1.49 1.50 Chemical Co 1.34 1.35 Cola Storage 2.68 2.72 Dunlop 2.21 2.29 E Smelting t 3.90 3.94 Esso Oras 2.75 2.77 United Holdings CCR 1.83 F N. Ords. CDCB 3.44 3.46 Gammon CD 1.85 1.87 Georgetown 1.15 G. E. Life 62.50 Guinness 2.09 2.11 Hume
        204 words
      • 28 9 Central Prop. City Dev. Faber Union Island Pen. 4 2\ .44 K. L. Prop. 9 .82 San Holdings 2 6 .26 Sel. Prop S'pore Land Town City
        28 words
      • 101 9 Aokam 3.70 Austral Amal. CD 23/6 Austral Malay CDXR Ayer Hitam 32/6 21/21/3 Berjuntai 32/32/3 Gopeng 33/7* Hong Kong 31/3 Idris Hyd. 13/6 14/3 K'pong Lanjut 22/9 23/6 Kamunting 18/18/6 Kent 7/10 8/7. Killinghall 38/- Kramat 12/Kuala Kampar 24/24/3 Kuchai 1.86 1.92 Larut 11/3 Lower Perak 21/9 Malayan Tin
        101 words
      • 29 9 Anglo-Asian XD 1/1 1/2 Anglo Oriental 3/5 3/9 Bk. S bawang 5/3 5/9 Cicely 2/3 2/6 Craigielea 1/2 1/5 Kulim 1/6 1/8 Strs Rubber 1/1A Taiping 2/8
        29 words
      • 48 9 Aver Hitam CD 1.30 Batu Lintang 1.70 Borelli (New) 2.10 2.20 Kempas 1.88 1.90 Kepong Plant 1.93 Kluang Ord 1.60 1.76 Kuala Sidim 1.65 New Scudai 4.10 4.50 New Serendah 2.26 Riverview 2/5 Sel. Coconut 2.91 Sungei Tukang 1.03 1.05 Temerloh 1.92 2.00 United Malacca 1.80
        48 words
      • 28 9 First Malayan 2.11 2.21 Second Malayan 1.50 1.60 Third Malayan 1.10 1.21 Malaysian Commerce .87 .89 Mai. Savings Fund XD 1.27 1.37 Sterling Commodity 3/10 4/5
        28 words
      • 151 9 TIME: AIRLINE FKOM 820 a.m. HAL 019 Kuala Lumpur. 9.30 a.m. MAL 121 Kuala Lumpur. 10.30 a.m. ML 451 Kuching. 10.55 a.m. MAL 005 Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur. Malacca. 2.45 p.m. MAL 045 Kota Bahru, Kuantan, Kuala Lumpur. 3.30 p.m. MAL 453 Jesselton. 5.00 p.m. MAL 613
        151 words
      • 183 9 TIME: AIRLINES: TO 7.00 a.m. ML 034 Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Alor Star, K. Bahru. 7.00 a.m. BA 789 K. Lumpur, Colombo, Bombay Cairo, London. 7.15 a.m. ML 452 Kuching. 7.31 a.m. ML 122 Kuala Lumpur. 8.00 a.m. Thai 402 Bangkok, Hongkong, Taipei. Tokyo 8.00 a.m.
