Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 3 October 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1148 1 A ROMANCE OF INDIAN HIS I OR Y. The story of Nundakumar, m his relations to dive, is an instructive one and is such as to throw the character of the one as well as of the other audacious fortune-hunter into lurid light. This story may be told m
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  • 328 1 REMARKABLE CASES REPORTED BY A LONDON DOCTOR. Some striking statements by Dr. J. F. Woods, of Harley Street., as to the value of hypnotism m the treatment of patients are reported by the British Medical Journal. £ver since 1892 Dr. Woods hns been using hypnotic suggestion, having treated
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  • 261 1 The New Hebrides, where some of the most heroic of modern missionaries have laboured, are becoming ringed 5 round with the possessions of nonBritish nations. By the recent Conven.J tion, as our correspondent shows, Great Britain, m the face of Colonial protests, c has
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  • 210 1 :y Ie "Nature" thus notices Dr. P. C. \e Ray's latest researches. "In the jourie nal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ,c (1907. Vol. 111. 2) Prof. P. C. Ray desto cribes the preparation of a silver mer•d curso-mercuric nitrate by the action of iis a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 101 1 {ft B ft LITTLE CO, LTD. (SOLE AGENTS.) WHISKY. THE STANDARD OK kl ING VALUE Oockta.il 1 Martini. h— AGENTS pmcricai) itiuifocte The Schweiger SUR3SSI r 1- t /D Import Export Co., LIMITED. WE HELP YOO TO FORTUNE. HAVE MADE IT. «==STH SANDS WILL -MAKE IT. m. matogra|>h show you
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    • 375 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. ES=* PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. *=S! Records Pathe Records ii* inch single $1.00 each. inch double $1.40 each. Sletail Jtgents. WEILL &> ZBRXER <? A BATTERY ROAD. Howarth Erskine Epgipeers apd Contractors. 1 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23.
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    • 8 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. J I £BD (^2 h-^
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  • 482 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. THURSDAY, 3RD OCTOBER. INFERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS. A lew years ago, there was a great stir in Singapore owing to a number of house in course of erection coming down in some cases with serious consequences. The result was the awakening of the Municipal Building inspectors to
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  • 493 2 The timely arrival of Secretary Taft in Japan and his well-worded speech the gist of which was wired by Reuter yesterday will go a long way to throw cold water on the active efforts of those peacebreakers who delight in seeing two mighty nations at loggerheads over
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  • 735 2 "o 1 s^lor.-.p e PWn„^« from 1),^' h .di^^lold I ""ouatoi i^J^W if I i Edward Vii v s hrcMm j VC^er„ V'' ill 1,11 MinistrTdfuT^ establish a v 3 0 W h as (U.-, I «P by the Municipal! Tk > bai closed bv the Ch£f i b 'ia<
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  • 68 2 rheS.L.Argo, Tier for the- Club Bug Sunday at 0.10.1 1. -->- aI]t]; turning at 9-30, >' j\g. .1 The race tor the 1 m la ming Salve. take place aftei the am o'clock Launch. BmuiaiP-Hii Gr. M. a Brock**" Stanley F.W.CVanCuylenbur| E. D. Butler dorp. J-Hende l4 Gr
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  • 9 2 Definition coptautfV over whuh peo^.JCard tripping, believing N W
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 To the World, the World we show, j We make the World to laugh "NT^^TTT^'Ti 1 And each hemisphere to know X^^m JL^I JL -LV^JLLI. How lives the other half. Notice is hereby given that the J rade'W^ Brine- TKe World lllark "P# 0# P is tlle exclusi ve property
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    • 171 2 AUCTION BALE i OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES IN MALACCA On Monday the yth October igoy At No. 63 New Market from the following pawnshops No. 7 Mill Road n 37 Jonkcr Street 55 Kampong Fantei „312 Tranquerah The pledges will be on view at the Central Station two days prior to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 240 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, OCTOBER 3. Hiph Water 8-38 a.m 7-36 p.m. YMCA Bazaar 4-43, to 6-30, 8 to 10-30 pm B I homeward mail clones. 3 German outward mail du< Grand Cinematograph Show 7-30 9-30 pm Parsi Theatre 9 pm Japanese Cinematograph Show, 7-30 9-30 p Hippodrome. 9 pm. N
