Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 8 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 1153 1 BIRTH OF THE SPANISH PRINCE. PIClURfcSQUE ROYAL CEREMONIAL. Madrid is the happiest city in the world to-day. A son'and heir has been born to King Alfonso and Queen Victoria. -At 1.30 p.m. on Friday the joyous announcement was received in London from Reuter's correspondent at the palace The Queen of
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  • 527 1 POLICE INFORMER. /'iSi in Gold Found Beside a Starving Family. London, \2 May. By a triumph of persistency the police have now in custody a man charged with the theft of art treasures valued at about from the Park-lane mansion of Mr. Charles Wertheimer. At Marlborough-street Police
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  • 92 1 The news from Marukcsli, the houtlicrn capital, is very serious Ihe K;ihamna, the most important and I irgrst m the tribes who have thrown oil all to the Sultan, threaten to capture the city unless oil French residents are expelled befort the expiration of 14 <lays. and all the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 oapcr Cl)( B« st |drcr tisin*a m trails. i Lelica fl Spring P^ 5^ nc Nocera water is an Wb excellent drinking-water it is ,v 1 II digestive, easily assimilated, f the carb. IB HB aiiJ very useful in cases of catarrh in x the urinal ufehk- digestive k.,.,,., .s«I-*J
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    • 425 1 Howarth Erskine 1 Bi>sit>eers apd Contractors. j ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. I TfU&vmiS. Teleyrams "EESKIWE'I ITtye Cply ||jp RosHopf 1 B Gepaipe J-k Patent. I IWEIUb ZERNER, J^^f^ WEllili ZERNER, I I SINGAPORE. v^f SI GAPORE. rnniir /"^LJTW «°/^k general storekeepers and 1 CiIJV V^rlliM \J\J. COMMISSION AGENTS. 25 27, HTTO-EC T_O"W
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    • 11 1 We 6uarankc tbe Cargest Circulation of anp paper In Singapore, f
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  • 1260 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY. 8TH JUNE. MEDICINE IS A GREAT HUMBUG! Professor Magendic, the great French Physician, Principal oi the Allopathic College of Paris says I "Medicine is a great humbug! I know it is calleda science— science indeed It is nothing like science. Doctors are
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  • 269 2 Minister Shum has suggested to the Throne the opening of the Island of Hainan to international trade The rat return for the year 1906. j showed that in Hongkong "and Kowloon there were 30,701 rats killed, and of these 679 were found to be infected. •The British India Steamship Company
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  • 31 2 ycsterdV lh IS! Captain r d Jl^o^Sa ",1907:^ *<rO Glrl School »i h!s a vsl a»iS •ViS gfl lllat *e aided^% fl*' schools. d01 Propo se ,J'r secondary clal
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  • 17 2 Ihe Royal CinenTa^ know the standard of Ci grames,uearesurerC w«H greet the new propj
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  • 53 2 J he attention of our mfca to our advertisement cob above show, (which advt-j, tne-bye, is inserted upside Ai "special request "uhiwi seen that there ist beij entire change of propajj It will also be noted tb«3 Malay Theatrical Conpayi leaving us shortly, indaciti there will only be
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  • 96 2 OPENING NIGH. Tonight, the Pairs Alfred H Company, is to appear: rfci before the Singapore playgM| and we hope a bumper boat be to greet them. I'heQn anticipated only a two art at Rangoon, but the croid they drew at that place to to night
