Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 24 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1015 1  -  Mindanao Herald There has been much talk in the United States and elsewhere regarding the cost of the Philippines Islands to the home government. The following extract from a letter written by the Chief of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, in response to a query as to
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  • 255 1 It is not surprising, to our mind, that books of etiquette should command a ready sale, as we arc told they do by a magazine which knows all that there is to be known about books, their makers, and their sales when published. The people who read etiquette books
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  • 50 1 Major E. H. Hill, R. E., C. M. G., accompanied by the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, F. M. S (Mr. K. G. Watson), lias gone to Seremban in connection with his inspection of the Survey Departments of the F. M. S. His next place of visit will be l'ahang.
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  • 477 1 ABOUT THE WORD DYSPEPSIA." A Colombo (Jin i llman SPEAKS From Practical Expkrienck, and Tells How DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Cured Him oi Cmromc Stonai ii Troubles. Ihe word Dyspepsia means "To digest with difficulty," and Mr. Alwyne J. Siebel was made painfully aware of the fact early in life,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 iiK I ondensed .Milk I^GER" BRAND. m recognised as the bestynd i with the finest sugar." SJeiCER,, IMPORT EXPORT CO., 1 Limited. BRANCHES SINGAPORE, MANILA, MILAN. SHANGHAI, HANKOW. y^RMANOS, I SINGAPORE. I MARVELLOUS I OFFER. 8 FIRST CLASS TALKING MACHINE AND 10 RECORDS I r $14.50 I it in pour
      97 words
    • 355 1 Howarth Erskine I Ep^ipeers apd, Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 'J deplume "28. Telegrams EESKINE. puen m©t©r eveLa With Side-Car attached, 3H. P. Magneto ignition speed 30 miles per hour. Absol- £fo f g y__^ utely of first class Austrian Manufacture by the well known makers T.PUCH& Co. NETT. Ltd., Graz (Styria,
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    • 10 1 Ule Guaranty tbe Caraesi Circulation of anp paper in Singapore.
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  • 1007 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY. 24th June. OPIUM IN CHINA. From the latest mail papers to hand we find that some active members of the Parliament who are very much interested in Indian affairs 1 and who have the welfare of India at heart have put several
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  • 698 2  -  Penang Gazette It is with much satisfaction that C u "J e Jhe appointment of Mr. T. de M. Braddell to a puisne judgeship in this Colony. The news was received on Friday This appointment was, we believe offered to Mr. Braddell three weeks ago,
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  • 78 2 Boeck, the iNevv York swindler, is said to have secured at least worth ot jewellery. The authorities believe that he will attempt to «eek refuge in China. The police state that Boeck made his first money by telling valuable loot secured in racing at the time
    78 words
  • 138 2 Majesty the K i Unofficial Mei t Hm Excellency ihe G* been pleased to app Deputy K g i ict f Assis Indian Immigrant-, tiou to his other dut ihe 1 3th iosuot His txcellencey the Go, been plea>ed to appoint Dr. l Keng to be a membi
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  • 189 2 VISCOUNT AOKFS Mi. Ishii, Director I rial Bureau in the FotififlJ received instru I with to the I'n Ckromck) learn from a JoW that the negotiations re between JVj bassador at Washing! the U. S S itwj «*j ting to a treaty *?*J immigration into
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  189 words
  • 1 2 Mr.
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  • 69 2 U;is there '^f-N cnth Us a iliccn. >> perfect tr """s J t 7 nd ad a* q mostt °«i»n 6 s^ shar C(and^.*bo 7 keil *play h, cUtstitat ti:i MJ Asa "grand fi na u, ni 'me entiled 1 h was Presented nH tCrated fu "'«ve £J> 01
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 562 2 jJil Jom hITThE A D E!) I CT O tmrfl swnN "stone pippins" yWj fountain I JMy^StJLI PENS. 0 L/Ac* r ii THE perfected pr °°uct of pen revolution 65 Cents per dozen. U F i) STYLUS I'O REED ioumain ten kkm. to ql-iu. 75 dozen. s AeeOROING T© SIZE.
      562 words

  • 2 3 afsdf
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  • 4 3 gj^ the autumn.
