Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 11 October 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 21 1 Eastern Daily Ma il AN D STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No. 631, VOL 111. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1907. [PRICE 5 CENTS.
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  • 474 1 Of the innumerable trophies acquired by Japan m the course of the war with Russia the most jealously prized Has but recently come to light. It so happened, writes the Standard's Nagasaki correspondent, that the more delicate of the spoils taken during the siege of Port Arthur
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  • 248 1 The Bande Mataram had the following m one of its recent issues A joint stock company named Swadeshi Sweetmeat Stores located at Chatra Bazar, near Serampore, is doing well. It was started m February last mainly at the instance of the local Brahmins. When a big
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  • 238 1 AN OCTOGENARIAN DUPED. The Lahore Police are busy m the investigation of a case of fraud which is not without its amusing side. It appears that an octogenarian Hindu came to Lahore from Multan to get a wife for himself. He arrived m Kana Kacha district where
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  • 954 1 In the naturally indeterminate conditions, inseparable from all transition stages, now obtaining m China it is. difficult to single out any one factor and to claim for it a preponderating influence m the general situation. If is clear, however, that the traditional line of cleavage between the
    N.C.D. News  -  954 words
  • 17 1 Money that you save will every day remind you that it is looking for a goo<i investment.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 104 1 B^^OGEE A CO. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) DEWAR'S WHISKY. I THE STANDARD OF I STERLING VALUE. 9 Oocktail I 1 Msvrtini. hi. Kf"t fo» «nr::; K :r 4 ii>Vj j— AGENTS Gbericoq ii^octei The Schweiger Import Export Co., U_JH^J LIMITED. 10,000 Meters Coloured Films. I BHOBTLY TO ARRIVE
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    • 262 1 Phonograph "PertHe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. OS- PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. a= S3I Records Pathe Records u£ inch single $1.00 each. n£ inch double $1.40 each. Stetaii Agents. WE>IL,L ZBRNER 8 A BATTERY ROAD, Howarth Erskine Ep£i peers ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone
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    • 8 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. ft! civ W^ 111 IMt*^
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  • 761 2 The Eastern Daily mail. FRIDAY, 11TH OCTOBER. LUNACY. The number of lunatics that are brought up before the Magistratefrom time to time tor committal to the Lunatic Asylum causes the question to be asked Whence come they?" The query is not easily answered unless we assume, which is by no
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  • 416 2 Y'tkrhay, Mr. C. F Grm, I j withdrawn. Thi case ofrtie'Attonn >J Mr. I). Almeida S ,tar leases, which has occupied M jjust.ce :t wo .days w ls covluded M day. His Lordship reserved ]u dS THI Steam launch "VW"w,illß Johnston's Pier for the S&umM Bungalow on Sunday the 13th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 THE ALHAMBRA^ I (beach road.) The Best Dollar s Worth Grand Cinematograph. to-night THOMPSON, THOMAS Co. Special Novelties stamford road Singapore. RACE WEEK GALA PROGRAMME LIFE OF A RACE HORSE. SPECIAL VALUE IN A COCK FIGHT IN SEVILLE. our band going to the competition GENERAL PROVISIONS CONFECTIONERY Till: WOOD INDUSTRY
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    • 417 2 20th CENTURY IMPRESSIONS OF S.S. AND P. M. S. Notice to Subscribers. Lloyd's Greater British Publishing Company, Ltd., desire it to be distinctly uuderstood that no copies of their forthcoming work on the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States will be obtainable by anyone residing m British Malaya except
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    • 163 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE. Owing to the disappointment caused by rickshaw pullers and hand bill boys m misleading people to other Cine' matograph shows at the same location I beg to inform my patrons that to save them annoyance and trouble my Cine matograph building from this date will be named the
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    • 13 2 WHAT OUR BeADEBSTHI\**n* L de the 4 A COKKEt"'* chetty^srcma- „,,,-uld^ nothr.r.toth.r*' „,,<r>:J
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 284 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, OCTOBER it. High Water. 0-30 am 026 pm. P. O. outward mail due P. &O. homeward mail close Legislative Council, 2-30 pm. Municipal Commission. 2.30 pm Popular Orchestral Concert, Teutonia Club 9 Pm. Grand Cinematograph Show, 7-30 9-30 pm Japanese Cinematograph Show, 7-^0 o-w o Parsi Theatre,
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    • 12 3 v Oct 10, 1 Pm--1 ,ding at Tokioin W^erenine-
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    • 38 3 t PEECHE& c l n the Sultan and r«**** hope that the W'Sced i" rctonng order riiritv of commerce. that be hoped l to X 0 through the kindly towards providing rfF cr accomplishment of
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    • 41 3 -Of'tHi NATIONAL [Rational Conservative ■Logout a -.mall army of g the whole vember till May and eraturc address meetings at midday and deliver &at night. They are also i*J bcs producing sh ,rt vith political songs set frtin* s
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    • 38 3 I SG RESOLUTIONS >don. October .01 p.m. M. I. Speaking at a gamated Railway ,cc stated that if the discttM the re,of the L T nk» the only alterIdßtoce passed a ;esolution gteoecutives m their con
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    • 16 3 Ictober to, i p.m. g Fool bailers g l) ram bey
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    • 45 3 L 51AX PARUAMEN--IEES RKSPONSE. 1 Ictober io, -^5 p.m. ndent at Tf+icran 1 m Parliamentary drafted an an-wer to .reemen: for transg and and Ku-^ia declare a friendly neigh- will be -übject to no tinf concessions, the ex■MOM would be expected.
