Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 14 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 526 1 PLAYED ROLE OF ARISTOCRATIC BRIDEGROOM. Married 24 Times. Sidney Lascelles, a notorious AngloAmerican swindler, a man with a dozen aliases and many marriages, whose chief victims were foolish women I°* h om he appealed as a true-born British lord," ,s reported to have died
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  • 216 1 PERCHED IN MID-AIR OVER A LONDON STREET. A woman named Murray, aged about 40, climbed through a fourth-floor window of a house m Lad broke-grove. Not-ting-hill, and sat on the sill. With her feet dangling m the air she proceeded to address the crowd that rapidly gathered m
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  • 51 1 \fr. Glynn Vivian Ikis withdrawn his offer to build an art gallery for Swansea at a cost of ,£20,000, arid to equip it with a priceless collection of art treasures, because fifty burgesses protested against the raising of a year from the rates for its
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  • 817 1 A very interesting statement concerning the Manchurian railways is made by the Japanese correspondent of the Morning Post, who supplies the details of the terms of the Chino-Japancsc Agreement which it will be useful to put on record. He tells us that two very important matters have
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  • 28 1 Simply addressed. !;<>!>, \\j Xf England," 1 postcard has Seen delivered without a single check from Halifax, Canada, to Mr. Robert Taylor of Wix, m Suffolk.
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  • 26 1 Japanese journals declaic that the Anglo- Japanese Alliance is the father and the Anglo- French entente the mother of the Fain o-Japancsc entente.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 Straits. i k^rjj77ljin «000 DIGESTION Sn gelica fl Spring .jteNoccra Jjrjr -anA excellent drinking-water it is I B digestive, easily assimilated, .T fIH and very useful m cases tivcF^-^l Catarrh m *HIVARM. VGI&A VIM VCANIItKI &'M •«W0 OWEBTMI»M I.RVY HERMANOS, SINGAPORE. 4WELLERY AND PRECIOUS STONES,GOLD, SILVER, WCKEL WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY
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    • 215 1 1 Ep§ii>cers apd Contractors^ J ELECTRICAL IWSTALLATIONS. I TiUphonr i 3. Telegrams "ERSKINE, T 1 RI JC MT M I^l^ GENERAL STOREKEEPERS ft» 1 DlJ\ V^nlW \j\Jm COMMISSION AGENTS. S5 27, HUGH ■LO'xAT STREET, IJPOHI F. REDDAWAY GO'S Camel Hair Belting, wines and liquors of the The strongest cud most
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee tbe Cargest Circulation of anp paper m Singapore.
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  • 935 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY. 14TH JUNE. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. When we examine the table showing the number of deaths m Singapore from the principal diseases during the five years 1901 to 1905, we find that the average general death rate is 46 per 1,000.
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  • 15 2 The Tronoh Mines have declared a further dividend of two shillings payable on 25th June.
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  • 263 2 On the Ipoh Golf'dub's links yotet day, the Garland Cup Competition was brought to a conclusion. The pair m the final' consisted of Mr.J .B. Robertson and Mr. P. McCaull who received 7 strokes m 17 holes. In the first round the play was pretty even, but towards the end
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  • 81 2 Mr. C. W. Mackie, of Colombo, was bitten by his fox terrier a few days ago and at once left for the Pasteur Institute at Coonoor, via Madras. It appears that this gentleman's dog had been bitten by a mad dog and that as X was ailing Mr. Mackie was
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  • 87 2 We hear that, owing to ill-health, Mr. F. O. B. Dennys Acting Deputy Conservator of Forests, Selangor, is going on long leave shortly, and that Mr. A. E. Wells, at present acting as Deputy Conservator of Forests m Pahang, is coming to Kuala Lumpur to act m a similar capacity.—M.M.
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  • 37 2 It is reported that a fresh impulse is to be given to the mining industry m Tcmoh, one of the leading pioneers of tin-mining m Perak having decided to commence hydraulicing operations there on a large scale.
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  • 31 2 The outward M. M. Packet ErmM Simons left Colombo at 9 p. m. on the 11 th instant,and may be expected to arrive here at noon, on Sunday, the l6tfa instant.
