Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 30 October 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 22 1 Eastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No- 647, VOL lllTf SINGAPORE, WEDNlg3DAV rwrrrrem, *n 19 b 7 7 [PRICE 5 CENTS.
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  • 715 1 Contrary to expectations, there has been a slight decline— amounting to 688 tons— in our total oversea imports of dairy produce. A probable explanation of this condition of affairs is suggested by Messrs. W. Weddel Co, m their annual colonial daiiyproduce report, as being due to the
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  • 193 1 The extraordinary capacity of KudgeWhitworth machines for getting first m all distances was shown m great style on September 7. The Weekly Dispatch 100 miles challenge trophy race was run on the Brooklands track, and out of 50 starters J. Bishop, riding a Rudne-Whitworth, won by six miles.
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  • 803 1 In issuing what is believed to be the first list of aluminium conductors published by any firm of electric-cable manufacturers, Messrs. Johnson and Phillips, Limited, of Old Charhon, Kent, have set forth some of the advantages to be obtained by the use of aluminium as a conductor. The
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  • 112 1 ilie following is a recent "Haul, Case m Vanity Fair C says to A, Come m any eVenii.g and see me and my wife don't dres^, A says, "1 will come on one Thursday" About a foi might after, A, m morning clothes, goes to the C's, and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 130 1 E y ROGEE CO. jical Reserve L 0?l BRANDY m ,0 LaN^ET." IB LITTLE CO, LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) DEWAR'S WHISKY. THE STANDARD OF STERLING VALUE. p Oocktail [I Martini. 11 KE AGENTS ISroericai) jriini^octe The Schweiger j^nis Rossi t r> 4 Import Export 60. V__UB-J I.IMI ll.l>. Stop to buy
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    • 174 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. BS** PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. Records Pathe Records inch single $1.00 each. t.J inch double $1.40 each. Stetail Jt gen ,s. WEILL ZERNER <? A BATTERY ROAD. Howarth ErskineT Ei>sii>eers aijd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. TEIK CHIN CO.
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  • 17 2 HOOK.-On October 28tU at the Maternity Hospital Singapore, the wife of J. Hook, of a daughter.
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  • 387 2 The Eastern Daily mail. WEDNESDAY, 30th OCTOBER. JAPAN AND COREA. It is auite natural that the visit ot the Japanese Crown Prince to Corea is looked upon as an incident of exceptional significance. 1 here is no precedent Tor a visit to a foreign country either by a Sovereign or
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  • 423 2 During the last couple of months, there have been several cases before the Police Magistrates which go to show that immigrants from China are adopting tactics which prove troublesome to those who have incurred the cost of their passage hither. It seems to be the practice when a
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  • 325 2 It is rumoured that Dr. Fox-has bee. recalled from leave and that one ol the doctors m Perak has been suspended Mr. C. F. Green has sent ten Hokiens to prison for a month for committing an affray on the 2MII instant Boat Quay. An aged Bengali was yesterday, sen
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  • 207 2 i L-^i'.ay, IV. Gonainektrtspc^B 10 -vmm- nscs calling I plain why he did not du:::.:-.ec«H report to the Mv i rifl Officer a ca-e of typhoid fl alleged to have treated :.l» fuiofl the death of Poh Hoon. 1 h". Gonatilleke wa> iho 'ftjinfl explain why he did
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  • 32 2 POLICE •>■•■■'■ ulil On Monday night the police Wlien the maul. joyabte evening *»J l §L*gl to the efforts ol W-af iM lot S Mr. Cumbclcd^ getting u^te""^^^ ,l,c okloil bmp^^,
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  • 13 2 Hall- "^^:.ns»Ik-. icy- L f c to be prerf"-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 Fresh Grapes., PER lb CENTS THOMPSON THOMAS CO, 17 IS Stamford Road Cheapest House I IN .1 SINGAPORE. J ALHAMBRA Cinematograph. TO-NIGHT 7-30 p.m. AMD 9-30 p.m. New Programme The only Recognised Show OUR PICTURES DEFY COMPETITION Absolutely Rock Steady AND FREE FROM FLICKER- DEAL DIRECT WITH THE MANUFACTURER I
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    • 522 2 WAMTED. t>Y a European a situation m a D Mercantile Firm as a book-keeper or general assistant. Thoroughly experienced. Apply stating terms to Z. K. c/o E. D. M. 30-10-07—5-11-07. FOR SALE. A small Piano m perfect order. Price Si 20. On view at G. A. FERNANDEZ Co., 30-10 07
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  • 48 3 Kangsar, applicai!^ *crn a «ncultural into c approved as follows:P«"n '"-jr. 28 per. at fcW| IJ V acre ""tang ijofy (>(1 > perches for a 5 V i'M'rant Towkay t 1 -1 irt were con. fcCo?'i? llle »atu Gajah BWaI grinW a con-r^-oo' r lcullu '-all.inds into pci acre.
