Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 25 September 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1378 1 The Sanitary authorities are to be commended for the prompt action taken by them against the Bengali Baker. It is nauseating to think that we run the risk of eating bread made over boards used by bakery-workmen for sleeping purposes. Of course, ignorant Asiatics think very little
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  • 317 1 The Katigoofi Times publishes the following A romantic interest attaches to the death of Ma Nam Mon, whose dead body was found recently m the Royal Lakes, Rangoon. From enquiries which we have since made it appears that Ma Nam Mon was at one time the wife
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  • 191 1 Simla, September, 6. A resolution of the Government of India, Home Department, deals with the mortality from wild animals. The total number of persons killed by wild animals m 1906 was 2,084 as against 2,051 m 1905. Wolves are reported to have killed 178 persons m the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 II i I Wfc Ahfc. INTRODUCING TH£ Llk Over Shoe. AWERICA'S BEST SHOE. Easy Comfortable Fit, and Shapeliiu s> I I) NO 'BREAKING IN" I "WALK OVERS" i i m one IVlcc AU killds M) SHAPES— SEE OLR WINDOWS John Little Co., Ltd. I, BRIOSCHI I?";" at all tbc Principal
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    • 223 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. fc^* PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. **$Jk Records Pathe Records vi inch single $I*oo each. ii| inch double $1.40 each. Retail Agents. WEILL ZERNER 8 A BATTERY ROAD. IHowarth Erskine Ei?§ii>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 28. Telegrams
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    • 12 1 FROMY, ROOEE i CO. or JIX m (UP 1 point w>cti»r qq
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  • 998 2 The Eastern Daily mail WEDNESDAY. 25th SEPTEMBER. MOVEMENTS IN MOROCCO. The latest intelligence to hand j through Reuter's Agency displays the movements of Sultan Abdul Aziz and Muley Hafid m Morocco. Sultan Abdul Aziz Parted from j Kez a lew days ago to have an i encounter with Muley Hafid.
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  • 690 2 The Tronoh Mines, Limited, arc engaging a staff of Australian Miners. Thk Netherlands India Government estimate the output of Tin for 1908 to be 240,000 piculs. Major-General Perott will vis Kuala Lunapur to inspect the Volunteers on October 12. Towkev Lok Yew was present at the trial run of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 211 2 II 111 IWI I Grand Cinematograph NOTICE PATHE PRERES. e by given that the Trademark "P. O. P. is the exclusive property FMTIPF of K °BKBT HAKPEK Co., PROH/IM 1 IKH/ TO-NiQht PMB l ARY? Ltd f Melbourne Australia, CHANGE covering All food substances,* Cordials and Fermented Liquors" m all
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    • 70 2 Artie Xttlly, TURF COMMISSION AGENT RAFFLES PLACE Over Robinson Piano Co's Godown.) artieTully The well-known Straits Bookmaker has opened a $10,000 Book ON DOUBLE AND TREBLE EVENTS (The Governor's Cup, Grand Stand Cup, Paddock Stakes) AND STRAIGHT OUTS ON ALL EVENTS. On the forthcoming Singapore Meeting. October 15th, 17th, and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 200 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, SEPTEMBER 25. High Water :—OJ.7 a.m. 0.35 p.m Licensing Sessions. 2.30 SG R A Annual Meeting SCC Tennis. Parsi The; tre 9 p m. Singapore-Ceylon Shooting Match. Grand Cinematograph Show 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. TO-MORROW, SEPTEMBER 26 High water:— l.s a.m. 1. 4 p.m. P. and O.
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  • 113 3 -Or Leonard jy. erretmgout new -c. and m ■ntnbuted to the c he tells md impor- bout typhoid fever. He rv to Calcutta, so that his pecial intere-t to thost ifc Metropolis, but doubt|ly more or le^s to m India I :.c first and int fact which
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  • 74 3 new lifei=t been demoncthe Board of Admiralty s oftwouiicushion- attached to each One cushion c other on the ihc back across the J connecting strap, being J"wr the armpits, keeping the Pedicular position, with the water. The om H.MS. -r^edthe 3-; w* that it n unable to
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  • 40 3 kco2 lfl!10t^ Pzc^othesrcK^peuors ot the recent Billiard h^terdM Place at the Club t^Eufnf sth instant. L^bvh',:; 10 Proposed to *C c c? VCfl Ut tO all Preei Vl c i!t 'luetoMr.Lim hU: Which hp"n- deeded m doing.-Sfrai/s
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  • 49 3 i!IXLNI ANGUMNDIAR J; f '^on, September 9. L V| ts^ Ckshank "hile moktLtro^huV onand daughter, Br£M£ **endl [y ia ia *3l lnCaith "ess, and C^C&dESS? burned. SS** taken his wife and ESk has d hat Sir Wi »iam jjkrain Gained concussion c seriously injured.
