Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 10 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 2567 1 SINGAPORE ("London and China Kxprcss.") Fherc arc plenty of people at the tscnt time who would persuade you it there is M something rotten in the ite of Denmark," if for that country j would substitute the port ofSingare. Without admitting the truth ot it impeachment, the
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  • 585 1 Clued By DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Pku.mimni Chinese Scholar Mi kchant Records His Own Astonishing Restoration To Health, and Tin n Relates How The Famous Pill* Also Cured a Lady Relative Ol Headaches and Other Ailments. Mr. Khoo Siok Wan is one of the mo:»t highly educated
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 people Jir aiis. gooD jyjiiiJn Uica II Spring ne Nocen water is an ig" ~jKH excellent drinking-water it is j digestive, easily assimilated, i U| and very useful in cases hS o! catarrh in the urinal :^m organs. F SCHIVARW. I (^M atj iteooo oigcstion ?7i SIXGAP©RE. I tWELLERV AND
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    • 238 1 Howarth Erskine Epgipeers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I i j Telephone Telegrams EESKINE I ITfre Cply CDQ Ros^opf I Genaipe /■> Patent. I s 8 =4 1 IWEIUU ZERNER, Jo%££^ WEIUU <& ZERfiER, I SINGAPORE. yZj ii ySf SINGAPORE. W v < moiT/ nTJTM C*f\ a* general storekeepers and j
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    • 10 1 Ule Guaranty the earnest Circulation of anp paper in Singapore.
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  • 430 2 Ciaiioi^ Qudot tud Barritoo arrived from the F.M.S. by the steamer Penang, on Saturday. 1 Ht Rev. and Mrs. A. Amery return ed on Saturday from Taiping, arriving from Port Swettenham by the Penang. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Shellabear and two daughters arrived from Hongkong J on Friday by
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  • 1218 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY. 10TH JUNE. MATTERS BEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. I he items of discourse before the Legislative Council at its last sitting were various and interesting. We will briefly summarize them here with our own comments on the most important points of public interest.
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  • 56 2 1'iie Commission ajj vestigate the "P^ Artliui d and many '«*j is found that Gea, a*" dcdthe fortrea; in»"J and that lie capitu without du< he defend death £*JJ being shot and decided to In the hands of* the result ot the tra-, Gene: have forfeite dered fit
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  • 51 2 1 he Salvat the last ofa which have t^PS J] lnril iSai M been one ojjj* and there they w> I for service; jo,* telegram UJ -General fej^j given, them gf** d they ss* mc-^e »e|J| enthusiast" in .Ui«" h* d >jl in Osaka had Son had co*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 279 2 JOHN IIITTIIE CO. LTD. ANDREW USHER ee.'S CELEBRATED BOTOL HIT AM WHISKY. BOTTLED BY US IN SINGAPORE I Its popularity increases as a result of its beinq known on the Market for years as A SOUND WHISKY I AT A MODERATE PRICE. |j^JEJJmON*HOTEL.j Ihe finest Austrian Suing Band ol jo
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    • 251 2 I Swallow Jlriells (JhdA I CELEBRATED flUSTßfllilflfl CfIKES. In 1 Ib, Tins. Fruit Plain (Madeira) Seed Ginger mfa Q ±Sm 60 Sultana; 'Cherry Ripe" gc Boomerang Cakes, Small lea Cakes, Iced or Plain 45 The Ginger Cake is plain cake studded with Preserved Ginger. I The "Cherry Ripe" Cake is
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    • 123 2 »iwifc in ainuarutft. Cfre Parsi JHfr^d theatrical Companu OF BOMBAY will perform for a short season only, at their socially built spacious Theatre AT BEACH ROAD. To-night To-night "RAJAH GOPICHAND PRICES OF ADMISSION. Cushion Sofa 3 seats 7 do 1 do First Class "I 2 5° Second,, 2 oc Third
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    • 277 2 AUCTION SALE. Wednesday 12th June igo-j at 2.J0 p.m. 1. Twenty freehold building allotments, situate in the district of siglap. Total area 40,000 sq. ft. 2. Two freehold building allotments situate at Gaylang Road, Total area 5,085 sq. ft., 3. 99 Years Leasehold land and house known as No. 89,
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  • 5 3 ?5 a.m. rtly to
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  • 5 3 fIN COMMANDami >P hed
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  • 3 3 1 1