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  • 31 2 The usual half-yearly sale of useful and fancy articles, m aid of the Chinese Girls' School, will take place m the Memorial Hall, on Friday and Saturday. June 21 and 22.
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  • 24 2 The Bandmann Opera Company is shortly expected m Singapore and have arranged to play at the Teutonia Club on July Ist. 2nd and 3rd.
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  • 20 2 Mk. A. Lea will address the Epworth League, of the Coleman Street Methodist Episcopal Church to-morrow evening, on Seismic Phenomena.
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  • 23 2 Bishop and Kirs. Oldham are leaving Singapore, to-day, for Java. The Bishop proceeds on a tour of inspection of Methodist Mission Stations there.
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  • 19 2 The French steamer Amiral Pouty which arrived from Dunkirk, yesterday, has on board fourteen tons of dynamite for Cochin-China.
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  • 22 2 The Dutch steamer Coen brought from Penang, this morning, a German sailor, who is to be handed over to the German Consul.
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  • 28 2 According to the Malay Mail, a new judge is coming out from home to strengthen the appeal court both m the F. M. S. and m the Colony.
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  • 25 2 Mr. A. E. Wells is to act as Deputy Conservator of Forests, Kuala Lumpur, vice Mr. F. O. B. Dennys, who is going on leave.
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  • 32 2 Ireland. lnue t0 a-.- .^^H Disorderly T? 1 ch *S?' Uer d had V* tive bathing^ 6 *>■ ed f or their u^>« to overturn it lC^iM Sornepeop lethe mock 8 I
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  • 90 2 last meeting o! c 7 tee at Mandalay; The^eolabur,cr, 0 Koundlable,* I square or oblong, X "W and Mandalay 9 S ordeal. '^B Withal, that met- I ting one, adm .:> -he \*M new President (M a or £M a new a-offido member ;j.J U.S. P.) joined the -oldij
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  • 133 2 A TALL S I King ChuiaiongkorntiiM days m Pari>. prior to don, where HisMaji arrive on the :6th inst/faM me/ous anecdotes o:*Jk H tate are rife m the FrenciajS ol these tall Horia amriifl Paris correspondent I /v Tt'lfjriph, i> the folloiM reads very much like
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  • 59 2 Tm PortMedicaiO^B writes m his annual rtporr- An examinaton n steamer from Singapore^ detailed in-pectin? each containing i 1 It \va> obvi' I ordinary impon''^ 1 for unusual re di-covcred that the conjj were unsound and aD^ humantoou. Ilicopm^* and of their sardineswerc a perfectly Vr ,zZ %%&s£s tin amongst
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  • 11 2 mterest W t yJ^* written *J* lble ftor the -i-n
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  • 32 2 *eTni*«'*WS. the Palc^t.nc h* for some accuratelj we u n and tK'tor^- H this pro^ S p&^S Society. a 7* a Mfjja dam teaching V quite re«^£ rtA« is not ■fi2**'"^J
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  • 10 2 lh c to Mr. ,H|£ *W sale w M^J*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 JOHN ItITTUE&CO.ItTD.I ANDREW USHER QO.'S CELEBRATED BOTOL HITAM WHISKY. BOTTLED BY US IN SINGAPORE. Its popularity increases as a result of its being known oh the Market for years as A SOUND WHISKY I AT A MCDERAIE PRICE. I I I The finest Austrian Suing Band ut 20 Artistes is
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    • 197 2 APPLES I VBH^H^^^HHlHHHH^HH^^B^^B^Hi^H^H^B^^i^^B^HH^^^^HHßH^^^H^^^im^B^^^^^v^B^^^^*^^ "STONE PIPPINS" 65 Gents per dozen. 75 N dozen. I AccORDING TO SIZE. I THOMPSON, THOMAS CO J THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, I siira-APOE/E. I f N WINE <f4k WirJE own •3?JaT^^fcJß^SgS/. nNn t^l iU [[CALDBECF.MACGREGOR C°\ HflU spißiT Hiffl spirit MERCHANTS. °^^S',*/^ MERCHANTS. Qaldheck Sfiacgregor Co. TAIK
