Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 13 September 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1616 1 THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS FOR 1906. Annual reports are seldom interesting, but the one before us is an exception, especially the financial portion of it. Captain Young, the Colonial Secretary starts out with the alarming statement that the revenue for the year was $9,618,314; but that this
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  • 191 1 THEIR MAJESTIES'SYM PA THIES. A Tokio message states that Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress feel profound sympathy with the sufferers from the recent storms and flood-. They are reading all the reports of the disasters with close attention. It appears from the Japanese papc
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 A CO. 5 3 fa LITTLE CO., LTD. I ngapore and Straits Settlements. K)R Big Tree Brand galifornian Wines. Deed the Best value ol any Wim-s and are largely rirst class Clubs, Hotels, and Restaurants in the MiitabW for TropKal Climates as 'hey combine peal hlned mkil* prop.-nies, an<l an-
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    • 197 1 ROBINSON CO. ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE IS NOW PROCEEDING AND WILL CONTINUE DAILY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH. REAL REDUCTIONS. Once a Year Once a Year only. ROBINSON CO. JOaidlaw Co. CHILDRENS PERAMBULATORS ETC. THE "CHERUB" i^fl The cherub, is upholsVarnishcd Wicker Body] Kg^^mfiWfiSffl/ and Fitted with Brass Pram. To illustration Fit-j
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    • 9 1 FROMY, RO6EE ft CO. of JlI m 5c >"•* R
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  • 425 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. FRIDAY, 13TM SEPTEMBER. POLICE PROMOTION. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good,* says the old adage, and the retirement of Mr. VV.L.U Grove which we should assume is a misfortune to him though one which he will bear cheerfully for conscience' sake, has i>een productive
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  • 358 2 r L P^! lce Co "'-t report published in this paper in VVednesdav^ issue, some brief remarks^ Wer e made on the practice, rather com. mon here, of the three card trick We now propose to deal m ore fully with the matter. Those who know
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  • 718 2 Ihe Government yacht Sea Mew was docked at fanjong Pagar ye>terday. Inspector Coulan has arrived from Malacca. He is appointed to the Sepoy Lines division. Ihrll case;- of cholera were reported during the 24 hours from Wednesday morning till Thursday morning iHt badly decompo»tu bouy 01 a Chinaman was discovered
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  • 86 2 »n Wednesday, tk DCCted with cast of robbery of; valued lilt, who wert put bi day owing to the abcutor who was bout: I were again before M--Gib^on in the Bench Inspector Connor inforwdi that he was ml Public Prcwecni to the withdrawal of *he dafl w
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  • 99 2 Sn B.i Chi u> vrethc Bench Cost tion Mahomed Sarup dur the 6th i; ;ttr Cn SomeH !M duty in Arab Street at iU» instant. He«« into North Bn l.dJer placed ho-isc. He up a certain r anther S min jumped frj d him by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 390 2 JTHE p APANESc A To-night and Every Night I PNew Programme p New Play A* A No doubt that good Rumour reports our show the best Show in the city. HT N Recently reported from Kobe, Japan, that our branch show is a great success. Elf you want to spend
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    • 54 2 Che ParsMlfrcd CDeatrical Con. OF BOMBAY AT BEACH ROAD. To-night! Tcnight! t€ Stqfa Sopichand, COME AND SEE Enchanting Transformation Scenes Gorgeous Princely Costumes Melodious Music and Mirthfui Mazes of Dainty Dancing Groups. PRICES OF ADMISSION. AS USUAL. Doort optn at 8 p.m. Ptrf ormanoa S p.m C. P. KHATAO, Managing
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    • 101 2 WANTED. AT once an intelligent Chinese Clerk. Must have good references. LEVY HERMANOS. 13.9-07—14-9-07. Hotel Europe The Commercial Hotel of Bangkok UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Central Situation Electric Light and Fans Throughout. Comfortable Rooms Excellent Cuisine French Chef) ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN SPOKEN A RUNNER MEETS ALL STEAMERS Trams pass the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 153 2 eOMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, SEPTEMBER 13. High Water I-25 am, I-34 pm P&<> Mail Outward due Assizes Hagon Co. Meeting afternoon SCC Tennis Grand Cinematograph Show 7-3U and 9-30 p Chinese Volunteers' Meeting Parsi Theatre 9 p TO-MORROW, SEPTEMBER 14 Higti Water. 2-I4 am, i-11 pm Deli Races S V A
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 252 3 List of Passengers. PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per P. O. steamer Britannia, connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, from London Aug. 16 due Sept 13. Messrs. W.B.Campbell F D Spencer, E. V. Mitchelmore, j.' MacClymont, Q. MacClymont, Mrs M Maddocks, Mr. J. Dowling. Mr. and Mrs. W. Service, W. j. Kemp.