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  • 5 3 u m from information
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  • 11 3 Contributions from South Africa. Uob.J: ITI E I r 1 r
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  • 3 3 L
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  • 19 3 i Mr. I r •ne 30 1 r [y Md exploded." The %to Mr. leva's calculattlgul' ever 1
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  • 21 3 rupicd the 3 I been de Mr.W J. In the *FeW i" 8 heard aa^ and *cided for the-
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  • 28 3 si S«4 the *te im- »w amount of m the game ai J *B with aV^W te *2E! n devote i 1.1/ Uw young Stf!**"* the
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  • 59 3 London, June 9, 9.30 a.m. semi-official note issued from Paris states that the statement made that France has offered its offices to merica i? incorrect. Nothing indicates the relations between Japan and the ,ittd States necessitated good offices, is true that there is the most friendly parleying
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  • 106 3 Japan's Relations With America. KRANCE OFFERS ITS GOOD OFFICES. London, June 8, 4.40 p.m. A cablegram from Washington states that France has offered its good offices to promote a stable understanding ben America and Japan. The State Department is doubtful regarding the ssiblity of putting the offer to any ical
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  • 35 3 RECORD PRICE FOR JULY. London, Jhne 8, 4.40 p.m. An English Syndicate is placing the tSC c hundred thousand cotton. The report has caused 1 tor July to be record ones.
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  • 253 3 Ihe report tor the half-year ended Dec ]i «tate> that the gross receipts j ed to ,£296,394. against (17, too for the corresponding halfveai 1905. The working expenses, g 1-.555 for maintenance of absorb ,£i39.549, against £135.5971 leaving a balance of From this
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  • 358 3 l»r Nansen, lecturing at the Theatre, Builington Gardens, on April 29, under the auspices of the Royal Geographical ety, on "North Polar Problems," I —The deep North Polar basin formed the northern termination of a -erie> of depressions of the earth's cru- 1 extending north through the
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  • 35 3 The King and Queen of Denmark have accepted the invitation of the City corporation to receive an address of welcome in a gold box, and to take luncheon with the Corporation in the Ciuildhall to-day.
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  • 351 3 THEATRE PACKED' FROM THE CEILING TO THE FLOOR. The Parsi Alfred Theatrical Company has made an exceptionally auspicious beginning last Saturday. 6n the very opening night of its performance the Theatre was literally packed from the floor to the ceiling I here was not a
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  • 70 3 The Jubile-Hall was crowded to its intirety on Saturday night in spite of :he opening for the first time in Singa pore of the Parsi Alfred Theatrical L,oy. The programme was a long one and some of the items were decidedly a;ood and steady. The fourth seventh ninth
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  • 202 3 Ihe attention ol our readers among the members of the Subordinate Government Service in the Straits and F. M. S. is drawn to the advertisement of the above school appearing in our columns to-day. We are sure that this school will supply a long felt want.
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  • 153 3 The King ol Siam, writes a Rome correspondent, is sojourning at Turin, which city he has chosen for a visit because of his enthusiastic devotion to automobilism. When visiting a number of motor factories in company with the Duke of Genoa, his Majesty remarked that he
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  • 168 3 Mr. Churchhill at question time, on ictb May, made an attack on the Daily Mail which caused some sensati«h. He was asked by Mr. Lehmann whether he could confirm or deny the statement that at the Imperial Conference an incident occurred which caused Sir Robert Bond to leave
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  • 44 3 Ordrs have been received at portsmouth and Devonport dockyards, that when the Belleropken and Tefneratre battleship of the Dreadnought type), now building in those establishments, are launched in July or August next, the keel plates of two more Dreadnoughts are to be laid down.
