Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 23 September 1907

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 350 1 A GRACIOUS INDIAN QUEEN. The "Times" writes No Indian prince of our time has a deeper hold on the affectionate regard of Anglo Indians or of his own countrymen generally than the gallant Maharaja of Idar, more popularly known as Sir Pertab Singh of Jodhpur, and his
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  • 216 1 Referring to the M boycott day anniversary m Calcutta, the Empire writes The universal comment upon yesterday's demonstration m Calcutta, with view to celebrating the second anniversary of the boycott, is that it was extremely peaceful and orderly. We can only hope that Reuter has not been led
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  • 192 1 Madras August 31. A serious disturbance took place on Friday evening outside the Madras Educational Exhibition, which is being held at the Univrrsity Senate House. There was a large attendance of students at the Exhibition, the day being a holiday, and at last the hall was so
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  • 92 1 Nagpur, September 1. A meeting of the Reception Committee of the Indian Congress, which is to hold its next sessions at Nai;pur, was held m Nagpur on Saturday night, when over 800 members were present. The business before the meeting was the election of the President of
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  • 246 1 The unavailing endeavours, lor months, of a party of Indian coolies to return to their adopted homes m Fiji illustrate the incidental hardships attendant on Australia's stringent "all while" policy. Six months ago the coolies returned to Calcutta holidaying, alter having lived ten years m the
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  • 710 1 How 119 Lives Might Have Been Saved. Official Records lately published show that during the month of July there were 1,176 deaths m Singapore, and of these that terrible disease BertBeri claimed no less than 119 victims. In face of this it is our
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 145 1 I 1L ft* s W ai ARE INTRODUCING THE Lialk Over Sboe. Y^ AMERICA'S BEST SHOE. tsj Comfortable Fit, and Shapeliness. 1) NO BREAKING IN" I £3 "WALKOVERS" IFA l\l\ iS.coc pairs made, per day, by over I T Jrr one Price All kinds B SHAPES— SEE OUR WINDOWS. I
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    • 364 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. X* 3 PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. Records Pathe Records iii inch single $1,00 each. n| inch double $1.40 each. j?^/^. WEILL 6^ ZERNER 8 A BATTERY ROAD. IHowarth Erskine Epgipeers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I Telephone 2s.
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    • 14 1 FROMY, RO6EE 4 CO. Of JlI m co fjzdjk, SP oR «2_ 111 t^anr.
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  • 987 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. MONDAY, 23rd SEPTEMBER. THE LIQUORS ORDINANCE. At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday last the Liquors Ordinance Amendment Bill came up tor the second reading but it was to be subjected to severe critilvi?m u ef re Jt reach ed this stage. We have
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  • 143 2 Under the new regulation tor letterjust issued India now has probably the cheapest postal service m the world. We possess the farthing or three pie-post-card, the half-penny or six-pic letter, weighing one tola, while from ist October next a letter weighing four ounces or ten tolas go will for one
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  • 6 2 interest to v retdn. M^H
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  • 228 2 ASI.V.GESriONTOEn''?H To the Editor. v jJM SIX, In Frida. il^H intere-tint; journal. graph calling the attention of tx {H rc>i'i'-nts rdrinuKi^M by the Parsi T H mising a teast for the lev r< Shakespeare and Sheridan. V. others. visited the ousc -n Sarrd^B •hout \u wcp.
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  • 32 2 To the Ed,- r.. s r Your Ira e£S i knows an I i i Ivm- on the „w hoPr oh i •hild ssss I! i M> "3
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 Grand Cinematograph NOTICE PATHE PRERES. Notice is hereby given that the Trademark MP. 0. P.* is the exclusive property FMTIRF of KOBBBT HARPER Co., PKOML,£\ 1 lK£y TO-Nidht PRIE rARY < Ltd of Melbourne, Australia, CHANGE y covering fc All food substances, Cordials and Fermented Liquors M m all colours
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    • 218 2 REWARD $10. Lost a brown collie dog having exact mark m front leg. Finder will be rewarded by Army and Navy Bar, 45 High Street. Anybody keeping after one week will be answerable through Court. 21-9-07 27-907. WANTED. I£UROPEAN or Eurasian to be clerk of works on building m course
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 COMING EVENTS. rO-UAY, SEPTEMBER ti High Water. 11-36 am 11-48 p.m. Tabernacles 'Jewish Holiday) Lodge St George M M homeward mail due M M outward mail due. S C C Tennis Grand Cinematograph Show 7-30 9-30 pm rarsi The; tre 9p.nl. SG R A Annual Meeting TO-MORROW, SEPTEMBER 24. High
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    • 28 3 nny /;gooo. Sept Hi n-45 a-m-VtL Johannesburg states P*Vh .peaking m the that a number '■Vjfcrtd the managers of curling to be allowed ransvaal.