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    • 858 3 m^ m^~^~ mm^ m^—^— m —~~~—~——m—m—m—m-mm——m—mm—mmm———. 1 1 Capital. Subscribed Ti e p j I Ta7e Shares Value up to Xescrve Company Quotations pre I 1900' £400,000 £350,000 350,000 1 1 aaJ f Jo, 00 lD Duff Developement Ltd. Mg 19U. 1300,000 $293,000 10,000 $10 $10 KadanaG.
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    • 116 3 Singapore, September n, 1907. GamWcr $6 8o do (Cube No- 1) unpicked o c Copra Bali 'J'JS do Pontianak 7 -c Pepper, Black ,*g do White 5 0/0 JA* Sago Flour Sarawak do Brunei No. 1 QA Pearl Sago N 9 r°£ ee P a v 5 o/o Coffee,
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    • 133 3 On l.onaon. Bank j m/s 2/4 3/8 Demand 2/4 1/, 6 Private 6 m/s 2 4 7 8 do. 3 m/s 2/4I On Germany.— Bank d/d 2.39 lYivate 3 ra/s 2.45 do 6 m/s 2.47 Oh trance. Bank d/d 2.93^ Private 3 m/s 3.01 do 6 m/s 3.04 On
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    • 159 4 VIEWS OF THE CONFERENCE OF INSTRUCTORS AT TOKIO. The Yorodzu states that the head instructors of English in the Higher Schools, who have been sitting in conference with regard to the question of English teaching, finished their work and submitted a report to the Minister of
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 218 5 Phonograph "PatKe" THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TALKING MACHINES. NO CHANGE OF NEEDLES. B3=* PRICES FROM $20 TO $80. -=EJk Records Pathe Records n£ inch single $I*oo each. inch double $1.40 each. Retail Agents WEILL &> ZERNER S A BATTERY ROAD. Grand ft mat ear Concert AT THE S.Y.I. DRILL HALL
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 231 6 APPLES. iS Choice Australian Dessert Apples Perdoz. $0.50 I Per case $6.00 j Last of the Season. THOMPSON, THOMAS CO, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE. I Write for new General Price List— Now Ready. STRfITHWIIiIi WHISKY. CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY. ARGYLE ROAD, PENANG. STOCK Musical goods, Pictorial Post Cards, Household" Brand Ceylon lea and
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      • 262 6 T.E. CHINA CO. j COMMISSION AGENTS DEALERS I IN Swatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese VVarePewerts Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery I Novels I Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged; Strait I Settlements Petal Dust T. E. CHIN eo.. Sj-j Bras Basalt Road, SINGAPORE. Consumers desiring
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      • 504 6 BANKS. HonQkonQ t Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 q nnoooo Silver Reserve $11.000;000 J WI»«W.OUU Reserve Liability ul Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Director*. G. H, Meohurst, Esq. Cluunnan. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq, A
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      • 309 6 E, D, M." APLETS, FO SEE MUN. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the HART" cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type-writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. u.c. HOOT COMPANY, 93, Bel/ietd Street, Ipoh. General Repaiiers cf Cycles,
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      • 638 6 ISALEjJA^ COVERNMEHT^OTIFICATION, Tenders will be received at the Col oji.al Secretary's Office up to noon t Monday the 7 th proximo, lor the re moval of refuse rice from the sJL' Prison for a period of twelve moml from Ist January, .908. The Government does not bind iuelt to accept