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  • 559 3 disposing nf t wos .Jr.,, 1 !or dishonestly Ihe first defendant fitm. admitted laS thf Vant m acid pawning them ..K' lnstrun ients tl.e W Ko£ns N o,, fcV" 1 118^ of said he had not blen Cal firmand w ,s no, 'S m nu r
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  • 139 3 Tan Si Ngan was a servant to Mr. \lison, an assistant at the Smelting Works, Pulo Brani. On Monday, Mr. \lison saw him put his hand into the x>cket of a coat which was hanging on 1 peg m his room and abstract somehing which he put m
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  • 99 3 Yesterday, Mr. Gibson, Assistant Protector of Chinese, prosecuted two Chinese immigrants for refusing to sign labour contracts to work off. the Expenses incurred m bringing them either. They said that they had been invited to go to Hongkong, had accepted the invitation and had been brought on
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  • 66 3 For failure to pay the quit-rent amounting m all to $8 the Collector of Land Revenue under the powers invested m him under the Land[Enactment has sold to one Chew K. Peng for 24 dollars four plots of ground with lour brick houses at Banda Bh.ru producing a monthly rental
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  • 376 3 rWO YEAR? RIGOROUS The rieV i ISha f 1 thc 2Oth ChSa Poh ai? M aimcd to lhc tricdn,r i• h s ld he was a puller On ocach Road where he alighted The man left a bundle m the vefidT Wit! ness was on his way
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  • 275 3 Yesterday, Teo Sat was charged before Messrs W. C. Michell and W. S. Gibson, with attempted housebreaking on the 19th instant Tahir, a detective, said he was on rounds on the night of the 19th, when he saw two Cbinese near a godown.
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  • 245 3 A few days ago, on information received, Detective Inspector Frayne went to a house m I anjong Rhu and found a number of miscellaneous articles m the possession of two Chinese, but which were found to belong to Messrs. Syme and Coy. Yesterday, Inspector Frayne charged these
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  • 94 3 DEFENDANT DISCHARGED. Yesterday, a young man named Ong Cheng Moh, explained to Mr. C. F. Green thai on the Bth instant he was m Havelock Road. A party of men approached him and tripped him into a drai.i. Before he could recover himself a watch and chain
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  • 277 3 Last eveiiiiiK 24th Oct Mr. Hodges Manager, for Mr. Scheuer, of Oldfiehi's Dispensary, after locking U p the shop went out, leavin- his boy m his house On returning later he found the dead body of the boy lying upon a couch m m the sitting room,
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  • 200 3 REFRACTORY DIGNITARIES SUSPENDED FROM OFFICE. It is stated m a Peking telegram to the Mainichi that an Imperial Decree was promulgated on the io».h to the following effect:- I Last year an Imperial Decree was issued ordering officials and others to gradually break off the habit
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  • 200 3 Detective 115 said he remembered the morning of the 23rd, instant. He was on rounds m Park Street. He saw a man sitting under a tree. He went to the man, who when he saw him coming lay down having a clock for
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  • 150 3 The District Military Orders for Saturday state that, on the occasion of the arrival of His Royal Highness Prince Krom Luang Damrong Rajanubhab of Siam, on the 30th inst., the octh Russell's Infantry will furnish a Guard of Honour. The strength will be 100
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  • 144 3 Yesterday a Chinaman named Lee Swee was run over and shockingly injured, subsquently dying m hospital, by a motor car driven by a European. The accident occurred at junction of Market and Belfield Streets about 3,30 m the afternoon. The medical autopsy established the cause of death as
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  • 29 3 The Siniar Rubber Company, Ltd., 34 Baker Street, London, W., have received a special order to fit Royal Sirdar solid tyres to gun carriage tractors for the War Office.
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  • 1549 3 THE HUNGARIAN SOCIALISTS. Londo.i, Oct. 7 -A Vienna message says ih.it about 70,000 Hungarian Socialists have held a great demonstration at Budapest to demand the grant of universal suffrage. They also sent a petition to the Hungarian Parliament »n which representations were mada concerning the hardships of
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  • 54 3 It was recently stated that negotiations will be opened by China with America for the floatation of a fifty million yen loan for administrative improvements and public works m Manchuria, but a later telegram says that Viceroy Hsu Shih-chuang intends to raise the loan m three or four countries instead
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  • 606 3 The vexed question of the imitation of British trade-marks m China hah (says the "Manchester Guardian") been receiving the attention of the Taotai of Shanghai. The mail just to hand brings a free translation of a proclamation issued by the important official. Such a proclamation
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  • 157 3 A most illuminating instance of the American lack of the true sporting spirit came to light some mouths ago. In 1906 the football team of the American University of Princeton was playing against a team which iiad a very tine "endrush," a coloured man, named Bullock. In
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  • 34 3 Brazilian Cruisers. Two Brazilian cruisers, costing .£330.000 each, arc lo be built by Armstrongs and engined by Vickers, and the same firms are to build and engine two Argentine gunboats to cost j£Bo,ooo each.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 y SD. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its produ<\s is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: These TraJc Marks Mf\ P^ 3 5F* l/tTI IVI C A Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA as illustrations below. V*^A These different Articles
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    • 1013 4 BAN X S Hongkong 1 Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *10,UU0.Um KKSfcKVE FUND:— Sterling Keserve $10,000,000 i *oi QOO 001 Silver Reserve $11,000,000 f Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,001 Court of Directors. G~. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman Bailcch, Esq. D. M. Nissim Esq. E.
