Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 18 September 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1078 1 SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE GAME. By A. Rarrie Brown. We read in history of the ever victorious army. In the Parsi Eleven Bombay possesses an ever victorious dickering team. Dr. Pavri is the Napoleon who leads his men to glory. Bulsara and Warden are the generals
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  • 434 1 REMAKKABLE STORY. Whether animals think, or whether they simply obey instincts, naturalists have given ample prool that oftentimes their affections may rise to the dignity of real romance. A writer in the New York Tribune gives an instance of the conflict of affection in a deer,
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  • 312 1 Says the Spectator The Papal Syllabus which was published last week has caused much less interest than that of Pius IX. caused in 1864. The new Syllabus is regarded as a continuation of that Syllabus. A.s the Paris correspondent of the Times remarks, Pius X. is
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  • 93 1 A Livkly SorißKi An old uc^io who lives in the country came into town and saw in electric f.ui for the first time in his life. TUc whirling object at once attracted liis attention, and, alter intenly at it for sevt al minutes showing all the while the greatest astonishment
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 177 1 jfff* co MN LITTLE CO., LTD.! P |()5« fc ROVER CYCLES. Free Wheel, Bemted Rims, z Rim Brakes $65.00 5 With Dunlop Tyres. Brookes 2 Rim Brako etc 80.00 Superior Quality with Gear Case imi Best Fittings 110.00 135.00 RQVI R Superior Quality With Celluloid Saddle Dunlop Tyre* Beautifully 160.00
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    • 230 1 Phonograph PatKe THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. KS 5 PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. ~i*L& > Records Pathe Records nj inch single $1.00 each. nj inch double $1.40 each. detail Agents WEILL ZERNER S A BATTERY ROAD. Howarth Erskine Ei?§it>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone
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    • 15 1 FROMY, ROGEE CO. 9 s Of JO m tMaaMi I yqP w^^ as, (fffrf! 5
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  • 899 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. WEDNESDAY, 18th SEPTEMBER. NO FEAR OF FAMINE IN FUTURE. Americans are working wonders in many departments of agricultural science and are producing fruits and vegetables which none could have dreamt of producing a decade ago. The American papers are now discussing the possibility pi producing artificial
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  • 12 2 For cruelty to bullocks, Ir. Colman fined one Chinaman S5 and QOtlier
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  • 17 2 Yesterday, Mr. E. E. quired six Kehs to pay >j each playing in a common gamin house
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  • 27 2 In the small hours Yesterday m >i injj, a European was found drunk an< incapable in Battery Kond. Later in the day, Mr. Colman Hned him $2.
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  • 40 2 Yesterday, before Mr. Justice Fisto R. M, S. If. Kumarappa Chetty claim..! the sum of S9OO from Tok Kie Chong and another. Mr. Knovvleis appeared for \ht plaintiff; Mr. Niblett for defendants. .Ms ment was given for plaintiff by dclant.
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  • 2 2 i i
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  • 4 2 chased i Coril mis^
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  • 2 2 ITr ifiKnpgB
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  • 1 2 -WAS.
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  • 16 2 SfeS red to subordin i'owerto,. wouMbein fitments are J^Jfl P««.ng an accused from being andel, rtuer.
