Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 4 September 1907

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1503 1 (By A. E. Knight.) First-class cricket is no longer at home on the village** green. Its chief patrons are no longer the sporting squires, gentlemen of independent means and of little occupation. Press 'and public long since united to erect county cricket as a
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  • 216 1 A magnificent effort to swim the English Channel was recently made by Jobez Wolffe, the Scottish amateur champion. After a splendid swim of over 2 1 miles an old injury to hi9 leg compelled him to abandon the attempt, and he returned to Dover. Wolffe was looking
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  • 96 1 A lad of nine, Leonard Wadding ton, was killed by a cricket ball while playing in the park at Golgate, near Lancaster The tragedy is intensified by the fact that it was an elder brother who struck the ball which sped with such fatal results,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 IS s 'r- 2 I j c J al all lbc princf P al Exhibitions,. tbr«« j! I y^fitr andtwhf Goldand Silver Medals j 10 BE HADgOF \LL DISPENSARIES. ISCHWEIGER IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD., Si LE AGENTS FOR THE FAR EAST. Ee Occasion! "i n Rare Occasion 1 1
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    • 13 1 FROMY, RO6EE CO. ftl sa Jw\ m to ,#^gjk cd O^ *ONtW>Gtt»C* m
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  • 851 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. WEDNESDAY, 4th SEPTEMBER. THE ANGLO-RUSSIAN AGREEMENT. The air is now a days full of all sorts of agreements and treaties, and conventions and conferences, and interviews and visits. We do not know where and when these political amenities are going to stop. In fact nobody wishes
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  • 495 2 The Annual Rifle Meeting of the S. V. A. Rifle Club will be held on the Balastier Range during November 1907 The Kerosine oil famine in Kuala Lumpur is still on and with the occasional freaks of the electric light we might well say M Troubles never come singly." It
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  • 148 2 W$ have been favoured with private exhibition of two portraits, t work of Messrs Lambert and <.ompany. One is the photo of H. E. Sir John Anderson, and the otlicr that ut lua daughter. Both pictures are in every way per feet, indeed they are moe
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  • 56 2 Dervang '^J her. S"^%» B s s oon as M; daughter C Jp Ullcn .^^H self i,^ and ,u e -^H overtook 1 desisted^" the !abo >ft^B started "-ioLntlMh^H ground. Ihe eloper, proceed a church, where a J waiting performed :ht 3 monv. Aftcwards the I went to New
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  • 217 2 LEADS SEARCH Far! rut: bo: I MISSING I An astonishing: .fl voyaot coma from i ---rM boy named Job years of age, ha- -jeeeeafl the wanderings otadeadifl leading a search pv I About a fortmgh; 1$ fl in the Ue-terdal Vaiievfl suddenly from hi> horoe,'ui^M proved vain. The
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  • 58 2 POSING As (-U j FIAN ATTACK DEALER <* RUN. A mysterious crime being invest^ An agent (or on Tuesday aj^^J cne sS- coupe in *h'«» Liking through stcincr K^ ier fhroSthcl'adg^^ Mahringerl^: to throw out OK motor rema^ x sprang *J^^ door flew wounds. JV linl| and then
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 391 2 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT Wo just received over 9,000 feet new published extraordinary Films of the Pathe Preres, Paris. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST QUALITY. FILMS AS FOLLOWS Modern Beggar A Tragic Rivalry Weird Fancies Great Steeple-Chase A Tragedy at Sea An inexperience c'nuffeur An Artful Husband Ma chive N•• 100. A Corsican's
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    • 148 2 JOHN LITTLE CO, LTD. Sole Agents in Singapore and Straits Settlements. FOR Big Tree Brand 6alifornian Wines. __HKSE Wines are pronounced the Best value of any Wines and are largely 111 consumed at nearly all the first class Clubs, Hotels, and Restaurants in the 1 United Kingdom and are most
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    • 157 2 GOVERNMENT JJOTIFICATIONrpHE meeting of the Licensing Justices for the Quarter commencing on October Ist will be held in the First Magistrate's Court at 2-30 p.m. on Wednesday, the 25th September. Applicants for transfers, renewals or new licences and persons objecting to such applications must appear in person or by their
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, SEPTEMBER 4. High Water. 9-1 1 am 8-7 pm SCC Tennis German outward mail due TO-MORROW, SEPTEMBER 5. High Water. 9-55 am 9-I pm B I homeward mail closes 3 Philharmonic Orchestra, 8-30 S. CC. Tennis. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. High Water 10-28 am, 0-43 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER
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  • 8 3 Stinj? of the Billiard the anchorprided upon.
