Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 15 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1071 1 INDIAN RAILWAYS Bombay, May 29. The statement of the approximate gross earnings of the Indian Railways shows that the total earnings of the State and guaranteed railways for the period of Ist April to nth May, 1907, amounts to 491.J lakhs of rupees, an increase of 13^ lakhs
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  • 698 1 h would be a pity fur us to mis> the significance of the event which happened last Sunday, when n young Bengali, Babu Nafar Chandra Kundu, gave his life m an attempt to rescue two Mahoinedan coolies from a drain. It indicates, unless we
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  • 62 1 THE British Indian Association lias addressed alcttcr to the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, asking if it will join m a deputation of representative noblemen and gentlemen of the non official European and Indian communities rt> wait on the Viceroy and to submit to His Excellency the necessity for immediate action
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 153 1 Straits* iigelica II s P r n 9 M/ r jIl. r NC A Ihe Nocera water is an «1 excellent drinking-water it is II digestive, easily assimilated, t* MS an<^ ver y US€nj l ta cases y ot catarrh m the urinal :,4uMßfli organs. I '-T^diiiJ PRm SCANTIER!. j
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    • 328 1 Howarth Erskine i Ep^ipcers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKJNE j w-i wjt /M wj |mj />/A Z GENERAL STOREKEEPERS AND Cl IIV V^ n1 IX V» V/ 8? COMMISSION AGENTS. S5 37, HrCJO-H LOW STItETST, ZCPOZHI F REDDAWAY GO'S Camel Hair Belting, wines and liquors of the
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    • 10 1 ale 6uaratiue tbe largest Circulation of anp Paper In Singapore.
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  • 927 2 The Eastern Daily Mail PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY. 15TH JUNE. THE OPIUM QUESTION. In order to improve the condition of the Chinese our kind hearted rulers have ever gone so far as to form a resolution to sacrifice three millions of pounds sterling of Indian revenue by stopping altogether the
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  • 16 2 On Sunday there will be a service m English at the Johore Church at 9 a.m.
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  • 14 2 Mr. Artie Tully, who has been away at the Batavia meeting, is returning tomorrow.
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  • 16 2 Twelve hundred and twenty three deck p^ssen^ers arrived from Hongkong, yesterday, by the British steamer Kutsang.
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  • 18 2 Thi American Pacific Squadron has been ordered to concentrate m South China waters during the present antidvnastic disturbances.
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  • 18 2 Major Hill has completed his commission m Ceylon respecting the Survey Department there and has returned to Singapore.
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  • 24 2 Telegram. -The Mail de^patche from Singapore to London, via C ilcutt and Bombay, on the 1 6th ultimo, was delivered on the 10th instant.
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  • 22 2 TUSKE will be a variety entertainment it the AngU>-Chinese Free School to-morrow, June 15, at 3-30 p. m. Admission is by ticket.
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  • 35 2 An English fireman on tiic steamer Riverton, deserted on the Sth instani, while the >iiip was m Singapore, and was arrested yesterday. The police found a berth for him on the Dagtin, bound for London.
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  • 47 2 Ihe Members o( the Catholic Com munity of the St. Joseph's Church are informed that the Collection to be made at Low and High Masses and Vesper on the Feast of St. Anthony, on the 16th instant, will be for the Poor and Distressed of this Community.
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  • 43 2 The Gaylang Restaurant will give a musical Evening on Sunday the 16th instant, from 3to 7 p.m. A Band will be m attendance. Music m the cool ot a Sunday evening m the country ought to prove attractive to adults and children alike.
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  • 48 2 Invitations are being issued for the wedding of Mr. J. A. S. Jennings, ol Institution Hall, and Miss Ragna Flak, daughter of Captain E. B. Flak, ol the Fernery, Adi;. Road, which is t<» take place at Sf Andrew's Cathedral on Tuesday, July 2, at 4-30 p. m.