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  • 81 2 fHE Amrik BturPtA article on airs pttiti ci mpete lor the prize >a* no chance India succo nventorma it it comes in 1 g F >r, with the help of a v an Indian, whei and lay his grievance Mr. Morley. When it will be p SO to the at
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  • 60 2 When Police Se.geant Bra the river i:;-pired prize fancy dance the gincs I coal a:id low c (median I economy ofthiitj! rY g g thrash I be d ne the roped off enclosun 'are excluded b) of the p. incon ivith I i, e <"ustom ever attemptuto the
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  • 4 2 What,;.-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 p Grand Cinematograph p AppiFS TO-NIGHT I I OKoice Australian H Entire Change tfiiP^ t H Dessert Apples Jf-^ of Programme Per doz *0.50 At 7.30 p. m and 930 p.m. Per case $6.00 I OUR CHALI FNGK SUBJECTS. R HOP OMY THUMB L3SI Ol IH G WG3S 0 II
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    • 178 2 Consumers desiring a perfectly pur and palatable Brandy will do well to irj FROMY ROGEE CO'S Medical J3 Reserve jfrOMYßoctEftfe Grand Prim Gra 1 rix I St. Louis 1904. Milan 1906. Price $1.25 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE SPIRIT. Artie Ttilly, TURF COMMISSION AGENT, RAFFLES PLACE Over Robinson
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  • 669 3 i v.. .ADUDakir (680 mH au n L C? S^K f^ W« "Si? K Green by Inspector Hart with receiving an ,1 legal gratification of So from Mahomed Kassim on the 7 th nst Abdullah was charged with abetment' baker aUm appeared for Abu£au«££K3S sent to
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  • 60 3 14 It was blowing a gale and he shut his eyes Such was the plea of a Chinese carter was, yesterday, charged beiore Mr. C. F. Green, 2nd Magistrate with being asleep when driving his cart on a public thoroughfare. The plea did not convince the Court
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  • 64 3 Teng Wan, a man known to the police, was arrested in Cross Street oq the 15th, instant for fraudulent posses^ sion of four shark's fins and a cooking utensil. He was before Mr. E. E. Colman, 3rd Magistrate yesterday and as he could not give a satisfactory account
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  • 58 3 Sabapathy, the Tamil who was before Mr. Justice Fisher and a jury on Saturday and Monday on a charge of murder was abruptly discharged on Monday afternoon, the jury declining to hear any more of the unsatisfactory evidence adduced. The Deputy Public ProseciAor appeared for the crown
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  • 123 3 Thee A Yow entered a house in Bencoolen Street and removed a time piece from the wall on Monday. He was watched by a tamil lad who told a policeman. The constable went with the boy to the house, but when the Chinaman saw
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  • 120 3 iiSfSfiSS*** »-3o? m th bc P tcm *>er, 1907. at Orders of the Day 1. Motion by the Colonial Secretary: the date ,st September 9 o; 9 bemce for the year I9 o6.") £22 Jk2SSJSS Bill 1 To consolidate rdatin tO Stamps BilUßnf CC Ord J nance Amendment
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  • 47 3 Wong Wan Yian was arrested on "ie 1 2 th, instant with 302 Spanish *>»ars and was charged before the Bench Court. Sergeant Bartells informed the Bench Court that he was instructed by the Deputy Public Prosecutor to withdraw the charge. The defendant was acquitted.
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  • 58 3 un Monday, a rikisha puller was passing along Cross Street. He saw a brass pipe on a stall and possessed himself of it. He was captured and handed over to the police. Yesterda>, he was before Mr. Colman. for theft. He said that he picked the
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  • 66 3 lesieraay, tour Chinese were before Mr. E. E. Colman for lounging in the Mun cipal Market in New Market Road, and six others for the same thing at Teluk Ayer Market. They were fined small sums. It is satisfactory to note that a crusade is being made against
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  • 69 3 Yesterday, Mr. R. Dahl, a musician employed as violinist in the Orchestra at the Raffles Hotel, sued Mr. A. Dietz, the Director for Si 00 in the Court of Requests for salary due. After a patient hearing Mr. Howard said there were some doubts in the
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  • 70 3 Chua Yew, a sampanman was arrested at 9 p.m. on Monday with eighty catties (100 lbs) of rice in his possession. Marine Constable 520 gave evidence of the arrest. The defendant said that a fare had le r t the rice in his boat, saying that
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  • 77 3 Yesterday, Khoo Ex Nco, administratrix of Cheang Kak Boe deceased and Cheang Tew Muey an infant by her next friend the said Khoo E. R. Neo, plaintiff and Cheang Jim Chuan and Cheang Jim Eng, Trustees of Cheang Jim Hean, deceased defendants was before Mr. Justice Fisher.
