Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 23 October 1907

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1399 1 THE POMPEII Of THE SAHARA. I A WONDERFUL CITY UNDER THE AFRICAN SANDS. Twenty-one years after Pompeii was overwhelmed by the awful eruption of Vesuvius. A.D. 79, there was founded by the Emperor Trajan the far more extensive Roman city of Timgad, upon one of the lower slopes of the
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  • 270 1 Capt. W. F. White, late Cheshire Regiment of Elsham Hall, Lincolnshire, in an interesting letter to the Daily Telegraph says •'One of the men engaged in digging for a new gas main in the year 1887, in the town of Brigs_, in Lincolnshire, came across a log
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  • 154 1 No more fatal mistake is ever made than that of over-ambitious parents of of small means who send their daughters to schools designed for millionaries' daughters. Of course the parents always hope that the girl will make some connection in such a school that will land her
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 132 1 t *m_~» SO rn CD SO _l_s^ I S 0 LITTLE CO, LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) DEWAR'S WHISKY. I THE STANDARD OF STERLING VALUE. 9 Oocktail 11 Martini. I R W«ft II _^M B I i *B_ H k kMHI fe» _K_ I M« .r I AGENTS ■Gbericai) Li(poctt The Schweiger
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    • 240 1 PHonograpH "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. 1 BS* PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. Records Pathe Records ii| inch single $1,00 each. 1 1£ inch double $1.40 each. Retail Jtgents. WEILL ZERNER 8 A BATTERY ROAD. j I^BBiM-____________________HHHHMHlM__--H__^^ Howarth Erskine j Epgipeers ai?d Contractors. I
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    • 14 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. LU 3 2 T"l or ii\ f" Ml /tf £IS _s
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  • 361 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. WEDNESDAY, 23RD OCTOBER. JUSTICE EXPENSIVE. Bills are now before the Legislative Council with a view to the simplification of the administration of justice in the criminal as well as Civil Courts. This was illustrated in a case which came before the I bird Magistrate on Monday
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  • 598 2 I he public of India want Swaraj, or Self-Government. We have often said and still maintain that as long as the population of India IS composed of heterogeneous elements it will not be able to enjoy self-government even for a single year. The Indian National Congress
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  • 1071 2 Thl Karachi Port Trust have moved the Government to derl ire Karachi.. r irst Cla^s Port Mk L. B. von Donop leaves England tor the F.M.S. at the close the^ Hrst week in December. Mk. Khaudalavala, Special Judge under the Deccan Agriculturists Re lief Act, has been granted a special
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 235 2 AL H A _Y? 3R A XKe Be 4 u n worm SPLENDID VALUE IN eiGARS Cinematograph. mm. TTAVA"N"A ABSOLUTELY THE No. 1 SHOW IN THE EAST- A 4i Victoria" per dozen $0.26 NEW PROGRAMME NOW ON Box of 50 .96 44 La President per dozen .30 Next Change Wednesday
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    • 41 2 SHORTHAND SHORTHAND!! "Instruction in Pitman's shorthand by a first class English Journalist of Privy Council experience, and late provisional short-hand-writer to the Government of the Straits Settlements. Address PHONO Y. M. C A. Zetland House Armenian Street. 21-1 c-07 20-r? -07.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 169 2 gQMIIVG EVE.VTS. TO-DAY, OCTOBER 23. HighWater 11-29 am rman outward mail due L dge Zetland Emergent, 5.30 p, Lodge St. George 8.45 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph Show 7-30 9-30 p. SfK? Cinematograph Show 7-3O and 9-30 p. oil Hockey Straits Eng. Syndicate Meeting TO-MORROW, OCTOBER 24. Higt Water. 0-6 am 11-55
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    • 39 3 vT EU i m tha a series of JfJhe directors of the NlKu1 uth.epresenlbe territory has <t: \_,nv consenting to -jSintaWllW and mpany has made V rC c ,tabhs\ung a good it i. expected, .^captation for the
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    • 46 3 ruoiHAU-ICHAU SSION rd_ia 4 anv Jg,., in Berlin that ijfljculties xv ith regard k nCC ,sions in Shantung _L___Mioiaier |othe German thc German GovernI M of the excellent tions that now exist, con Government haa refused r I bsence of an offer of
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    • 41 3 Edition to Japan 's Navy. LoFCRUISER KL'KAMA. :ober, ii-=sa- me.pondent at lokio the Japanese nrmoured 4,(>20 tons, which e August 1905, Yokohama in the Emperor and Empress Elk capable of maintaining 5«1 knots per hour, and it is prove the most
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    • 41 3 t-jro October u-as a.m. rthquakes shocks have ircand, a city of WesLj:ar, on the Transcaspian C re felt first at 8.47 _ed until 10.30 a.ra., ny magnificent evv town and in of thc Moslem dome of another col-
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    • 23 3 I 1 1-40 m L-. William haa received in E--. s Excellency Sun Pao-ki, I er to Herlin.