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  • 53 2 The Annual Athletic sports ot >t. Joseph's Institution take^ place to-day cammencing at 2. 30 p. m. There are several interesting items onthe programme, and the Band of Russell* Infantry will play a selection o\~ Music. 1 1 i=> Excellency the Governor and Mitt Anderson have graciously accepted an invitation
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  • 73 2 At the meeting ot' the Municipal Commissioners yesterday. It was decided that a*; a special rise undci Leave Rule 5 (a) Inspector Fenaon ot the H. Carriage and Jinrikisha Department be granted three months 1 leave on lull pay with effect from ist Juh next, and
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  • 147 2 Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, Acting Secretary to the Resident of Pwikjhas sent out the following circular The attention of the British Resident has been drawn to the practice ol allowing dogs to accompany their nastet to the Government offices and to stay m the office throughout
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  • 366 2 S'H Il crecollo.;\ *C!^^B »ja'f walking > one' thougTihen I tlnthe CWalkwas »si|^H were concealed by ru^^B which was kept S**^B •n this room he r^' I and nights, Co; I o| the band. li-'/.J^H to meet hi b wj^ B «1B Immediately a:-.ei fc J out tour >ecrc:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 JOHN UITTIiE&CaiiTD,| I ANDREW USHER e©/S I CELEBRATED I BOTOL HIT AM WHISKY. BOTTLED BY US IN SINGAPORE. I Its popularity increases as a result of its being known on the Market for years as A SOUND WHISKY I AT A MODERATE PRICE. I^THirUNIONHOTEL I II Ihe ti ii'jst Austrian
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    • 372 2 APPLES i "STONE PIPPINS" 65 Cents per dozen. 75 M dozen. AeeOROING TO SIZE. 0 THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, SIITGAPOH/E. WINE ■jfc WINE AND [[c^f^^^^^^^^Tcpjl AND MERCHANTS. MERCHANTS. I Caldbeek Sttaegregor Co. I NOTICE. From this date the SINGAPORE HOTEL, situated m North. Bridgr Road No. 620-3, near
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    • 54 2 FOB SALEA GREY Australian 13-2 Hands Pony 6 years very quite m Saddle and Harness would make an excellent Boy's Hack. No reasonable offer refused. Apply 7/, River Valley Road. (15-6-07 21-6-07.) TO BE LET. f\FFICE and Godown. Entry Ist July, yj No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply to GUTHRIE Co.,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, 15TH High Water. 0-16 am, 1-37 pm B I Mail Outward due Athletic Sports, St Joseph's Institution Cricket, S C C Law vs Civil Service Royal Cinematograph 7-30 and 9-30 pm Japanese Cinematograph 7-30 and 930 pm The Parsi Alfred Theatrical Coy 9 pm TO-MORROW, i6th:High Water
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    • 21 2 cnvx* Third Sund<" md Litany 7«J bible CU J 5 K*v Cto« ServW 'j, School i-40P* WorahiP a I Ts**» ssgs
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  • 570 3 HIE UNREST IN INDIA. Disturbance near madras. Madras, June ist. Our Madras corespondent wires: Stories of impertinence on the part of schoolboys have been emanating for some time from Coconada, where Mr. B. C Pal recently lectured, but it cannot be said whether the following incident
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  • 256 3 Hib Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Right Hon'ble the Secretary of State for the Colonies, has been pleased to appoint Mr. M. S. If Me Arthur an Officer m Class 111 of the Civil Service, to be Resident, Labuan, m the same Class, with
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  • 1273 3 OF TO-NIGHT'S PLAY AT THE PARSI THEATRE. The Parsi Alfred Dramatic Company is drawing crowded houses every nieht Rol!? 11 M e b v Uilt theatre on the S Road. Mr. Kawasji Pallonji Khatow w°^ ap eared as "Hamlet" on Wednesday night, has made a splendid impression upon
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  • 403 3 Mr. A. Lea delivered an interesting lecture to the members of the Epworth League on Thursday night, at the M. E. Church, Coleman Street, on seismic phenomena. Just now, when the earth's crust seems, m certain fairly well defined localities, to be m a rather insecure condition,
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  • 306 3 1 here is a dash of romance, mingled with much stern reality, says the Tribune, about the recent career of Mr. J. Dorasami, a young and handsome Indian violinist, who has come to this country m the hope of bringing musical London to his feet. Mr. Dorasami
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  • 72 3 Babu Radha Charan Pal, son of the lnte Mr. Kristodas Pal, (the founder of the Hindu Patriot,") has distributed the sum of Rs. 1,000 among several Calcutta Christian and Indian charitable institutions and gives another Rs. 1,000 to form the nucleus of a fund to determine any question involving injustice
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  • 1208 3 Yesterday afternoon a meeting of the Legislative Council was held m the Council Chamber. There were present H. E. the Governor, Hon. the Colonial Sercetary, H Officer Commanding the Troops, Attorney General, m Colonial Treasurer, Auditor General, n Acting Colonial Engineer, Tan Jiak Kirn, Hugh Fort, J. Anderson,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 49 4 The undermentioned officers were admitted Contri buting Members of 'the Provident Fund from Ist June.— Mr. M. G. D. Rozario Waste ln^ pector. Mr. Too Guan Watt, Meter CleiU. Mr. Peck Kirn Chuan, Reader. Mr. Ong Lag Seng,, Meter Reader Mr. Alex. G. Douglas, Waste, Inspectoi
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  • 307 4 The buoyant condition of the tin market has lately attracted considerable attention, says the Daily Newt, the price having been lifted about per ton from the lowest point touched a few weeks ago, when metals were generally severely depressed under the influence of the "scare m the stock markets.
