Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 25 October 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 31 1 Eastern Daily Ma il AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No. 643, VOL. 111. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 1907. r-ma tmmf—-*m mt m m *m n m mm m> —mm > [PRICE 5 CENTS.
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  • 483 1 DRASTIC MEASURES. Pius the Tenth's long-expected encyclical against M Modernism in the Catholic Church has been published. This ponderous Pontifical pronouncement in Latin prose covers seventeen newspaper columns, and has necessitated a special enlarged edition of thc Qbservatore Romano. rhe Pope ekes copious extracts from the public acts
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  • 264 1 Most of us are tflad that wretched Deceased Wife's Bill is through, whether we want to prevent oir husbands trom keeping a forward eye on our young sisters, or whether we see no reason why sisters-in-law should not be as equally legalised wives as first cousins. We
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  • 53 1 As natural and unaffected as possible. Studious of the needs and wants of others. Careful in avoiding to notice or speak about that which might possibly give offence. Prepared to render any little assistance to those in need of it. Ready to lose herself in trying
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  • 996 1  -  Mary Alice Bond. (Oriftinal lor CaMcnews.) Many years ago Edward Bixby Iclt a loving wife and their little ones to seek his fortune in the west. Bixby became a prospector in Colorado and bought a claim which hc worked with a man b\ the name of Clark.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 -a 1 g rn i __l m 09 C 3D G3 |BH LITTLE CO., LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) DEWAR'S WHISKY. |____p__i_^^ THE STANDARD OF STERLING VALUE. I S Ooektevil |]l Mevrtini. r AGENTS Smencan iii^ocUJ, The Schweiger t"f! Import Export eo. M LIMITED. Cinematographs- j A complete inematograph with A complete
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    • 407 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. BS=* PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. aS Records Pathe Records ni inch single $I_CO each. n£ inch double $1.40 each. Stetaif Agents. WEILL ZERNER 8 A PATTERY ROAD. Howarth Erskine j Ep^ipccrs ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23.
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    • 17 1 FROMY, ROOEE ft CO. Bui 91 2 e_r JLI W 118 Snrw m uj i»_______a M (JgrtJ _<
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  • 385 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. FRIDAY. 25TH OCTOBER. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. A cablegram from Reuter informs us that the entire correspondence that passed between the Japanese and the Canadian Government n the recent riots at Vancouver, has been published at Ottawa. Prom the correspondence itli c.early evident that the
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  • 240 2 Wc regret to learn thnt tl,, dition ol Mr. E. Colman-. r o has necessitated an for)t which was perlormed on V?"?" 0 Hay by Dr. Millard Im, dn< ed that this will cause M r T Ct to be laid up tor t n H In the
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  • 171 2 McDowell, tho Principal Civil Medical Officer wont round the Police Courts, yestordav, apparently with a view to .oe to the ventilation of theso Courts There is plenty of ventilation where the people sit, but there is not sufficient near tho ceiling. It is beginning to be understood
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  • 505 2 A i wo year old Siamese elephant has been instilled in the Kyoto Botanical Gardens. Mr. E. C. Davidson. Assistant superintendent. Posts and Telegraphs, Perak has retired from the public sei vice. Mr. G. G. Seth. Assistant to the Attorney General, occupied the Bench in the 3rd Magistrate's Court yesterday,
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  • 298 2 ';W> i u Co* •_""'"'.Oc_,_. '"JS. i Rl iff d October, ?^l Eft iSS!.»« fi t*t Socialism uon -W*j J' 01,d t on October 1 'Vtectoratc. rott '*S] London, clo b. r correspondent at chiefs arc a! Ih: l m Lodood, October i \i. r started!,, India
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  • 123 2 Thc weekly retarn oM Singapore, shows an mce the number of death* the weekended October, ed with the number m the P 1 week. Tho death-rate n 53.06 per thousand ot the population. Altogetl*r_*d»u* ed, males aoj fan* number, ao6 were Qw** previous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 A H A !V! BRA F^ e Be DolwTw^ti. I i l w I SPLENDID VALUE IN Cinematograph. ABSOLUTELY THE No. 1 SHOW IN THE EAST. I A V ANA I "Victoria" per dozen $0.25 NEW PROGRAMME NOW ON I Box of 50 95 I "La President" per 'dozen .30
