Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 20 September 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 711 1 A REMARKABLE DISCOVEKY IN UPPER EGYPT. The London Daily Mail of July 20 states that the latest of the many discoveries by archaeologists in Egypt occurred some months ago at Edfu, in Upper Egypt, near the site of an old Coptic monastery. A native clearing his
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  • 189 1 The M Empire," of Calcutta, narrates the history of Major Moir's fatal attack of bloodpoisoning, as it affords a notoble illustration of the sublime devotion to duty in which the medical profession has seldom been known to fail." Major Moir cut his finger, and was strongly
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  • 452 1 In an Article supporting the proposal to hold a Mining Exhibition in the F. M. S., the Malay Mail says To all who have been residing in the Federated Malay States during the last twenty years it must have been apparent that the unique administrative success we have
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  • 193 1 The following particulars of an occurrence recorded by cable some days ago are given in the North-China Daily News of Aug. 22 According to the Sinweapao a Japanese firm trading in the Japanese Settlement of Tientsin was caught this week
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  • 234 1 The destruction of the British Consulate at I lakodate, recorded in our Jn^t issue, says the Nagasaki Pftttt of the 29th August, was but an incident in a conflagration which destroyed threequarters of thai city The fire broke out at 10. 1 p.m. on Sunday, the
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  • 53 1 Mr. J. M. Harrow, a paper manufacturer, of Wisconsin, has discovered, a waste product which will preserve ice for an indefinite period and will cost only as for 1,000 irallons. In future a housekeeper will be able he says to keep a cake of ice coated with this preparation throughout
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 I 1 ai r CO pHLITTLK k CO, LTD. Loo s ROVBR CYCLES. Heated Rims, 2 Rim Brakes $65.00 rtBOADSTERS With Dunlop Tyres, Brookes Jjree Wheel t Rim Brakes etc. 80.00 IS S pcrior Quality with Gear Case Best Fittings 110.00 135.00 ROVER S -nor Quality With Celluloid Saddle Dunlop
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    • 312 1 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. K^ PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. -=sa Records Pathe Records "4 inch single $1.00 each. nj inch double $1.40 each. Stetail Agents. WEILL ZERNER S A BATTERY ROAD. Howarth Erskine Epgipeers aijd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams
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    • 11 1 FROMY, RO6EE CO. or j£l m 777 r w^. «J js.
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  • 322 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. FRIDAY, 20th SEPTEMBER. POLICE PROMOTIONS. It is with much satisfaction that we learn that the merits of some o\ the hard-working members of the European Contingent, of the Singapore Police have at length been recognised by the able and energetic head of the department and his
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  • 391 2 a correspondent writing over oui? an d£ 'P iu tlie o<" Pro Bono f üblico informs us that those who sell ground coffee are in the habit ot adulterating the rea! stuff with a large proportion of powdered gambler. It is stated that the gambier pellets are well
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  • 22 2 The S. V. A. Rifle Club, next monthly shoot—Saturday the 21-u-c; at 3 p. m. and Sunday the 22-9-07 at 7.30 a.m.
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  • 20 2 It is said that Mr. Montagu Harrii has obtained eight hundred signatures to the petition for Drummer Sandwell's free pardon.
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  • 26 2 The S. V. A., will go into camp at Fort Passir Panjang on Saturday An examination of gun layers and D R.F. specialist will take place.
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  • 26 2 The Pinang Gazette learn- that, unless rain falls verv -oon, the paddy planters in Province Wellesley. North, are likely to be in a very sorry plight.
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  • 27 2 Yesterday, a European gave himself up to Inspector Nohn is a deserter from the British Army some years ago. He was made over to the mititary authorities.
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  • 35 2 Yao Yap Sen<% has been sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. E. E. Colman for the theft of three jackets and a belt at No. 81 New Bridge Road on the sth instant.
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  • 37 2 The members of the Kuala Lumpur Y. M. C. A. have invited the members of the Singapore Y. M. C. A. Athletic Club to visit Kuala Lumpur at Christmas, to try conclusions at cricket, football and tennis.
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  • 41 2 On the nth instant a Chinaman in an unconscious state was? brought from Rasa to Kuala Kubu hospital, and died subsequently. It would appear that the man was suddenly taken ill while smoking opium in a brothel on the previous evening.
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  • 46 2 Much excitement has been created in American society by the rumour that Mis- May Van Alen. a granddaughter of Mrs. Astor, who has always beer. regarded as the most confirmed S| ter in America, is to marry Herr I' me, the divorced husband ot Mme Mordica.
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  • 48 2 A Bengali carter wras trying to race the tramcars with a cart load of rice on Wednesday morning. !!c had got his cattle into a canter and caused a car to stop to avoid dancer, Sergeant Dickson arrested him Yesterday, Mr. C. F. Green fined him a dollar.
