Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 19 September 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1193 1 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIANITY IN JAPAN. THE TOKYO CONFERENCE. By the Rev. Hubert L. Simpson, M. A. "So passes into history one of the most memorable events this country has witnessed in the course of its foreign intercourse. It will be writ large in our annals that when Japan entered the fellowship
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  • 542 1 PLANS ROF THE FUTURE. Speaking at Blackburn, General Booth stated that the same electric Hash that carried round the world the news of his death would also carry a message that another general lived. As far as human foresight and ingenuity could devise, arrangements had
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  • 124 1 As a sequel to a case heard last week in the Penang Police Court when Mr. Codrington sentenced an Italian named Pasqualti, to one month's timplc imprisonment for living on the proceeds of prostitution, a warrant was granted for the arrest of Maurice Blum for attempting to extort illegal gratification
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 I i g LITTLE CO, LTD. i65. 00 •r ROVER CYCLES. Beated Rims, 2 Rim Brakes $65.00 With Dunlop Tyres, Brookes Run Brakes etc. 80.00 or Quality with Gear Case St Fittings 110.00 J Gear ***** ROVER Si penor Quality With Celluloid Saddle Dunlop Tyres Beautifully 160.00 'ne above Machines
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    • 221 1 PHonograpH "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. K«- PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. ««a Records Pathe Records ni inch single $I*oo each. iff inch double $1.40 each.. Sietail Agents WBILL fif ZERNER S A PJTTERY ROAD. Howarth Erskine Epgipeers aijd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23.
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    • 16 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. to J£S2k c* _-«4 &£> VP I 7T ttOKIUKtfC gg g Ijto £e 31
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  • 724 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. THURSDAY, 19th SEPTEMBER. BIBLE STUDY IN SCHOOLS. A correspondent calls attention to the hardship inflicted upon little girls in the preparatory or infant class in the Raffles Girls' School, by compelling them under penalty to commit portions of the Bible to memory. He says he has
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  • 23 2 Mr. R G. Evans, the Inspector of Mineral Ores for the Federated Malai States, goes on a long holiday in a lei days.
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  • 29 2 The Rev. R. J. Campbell is anneal;. for help on behalf a? several^ ministers who have been expelled f, their pulpits owing to their havii cepted the new theology
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  • 29 2 Mk. L. J. Gough, a Undon Sanitary Inspector, has been selected from large number ot candidates for the no S?£h£ f Sanitar y Inspector of the F. M. S.
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  • 26 2 Thk Master Attendant, Strait- Settle merits notified yesterday thai I tine Restrictions against th< Hongkong, Swatow and Ainoy on ac count of bubomc plague ate withdrawn.
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  • 24 2 The Epworth Le;^ue will I10» hold thejr regular weekly meeting Short Street School to-night, but have a social at the Deaconess lit Sophia, instead.
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  • 28 2 Vhk Chinese Government conferring the rank of Duke on the heir of Confucius. The intention of the Government is to erase the i tion between Manchus and Chinese.
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  • 31 2 At the Assize Court, yesterday the Deputy Public Prosecutor withdrew the charge of using as genuine a document brought against Iriapi Veerapen The Chief Justice acquitted theaccused. This concluded the A
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  • 43 2 Yesterday, J. Farmer the ma-- the S. S. Alalacharged J. Bum-,, a fireman with assault on board on the 15U1 instant. The case wa- called before Captain RadclifTe R N but the defendant did not appear. A warrant was issued tor hi- ar
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  • 46 2 Yesterday, Chop Oh Seng sued Kho Keng Hian before Mr Justice I for the sum of §1,755, bein^ the aggre- gate of monies had and receivi different, times by the defend Mr. W. C. Niblett appeared for the plaintiff; Messrs. Rudra and Chopard for the defendint.
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  • 54 2 A Tokio message <^tate» that three dead bodies in Japanese arm »ur have been discovered in the grounds of the Solovincir pasture in Saghalien. It i> believed that they are the remains of Japanese official who were sent there to mnke investigations as to the 1 tion of affairs in
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  • 58 2 STl\\t» In Df.\ iH B\ 1 IORNI While two boys were searching bull at Pitigama, Gille District, a fen days ago, they disturbed a hornets' nest, and were immediately at: One of the boys ecc.ped. but the other was so badlv si ing all over his body that he «her!