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    • 4 3 M.^^:^ mutual tariff
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    • 16 3 v the request ol the l C^\ the mice and the definite answer
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    • 41 3 I- KI2ATI >N°' u< nLKA1 Lcd H the L emacj of ondered I eventually be r j eorgu tsc the general departments .ptcd at the tvoftudi > the ravatr!Lut 'i nd: ullcrc l he (eseardi Depait•d a remedy by means
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    • 62 3 Hjj|£ST?('F rHE ENGLISH H II a.m. generally I Russian foreI iuss an Convention. .rent Britain, which I the Persian people, newspapers declare Cffloor.t to the destruction of a Kgr* correspondent at Teheran ■nib' -on Government |X* cateii to Parliament a B. g the terms of cement, which ~imunicated
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    • 26 3 IpY-ONE PERSON- KILLED; V-FOL'R INJURED. 21, 1 a.m. railway collision ii rer: tl icarnacion, fciicc, between an exprc-- and a I en killed and
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    • 16 3 Plague in San Francisco. ISES; rWENTY S pi ii, 11-25 ambubonic plague there have been thirtyiths.
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  • 54 3 Jftnaman who was formerly a •m the Coal department at -■Wharf. iraVoo Saturf 8 I with tresp 5 s there. 2J !»':gh who arrested him Jjww Wilson >aid that the deicn- Wnther> had avearago, f* employ of the Dock EL* 11 Aec of premises not to enter the
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  • 40 3 m named Tambv Messrs. Michell h ouse breaking and Ij" two bottles ol attar fct led and he was conN&vi 6 id lhat he h^d n 'naPenang School. +L2*J" previous -ated his case and he >•■«,, °»yetr'a rigorous im-
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  • 14 3 s?^a(V Cach R ad Police S J r aina Woe* three
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  • 38 3 Xon i !l wa Saturday *L m y> and V tima He w *s 1 i:t WCu 7 pnson lifc Vj 5 now r there Uv 'cc. E» < fencing a third lor a period of six-
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    • 23 3 Chine^^aTiia^ntT APPOINTMEN fop PRiNCF PULUN. *IINLh lun as another president of the proiect" wTrr Prcericnl:h; eh Parliament. prehminary a regular
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    • 75 3 GENERAL LABOUR UNREST. London, Sept. 21, 3.30 pm Numerous strikes including the rail waymen strike are threatening Gret Britain at present. The flax workers and patternmakers and the shipyard abourers at Belfast are going on S the Glasgow weavers are following the suit, and the
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    • 23 3 DRUDE RESUMES HOSTILITIES. London, Sept. 22, 11-50 a.m. Negotiation with the tribesmen at Casablanca have been broken. General Drude resumes hostilities.
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    • 33 3 FURTHER DETAILS London, Sept. 22, u-50 a.m. The latest details to hand re the railway collision at Encarrnacion showthat 63 have been killed and 4 have been injured. J
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    • 42 3 NEXT CONFERENCE EIGHT YEARS HENCE. London, Sept. 22, 1 1-50 a.m. The Hague Plenary Conference has adopted the proposal regarding the establishment of a Prize-Court and also the motion recommending the holding of the Third Conference eight years hence.
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    • 28 3 Prince Edward Handicap Race. London, Sept. 22, 1 1-50 am lhe result of the Prince Edward Handicap Race is as follows (1) Lischana. (2) All Black. (3) Firara.
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  • 318 3 The geographical features of Japan have a tendency to cause periodic inundations, and a brief record such as 'All parts of the country were visited by inundations" is found m history times out of number. According to the Xt)io>t S aisht Record of Calamities") 15 disastrous inundations
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  • 257 3 THE R EST IN INDIA. Writing on an artic'e m the Spectator on the Unrest m India, the Empire says _Even the Spectator, circumspect j and educated as its opinion is, and fortified as it ought to be, with as much special knowledge of India as it cares to have,
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  • 23 3 Over j£B,ooo has been left by Arthur Motter, a rag and bone merchant, who has died at Boston, New York, aged ninety scveu.