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  • 55 2 Yesterdav before the Commissioner of the Court of Request-, V. Peter-, a cook, sued Mr. Forbes of Messrs Atkinson Forbes for wages for Aug ist The defence said that the plaintiff had been left in charge of the house during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and had neglected
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  • 52 2 Yesterday, Haji Noor should havo responded to a summons issued the instance of Dr. R. A. Campbell, Assistant Health Officer, to explain why, on the itth instant he Hered a gratification other than legal to the complainant. The parties were not preseni It was explained that the proces- had not
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  • 57 2 Yesterday afternoon a horse *att; ed to a trap belonging to a Chinaman took fright in South Bridge Road and dashed along towards Tanjong Pagar where it was stopped. Marvellous t( relate, not the least damage was to horse harness or carriage, nor wa anyone injured. It was almo-t mir;
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  • 49 2 Burns, a fireman of the x Alala," was|before the" Marine Magi trate, yesterday, for assaulting Capts Harmef, the master of the vessel, for contempt of Court not responding to the summons on Wednesd iv The charge of assault fell througl but the defendant was fined Ij on second count.
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  • 118 2 It will be remembered Mi; recently. while some Chinese who ha«l taken i)U cross-summonses against cac'i other assault were waiting in 'he Magistrate's Court for their cases to be called before Mr. C. V. Dyson, one o! them stabbed three other? with a cai penter's drill. The nssailnnt wasequently sentenced
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  • 228 2 pi I 01 Bombay u w i~,,,8 Secretary l Presentation O r b d e e F r^ r<:^H ™»Jf supports he^'-« Native Press forrtl pr *^B g§v 1 J*cn PublLhToh^M riw^n^ 1 European Inspector *T j*^l hearing ot the 'MunS^SM the Chief Magi^tjß was creating O. 1 ed
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  • 128 2 800 A Li. a Hj I Wednesday at the Ike.<x-W for t lie theft of a r I Sjo. the prop' *-JM Yesterday, he geant McNamara bi I Green, 2nd M I Alia" boy" in the I *aid he looked alter cert»nnj| Wednesday, he 1 luuins the I ess
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  • 1 2 Law
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 167 2 Grand Cinematograph add I CO PATHE PRERES. j Choice A.\»strali»n ENTIRE I M tl CHANGE [To-toght^ Dessert Apples OF Perdoz. $0.50 programme Per case $6.00 4NEW ,r uRE Cinematography Last of the Season. The Projection by Transparence The Largest Picture ever projected in the East. Free from Flicker THOMPSON, THOMAS
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    • 187 2 WANTED. EUROPEAN or Eurasian to be cleric of works on building in course of erection. Apply to:— M. R. c/o E. D. M--20-9-07 22-9-07. TO BE LET. /OFFICE and Godown. With immediate entry No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply to GUTHRIE Co, Ltd. i5- 6 -°7- u. c. NOTICE. r J^HE
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 116 2 eOMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, SEPTEMBER 20 1 High Water. 9-59 am 9-23 pm Legislative Council, 2-30 pm Municipal Commi>sion, 2-30 pm i SCC Tennis j Grand Cinematograph Show 7 30 and 9-30 pm j Parsi Theatre 9 pm TO-MORROW, SEPTEMBER ti. High Water 10-31 am, 10-is pm B I Mail Outward
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    • 24 3 <JaV IMPROVED a.m. posed of all north-east of areincrcann.de is fr J- V activity- c latest information B'Lfc the situation m ally .mprov-
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    • 20 3 RE p PERISHED IN FUMES gept ,9, ii lA rti that mam bu >• i if ten perished
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    • 10 3 f WORK M a.m. sumed ►reigK Federa-
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    • 50 3 [EAN KIE 1 1 a.m. •he celebra J^ married to -is: caret's, Kdulji, rell befriended by prominent the el--11 es Doyle, ot the |ohn Doyte. a medinburgh. \Ye-t through e Arctic ::en novels he "memoir^ (in Holme? published in iSq3 ipsbf lo.ked upon by him a> nc spring I
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    • 26 3 ["HE RED GENERAL KCROPATKIN. [-25 a.m. I high deco >roinent Russian Knropatkio the r of the Russian span War i- dee Grand Cros- of the
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    • 32 3 :hl government :ts charter ANNULLED X| 19, 1 1-25 a.m by the New. !era! Court t Standard Oil 1 evidence brought ution -howed that oy from the to '.he Divi--i.BB'» ■r