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  • 84 2 1 10W A PARALYSE^ REGAINED HER H&. I he neighbourhood 01 Jfi* concerned with wlia: tl* >erm a modern nervous denwgo** jj became paralysed, a;jdw«» her were unavailing One night in a drew* lhitsheiawaitf*.*fl a monk's habit tora«j* so,andonthenv C nt.ei^ ered the use others. Giovanni, the
    84 words
  • 41 2 nc of the mo^ l^ .pen(lingahoncy^l by Mr. and married coupk ham. eI tW "f AH last t Eastern Counf^H Bft., and at last f W wheeled home > inter. t°u ,0 the own" <*™--* ,ere W»«*Ljs*| think* for tliat rea-i-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 [JOHN IiITTUE CO. LTD. I ANDREW USHER e©/S CELEBRATED BOTOL HITAM WHISKY. t BOTTLED BY US IN SINGAPORE Its popularity increases as a result of its being I I known on the Market for years as I A SOUND WHISKY I AT A MODERATE PRieE. JJMM'JnWeI.J Ihe rtii--t Austrian String
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    • 247 2 Swallow Jtrieir* (£td.) CELEBRATED flUSTßfllilflfl CfIKES. In 1 Ib. Tins. Fruit Plain (Madeira) Seed Ginger pc r tin Q t S. 60 Sultana; "Cherry Ripe" 35 Boomerang" Cakes, Small Tea Cakes, Iced or Plain 45 The Ginger Cake is plain cake studded with Preserved Ginger. The ''Cherry Ripe" Cake is
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    • 115 2 CDe Parsi fllfred XDeatrical Comoanp OF BOMBAY WILL GIVL IHLIR FIRST REPRESENTATION At their specially built spacious Theatre at Peach Road in CHANDRAVALI PRICES OF ADMISSION. Cushion Sofa 3 seats S7 -o do 1 do Vzl First Class Second M Third uo F f o o r ZENANA 6 r
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    • 52 2 COVERNMEMT NOTIFICATIOH. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to the Ist August 1907, for the performance of the Postal Mail Coach Service, Singapore, for a period of 3 years from Ist January, 1908. Particulars may be obtained on application at the General Post Office. Siugapore, 6th
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, Bth High Water 9-9 am 9-6 pm Annual Athletic Sports Raffles Institution Friend-in-Need Society At-Home Niven Road 7-30 pm Royal Cinematograph 7-30 9-30 pm Japanese Cinematograph 7-30 9-30 pm Wayang Kassim 9 pm The Parsi Alfred Theatrical Co TO-MORROW, 9 th High Water 9-59 am, 9-41 pm
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  • 10 3 ofthe^tte ftwr and 5 have bCtti placed I -r'
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  • 43 3 KISJ T*S the British C« ver -idrred the 5? which uh the ountrys in compatible w.th aftSs-trs and manu- -ihle he >a'di f° r S^Vs .^-.ble moment, or, L'states preler to gj ttin by a supplc/^li^theoblipt.ono provision, thi* win Jhdra.al unneces-
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  • 26 3 London. June;. ..-45 P- m Government has sent te to Servia in which r c peedy wilh- u bandits from Mace- in. 1
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  • 43 3 fuae 4. ic 45 am Li?bon aunounce Julntion of the Portuguese Maciopaiity decreed ha> been gj tv a Cwnoission under the fcj of a peer of the realm.. is corrected with the political some quarters, has icsr.Dec a» dynastic
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  • 30 3 10 LOSS OF LIFE. London, June '1.40 p.m. lertructivc cyclone at I able damage to reamer? were driven •of lite. It is impossi:n>t': estimate the damage.
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  • 55 3 Jsoc f .40 p.m Bond wa> entertained by the Wian Club. He described that mwu pven to Newfoundland Imperial Government was the principle of auto- He formed that the repitition Govcnmem's action of 1906 *wst humiliating to the Colony "H Wto total disregard
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  • 30 3 Th e Indian Budget. ■ttMBERSFOR INDIAN COUNCIL -'Indian Budget in the \^T Sir John Morle 3 of the Indiar the seditior 8 >he agitator.. 01 unr «stw a ulked out.