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  • 525 3 his departure 1 by ss"* Assistant Superintendent MV "fvm.ll appeared for the crown- Mr R, i y the defendant. Rudra fo Ojalu said, he came here m the S S who took him to his houJ M dant defendant teU him when tev^houid leave Singapore. When
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  • 168 3 Yesterday, Chan A Yee, a woman, was before Messrs Michell and Gibson m the Bench Court on remand on the allegation of having on the 19th of September 1906, disposed of a girl, Chan Mow Tan, for immoral purposes. Mr. A. \V. Bailey, appeared for the crown
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  • 73 3 A libel suit was begun before Mr. lustice Fisher, Yesterday afternoon. I he plaintiff is Lim A Pat, the Capitan China of muntok the defendants are the proprietors and Editor ot the M Union Times I Chinese local journal. Some time ago, this paper was m trouble
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  • 62 3 Guan Tian Tok responded yesterday to summonses issued at the instance of the Municipal Engineer to explain why, m the construction of a dwelling house m Mandalay Road, he put bad mortar. Building Inspector Leicester gave evidence that the mortar was made of hill earth and a little
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  • 51 3 TO COST 18 MILLION FRANCS. London, September 9 The "Morning Post's" Constantinople correspondent states that the cost of the Konieh Irrigation, which was mentioned on the 7 th instant, is estimated at eighteen million francs, which 1 the Deutcsche Bank proposes to advance at s per
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  • 452 3 ALLEGED GANG ROBBERY. bin YC R«I day Chia Yu Sum aild C heng bm Rass.p were M S Originally a half a dozen men were arrested, but Mr. Sproule offered Sarg cce cd aBainSt and ChenTh^l' a Hfth Was discl^rged and n n g bin Rassip remained. Mr L. E.
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  • 152 3 Between mid-night and i a. m. yesterday sportsmen were out shooting flying foxes. One of them, B. Lincoln fell into the hands of Sergeant Major Tappah. As a consequence, he was during the forenoon charged by Inspector Hart with shooting without a permit and for being
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  • 88 3 Yesterday. Detective Inspector Stenhouse charged a Chinaman before Mr. C. F. Green, 2nd magistrate with being a habitual criminal. A Hylam who is doing time for stealing jewellery value $200, said that he commi 1 ed the offence at the instigation of ihe defendant who gave him
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  • 138 3 The case of the Oriental Company Limited v. the Deutsch Asiatische Bank was begun before the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hydnman Jones, at the Supreme Court a week or so ago and was continued throughout the day. Messrs. Someren and Parsons appeared for the
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  • 73 3 The Chinchew of the S. S. Sri Tringannu was yesterday charged by the Post Office for bringing eight unstamped letters from Bagan. Sergeant Mussel arrested him. The defendant said that he was just going to put the letters when he was arrested. When he left Bagan, the Post
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  • 43 3 Bangkok newspapers state that a sum of 80,000 ticals (nearly has been subscribed by the European, Chinese, and Indian communities m Bangkok for the celebration of King Chulalongkorn's return from his trip to Europe. This money is to be spent chiefly on fireworks.