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    • 17 3 I.:. 1 1.4c a.m. c Lemieux has plans, and now sails .da to Japan.
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    • 31 3 Author's M anuscripts Seized. London, October 1 1.40 a.m. writer Wallr have been 1 1 Si together ib Fmus who a -upposed to _B_ist> that has not e searched, nd manus-
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    • 40 3 L) IN CERTAIN DISrRII S -45 p.m. representations idor it Con^tanti- <■ reference to distress in Anait:/, has suspended Wain district* icrstood that the Grand a free hand to *at certain officials whose corc *o:.e otthe principle causes
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    • 106 3 FIRS I TASK IN INDIA. hjdon.Oc.obr 2., 6-4 c p.m. J* Hon. Morley, the Secretary of India, made an important r oath in which he stated India is to keep Jell the violences between Querent race- and creeds, ot political folly to ,T* hat ever was good
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    • 33 3 j™.!*' 1 tothe Toronto correspond„ullc process a unique |ft«ti ri CO a b n shcrc mentioned are pro-■:'-0-ntnes H? antlty in lndia and rt a »d would possibly by capitalist
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  • 494 3 vi m- n was T******l before Messn Michell and Gibson on an alle gaUoti of housebreaking on the ni_rht of the 13th, instant at No. ao Chin Nam Street, occupied by Ngah joon. I he defendant claimed to be tried LhinAng How said he was a Hraewasher and
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  • 174 3 Yesterday, a fairly attractive young Chinese woman appeared before Mr. E. i Colman on an allegation of assisting in the management of a Chap Ji Ki lottery. Assistant Superintendent Gardiner prosecuted and gave the particulars of the arrest. Mr. Wee Theam Tew appeared tor the defendant, and
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  • 134 3 Hong Hay Seo, a passenger per S.S. Glenfalloch which came into port on Saturday, was before Mr. C. F. Green 2 nd, Magistrate, yesterday on charges of importing into the Colony S6^>o worth of illicit chandu and $300 worth ot illicit morphia. Dr J Brooke gave evidence
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  • 104 3 On Sunday night, P_C 354 met a rhinaman with a basket of eggs, about 2 ti MS New Bridge Road opposite the General Hospital, and as the man could no? satisfy him as to his possesbarged the man w& fraudulent possess^ The defendant said that he haa
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  • 86 3 was vesterdav be- j Teo Look Klok -asj fore Mr. t. F. Oreen, on remand on th^ f a ,e^ ollar note. The in respect of a "">" tne f a ct that allegation was based on _^P^M^^^ *P* TT fiienote^was made up of two T^ST Colonial
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  • 239 3 Syed a Kling was yesterday, arraigned belore Messrs. Michell and Gibson on an allegation of housebreaking at Na -3 High Street on the night of the »2th instant. Abdul Kader, a ship coolie, living at »3 High Street said that he went out early on
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  • 192 3 Yesterday Inspector Connor charged I five men, victims of the morphia fiend, one of them for keeping a house for the purpose of injecting morphine and for administering of morphine by hypodermic injection to others the others were charged with injecting each other. Dr. J. Brooke
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  • 289 3 Ee Wah Thin, a Chinese shopkeeper of Penang, came to Kuala Kangsar some days ago and slept in a friend's house. The next morning his handbag, containing $200 in cash and some valuable documents, was missing. All attempts ro catch the thief were in vain and as
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  • 137 3 There were two Magistrates' appeals before Mr. Justice Fisher, yesterday. In each case, Mr. P.J. Sproule, the DeDUtv Public Prosecutor appeared tor the Crown, and Mr. Niblett for the aP T^n Tat was convicted by the Third Magistrate, Mr. Colman, of the theft of twenty bags belonging to
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  • 97 3 A chinaman hanged himself on he niece of waste land behind the Teluk Avar Police Station on Monday afternoon A piece of wire was hanging Caple It had a loop. To this he fasteneda towel and made a noose of the She? end. A constable happened to looL