        183 words
      • 140 9 TIME AIRLINES FROM 7.45 a.m. 8.15 a.m. BOAC (BA 739) MAL (ML 122• Singapore. Singapore. 8.25 a.m. MAL (ML 034) Singapore, Malacca. 9.15 a.m. MAL (ML 005) Penang, Ipoh. 9.40 a.m. Cathay (CX 574) Singapore. 10.05 a.m. MAL (ML 042) Singapore. 12.30 p.m. MAL (ML 512)
        140 words
      • 136 9 TIME AIRLINES TO 8.25 a.m. BOAC (BA 789) Colombo, Bombay, Cairo, London. 9.30 a.m. MAL (ML 005) Malacca, Singapore. 10.05 a.m. Cathay (CX 574) Bangkok, Taipeh, Osaka. Tokyo. 10.20 a.m. MAL (ML 042) Kota Bahru. 1.05 p.m. MAL (ML 512) Bangkok. 12.50 p.m. MAL (ML 008)
        136 words
    • 87 9 PARIS. Mon. (AFP) The French Renault motor firm has signed an agreement with the Bulgarian car-build-ing enterprise, Builte, for the assembly of French cars m Bulgaria, it was announced here. The agreement provides for Renault-8 cars to be as- sembled in Bulgaria from parts mostly prefabricated in
      87 words
    • 118 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange noon prices today were: Prevlous Today's Sellers Sellers Coconut oil (FOB) Bulk Sept 43.00 Coconut oil (FOB) Drums Sept 44.00 44.50 Sugar (Java) ex-godown. 25.50 26.00 Nutmegs 110s 475.00 475.00 Nutmegs B W 250.00 250.00 Garbled Lampong Black Pepper (FOB) 125.00 125.00 Pepper
      118 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 NEW TAIWAN NAVIGATION TINE TAIWAN SERVICE Loading for Keelung, Kaohsiung FUTAI Spore 30 Sept. 25 Sept. General Agents:CHIP SENC CO. LTD. 63-A, TELOK AYER ST., S'PORE. TEL. ***** ***** I |TT U. MANJU LINE MAN|U SHIPPING TRADINC CO. LTD. STRAITS JAPAN Y'hama S'pore P'tham Eizan Maru 26 Aug. 31 Aug.
      70 words

    • 572 11 SINGAPORE, Mon. Good films are hard to come by nowadays. Particularly if they are non-Hollywood productions. And when a good film reaches the local theatre, special mention must be made of it. One such film is "Summer Romance." No sir, it Is
      572 words
    • 123 11 "TOM SWIFT" will go before the cameras early next year. It is based on the most popular books of every recent generation—the Tom Swift series. It is to be produced in must the genre of "Around The World In 80 Days." LANA TURNER is reported to
      123 words
    • 280 11 SINGAPORE, Mon. They say lightning doesn't strike twice. But you'd be hard put to prove it to Marshall Thompson, star of "The Mighty Jungle". Filmed in technicolour, this fantastic thriller about a lost world of terrors opens for general screening at the Odeon
      280 words
    • 788 11 Punters select AnnMargret just to 'horse around' HOLLYWOOD, MON. TO believe charming, curvaceous Ann-Margret, it was her fan mail that encouraged her to sign with producer-director George ney for the title role of his The Swinger" for Paramount, opposite Tony Franciosa. The young star, who receives 96,000 letters a year
      788 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      68 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 148 11 SHAW GANISATION J CAPITOL Phone ***** 15th DAY: 11-1.45-4-6.30-9."»0 2 Gregory Peck Sophia Loren in "ARABESQUE*' Panavision Color (UI-SB) NEXT CHANGE 2 "LOVE LN SPRING" 5 Mandarin in Scope di Color LIDO Phone ***** LAST DAY 11-1.45-4-6.30-#.15 James Garner. Melma Mercourl. Sandra Dee Sc Tony Pranciosa •A MAN conld GET
      148 words
    • 176 11 r AI I Wk ORGANtSAT I O N KIODEON Phone2l-116 Last 2 DAYS! 11. S.S©. 6 A 9 51.50. 52.50 M OO T CASH BOOKINGS ONLY 44 The AGONY And The ECSTASY M (Fox) Charlton Heston Rex Harrison 33 70 MM Color by Deluxe School Children Concession SI.SO to any
      176 words

  • 142 12 learning the sitar in India NEW DELHI, Mon. (AFP) Beatle George Harrison, a member of the British pop-music quartet, is taking lessons from an Indian musician in playing the sitar —the Indian classical muscial instrument, it was reported her® today. George has shut himself up in a
    142 words
  • 209 12 JAKARTA, Mon. (AFP)— Foreign news agencies need the explicit approval of the Indonesian government to operate in this country under a new basic Press Law whose contents were published by the official news agency Antara yesterday. The draft Bill, which is presently being studied by Parliament,
    209 words
