Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 21 September 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 823 1 DARING ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP BRITISH COLONEL THRILLING ESCAPE. Shoots Five of His Captors. Telegrams received from Salonika give a sensational account of an attempt made by brigands to capture a British staff officer while on special duty in Turkey, in Europe, and of the remarkable fight that saved him. Colonel
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  • 75 1 Mk. Loke Yew, Mr. D. G. Robertson and Mr. P. Russell recently witnessed the trails of the Straits Steamship Company's new steamer Ktnta. The trails included a run over the measured mile on the Firth of Forth and steaming at 14 knots an hour for six hours. The party afterwords
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  • 553 1 REMARKABLE ILLUSI RATION OF GROWTH OF GERMAN MARITIME INTERESTS. The growth of Germany's maritime interests is remarkably illustrated in recent issues of the Stattstik dn Drttlschen Racks, the official publication of the imperial census department, Part 4 of volume 1 74 contains the figures of maritime traffic under
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  • 211 1 FLOODS IN ORISSA 200 SQUARE MILES. Calcutta, Aug. 27.— A Jaipur cones* potident, writing to the Matesman on the 22nd inst., gives the following description of Hoods in part of Orissa A part of the country, 100 miles in length and about 20 miles in breadth, has suddenly been changed
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  • 149 1 A foreign firm lias constructed a watch for the blind which represents the figures in allegorical manner, and apparently is very convenient. Tl.c signs in relief are the following Oi c o'clock, a dot t'\o o'clock, two dots; three o'clock, a triangle four o'clock, a square
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 ftfS c0 LITTLE k CO, LTD.! ROVER CYCLES. i I-,., Wheel, Beated Kirns, i Rim Brakes $65.00 IADSTERS With Dunlop Tyre*, Brookes 2 Rim Brakes etc. 80.00 m rOVI (<> Superior Quality with Gear Cast Best Fittings 110.00 135.00 ROVtR. Superior Quality With Celluloid s Saddle Dunlop Tyres Beautiful!} 160.00
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    • 321 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. K3= PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. Records Paihe Records u| inch single $1.00 each. n| inch double $1.40 each. Stetail Jlgents. WEILL ZERNER S A BATTERY ROAD. P*^ ""^■'■■■■■■^^^■^^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■iMa wmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmamm^ Howarth Erskine Ep^ipeers ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS.
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    • 11 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. or JLi m jf2 tiT m 111 IHLA^
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  • 362 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. SATURDAY, 21st SEPTEMBER. OUR ROADS. I wentv years and more ago, the roads ol Singapore were able to bear comparison with the grand trunk road of India, which was and perI haps is still, the best maintained in the East. But a score of years a^o,
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  • 577 2 A certain section of the Indian ress bent u P°n a suicidal policy All loyal Indians, will be really too happy to learn about a speedy end to the life of those wretched printed sheets which do not deserve to be called journals They seem to
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  • 15 2 The order relating to the Me inspection ot" ships arm uian;: from Singapore is cancelled.
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  • 17 2 Thk man who was charge nesday, for selling chandu license at Duxton Hill was jresterday, fined 50.
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  • 18 2 Mr. H. A. Young! Bu seer, Municipality, has been appointed j Building Inspector at a salary per mensem.
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  • 24 2 1 1 is said that Detective Inspect* Stenhouaa goes on furlough at the en< of the month. Inspector Frayne will be his locum tenet-
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  • 20 2 For theft of a till containing 4.' cents a Chinaman wraa yesterday sent son for three month*. He previous conviction.
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  • 24 2 In addition to the Police pi already reported, Acting Sergeai Namara, has been made full Sei and constables Gilroy. Bourn and Pearce Acting Sergeant-.
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  • 24 2 A Chinaman was yesterday, d by the Chinese Postmaster with 1 gling ten unstamped letter- into tjif Colony. He pleaded guilty and fined $25.