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    • 132 2 FOR THE FIRST TIME INS N6APORE Ok Parsi flltn d CDeatrical Cotnpano OF BOMBAY will perform for a short season only, at their specially built spac ous Theatre AT BEACH R-VJAD. Tomight T o-night "CHATRA BAKAVLI" PRICES OF ADMISSION. Cushion Sofa 3 seats $7.50 do do 2 5 0 r
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    • 73 2 TO CLERKS IN GOVERN- F WENT SERVICE. J \LL clerks wishing to raise their posi- t A tion by taking the higher clerical r examinations, and all those desirous of t improving their education should at r once join the Ipoh Corresponding x School. t Tuition m all subjects by
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, 14TH High Water, 1-3 am t Legislative Council 2-30 N D L Outward mail due Municipal Commission 2-30 Royal Cinematograph 7-30 9-30 pm Japanese Cinematograph 7-30 9"30 pm The Parsi Alfred Theatrical Coy 9 pm Court of Appeal TO-MORROW, 15m High Water. 0-16 am, l-3 7 Pm
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  • 128 3 S even sure I It n ,tr I cjUI-C lllC I I I bx rmitci I I be not too I I I I lit i I I d >v; 1 he I I Ke mo the soft mannei m KfWV I ews ab<- I' I ting HI m
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  • 7 3 irrics V- l ic 'timr and I.,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 483 3 TRfIDES, PHOfESSIOfIS "fIGEftCIES. MUSIC! MUSIC!! Classical, Opcratical, Dances and Songs Arranged for the Piano. BY CLLBRATED. English, French, Italian German Composers A. Large selection of all the Latest Music Received by Every Mail. !MiEia?ie,o3sro^rEs. Orders for any Instrumental Music WILL BE GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. Inspection Invited. Prices moderate. Lessons m
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    • 374 3 HURSb AMD CATTLE FOOD Horses get a fine coat by partaking of this food, and milk cows will produce more than 50 0/0 if they get only 2 katties a day, from 12 bottles milk, you may bring them up to 20 bottles a day, per picul 52.50, bags about
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    • 357 3 SEREMBAN CYCLE CO. 88-90 Paul Street. MERCHANTS, CONTRACTORS AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS. BURHAN A Co., Paul Street, Seremban. Proprietors NEGRI SEMBILAN AERATED WATER FACTORY. JOHN de SILVA. //J, Paul Street, Seremban. Dealers m general Provisions, Bombay, Ceylon and Japanese goods. PATENT MEDICINES Wines and Spirits of the very best quality at
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 994 3 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War. Flag and Tons Master Arrived From For When S^iV SkCWtan Am M 'tra-^to 8 S aC °ft h F eb 5 Swettenham P Swefham UKH McUcNan <\ m tra., 1870 Arnold Jan 12 Manila Manila Wharf 1 Stra 364 Hamilton May 7 Manila Manila
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    • 360 3 Pei a, London, Aug 23 P 6* O Ping Suey, China June 25 Mansfield Prinz Ludv-.ig, Bremen, June 27 B Meyer Prometheu-. China. June 23 Mansfield Preussen. Bremen, June 14 Behn Meyer Ludwij:, Bremen, June 27 B Meyer Priam, Liverpool, July 17 Mansfield. Rembrandt, Amsterdam, July 5; Daeiidels Seydlitz, Bremen,
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    • 425 3 MAILS CLOSE To-day. For Per Steamer Time Batavia, Samarang. Sourabaya. Maca- .r. etc Duymaer van Twist Bam Bangkok Deli U am Malacca. Port Dickson, P. S'tenh am and Teluk Anson Sappho 3 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Gregory Apcar 3 pm Hongkong and Shanghai Kanju Maru 3pm Muar and Malacca
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    • 33 4 London, June 13, 11-50 a. m. The Diplomatic corps at Tangier have unanimously resolved that the recent secret contract between Maghzen and a German firm could not be allowed.
