Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 22 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1415 1 NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED LIVES LOST IN THE THAMES EVERY YEAR. (By William Henry, Hon. Secretary of the Royal Life Saving Society.) Now that the glorious sun— the centre master, ruler, and soul of a swimmer's system— has given promise of brighter days, the subject of this
    Weekly Dispatch  -  1,415 words
  • 253 1 To-morrow 19th June His Highness Sir Idris Mersid-el-Aazan Shah, c;.c.m.g., the Ruler of Perak, will celebrate at Kuala Kangsar the anniversary of his birth. His Highness was formally installed Sultan of Perak on sth April, 1889, and since his acce^ion many very great changes for the better
    Times of Malaya  -  253 words
  • 198 1 BEING FORMED INTO A CEYLON COMPANY. Messrs. W. F. Dew, C. J. Bayley and G. Graham Clarke, the owners of Selinsing rubber estate, Perak, are about to turn the property into a Rupee Company having its head-quarters in Colombo. The estate consists
    Times of Ceylon  -  198 words
  • 23 1 The British Malayan Mining; Co. Ltd., is being registered in Kuala Lumpur, the shares having been privately subscribed in the F. M. S.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 afsdfs Sensed Milk Leiger" brand. nedLomb MHk is recognised as the best and serV ed with the finest sugar." :"SCHWEICER,, IMPORT EXPORT CO., Limited. r BRANCHES SINGAPORE, MANILA, MILAN- SHANGHAI. HANKOW. FVYHERMANOS.I SINGAPORE. I [WELLERY AND PRECIOUS STONES, GOLD, SILVER, 1 HCKEL WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS. I I m Double
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    • 168 1 Howarth Erskine Ei>sii>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. TekpkM S3. Tejq,m ws EESKINK PueH m©t©r eveTR With Side-Car attached, 3H. P. Magneto ignition speed 30 miles per hour. Absol- rf^ m^ w utely offirst class Austrian Manufacture by the well known makersT. PUCH Co. %U2 Fi /?T IVFTT Ltd., Graz (Styria,
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    • 10 1 ttle Guaranty tin Cargest Circulation of anp Paper in Singapore.
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  • 805 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 21st June. THE LICENSING JUSTICES. I The stand taken by the Board of Jcensing Justices at the meeting •n Wednesday last marks, in the pinion of all thoughtful men, a iew era in the policy of dealing yith the liquor question. This
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  • 618 2 A European Chamber of Commerce for Selangor is mooted. THESungei Raya Tin Mining Co. Ltd. of Seremban has gone into voluntary liquidation. Messrs. J. B. Elcum and C. J. Sounders returned from the F. 11. S. yesterday morning. Revd. Father Couvreur who has had to undergo an operation in the
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  • 114 2 (29th.) Mr. Hay asked the Prime Minister whether he had taken any steps with regard to the appointment of a Committee to inqure into the establishment of a fast all-British mail route, as recommended by the Imperial Conference, and promised by HiMajesty's Government. Sir H. Campbell-Bannermaii Mr.
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  • 87 2 THE CHURCHES AND MODERN THOUGHT. Messrs. Wai a -ccond and revts* Ckurches and work i^attractingonsidn*' The first edition, p consisted present editioi copies but the expect that anothei tion will be re The book, both subject-matter, appeals' ssible range of rcade r s,W^ it. purchase within w"^ circle, a popular
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  • 47 2 A rtLEGRAM fr« Columbia, yatj Cadbury, o! Binn'« of the Acll-knowa -,V killed on tbe£| Canadian P c»l topofthem.m.^ the uppc; length, I^J2ti« head So S reat the accident. A -d* paniedbyher) hrce nieces, kft months smcc^ in-U« alld aree"^ Bradley, mission work»t»^^
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  • 3 2 being carried Government
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  • 244 2 storm. i, a e Ukc, ll ench ner J.tIS J IJI C "'ntini, n *llV»k^ llCxv "rd.d X^v 1 1 Proceeding An a >' sSll avab^t§a i He Um JuiAa r. 7 llcr consent r« KhiMhroo in repairs to -> I Vahidood dUg" P lac e between
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 334 2 apples! "STONE PIPPINS" 65 Cents per dozen. 75 M dozen. ACCORDING TO SIZE. 0 THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, I- WINE d^fe W| N E N [lev* i gar < Sc^^^i AMD SPIRIT y\H#S^iSi??/ SPIRIT I MERCHANTS. >\^*/^ MERCHANTS. Caldbeek Sftacgregor Co. STRfITHMIUL WHISKY. NOTICE.- From this date the
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    • 170 2 COMING EYENTS. TO-DAY, 22ND High Water 7-9 am, 7-30 pm Selangor Turf Club Entries close 12 noon SGC monthly Medal Play CE Z M S Chinese Girls School Victoria Hall 10 to 1 pm Lodge St George 8-45 pm The Parsi Alfred Tneatrical Coy 9 pm Royal Cinematograph 7-30 and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 108 2 CHURCH NOTICE. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fourth Sutidav n fir r Trinity, June 2Vrd Matins and Litany, 7* a.m., Holy Communion (Choral), 7.45 am., Children's Service, 4 p.m., Festal Evensong and Sermon, 5 30 p.m. (Nativity of S. John Baptist.) St. Mathew's, Sepoy Lines. Foo Chow Service. 11.15 a m CWW"
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  • 2 3 ppoinl-
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  • 9 3 I I been m H v I ■r
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  • 4 3 IK I I
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  • 6 3 n ro J
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  • 7 3 NED 'A MATE THE CHIN' He
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  • 7 3 Hambi !>• It* -e, ci.,b.