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    • 88 3 VIGILANCE AND ORGANIZATION. London, Oct. 2, 2-20 p.m. Speaking at New Castle Right Honourable Sir Edward Grey trusted that the Army Scheme would be well supported. He urged the employers of labour to encourage volunteering as conscription was impracticable. Ile stated that any weakening of the Navy would
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    • 88 3 RELATIONS AS CORDIAL AS EVER. London, Oct. 2, 2-20 p.m. Secretary Taft is the object of marked j official attentions. He was invited to a second audience with the Lmperor of Japan. Speaking at a banquet he declared that there was only a little cloud hanging over
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    • 76 3 RAILWAYS jp* RIVERWAYS. London, Oct. 2, 2-20 p.m. The American papers are devoting columns upon columns to the visit of 1 President Roosevelt who is covering 1 part of the tour by river trips m connection with his advocacy of the improvement of the navigation of
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    • 55 3 SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS. London, Oct. 2, 3-40 p.m. A wire from Ottawa reports that the Dominion Government has decided to i pay six thousand dollars a> compen- sation to the Japanese who were ill- treated at Vancouver. The Municipality of Vancouver is held responsible for the
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    • 88 3 INDIA MUST BE SELFGOVERNING. London, Oct. 2, 3-40 p.m. Mr. Kier Hardie, the Labour Leader If. P. who is presently touring m Bengal investigating into the unrest m India is reported to have stated that the condition of India is worse than that of Russia
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    • 63 3 SIR THOMAS LIPTON NOT COMPETING. London, Oct. 2, 6-35 p.m. Sir Thomas Lipton has telegraphed to thc Irish Yacht Club regretting the race for the America Cup must be abandoned as it is impossible to build a yacht that has to cross the Atlantic and then to
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    • 64 3 London, October 2, 6-35 p.m. Speaking at Keokuk President Roosevelt denied f!ia' thc recent financial weakness was m anyway due to h"'s attitude m case of the Corporations transgressing the law of the country. He admitted that his policy might have contributed its share to that weakness
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    • 146 3 THE PROPOSED DOUBLING OF THE SIBERIAN RAILWAY. According to a St. Petersburg despatch, it was announced at the end ot luly that the Imperial authorities hive decided to double the entire track of the Siberian Railway without delay. If the Imperial Exchequer will bear the strain thrown upon it by
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    • 73 3 AMBITIOUS CHINESE PROJECTS. A Shanghai telegram to the Mainichi 1 states that the Chinese Grand Council r has decided to strengthen the Navy as a counter move to the Franco-Japanese Agreement. Several more places will also be opened to international trade, and strong bodies of troops will be
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  • 362 3 Posjtor to take the type out of the sio^ ar j™ da an cm P lQ y e m th Mission gave evidence to the effect that he witnessed the removal of the t~ W Ch^ r rte l th l ma er to the &E press Superintendent
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  • 210 3 On the 30th, ultimo, Chan Tek Lock and Chan Soon Gee were m No. 12 Anson Road when the former pointed a pistol at the latter. He was arrested. Yesterday morning Chan Soon Gee, an elderly man appeared before Mr. Green and said that Chan Tek Lock
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  • 117 3 The manager of Messrs Thomson Thomas and Coy. yesterday responded to a citation issued at the instance of Dr. Brooke, Assistant Government Analyst, to explain why he sold a bottle of Fellow's Syrup of Hypoposphites with having on the label the word poison and
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  • 113 3 Siah Wee was arrested on Monday for striking Song Chwee Bua with a chopper. A small debt was the cause of the trouble. Yesterday, Sergeant Gilroy charged the defendant with causing hurt with a sharp weapon. P. C. 584 said that he was called to No.
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  • 97 3 Yeo Horn is a gunny bag dealer ai Campang Kapur. On Tuesday, lar Ong sold him nine bags for $1.02. He put the bags m his shop. Two mer came and made enquiries about the bags and told the dealer to fetch th< man who sold them. P
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  • 44 3 Thl Malacca Training Depot is ap parently doing good work; twenty eight Malay Police have secured certi ficatcs from the St. John's Ambulanc Association. It should be mentioned that Mn W. E. U. Grove took a very keen 11 terest m the Malacca Depot.