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  • 28 2 For possession of more than inofficial doses of morphine, Ko I Tan Ha were yesterday fined v Si 00 respectively, in default, one moc and two months imprisonment
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  • 29 2 CHIEF Engineer Velgc ot. ihe "Karang" died on board duri early hours of yesterday mornii less than an hour's illness Much pathy is telt for hit family an relatives.
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  • 25 2 A hack gharry syce, a Javanc was yesterday, lined 110 lame pony at Collyer Quay on day. Inspector Pe&tana prosecuted I Mr* E. E. Colman.
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  • 26 2 If hM been decided that the of Calcutta, Madras and Borabav be allowed to prefix any extraon furlough granted to ordinal subject to a maximum months.
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  • 33 2 Mr. F. J. Benjaticld, Finn taut Municipality has been g months' vacation leave to be I by one and half months' lea\- o\ i ce on half salary with effect from October next.
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  • 73 2 A couple of days ago Pek We] at Collyer Quay with a quantity 0 about 27 lbs. fie fell foul of a 1 broke one of the lamps and wms ted. When before Mr Colman, unable to satisfactorily account foi possession he was equally unsu ful as to the breaking
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  • 6 2 IV H IPrr., "f^r, gl ol
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  • 5 2 rong ca; eof \j r
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  • 13 2 !!fv morning ,1,lci tarracki" arrcs^and in h ref .a month I HI \t..
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  • 4 2 l""ve of the ai^^
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  • 3 2 "'•."^ummontd J '^■'^tponedf.ra.^'
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  • 12 2 'Madras Arbuthnoi-s Indust r •ict.onon-. Phased on bcfi b«t by himscll and
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  • 18 2 :L t»«r probation hive been c«A ti-eir res) •Market Kcwer.CH.art waste Inspector, H Csi Conscrvai.rv f(- r<r Ik,
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  • 22 2 His Excellency the G nofr ''■'""PenangOa Commerce, and sibie H* .-War A lam-; to be an Unofficial Ha egislai cv caused bn
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  • 15 2 f" The S •urs of th I :c 22nd instant will be wl S| S
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  • 25 2 In accordance with Stem ~ade bjl in Council uwiertkB I the nth June. i«i; Inspeoa P «lice Force has I irht. IdeniedtbeM call the driver.
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  • 23 2 (>\ and V I will be as foil .en the amount exceed /1: v 1 K 5 much of the •>* rhi. Onto October, 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 236 2 Grand Cinematograph f"" NOTICE. TPPFRT3S I Notice is hereby given that the radeVA I MJL Jf ±CJ!,±CJ!i&. inark p 0 p« ig the exc i usivc I)ro perty ETNI'TfWTr I of KOBKRT HAKPEB Co., PUOt/rN M. mtL, TO"Ni(|ht. '< LW- Melbourne, Australia, CHANCE eovering "All food substances, Cordials and Kennented
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    • 223 2 REWARD $10. Lost a brown collie dog having exact mark in front leg. Finder will be rewarded by Army and Navy Bar, 45 High Street. Anybody keeping after one week will be answerable through Court. 21-9-07—27-9-07. WANTED. I^UROPEAN or Eurasian to be clerk of works on building in course of
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    • 25 3 American Presidental Campaign. W -ioa.nl. xcit Kr.; u.rk marks the IT; 2 t:"/ .!luence in ilm ..Ijoiceoi H x y> ari- s It-' -mend. BY
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    • 6 3 m price erican pui ot
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    • 44 3 j, A l.r.\ !<' MOMBASA. I s will 1 hurchill. Tndcr ilonics, I I entry m ving <<n d >>n the Port Said I ber, -•< on the r aia in t,'u- ember, Kflvf>-- lV via I>ort 14th of I .anoum I g middle of
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    • 21 3 Gigantic Frauds in Pennsylvania IriNG 10 VRS Sept 1 1-30 a.m. i'enliavekt II .rsiounection thing of ted are the \enl conals.