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  • 32 3 KS? .•■'iled them. 1 as not ■L^pu h a f the -rr Cd v the >'• Jt fetched ♦,^^n v heard in day, f availing [s^tog te h: in 8 XCe Ptionto the
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    • 138 3 Raising the Question of Unrest. Allahabad, June sth. I he Piomer s London correspondent wires that, in the course of the debate on the Indian Budget in the House of Commons, Mr. G. Hardy will propose a motion affirming the necessity for an enquiry by a Committee
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    • 75 3 T HE COLONIAL CONFERENCE. Sii Roberi Bond Challenges the Daily Mail." Calcutta, June Bth. -pedal telegram to the Empire says that official correspondence between Sir Robert Bond and the Colonial Office has been published. Sir Robert Bond denies that he authorised the Dally Mail to state jhai their j version
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    • 70 3 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR THE U. S. PRESIDENCY. Senator Faft's Prospects Endangered. Calcutta, June Bth. Hie Republican party in Pennsylva- 51 e have endorsed the Candida- of Senator Knox tot election next mber, to the Presidency of the United States. Ibis is a serious blow to the prospect- of Senator 1
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    • 40 3 What Lord Elgin Is Waiting For. London, June 10th. It transpim that the information Lord Elgin wants, before receiving the Ceyl D railway extensions deputation refers to the Indian section of the Mannar railway
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  • 211 3 MARRIED MAN WHO WOOED IN ORDER TO ROB. In order to facilitate a scheirc of •bbery Edward Moore made love to »s Stewart, the manageress of a sh lea Table depot in the West After she had locked up in the DM evening he saw her home, rving
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  • 230 3 PAINFUL STORY AT TRIAL OF MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. Some painful evidence was given at the Clerkenwtll Sessions, when two u>men, Elizabeth Dikinson, fifty-four, and Lily Davis, thiriy-two. were charged with having obtained goods by fraud from various tradesmen in the neighbourhood of Bays water. Defendants, it was stated,
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  • 516 3 I. mlf DE "SILVA CASE. the jeweller of H? g h Street. action against M. C. S. Mahomed In wo Tt? C C Urt for the r «overv of nht val "i ble "ngs, alleged to have been obtained by the latter with a Jfcw to sale
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  • 380 3 The following is the report of the share market, issued by Messrs. Latham and Co., of Gresham House, for the week ending June 12 The market throughout the week has been irregular, ami, though at times business has been active, prices have declined in the majority ol
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  • 80 3 For Golfers M Good Words." For Men of Letters 'The Morning Post." For Football Players "The Spectator. For Flirts The Daily Mail." For Variety Artistes The Star." For Railway Men The Express." For the Blind The Leader." For the Unemployed Work." For Members of R. G. S. M.A.P." For
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  • 561 3 Yesterday, a meeting of the I ooic There were present H. E. The Governor, The Hon. Colonial Secretary S'^P^ Commanding, Hon. Colon-al Treasurer Attorney General, Auditor-General TanJiakKim, n H. Fort, h h J- Anderson, Dr. Galloway, Orders of the Day. miVi 4 9 o vernmen J Savings Bank
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  • 309 3 The popular and growing habit of bolting' food is one of the evils of the day," says Dr. Stanford Read in his little book How to keep well." M Many people go to doctors tor medicine for indigestion the sole cause of which is that they
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  • 89 3 Arrangements have just been made for a considerable number of Japanese officers, representing all arms of the military service, to come to England at an early date for a nine months' course of study. For a period they will be quartered at Aldershot, making occasional visits to the chief provincial