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    • 209 2 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. RENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the 23rd November, 1907 for the following Police services for thc year 1908.^ 1. For making of Sign Boards for Coffee shops, Eating and Lodging Houses and for explosive stores in Singapore. 2. For removal
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 176 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY. OCTOBER 25. High Water 0.43 am 0-22 p:n P& O Out ward Mail du<P O Homeward Mad closes 6 L»K.slati\ Council. 2.38 SCC Association Football Grand Cinematograph Show 7-30 and 9-30 n Japanes. C inematograph Show, 7-30 9-30 p TO-MORROW, OCTOBER 26. Hipi Water 1-21 am, 0--1
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    • 18 3 The Newfoundland Fisheries. jTwH rHE PKKOctober. -M. ani- ,isherfolk h.ve with thc *els selling v fo. thc present
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    • 24 3 NC rHE SALE pF r DIAMONDS. -Octobci -4. a.m. ,1 [Vernier Diamond PE." entered into a > agreethe 'ale of
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    • 14 3 BOVVER INSUFFICIENT. „am. a: ronounced l ,\> bury disaster. nt was duc to
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    • 16 3 >F BRITISH PREROTOSAL. October, 24. >' a.m. .wealth has m the Governpedal preference L
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    • 38 3 Smoking of a Hamburg America Liner. .AVED. THREE HEW MISSING. ctobo .'4, 1 1 a._n. Lisbon -tates that J«r_- Liner Borusv arrived from I Lisbon was >ng tide. The md cisappeareil. The _tn were saved. Three of the
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    • 27 3 SIGNS A DECREE ;_ING JHE CABINET :.)ber 24, 1 1 a.m. it Si tersburg that a j declare^ that _he j cree dismissing fi
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    • 28 3 K EXCHANGE SED. 11-15 a.m. New York is little j Ihe Knickerboker ments until the theoffic tl examination. Exchange has requesl ol the local
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    • 21 3 ISE IN BANKRA 1 ES. 11-15 a.m. c:m Market the London I k-i ate is ex- I
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    • 42 3 Mr Cortilyon Arrives at New York. i I il THE SI. ERS. e 14. 11-15 a.m. 5e retarr of the ai New York to Wfcrring with the leading statement to the 1 1 to assist the Banks. tion of the ptiooally strong.
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    • 44 3 J*^ K '>ad hired take her to He was detained i7Js»'ngto wait longer, he u'e and imperatively and CZ <toanded his f are. Mrs. d on important her house and L m f ic i complaint and is fined bv Mr. ■'urteeudays.
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    • 145 3 ruilUL, ttjfr P '> *M before Mr. C. F. charged with 47- at Beach Road I his duty. S duty Wthe police. The defencoolies to remove '>v' the baulk he was that he must V Die defendant insistRoad P, 1 instable went to > c orpoaiV lat,ona,)d
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    • 47 3 CORRESPONDENCE RE VAN COOVER RIOTS London, Octo^ 24, u. m The correspondence between th. beenpublisheTarOttawr 00^^ Replying to a teleeram Rick. Honourable Sir Wilfred I ,g.ht Premier of Canada give J^SS the S:« kr.=_i-„f.lS table events «egretThe Mikado said that h#» s ..isfied with
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    • 33 3 STEADY CONDITION OF THE MARKET. London, October 24, 4 c D m ve ,S h:le tCd b 2e° m M«K* W.L u Cn a PP°'nted for the SSSr* c,ectric and
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    • 18 3 London October 4 4 5 p m A deposit of ten millions of dollars
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    • 102 3 Hon. R. Lemieux Banqueted at Montreal. London, October 24, 4 s p.m. A banquet was given at Montreal in honour of Honourable R. Lemieux the Minister of Labour for Canada on the eve of his departure to Japan. The event is regarded as one of the happiest of omens dawning
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    • 77 3 THE AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF RAILWAYME.V London, October 24, 6-25 p.m. The chairmin of the Great Eastern Railway haa is-ued a manifesto in which he absolutely refuses to recognize the Amalgamated Society and says lhat most of the employees are nonunionists and desire to be
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    • 95 3 Mr. Cator, Deputy Master Attendant, charged a 'rikisha puller for recklessly pulling his vehicle and thereby causing damage to his bicycle in Orchard Road on the morning of the 22nd instant. Mr. Cator explained how the collision occurred and said that he did not seek compension for
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    • 91 3 A Chinaman emploved as a clerk on the S. S. Bangkok r summoned the 2nd, mate for assault. Yesterday the defendant responded to the citation. The complainant said he was struck with a rope. The defendant admitted slapping him under provocation. In reply to Mr. Michell, the