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    • 33 4 London, June 13, 1 1 50 a.m. A steamer ran down a launch belonging to the Battleship Minnesota which attended, the Jamestown Exhibition. Five midshipmen and five seamen are missing.
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    • 43 4 London, June 13, 1 1-50 a.m. Schmitz, Ex-Mayor of San Francisco, who agreed to. give evidence, denied the charges made against him, hjut on being cross-examined, he repeatedly refused to answer questions and was threatened with punishment for contempt.
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    • 44 4 a— London, June 13, 4.25 p. m. Kuef who was convicted for Municipal corruption at San Francisco, lias testified that he gave Schmitz a half share m two amounts of Five thousand and Three thousand dollars received from French Restaurants.
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    • 43 4 London, June 13, 4.2; p.m. The trial of the Anarchists at Madrid has been concluded. The journalist Nakens who assisted Moral to leave Madrid, and two others have been sentenced to nine years' imprisonment. The rest were acquitted.
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    • 28 4 London, June 13, 4-5 P ni Eighty more Municipalities (m France) resigned yesterday evening. London, June 13, 4.25 p.m. Prince Fushimi has visited Niagara Falls.
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    • 60 4 L REPATRIATION OF THE CHINESE. London, June 13, 7.30 p. m. A telegram from Pretoria states that General Botha will announce to-morrow, his decision not to re-enact labour ordinance and repatriate the Chinese imme diately on the expiry of their contracts. General Botha is very
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    • 57 4 London, June 13, 7-30 p. m. A telegram from Cape Town states that Mecallum has sailed homewards. It transpires that his services are so very much appreciated m Natal both by the present and previous ministers that they have asked the Imperial Government to extend his Governorship.
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    • 23 4 LOYALISTS IN HOT PURSUIT. London, June 13, 7.30 p.m. Salar-cd-Dowleh has fled towards Mendeli. The loyalists are m hot pursuit.
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    • 323 4  -  C. M. Gazette ACCUSED SEVERELY SENTENCED. Judgment was passed on the nth May. io theCourt of District Magistrate of Attock, m the case Crown versus Swami Dyal, on a charge under Section 505, Indian Penal Code, of having circulated false reports, with intent to cause
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    • 44 4 The Wine-growers' Agitation in France. London, June 13, 9.35 a.m. The agitation amongst the winegrowers has reached a most serious crisis. Fifty Municipalities have now resigned. The Infantry at Montpellier hissed at the command to suppress the disorders, and mutiny reigned m the Barracks.
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    • 58 4 London, June 13, 9 35 a.m. A telegram from Washington states that Secretary Root has positively refused to make a statement on the Japanese situation. His refusal is based solely on his unwillingness to notice alarmist rumours. Secretary Taft interviewed at Milwaukee, said You rest
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    • 44 4 London, June 13, 9.35 a.m. Petersburg officially corrects the statement that the Ttarhai approved of a proposal to grant a railway concession to the Behring Straits, the fact berne that the Tsar ratified the Cabinet's refusal to grant the concession.
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    • 32 4 Lohdon, June 13, 9.35 a m. Lord Tweedmouth, First f-ord of the Admiralty last night gave a banquet m honor of the Japanese Naval Officers now m England.
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    • 26 4 London, June 13, 9.35 a. m. General I'lyaninc Director of the Central Asian Railway has been murdered at Askabad The murderer has escaped.
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    • 18 4 London, June 13, y.35 p.m. Admiral Yamamoto started for Kiel and will inspect the dockyards there.
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    • 39 4 London, June 13, 11.50 a.m. According to Reuter's Teheran correspondent there has been an extraordinary sitting of Parliament with closed doors, and it is stated that much misunderstanding between the Cabinet and Parliament has been removed.
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    • 44 4 London, June 13, 11.50 a.m. There has been a brilliant review at Aldershot at which King Edward and Queen Alexandra, and the King and Queen of Denmark were present. The spectacle was an imposing one but it was marred by rain.
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    • 37 4 London, June 13, 11.50 a.m. The South African team beat Middlesex by 278 runs and Sussex beat Derbyshire by 8. The Matches between Yorkshire and Surrey, Warwickshire and Lancashire, Gloucestershire and Northamptonshire, have been abandoned.