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      • 189 6 '"■'nth °to Months ADVERTISING n^ For 1. 0 11.00. 3 COn^'.iv t .Vivriage i ßir:h. wD fJ v H Per insertion. Cait^« Manager. L »st ot uepots wtiertl "astern flail, |J May.be obtames, H Messrs Ghee boon a Kafiks Hote,. K. 11. Adamasii, t.,... e c.;. e) .H rchard Kuuu,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1076 4 SHIPPIHI! NEWS. gfirjgjjag VESSELS SSS" VESSELS IN PORT Bangkok, U-Rds. J Wthetton, Brit str 2,755 tons, Capt /r> or/ Probable date oj Arrival «l.n-f-W.r F 4c. biZ^t I^^- E££^£C°3£2!K R^-KGer s ri „s 9 t0,,, Cap, ST i A^ sggi^snft' SBJSBft3B&*SS »S»S.y«SS creu u l Ts?° r 4i^ tons r>
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    • 421 4 Rhenania, Hongkong, Oct 12; Behn Meyer Rembrandt, Amsterdam, Oct 2s Daendels Roon, Bremen, Oct 3 Behn Meyer Senegambia, Hamburg, Oct 8 Behn Meyer Slavonia, Hongkong, Oct 26; B Meyer Sonneber?, Australia, Sept- B Meyer Sado Maru, London, Nov—; P Simons Sunki Maru, Japan, Oct 7 P Simons Sangola, Calcutta, Sept
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  • 23 5 e Mr. Jus--1 M were made -cind a —charge; a motion to £.•£3°° i rd r 1^ uva examinations in
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  • 127 5 gABLE t REDUCTION LtK1 DEATH-RATE. three deaths is vli^"' nr Bi «hs and l>redS ded September J [he number in the d *hc death-rate has u M7v5pe, -thousand Population. ,-^aths were registerrJS r lllC ended jV l number, 9J were >-nd o \r i«?S-i I^oumv^ 7*1 nationality.
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    • 47 5 Conclusion of German Manoeuvres. EIGHTY-THOUSAND MEN KNGAGED. London, Sept. .2, 25a .m. Ihe German manoeuvres have been concluded. Eighty-thousand m en £ok part in the engagement. Much divergence of opinion exists as to the operations especially the shortlffJSKW? the clo e forma he cavalry charges were extraordi--11.11
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    • 25 5 OPERATED UPON FOR ADENOIDS. »i it? ldon| Sept I2 2 5a.m. king Alfonso has been operated upon or Adenoids (Swollen Glands.
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    • 29 5 WAR BALLOON RECONNOITRES ARAB POSITION. London, Sept. 12, 1,-25 a.m. General Drude is gradually recoverng. A French war-balloon ascended at -asablanca and reconnoitered the Arab aosition.
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    • 58 5 Grounding of the Tsar's Yacht. ISAR AND FAMILY REMAIN ON BOARD London, Sept. it, 2-45 p.m. The Tsars acht Standart has grounded yesterday on the submerged ocks to the westward of Hango slands of the Finnish Archipelago. It remains fast on the rocks. A ite-boat and seven torpedoers are landing
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    • 36 5 PROHIBITIVE ALIEN LAW PASSED. Loiuion, September 12, 2-45 p.m. In a view of a steady influx of the Chinese in Jamaica the Government, through pressure, has passed the Prohibitive Alien Law.
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    • 70 5 TENTHOUSAND FEWER FOALS BRED THAN LAST YEAR. London, Sept. 12, 6-40 p.m. Speaking at High Ivycombe Earl Carrington, President of the Board ot Agriculture declared that tenthousand tover foals than last year were bred in England this year. As a result the Warofnce consulted the Board of
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    • 78 5 London, Sspt. 12, 6-40 p.m. Prince Von Buelow has decided to advance quarter million m? r ks to German sufferers at Crs?bl?nca from the Imperial Treasury subjeet to repayment by responsible parties. MORLNGA MAKES OVERTURES. Admiral Philibert reports all quiet at Casablanca. From elsewhere it
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  • 46 5 To-morrow afternoon, the pupils of the Methodist Sunday School have their annual outing and pic-nic. They leave School Street Girls' School at 1.30 for the Ocean Grove Hotel. It is to be hoped that both pupils and teaching will have a pleasant afternoon.