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  • 541 3 The vexed question as to which is the best language for singing is, like the poor, always with us, and will probably never be universally agreed upon until Esperanto has extinguished the knowledge of all other tongues and rendered the matter obligatory (says the "Musical News"). A
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  • 199 3 Whether one's meals should be eaten to the accompaniment of an orchestra, is a question which cannot, of course', be answered off-hand or definitively. We may say this much, however, that we have never met anyone who did not shudder at the mere idea, of breakfasting within
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  • 265 3 OPENING CEREMONY. This function took plaa- on Saturday 151b iust and the weather, being very merciful, favoured the occasion with a perfect day Mrs. R. VV. Harrison, the wife of the popular V. A., in a most appropriate manner declared the factory cpen by starting the*
    Malay Mail  -  265 words
  • 32 3 Mr. F. J. Weld, District Officer Kuala Kangsar, is proceeding early next month on twelve months' leave and Mr. W. D. Scott has heen selected to act for him during his absence.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 308 3 IE CLARKE &~Cal §07. Queen Street. TELEPHONE No. 916. 9 All kinds cf Rubber Tyred i Carriages for Hire. i FURNITURE REMOVING &c. t S7IOOLE HORSES FOR HIRE, RIDING LESSONS GIVEN TO LADIES GENTLEMEN. All sorts of horse food delivered to any part\ of the Colony. 5 F. Clarke Go's
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  • 952 4 QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT. Transvaal Asiatics. (29th.) In the House of Lords Lord Ampimiu. called attention to lite action of the Government in allowing the Transvaal Asiatics Registration Hill to become law, which, he Mid, was a complete reversal o( their own policy and that of their predecessor^ with rrgard to
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  • 57 4 iHK Kland <>( Cortegada, in AcOM Bay, which it about a mile and a half long by half a mile wide, is to be a gift from the inhabitants, of VillaKarcia to King Alfonso of Spain, uho will ertel a pah.eo upon it, situated in a bc.iut.fu! park, a, a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 793 4 TRfIDES, PROFESSIONS 1 HORSE AMD m CATTLE FOQtTT more than 500/0 if ihe/get^ 0 jkatt.es a day, Horn < Ao^L n V you may bring them up to 2o bottfi I picuTanWcaut 50 ab Guns and rilles at nearly cost prices If your want a good light, and tru.t worthy
      793 words
    • 132 4 &fIGEJj s MERC HA^ I Aft '■■•'Ja, bIIJN i^^ OrQt HOOT COMPAH Motor U\ ic tydeudlloi i YtAP POK M i andCoaw YEE CHEOMG, TREACHEi IPOH fAILOR ANI For IV] kDat£ The Taiping Medical I ill 80l lelephuiie No. Just Landed a Frtsk Sfcj StuokH Russian S| Fresh Bombay Butter
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1448 4 wj&F -*J BsP*JT^««*'!?*^HB HEPS'" SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Whor© Men -of -War. Flag and Toms Master Arrived From For When Lykig Sea lie lie K. M. S. yet. 48 Nacodah Keb 5 P. Swettenliam PSivct'ham U K. H. Sea Mew Govt. 550 Murphy May 27 P Swettenliam \j Roads
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  • 893 5 Of FORGFD n case in rt' c f ta medical stu- genuine t student at C receive mSy. These k 'Jshanßhai Hank. i iflnd *40 d'd not S?(or*3 ca Jtc..v.rfd that *£i It" 3 ltc hid been lire made ti (*LjSpJ land tn< hihvtncditcnca"£^"Dr. Kinlay cn the otW
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  • 106 5 I ennis has never yet been played at sea under comfortable conditions, even t was ever been seriously attempted. But the new 29,000 ton boat which Messrs. Harland and Wolff are building for the Hamburg-Ameiican Line will have a tennis-court, as well as a shooting-gallery, swimming-bath, and
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  • 200 5 To aeronauts Saturday, 25th May was a Hay of great interest. In the >t place, a balloon race on an exceptionally large scale took place from Ranelagh for the Harbord Cup, ten taking part. The wind was slight and variable throughout the morning and afternoon. All the
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  • 45 5 Mi«s Florence Nightingale recently celebrate her 87th birthday. She was known by the troops in the Crimea as the "Angel of Mercy" and the "Lady with the lamp." Inquiries show that Miss Nightingale is still in good health, i though she never leaves her room.