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    • 16 3 Th e Railway Slump. IK IN ;o a.m. '> in the Si cki are tal depreciation I
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    • 26 3 I'RDS CAM i i-jc a.m. Jitict) Scotland reference to Bill that the campaign was ited that his of a con- iltimatdy of the
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  • 45 3 J^andChua.A Peng were fenjong r worth ndu came bv No. i pleaded Vth offering t to let th? 2? 'barged *J« Mr. Green. Mr C H saidtheatu(r j to the "i.cv for month. d v. for Klin, on Thurs"ramea v cvi- defend 1
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  • 24 3 i Bondbefore Mr. •■M.bstruo KMenborough the form n s. They 1 here were rged with protested but appaa II r uith
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  • 59 3 TRAM WAY ACCIDENT. p lay mornin- a PWdgj river turned from KE Jalau Sultan 4 r; ed front of "«c driver saw him <>- did not stop K*« could not At Knocked down (r^. the c r bout a hundred was brought to a R 11 a vcrvm" 18 16
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    • 50 3 London., Sept. ao, 4-3O p. m> mses British predominance ?n AfchS" mstan which great Britain agrees*W to use as a place D'Arraes g agains Russians possessions. ()nlv BuoSf subjects of Great Britain R^. desiring to see Dalai Uma to be allow ed to enter into Tibet and reckon
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    • 26 3 London, Sept. 20 4-30 p.m. Hie Winnipeg Dominion Trade Üboui Council has resolved to P S^ he Hindu Labour, advocating a P £Sf-
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    • 41 3 LoudoM, Sept. 20, 4 5 p. m< 1 on. illiam Templeman, Ministe. o Inland Revenue of the Canadian Government and the labour leader Mr SmifJi in their speeches declared that Asiatic Immigration must be regulated ofja^:d°i^ tliiheGo^--H
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    • 116 3 SPHERES OF INFLUENCE ASSIGNED. London, Sept. 20. 7 p m. The Ku^ian paper Retch states that the Anfclo-Kussian convention assiun^ to Ruaala as Us sphere of influence the line northward fro* the junction of Afghan-Pcrso-Russian Frontier to Kasrishwen on the 1 urko-Persian Frontier. The Convention Assigns to Great
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  • 345 3 On the 1 7th instant, Wong A Kun and Wong A Koo were arre-ted at a pawnbroker's No. 56 Middle Road for possession of $5.20 in counterfeit small silver. Wong A Kum redeemed a pledge for S3. 10. The coins were in 2c
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  • 87 3 t >wncis and Mastcis of Shipping are requested to keep ftieir Vessels as clear of the Range as possible, during the Heavy Gun Practice, which will take place from the undermentioned Furls on the dates stated below, commencing at 10 a.m. Range-Clearing Launches carrying Red Flags, will
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  • 61 3 Two boys, Chinese and Eurasian, the latter called Leo, were before Mr. Michell, the Senior Magistrate for the theft of a coat from the clothes lin^c ot a dhoby in Caven?gh Road. The youngsters tried to proof an alibi, but it failed. They received five cuts each with
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  • 106 3 At a recent meetting of the Committee of the Straits Chinese British Association, it was decided to raise subscriptions towards a suitable present for Mr. Song Ong Siang on the occasion of his marriage, which is to take place in a few days. Mr. Song Ong Siang has been the
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  • 390 3 W ERK Present His Excellency the Governor. M Officer Commanri e Hon. Coio^^creurr w Attorney General. n Colonial lVeasurer. >• Colonial Engineer. m lan Jiak Kim. h H. Fort. j- Anderson. Dr. Galloway. m T. S. Baker. Ordkrs of the Da\. ,V Motion by the Colonial Secretary brinl
