Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 9 October 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
  • 19 1 Eastern Daily Mail AND STRAITS MORNING ADVERTISER. No. 629, VOL. 111. _f2^APOR]^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. [PRICE 5 CENTS.
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  • 863 1 A NORWEGIAN SENSATION. BOY CLAIRVOYANTS REMARKABLE FEATS AH through Norway extraordinary interest is being taken m a boy clairvoyant, Johann Floettum, who recently led the way to the body of a man for whom search had been made m vain for a fortnight. Asked how he first discovered that he
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  • 160 1 '•'hose who love the old story of Cinderella will be interested to know that slit was a real person, but not, as many suppose, a German or English Girl of a few centuries ago. She lived m Egypt at least 2000 years ago, and her real name
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  • 206 1 A pathetic interest belongs to a forthcoming book entitled Bonaparte m Egypt and the Egyptians of To-day," which Mr. Unwin has just published. The author, Haji A. Browne, has died suddenly on the eve of its publication. Haji Browne had an unusual and icmarkable career. An
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  • 23 1 14 lU.r marriage was a great disappointment to her friends." Indeed "Yes. They all predicted it would turn out unhappy, and it didnV
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  • 494 1 Your rigorous moralist attects to look down upon beauty. He thinks, or says he thinks (better still, he thinks that lie thinks) that a nations value is its character, its grit, its will power. I do not mean to deny that I only contend that where there is real
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  • 170 1 Experiments at the Government Fruit Garden, Upper Shillong, having proved that the Europeon silkworm can be successfully reared m the Khasia Hills, the Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam, m order to encourage the introduction of this new industry, have decided to provide a practical training m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 rUoGEE C Ir j# LITTLE CO., LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) DEWAR'S WHISKY. i lilt STANDARD OF STERUNG VALUE. 9 Cocktail fl Martini. ItettAftnt (op tr\? I ••-••Ml >r ii AGENTS iii^oct The Schweiger p^ j Import Export Co., pLJUV LIMITED. WO Meters Coloured Films, j SHORTLY TO ARIUVK MUMONT, URBAN, PATHE
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    • 168 1 Phonograph PatKe THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. PRICES FROM $2O TO $80. -sa Records Pathe Records >'i inch single $1,00 each. n* inch double $1.40 each. Stela,/ Jig ents WEILL &> ZERNER S A BATTERY ROAD. Howarth Erskine" Ei?sii?eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone iA
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    • 16 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. QC JG m CO f±£fa f*OMiiioctt»C gjg 111 r»^^2S?sSr MM m i i
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  • 693 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. WEDNESDAY, 9TH OCTOBER. ASIATICS IN AMERICA. Ihe Monang Post publishes a wire from its Washington correspondent which states that the correspondent learns on good a yM° r^r that the P ri "cipal reason of Mr. Taffs visit to Japan is to inform the latter that unless
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  • 162 2 It is very satisfactory to observe that the number of summonses now issued for infringements of the Sanitary regulations is visibly decreasing. The amount raised from fines imposed m these case aggregated m September to little over a hundred dollars. Certainly. the decrease m the number
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  • 604 2 A Chinese Bank has been established at Medan m Deli under the name ot Deli Bank. The capital is 3 million guilder each. The number of the directors is five. The Cold Storage Company of Australia purposes opening a branch for the supply of frozen meat m Calcutta. The installation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 309 2 lITANTED, urgently, a Bill Collector. Must furnish securitj' of $1000. Apply stating salary required to the Manager. Arianna Italian Bakkry No. jj, Queen Street. 9-10-07 to 1 1-10-07. WANTED. A thoroughly competent double entry book-keeper. Chinese only need apply. X. Y. Z. c/o E. D. M. 8-10-07. NOTICE. VOTICE is
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 138 2 DOMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, OCTOBER 9. High Water. 11-26 iim. 1 1-52 pm. Grand Cinematograph Show 7-30 and D-30 p. Japanese Cinematograph Show 7-30 9-30 p. Ott's Circus. Hill Street. 9 pm. Par:?i Theatre 9 pm. TO-MORROW, OCTOHEI\'io. High Water. 11-55 am. P. O. homeward mail due. Philharmonic Orchestra Rehearsal, 8-30