  • 95 12 TOKYO, Mon. (AP) Burma's General Ne Win arrived in Tokyo today to a fogshrouded red carpet welcome and began an eight-day visit intended to bring his country and Japan closer together. For a time there were reE ol lfr that the P lane carrying ISe
    95 words
  • 207 12 SAIGON, Mon. (UPI) Communist troops which had surrounded two U.S. Marine companies justsouth of the demilitarised zone faded back into the jungle today refusing to fight arriving reinforcements on man-to-man basis. The two companies, which had been trapped by a superior communist force of more
    207 words
  • 81 12 SAIGON, Mon. (AFP) The waters of the Mekong river today swelled to a foot higher in Chau Doc province on the Cambodian frontier than in the flood year of 1961, river authorities said here. Emergency camps have been set up throughout the Mekong delta with the aid
    81 words
  • 52 12 BOMBAY, Mon. (UPI) Continuing the vigorous drive against smuggling, customs officials seized contraband gold valued at more than three million dollars from an unoccupied apartment in the heart of the city on Friday night. The 3000 gold bars was the second big haul during the past week,
    52 words
  • 159 12 MANILA, Mon. (UPI) Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines will open talk here tomorrow on a multi-lateral treaty of commerce and navigation under the framework of the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA). The meeting, lasting up to Thursday, will be held simultaneously with the
    159 words
  • 61 12 MANILA, Mon. (AP) A teenage boy practising a cowboy style quickdraw, shot and killed a spectator today. The Daily Mirror said the boy. Romeo Modes whipped the gun from its holster. It fired, hitting Manuel Onsita in the chest. A tearful Modes was arrested on charges
    61 words
  • 63 12 JAKARTA. Mon. (UPI) The prosecution has demanded death for former North Sumatra Gov. Ulung Sitepu. on trial by a Special Military Tribunal in Medan for complicity in the abortive Communist coup of last October. Mr. Sitepu, who has been stripped of his Brigadier General's rank, allegedly led a
    63 words
  • 45 12 JAKARTA, Mon. Madame Hartini Sukarno and the Indonesian President were all smiles in spite of the troubles facing them. Hot-headed Indonesian students are planning to topple Sukarno while a fresh assault is being launched against Hartini for alleged conspiracy with the Communist Party. AP Photo.
    AP Photo.  -  45 words
  • 858 12  -  'Even a mouse might bite cat when he is angry' By Eugene Levin NAHA, Okinawa. Mon. (AP) Tension is slowly building up on this Japanese island held by the United States. The Vietnam was is giving it added importance as an American military outpost
    858 words
  • 361 12 Jakarta, Mon. (AFP). Indonesia's Foreign Minister Adam Malik will head a five, man strong exploratory mission to the United Nations arriving in New York in the middle of this week. Informa* tion Minister Mohammed Diah said here today. He told a press conference that
    361 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 25 12 NOTICE the Public are notified that the eastern sun Post Office Box Number is: P- 0. BOX IMO. 1 MAXWELL ROAD POST OFFICE SINGAPORE, 2
      25 words
      154 words

  • 387 14 DORTMUND, Germany, Mon. »UPI) Japan is highly favoured to retain her supremacy at the 16th world gymnastic championships. opening in the huge Dortmund Westfalenhalle tomorrow. More than 350 male and female athletes from 42 nations batUe for the 14 titles at stake in the
    387 words
  • 437 14  -  By BRIAN DEWHURST SYDNEY, Mon. (UPI) While Wimbledon rejoices in a new hierarchy and the end of an Australian dominance, Australia's preeminence among tennis nations remains indisputable. Wimbledon, brought no singular honour to Australia and saw the injured champion Roy Emerson dethroned. But it
    437 words
  • 136 14 KIEV, Mon. (AFP) The French athletes are **saturated with competition" declared French team manager Robert Bobin after his team was trounced 91.5-120.5 by the Soviet Union in a twoday track and field meetwhich ended here today. "The Russians were far superior to us and obviously have prepared
    136 words
  • 21 14 STOCKHOLM. Mon. (AFP) Sweden beat Britain *****0 in their men's track and field meet which wound up here yesterday.