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  • 133 3 A PALACE FLOATING IN THE AIR. Aeronauts are generally fighting shy of Singapore. They must have their own reasons tor doing so but Mr. Kavasji Pallonji Khatow the Manager of the Parsi Theatrical Company is going to show for the third time tonight the successful flight
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  • 108 3 On Thursday no less than thirtyeight male Kinjabis were arrested when attempting to leave the Colony. It is believed they meant to make their way to Panama, though they were estensibly going to Bangkok. By some arrangement under the regulations for emigration, persons are not permitted to
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  • 54 3 The S. L. Argo will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday for the Club Bungalow at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2-30 and 3-30 p.m., returning at 9-30 and 10-30 a.m., 12- is, 3-^0 and 5 p.m. The 440 yards' Handicap will take place after the arrival of
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  • 91 3 SEPT. 22, 1907. S. Andrew's Cathedral. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Matins and Litany, 7 am Holy Communion (Choral), 7-45 am Children's Service, 4 pm Evensong and Sermon, 5-30 pm S. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. Koo Chow Service, n-isam Children's Service, 4 pm Evensong and Sermon, 8-15 pm Prinsep Street
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  • 550 3 ,1 T m° usu 1 mctting the Municipal Board was held at the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon I here were present :-T he F residcm Dr. Murray Robertson, Messrs R AHon, Mr. A. J W. Watkins K A Stevens Lheug Eng Lee, the Secretary and the Engineer. J
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  • 213 3 UtiLKMIISLU ALIIUIN It) CHECK THE PERNICIOUS HABIT. The following is a translation, says the Malay Mail, of a notice dated the 11 tli day of the 12th moon of 32nd year of Kwong-Su, and posted by Mr. Foo Choo Choon at the Eug Hoat Kongsi for
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  • 126 3 Yesterday, bef6rc Mr. Justice Fisher, Mr. Proctor, formerly a piano tuner in the Robinson Piano Company, sued the Company for wages due amounting to $487. Mr. Montagu Harris appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. Roland Braddell for the defendant firm. The plaintiff had borrowed from the godown an
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  • 71 3 1 On Thursday last, a Chinting No. 2G was arrested at the landing stairs at the Esplanade for receiving a bribe of $1.30 from a Bugis, to let his baggage through. A Eurasian detective came up and the Chinting handed the money to him to return to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 410 3 FROMY ROGEE CO'S THE o o©% e JAPANESE Medical Bi^eservi A To-night and Every Night X iftffrh IM New Programme Snls| New piay 1 1 r, V^ £^< II ON HIRE. A y^spSgS -jSjJj A Complete Cinematograph Show. 'J^t^C'* Terms very moderate. Only con- > t SZfc^fe^ dition, no entertainment
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 411 4 ED. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY call the attention of it* numerous customers to thefact a e of produces is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks. wH^u, /^fi^sSsSk* •^SrSS^' on PORT E* V E I N E a Strait Vegetal aIIXORA 21 as Illustrations below. #>P?S These different Artules are also
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    • 504 4 T. E. CHttU CO. I COMMISSION AGENTS DEALERS I Snatow Drawn Hucat! Workfl Chinese Embioidci ic> Chinese WarcPcwcits S Picture Post Cards I Views Post Cards I Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps sin chaiged Strait Settlements Petal Dust T. E. eHIN eo.. I Sj-j Bras Basah Road,
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    • 575 4 BANKS. Hongkong ft Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 510,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve *10,000,000 1 $21 000.000 Silver Reserve $11,000,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors $10,000,0W Court of Directors. G. H, Medhukst, Esq. Cliaumaii. lion, Mr, W. J. Gressoa-Ueputy-Chairmai.. Bailech, Esq. D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A J. Kayrnond,