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    • 38 3 8, '45 P- m 'increase of />S«,44«m rf'^f/i^'. 1 inthe Ex tfi^At hie Export of T^rea* of one million a nl ,ed\'oods three mil>ufa^tevln^. Among the ift'tS the textiles show one million pounds
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    • 33 3 LflOH ON SPECIFIC P sUBJEC l jto Ociobei B, 1-45 Pm**7 the lla^uc arbitration "after an sptcificubRtSTißtbe General Convenunrtlia, Koumania, Le y and Ch:na were m the abstained from
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    • 22 3 R'OF HIE PARIS I^^Odobei 10 p.m. mSm of the Paris MuniciffTm ;p«w v si < lo Kg, ktoquetted to-day at
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    • 61 3 HOPE FOR THE 1 FUTURE. jwdon, October :-io p.m. snapoodent of Reune [Yinfvad Colonial pr Hr. Smut- declares that nal are already impi ov•pects foi future are stye. If the Chinese be retainJEp would eventually clear j the Indians that the pa) Government haf firmly decienforce the
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    • 31 3 JIRABAND ARMS TRADE. Lxdon. October 8, >ioam, elding to the public -> joined France m the poor. nea?:rej- to prevent the lof contraband arms on the IftCwL
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    • 58 3 Octotei s, 10 a.m. exists belli cm General *wi the Spanish Commander refcftbe policing of the suburbs of mt '%cira? Convention entrusted ■ttgto Spain. Circumstances tAcn arisen requiring Gene:eupy the districts m the lication. '■:■:>. llthough not posscsv troops for the pacifit refuse to
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    • 41 3 Obligatory Arbitration Scheme. i Octobc s 4M5 p. m actions the FJJ LusiK ttee adopted the Alteration Scheme by 31 [••oonty, included to-day's and Italy abstained Lr 1 Ru^ assented with •<" M 00$. ■egarded as a pyrohic r*** of the idim,
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  • 49 3 NIGHT >S heir season heit last J?> a^ "Chelorong and SioL y .^P ular P>ay with QdS?! 1 Wa> exceedingly i^^ntcd, be^idcs all the So I^^ a num- a of them really bWrtS"^ aft ik hen ll IS cx **W n g hoilsc "ill be the
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  • 29 3 g candidates for RWv, examined m t**i wS 1 "5 mi dwifery, and b*2 1)« M taken &diff^Ußoo;!' lurrav RobertTO ™t only t wo were
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  • 21 3 SSrrov °,U* ab J c Perform C ai 'oni Ulu r^y) night. %»g. to be at the foot of
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  • 58 3 EXCHANGE CONTRACTS. Nagurdas Purshotumdas andCov for comracts m con Ep^S^aSi had been accented but two which Twerc other s ,de wrongly repudiated it. The cross-exarmnation to verge on a matters o a personal nature. T fe claim U for 3 «i mo ne^,P aid to the Hongkonu and Shanghai Bank
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  • 141 3 Yesterday, before the Chief Justice the Attorney General on behalf of the Government contested the right of Mr G. d Almeida to hold freehold land acquired under a grant from Sultan Ali, Mr. Nanson (Rodyk and Davidson) appeared for Mr. d' Almeida It transpired that the Government
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  • 158 3 It will be recalled that there was, on the 24th ultimo a conflagration m Kline Street. 5 The Fire Brigade was out. It seems that during the efforts of the men to extinguish the fire that one of the bridge saw or thought he saw
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  • 173 3 The first prosecution of a woman for kissing a man against his will has taken place m Pitsburg, when Mrs. M. Kierney, who is thirty years of age, was m a street car when her eyes lighted upon a handsome young man who sat opposite her. Before
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  • 118 3 DEFENDANTS DISCHARGED. It will be recalled tfiat a couple of weeks or so ago, several Chinese were arrested by Captain Chancellor, The Chief Police Officer and Inspector Frayne for playing m a common gaming house m Sago Street. The case was heard a week ago. Mr. L.
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  • 110 3 BOON OF ONE'S BANE OF TWO It is said that a woman is the boon of one man, but the bane of two. This seemed to be ampl> proved m a case which occupied Mr. C. F. Green, yesterday afternoon. A sikh policeman had a wife and, ab he alleged,
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  • 50 3 The people of India are a wonderfully industrious population; a wonderfully thrifty one-that is one of the difficulties of the governing of India, for the Indian peasant has nothing to tax -nothing that he eats, drinks or wwa-Wr. T. P. O' Connor, M. P., m "T.P.'s Weekly."