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  • 93 5 Yesterday, Goh Tian Hock wa> arraigned before Messrs Micheil and j Gibson on the 'allegation of having while being an undischarged bankrupt, on the 1 6th, ultimo, obtained credit from the Goh Yan to the extent of $100, without informing him that he, defendant was
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  • 188 5 It is a good many years since Mr. Kobert Laidlaw, M. P., landed in Bombay, after an adventurous career in South Africa and commenced to build up a business which now has its branches in every important centre in India. He still takes a keen
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  • 231 5 ARRIVAL IN SINGAPORE. and ,s passing through Singapore on Hardie visited Sir Frederick and Lady Lugard at Mountain Lodge, the Peak in e the C h n iH nt thC rCSt f c *S«nS?n m the hill districts enjoying the char Ir^f S K ener fr
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  • 371 5 On the 29th, ultimo, there was in jodown No. 10 at Taujong Pagar A'harf a large quantity of damaged and >ound rice sorted. There were two leaps of bags of the former and one leap of bags of the latter. On the 29th lan Chin Pek, the
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  • 398 5 ADJOURNED INQUEST CONCLUDED. Yesterday, the adjourned inquest into the circumstances which led to the death of the late VV. Glover, the clerk of Works in charge of the operations at the old Town Hall, last Saturday, was resumed. Dr. Glennie conducted the enquiry in
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  • 268 5 CHARGE AGAINST A POLICE OFFICER. Yesterday Police Lance Corporal Al. responded to a summons issued S8™ n rL- him at thc instance of Teo the la«er° n t0 P Why he assaulted Mr. R. Low^cll appeared for the defendant who denied the charge. Teo Kim Chion said he bought things
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  • 63 5 In yesterdny's issue there was a Police Court report dealing with a case in which Chew Heng was charged with fraudulent possession of two sheets of zinc, belonging to the Anglo-Chinese School. This man called a witness whose testimony was of no value to him. Mr.
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  • 77 5 A Tamil messenger at Government and a Chinese fishmonger came to blows in Selagie Road, yesterday morning. The Tamil objected to give the fishmonger his price for prawns and as is usual with men of this class holding an appointment at Government House, he treated the other
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  • 105 5 Tain Bun Tek, an exchange broker, yesterday prosecuted a Chinese carpenter for throwing a brick at him and striking him on the hand. The complainant said that he had given some work to a contractor who passed it on to the defendant. Yesterday the latter went to
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  • 108 5 On the nth, instant, P. C. 698 saw two men lan Han tfoog and Pang a Meng in a sampan .it the beach. They looked suspicious and lie overhauled the boat, there were 10 bags of rice in it. Enquiry elicited the fact
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  • 129 5 Yesterday, a Malay woman named Som Dand bin Kasim and another woman named Mydin Bee were charged by Inspector Hart before Mr. C. F. Green 2nd Magistrate with iheft in a dwelling of jewellery, cash and wearing apparel, value $184.15 tne 2lsl ultimo. Mr. C. S. Carver appeared
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  • 197 5 Yahyah, a Tamil, was yesterday, before Mr. C. F. Green, 2nd, Magistrate, on. the following allegation That he on the 22nd, ultimo did cheat one Slayman by giving him a certain cheque drawn on the Chartered Bank for $3,553.66, in favour of his firm; he, defendant well knowing
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    • 146 5 Reduction in thf. amount of Bail Refused. Madras, Augt 28. In the Arbuthnot case, to-day, Mr. Eardley Norton applied for the accused to be released on bail in two lakhs, on the ground of discussion with Sir George being necessary in preparing the defence. The prerent bail
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    • 218 5 Madras, August 30th. In the Arbuthnot trial, yesterday, Mr. Eardley Norton made Mr. Ross admit that the issue of debentures by the Arbuthnot Industrials was legitimate, the cash balance in September, 1905, being insufficient for the requirements of the Directors' recommendations. Mr. Norton admitted
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    • 156 5 Mr. Norton extracts Admissions from Mr. Ross. Madras, August 31st. Mr, Eardley Norton yesterday got Mr. Ross to admit that though Sir Geo. Arbuthnot's special drawing account against Messrs. Arbuthnot, Latham and Co. showed n certain sum drawn, the real sum, owing to the system on which
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    • 40 5 Presidency vs. the Parsis. Bombay, August 30th. I'hc annual cricket match between the Parsis and the Bombay Presidency was a hollow affair. The Parsis outplayed the Presidency at all points and won by 143 runs.
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    • 96 5 From Ceylon (Morning Leader.) Madras, September 2nd. The European passengers were assaulted by Bengali students at Dinajpur on the Behar section of tlie Eastern Bengal State Railway. Three Eurasian boys were severely assaulted by Babus in Diamond Harbour road. Yesterday afternoon a Europeai
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    • 11 5 Madras, Sept. 3. Inspector Bell is dead.
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