Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 7 June 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 534 1 GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE MALAY TIN REGIONS. The Malay Peninsula consists of a central axis of rugged mountains with occasional subordinated parallel or diverging axes and isolated peaks. The whole region is covered by a jungle of tropical vegetation so dense that the roads and trails have to be hewn
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  • 255 1 Messrs. J. Russell Giant and Co., reporting on the Share Market, state The market for Malay Rubber shares is more active on investment demand and the volume of trade is increasing, and in many cases the prices are firmer, and the general outlook is very encouraging. Anglo-Malay, part-paid, are
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  • 132 1 The news regarding the shortness of American wheat will be welcomed by the wheat growers of the Punjab, whose produce ought this year to fetch record prices, says the Englishman." It will be many months yet before the forecast to the Indian wheat crop appear, but unless
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  • 618 1 THE TIN INDUSTRY. We (hi Tmlana) have alluded in previous issues to the possibilities of theje States coming forward as a fair rival t« the Federated Malay States among the tin producers of the world. The fact that the former produced 8,300 tons of tin last
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  • 294 1 1 am asked, writes Mr. Sporting Notions of the Referee, what is the greatest speed that has ever been attained, the shortest time in which a man has traversed a mile. I fancy few people would guess what was the speediest known conveyance until a
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  • 40 1 Woman and Tohacco. To the average woman the aroma of a gtxxl cigar is sv\cet as roses in a Persian garden, or sweeter, supposing that Eden were Adamlcss. What we women dont' like is the evil smell of bad tobacco.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 people C rc bcsi k^"""^ MAPFDJI 'WODDI6ESTION m mm 'Jm Howarth Erskine J S>^ ef~ PiP^ii Ep^ipeers apd Contractors. 1 Cni.S nn ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. nripl ica f 1 n Q W tjk Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKINE." < P* MpWHI water is an Z^~ VM excellent drinking-water it is ,lesio{< II
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    • 219 1 The gpiy J@i Ros^opf I X^j^ I Geiyuiiye Patent. I I WEIUU ZERNER, >P*^ WEIUU ZERNER, I J© 0* if3 I SINGAPORE. N^f SIiXiGAPORE. r PT7 ITIl Tl^ r rUIM i^/\ *z> GENERAL STOREKEEPERS AND A CiliV VyrlliM V^V/. COMMISSION AGENTS. S5 27, UTTOH "LO^AT STREET, IPOH F REDDA WAY
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee the Cargest Circulation or anp paper in Singapore.
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  • 883 2 The Eastern Daily Mail PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY. 7TH JUNE. THE OPIUM REVENUE. When the opium question was in an acute stage locally we gave utterance to views purporting to the matter of the consumption of opium. We stated then that the question of the opium business was dealt within
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  • 309 2 British Postal Orders are now on Office* HarbOUr Sub"Pos" M B {f" op W. F. Oldham I). D. ut the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mrs a p?ncs mVCd StCrday fr °m ShO l wi" u preach at Coleraan Street Church at the evening service on Sunday, next, 9th instant. Ti-LEGRAM.-The
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  • 411 2 On the strength of the successful flo tation of Timah, Limited, Mr. Ong Khoong Chan one of the original Yendot s of the property, has joined the ranks of the queueless brigade. We hear thru the Rev Mr Hurley has been cabled to forward i.ooolb of
    411 words
  • 399 2 Nobel P S the be L>CM 111 "^notbe J°^l H taken '™fo*w and <jJ^SI It i>*^ and botany i n 5 S Sta > here he h-" J scientific cbtrtT dld UtoT hc fellers hav[.> years S H?^ 5 his home, V s known in conn^^J In engineering an