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  • 4 3 rman
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  • 3 3 V a
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  • 4 3 Financial Difficulties in Egypt.
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  • 11 3 1 L| Ksniiante, and the Marb& Tit 1
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  • 16 3 m. the jl di-- it several h m. ■k-tke casuah tOf fantry ippli-
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  • 6 3 I 1 xias.
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  • 13 3 The Kaiser and Admiral Ijuin. I 50 a.m. I I I I peror
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  • 20 3 Ife; the ■ftf- bout tot. »H.-; but this t 'fen I I K^f tr Souil,. W». 'I-ine
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  • 561 3 CHINESE MARRIAGE A decision has been arrived at that the time has come when the Chinese marriage customs should be reformed. This was the opinion expressed and well defended by members of the Subordinate Civil Service Association on Friday night at the hall of the Chinese Christian Association,
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  • 465 3 Roval courtships are usually such cut-and-dried aflairt thnt it is delightful i in some of them a vein of pure romance. Ihe Kaiser's fou-th son, Prince August, has just out-manoeuvred a rival and won a bride. He has for °me time been passionately in love h Princess
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  • 930 3 ON- THE SPREE. described himself, was on a bit o( a spree. He fell into the hands of the Police after p.m., in High Street He "MS* bu 1 P° HIC tO th^ce Un Saturday, he was charged for be»ng tipsy and abusive. ler with iS rR Charged
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  • 87 3 The oil tank steamer Santa Maria, which has recently arrived at Seattle, reports that her cargo of 5,400 barrels ot oil was lost "by mistake during the voyage. Orders were given to pump the bilge water out of the steamer, but somebody blundered, ard the pumps were
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  • 547 3 p A "*L nt tl \V eCent in the Punjab and Eastern Bengal Sir Herbert Ris ey has issued a circular directed against the freedom o f the P ?e£ In India. This is an extreme measure and is uncalled for under the present
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  • 135 3 The Reredos purchased by the Committee of the Fund for the erection of a memorial to the late Mrs. Hose (wife of Bishop Hose) has been placed in position in St. Thomas' Church, Kuching. The Reredos, which appears to give general satisfaction, is the
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  • 209 3 THE QUESTION OF FREE RIDES. Is a Government servant always on duty when he is in uniform it' not, is he entitled when off duty to ride in a tramcar free of charge These are questions that have cropped up between the Post Office authorities and the Electric
    Hongkong Telegraph  -  209 words
  • 68 3 Some recent advances in wireless telegraphy and telephony were described by Professor Fleming in an address at the Royal Institution. By means of a new reciever it has been found possible to send sounds by electric waves. It is alre?dy nearly possible to speak across the Channel bv
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  • 588 3 A SURGEON'S INHUMAN CONDUCT. ENGLISH CLUB HOUSE RUINED. Madras, June 3. The following account of the disturbance has been received from Cocanada Oodayen district. Great excitement prevailed at Cocanada." On Friday n i 8 u f a res P ect able Madhawa student of the Matriculation class aged 18 was
    Tribune  -  588 words
  • 315 3  -  Kobe Herald It appears that the reported outspoken statement by Count Okuma concerning the San Francisco affair, which was recorded in our last issue, has occasioned some surprise in America. The Washington correspondent of the Jiji telegraphed as follows on June 4:— "Mr Root,
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  • 74 3 A Meeting for Chinese to celebrate the Centenary of Protestant Missions to China will be held at the Presbyterian Church, Orchard Road, on Tuesday, June 25th at 8 o'clock when addresses will be given in Cantonese, Hok-kien, Tio-chew, Hakka, Foo-chow and Malay. Choirs of Chinese voices male and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 429 3 F. CLARKE CO.] 207. Queen Street. TELEPHONE No. 916. f All kinds tit Rubber Tyred 5 Carriages for Hire. 5 FURNITURE REMOVINa Ac. SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE, I RIDING LESSONS GIVEN TO LADIES GENTLEMEN. 4 All sorts of horse food delivered to any part r I of the Colony. j