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    • 26 3 lata. Octobe: 10 .-25 p.m. itatile tribesmen aitacked the llorce protecting tlv friendly pMrUjda. The French lost sJcdir.d wounded. The tribese very heavy.
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    • 54 3 Bl ILDINGS— LOSS Ll\ ES. October 10, 3:; p.m. *Torent:al rain- m France have Jouse of floods m the bnsins of tee and the Loire. away. Five •rough a collapse of the I"* l Hotel Lepouzin. Nine mkat A Marseilles y a c rcuitious route ate. *w*
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    • 25 3 PJ SENTENCED TO SIX a IMPRISONMENT. October 5-25 p.m. gy the Vancouver rioters *tand resulted m their graced to su months' impri-
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    • 45 3 The Cotton Conference FnCATION ON COTTON h~ composing the CL 50ciatlon of cottonCnnJr^ referred to 6€v eral '4 h' V iv Ual action re resol«'*Ch p a a lington c ?»g"* s S for liam cnt to investiCotton Kxchanges. This i° on aimed at specula-
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  • 51 3 P*& m Managing Propriei^S ercshorl| y in?orms Ef"«totokL ecc^ ril >' alterations PIL?^ on the ground fci»!,K^ v C °y- cannot iCsSK^^^ instant. |H.S and v'V las done well m Pm* iiv-ni. erlands lndics and r^(nl! iustas successWf*«* T a T an V guarantees that lU P to
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  • 52 3 tt tfj* n a (J Kmshu will be n the 2lst inst KC^ '??7. To «th c .."epubl.c to the N an Mblllon authorities 10 1 Thc ChromoStraU Ong A >Panese fe*Bfi, u if M oldillg a P ic S HZ lB lW 'ngs raoun--1 rame °f
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  • 416 3 He remained m the place. On the 27th lan Xi Heng made a movement to call the police when Ng AJi attacked him with a knife wounded him on the head and cut off one of his aristocratic finger \w C WCnt tO Tan Tock
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  • 89 3 Artie Tully's latest prices on the Governor's Cup and the Grand Stand Cup are as follows Race. 3 Win Place. Delcore 1 20 Waihi 5 3 Rosemead 10 Gim Gosper 2 1 o Qurrobolong 3 7/4 Gillo k 4 Cecil 1 15 Harmony 3 10 Lady
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  • 112 3 Chang Watt was loafing about Tanjang Pagar Dock on Wednesday. He was seized with a desire to have some salmon. He walked into godown 25 and annexed a tin. Dock P. C. 25 promptly annexed him. Yesterday, Inspector Wilson charged him with trespass and theft. The P.
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  • 112 3 In the early hours of yesterday morning, a rikisha puller who was dosing on his vehicle during the rain was roused •by feeling his mat pulled from beneath him. He saw a man running away and followed him. The man dropped the mat. A constable
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  • 124 3 On Wednesday, three Chinese were arrested at Tanjong Pagar Dock for fraudulent possession of 40 cents, ana some dried fish value 30 cents. Yesterday, they er a "L aign^,f Inspector Wilson before Mr. C.F. Green. l)ock P. C. No. 1 said he was on duty at the
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  • 36 3 At the meeting of the UK"^™ Council to-day the following will be the Supplementary Order of the Day. Criminal Procedure Code Amendmen Bill (Bill "To amend The Criminal Procedure Code .900 V :st Reading.