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  • 47 2 Wl he.u that the mir; Miss Spooner daughter of Mr. C.E. Spooner, < m <>.. General Manager ot the F. M. S. Railways, to Mr. Douglas Graham Campbell, British Resident of Sembilan. will be celebrated in the i Emerald Isle on ttie 15th of I i Heartiest congratulations Ti<
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  • 41 2 Malaya. Tan Hy. Wah was arrested on Tuesday by Sergeant Tuc pong Samban in possess on< of illicit chandu dross Yesterday, Mr.C.H.Darke, the Farm Prosecuting Agent, charged him. He 1 pleaded guilty. Mr. Green fined him 850, in dl two months.
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  • 57 2 A man his been killed by an eh shock, in Bangkok. .He had th piece of wire over the wires Siamese Tramway Company, near W at Saket, and owing to the wet weather the shock was so great tint the His wife, who also had hold of th received a
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  • 54 2 FhoMAS Sergeant appeared b Mr. Justice Fisher yesterday and asked for an injunction against Nicholas J. Sarre to produce the accounts ot the partnership o?" the International Restaurant he also a-ked that thebus be wound up. Messrs. Allen and Gledhill for plaintiff; Mr. Farrer Bayne> for defendant. Judgment was given
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  • 64 2 H. E. Th* High Commissioner, 00 the recommendation of Mr. E* Resident, has been pleased to a building site in close proximit Klang race course, a grant 01 I for the building, and an annual fi •150 for a library in connection wit the Klang United Association. criptions are now
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  • 52 2 Raman Chetty, Chockalingan C Odayappa Chetty, Meyappa Annamalai Chetty Ramen chanbram Chetty, Rnmanatb Arunachellum Chetty. N. A. S. < pen < hetty, Palaneappa Chett thanjbarum Chetty, Murugappa < Murugappa Chetty, Ran, n Annamalay Chetty. and R im |?*win/ Chetty, left Rangoon by 1 Bhai for Madras last Friday. Si wen
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  • 116 2 In April H. R H. Prince VVora Rapai paid a visit to Bang pa-i on arriving at the railw a\ ition when returning, she missed I dij pin worth Tcs. 1,600 that slic had wearing. Search was made, but pin could not be found. After investigation, however, the auth caused
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  • 1 2 I
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  • 2 2 aid Co*,
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  • 1 2 ■St
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  • 6 2 II I -eptic tanL- t0 'JleT
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  • 14 2 that the TlKsio tr larun i* 5 «»mediv: l ?i ,und »2 -be,, norisanyi
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  • 7 2 -'-omen have" ™nufac,urin, l: w of Mormon*
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  • 103 2 "umber for oilS inals, j on the c »eninsula, to Provioa 1 he Saigoon Ota "Pressed a i 1-uang isutr K v tsutr is on hiMvay i returns on leave. HwOtei, Lp*ng I as p>j Siamese His student ty, in Paris, and after i i years he retir with several
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  • 38 2 Board R i. r< Mi il Presidi 4. H rikbhaßepora If) Kctu j) Retu. o rop and Workshops n Drainag ,o rencli Contract to ca/ion for exicn, Appoint* ApprovJ v nointn le) iS» l() nat. will
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  • 6 2 Vestcrd the admitted W
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  • 6 2 I lie I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 227 2 p Grand Cinematograph P| /^ppiES i TO-NIGHT I I OKoiee Australian H Entire Change H| u A 1 r 1 Dessert Apples J^ 5 o f Prooramme Perdoz. $0.50 «y i 1 w Per case $6.00 At 7.30 p. m. and 9.30 p. m. p OUR CHALLENGE SUBJECTS. F HO.