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  • 59 2 Ihe German* «JJ Jn£>> fir" second. .."A***' tualt.-rmeiU, and workwoman*** fhc Spanish IpeJJ in a light and le^^J stance: o^ oU h^^ proclaim in the J Snlv to whisper w your own guard and never trust ifj j, i s onl >' e t heW<*» ••Women can
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 JOHN UITThE CO. LTD. si:isro-.A.ro:R.E. I ANDREW USHER e©/S CELEBRATED BOTOL HITAM WHISKY. BOTTLED BV US IN SINGAPORE. I Its popularity increases as a result off its being I known on the Market for years as A SOUND WHISKY I AT A MODERATE PRICE. I j THE UNION *HOTEL j
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    • 342 2 Swallow Jlriell's (£td.) CELEBRATED RUSTRflhlflfl CfIKES. In 1 Ibi Tins. Fruit; Plain (Madeira) S«cd; Ginger; per tin Cts. 60 Sultana; ''Cherry Ripe' 1 Q5 Boomerang Cakes, Small Tea Cakes, Iced or Plain M 45 rift The Ginger Cake is plain cake studded with Preserved Ginger. The "Cherry Ripe" Cake is
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    • 54 2 flptie Tully HAS Openeda $10,000 Hook on the Selangor July Meeting. I. Doubles on Planters' Cup and Trial Stakes. 11. Planters' Cup and Horse Handicaps. Treble Event (from 2000 to 50) on Planters' Cup and Trial Stakes and Horse Handicap. Also Straight out on all Events. Western Code Used. Telegraphic
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    • 132 2 NOTICE. Mr Artie Tully has left for Batavia. and authorizes Mr. F. Streeter to due over the Singapore May Meeting, 1907. Also to transact all business on the forthcoming Selangor Meeting. (Signed) A. W. Tully. 6-4-07. u.c. COMING EVENTS. TO-DAY, 7 th High Water 8-9 am 8-28 pm Legislative Council,
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    • 26 3 ff-,,,c House of jliee Vthe mwsure %*W for W $*X extravagant S^ !i that the 300»°2 SwW.oiwa rd U not wi«h to „-crvnnve cod
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  • 8 3 II 111. Paris TJZ the «Hk'°B
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  • 14 3 LTAiif"fIXTURE!' SDONED I^er^catL, j beat Sow ..-h re beat :^Mdlc^ and
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  • 31 3 IE DAY. Hilt ol the 1 t y L\V Bainfs Wool fi«r'sSlievcGaUioo 3 and !V,nI other member ut 1 were present at -ace tor the -am 44
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  • 32 3 SS F HIGH OFFICERS m. pi .> been created in j tion of Prince .i Court perenau, the Emperor's t Count Kuno the Berlin .elaclonged to a clique .due inlluer.ee with I
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  • 24 3 -1; p.m. linst i'iace Bert:: rtpagain-t too Slieve Gallion i ttijto whei; Orby challenged I wp.g order: vani, Earlston, I
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  • 13 3 -15 p.m. j have yone on bt?;. bopdessly divided. are resuming their
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  • 6 3 15**. shock
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  • 12 3 seMKp.nL iffer•■Snl 3 I,,e J arina is
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  • 10 3 lunn i 1 ■U lhelslh
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  • 12 3 Persia '3c pm. leheranat a force of ryandlnfantry >ld^ are alrca.-.y
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  • 855 3 A small youth entered a pawnshop in Gate.shead and placed a lryingpan on the counter. I hrup-pence on the pan, mister," tie demanded in a bin ill voice. The assistant picked up the pan to examine it; but quickly dropped it, exclaiming angrily: "Why, it is
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  • 79 3 By his will the late Sir Francis Tress Harry, Bart., formerly M.P. for Windsor and member of the great copper firm of Mason and Barry, disposed of an estate of the grose value of of which tlie net personalty has been sworn at ,£576,086. The testator
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  • 17 3 Nlanti... a^er, uhois £fo Mi „'T arr *ved in 1( HVs estate at *^W, llll"" i "ncof
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  • 1128 3 GYMKHANA. (From Malay Mail, June 4, 1907., to fiiPt£ mkhana intended presumably rn.nl l K ga P caused b y the Postponement of the June meeting, was held at the race course on Saturday, when an interesting programme was got through The weather until just before the