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    • 93 3 A week ago, a Chinaman was found with his throat cut in the verandah of a house in South Bridge Road. The result of an investigation was the arrest of three Chinese. Yesterday, they were called before Mr. G. G. Seth. Inspector Kim Swee said that he
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    • 199 3 The London Correspondent of the Times of Ceylon writes.— Meeting an authority of camphor to-day I asked him about the course of the market -ince 1 last saw him several months back He told me that the price had in the meantime dropped from 380/ to 220/ per cwt.,
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  • 509 3 A DEGENERATE NEPHEW. anr S S? l M,:iSc ssor of valuables and notes to the value ot over «.,,<£ ha s in?, atN 5 Muar Road $E "as a nephew named Tan Jun. This hrs Un _f„nT mCd l tinted with nis aunt s possessions and were to find them.
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  • 321 3 Jan A Choon was jesterday charged before the Bench Court (Messrs Michell and Gibson on the bench) by Sergant Bourn with the theft of a suit of clothes belonging to Mr. Kennie about a month ago. and with attempted housebreaking at the Singapore Cricket Club on the
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  • 69 3 Lee Soon Keng, a local merchant, had occasion to bring to Mr. Hooper's notice the conduct of a Yikisha puller in demanding moie than his legal fare on Tuesday night. On this being refused he assaulted Soon Keng. On the first count this puller was fined $5,
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  • 68 3 A Chinese immigrant was yesterday charged by Inspector Knox before Mr. G G. Seth with refusing to sign a contract to labour to pay for his passage and advances. The man contended that he never intended to c< me here. He had never been
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  • 46 3 Messrs. Son Kong and Co., Tailors and Outfitters, sued Mr. Tylor in the Couit of Requests yesterday, for •55.55 the balance of the cost of dress suits and other articles judgment was given for the plaintiff the money to be repaid in four instalments.
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  • 771 3 IS THE EARTHQUAKE WAVE OVER INTERESTING STATEMENT I.Y DR OMORI. A Victoria (B. C.) paper recently published the following Article The present era oTstrong eathquake activity has been completed and I believe that for many years to come there will be no strong seismic disturbances." Dr. F. Omori, professor of
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  • 152 3 Recently when a decayed beam was being removed from the upstairs vet andah of the Hong-Kong Shangai Bank-house, Colombo overlooking Queen's Street, a young cobra, two feet long, emerged and was at once killed by the workman. Jhe beam had suppoited the wooden ventilator frame
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  • 107 3 The two Japanese men-of-war the Tsukuba and Chitose arrived at Colom bo on October 14 from Trieste via Aden on their 1 way home. They left Japan on a cruise to Jamestown Exhibition by way of the Cape and are now returning to Japan, and may
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  • 1484 3 REPORT OF GOVERNMENT CHEMIST FOR THE YEAR 1906 The September number oftheAgri:ultural Bulletin ol ihe Straits and Fedeated Malay States contains several nteresting reports out of which we re>rinf that of Mr. B. J. Eaton, the F.M.S. jovernment Chemist. I arrived in Kuala Lumpur and asumed the
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  • 288 3 Australia continues persistent in her endeavours to induce the retired AngloIndian to settle on her shores, and illustrated literature describing the charm of life in the Southern continent is continually circulating in this city. But a lately-returned and much disgusted Anglo-Indian dame is decisive in her
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  • 78 3 Commercial Agent Shotts reports from Sault Ste. Marie growing interest in the water powers of Canada. Many plants are now utilizing the power and others are being built or planned which, all told, will form a very small percentage of the available power. The Canadian Pacific
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 437 4 ED. PINAUDS perfuivTerv calljlie attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of it produ' s is genuine unless bearing the following rnftstered Trade Marks mmtAAM^gL „n PORTE-VEI IM E m_ Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA €___aip as illustrations below. E9 These cMferenl Articles are also regularly protectee J^!?a\
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    • 997 4 j BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Bankin. Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL <10,000.(» RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 I Q1 onn co Silverßeserve $I_,<Xx2oOO J il UU^ uu Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,001 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, VV. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman Bailech, Esq, D. M. Nissim Esq. E.