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    • 11 3 .-i> p.m. ha\c bee:, repatriated I 'urban on board the
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    • 18 3 s now nation. The ve bee:: repudiating cement between their given a sth October employes
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    • 34 3 the Amalgahas I s P *C n C0 f mpa r niCS SUg J"nar> Conference of ><sentat,ve< of the r ,e, halrecog jT* a!:hi< «*ep is towards V 'nimousK urgcs the
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    • 11 3 &gat K.howc Natal .<^ Idt rationed in loUlc attitude of the
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    • 24 3 W*Wfo r a ln °Pte that 3. en communicated P^t PCS t mblcs the o?X V V lh the im l hc International
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  • 20 3 H.s Highness, Sultan Ibrahim arrived on the Parade Ground n hk going to press. H pcr was
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  • 151 3 It is said that the lav* u,,a c was first expected, and camion Is necessary. The new Hudgct is a^in largely dependent on the tin proved Ihe estimate for lyO B is 2 4 o,ooo^i cu t and the price fixed in the Bud^c w i i be
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  • 182 3 SELLING CHANDU WITHOUT A LICENSE. m' le l^ f va<i y es tc.day, charged by Mr. C. H Darke with selling chandu without i hcense at No. 34 4 oh ore Koad. Corporal 44 -ave evidence of arrest The chandu found in the boost wm r arm Stuff. There were
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  • 205 3 rm'tr.LUi.NU UiN MU.Mt LEAVE In reference to our special telegram from Shanghai last week, the following paragraph from the A'. C. P. Sews adds further particulars to the cable mes>age: We learn on trustworthy authority that there is strong probability that Sir R »hert Hart, g.c.m g.,
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  • 180 3 We regret to have to record the death of Mr. W. J. Jones, of the staff of the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Ltd., which occurred about three weeks ago. Mr. Jones was stationed at Phrae, and was in good health when he Tcft for the Me
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  • 73 3 _l l__,. knAi> A Chinaman wno nas> uccu a..v.^*.here is w?nted at Sourabaya for alleged embezzlement of, roundly, i 0, 000 guilders in 1906. A few days ago, this man applied through Mr. Van Soireren for a rule nisi for a habeas corpus. This was opposed
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  • 61 3 Led to post beside a newly-dug grave in order to be executed, a criminal at Mitau, with the power of despair tore himself free, felled with terrible blows from his handcuffs the soldiers holding him, broke through the escort, and es caped. Dragoons pursued and overtook him, fettered him once
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    • 371 3 It is very rare to see a single plav of a or e e °r Sh, eri 2 an St^ ed gaporc. Those who have a true apprec at,ve instinct for a first-lass EngfSi 0 wiln. Ver m 'Sl the gOlde" "PPortunity wiuers Tale, measure
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    • 70 3 We have the pleasure to draw the attention of our readers to the advertisement re "The Grand Imperial Panorama." His Majesty King Edward VII. H M. the King Emperor of Germany and all the Royalty of the Continent of Europe are said to have patronized the show.
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    • 48 3 The Grand Cinematograph management has made an entire change of programme to-night. Ihe Projection by Transference is quite a new feature in Cinematography. The largest picture ever shown in the East is projected on to the screen The pictures are free from flicker and rock-steady.
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  • 349 3 Yuyah, Tamil \va-> yesterday, before Mr. C. F. Green on remand, on the allegation ot cheating one Suleiman of $3,553 by giving him a cheque for this sum on the Chartered Bank when he knew that he had not sufficient money there to mccj it rtnd thus induced
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  • 53 3 p. c. 305 arrested a Chinaman on Wednesday for obstruction with a hand cart. The defendant said that he had sold firewood to a Malay and was carrying it into the man's house. When he came out he was taken into custody. Mr. Green discharged him with a
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  • 60 3 On Wednesday, Sergeant Pearce paid a special visit to the neighbourhood of the 5^ mile stone, Thomson Road, and landed on a batch of ten Chinese playing Chap Ji Ki in public. He arrested them. Yesterday, Inspector Hart charged them. There was no defence. Mr.