    21 words
  • 280 14 LE MANS, Mon. (AP) Denis Hulme of New Zealand won the Formula-Two GronJ Prix of Le Mans yesterday, making it eleven races in a row for the Brabham-Honda rocina cars. Hulme survived stiff challenges by Jean-Pierre Beltoise, in a Matra-Cosworth and Jim Clark, driving
    280 words
  • 189 14 Iijima not in Japan 's A-Games team 1 TOKYO, Mon. (AFP) The Japan Athletics Federation last night selected 30 men and 16 women and seven officials to represent the country in the athletics competitions of the Fifth Asian Games in Bangkok next December. Hideo lijima. holder of Asia's 100-metre dash
    189 words
  • 82 14 SARAJEVO, Mon. (AFP) Bulgaria headed the women s points list and ?sJir a, n a ,u the in the Balkan Games which ended here yesterday. The women's section was u?i?h m v St c os ely challenged ni» avla and R«maBnloar behind £Sj? r i
    82 words
  • 62 14 n Colorad Mon. J V*. Ma c Speedie quit yesterday as coach of the iJenver Broncos, a winless American Football League team, just after they suffered its second defeat of the season to Boston. Speedie. head coach since Oct. 11, 1964. said his resignation was effective immediately.
    62 words
  • 141 14 BRIDGEHAMPTON. New York, Mon. (AP) Dan Gurney of Costa Mesa. California. driving a Lola Ford, held off a late challenge by New Zealander Chris Amon in a McLaren-Chevrolet, and won the 200-mile Bridgehampton Grand Prix yesterday. Bruce McLaren, of New Zealand and also
    141 words
  • 60 14 CALDWELL. Idaho, Mon. (AP) Mickey Wright fired a one-under-par 70 yesterday to win US$l,5OO and first place in the Shirley Englehorn Open Golf tournament. Miss Wright finished the three-day tournament with a 203 total five strokes under Sandra Halynie who fired a final round of 71.
    60 words
  • 212 14 ROME. Mon. (AP) The International Association of Amateur Boxing (AIBA) yesterday approved a new light flyweight category and rejected a proposal for adding a super heavyweight category. The AIBA delegates, meeting in congress here, gave majority approval to the proposal of E. Grey
    212 words
  • 108 14 MONTREAL, Mon. (AP) Some 4,000 fans saw Dutch Peter Post and Fritz Pfenninger take an early lead in the annual Montreal sixday bicycle race which began here yesterday. Post, making his first visit to Canada, is currently king of the six-day races in Europe.
    108 words
  • 402 14 CHESTNUT HILL Maa Mpn <UPI). Mrs. Hazei Weightman is the postman of tennis "neither rain, r.or hail nor sleet, nor snow keeps her from her appoint, ed rounds. And age isn't having any easy time making her slew down. At 79. she still
    402 words
  • 250 14 SINGAPORE. Mon. —The Blacks had their first taste of defeat this season when they met the highly fancied Singapore Cricket Club XV on the padang over the week-end. SCC who were superior in all the departments, beat the Blacks 24 points (two goals, a
    250 words
  • 41 14 MUAR. Mon. —The Johore inter-district games carnival, organised by the Johore State UMNO'Youth Section, has ended. The final resu *s are: Soccer Muar. champion; Batu Pahat, runner-up. Badminton —Muar. champion; Batu Pahat, runner-up. Sepak-raga—Johore Bahru, champion; Muar. runner-up.
