Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 31 October 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 25 1 Eastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No- 648, VOL 111. SING A"PfYR T? T*TTTTT* tn V^ JMl<> THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1907 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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  • 1030 1 At a time when all previous records m the exports of British coals are being broken (says the Iron and Coal Trades Review oi August 30) and prices have attained so high a level, it may not be without interest to take a rough
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  • 455 1 RUMOURED VISIT OF GERMAN SQUADRON TO THE PACIFIC A Vehement Article m thk London Times." The Washington correspondent of the Mainichi cabled as follows on Oct. 9 .—Reports to the effect that Germany has decided to send a battleship fleet to the Pacific for the purpose ofexprcssing.her
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  • 264 1 THE KOKUMIN SUGGESTS AN ALLIANCE. It is curious to note that while some of the newspapers on the other side of the Pacific are publishing sensational rumours apropos of the coming voyage of the Atlantic Fleet to the Pacific, the Kokumin considers this an appropriate occasion for
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  • 67 1 I here was I big jute blaze at Chitta gong on October 1 2. The jetties were gutted, and the walls fell m all over the warehouses with tremendous crashes. Almost a year ago a similar tire broke out. The suspected line of fire is too
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 142 1 i»r, ROGEE co. jledical Reserve m pi BRANDY HHENDED BY (fHE UNeET." JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) DEWAR'S WHISKY. THE STANDARD OF STKRLiNG VALUE. H Oocktail j 1 Martini. a* 1 ai eft. IBM rr AGENTS Smericai) Li^octa The Schweiger V^F*. Import Export Go. V^-JSJaaP- 1 LIMITED. Stop to
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    • 281 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. N0 CHANGE OF NEEDLES. fiS* PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. -=sai Records Pathe Records "Hnch single $1.00 each. -i inch double $1.40 each. detail Jtgents. WBILL fc» ZERNER 8 A BATTERY ROAD. Howarth ErskineEpsii?eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 7>>fe P W iS.
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  • 861 2 The Eeastern Daily Mail. THURSDAY, 31st OCTOBER. THE PHILIPPINES PROBLEM. The controversy ra rh* Jate of the Philippines t, n" t have become more arute m \m, ca. The .Yew York He rail that the United pose of the Philippine Island n some manner as soon as a general" ly
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  • 288 2 lnßan^,and?" r-J r2psaa Ang Seng. J "Wjl >vas E fineTby'\i' V I I Government School "-1 aithe'c; Saw the /i3T% S Blanche, *Z^&\ take place earl^ue ".un on January 3rd ,J7 tion assw-ed by Mr \M Crocker will leave 'he L'aia next month for TahitisonZ tion^. At Mew*. H.LCoi salerooms
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  • 15 2 letting *L J.mS fI r^ contrary to wj>in lint 0> |C
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 147 2 ALHAMBRA Cinematograph. TO-NIGHT 7-30 p.m. AND 9-30 p.m. New Programme The only Recognised Show msr si:n"<3--A-:fo^'E OUR PICTURES DEFY COMPETITION Absolutely Rock Steady AND FREE FROM FLICKER. DEAL DIRECT WITH THE MANUFACTURER Cinematographs d S^ilms PATHB FRERES CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS -PATHE FRERESIk Cinematograph complete with ftrc Lamp costs $218 5O This
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    • 16 2 Fresh Grapes^ PER lb CENTS THOMPSON THOMAS CO. 17 18 Stamford Road Cheapest House IN SINGAPORE.