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  • 291 4 At a recent session ot the American Oriental Society, Prof. Hopkins, of Yale, read a paper on The Sniff Kiss m Ancient India." Reduced to its foundation, the paper was a history of the kiss as we know it. The learned O«i--entalist traced tt from its birth
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1105 4 TRADES, PROFESSIONS fl G jjgJ music: music.! HORSE AND i"lS£>J ***** CATTLE FOOD H \W BY CELBRATED. oH-Uf i, English, French, Italian German Composers. 'I f/,.1 A. Large selection of all the Latest Music Horses get a fine coat by partaking of Received by Every Mail. this food, and milk
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 917 4 SHIPPING NEWSVESSELS IN PORT. Men.of.War. Flag and Tom Matter Arrive* From For When Lyln 0 vm c .a Nicodah Feb s P« Swettenham P Swet'ham LJ X H Ship. FHHHWon. lifter Arrived From Con.l B n«e For When Where Alderbaran Ger 1836 Olsen Mar Penarth Ba^koH iSSbf Asdang Sm 405
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    • 320 4 Ping Sucy. China June 25 Mansfield Prinz Luduig.Bremen, June 27 B Meyer Prometheu-. China, June 23 Mansfield Ludwig, Bremen, June 27 B Meyer Priam, Liverpool, July 17 Mansneld. Rembrandt. Amsterdam, July 5; Daendels Scandia, Ilr.m*mrg, June 29 B Meyer Sado Maru, London, June 19 P Simons Sanuki Maru, London, July
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    • 388 4 MAILS CLOSE To-day. For Her Steamer Time Bandjermassin, Pulau Lam. etc Van der Lijn Bam Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Nyarza 11 am Colombo C Lopez y Lopez 11 am Muar and Malacca Sultan 2pm Port Swettenham and Penang Pin Seng Ipm Port Swettenham and Penang Perak Ipm Penang. Sabang, Atjeh
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  • 227 5 I Kro drick, I serf RobertfOß, I MffoSSi I M Pol* l yfi,- iii i >icirCi REMAKE t that one owe nee last meet; pjoyeed T^ an^ C /he of dead rats ■rises Hie* l 1 ReportS pone said that received fro™ jved the Motion. Stevens c present,
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  • 973 5 DOUBLE WRETCHEDNESS. A case of some importance not only to the Chinese, but to every other section of the community was before Mr. W. C. Michell, the Senior Magistrate, on Thursday. It was a question of maintenance. A Chinese couple had agreed to disagree and, according to Mr.
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  • 43 5 Mk. S. Ulsui, a Japanese ju-jistu expert, has arrived m Colmbo to give lessons m ju-jitsu. He was a member >f the Imperial Guards and took part m ne less than seventeen engagements m the recent wsr, including the Yalu Kivcr and Mukden.
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  • 539 5 ill Capiu,. Subbed I ElHl Ccnpany pi I Iprire GOLD. 1900 75 ,000 I4o>ooo {:j, 5oo l S ued 10 Bersa wah G. M. Co., Ltd. 1900 £350 ,c00 ££> I!! DurfDevo^en".^^'^^ 190. ,300.000 |1» {-I !Kada n aG.M.Co.,L,d. 640 unissued (Kref) jlo.oo 1902 £30,000 £16,***** f
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  • 391 5 Singapore, 13th June. L 907. On London. Bank a m s 2.4 7/16 Demand 2.4 7/8 Private 6ms 2.4 do. 3ms 2.4 9/16 On Germany. Bank d d 2 -39i Private 3 m 2.46 do 6ms 2.48 On Franet.— Bank d d 2.94 Private 3ms l-^ih, do 3-o6 On
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 425 5 I GERVIS XAVIER CO., LIMITED. I T depot "T*.,** 0 "Imw "ww pu«cm«m,, tltlWHtll I X I)EPOr_. For Drugs, Chemicals, Crockery, Cutlery, Hosiery <S I 1 tionery, Perfumery, Stationery, Boots and Shoes Hats f i" V lars, Ties, Spirits, Win.s, Beers, Stouts, Lamps and Glass" 1 X ware, Patent Medicines,
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  • 1697 6  -  Dr. Gervis By Dr. Gcrvis. the wise and witty Mayor of Brighton, is an authority on the habits of the fireside cat, and has come to the conclusion that the chief reason for pussy's existence is to serve as a model for human mothers. He
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  • 168 6 It is generally belived that the tiger is unable to climb trees, but the following incident shows of what an animal may be capable under the influence of fear. With a view to ascertaining what a tiger might be able to accomplish 111 the way of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 779 6 c NOTICES. >■ 1 o GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Render will be received at the a Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 17th June, 1907, for the j Ho wing works (1). Erection of the Main Block and Outoffices, New Maternity Hospital. J (2). Supplying and fixing the necesit sary
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    • 778 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. £AII>UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KbbhKVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 I 21 q^ m bilver Reserve $11,000 (XX) 21 000 v)UO Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors, v H M £D HURST, Esq. Chairman. Mori, Mr, W.J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D X issim Esq.
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    • 318 6 FOR SALE. PIC me U n^ rS S Of ct aitSSe lc T^a^SoH^Co.. 3 1 S -°K°ol; &°Co., and SCh0 l r^ uisi > FOR SALE PRIVATELY harness complete Wlth 1 i; omarer0 mare r U com;,eFer &g WaCk For further particulars apply to 1 G. A. FERNANDEZ Co., Auctioneers
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    • 214 6 FORT^ 3 Mon»| ls 6 Months 1 Year 1 Month 3 Month. 6 1 Year """"""•tun. Ol U iuch Cc f 0 heading s dai1 insertion B 3 ft For inch S mg c twoinsertionst^-^i "lia.* r 3 consecutive Marriage, Birth orD a Per insertion. **H XB T "Es t
      214 words