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    • 32 4 London, June 13, 11.50 a.m. The Rutland Election for replacing the late Mr. G. H. Finch resulted as follows votes. Mr. John Gretto-i, Conservative 2213 Mr. L}on, Liberal 1362
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    • 358 4 ••GEN rLEMAN TOMS' MANY ADVENTURES. After twenty-six years' exciting service at Scotland Yard Detective-Serge-ant Thomas Gregory, known as Gentleman Tom," has just retired on a full pension. In his time Gregory arrested many notorious criminals. He captured a gang who were known as the ''Cabinet of Crime,"
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  • 919 4 BY JULIAN HAWTHORNE. It is of the charm and beauty of the country that I wished to speak. Where there are m India native people and native building, there we find picturesqueness or beauty or both*. The costumes of the Hindoos and Mohamadans are comfortable
    Light of Asia  -  919 words
  • 169 4 SEEDS AND PLANTS FROM THE STRAITS. Thursday Island, May 13th. Mr. Staniforth Smith, the Director of Agriculture of Papua, arrived here yesterday, after a successful trip to the Straits and Java, to obtain economic seeds and plants for Papua and to arrange for future consignments. He brougln
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  • 417 4 MAN' S GIRLHOOD. REMARKABLE STORY OF A MISTAKE IN SEX. Brought up as a girl, and believing that he was really of the gentler sex, a young German, who has just come to himself," has a remarkable story to tell. When he was born m Berlin on Whit Sunday, 1884,
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  • 330 4 Ihe Government of Indian says the Pioneer have handed over to Raja Chura Chand Singh Y|iling powers m the State of Manipur. \Thus a period of tutelage which has lasted for sixteen years comes to an end. and there is every reason to hope that the young
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  • 162 4 POLICE ORDER A LADY TO REMOVE IT. Treason lurks m curious corners— if a Continental police official is looking for a case. Fraulein Ilollda, the daughter of the local magistrate of Gross-Buttyn, a Roumanian town m Hungary, was arrested m London for wearing a yellow-and-red striped silk skirt.
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  • 84 4 The Pioneer understands it is settled that the Viceroy of India will pay a visit to the Nizam before going to Burma this autumn. His Excellency will probably arrive m Hyderabad early m November and immediatly after completing his visit will make his to a port on the East coast
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  • 1055 4 THE BIRTH OF THE HEIR TO THE SPANISH THRONE. (The following accoi it of the birth of the Heir to the Spanish Throne is from a lady who was m the Palace on the eventful day.] Madrid, May io. My Dear,— After what has seemed like
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  • 112 4 August Marchaut, 57, living m Vctquin (France), has died through being washed. He and his house were m so filthy a condition that the parish doctor o/dered him a bath. The man sobbed 1/rtterly: "I ha, ye never had such a th'ng m my life, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 Cfarke^j Just landed ex S q tT^^nß Horses and Po Dies m p erfe '^1 tion specially and p orsona C hl by C Zimmerman f Or '^i market. he ■>M 'NSPECT.ON NV)TED I VICTORIAS, BR rj BUGGiES Gll i .DOGCARTS, RALEIGH J ETC. ETC. SINGLE HCRSE, PAIR HO3SE, ir
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  • 441 5 I hfrf* \\c at mm I CS&& ,ih.dcu. m% < head remain I C :,U. Ib]e1 b]e cootiI ht h^ man. I -harped by the fhc constable <d hat be«M at Inane >';;' He accidentally HL POLICE n gaboui China fane* bent ke a market .bunda.ee and &at
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  • 206 5 We are glad to find that the authorities m East Bengal are not going to -how any quarter to those who want only to break the King's peace. We learn by wire that Moulvi Faiz-ud-din Howcin, Deputy Magistrate of Jamalpur, sentenced yesterday two mote i inters to