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  • 157 3 In days when a man is considered obsolete at sixty, one learns with amazement (says the "Westminster Gazette that the Rev. Thomas Lord the doyen of Congregational ministers, is still able to conduct divine service although recently he celebrated his 1 ooth birthday. This remarkable old gentleman,
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  • 156 3 Ihe Japanese officials who have so heartily welcomed General Booth to the Land of the Rising Sun might have shown the great missioner something in the way of faith-healing which would surprise him. If a Japanese have an ache or pain he goes humbly to the shrine
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  • 127 3 PRODIGIOUS The telegraph peon who delivered a message addressed Shael Perrar Percor, Colon, jo lo Mr. J. L. Perera, the well-know:) proctor, for whom the message was intended, was thought very smart; lut it must have been a cleverer man at the Telegraph office who delivered a message addressed as
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  • 369 3 Dr. Maurice de Fleury draws up, in the first March number of La Ravue, an intellectual dietary," which he commends to the attention of brain workers if they would preserve their health. He claims to have had a large experience in the treatment of nervous and arthritic
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  • 556 3 HARMSTON'S FAREWELL NIGHT. A RECORD HOUSE. Last night Harmston's closed their season here M. Hjs^ellenc y Sir John Anderson, mem nders n. and a large Govern! m f en, Hou A se Party, including Captain btockley A.D C.,lrf r. and Mrs.;Broadrick the Municipal President, and other wellknown local residents, witnessed
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  • 73 3 Captain Colbeek, the energetic adjutant of the S. V. C. is working up a Cricket and Football Club among the members of the S. V. A. the S. R. K (V) and the Maxim Sections. Thompson is to be the captain of the Cricket Club and Lieut. Lermit,
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  • 230 3 A few days ago it was notified that the Singapore Volunteer Artillery were to woik in one of the forts for the future and now no time has been lost in arranging for the volunteer gunners to learn the new weapon the}' will have
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  • 174 3 The many friends of Mr. Robert Cameron, who for forty-five years has been in the Johore Government Service, will be sorry to hear that he died at Muar on Wednesday morning from pneumonia. Mr. Cameron went to Johore to take up the post of superintendent
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 Clarke Co.: JS^* $07. Queen Street] J Just landed ex S, S. Fortunatus 22 Horses and Ponies in Perfect Condition specially and personally selected 0 by C. Zimmermann for the local 0 r market. i INSPECTION INVITED. x Telephone No. o/6. r J VICTORIAS, BROUGHAMS, BUGGIES, DOG CARTS, RALEIGH CARTS,
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  • 590 4 It seems indeed to be true that "life is a series of fermentations.' More than this, all our most Intimate and necessary vital processes arc now seen to depend upon fermentation. Absolutely the most fundamental process of all life is breathing, and there is definite rvidencc to prove the
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  • 323 4 1 1 hap- no Br:--h trial ever exciteil ::iorc public intei than that of the !>uchess of Kingston in April, 1776. Elizabeth Chudleigh. born in 1720, wa> 1 imous from her girlhood for her beautv ..ud wit. Before she was twenty she was
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  • 138 4 It ha-> never been tullv appreciated lhat the questaoa «>t the soldier's social •tattis is «>! paiamuunt importance in connection with the perennial problesx of securing him cniploytneut oa discharge. How long will it be, (or instance, before even the ex-sergeant or excolour sergeant is popularly
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 348 4 TRRDES, PROFESSIONS flOF^ carbide of Calcium. STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. 10-4-07 u c GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE COMPANY-§-i Beach V j Sole Road iSir Agents (nexUo ffW&k °f Raffles "Ariel" Hotel. Cycles. Dealers in Gasolene Lamps, Bicycles, Motor Cycles, Accessories &c. &c. Motor Cycles &c repaired. "As