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  • 557 4 Mr. Fraiser Blair editor of the Calcutta Empin has contributed to tluMarch number of Hindustan Review, remarkable article having regard to its contents and no less remarkable for its title which is, *If tlu^re were another mutiny." Writing of India being ruled by foreigners Mr. Blair says:
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  • 436 4 1M1'( >R TAN 1 S ATEMEN 1 S BY VISCOLN r HAYASHI. Mratn Godn, F.to and (Jd-^u, delegates ot the Kensei Honto, called on \iscount Hayashi, the Foreign Minister, yesterday morning, tor thepuipose ot learning his views uii several (juestions ot foreign policy. Ihe Viscount yave lull
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  • 77 4 While the Japanese cruiser CMkn w.i* :it New York souvenir hunters st'iU ten ilccuiations belonging to LieutciK.m Mori, including the Rising Sun presented to hini by the Lmpeior lor bravery at Port Arthur and medals fur participation! In the battle of Tsushima. The American naval authorities are riukavourning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 464 4 TRfIDES, PROFESSIONS flGE jj| MUSIC! MUSIC!! Classical, Operatical, Dances and Songs Arranged for the Pi an BY CKI-BRATED. English, Preach, Italian German Composers. A. Large selection of all the Latest Music Received by Every Mail. METRONOMES. Orders for any InstrumentalMusic. W LV B£ Gltf&N SPiCIAL ATfiNTON. Inspection nvlted Prices moderate.
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    • 382 4 HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD Horses get a fine coat by partaking of this food, and milk cows will produce more than 50 0/0 if ihcy get only 2 katties a day, from 12 bottles milk, you may bring them up to 20 botilcs a day, per picul 52.50, bags about
      382 words
    • 128 4 J p Ulli; Jw.^S« SE fiEMBA N COMMISSION HOUSE OWNehV L > d Motor c^ General I Manufacturing,.,, 5 eUGoo^ a Uufution, prompi j7i unery.U Oold apet HOOT COMPAN! vi. General K«.;_ Cycle ana Motor accoh» Always in itoa M 1 1 Merc aot ana uauum M lul 11 Y££
      128 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1530 4 c^ps^b^L' tj— nJx*^. SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. whepe men.ol.War. Fl«9 Ton. Ma.fr Arrlv- Fro™ For When >*»»• Ship. Fl.B*Ton. M».t«P Arpi*«d From oon.« 9 nee For When Wh.r. in. tok Gc KUmmct June .6 Bangkok B Meyer Co Bangkok U Roads Rrii i- Stewart lui.c ;o Natuna Is leo
      1,530 words

  • 86 5 HM C tent fire I" WL\ Ba*» ar ha Bo* lf poverty Cation and r r Euro- bonitolive Jin£S ui d 'd icnorant of \l Udand ''s Hindus- lb ,tv or a life cutu f J effort to help *L**' dcreaw in helC hem from tlu -r
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  • 31 5 General B 1 n Japan. Innd pectations. isl i greatly imthe thwith to I i-tolonel Puce •c of the |apan is the formation the pro- cn. both ai home
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  • 35 5 jUßerc S Company, md the B g the relative erman mern declared r t) on paper. e," he '■bers sists -amps il, and ts west re that ii. zwd point ...t ot
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  • 45 5 the well ki He hop- d the deaPole, ■pkjtakdnwn, recourse w II be I po-e will I he air- i >2 ft. in its e bege the L. contact with rope, and }oc or 4 co le of leather, ••d. Un- Mr WellPoteinfrom.o
    45 words
  • 64 5 I the Empire y observ'•'ll to the and »w» municipal -premises darij C nota school -mention Com.^letter or the J^g. --'ons laid 0 le r teachers e n ei d res P° n- r case the C-^cetS ndsal «ted bv Ruith g^nnia" and t p es
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  • 777 5 Shakespeare remarked that brevity is the soul of wit, and a contemporary writer countered with the saying that brevity which Sidney Smith said was in writing what chanty is to all the other virtues was oftentimes the mother of obscurity. This was true also, no doubt,
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  • 125 5 Germany and Persia. London, June 4 and 5. A telegram rom Persia which has been received in Paris states that Germany is endevouring to obtain some privileges in the South of that country. Italian Military Expenditure. London, June 4. It is reported from 'ome that
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  • 101 5 LOAN OF TEN MILLION TAELS AUTHORISED. The Hongkong Telegraph's Shameen correspondent under date the 13th June sent the following wire to that journal Viceroy Shum's request that authority be granted him to raise a foreign loan of ten million taels for the puipose of carrying out necessary administrate
    101 words
  • 643 5 <»o Number 1 I i i m^— U^ Capi Subscbed of »ssue Paid I Payst Q o Shares Value' up to! xe8ervt Company j Quotations jpresn j j 1 1 1 I Ipricet GOLD. 1900 $175,000 $,40,000 fl $I I "«*wah G. M. Co. Ltd I -O^ooo
    643 words
  • Commercial.