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    • 689 2 REAL INDIAN CURRY. r)N Sunday next Nov. 3rd a Specially PrtpMttf Rtal Indian Curry Tiffin for Si. 00 (One dollar) will be served at the Recreation Hotel, Payah Lebar Tramway Terminus, from 12 noon till 2 p.m. Order for same to be booked not later than 2 p.m. on Saturday
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    • 53 3 I »yASTER-MINDB iwo c^ar£d. I r°i l|-3° l a 'm „111.111) eulogistic 1 romert speech on I ld Indian affairs K<;iin,; -hcvo-npare the speech ,orv of State for India, ■^^,Mlic^'u;larity of the con- *e*ol prevailing m Egypt B ..itist.iction at the "ivo such different master ■"^"jhe treatment
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    • 38 3 I mprovement in Financial Situation. Imnrion October 30, n -30 a.m. Koceatthe White House, Cortelyon announced mprovement m the finanKIS Government, he stated, had dollars on deposit m clt has approved of fforu>mK Panama Construction I deposits arecon-
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    • 63 3 (CORATED AND MARRIED. i Ralph Spencer l':»gct, C.M.G., nary and Minister Lcntiarv to the Court of Siam, Augustus Berkeley L.G.C.B formerly Ambassador at Land Vienna, i gazetted Comtoytl \*ictorian Order. Page: w*» named quietly on L a: X ogstoo Vale, Surrey, to 1 'daughter of Lieut.
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    • 96 3 \i AT PORTSMOUTH Octobc; jo, 11-30 a m. and <Jueen Victoria of 1 -plendid welcome at [poiith on landing from H.M.S. j BfC) w\: c" had hccn «ent to Chercg:o convey them to England on licasioa cf their vih.it to King yv:
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    • 42 3 30, 1 1-30 a.m. ~:ire Rifle Match, fired on the Sydney, lias resulted m a win ilia by 48 points over the p Zealand team, the representatives her Country being third. c the scores 2104 and 2056 2053
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    • 15 3 ci 30, 1 1-45 am. nc latest betting re Makes, 1 to 2
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    • 35 3 er 30, 11-30 a.m. •voe Wemya, the leading Jfperol St Petersburg, a semirpn, has published the first of 'Wtides advocating the con- Iway to India as a c -\nglo-Kussian Con- j
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  • 65 3 L^utnrao Ma the instanccof L*u»ly been U cd against the wttle hading Coy. on the allef"" »at they have supplied milk to VJW-.C containing added water. r. C K. Everitt respondSt^ foftheC °y- and asked for the Government kaLT >ee m»jgly appeared for Y7-^I he had no
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  • 60 3 y; gofUie i 7 th, instant a ng long New Bridge li mi n t aba m 'li^hand containing luo men met nimhatched the bag. Both f^oHe followed. TheSn with Joth men were arrested. theca&e was postponed. *em J f Ross brought k X!r -GG.Stth and asked ki
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  • 56 3 J HLk; at 8 l' c a ch ange ot proSra bh Xcw Japanese Cine?'nCJ° n 1 ht when views of L P <C 7 11 b e shown. N«K,, -h' <affl Square, North ;*i||> d .^ach Road, Seah Street JS 1 a pUt n th<! scrccn besides la y
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    • 44 3 WARDEN'S STATEMENTS PROVED TRUE Public OvatioiTto Harden. Harden with an ?nd the y ««ived ging from th^ OU r? Up n hisemer-l-ondon, October 30, to&rS?^ r Libtl rai was ordered to tea? mT V M ltk<: prosecution tlle COBU of th
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    • 8 3 E.iTT 1 CtOberi 3 '-3° m
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    • 16 3 London, October 3 0,,.. 30 a.m. ,Jr. R-S* 1 i 0 dis counted only
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    • 17 3 London, October 30, 1 1-30 a.m. Ihe death is announced of Viscount Gormanston.
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    • 33 3 VICTORY OF THE ENGLISH TEAM. London, October, 30, 4-15 p.m. In the fiist cricket match at Perth the Lnglish team has beaten the Australians oy one innings and 134 runs
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    • 36 3 London, October 30, 4. 1 5 p.m It is stated at Washington that seventy millions of dollars have been deposited into the National Banks exceeding the previous records of the financial crisis.