    41 words
  • 35 14 BANGKOK. Mon. (AFP) —The Thai Wrestling Association has contacted Singaoore and the Philippines for fixing a triangular wrestling contest here some time before the Fifth Asian Games in December, it was reported today.
    35 words

  • 283 15  -  Five Springs also shows up in testing By Windsor Lad KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Valentino, a newcomer under trainer Osman, displayed encouraging form on a good track here this morning when he easily did 3f. in 38 sec. without being fully extended. This newcomer, who should give
    283 words
  • 30 15 BELGRADE. Mon. The Soviet Union beat a Yugoslavian XI 2 1 before 20.000 spectators in an international football match here yesterday. The visitors led 2—o at halftime.
    30 words
  • 961 15 HORSES CLASS 5 ,-Abt. 5Vz FURS. 000 Quern's Gambit 4y 9.00 Gordon Dowsett R S. Breuk. 028 Piflure Fan III 4y 9 00 Shaw Stable Tulloh 811 Tlie Dairy King 5y 8.1.1 Thio Stable Allan 0 King* Chariot 5y 8 11 Mrs. D E.
    961 words
  • 88 15 RANGOON, Mon. (AFP) The visiting Cambodian national soccer team beat 'Rangoon Selected' 2 1 in a friendly match played here last night. Over 20,000 Burmese soccer fans watched their national players score the first goal in the first fifteen minutes. The Cambodians equalized five minutes later
    88 words
  • 198 15 NEW YORK. Mon (UPI) Floyd Patterson, a boxing millionaire with a shattered pride, starts another of his "comeback" attempt this week when he challenges Britain's Henry Cooper In London on Tuesday night. Patterson, twice the world heavyweight champion, was punished mercilessly by Casslus Clay last November
    198 words
  • 305 15 PORTLAND. Oregon, Mon CAP) Bert Yancey calmly fired a 67 on Sunday for a 72-hole total of 271, winning the US$5O,OOO Portland Open Golf Tournament by three strokes over Billy Casper. The victory. Yancey's third on the professional tournament trial, was worth US
    305 words
  • 29 15 VIENNA, Mon. Austria beat the Netherlands 2 —l here yesterday in an international football match before 32,000 spectators. The two teaais drew I—l1 —1 at hallUme.
    29 words
  • 211 15 Cl. 3. Div. 1 Abt. 6 Furs. Tufton 111 9.00 Balholmen Boy 8.10 Joint Venture 8.09 Royal C ommand 8.06 Devon Venture 8.04 Bhajos Maiden 8.03 Globe Stream 8.0? Smokedream 8.01 Besame Mucho 8.01 The Peacock 8.01 Sri Tasek 7.13 Rubber Estate II 7.13 Easy Win 7.13 Moomba
    211 words
  • 434 15 DUBBLIN, Mon. (AP). Kipchoge Keino, the £6-year-old Kenvan policeman, clocked 3:57.4 on Sunday and failed in his bid to break the world record held by American Jim Ryun. Ryun's record stands at 3:51.3. Keino. who recently ran the world's second fastest mile
    434 words
  • 86 15 CALDWELL, Idaho, Mon. (UPI) Firing a one-under par 70, Mickey Wright, Dallas, Texas, grabbed the Englehorn Open here on Sunday by carding a 54total 203 and first prize of US$l,5OO. She put together rounds of 65,68 and a closing 70 to finish 10-under par for
    86 words
  • 595 15 ...are coming Watch SINGAPORE, Mon. The world famous Canadian Hell drivers —a team of highly-skilled devil-may-care stunt man behind the wheels—will be demonstraing their feats of skill and nerve in Singapore and Malaysia early next month. The Canadian Hell Drivers, whose dispays in Jordan were watched by
    595 words
  • 244 15 FORT WORTH. Texas, Mon. (AP). Mexican ace Rafael Osuna, mixing power with finesse, swept past erratic Cliff Dvrsdale on Sunday and won his second Colonial National Invitation tennis title. The Davis Cup veteran displayed unusual power, particularly from the service line, in disposing of
    244 words