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    • 327 4 11 E. D. M." ADLETB. FOR SALE, WANTED. &C I NOTIFICATION. T^OTICE is hereby given that the following Government Rouis ase closed for repairs to all traffic except bullock cart traffic. j Ayer Raja Road, Reformatory Road, Seletar Road, Yio Chu Kang Road, Tampenis Road, Changi Road beyond the 7th
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    • 438 4 JUST ARRIVED!!! For the first time m Singapore The Grand Imperial Panorama Patronized by H. M. Kmg K.U ard Vll ri. M. the K.ng Emperor o t Germany an n all the Royalty of the Confnent oT" Realistic Views Illustrating the principal Towns, 1 ra v,l Exhibitions and the Wars
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    • 237 4 ADVERTISING R ATt( I small <;| > For inch Sin XK l c Ui heading KJ thnce weekly. oSi.oo''0 Si.oo'' 3 C ""«»'ivt M Mar nage,B,nl, or^ I P«r insertion. Wl V ««-B I F«rwnlra ct spact Villh Miv.i,» K ,J Mana^r, to ROBINS® -I ~-^_l I List of Depots
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    • 791 1 I GOLD. »9"0 £400.000 £350,000 350,000 I I Duff Developement LM. JiJ nnmin IQel Jftftftnn 20.000 flo $10 KadanaG.M.Co., O'rof) J.OO nominal «9ei $300,000 $293,000 j 10,000 Jlo $10 9 I 640 unissued 1902 £30,000 £16,175.70 j °> 2 <>7 I 1! Kechau Goldfields, Ltd. (f. p.)
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    • 102 1 Singapore, October 28, 1907. Gambier 7<50 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.50 Copra Bali 9>05 do Pontianak B.*o Pepper, Black 15 j s do White 5 o/c buyers 21.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3 20 do Brunei No. j Ul Coffee Bali, 150/0 t 2 t 25 Coffee, Palembang, 20
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    • 143 1 On London.— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 3/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 6 m/s 2/4 n/16 do 3 m/s 2/4 5/16 O« Germany.— Bank d/d 2.37 Private 3 m/s 2.42^ do 6 m/s 2.444 O// France.— Bank d/d 2.91} Private 3 ra/s 2.984 do 6 m/s 3.01 1 On India.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 191 1 Mails Close TO-DAY. For P er Steamer Time Bangkok Dott it am Bgf I*—1 %AB ss babak and Djambie Brouwer 1 pm P bwet ham via ports Kistna T L apan Yeboshi Maru 3 pm T Anson via ports Kinta pn, TO-MORROW. Muar and Malacca Hainam 2 pm Muar and
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 677 2 fcmpplNC JEWS. »EN.OF.W»R, ETC. s^^-% was Murphy Oct 11. From Malacca c>ct 10 Lolonial Government. U -Rds T*+**.H£ Jap. cru. .3.750 tons, 2M«*i 34 guns, 23,260 h p. Capt TaKenoorch, Oct ,8. For Batavia, Oct 25. bor Japan, Oct 3 1 -Rds. TVadipj, Vessels, &c. Latest Arrivals. (Ji<l rabongs, Siam
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      • 372 2 Coy U.~K a ExtCnsion Telegraph Shantung, Ger. str. 1,000 to- .s Cant L,t ma Oct 8 FrU to^Cap Vrv, 3 ir f" d 7 4 d.p Behn Meyer c r Moluccas, U- 1p D LotanS"" 11 r UL Str 555 tons, Capt Oc r 24- F J"° m Bi d
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      • 541 2 VESSELSJXPECTED. Xante. Port, Probable date of An-nuil t:id natne of Agents. Steamers. AyuthL, Bombay, Nov 10; Borneo Coy A Apcar, Hongkong, Oct—; Paterson Simons Arcadia, Hongkong, Nov 22 P O Coy A. Behic, Colombo, Dec 2 M. Maritimes Achilles, China, Dec 12 Mansfield Borneo, Japan, Nov 13 P O Coy
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      • 726 2 bpezia, Hamburg, Nov 6; Behn Meyer Salazie, Colombo, I»< < 16; M.Vlaritimes Sithonia, Hongkonk, Dec—; B. Meyer Stentor, Liverpool, Nov 26 Mansfield Terrier, Bangko!:, N >v 17; Borneo Coy Titan, China, Dec 25 Mansfield Seirstad, Bangkok, Nov 24 Borneo Co Socotra, London, fan 10; P O Coy Thongwa. Madras, Nov
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