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    • 25 3 London, October 30, 4-15 p.m. For the first time since his illness Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria was able to walk yesterday.
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    • 56 3 PROCEED TO KENSINGTON PALACE. London, Oct 30, 4-15 p.m. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of Connaught. Princess Henry and a crowd of distinguished personages welcomed Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain at the Victoria Station from where Their
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  • 222 3 Some days ago, two Malays were arrested for fighting by additional police constable 759. One of the fighters had a Penang Lawyer and struck the constable with it. He was not m uniform. The men were charged and the case postponed. Yesterday, M Rikisha Inspector Francis
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  • 122 3 On the 29th, about noon, Captain Hawford R G. A. Blakan Mati, saw two men carrying some ice m a basket I from the launch at the pier. As the I launch was leaving the pier, he saw a i Malay running from the direction which the
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  • 74 3 The parade m honour of the Birthday of His Majesty the King will be held on the Race Course at 1.15 P«- n Saturday, November 9th. Seats will be provided near the saluting flag for Government Officials Foreign Consuls and their famil.es, and for others as far
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  • 18 3 Mr W E. Cleaver has been admitted a partner m the firm of Messr.. Presgrave and Mathews, Penang.
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  • 309 3 THE COMTE. DE BONDY ho Yang peng. of mmthh reraember "ml a couple "he Pol r*° ag a case came >«to™ thl Courls for «nquirv, but for th^"°, ment a PP«7mly ended there. I t,,^ ir u atmiSCracnt was suddenly dishim^if y th a WatChman who Proclaimed mmself
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  • 191 3 An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held m the Board Room, on Friday, the ist November at 2-30 p.m., punctually. Agenda. 1. To confirm, if approved, the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of nth October and of Special Meeting of 21st October 2. President's Remarks.
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  • 263 3 PRINCE DAMRONG LANDS AT JOHNSTON'S PIER. rhc Royal Siamese yacht Maha Chakrkrt with His Royal Highness Prince Krom Luang Damrong Rajahnubhab and Rear Admiral Prince Abakara on board, and an escort of three Siamese gunboats arrived, yesterday from Bangkok en route to Penang, whither they will
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  • 47 3 Yesterday, Mr. Justice Fisher concluded a case m which two Chinese widows claim letters of administration of the estate of the late Pay Yeo. Judgment was reserved. Mr. Upcott appeared for Lye Choon Neo the plaintinand Mr. van Someren for the de- fendant See Wan Nco. I
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  • 616 3 ALLEGED RESCUING A PRISONER. DEFENDANTS DISCHARGED. On the evening of the 18th instant, one Goh Lye Heong was m the lawful custody of P. C. No. 3 m the Havelock Koad. Two Chinese came up and molested the constable. They held him, and struck him. He called for assistance. The
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  • 227 3 A few days ago, it was announced that Kurpen Chetty had obtained a summons against Mr. Chiang Jim Hoe for trespass. The particulars were to the effect that Chiang Jim Hoe had gone to the Chetty's house at an unusual hour and roused him. This would have been
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  • 70 3 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. The first fixture m the new League will take place next Friday on the Esplanade between the S.C.C. and A. Team of the R. W. K. The S. C C. Team is as follows C. T. Costigan f G. Chapman T. Saunders I F.