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  • 104 3 King Heng was on Monday, apparently looking for something to eat. A Malay woman was making purchases and already had some meat and onions in a basket in a 'rikisha. She alighted in Beach Road to buy other things. King Heng took advantage of the opportunity and
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  • 147 3 On Monday, a puller having as fares a lady and child was travelling along Selegie Road, when a Chinaman, Teng Hok Keat pulled the' rikisha over from the back. The lady and child were shaken, but were able to go away. Mr. Kraal went to their assistance
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  • 57 3 Mr. *V. P. Spiers, who was formerly manager of the Crag Hotel, Penang, and who has been one of Sarkies Brothers' assistants at Raffles Hotel here for the past year, has taken over the Sea View Hotel at Tanjong Katong. Mr. Spiers will carry with him the good wishes of
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  • 745 3 rh c v Z hxc u a woman nam nl S r^ S Charged with h^ing on the i 9 th of September i 9 06, sold a girl, Chan Mow Tan for immoral pur poses was again before Messrs W C Court" 3nd W S GibS
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  • 92 3 Sergeant McNamara charged Ang Peng Peo and his sister-in-law with bringing $300 prohibited dollars Straits and Yen, into the Colony. The woman admitted that all the money was hers and that she was going to China to her son. The man was accompanying her. The woman said that
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  • 199 3 Abdullah was yesterday, charged by Inspector Hart before Messrs Michell and Gibson with removing from a house in Middle Road certain furniture under seizure. The defendant admitted that he did this on the 7th instant, but that the tenant told him to do so. Assistant bailiff
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  • 851 3 "YOU ARE 'AGGIE' AREN'T YOU." "Rapier" tells the following excellent story in the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News A few months ago the captain of a homeward-bound tramp steamer was vastly exercised in his mind when he passed Perim to observe signals out instructing him to
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    • 71 3 (From Hongkong Telegraph.) Shameen, 7th Sept. A rising of outlaws is reported to have taken place in Fong Shing district in the prefecture of Yumchow. The rioters destroyed the mngistracy, killing the magistrate himself and his family. Ex-Commander-in-chief of Kwangtung, Li Chun, recently appointed chutttat
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    • 54 3 Kerosene Stores Burning. Shameen, 10th Sept. A big fire is raging in Fung Hing Street, in the native quarter of the City. The large kerosene stores have caught fire and are burning fiercely. From the present outlook it is expec--1 ted that the loss involved will be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 225 3 Attention Read Please TO-NIGHT! NEW PROGRAMME NEW PLAY Vk EVERY NIGHT >CCv (Except Sun pay) o}fQ!s* G% PICTURES ARE ypkjK^ historic, siKiors AND COMICAL DROLLERY, TRAGEDY. New white spacious tent, coolness and purity guaranteed. Location Beach Koad opporite Raffles Hotel. IWE HELP YOU I TO FORTUNE. I (THOUSANDS HAVE MADE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 ED. PINAUD'S PERFUMERY call the attention of its numerous customers to the fact that none of its produces is genuine unless bearing the following festered Trade Marks. These Trade Marks T%f\ O^P C \l C P EVll F «ore p.rtteota r riy |e .p P e»r on I C VtkllE
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    • 502 4 T.E. CHINA CO. I I COMMISSION AGENTS DEALERS IN I Swatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese VVarePewerts E Picture Post Cards 1 1 Views Post Cards I Perfumery I < Stationery I Novels I Post Card Albums I Labuan Stamps surcharged) Strait I Settlements I Petal Dust I T.
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    • 586 4 BA NKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 «qi 000 000 Silver Reserve $11,000,000 1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, MEDHURST, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq,
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    • 307 4 E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTEjL &R SEE MUfil. C 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. or Cycles and Accessories, m Agents for the M HART cycle Pi also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, to Sewing Machines and Type-writers aj repaired. g INSPECTION INVITED.