    Tribune  -  206 words
  • 390 5 PEOPLE PAY TO HEAR MR. SHAW ON RELIGION. Mr. G. Bernard Shaw unburdened bis mind on the subject of the "New Theology at the Kensington town hall. At the end of an hour and a half of talk one gathered that Mr. Shaw's conception ot the Supreme
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  • 175 5 Singapore, ioih June 1907. Beans, Long per catty 5 do. French do. 1 2 Beef per lb. 18 Heef Steak do. 24 Sprouts per catty 5 Bamboo Sprouts do. 3 rilachan do. 1 o Brinjals do. 4 Cabbage, Batavia do. nil do., China do. 1 do., Salted
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  • 415 5 'II 1 i Subecbed j *»ue Paid R JiTy.t v l_ Share* jValuejuptoj XCBervt Company Quotation* pmru 1 Ipricj GOLD. «wJ 75 .000 „40,00,, j1^00'5,,,,, $1 Ber B awal,G.M.Co..Ud. i-.500.000 J} 0 j;° K. dan aA^:fe L noniiMl 640 unissued i looo 19M £30>00 6 1^» j
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  • 412 5 Singapore, 6th Jane, 1!K)7. On London. Bank j m s j.4 j/g i Demand 2.4 1/16 Private 6 m 2.4^ y do. 3 m .s j On Germany.— Bank d d 2.yj Private ]U« 2.45J do 6 m s -J-47 1 On France. -Bank d d 2.94" Private 3ms
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 I GERVIS XAVIER CO., LIMITED. J T s:e S:S^ i::b^ :et t S r te p edicineS Pllot <>^phic Chemical Pa«S an d 1 ff» m U^s IL^ HE I^UKD VERY SHORTLY, 1 STRfITHMIItU WHISKY. VELAVAN COY., ©5, i^oßiisrsoisr :r,clajd. COMMISSION, FORWARDING 8c GENERAL SUPPLY AGENTS. Importers of Fodder, Cocoa
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  • 1381 6 Nobody has a greater sympathy vyith the gentleman adventurer than Mr. Richard Harding Davis, and m Real Soldiers of Fortune" (Heinemann. 65.) we have §ix admirable portraits from reaJ life. First of them is Major-General Henry Ronald Douglas Maclvtri, ensign m the Indian Mutiny, lieutenant under Garibaldi m
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  • 273 6 TEAM OF SIX MAY HE SBEN IN HIE STRAND. flAttbe ReffentVparkCart Horse I arade. one of the attractions was the presence of America's most bemedalled team. This is Mr. fjfcden Armour's six-horse team, which was brought over primarily tor the International Horse show at Olympic m June, but
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  • 167 6 Mr. JL Sut.iMLRA, special COmmoon. .lent ot the Tokyo Asalu m Undo un.es anent the visit of Prince Fush.n, I o a Japanese observer, the most striking features m the reception of Prince r Itthiuj have been Uieenthusiasm shown tU t 'T. ll l e decoia tions of the Miects
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 725 6 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICAtTonT Render will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 17th June, 1907, for the (1). Erection of the Main Block and Outoffices, New Maternity Hospital. (2). Supplying and fixing the necessary steel girders and expanded metal m connection with above. i Plans
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    • 687 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. capital $io,ooo,<xx KLStRVE FUND:— bterling Reserve $10,000,000 I ooouOC Silver Reserve $11,000 000 wl OUU OOt Keserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000, CXX Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr W.J.Gresson-Deputy-Chairmarv S*-< l^h, Esq. D M Nissim Esq. etz, Esq, A j. Kaymond,
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    • 277 6 I FOR SALE. FOR SALE PRIVATELY. j (~)nc American built nrtJi U Wgh dog cart, one black tyned harrnessTcompiete mare with O m n a e re? co^ le E r r d I ?nTwlytin q t U Jd n in g d —hi For further particulars apply t0 G.
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    • 200 6 Month Py I Months 1 J onth 3 Mont| ls '>mh 5 1 Uar """HT.u. thr 'cc weekly gH| °*i.'oo. 2 rjco »*t,, Marr a Be, Birth on,. fr insertion Advanci. Manager, Lis t of Depots 11 Astern Dan, Ma y be obtain AWullah, S A,C^ t Messrs Ghee boon
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