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    • 67 2 NOTICE. rpHE Opium, Gambling, Pig and Pepper Farms of the Residency of Rhio and its Dependencies, excepting the group of islands known as Pulo Tuju, will be let for one year and for three years as from the Ist April 1908. Tender will be received at the Office of the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 138 2 eOMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, SEPIEMBER 19. High Water 8-21 am., 9-21 pm B I Homeward Mail closes 3 pm SCC Tennis Lodge Eastern Gate Grand Cinematograph Show 7-30 9-30 pm Philharmonic Orchestra practice, 8-30 p Parsi Th«n tre 9 pm German Outward Mail due TO-MORROW, SEPTEMBER to. High Water. 9-59 am
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  • 918 3 .FOHORE EN-FETE. dayofH. H. Sultan Ibrahim. fth On Tuesday evening a SDecia i conveyed H. E Sir 1 P^ Cl^ lra »n I hey immediately proceeds t^ ,u Istana, where a s^Wn*^ been prepared, to which over aTundred guesta had been invited "unared His Highness received
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  • 324 3 "ALLEGED EXTORTION." Cliew I* ai .k C C Uld not meet il N g acS th ?K Sa d lhat the would tKiicrstatr 1 she must goto lhe poor woman managed to borrow ft mo ™y ™d handed it to Ng Chew woman' tr K° J hen left when the
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  • 133 3 Mr. w. L. boutham of Nassim Road had in his employ a servant named Lim. For a considerable time he had missed things and on the t ith instant, he set a trap. He put Si. 90 in his pocket and placed the coat in his r<-om.
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  • 147 3 Hong I\eo, a Chinese woman has a shop in Bencoolen Street Teong Sueh i^ in her employ. On Tuesday, the woman had occasion to leave the servant in charge of the place. She left $5 worth of change in the counter, and gave him the key. She
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  • 73 3 On Tuesday, Wong A Kian wa> arrested at a pawnbroker's No. 56, Middle Road in possession of $5.20 in counterfeit coin. These comprised 21 twenty-cents pieces, 2 fifty-cents pieces and 10 uncurrent cents. He also delivered three counterfeit dollors at the same place. .Yesterday Inspector
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  • 75 3 On Tuesday night Sergeant Dickson paid a visit to No. 31, Nelson Road and arrested fourteen Chinese for playing in a common gaming house. They were before Mr. C. F. Green, yesterday, and a fine of $3 each was imposed, in default, five days imprisonment. Sergeant Pearce arrested twelve
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  • 72 3 Lim Teng Kwee is a member of the Malacca Police Force. On the Ist of July last he absented himself from duty under circumstances which showed that he had no intention of returning. He was apprehended by detective Corporal No. 50 on Tuesday at
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  • 32 3 Sona Sabapathy Chetty has been sentenced at the Assizes to four years for suing on a forged promissory note for 5«45- M A unanimous verdict was returned.
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  • 341 3 Yesterday, Inspector Nolan charged Vanam Singh, a man with a crimhfal record, with the theft of forty-nine™? the property of Boolah Singh, on the 14th instant. Boolah Singh said he was a watch man at 86 Boat Q uay On the 4 th instant the defendant
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  • 326 3 Yesterday, Tan A Tiam was before Messrs. C. W. Michell and W. H. Gib son on the allegation of the theft of jewellery, valued at Si 732. 10 on the 18th ultimo, the property of Yap Fook Chin. Detective Inspector Stenhouse charged the defendant.
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  • 125 3 Wong A Si was a couple of months ago summoned before Mr. \V. Michell for blasting stone at Mount VVallich, by Inspector Stenhouse and fined $50, Recently he was again arrested by Inspector Frayne for a similar offence. Yesterday, he was before Mr. E. E. Colman and
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  • 140 3 George Doral, has been before the Magistrates and been dealt with for vagrancy more than once. Yesterday, he was there again because he had disobeyed an injunction to report himself there. The defendant said he had obtained an appointment as a proof reader, but was unable to do
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  • 33 3 In the case of Khoo Ek Neo versus Cheang Jim Chunn and Cheang Jim Eng respecting the will of Cheang Jim Heang, Mr. Justice Fisher gave judgment for the plaintiff.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 Consumers desiring a |>erfectly pur and palatable Brandy will do well to Iry fromy rogee co's Medical 13 Reserve mm Roctt»cj Grand Prix, Gr nd 1 rix St. Luuis 1904. Milan 1906. Price $1.25 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE SPIRIT. CDe Pars! fllfred CDeatrical Cop, OF BOMBAY AT