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  • 822 3 Lim Lye Thiam was arraigned, yesdU' 5 e r^ V1 srs W.'c.Middl hH*L lb t On "»>» char^of hou«o--the 2 6rh g 5a 1 h Use m *> h Co rt on trie 26th ultimo and committing theft of valuab f s to the value
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  • 164 3 FAREWELL ADDRESS TO MR. N. THOMAS. A meeting of a very social character took place at the Anglo-Tamil School, Seranggong Road, on Wednesday night, when a Farewell Address was presented to Mr. N. Thomas, President of the Association, prior to his departure for Australia. The gathering
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  • 82 3 So Si was during the small hours of yesterday morning found without house home or food m North Bridge Road. He was arrested. Later, Inspector /Connor required him to show cause why he should not be bound over to be of good behaviour. He could not do so,
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  • 475 3 WILL TAKE NO PAR 1 IN INDIAN POLITICS. (The "Englishman" Sept 26.) Mr. Keir Hardic, who is staying at Spence's Hotel, was seen by our representative on Tuesday, relative to his stay m India, and the intinerary of the places he intends visiting. Asked his
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  • 172 3 SOLLIERS BODY FOUND IN A WELL. Allahabad, Sept. 20. A shocking tragedy has taken place m Allahabad, m which a private named Wootten, belonging to the South Stafford Regiment, was the victim. He was missing from roll call on Wednesday week last, and a comrade of
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  • 138 3 It is. Jam Ranjitsinghji's intention to take a cricket team on a tour through India during the ensuing season, which will visit all the chief cricket centres. The side will include besides the exSussex Captain. Messrs. A. C. MacClaren and W. Brearley of Lancashire, Mr. Arthur Priestly
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  • 120 3 Lahore, Sept 19. Mohamedan papers suggest that a conference should be held at Lahore of the leading Ulamas of India to consider whether m view of the changed conditions of modern life compared with ancient times, Mohamedans may be allowed to disregard the Quranic injunction against usury
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  • 80 3 Agra Sept. 25. A curious accident occurred at Farah, a station on the G. I. P. Railway between Agra and Muttra. While a train was running through, a piece of coal, weighing about three pounds, fell oft the engine tender and struck the jemadar manning the points
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  • 265 3 The following Bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council, to-day. A Bill Intituled. An Ordinance for making Provision for the Public Service for the year 1908. Whereas the expenditure required for the service of the Government of the Straits Settlements for the year 1908
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  • 134 3 Yesterday, Chai A Wah, was arraigned before Mr. C. F. Green, 2nd, Magistrate on very uncommon charge. He had stol n property valued $47-5° at No. 131 Victoria Street, and then he offered a woman who owned it, to recover it for a substantial reward, $17. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 I FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY j ©tt*s eißeus. I Everything New Everything New I T©-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! I GRAND OPENING PERFORMANCE REYNARD A Real English-Arab J borough- I I bred. From the Stable of IVT/^« v Afr. Van Kerekhoven. But lately purchased and i^.C^Af trained, and now presented by Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 387 4 ED. PINAUD S PERFUMERY oiMtne attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of tt< products is genuine unless bearing the following retf stered Trade Marks -^SSS- PORTE VEINE A Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA Tj^^l iHustrationt below. 4Xa\ These different Articles are also regularly protected JJjgPw and the
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    • 392 4 I T. E. CHIN A CO. I 1 COMMISSION AGENTS DEALERS IN Swatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese WarePewerts Picture Post Cards 1 Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged Straits Settlements Petal Dust T. E. CHIN eo.. 82-3 Bras Basalt Road, SINGAPORE. GASOLENE
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    • 682 4 BANKS. Hongkong t Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $IQOOQ,OOO RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 M1 ooaooo Silverßeserve $11,000,000 W1 wuuu Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon.) Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A
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    • 298 4 U L D- M," ADLETS, Fl SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the HART" cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED.) v.c. HOOT COMPANY. 93, Bel field Sl reel, Ipoh. General
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    • 313 4 PR SALE, WANTED^ Artie Tt»lly t TURF COMMISSION AGENT RAFFLES PLACE Over Robinson Piano Cos Godown.) ARTIE TULLY The well-known Straits Bookmaker has opened a $10,000 Book ON DOUBLE AND TREBLE EVENTS (The Governor's Cup, Grand Stand Cup, Paddock Stakes) AND STRAIGHT CUTS ON ALL EVENTS. On the forthcoming Singapore
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    • 268 4 c. o, m ijr^B RAT^ O SB Tt> I MAU ttttimjl da| ly insertion* O Si.oo 2 r 3 cons «cutiv J Fw contract spact 1 tls «*«U sptd J UiIIh Miven apc J lt7 tc tb« AdvertiJ Manager, I 9St KVHLXSoxM List of Depots when M Eastern Daily Mill.