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    • 297 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOB SALE, WANTED &n SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the HART" cycle also the famous M X Bar cycle, Rubbei Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. u.c. HOOT «T COMPAN Y^ Belfietd Street,
      297 words
    • 625 4 COVERHMENTjOTtFICATIOH, Monctoythe^hpS^Sr^of moval of refuse rice from hi i- rc Prison for a period Tt^TfT from Ist January, 908 m nths The Government does not bind in* <; to accept the lowest or any tender v Particulars of the contract can h ascertained at the Prison. Singapore, 12th September, 907
      625 words
    • 178 4 -Months .^K s^sßl Jjomii, Jowl, Year F<^bjJ* ChS^ fe CeW K 1 O above" ICh H Fa 1. 2 or < •1.00, jCOCs «E«i^B ■MarriagcßirUiom^.. P€ r 'nsertioH. th '\ot,^B Advaxcl. U> Kh I Manager, Wm Ust of Depots ,-rl 11 Eastern Uaiij 'way deootjirts I Abdullah, ljA( u^c .w.^B
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    • 823 1 m Number Po.h i Capital Subscribed ,u^ to Company Quotations JF GOLD. I 1900 £400,000 £350,000 350.000 II I 20,000 $lo $10 SUJ5 U J Developenient Ltd, 22 5 1901 $300,000 $293,000 10,000 $10 $10 Kadana G. M. Co., (Pref) 1200l 200 rui nnnal 640 unissued 9
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    • 107 1 Singapore, September 17, 1907. Gambier 7.10 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.35 (>oprn Bali 8.4 5 cfcK Pontinnak 5.15 Pepper^J^jack 17.50 do White "jr^QZ^ m 23.75 Sago Flour SarawSk^^ 3 02^ do Brunei No. 1 T*; 5.05 I 'car I Sago f| 4 .60 Coffee Bali, 150/0 1900 Coffee,
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    • 139 1 On tjmmoM. Bank j m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4 13/16 do. 3 m/s 2/4 7/16 CM Germany.— Bank d/d 2.384 Private 3 m/s 2.44" vio 6 m/s 2.46 On France. Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do 6 m/s 3.03 On Inaia. Bank T.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 262 1 List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Pcr'M. M. steamer Yarra, from Marseillo Sept. 1, due Sept. 23. Mr. N. W. V. Scott. Vcr P. and < -teamer Mooltan, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, from London Aug. 30, due Sept. 28. Mrs. M. C. Graham^ Messrs. A. T. Fraser, T.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 675 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War, &c. SeaMetv, Govt. str 500 tons, displaceJjent ,3s crew, 700 h.p. Commander Murphy, Aust p. From Kwantan Augt 30. Coloni.l Government. U.— W. IVrujhl, I' S transport, 364 tons, 67 crew, Capt Hamrlton. May 17. From Manila, Efaj 9. For Manila, U— Rds. Trading
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      • 540 2 I f/nvo, Brit atr, i,Motoas,ti»ptl urcock Sept 16 From Pefkaloiiftjan, Sep U--Rds aSt KatzHlOs Sauiiakaa, Ger str ,,o tons, Capt Werdii., Sept 14. From Boelelci.- *JL t H. Gc, and 10 dp. Behn Meyei Co toy Macassar, Sept 12 Rda> Sofa N..r »tr r, 4 im^rfp, i dlip Sept 18.
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      • 509 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. \'atih\ Port, Probable date of Arrtvai (\>i<i name of Agents. Steamers Australien, Saigon, Oct 7; M M'limcs Antiloclius, China, Oct. 25 Manstield Airlic, Sydney, Oct 25 rousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 12 P O Coy Ayuthi.i, Bangkok, Oct 20; Borneo Coy Awa Maru, Japan, Oct 21 P Simons Agamemnon,
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      • 589 2 Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Od 15 l).«endels F Alice, Bremen,. Nov 1 Behn Meyer Riojun Man, Japan, Sept 30; P Simons Roon, Brem2n, Oct 3 Behn Meyer Slavonia, Hongkoig, Oct 16; l> Meyer Sado Maru, London, Nov P Simons Sunki Maru, Japan, Oct 7 1> Simons Sithonia, Hamburg, Oct 6; B Meyer
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