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  • 84 3 TLS' US BARGES S1R GE °RGE 3^^biic f p raudhave fc late K ?l Seni r 001^ r* bank,n K firm Vl l l! ealle S a tion S 1>« i B al,n P. respecting a >*as reuiv K 0 l he contract •I>*er t n t0
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  • 555 3 Before Mr. Justice Fisher yesterday in the Bankruptcy Court the matter of H. Fait was called up and it was mentioned that the case had been settled by agreement. The case of A. G. Hoosain Q>. was again before Mr. Justice Fisher and it was agreed th^.t it
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  • 143 3 PLUCKY DRIVER SHOT DEAD BY BANDITS. Some fifteen miles distant from Butte, in the American State of Montana, five mounted highwaymen stopped a Northern Pacific express by swaying a red lamp. They made a dash for a car containing a large amount of currency, but the enginedriver,
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  • 264 3 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. D. Beatty to act temporarily ns Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants, Penang, in addition to his duties as Acting Assistant Protector of Chinese, Penang, with effect from the 30th May, 1907. His Excellency the Governor with the
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  • 1917 3 Dishonest Bill Collector. Chua Oh Jee, is a bill-collector in the employ of Messrs. Ankersmit Cov On the 4 th of May, he is alleged to have collected a sum of $75 60 on CC !E. nt f his cm P 1 oyers, but this sum he did
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  • 179 3 BRITAIN'S LARGEST LINER ON HER MAIDEN VOYAGE. The White Star Company's new steamer Adriatic, which sailed from Liverpool last month on her maiden voyage to New York, is Britain's largest and most luxurious liner. The accommodation on this floating palace is such as might be sought for
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  • 1086 3 What has become of X. Y. Z. of the E. D. M." and his Thts and That was the 4 question which I overheard asked over 5 slengahs lately. I hope my quiet smiles 4 over the enquiry did not betray me. J Well, here am I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 [Clarke Co?; JS^* 207. Queen Street. jj L5 Just landed ex S, S. Fortunatus 22 i Horses and Ponies in Perfect Condi- f tion specially and personally selected d f by C. Zimmermann for the local i market. i Vm~ INSPECTION INVITED. i Telephone No. yi6. r VICTORIAS, BROUGHAMS, J
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  • 460 4 BOXER PALMER COMMITTED. PUGILIST COLLAPSES ON BEING SENT FOR TRIAL ON MURDER CHARGE. There was a strange commotion in Croydon Police Court when the magistrate committed Pedlar," Palmer for trial on the charge of murdering Robert Choat, the Deptford gaawprker, who died in a race train after receiving several blows
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  • 477 4 PICTURESQUE SCENES It if not often that such an interesting and picturesque wedding takeI place in Kooe as that which was -olemnised yesterday afternoon at the Catholic Church, Naka-machi, says the japan hronnh ot Mav 1 he contracting parties were Lieutenant Hugh Justin 1 weedie, ot
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  • 72 4 After d.nmg with some friends at Mh Ft, r D tllleUl f rmer F ™ch 2lnS r\ nce and a mcmber of lie Chamber of Deputies, entered a lift to descend to the ground floor 'ardly had the door been shut when the lift lost its
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 314 4 TRfIDES, PHOFESSIOjjsTT^ Carbide of Calcium. STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. 10-4-07 U C GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE COMPANY5-/ Beach V j Sole Road Jmg£ Agents (nexUo f^^J 0/ Raffles "Ariel" Hotel. f Cycles. Dealers in Gasolene Lamps, Bicycles, Motor Cycles, Accessories &c. &c. Motor Cycles &c repaired. 44
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    • 358 4 HORSE AMD CATTLE FQnn more than 50 0/0 if they get P o kattiesa day, from 2 bottl cs you may bring them up to 20 b a day, per picul 52.50, bags abom picul and 80 catties. 8 U1 Guns and rifles at nearly cost p If your want
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    • 224 4 1 fngof r( l\i\ J oduce M >n| y 2 M^ I ■ilk, tRc HA.\ r >ottles I t one 1 1 get to k r v the NE GRI S S><? finest W ATER S^ omba O* j ohik d 7N nv^er '/j, p aui SIU )lcase Dea 'ersin
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1307 4 2 wt^ v *v. SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-war. Flag and Tons Master Arrived From For When LyiSg' Sea Belle F. M. S. yet 48 Xacodah Feb 5 P. Swettenham P Swet'ham I K H a cw Govt 5 Murphy May 27 P Swet'ham U Roads McClellan Am. tra.,
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  • 128 5 i MS 1S 35? 'V imt.nc to the A*/ 00 I made W** a** ,1 that it meaut ■f tad- 1 Nut is fi*** Us^cr disV;et.red I Jl? ,/8o,ooo) in cash list it trough racecourse over KL An od li!l t.^ l! ever) track, ai.i |lf* "land to' gl**T
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  • 147 5 iKLES AN HOUR em cerse: The pii the g monoq high-speed travell<r tj and seventy D :he highest express jtest trains try, but t to the tram of the future will icur, and p ocai Louis Brennan, C.8., *r o: torpedo ind whirr nau 1 1
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  • 10 5 Si? b > Mr. of 1 1 Smwjtl '"^S
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  • 913 5 ELLEN TERRY'S MARRIAGE. AMUSING COLLOQUY. The Bride Laughingly Asks Must I Tell My Age w Though still Mis* Ellen Terry— as must ever professionally remain —the celebrated actress is now Mrs. James Carew, wife of a young actor and leading man in her company. The secret of her third marriage
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  • 635 5 JS Capital. SubtcbcA I Tf '""e I *«<» r 1 Ft 7^ Q o J pf Share* Value: up to xeBervt Company Quotations |pre»nt r r— I i I price GOLD. 1900 $.75,000 l9mm S.Soo'Sed j $I Ber.a wah G. M. Co. Ltd 1900^00,000 £350,000 J-Jf J
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  • Commercial.