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  • 363 3 The case of Messrs. Daendels and Company against Ang Swee Chiang was again before the Third Magistrate X? St Fday aftc "«K>n. Mr. C. j. Sprou c the Deputy Public Posecutor, appeared tor the prosecution, and Mr T D Parsons for the defence. Accused stands charged with cheating
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  • 103 3 Yesterday, Sergeant Gilroy charged lan A Pok with the theft of a dollor from Lim Swee Long on Monday. The complainant said he had $9 m copperr. m a rikisha at Clyde Terrace Market. While he was making purchases, his puller called out thief. He turned and
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  • 101 3 On Tuesday afternoon, Patmarama a young Tamil, suddenly developed a desire for a sea bath and forthwith jumped from the deck of the Hye Leong into thc sea. Boarding Officer Francis who was then clearing the ship, ordered a boatman to pick him up. The order was promptly
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  • 116 3 Lim Chin Swee was thc owner of some land Monks Hill. He died. The land became the property of Adagappa Chetty. For the purpose of the construction of the New Filter Beds m Bukit Timah Road, this land was taken up by the Municipality and four cents
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  • 304 3 A British first-class passenger, named C. L. Anderson, on thc Nippon Yusen Kaisha steamer Riojun Maru, which left Yokohama on the afternoon of thc 1 10 th instant for Kobe, was missed from the ship during the voyage to this port On the morning
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  • 597 3 HOW THE CHINESE DENS WERE CLOSED. Hy Joseph G. Alexander. Returing from my journey round the world, which has included six months m China, I have been gratified to find m the "Foochow Daily Echo" a remarkable account of the closing of 3,000 opium dens m Foochow
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  • 289 3 Is there still a future before the Indian weaver, asks the Civil and Military Gazette." The District and Municipal Boards of Bara Banki m Oudh have started a school for weaving. The principal subjects taught are (1) the use of an improved loom which obtained the first prize
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  • 174 3 A Berlin telegram says The first i trial of telephotography between Munich r and Berlin, on Professor Korn's system, i took place and was wonderfully suc--5 cessful. A distinguished company i gathered m the Zoological Gardens t here, and at nine o'clock the wires to Munich were tested, the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 391 3 THE S JAPANESE 4 j\ To-night and Every Night PNew Programme N F New Play I fc A. M 11 ON HIRE. A A Complete Cinematograph Show. Terms very moderate. Only con- m W m dition, no entertainment must be I N given m Singapore. 1 1 o NEW FILMS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1986 4 ed. nNAUD'SP ER Fu^RY^- EC^* co l^~^r=; '^^^mm^^r call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its G SEE MUll. COVFRMMPUT unr products is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: COM MISSION AGENTS 1 DEALERS Corporation. viCTomTsTREET fLnnw »tN^ NOTIFICATION, I rf^mtft /^fiftagLx
      1,986 words
    • 209 4 Ddll 3"nsertio n g mnte weekly. For i i nr v, o. Marri age, Birth or iwj insertion, J l or <=cntract spac tiscmcnts sptd m^ tc the mJ Manager. List of Depots wh 11 Eastern Daily May be obtains Abdullah, i s a, Change A Me^rs Ghee boon Co,
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  • 692 1 -1 S JbSCribed 21 vTueu^to Company 3uotati ns "J jjj GOLD. 1900 £400,000 £350,000 350,000 I 1 Duff Developement Ltd. 20,000 $lo $10 KadanaG. M. Co.,* (Pref) 1901 $300,000 $293,000 10,000 $10 $10 640 unissued 1902 £30,000 £16,175.70 **°7 l. > Ki-ch-auGMldridds. Ltd. (f. p.) £00 1
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 193 1 r u npicked 0 Wraßali |H S X FI T 9 PearlSago'^^ I Coffee Bali, -0 0 H arioca, small Flake do mcd pear! f Jpium BttMc, Kioe. Rangoon Hice, Sin Anchor Oil WM lank H I-angkat exchanß 1 b I I do. Uii <nr>;nvi:.-\L I Privn I do I
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  • 626 2 Vamr. Port, Probable <L Uc o/ Arrtva l and name of Agents. Steamers. Au.tialien, Saigon, Oct 7; M M'times A.rl.e, Sydney, Oct 25 Rousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 12 P O Coy Ayuthia, Bangkok, Oct 20 Borneo Co? AnnaTT"' ?Sl O« .2 MansfidS Annam, Saigon, Oct 4 M. Maritimes
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  • 311 2 I ■j^ l5 &Ci I 9 I I 1 For M I Co. I I g Moh. I I I I :t 1. I I I 9 MeW. which have •wived, and ape II m port. •c. la, Gib. or :ain Sept Jt, P--3 tnarang, es v- i
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  • 360 2 PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per N. D. L. steamer Roon, from Southampton Sept. 3, due Oct Mrs. A. R. Thoburn, Messrs. D. M Cameron, and \V. Templer, and others. Per P. O. steamer Nore, from London Aug. 31, due Oct. 3. Miss W. Norland, Mr. W Orr, Miss Macdonald,
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  • 66 2 Outward German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Roon having left Colombo, at 8 a. m. on Sept. 28, is expected to arrive here to-day. Outward B. I. Mail. The B. I. contract packet steamer Teesta, with the London mails of the 13th ultimo, left Negapatam, on
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  • 139 2 LAUNCH OF THE TENSHO MARU TO-DAY. [From Kobe Herald Correspondent.] Nagasaki, Sept. 14, 1 p. m. The Tensho Maru, the new *****-ton steamer built at the Nagasaki Dockyard and Engine Works for the Toyo Kisen Kaisha, was successfully launched here at 1 1-40 this
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  • Unknown
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 329 2 Mails Close For Per Steamer Time I'etchaV'uri II a 1. lin Ltnggi Kheng Seng Ipm Malacca Tin Ho 2 pm Muar and Malacca Hainam 2 pm pc via ports bharata 3 pm and Deli Calyp^-o 3 pm lP :cks -n 6: Swettenhui Malacca 3pm a. Bandjer-.-:n. Pulau Lav: Sar.v Band
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