    • 131 5 On London. Bank 4ms 2/4^ Demand 2/4I Private 6ms 2/413/16 do. 3ms 2.4 9/16 On Germany. Bank d d 2 -39i Private 3ms 2.46 do 6ms 2.48 On France. Bank d d 2.94 Private 3ms 3.03$ do 6ms 3.06 On India.— Bank T. T. 1 744 Private 30 d
      131 words
    • 296 5 Copra K lan tan 10.65 do Mixed io.| do Bali 9.50 do Timor 10.60 do Pontianak „9.10 do Pasir 11 90 do Billiton 10.45 do Pulo t0. 50 do Dongola 10.65 do Sankawang 10.45 Coffee, Bali 15 per cent, buyers 3 p/c. 20.00 do Palembang, 20 p/c. basis 22.50
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    • 21 5 Oil (Hon.? Ho Mill) picul > 12.20 Anchor „215 n Devoes 2.7 0 Langkat „2.10 Dragon 2.50 Rangoon per case.. j.oo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 556 5 i GERVIS 'aVeR 'cCX, LlUrtlTf T P.", 6 r te r diCineS "'"'Orphic Chemic™^ PaL^ 'd 7 I^tWCE LIST WILL HE ISSUED VERY SHORTLY T i I Onc of the Finest and Urgut I Electric FaM'in 2 1 Buildings in Penan* '£4e£&e*? C-^L !S^ i-ri# I 1 Entirely under Crop..,
      556 words

  • 1724 6 A CONVICTS' ASSEMBLY. FROM PRISON TO DUMA. Judging from a periodical called '/The Duma Week," which has just made its appearance, and which contains short biographies of the members of the Duma, it would seem that the only qualification which Russian voters demand of their deputies is that I they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 509 6 I NOTICES. Renders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to the ist August 1907, for the performance of the Postal Mail Coach Service, Singapore, for a period of 3 years from ist January, 1908. Particulars may be obtained on application at the General Post Oflice. Siugapore, 6th
      509 words
    • 705 6 BANKS. Hongkong ft Shanghai Banking Corporation. i»ss«r~ >»**» §££fe™ssS»aS} www Reserve Liability of Proprietors *10,000,000 Court of Directors. w«« "'MfDHURST, Esq. Chairman. Man, Mr W. J. Gresaon— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech,.Esq. D R jfc^ e^. E.goet2, Esq, A i Kaymond, £sq. A, Haupt, Esq, R §h C wan. Esq. .C K, Lenzmann,
      705 words
      494 words
    • 346 6 FOR SALE. piCTURE post cards ot Straits Settlements &c— Koh Co., SCHOOL isit l 3 Rickshas i gharry. Cheap. Apply Lloyd's Greatlr Britain Publishing Co., Lin.. Bras Bosah R a <i 18-6-07 24-6-07. SITUATION WANTED. experienced typist who has a good knowledge of Book-keepin K and experienced in all office
      346 words
    • 237 6 3 Monti ls 6 Months 1 Year 3 Months }JooUn 1 Year ADV »TIS|,, U Li*. dai 'y 'nsertion^ h H F 'V" lch %']eCn, SS^^sj Uvo ln^rtio ns wceiP For 1 nr «,.co.' 3COn^tiv ti Marriage, Birth orlu arK Per insertion. ath < v <* A 8 Oua* ui
      237 words