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  • 88 3 Mrs. Kiniock, the landlady of the 14 Star public house, responded yesterday to a summons issued at the instance of Sergeant Pearce, to explain why she did not keep her lodgers' book m proper order. The defendant said she used to have an occasional lodger, but as he
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  • 527 3 THE RIVAL SULTAN OF MOROCCO It ischaracteristic of Morocco thatnothing should be known of the character and intentions of the newly proclaimed Sultan. Mubi Hafid is described by some of his fi iouds as a strong man worthy to succeed his father, Mulai Hassan, who ruled by the
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  • 209 3 About the middle of April last human remains burnt to the bones were discovered on the Gapis Estate, Padang Rengas. No one was able to identify them and at the inquest held subsequently the coroner returned a verdict of "death due to an unknown cause." Nothing further
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  • 127 3 The following arc some of the topical verses sung by Mr. Lorraine as the Admiral m The White Chrysanthemum," recently played at Simla In Simla I've heard it's an excellent plan If you're doomed to widowhood grassy To hold firmly attached some smart handsome young man Whoil
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  • 145 3 VELOCITY Mr. H. V. Jackson, an America lady by birth, owns m Velocity a horse honestly worth yet he was sold as a yearling by his breeder, a Boscrea, hotel-keeper, for Velocity has this year won m England the Doncaster Cup, the Chichester Stakes at Goodwood, and the City and
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  • 224 3 A correspondent has sent the Japan Gazette two tins labelled* Pure Orange Marmalade," both purporting to have been furnished by the well-known English firm of Crosse and Blackwell. The two tins are indentical m size and the labels they both bear are except m minute
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  • 208 3 MACKAY TREATY EVADED. The suggestion of H. E. Hu Wei-teh Chinese Minister to St. Petersburg, concerning the employment of Prof. Jenks, or any other foreign expert, to act as adviser m financial affairs to the Chi nese Government and the floating of a foreign loan for the establishment
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  • 175 3 At the High Court of Appeal, at Kuala Lumpur, 'before Mr. Justice Innes, the case of Tan Hon Lan who appealed against the sentence of the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate was heard, reports the Malay Mail. Mr. Ferrets conducted the appellant's case, and the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr.
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  • 126 3 RINGLEADER GOES MAD IN PRISON. It appears from a San Francisco cable of Oct. to, to the Osaka Matntchi, that one of the instigators of the Vancouver riots has gone mad m prison. He effected his escape thfct morning, and has since been missing.
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  • 381 3 One of the very oldest of old-world civilisations was that m Asiatic Turkey. Now arid enough, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, and the country between the Tigris and the mountains of Kurdistan, were once the granaries of the world. The Chaldeans turned the country into a huge garden, studded
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  • 232 3 According to a Tribune message from New York, Professor Lowell has received from the expedition despatched by him to South America photographs delineating the canals and oases on Mars with a clearness beyond all expectation. The photographs were taken m the Andes at an altitude of 1
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  • 137 3 INSPECTOR OF SCHOOLS' REPORT. According to the report given by the Inspector of Schools on trie annual examination arithmetic was said to be weak but this is not surprising, as it is the usual report given m Girls' Schools m this country. English m all its branches
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 42 3 SWIMMING CLUB. •^S i i f °Mhe riu° Wil1 ,eave Johnston's Bungalow next Suns'*'* ''at V* m< 2 3 and 3-3© pm. fe?5p.T> 3 93 am Ir, 5. Arc U| ]i l no race on account of 1 eer inspection. T. I.L-—