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    • 314 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS.~FOBSALE, WANTED. &c. j NOTIFICATION. T^OTICE is hereby given ill-it liic following Government Koads site closed lor repairs lo all traffic except bullock cai t traffic. j Ayer Raja Road, Reformatory Road, Seletar Road, Yio Chu Kang Road, 'lampenis Road, Changi Road beyond thc 7th mile, East
      314 words
    • 412 4 JUST ARRIVED'" For the first ti m s,^^ The Grand In »Pe"-ial Panorama. Patr,™ iz ed y M K K ri M. the King bmperor ol Germ, cj_[^rt_z Realistic Views Illustrating the principal Towns, ravds Lxhibitions and the Wars <>| the World Change of Programme every week on Saturday. T©-day
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    • 242 4 RATds o?^SB F_.{£g| UT ST N I AUV£RT ISiNC to I small ao!::;J Wanted T u,, F 1 thr *e weekly >: **M Si.co." 3 COll^cut:- it I Mnma^,li.rth„ rl> f 1 W 'nsertion. I K rcc^a_t_ pac 1 tiSCmcnl^ Wail Wl Manager. I L »st of Depots whertl "Eastern
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    • 109 1 Singapore, October 23, 1907. Gambiet 8 -5° do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.45 cpra Bali •> 8 -7° do Pontianak 8 2 Pepper, Bind. N 16.25 do White 5 o/c „21.50 SagO Flour Sarawak N 3-4© do Brunei No. 1 M 3.10 P. '.1 S_lg M 4-70 ffec ii
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    • 582 1 i I ray no] Number Issue Paid Company Quotations pec •-k C «pit .1 Subscribed. of Value up to xeservt v 7 pi u o] Shares GOLD. 2.40 Duff Do v elopement I t' 2.00 nominal I9"0 £400.000 £350,000 3 |o'^ «lo $10 Kadana G. M. Co.,
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    • 141 1 On London. Bank a m/s 2/4 3/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private. 6 m/s 2/4 11/16 do. 3 m/s 2/4 5/16 Ou Germany.— Bank d/d 2.37 Private 3 m/s 2.42^ do 6 m/s 2.44! On France.— Bank d/d 2.91^ Private 3 m/s 2.98* do 6 m/s 3.01$ On India.— Bank
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    • 147 1 GO BACK YOU ARE DEAD theatrical folk, rts a rule, cannot resist the temptation to respond to applause. It is music to their ears. To get a hand gratifies the ambition of the humblest actor and the "star" alike, and they are prompt to render their acknowledgment, regardless of the
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 96 1 Mail Steamer Movements. Homeward P. O. Mail. 1 he P&O homeward mail str Oceana left Hongkong at 2 p.m. on Saturday, and is due here to-day at 6 a.m. Outward P. O. Mail. The outward mail P&O str. Devanha left Colombo at 6 p.m. on Saturday and is expected to
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 2297 2 SHIPPING NEWS. Ip^HSSSS VESSELS EXPECTED. **g±^*^^^ 'J^ivjr*: iSk^SSS:* ft__w___«fe%vBr crew. 10 guns, 2 7 80 hpCn ol Von og" aSt _S i B k Ug M° k °2 W</ ,W o/ S > T Lo do N^ J >AO Coy Keppel, Oct .3. From Winiems uiv^n Co fc Bangkok t
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