    • 134 5 i I On London.— Hank a m s 2.4 3/ 8 Demand *-4 i/'6 Private 6ms 2.4$ do. 3ms 2.44 On Germany.— Bank d d 2.39 Private 3ms 2.454 do 6ms 2.47^ On France.— Bank d d 2-94 Private 3ms S°sk do 6ms 3.06 On India. -Bank T. T.
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    • 274 5 Copra Klantan *Io 6 5 do Mixed «o.| do Bali 10 -°5 do Timor 10.60 do Pontianak m 9-75 do Pasir 11 -9° do Billiton *t 10 -45 do Pulo 10.50 do Dongola 10 6 5 do Sankawang 10 -45 Coffee, Bali 15 per cent, buyers 3 p/c. M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 405 5 4 GERVIS XAVIER CO., LIMITED. I 1 dTpot TV" lnwMfM I X DEPOT. For Drugs, Chemicals, Crockery, Cutlery, Hosiery TT T I tionery Perfumery, Stationery, Boots and Shoes, Hats TT 9 lars, Ties, Spirits, Win-s, Beers, Stouts, Lamps and Gl»«" 1 1 -re, Patent Medicines, Photographic Chemicafs, Pa^ a n
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 99 5 CHURCH NOTICES. Second Sunday after Trtntty gth June S. Andrew's Cathedral.— Matins and Litany 7 a.m., Holy Communion (Choral) 7-45 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Classes 3 40 p.m., Evensong and Sermon 5-30 p.m. S. Matthew's, Sepo\ Lines.— Holy Communion 9-15 a.m., Foo Chow Service 11- 15 a.m., Sunday School
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  • 937 6 A GREAT SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. It is stated that the loss resulting from the devastation caused by rats in Great Britain alone exceeded ten million pounds annually. This sum was regarded by many as an exageration it has been shown by subsequent investigations that the figure quoted is
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  • 662 6 CONFESSES TO SCORES OF MURDERS. Tradk Union Leaders Charged with Bomb Assassination. As in the case of the Thaw drama, the opening stages of the great American murder trial, at Boise, in the Western State of Idaho, have been marked by great unwillingness on the part ofper-
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  • 82 6 All the gallant soldiers, rank-and-lile, who went through the siege of Ladysmith, will be interested in the marriage of Captain White, the son oi Sir George White, and Miss Moseley. If like father like son holds good in affairs matrimonial. Captain White's hancee is to be congratulated, for the famous
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 490 6 AUCTION NOTICES. AUCTION SALE. Wednesday 12th June igoj at 2.J0 p. in 1. Twelve freehold building allotments in the district of Siglap. total area 22,320 sq. ft. 2. Twenty freehold building allotments situate at thc corner of Holland Road and Bukit Timah Road, Singapore, opposite the Railway station. Total area
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    • 843 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. RAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 m qoo.iXX) Silver Reserve $11,000,000 UW| w Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, MedhurST, Ebq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson— Deputy-Churman. Bailech, Esq, d. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq. a
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    • 317 6 IR SALE, WANTED, &C FOR SALE. FOR SALE PRIVATELY 2 °z:tX^f Gig with bia^ For further particulars apply to C. A. FERNANDEZ (Jo., Auctioneers 22-5-07 u. c. prechold land and dwelling u r known as (Eugene Vi ll,^ USe Sirangoon Road abou T 2 00 %±*P" the Tramway For further
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    • 207 6 MontS Cop >' I J! otu hs I 3 Month, 6 Months »ear WlrtN T »ui. F ror 1 i hch Q **ik aa >ly msertion Hi thr 'ce weekly "-I 10l 1, j 0 •1.00. 3COD %h,j P« r insertion :r S in Adyan li Willh Mivt^ f to
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