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    • 624 4 OVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, londny t, A pr m «P noon r oval of refuse rice from he 'i, re nsonfora period of twelve om ,st January, 1901 mom^ The Government dop«i nnt > aceept the lowest^ X USelf Particulars of the eonL can h scertained at the Prison. ingapore, 12th September,
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    • 174 4 Month St 1 ear 1 Mon 3 Month, '■'•''ymsertiorf u *n*p, Birth jw. Periii,ertio;, ea n^-<tM IN Adv.\.\ u wHI b MiY«uJ i!) the Adurtijß Manager, H List of Oepots^B Eastern Daily h,l May.be obtaineo, I Aodullali, 15 a, Qhb] I Kaffies liuiei. a ii. AriaiMih, Uu I Orchard Ruac,
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    • 766 1 Subscribed of lBsue Paid TTTe Share* .Value, up to j Company Quotations pre' GOLD. 1900 £400,000 £350.000^ 350,000 1901 $300,000 $*MoJfT J 0 000 J ID s"ff Developement Ltd. 2 5 ♦293,0j» 10,000 $10 $10 Kadana G. MCo dv.t 2o nominal V 640 unissued uri •j 9
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    • 107 1 Singapore, September 16, 1907. Gambler 6.85 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked ,0.35 Copra Bali 8.25 do Pontianak 77 c J epper, Black „17.75 do White 5 o/c 23.87* Sago Flour Sarawak 3.02 j do Brunei No. 3.00 Pearl Sago n 4>55 Coffee Bali, 1 5 0/0 19.00 Coffee, Palembang,
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    • 135 1 On l.onaon.— Bank j m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4 13/16 do. 3 m/s 2/4 7/16 On Germany. —Bank d/d 2.384 Private 3 m/s 2.44* do 6 m/s 2.46 O« France.— Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do 6 m/s 3.03 On India.— Bank T.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 245 1 Mail Steamer Movements. Outward German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Kleist having left Colombo, at r a.m. on the 14th instant, may be expected to arrive here on Thurday morning, the 19th instant. List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OUTWARD. I'er N. D. L. steamer Kleist, from Southampton, Aug. 20, due
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 657 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War, Ac. Sea Mew, Govt. str 500 tons, displacement 35 crew, 7 00 hp. Commander Murphy, Auct y. From Kwantan Augt 30. Colonial Government. U.— Rds. Wright, U b transport, 364 tons, 67 crew (.apt Hamilton. May 7 From Manila, Mnv For Manila, U— W.
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      • 569 2 yjfcfcgfci Brit str. „852 tons, Capt McDonald Dec. 23, 9 06. From Sidney, Dec. 4, Ballast. McAlister &Co U Rds. A2rfrif«AiNA,Brit.tfr. 2,289 tons, Capt. y S o pt 7< From Nevv York, Augt 6. Oil. Standard Oil Coy. For Macassar, U.— Rds. Loyal, Ger str 1,237 tons, Captain Nat/ius, Sept
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      • 515 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name. Port, Probable date of Arrival and name of Agents. Steamers. Australien, Saigon, Oct 7 M M'times Antilochus, China, Oct. 25 Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Oct 25 Bousted Arcadia, Colombo, Oct 1 2 P& O Coy Ayuthia, Bangkok, Oct- Borneo Coy Awa Maru, Japan, Oct 21 P Simons A
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      • 509 2 P Alice, Bremen, Nov 1 im Pak Ling, L'pool, Sept 25 ,m Reichenbach, Adelaide, Sept^B M ey e r Riojun Maru. Japan. Sept Simons Rhenania, Hongkong, Oct i^,l Meyer Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Oct 2^ S dels 'M Roon, Bremen, Oct 3 Behn Me« Slavonia, Hongkong, Oc L 26; B M Sado
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