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  • 712 3 ANNUAL ATHLETIC SPORTS. On Saturday, the pupils of the Raffles Institution held their annual sports meeting. The starters were Mr C. M. Phillips and Mr. M. B. Brock well. I The judges, Mr. R. J. Bartlett and I Mr. D. A. Bishop. r. The Clerks of Course, Mr.
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  • 119 3 The announcement of the matrimonial engagement of Mr. Raymond Asquith, Barrister, the eldest son of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is also a Barrister, has drawn attention to the close parallel of the University career of father and son. The father won a scholarship
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  • 71 3 Signor Caruso has been engaged by Mr. Conried, Director of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York the engagement to continue until June !o 191 1, a salary of a million francs (^40,000) a year. Signer Caruso's solicitor says that the famous tenor still protests his innocence with regard to the
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  • 57 3 Eldon Mr Loke Yew has gone home with several big schemes in view, among which the flotation of an important company may possibly be one. His greatest scheme of all is one from which he will receive no personal benefit but which will necessitate his spending a vesy large sum
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  • 1051 3 QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT. HONG-KONG MAIL SERVICE. (May 14th.) Mr. Ho't asked the Post- f master-General whether his attention d had been called to the unsatisfactory v character of the French mail service d between this country and Hong-Kong and, having regard to the fact that W letters for Hong- Kong
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 I Clarke Co.] [IS®^ 207. Queen Str*et.\ 1 Just landed ex S, S. Fortunatus 22 I Horses and Ponies in Perfect Condi- tion specially and personally selected I by C. Zimmermann for the local market. %m* INSPECTION INVITED. Telephone No. g/6. VICTORIAS, BROUGHAMS, i BUGGIES, i DOG CARTS, RALEIGH CARTS,
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  • 675 4 MODEKN MEDICAL TREATMENT WHICH REPLACES DRUGS. MY UK. M. 11. KIDDi.I A great number of everyday little illnesses, and for that mailer many important ones, have their remedy or antidote always at hand. And it is a pity that the efficacy of that remedy is not more generally
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  • 260 4 1 1( e Louvre Museum in Paris ha* just added some two dozen paintings and sculptures of the greatest interest to the small sectipn devoted to Far Eastern objects of art. founded some eight years since. M. Gaston Migcon, on < S^i l Louvre, was commit
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  • 100 4 an Madam" news of whose de«h announced, was the pen name ol the Rev. John Watson, D. Da I resbytenan iivine who was for many years minister of the Scfton Park Church L.verpoo. I i s fust sk tches. "beside the Bonnie Brier Bush," which appeal Weekli*' 2*2T
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 762 4 TRfIDES, PROFESSIOfIs7>] Carbide of Calcium, horse amtP^^ j STRAITS CYCLE CATTLfjnnn^ AND MOTOR CO., JSSiSMSX^gSi, more than co o/o if ,1, l""»du« BATTERY ROAD, ka.tiesa da^, r 0 ley b£ l o,i y c you may bring them up V*, M( SINGAPORE. tfSffjfStt^C.^ 'V^ 07 Guns and rfflM at nearly
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1276 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-war. Flag and Tons. Master Arrived. From For When Lying Sea Belle F. M. S. yet 48 Nacodah Feb 5 P. Swettenliam P Swet'ham U K H McClellan Am. tra., 1870 Arnold Jan 12 Manila Manila Wharf Wright US tra 364 Hamilton May 17 Manila
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  • 922 5 and Coy. were Michell, the M' ,H>n-c to *umc'T .-.*> r c „f ihicf < Xe C t kfndOW .n liquor ■Vim Kin and Coy.--k-rf- 5 iU. 10 explain plain why they fti Perkins appeared 1 1 I. irifortlK' Crown ass id Mod. vcr. his he was anxious
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  • 150 5 CR< >Wl) 1,000 STRONG PELT POLICE WITH BOTTLES. The police were almost powerless in the face of such savagery and unexampled violence," said the proscutting solicitor at Clerkenwell Police Court describing a riot at Penton-street, Pentonville, when a hostile crowd a->aulted constables who had effected an arrest. The
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  • 166 5 Because certain young men from a neighbouring house climbed over her garden wall'to court her servants, a lady appealed to the North London Magistrate for advice. The lovers took no notice of her remonstrances, she said. Mr. Fordham regretted his inability to do anything. But I must have
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  • 656 5 jS£ Capital. Sabecbed. of issue Paid o eservt r [I *«> Q o I Shares Value up to cservt Company > Quotations lpre.it I jpric GOLD. 1900 $,75,000 4 0,000 I 3.soo"iSS,ed i $I Bersa wah G. M. Co.. Ltd. ™0 £350,000 J%° Duff s.^^ (UelMI, 1901
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  • Commercial.