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 ED. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY caH the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its product's is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Martcs: W&ffßw3B^* xJz&SZay \INR aw/ These Trade Marks P% P^ aa l aB E!" If I IkJ »a"iBfcg"* rUnTb'Vtini; A Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA
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    • 535 4 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. We shall be greatly obliged to our advertisers if, when any change is required m their advertisements that such changes be sent to our office by 2 p.m. daily, otherwise we shall be obliged to hold the same over until the following day. GASOLENE LIGHT A CYCLE
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    • 452 4 BA NKS. Hongkong ft Shanghai Bankhtf Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 KESKKVK FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 I %n O0O.(XM Silverßeserve $11,000,000 'lX?/vw Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,001 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson- Deputy-Chairman Bailech, Esq. D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A
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    • 801 4 "L D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED, &C 9 NOTIFICATIOM. T^OTICE is hereby given that the following Government Roads are v closed for repairs to all traffic except bullock cart traffic 0 Ayer Raja Road, Reformatory Road, Seletar Road, Yio Chu Kang Road, lampenis Road, Changi Road beyond the 7th
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    • 257 4 Year 3 Mooths thnce vu C ekl g $2 S I 'unions \^*W t0 i,.0o 2 U 3Co^utne ,^l Marri V«. Birth or 1W V I Per insertion. N \B Kcrc6^acts^M UsCmcnti J IVUIb «*ven up6 ,:l Manager, H ■j List of Depots where "Eastern Daily M 2 ,|.1 May
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    • 729 1 m *m Number 79 c P l Subscribed of lssue p aid p I p^7 Shares Valu< |UP to cs ervt Company Quotations pro GOLD. £400,000 £350,000 «0000 r 1 r» r, 240 -„300.000 „,000' HBWttT 1 J« I 640 unissued 1902 £30.000 £16,. 7 5.70 Kechau
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    • 107 1 Singapore, October 29, 1907. Gambier 7.50 do (Cube No. r) unpicked 10.50 Copra Bali 9.05 do Foofianak 8.30 Pepper, Black 15.25 do White 5 o/c buyers 21.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3,20 do Brunei No. 1 „3.15 Pearl Sago 4 70 Coffee Bali, 150/0 26.25 Coffee, Palembang, 20 OJ6 basis
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    • 134 1 On London. Bank <t m/s 2/4 3/16 Demand 2/3 13 /,6 Private 6 m/s 2/4 3/4 do. 3 m/s 2/4 3/8 O;/ (.ennany. Bank d/d 2.37 Private 3 m/s 2.424 do 6 m/s 2.444 On France. Bank d/d 2.91} Private 3 m/s 2. 98 4 do 6 m/s 3.014
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 176 1 Weather Report tfmtdmig Kerbau Hosp-tal, 29//1 Oct. 1907. 9am 3Pm 9pm, m R- s Bar 3a Fah 29.966 29.832 29.938 1 E Temp 87.4 86. '80.5 a Wet Bulb Ther 79.4 79.2 76.8 8 L).r <1 Wind I wn w s E Max Temp 89. 5J C -<A Mia 74
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 690 2 SHIPPINC NEWS. MEN-OF-WAR, ETC. Bali, Siam, g'bt. «oo tons, icocfew 0 guns, 450 h.p. Capt Petcrien Oct 30. From Bangkok, Oct For Penang, Oct 31- -Rds. Chitose, H. I. Jap. cru lt 836 tons, 460 crew 24 guns 15,50 ah. p. Captain Yamagn, Oct 27. From Bat via, Oct n
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      • 515 2 Korat, Ger. str. 1,223 tons, Capt Schmidt, Oct 27. From Bangkok, Oct 22. G.c, and d.p. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, U.— Rds. Mnrudu, Ger str „02 tons, Capt Rodenburg, Oci 27. From Tawao, Oct 18. Gc, and 51 dp. Behn Meyer Co. ror Tawao, Nov 2 -Rds. Ncthcrton, Brit
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      • 550 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Naiyte, Port, Probable date of Arrival iit't name of Agents. Ayuthia, Bombay, Nov 10; Borneo Coy A Apcar, Hongkong, Oct— Paterson Simons Arcadia, Hongkong, Nov 22 P O Coy A. Behic, Colombo, Dec 2 M. Maritimes Achilles, China, Dec 12; Mansfield Borneo, Japan, Nov 13 P O Coy
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      • 720 2 Titan, China, Dec 25 Mansfield Seirstad, Bangkok, Nov 24 Borneo Co Sootfra, London, Jan 10; 1* O Coy Thongwa, Madras, Nov 16; Bovstead Tonkin, Saigon. Dec 2 M Maritimes I'otomi Maru, B'bay, Nov—; P Simons Teesta, Madras, Nov 2 Boustead Teucer, China, Nov 2c -^Mansfield Tamba Marju, Japan, Nov 4
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