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    • 161 3 Attention Read Please. TO-NIGHT! NEW PROGRAMME NEW PLAY Js\ EVERY NIGHT >CCV (Except Sunday) f^Sf* V^^ PICTURES ARE \O}SSr vX^3^^^ HISTORIC, SERIOUS O*^ AND COMICAL. DROLLERY, TRAGEDY. New wliite spacious tent, coolness and purity guaranteed. Location Beach Koad opposite Kaffles Hotel. IWE HELP YOU j TO FORTUNE. 9 THOUSANDS HAVE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 410 4 ED. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its produris is genuine unless bearing the following registered Trade Marks: These Trade Marks r%^XV^nTET If IT7IIVIC raftawr* on PO RT E- V it lIN t A Extrait Vegetal a l IXORA Q9 as
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    • 425 4 7\E. CHINA CO. I COMMISSION AGENTS DEALERS IN Suatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese WarePewerts Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged) Strait Settlements Petal Dust t. e. emiv eo.. Sj-j Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. Attet)tioi)! IP Looljt Something ncu> All
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    • 584 4 BA NKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 M1 000.000 Silver Reserve $11,000,000 uwuw Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, MEDHURST, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A
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    • 297 4 "E. P. M/; ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTED. &c7~ SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the M HART" cycle also the famous M X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. u.c. HOOT COMPANY, 93, Belfietd Street,
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    • 621 4 COVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, moval of refuse rice from hr«» e Prison for a period of twelve T 1 from ist January, 1908. months The Government does tint hir.A to accept the lowest or any eter Particulars of the contr a c an K. ascertained at the Prison. k Singapore, 1 2th
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    • 182 4 "SI Singj e C o I I s 3 '^onths A VERTIB 'NcJ Wailte N T Ut l For tices '4c )4c ß dail /inse C rtt g I above I Carriage, Birthorbmv H Advancl Kcr ""tract spia H Manager, H List of Depots AfieJ 11 Eastern uaiiy h, I
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    • 831 1 l£ Capital. Subscribed of e p id Spvrvt r -*>c S Shares Value U P to Xeservt Company Quotations pre 7 < r GOLD. 1900 £350,000 350,000 1 1 .on, 20,000 $lo $10 Duff Developement Ltd. 2 2 5 iwu $300,000 $293,000 j 10,000 $10 $10 Kadana
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    • 102 1 Singapore, September 17, 1907. Gambier 7.00 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.35 Copra Bali M 8.25 do Fontianak 7.75 Pepper, Black 17.75 do White 50/c 23.87 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.024 do Brunei No. 1 300 Pearl Sago 4.55 Coffee Bali, 150/0 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 200/0 basis 22.50 Coffee, Liberian
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    • 137 1 On Ijonmom. Bank j m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4 13/16 do. 3 n/a 2/47/16 O;; Gtrmmtty. Bank d/d 2.38* i'rivate 3 m/s 2.44' Jo 6 m/s 2.46 O« France. I)., ik d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do 6 m/s 3.03 On India. Hank T.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 289 1 List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OU IWARD. Per N. D. L. .steamer Kleist, from Southampton, Aug. 20, due Sept. 19. Mr. H T. Hegley, Mr. C. Nay lor. Per If. M. steamer Yarra, from Marseilles Sept. 1, due Sept. 23. Mr. N. VV. V. Scott. Per P. and O. steamer Mooltan,
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 673 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men»of-War, &c. Sm Jfa», >v: str 500 toot, displacement 35 crew, 700 hp. Commander Murphy, An. 3,. From Kwantan Augt jo. Colonial Government. U. Rdtk ll'rvjhi, U 1 transport, 364 tons, 67 crew, Capt Hamilton. May 17. From Manila, May •>. For Manila, l T
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      • 534 2 kistna, Brit str 521 tons, Cant Lavmoot, Sept 16. From Penan?, Sept ,4. G.c, and dp. Boustead 5Ca For Penang, Sept 25-T.P.D. Kostroma, R us str 1,989 tons, Capt Kompamon, Sept 16. From Odessa r g U' a and 3 dp S Tchokoff! ror Vladivostock, U— \V. Loyal, Ger str
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      • 521 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. VtfMK, /W, Probable date of Arrival and name of Agents. Steamers. Australien, Saigon, Oct 7 M M 'times Antilochus, China, Oct. tj Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Oct 25 Bousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 12 P Coy Ayuthia, Hangkok, Oct- Borneo Coy Awa Maru, Japan, Oct 21 P Simons Agamemnon, China,
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      • 586 2 Rhenania, Hongkong, Oct 12; Behn Meyer Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Oct 25 Daendels P Alice, Bremen, Nov 1 Behn Meyer Riojun Maru. Japan, Sept 30; P Simons Roon, Bremen, Oct 3 Behn Meyer Slavonia, Hongkong, Oct 26; B Meyer Sado Maru, London, Nov—; P Simons Sunki Maru, Japan, Oct 7 P Simons
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