    • 133 5 On London.- Bank a ni I 2.4 3/8 Demand 2.4 1/16 Private 6ms 2.4^ do. 3ms 2. 44 On Germa ny.— Bank d d 2.39 Private 3ms 2.454 do 6ms 2-4/2 On France. Bank d d 2.94 Private 3ms 3. 034 do 6ms 3.06 On India. -Bank T. I\
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    • 294 5 Copra Klantau 10.65 do Mixed «o.| do Bali 10.05 do Timor ,,10.60 do Pontianak 9-75 do Pasir n.90 do Billiton h «°45 do Pulo n '°-5° do Dongola 10.65 do Sankawang IO -45 Coffee, Bali 15 per cent, buyers 3 p/c. 18.00 do Palembang, 20 p/c. basis 22.50 do
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 391 5 4 GERVIS XAVIER CO., LIMITED. I I lOnCl Perfu^ery, Stationery, Boots and Shoes Hats (T W lars, I ,es, Spirits, Wines, Beers, Stouts, La mps and blast I 1 ware, Patent Medicines, Photographic Chemicals Papers an d T I F1 ™',l Oilet Requisites S P°^ es Soa P s Fanci
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  • 173 6 Ihe actual three hundredth an niversary of the date of the first permanent settlement of the English in Virginia fell on 13th inst., and Mr. Bryce made a happy speech at Jamestown at the celebration of this event. The ceremonies were held on the spot where the
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  • 185 6 An interesting story of a woman soldier is told by the usually dull official military journal foissk,, Invalid. A girl named Xenia Kritskaya, moved by intense patriotism, disguised herself as a man, and, leaving her native province of Podolia, journeyed to the Far East under
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  • 26 6 His> many friends here will be glad to hear that Mr. Berrington's Australian doctor takes a favourable view of his patient's ultimate restoration to good health.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 492 6 AUCTION NOTICES. AUCTION! SALE. Wednesday 12th June 1907 at 2.J0 p.m 1. Twelve freehold building allotments situate in the district of Siglap. total area 22,320 sq. ft. 2. Twenty freehold building allotments situate at the corner of Hollaed Road and Bukit Timah Road, Singapore opposite the Railway station. Total area
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    • 775 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 M1 qqo .jqo Silver Reserve $11,000 000/ ai OUU )UU Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq. d. m. Nissim Esq. E.
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    • 355 6 IB SALE, WANTED, &C. FOR SALE. piCTURE post cards of Straits Setn merits &c— Koh Co., c FOR SALE PRIVATELY (^ne American built mhk^ U high dog cart, one black^ t>red harness complete mare with 2. One rubber tyred Gig with ki mare (complete.) g black 3. One Palanquin in
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    • 221 6 Single r JV^, I Month P > I I J[ontl, s I 6 Months 1 1 car "Si 3 Months 1 Months 1 Vear For inch s drfli J- >nsertio n 8 *>| ror 1 ifj C u o. a bove he-i? thr.ee weekly. **1 f bove headij S, .nsertionsVk!^
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