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  • 492 3 BILLIARD ROOM COLLAPSES. ru \a Bo ba y September v. The old pavilion of the Bombay Gymkhana was the scene of a serious accident on Wednesday night about half past seven when the heavy roof and out side wall of the billiard room totally collapcsed and it was
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  • 236 3 INDIAN POLICE SAVAGELY ASSAULT A CHINAMAN. In advocating the reorganisation of the Bangkok Police Force, the Staw Free Press draws attention to a most disgraceful and brutal arrest of a Chinaman on the ist inst. The Chinaman committed an offence of some kind, and on noticing
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  • 126 3 WHAT IS SINGAPORE'S TROUBLE London's trouble is her fog, Tokio's trouble is earth-quakes m her worst 200,000 residents were killed. Calcutta's trouble is cholera, and the bubonic plague is the trouble of Bombay each city pays to her trouble an annual tribute of 9000 lives. Madrid's trouble is the solano,
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  • 60 3 SENTENCED TO THREE MONTHS. Scuffle m the Court. Madras, September ioth, 5-45 p.m. Babu Bepin Chandra Pal, has been sentenced to six months' simple imprisonment for disobeying orders, on each of the three charges, sentences running concurrently. Shouts of M bande mataram were raised m the
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  • 61 3 Mr. Wangenvool, a Dutchman, is at Cochin just now collecting information regarding the Dutch regime. He has been inspecting all the historical monuments of the Dutch, their old cemetery, their tombstones, the inscriptions thereon, and other relics. He has also been examining all the old Dutch documents and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 371 3 THE JAPANESE J\ To-night and Every Night PNew Programme N F New Play A, M Mjk ON HIRE. A A Complete Cinematograph Show. Terms very moderate. Only condition, no entertainment must be I N given m Siugapore. 1 O NEW FILMS JUST RECEIVED. Q CJ WILLIAM THE POACHER q THE
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  • 98 4 Singapore, September 24, 1907. Gambicr 9 j.io do (Cube No. 1) unpicked unpicked 10.35 Copra Bali 8.45 do Pontianak 8.15 Pepper, Black 1720 do White 5 o/c 23.37 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.05 do Brunei No. 1 3.00 Pearl Sago 460 Coffee Bali, 150/0 „1900 Coffee, Palem bang, 200/0 basis
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  • 139 4 On I.onaon. Batik s m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4 13/16 do. 3 m/s 2/4 7/16 On Germany.— Bank d/d 2.38J Private 3 m/s 2.44 do 6 m/s 2.46 On France. Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/s .3.00 do 6 m/s 3.03 On hi ma. Bank
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  • 788 4 Number p a -j 5;- Capital. Subscribed of VahSeJupto vt Company Quotations pre GOLD. 1900 £400,000 £350.000 350,000 I I DeveloDement Ltd z6 20,000 $lo $10 iJun ueveiqpemem i-ia. nominal 1901 $300,000 $293,000 ioiooo $10 $10 KadanaG.M.Co., (href) 640 unissued 1908 £30,000 £16,i7570 f ,5*2 Kechau Goldfields,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 704 4 MINUTES OF PROC^^ COMMISS.ONERS AT AN^ R HELDONF RIDAYiTH^Sj| Present H E. G. Broadrick, Esq., President d All A. W. Bailey, Esq., X Al len, E Sq A. j. W. Watkins, Esq., T^ Graham Paterson, Esq., 7 m Z K eng J Dr. T. Murray Robertson, L Co ghlan, Absent.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 714 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date of Arrival and name of Agents. Steamers. Australien, Saigon, Oct 7 M M'times Antilochus, China, Oct. 25 Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Oct 25 Bousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 12; P&O Coy Ayuihia, Bangkok, Oct 20; Borneo Coy Agamemnon, China, Oct 12 Mansfield Annam, Saigon, Oct 4
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    • 530 4 List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OU TWARD. Per P. and O. steamer Mooltan, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, from London Aug. 30, due Sept. 28. Mrs. M. C. Graham, Messrs. A. T Fraser, T. O. Blackey, E. C. Ward, R. E. Payne, F. Stewart, and C Henderson, Jackson, B.