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  • 281 3 BREACH OF DISCIPLINE. Abdullah was charged with a be', me", baker 1^ for Abu mi the 7 th mstant. He was asked by Ser geant Major Tapah to interpret aVase He did so. The constable m charge of »X Ca A^7 as asked call the bailiffand hen Abdullah was locked
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  • 168 3 41 lan lloon, a hawker was on Friday morning m North Bridge Road. Goh Ti Eng came to him and demanded to see a dollar which he had m his hand. Yoh Ti Eng pretended to be a detective, said the dollar was bad, kept it
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  • 111 3 No fewer than four monopolies are wanting syndicates to take them up write> the Macao correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press. lhe I'u-piu has been up for tender twice, but the tender was so low ($36,000 per annum for three years) that it was not accepted.
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  • 96 3 J. Smith, better known here as C. Raynor, gave himself up as a deserter the other day to Inspector Nolan. He was sent to the Military Authorities but they declined to receive him until desertion was proved before a Magistrate. He was accordingly brought before Mr. E.
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  • 194 3 The latest tin quotation is $81.80 per pikul, business done, fin is quoted m London at j£ 164.10s cash and £164 three months. The first verse of God save the King" m Esperanto is given below H Gardu la regon Di 1 Tre longe regu, li Qau nia preg Qi
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  • 586 3 INTERIM REPORT of HEALTH AND DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE COMMITTEE. The Committee has had under sioners held on the fafvSt "That the Health Committee br requested to give the Hoard its views on the recommendations contained m Professor Simpson's Report; and its advice as to the order m which these recommendat.ons
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  • 163 3 A gem of extraordinary interest and possibly of enormous value has been imported recently into England from Burma, where it was discovered near Mandalay. The jewel, a crystalline ma^s or ruby embedded m calcite, standing about a foot high, is now m the hands of Mr. Banyard,
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  • 221 3 The King of Annam was m effect deposed at the end of July, being presumably insane, and his authority entrusted to a Council of Regency. From Reuter, however, it will be seen that it has been found well not to leave the throne vacant idefinitely. M. Beau the
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  • 28 3 His Excellency Mr. Chang, the Chinese Imperial Commissioner, with his suite, paid a formal visit to the Foreign Office at Simla, and was received by Sir Louis Dane.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 396 3 IFRQMYR3GEE SCO'S THE o ©«»4 e JAPANESE Medicai J|l Ikerve j\ To-night and Every Night ■IP I New Programme N [IP w+ F" p SIS New Play III s PlliAi rK ON HIRE f^ Rg!Sggf=^*H A Complete Cinematograph Sh<»w. ilffcT^t^j Perms very moderate. Only con- Bmji|Wiffitgg dition, no entertainment must
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 ED PINAUD'S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its products is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks These Trade Marks Mf\ f^TT E? ET I L\l IT a Extrait Vegetal a l IXORA flj as illustrations below. #f??4 These different
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    • 497 4 T. E. CHIN CO. I COMMISSION A6ENTS ft DEALERS IN Swatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese WarePewerts Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged) Strait Settlements Petal Dust T. E. cHIN A Co.. 82-j Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. Atteptiot?! rLoolj! SomctDina
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    • 580 4 BA NKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAILMJP CAPITAL 310,000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 S2 l 000,000 Silver Reserve $11,000,000 J Reserve Liability ot Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, MEDHURST, Esq. Chairman. Hon,JMr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq. D M. Nissan Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A
      580 words
    • 293 4 L D- M," ADLETS, FO SEE MUN. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the HART" cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. v.c. HOOT COMPANY, 93, Belfietd Street, Ipoh. General Repairers of Cycles,
      293 words
    • 666 4 B SALE, WANTED, &C. COVERMMENTjIOTiFiCATION, Tenders will be received at the Col on.al Secretary's Office up to noorT of Monday the 7 th proximo" f or n t n r °J moval of refuse rice from the Sin.-anoJe Prison for a period of tivclve momh from Ist January, i 9oB
      666 words
    • 245 4 Komi, py 6 M° nths I J Months 6 1 Year ADVERTISING u ]k I Wanted To L °>. I dail y insertion 6 h >° thrice weeklj. Kr^H iarri age, Birth or b ea ,Xv I P^ insertion. I 1N Advanu. I l-or ccntracts pdC(t Uillhc^nupcn a B Manager,
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