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  • 257 3 da ih t< Ur rCadeis last Sf I^. decided t b m 8 a P° r e community has decided to make a handsome present of with J* gold medal mounted with diamonds to Mr. Kavasji PalbnS nf i toW aS u a token of their
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  • 229 3 A brave act by a Bengali boy of eight is reported from Bhatpara. Pandit Ashutosh Bhattacharajee of Bhatpara had recently sunk a well m the courtyard of his house. The boy whose name is Surendra Kumar Bhattacharjec was picking up sand close to the well with
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  • 136 3 Yesterday, Sing Hee Wah was charged before Mr. C. F. Green with trying to pass with knowledge two bad dollars on Keow Heng at No. 894-1 Gaylang Road on the 3rd instant Dr. F. Dent, Government Analyst showed that the two coins were counterfeit made of Britannia
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  • 142 3 A ton of dead flies was the strange cargo a vessel from Brazil recently unloaded at the London docks. Dead flies are admirable food for chickens, birds m captivity, and captive fish. But, there being no flies to speak ofjn England, those m search of this
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  • 110 3 Yesterday the preliminary enquiry into the allegation of murder brought against Chu A Leng, for causing the death of A Chua m a house m Victoria Street during the night of the 29th ultimo, was rcsummed by Mr. C. F. Green 2nd Magistrate. Dr. F. Dent, Government Analyst
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  • 89 3 A meeting of a very social character will take place at the Anglo-Tamil School, Seranggong Road, on Wednesday, the 9th inst, at 7 P™ when an address will be presented by the members of the S. if C A." to Mr. N Thomas, the organiser and
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  • 432 3 $3,000 FINE IMPOSED. Yesterday, Captain Zuyderhondt, the Sr m °w h V SS M "S^ngan was before Mr. W. C M.chell m response to a summons issued at the instance of Sergeant Mussell on behalf of the Opium 1- aimer to explain an allegation of importing
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  • 224 3 Ebrahim Saib is a trader m piece goods m Beach Road. On Monday, a Malay called on him and asked to see some articles. Ebrahim opened a case to show his wares. They were rejected. There was m the case, money amounting to $21 odd. When the
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  • 175 3 A PULO BATAM MAGICIAN. The man, John Rozario who was one of the hunting party that went to Pulo Batam on Sunday and who went to sleep and was left there, was recovered on \i onday by the party that went out to search for him.
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  • 109 3 Yesterday, Veerasamy, a Kling, was charged on remand before Mr. C. F. Green with Criminal breach of trust m respect of a pair of earrings value $30, the property of a kling woman named Angamah. She said the defendant was a friend of hers. She gave him
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  • 58 3 Yesterday, Mr.C. H. Darke, Prosecuting Agent of the Opium Farmer, charged a Chinaman before Mr. C. F. Green with manufacturing chandu. He did it, it was explained, m this wise. He possessed an old pipe- He broke this and boiled the fragments. He was caught at
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  • 783 3 THE HONGKONG TRAGEDY. ADZETTS DEPARTURE FROM MANILA. The Manila CabUneivs of 22nd inst says W. H. Adzetts was delivered up to the Hongkong police officers early yesterday morning and immediately taken aboard the steamer Rubi which sailed for Hongkong yesterday afternoon. The alleged murderer of Gertrude Dayton was handcuffed and
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  • 265 3 At the Victoria Hall, Rangoon last week, the Lieutenant-Governor presided over a Meeting attended by 800 citizens of Rangoon, for the purpose of considering the establishment of a Pasteur Institute m Burma. The President, m a brief introductory address, said the subject had been m his
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  • 184 3 *It would certainly be difficult to prove that Christianity has been a conspicuous success m India. The uumbei ol converts from among the higher castes has been extremely small, the power of the caste system remains un broken, and the antagonism to Christianity is
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  • 143 3 Thi n Bande Materam case was concluded at the Calcutta Police Court, Mr. Kingsford passing judgment upon' the accused. The case ended m the acquittal of the man who was believed to be the Editor of the paper, viz., Arabindo Ghose, and also the Manager, Hemendra Nath Bagchi. The Printer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 A FEW DAYS ONLY Ott's Circus. Bigger Better Than Before. EVERYTHING NEW! EVERYTHING NEW!! GRAND OPENING NIGHT TOMORROW (Thursday the lOth Oct.) RIDfcRS ACROBATS I^TWT^^K W T I'RAINED HORSpS I^M w* clowns w DANCERS TRAINED ANIMALS etc, etc. The Best Band that has ever performed with a Circus out East.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 416 4 ED. PINAUD'S PERFUM*ERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its products is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: i/& .Tx^Be^^^avev^i "^Sft&S" PORT E- V El N E A Extrait Vegetal it IIXORA QjP as illustrations below. U?3 These different Articles are
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    • 357 4 T. E. CHIN CO. COMMISSION AGENTS ft OEALCRS IN Swatovv Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries CMnctC WarePewerts Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged Straits Settlements Petal Dust T. E. CHIN A Co.. Sj-j Bras Basah koad, SINGAPORE. GASQLENE LIGHT A CYCLE
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    • 831 4 BANKS, Hongkong l Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-Ll' CAPITAL $10,000,000 REbEKVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 t2l qOOIOOO Silver Reserve $11,000,000 •<"." w wv Keser\-e Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Direotora. G. H, MEDHURST, Esq. Chairman. Hon, j Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D. M. Nisslm Esq. E. Goetz,
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    • 295 4 E, P. M." ADLETS. R SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the HART" cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED.' v.c. HOOT «TcbMPANY\~ Bel field Street, I poll. General Repairers of
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    • 310 4 )R SALE, WANTED^ Artie Tully, TURK COMMISSION AGENT RAFFLES PLACE Over Robinson Piano Cos Godoicn.) ARTIE TOLLY The well-known Straits Bookmaker has opened a $10,000 Book ON DOUBLE AND TREBLE EVENTS (The Governor's Cup, Grand Stand Cup, Paddock Stakes) AND STRAIGHT CUTS ON ALL EVENTS. On the forthcoming Singapore Meeting.