  • 221 15 England's manager Ramsay says... LONDON, Mon. (AP). Alf Ramsey is back in his chair as England's soccer team manager and Panning the defence of England's World Cup title in Mexico in 1970. England won the title on July 30 by defeating West Germany
    221 words
  • 122 15 MIDLAND. Texas. Mon. (UPI) Arthur Ashe of the U.S. scored an upset defeat over Roy Emerson of Australia yesterday by serving three aces in the twelfth game of the third set. Fred Stolle of Australia defeated Denis Ralston of the U.S. in the other singles match in
    122 words
  • 147 15 LILLE, Mon. (AFP). Britain edged France 57-56 in an international women's athletics meet here yesterday. Britain, with a muchweakened team, can owe this cliff-hanging victory to a fatal mistake by the French girls in the four times 100 metres relay. The third girl, Miss
    147 words

  • 596 16 TOKYO, Mon. A two-day conference of the International consortium of Indonesia's ten creditor nations got under way here this morning to discuss economic rehabilitation of Indonesia and ways and means of redeeming Indonesian debts as well as new loans to Indonesia. Participating in
    596 words
  • 191 16 HONG KONG, Mon. (UPI) Communist China apparently worried about poor crop prospects, today ordered a crash programme to help bring in the autumn harvest. Chinese authorities appeared to have launched the biggest mass movement to the farms since the organization of the people's communes and
    191 words
  • 73 16 MORA DAB AD, India. Mon. (AP) Telephone operators at an exchange near here had more than busy numbers one day recently. Two wild elephants battered their way into the small exchange building, tried unsuccessfully to catch the operators, then trampled the equipment. As they left they
    73 words
  • 47 16 TOKYO M w school lunch, laughs shvly*wh^iT Japan a Ja P ane e S £*}°°l b °y. who is scrvin a him on their lunch at Neeilhi Prim/,v <? re m er MSAKtt SATO (left) asked ss Ww'afiit' ssw sttff- a? 'sr„r, asft.-a.assi-asa-
    47 words
  • 215 16 MANILA, Mon. (AFP) A Manila news commentator today declared that the question being asked N in the minds of most Asian leaders now is whether Pres. Marcos had to endorse America's warlike activities in Asia to be able to get economic aid." "Mr. Macros is
    215 words
  • 67 16 JAKARTA. Mon. (UPI).— Catholic Bishop Shoemaker of central Java has described President Sukarno as a "Judicious leader" who was leading Indonesia toward a form of socialism "based on the principal of belief in "God," the official Antara news agency reported today. "As such Catholics in this country
    67 words
  • 62 16 NEW DELHI. Mon. (AFP) A direct "Hoi line" will link the Chiefs of Staff of the Indian and Pakistani Armies so as to avoid tension along the two nations frontiers, the Indian information agency said here. General Kumaramangalam of India and Pakistan's General Yahya Khan agreed
    62 words
  • 59 16 JAKARTA, Mon. (UPI).— About 3,000 anti-Communist students assembled at the campus of the University of Indonesia here today fo r the first of a series of planned demonstrations to reach their peak on the first anniversary of the abortive October 1 Communist coup. Two tanks were stationed
    59 words
  • 57 16 MANILA, Mon. (UPI). —A group of 29 American Newspaper publishers and editors and their wives arrived in Manila today from Hong Kong on the last stop of a study mission tour of East Asia. The group is led by Theodore A. Serrill, Executive Vice President
    57 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 87 16 ■I JfA r I M m Vj^rs j k k t& > i I^* H »»®fi L /Oj i B ii v J >> /N W ivs tJJ? itx 4 J I 1 i p .4 I i i im.v THE LONG SIZE FILTER WITH REALTOBACCO White Horse...a man's choice.
      87 words