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    • 291 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. men-of-war, Ac. Meran, Fed yet 100 tons, 19 crew. 45 lip. Nacodah, Sept 20. From Port Swettenham, Sept 19. Federated Malay States Govt U— Rds. Sea Mew, Govt. str 500 tons, displacement, 35 crew, 700 h.p. Commander Murphy, Augt 31. From Kwantan Augt 30. Colonial
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    • 364 4 Bromver, Dut str 342 tons, Captain Bouman, Sept 2^. From Djambie, Sept si. Gc, and 73 d.p. Daendels Co. For Djambie, Sept 25 Rds. Charon, Brit str i,660 tons, Capt Dalgleish, Sept 19. From Fremantle, Augt 30. Gc, and 41 dp. W. Mansfield Co. For Fremantle, Sept 27 W. Calypso,
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    • 344 4 Poniianak, Brit str 97 tons, Capt Williams Sept 22. From Kwantan, Sept 21. Gc, and 30 dp. Borneo Coy Ltd For Kwantan, Sept 25— Rds. Phranang, Ger str, 1,021 tons, Capt Bucking, Sept 18. From Swatow, Sept 10. Gc, and 534 dp. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, U— Rds. Peiayo,
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  • 351 5 BOGUS NOBLEMAN WHO REFUSES TO BE EXECUTED. Seymour Barton, known all o\er America as "Lord Barrington" lia^ been sentenced to death for the murder of James McCann, but he will not hang. Sentence has been commuted to lifelong imprisonment instead. The Governor of Missouri, where he was
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  • 344 5 SHOULD THEY "SWAP' OWNERS? 14 Imperialist "—a name many critics will dispute writes m the Fortnightly Review on the problem of the West Indies. The decay of these colonies is traced by him to economic causes. Beet sugar has driven cane sugar out of open
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  • 163 5 Calcutta, Sept. 8. Three arrests have been made up to now m connection with thr stabbing* on the second procession day. They consist of two boys and a student of the third year at Dacca College. The Police m arresting the last on Sunday
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  • 129 5 The total number of patient, treated m the Lunatic Asylum, Colombo, during 1906 was 731 against 708 m 1905. The daily average of patients was 5514s against 560.39 m 1905. In the House of observation 172 persons were admitted, which with 9 remaining from the previous year
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 776 5 }\>k Against. Ong Tek Lim, The President, Ching Keng Lee, Messrs Allen, Robe rtson Watkins, Bailey, Paterson, Coghlan. vnt (im is lost by ,to 6. Against. Messrs Ong Tek Lim, isrs Allen Ching Keng Lee, Watkins, Lfr. Kobertson Ba: Paterson. Coghlan. k action is carried by 6 to j. Document
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    • 1224 5 surest ons on the questWwhich £v?T c a r" d di lectsI ects th palEngmeer be sent to the Cwi AH^i f e fra d h V the incorporation m the Ordintnrc Advisers for r «vis!on with a view to „s ix Sub.Secti On after "thirty" m the th.n, line
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    • 996 5 Whenever any open space has been provided m connection with any building m pursuance of this Ordinance or any By-laws made thereunder it shall not be lawful (a) To make any alteration m such open space. (b) To construct, erect or raise any building or structure on such open space.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 415 6 ED. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to thejad that none of Jts produces is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: -ifOr- PORTE VEIN E A Extrait Vegetal a l! XORfl U V as illustrations below. #13 These different Articles arc also regularly protected JE*9l
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    • 477 6 T. E. CHIN CO. j COMMISSION AGENTS A DEALERS I IN I SwalOW Drawn Thread Works g Chinese Embroideries C liine&e WarePewerts Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums I Labuan Stamps surcharged) Strait I Settlements I Petal Dust I T. E. GHIN A Go,,
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    • 591 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 Silver Reserve tfII.OOU.OOO f Reserve Li*bil.ty U l'iopnctois**lO,ooo,OOU Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon,f Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq. D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A J. Raymond, Esq. A, Haupt,
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    • 292 6 g< E, D, M," ADLETS. FOi SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles aud Accessories, Agents for the HART" cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. v.c. ""HOOT" A COMPANY^" 93, Bel/ield Street, Ipoh. General Repairers
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    • 609 6 B SALE, WANTED, &G. GOVERNMENT NOTiFiCATIOH, Te.jders will be received at the „1 oiiial l Secretary's Office up Monday the 7 th proximo, for h e \J moval of refuse rice from the Singapore Prison for a period of twelve S from Ist January, i 9 oB. The Government does
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    • 235 6 inch Sit* Ci I bove <M thrice weekly. D PtTM F 1 inch Singu (v, I two insertions Vk, sltt^ Marriage, Hirtl, or 1w v I Per insertion. 3th 'Vß F rcot >t^t b p a£eA l tis «^nts. spicl|l j ln4i tc tb« Adwrti J Manager, I 9j, KUbL\w\
      235 words