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    • 276 4 MALL aivehtiseJl W lted T. Ul, r 1 fo t^^ I dail >' 'nsertion 3 3 l*| For l inch Single t a bove heading J? I^* thnce weekly. g $:< J° per For ir *h S^Crf f bovc heading avo >nsertions^s per °«..oo 2 r 3 con^cuti vc J
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    • 809 1 a. Special Gold Reserve Fund. Insurance Fund. c. Sundry Reserves. d. Sundry Reserves. Special Reserve, I Capital. Subscribed Tf c Paid Reserve fZ Q^ Shares jVlue.upto; xeservt Company Quotations pre PL_ GOLD. i h .40.000; £350.000 *****0 A eajgfjß-u-. js-w i9oi, $300,000 $293,000 10 ,000 $10 $10
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    • 100 1 Singapore, October 7, 1907. Gambier 7 40 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.35 Copra Bali n 8.65 do Pontianak n B.*o Pepper, Black 16.35 do White 5 o/c 22.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.04 do Brunei No. 1 3.00 Pearl Sago 4.60 Coffee Bali, 150/0 „21.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20 0/0
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    • 139 1 On Lonaon. Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/3 15/16 Private 6 m/s 2/4 do. 3 m/s 2/4 7/16 GJ« Germany.— Bank d/d 2.38 Private 3 ra/s 2.44 do 6 m/s 2.46 On France.— Bank d/d 2.92^ Private 3 m/s 3.00 do 6 m/s 3.03 On Inata.— Bank T. T.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 263 1 List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per P. O. steamer China, connecting with the steamer Arcadia at Colombo, from London, Sept. 13, due Oct. 11. Messrs. P. M. Skinner, G. J. Adams, L. Tooth, J. L. Crockett, Mr. Mrs. A.H. Barham Capt S. H. E. Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr.
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    • 429 2 Referring to the approaching celebration by Mr. Arthur Burrows, barrister, of his ninety-fifth birthday, a correspondent suggests that of all the professions the Bar and the Church are probably the only two m which men have been found actively m harness as nonogenatians. There have been, and perhaps
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 663 2 SHIPPING NEWS. Trading Vessels, Ac. Latest Arrivals. Aboukir, Brit str 2,345 tons, Capt Young, Oct 7. From Moji, Sept 24. Coal. Bchn Meyer Co. U— Rds. Ban Yo>g Seng, Brit str 280 tons, Capt Angus, Oct 8. From Kelantan, Oct 7. Gc, and 85 dp. E. Cropley. For Kelantan, Oct
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      • 540 2 Pontianak, Brit str 97 tons, Capt Williams, Oct 7. From Kwam m, Oct 6. Gc, and 31 dp. Borneo Coy Ltd For Kvvantan, Oct 9 —Rds. Penang, Brit str, 386 tons, Capt Baker, Oct 5. From Teluk Ansou, Oct 3. G.c, and 118 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For Teluk
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      • 531 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Xnim\ Probable date of Arrival and name of Agents. Stkamkrs. Antilochus, China, Oct. 25 Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Oct 25 Bousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 12 P O Coy Ayuthia, Bangkok, Oct 20; Borneo Coy Agamemnon, China, Oct 12 Mansfield Antenor, China, Oct 13; Mansfield A Apcar, Hongkong, Oct—; Paterson
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      • 215 2 Mails to arrive. From Europe. -By the V. O. ss Arcadia due on Oct. 11. From China.— By the P. &O. s. s. Delta due on Oct 10 TIME TABLE OF MAJLS DUE Singapore Due m London Arrived Sept 58 1 Sept 30 Sept 30 Sept 9 M M Oct
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