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  • 6 3 r'^nrc the third son of
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  • 39 3 L^ MINISTER MURBY ORDER London. Sept. i. u a.m. Teheran correspondent assassin of the Premier m The letters found CLdthatofhis accomplice ac t C du:.der the orders of on arj committee at Baku.
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  • 41 3 :p TO PRETORIA. Lwdon. Sept. 5, n a.m. -c-ed at Pretoria that the •^'Engineer* who were pro i B r oraDgia broke out into a Jj,r2 to the illtreatment reJpthe Officer. The saddlery lashed. P^veen's Btjs was ey were re-escorted
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  • 138 3 1015 OF THE ENGLISH PRESS -eptcmbcr i i a.m. jf..r.g 30 the Anglo-Russian r: :r.c writes that the -ecfived with complete l- reasonable Englishjres that the rights of item in Persia, Afghanistan "r re j'.'v safeguarded and -ed by Russia. i ?a\? that the agro ifc M
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  • 61 3 J*jnn of firework makers, IETf v re P r e*eniH^ t0 sU l )erint end the l«£ lU!> for a Pyrotechnic HZ tile King of Iht display i three hours, uaeic ihemLV will be a^ •;^;-e. although por- and be :k On tiie morning arrival, the
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  • 32 3 ,'^lt and his three W rf u wn t0 concc '"t H« r? em of the th ree c '<* Kf arai began 7^ with lle instantly N* uS' lf>wire forced
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  • 18 3 against JM JJJ for the Crown, C'^-theino**- 140 1 on bail, Btd on the other
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    • 67 3 OVERI HROW~OF MANCHU'S THRONE FEARED. London, Sept. 3, a.m. On the arrival of Juanshikai at Peking the Empress of China assembled all the most influential advisers of the throne to discuss the condition of the Chinese Empire as the government is fearing that the Chinese
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    • 29 3 London, September 3, 3 35 p m The Tangier Legation has received letters from Kaid Maclean It is un derstood that they notify Raisuli's terms.
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    • 54 3 London, Sept. 3 3 35 p m I here is a recrudescence of outrages on the Chinese Rand. Occupants of lonely houses have been assaulted one is reported to have been killed. Since August there have been 23 murders on the Rand which have been mostly
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    • 36 3 London, September 3, 6-45 p.m. 521 Delegates were present at the meeting of the Trade Union Congress at Bath. Among the Delegates were 36 members of the House of Commons representing 1,700,000 people.
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    • 43 3 London, Sept. 3, 6-45 p.m. In the Report of the Parliamentary Committee it is stated that the work in the past Session shows overwhelming power of the Labour Party which is competent to alter the present unequal state of society.
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    • 40 3 London, September 3, 6-45 p.m. At an inquest on the victims through in the Belfast riots Major Thackeray who ordered the firing declared that the troops were confronted with the alternative of firing or running away.
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    • 44 3 London, Sept. 3, 6.45 p.m. Venezuela has notified its intention to pay the award mentioned on the 1 8th July but at the same time it threatens to withdraw from the Hague Conference on account of the German American proposal.
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  • 151 3 A dog's fidelity to his master in death was a bathetic feature of an inquirty into the circumstances under which Lewis Hawkin, a night watch man, was killed on the Great Eastern Railway loop line at KdmontonJ Between five and six o'clock on the previous morning a
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  • 131 3 Mr. William Rose prosecuted two Chinamen named Dee Kim Seng and Oh Ah Hoc, before the Senior Magistrate, yesterday for criminal trespass and mischief. One of the accused was a contractor, and the other a tukang. They had been doing some work at complainant's house in Rappa Terrace,
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  • 232 3 News has been received from the Soudan of a fierce fight between a wounded lion and a Government engineer, which ended in the death of the latter, an Englishman named C H. Salmon. Mr. Salmon, while on board the s. s. Metemmah, between Fashoda and Mulct,
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  • 744 3 ASTOUNDING ALLEGATIONS. we^evell^ astoundi "g allegations Roval 1 d a S. ainst l he policlat the FoMnsunHr 51 0 al W^tminister ta° v oZ P r Jam f s Time well, secresSLS ICC and PubHc VigUance questioned as to whether police whh h S aS a rule Charged