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  • 128 5 WILL PROBABLY REMAIN A MYSTERY. The origin ot the word Cockney will probably always remain a mystery p. I though innumerable ingenious sug as to its derivation have been made. The most familiar one, which maity slang dictionaries give, is that it arose through the remark ot
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 320 5 SJIPPINC MEWS. rrl dinfl Vessels, Ac. Latest ArrivalsBrit -tr 575 tons, Irom Macassar, Wee Bin Co. 539 tons Lapt Proa Deli. Oct 7. 7^ .-t;cld .V: Co. For 4,780 ton-, Lapt n Shanghai, Oct 1. S r Bombay, Oct 2,498 tons, 10 From London, ~:cad and Co. For w tons,
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    • 488 5 Redang, Siam str 2 ,,8 tons Tint 3o nBe Gc Cd an°d Ct 8 h Se^t For it J 2 dp East Asiati c Coy. r or Bangkok, Oct 12-Rds. y C»* C Brit cable str 677 tons UiSL A aglC Sept 9 From Cape St' fep A hTo y
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    • 517 5 VESSELS EXPECTED. AW,,. Port, Probable date 0/ Arrival and name of Agents. Steamers Wr loo^ Chil J?' Ct 2; Mansfield Anl.e, Sydney, Oct 25; Bwustcd Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 1 2 P& o Coy Ayuthia, Bangkok, Oct Borneo Coy Agamemnon, China, Oct 12 Mansfield Antenor, China, Oct 13; Mansfield A Apcar,
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    • 389 5 P. E. Friedrich, H'burg, Dec 13; Behn Meyer Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Oct it Daendels 'V RiojunMaru, Bombay, Nov—; Paterson Simons Suevia, Hongkong, Nov- B. Meyer Slavonia, Hongkong, Oct 30; B Meyer Sado Maru, London, Nov—; P Simons Sultan, Fremantle, Nov 1 Mansfield Segovia, Hamburg, Oct 18 B Meyer Sunda, London, Dec
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    • 589 6 a. Special Gold Reserve Fund. b. Insurance Fund. c. Sundry Reserves. d. Sundry Reserves. Special Reserve, Capital. Subscribed "5^ !Vh,e u^tdj Reservt Company Rotations Qo i GOLD. 1901 1 $300,000 $293,000 10,000 $10 $10 f TSS I 1 I Kechau Goldfields. Ltd. (f. p.» *S 1*» £30,000
      589 words
    • 59 6 bambier do Pontianak ty 1 eppei Black i do White 5 o/c *l Sago Flour Sarawak 22j do Brunei No. i W I earl Sago M Coffee Bali, 150/0 41 iapioca, small Flake do small pearl do mcd pearl Tin Opium Beam ye Rice, Rangoon Rice, Siam j Oil,
      59 words
    • 90 6 On I.ouaou.— Bank i m/s I Demand Private 6 m/s. .1 I do> 3m,s CJ« '-^^/v.-Bankd/d I Private 3 b/j I O«/-rfl;;cf._Bankd d I Private 3 m/s I o>i /<MM.~BIDk I. I. .|J I Private 30 d/s I CM //oH^A-o/^.-Bank^d I Private O/2 .SAai^/kii.-Bank d d Private 30 d/s
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    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 166 6 List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OOTWiI Per #am Gnu, necting with the >tearer A'ca Colombo, from Loodoa Oct. ii. Mesm l 1 S Adams, L Tooth, J. L Cro Mr. ft Mrs. AH. Barium, Cap: i Nicholas Mr. nd Mr. A. C. Carter. Per M. M. reamer roon, Marsdllcs, Sept. Bidier.
        166 words