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  • 713 5 j §S\ Capi Sabscbed "Sf" I^S? J f-d luMft r J*** Q o| f j Shares Value/ up to j xeservfe Company j 3uoUUons presn i 1 1 I fpricet GOLD. 1900 $,75,000 $140,000 j MS^SaLd $I Be a^hG.M.Co.,Ltd.. -,400,000 £350,000 J £Z J.? 2 ff DevolopmenV?d;
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  • Commercial.
    • 134 5 On London. Bank a m s 2/4$ Demand 2/4J Private 6 ra s 2/4 13/16 do. 3ms 2.4 9/16 On Germany. Bank d d 2.39$ Private 3ms 2.46 do 6ms 2.48 On France. Bank d d 2.94 Private 3ms 3-©3i do 6ms 3.06 On India. Bank T. T. 1744
      134 words
    • 287 5 Copra Klantan 10.65 do Mixed 10.J do Bali 9-5° do Timor „10.60 do Pontianak „9.10 do Pasir 119° do Billiton 10.45 do Pulo 10.50 do Dongola 10.65 do Sankawang 10.45 Coffee, Bali 15 per cent, buyers 3 p/c. N 20.00 do Palembang, 20 p/c. basis 22.50 do Liberian No.
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    • 21 5 Oil (Hong Ho Mill) picul y 12.20 Anchor a.15 Devoes 2.70 Langkat M 2.10 Dragon 2.50 Rangoon per case.. j.oo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 544 5 GERVIS SAVER5 AVER C o!, UMnwl ■■■■■■■■■■•■■•■■■■■■■■■l £kPOT. For Drugs, Chemicals, Crockery, Cutlery, HoZT" uonery, Perfumery, Stationery, Boots and Shoe^Hats rT t lars, I ,es, Spirits, Wines, Beers, Stouts, Lamps and r. X PW r'T M edidneS Pho W" Chemical St^ 7 Plates, Toilet Requisites, Sponges, Soaps, Fancy (SSI 4
      544 words

  • 1400 6 1 he light frame of wood, covered -with paper, fastened to a long string, and floating in the air, is a familiar sight to every body. Its invention, according to tradition, takes us back 400 years before the Christian era, to a famous general and mathematician
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  • 328 6 Considerable excitement prevails in Bangalore in consequence ol the alleged discovery and prevention ot the carrying out of a plot by our Europeans to commit robbery. burglary and the rifling of safes and treasury of the British Soldiers, Club. West End Hotel. Bow-ring Institute, etc. The conspiracy
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  • 120 6 Mr. George W. Patterson of Chicago has earned the title of America's champion club-swinger by the beautiful effects he gains by means of his electrically lighted Indian clubs. Each club contains twenty-four three candle power lamps, set in three rows of eight lights each. As the little
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 543 6 NOTICES. 'renders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to the ist August 1907, for the performance of ihe Postal Mail Coach Service, Singapore, for a period of 3 years from ist January, 1908. Particulars may be obtained on application at the General Post Office. Singapore, 6th June,
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    • 638 6 BANKS, Hug*** ft Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-LT CAHTAL $10,000,000 RESEKVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 goi um) ,)00 Silver Reserve •11,000,000/ 21 (>J0 UUO Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Direotors. H Me dhurst, Esq. Chairman, lion, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-ChairniaJi. Btttech, E*q, D m, tiis&n El4. E.Goetz,
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    • 361 6 FOR SALE. piCTURE post cards ol Strain Settle ments &c— Koh Co., TUCKS post cards and postage stamps— Koh Co., S -°K°oh &°C O S SChOOl 3 Rickshas 1 gharry. Cheap. Apply Lloyd's Grlatlr Britain Publishing Co., Lid, Bras Bosah Road 18-6-07 24-6-07. SITUATION WANTED. experienced typist who has a
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    • 254 6 LOCAI I ADVERTISING Bin, I SMALL <1 Wanted T u», .1 tlces '*c l4c 1 dai| y 'nsertion For inch Singi c Co! thr.ee ueekly. Pt, For «>* Sina| c(ftl headinf C ,S^ U S..co 2 O 3cons^ti^ i Marriage, Birth or iw v Per insertion. a!h N otn» Advaxcf.
      254 words