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  • 829 3 A COMPLAINANT WITH A BAD MEMORY. Yesterday, Goh Tiam Hok, was arra.gued before Messrs. W. C. Michell and D. b. Gibson in the Bench Court on the allegation of having while an undischarged bankrupt in August 1903 obtained credit from Goh Yam to the extent of *ioo and
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  • 113 3 Yesterday, a Chinese woman was at the Magistracy seeking to lay |information against a chetty lor alleged theft and mischief. She had been an inmate of a house in Eraser Street. The person who rented the house from the chetty was dead. Two months rent were due
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  • 101 3 r C 3'3 rvassiin, anesieu low Feng on Wednesday, in Sophia Road for soliciting alms. Yesterday, Inspector Hart charged the man. The Defendant said he had just been discharged from hospital and had borrowed fifty cents. His hat fell off, and he was picking it up
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 499 3 THE MAGISTRATES' WORK. Mr. <:. F. Green's time wa> much J^ X taken up yesterday, with hearing obs- >% T I aV!.i\ II 4f\l\ t ruction cases. This class of cases is A MM, usually dealt with by summons. I he time of the Second Magistrate is more than taken
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 385 4 ED. PINAUD S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that "one of its produces is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: "rarS^r- PORTEVEINE A Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA Uj as illustrations below. r!L 10 3 These different Articles arc also regularly protected Jp^L
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    • 462 4 T.E. CHINA CO. COMMISSION AGENTS ft DEALERS IN Suatuw Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese WarcPcwcrts Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged; Strait Settlements Petal Dust T. E. CHIN Co.. Sj-j Bras Basali koad, SINGAPORE. Attei>tici>! rLoolj! SometDing new All kinds
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    • 587 4 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 I 21 00Q.OOO Silver Reserve $11,000,000 uw uw Reserve Liability oi Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. lion, Mr, W. J. Gressou— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq. D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A
      587 words
    • 301 4 11 E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED. AP. I SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, OrrosiTE St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the M HART" cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. u.c. hoot TTjompanyT^ 93, Belfxetd
      301 words
    • 604 4 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, moval of refuse rice from th, SfatJl Prison for a period of twelve from Ist January, 9 08 nths Hie Government does not bind itsHf to accept the lowest or any tender Particulars of the contra' ran h ascertained at the Prison. Singapore, 12th September, ;o7 •3-907—5-10-17. Government
      604 words
    • 192 4 safcQ*, 1 I Month I 3 Montl, s I 1 Yc° nths I I m 1 Mo;,U, 3 yomh., 1 6 Month, 1 Vear SMALL ADVE»S Marriage.birthorDcP" insertion. is Advasu. will "««i«n, w Manager, 9S t KUtiIM List of Depots where "Eastern Itylrt obtaineo. Auuuilan, 15 A l,_. Messrs Ghee
      192 words

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    • 773 1 I M Subscrlel W Paid I fl- Shares Value, up to Xeserv£ Company j Quotations pre GOLD. 1900 £400,000 £350,000 350,000 1901 $300,000 $201 I J? 0 0 10 ,G Duff Developement Ltd. *$1 1 •*93.00» 10,000 $10 $10 Kadana G. M. Co .Pref. 2.00 nominal I
      773 words
    • 105 1 SINGAPORE, SEPTEMBER 1 7, 1907. Gambier S 7.00 do (Cube No. i) unpicked 1O 5 Copra Bali 8 do Pontianak g' r Pepper, Black do White 5 o/c '2x 874 Sago Flour Sarawak O2 1 do Brunei No. 1 oo Pearl Sago 3 'Z r°? e l /o U«J2
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    • 155 1 On l.onaon.—tiank j m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2 4 3 l6 do 3 m/s 2/4 7/16 Ou Germany.— Bank d/d 2.384 Private 3 m/s 2.44" do 6 m/s 2>4 6 G>« France.— Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 3.00 r do 6 m/s 3.03 On
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 266 1 List of Passengers. U ASSENGERS~OU TWARD. Per If. If. steamer Yarra, from Marseilles Sept. 1, due Sept. 23. Mr N W. V. Scott. Per P. and O. steamer Mooltan, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, from London Aug. 30, due Sept. 28. Mrs. M. C. Graham, Messrs. A. T.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 684 2 SHIPPING MEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War, &c. Sea Mew, Govt. str 500 tons, displacement 35 crew, -00 h.p. Commander Murphy A,,,t 3,. F rom Kwantan Augt 30. Colons. Government. U. -Rds llrujhl, I o transport, 364 tons, 67 crew i., pl Hamilton. May i;. From Manila, M y9. For Manila,
        684 words
      • 557 2 hts/na, Brit str 52, tons, Capt Learmont, Sept .6. From Penong, Sept .4. G.c, and d.p. Boustead Co. For Penang, Sept 25— T.P.D. Kostmma, R us str 1,989 tons, Capt Kompan.on, Sept 16. From Odessa, U S\ 7. G.c, and 3 d.p. S. Tchokoff. tor Vladivostock, U— W. £fy,,l, Ger
        557 words
      • 509 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, fort, Probable date of Arrival and name of Agents. Steamers Australien, Saigon, Oet 7 M M'times Antilochus, China, Oct. ftc Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Oct 25 Bousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 12 P O Coy Ayuthia, Bangkok, Oct-; Borneo Coy Avva Maru, Japan, Oct 21 P Simons Agamemnon, China,
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      • 557 2 Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Oct 25 Daeudels P Alice, Bremen, Nov 1 Behn Meyer Riojun Maru. Japan, Sept 30; P Simons Roon, Bremen, Oct 3 Behn Meyer Slavonia, Hongkong, Oct 26; B Meyer Sado Maru, London, Nov-*; P Simons Sunki Maru, Japa-i, Oct 7 P Simons Sithonia, Hamburg, Oct 6 B Meyer
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