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  • 73 3 In the case of Solomon versus Redfearn in which the former took deliver J of a horse from the later but which AA y n Z Lit him the Chief Justice has glveSment to the effect that as the g took delivery of the horse, he £ust
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  • 718 3 GREATEST MISSIONARY FIELD Twenty-five years ago the first party of Salvationists to enter India landed at Apollo Bunder in Bombay. There were only four of them, but what a commotion the news of their coming created. Police, mounted and on foot, were awaiting them, the newspapers were
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  • 120 3 In London are shown tiny clocks, so tiny they might be carried by fairies as watches. They are inlaid and enameled in a way that, it is said, produces "an effect of shimmering beauty which only a painting could reproduce." These clocks rangs in price from $1,250 to
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  • 125 3 An ingenious Viennese has invented j an extraordinary contrivance, now on view at the automobile show in the Austrian capital. The apparatus, called the kartograph, enables the mortonst to know exactly where he is and whither he is going either by day or night It consists
    London Graphic  -  125 words
  • 1263 3 DOES SHE MAKE A GOOD WIFE AND MOTHER. One of the chief fears expressed at thc outset of the Women's University movement was that it might injure the health of women, and to investigate this question statistics were compiled some years ago on the general health of
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  • 335 3 Dr. Delair has just presented to the members of the French Academy of Medicine a man with an artificial face. In consequence of an accident with a gun while out shooting, the man had his chin, the lower part of the lower jaw lips, a portion of his
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  • 407 3 Fifteen hundred Folkestone visitors spent an uproarious hour at the Victoria Pier Pavillion one night judging the beauty of three score bold young men who entered for the great beauty show organised by Mr. Forsyth, one of the town councillors. Among the sixty competitors were a Japanese.
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  • 47 3 While the glaring injustice of thrusting a boy into the world without eithci training or capital is manifest to the most spartan of fathers, thc equally galling injustice of allowing a girl to marry without resources, either financial or practical, is to them simply Ktent, says Madame."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 I ED. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY L a{ en on o f »*s numerous customers to .he fact that none of its A produce is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: I T ¥SF" ron PORTE-VEINE I a Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA r'^y as illustrations below. •fc£3 These different Articles
      431 words
    • 688 4 BA NKS, Honokong Shanghai Banklni Corporation. paid-up capitai! aiO.OOQ.OQ RESERVE FUND:- WWW4W Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 M1 mntti Silver Reserve •ILOOQ.oOQ J ,ai 0a 00 Keserve Liability ot Proprietors •IC.WOO Court of Directors. M.^^ UR ST, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mn W. J. Gresson--Deputy-Cha_nnai fSLIS D M. tfisslm Esq. if HfS
      688 words
    • 307 4 "E. P. M." APLETS. FOB SALE. WAnTed. &n NOTIFICATION. J^OTICE is hereby given that the following Government Roads are closed for repairs to all traffic except bullock cart traffic. Ayer Raja Road, Reformatory Road, Seletar Road, Yio Chu Kang Road, lampenis Road, Changi Road beyond the 7th mile, East Coast
      307 words
    • 390 4 The Grand ,n| l>erfal Panorama! M- M. the King Emperor of Germ, Realistic Views!!! Illustrating the principal Towns. Tr Exhibitions and the Wars of the \V 0Tl 6 Change of Programme every week on Saturday. To-day and the followinMays! THE BOER WAR. Show at No. 7 Beach R oa<i Hotel
      390 words
    • 330 4 s«n_S__ I n *H. Pv '""N B Month p> 6 M°""' s I i_?**sd Want,d T. U, I k ***X*a\ >d inch W H thr, <* weekly 8 h £m or i inrh G_ I a^ve h-^eCol^ l *o insert Dg ***■>■ "demons j^l Per M •i,* r 3 co,i
      330 words