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  • 114 3 There is now no doubt as to the Xema expedition being bound for Plumpudding Island, which is the "diamond island "of their dreams, off the African coast. A circular has now been issued by Sir A. MuirMackenzie, the chairman of the Collis Syndicate, giving the result of
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  • 106 3 A meeting of the Legislative Council will be held at the Council Chamber on Friday, 6th September, 1907,812-30 p.m. Ordkrs of thk Day. 1. Post Office Ordinance Amendment Bill (Bill To amend 'The Post Office Ordinance 1904'") *st Reading. 2. Liquors Ordinance Amendment Bill (Bill NTo amend The
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  • 1061 3 IS THERE A LIMIT TO THE SIZE OF A SHIP o^he S°f ffC ed by the "SSetkS ot the giant fast steamers, the difficulnfrT eaSing With speed. What fhe in eSpCe pUys in dimension ing the engine plant and the hull of the vessel, can be best learnt from a
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  • 305 3 PERFORMANCE STOPPED FOR AN HOUR BY A SEAT SQUABBLE. Music-hall managers are entitled, according to the ruling of Judge Smyly at Shoreditch county court on Wednesday, to put a person into the street if he will not give up a seat they claim to have reserved. The
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  • 141 3 A North Carolina jury dismissed an 1 action brought to restrain a girl who was said to have negro blood in her veins from attending a school for j white children. The case excited great i interest, and some hundreds of re- I presentatives of the
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  • 244 3 HOW MR. PLOWDENS SON SAVED LORD EDWARD SEYMOUR. Mr. Humphrey Plowden, the nine-teen-year-old son of the London magistrate, figured as the hero of a life-saving incident off the Isle of Wight on Monday. He was lazily sculling near Bembridge, with his sister, when a faint cry of
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  • 135 3 Mr. S. Otani of Yonago, Japan, has invented an artificial camphor which has a similar odour ami is of similar colour to natural camphor. It is manufactured in powder form, and Dr. Tabara, who has chemically examined it, has reported favourably but it is said to be questionable whether it
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 183 3 WEILL Sr> ZERNER 8 A. BATTERY ROAD. Are S how,n« now a fin, collection ot jewellery such as, Rings, Brooches Necklaces, Lockets etc. at very reasonable Pnces Sterling Silver Cigar and Clgaarett' Cases, Photoframos, Mirrors, Travelling Clocks, Manlouro sets etc., etc. Watches! Watches!! Watches!!! IN NICKEL, SILVER A GOLD WBILL
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 457 4 FIRST jiETH: WD: COFFEE ROfISTINQ FACTORY MALTING SOLE ADDRESS IN NETH EAST INDIA FOR SUPERIOR, ROASTED GROUND COFFE SOLD EVERYWHERE. ALSO AT JOZEF MULLER Co. 166 Cecu Sired. "co-operative agency. ARGYLE ROAD, PENANG. STOCK Musical goo<l-. Pictorial Post Cards, iluusdiold" Brand Ceylon lea and .litaria" brand Coffee, Fragrant and Refreshing
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    • 303 4 TO STAMP COLLECTORS. FOR SALE. Labuan stamps surcharged Straits Settlements. Labii.in stamps surcharged Brunei. Single stamps and complete sets. H. DUNKELSBUHLER&Co. Deutsche Buchhandliing. Cavanagh Bridge Building. Suite G. (8-8-07—7-9-07.) T.E. CHINA CO. I COMMISSION AGENTS ft DEALERS IN Swatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese WarePewerts Picture Post Cards I
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    • 526 4 BA NKS. Hongkong 4 Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'AID-UP CAPITAL #10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Keserve $10,000,000 1 Q1 nnn 000 Silver Keserve $11,000,000 f 21 000 UOU Keserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, |Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq. D. M. Nissim
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    • 285 4 E. D. M." ADLETS. FOB SALE, WANTED. &C. SEE MUM. 50-2 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite St. Joseph's Church. Cycles and Accessories, Agents for the HART cycle also the famous X Bar cycle, Rubber Tyred Ricksha Wheels, Sewing Machines and Type- writers repaired. INSPECTION INVITED. u.c. HOOT COMPANY, 93, Belfxetd Street, Ipoh.
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    • 658 4 TO BE LET. QKFICE and Godown. With imn ate entry No. Malacca Apply to CUTHRtt cd, Ud 15-6-07. u. c. TOBEJ.ET. G ODOWN ,0 be ,e, No 4 Klm Apply to 6UTHRIE ft Co., Lld 14-8-07. U. C. OFFICE ,0 ,et No. K, H Mtcry Apply to:— 6UTHRIE A Co.,
      658 words
    • 256 4 Month F} 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year oUt:^ 3 Month, 6 Months 1 Vear SMALL ABVEjtijjJ Want^, Tq u t I Notice./ •'I r'V ißch Single d bo Ve headi^Sn-J ddll >' 'nsertion 8 y l*| thn weekly g pc rj For '"eh Sing lcC above headinf j>^ IWOi
      256 words