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    • 376 4 HORSE AND -T CATTLE FOOD Horses get a tine coat by partaking of this food, and milk cows will produce more than 50 0/0 if they get only 1 kattiesa day, from 12 bottles niilk you may bring them up to 20 bottles a day, per picul 52.50, bags about
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    • 162 4 JoH| utrN S| Ns£Sr^J SERe MBak 1j 1 HOLSK() WXtR laja«t »-J*», Guns, ihj Ma, ono.se Shell Goods. J?*? 0— taON., PERAtToiiSi; j7- Hugh I 1 5 druggist, and Gt:.c Z Cold Spectacles at, al»^7 HOOT COMPAI Genual Repairers ot Cy a .1^ Motur Cars, i; Cycle and Motor Acaaa
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1581 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Where men. of. War. Flag and Tons Master Arrived. From For When Lylno Sea Belli KM S yet. 48 Nacodah Feb 5 P. Swettenham P Swet'ham I KH Sea Mew Govt 500 Murphy May 27 P Swet'ham V Roads McClcllan Am. ti a., 1870 Arnold
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  • 317 5 <y 0 Osman and >** bl Crccn, the V' h* 1 „,'nrv enquiry \V,!liams. *>1 h ultimo, o. JSc tower jaw and and G^rJcot lan rock was W mldc r lennl improvement. h^eared fracture iß*"- 3 The n\in died made on the I: about tl, on'i- re wa>
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  • 1083 5 Vong A Siak was entrusted by his Master, Tiah Yow Hen on the 27th ultimo with $24 worth of gold to fashion into a bangle. On the following day, as the man did not turn up to work, the master looked among his things. The gold
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  • 590 5 Capital. Subtcbed Tf M ***<* Reserve r I Q f I Shares Value up to, e crvt Company I Quotations presnt r 1 price GOLD. 1900 75 ,000 $,40,000 l^oo'Sued Ber,. w»h G. M. Co. Ltd. .900^400.000 £350,000' 3^> J. .5 I!! iD^o^ico LM <"*"->! 640 unissued
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  • Commercial.
    • 135 5 On London.— Bank 4ms 2.4 3/8 Demand a.4 1/16 Private 6ms 2.4$ do. 3ms 2.4$ On Germany.— Bank d d 2.39 Private 3ms 2.454 do 6ms a.47i On France.— Bank dd 2.94 Private 3ms 3-°3l do 6ms 3.06 On Indta.- Bank T. T. 1 74* Private 30 d s
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    • 304 5 Copra Klantan 10.65 do Mixed »o.f do Bali n 100 5 do Timor n 6 do Pontianak ,1 9-75 do Pasir h ll 9° do Billiton i°-45 do Pulo „10.50 do Dongola n Io6 5 do Sankawang 10 -4S CoflFcc, Bali 15 per cent, buyers 3 p/c. 18.00 do
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 404 5 r GERVIS XAVIER 4 CO, LIMITED. f EEE2I- For Dru B*, Chemicals, Crockery, Cutlery, Hosiery d^f I tionety Perfumery, Stationery, Boots and Shoes, Hats T J lars, Ties, Spirits, Win^s, Beers, Stouts, Lamps and ctt t Patem Medicines, Photographic Chemicals, P^^d T Pla^s, roilet Requ,sites, Sponges, Soaps, Fancy Goods t?,
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  • 887 6 Down at the East India Docks, floating in stale water, leaning against a quiet quay, but longing for the freshness and breath of the ocean, recently there lav u small steam yacht. But she was .1 steam yacht with variations, for her decks .were littered
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  • 30 6 Saj 1 rain i-W^OniMisM.-i e new b|lii Fr^iQciaco wiN look so glaiK lhat I rtha iu>:.n: likely to pray for earth- l goji^ujd M, lire lo' ,ivc them a J
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  • 870 6 A ROMANCE IN RLAL LIKE. A SURGEON IN GRAVE PERIL. The recent death of Mr. Thomas Wakley, joint editor of the I Lancet, recalls a dramatic and 1 almost tragic episode in the life of his father, the founder of the paper, and for many years prominently
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  • 75 6 Ihe big electrical works, which are being erected in Kashmir from power derived from the Jhelum River below liaramula, are making good progress towards completion. A flume capable ol carrying 20,000 horse-power has been completed, and turbines to develop 5,000 horse-power are now being installed. They will convey electrical energy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 459 6 AUCTION NOTICES. AUCTION SALE. I Wednesday /2th June tyoj at 2.j0 p.m 1. Twelve freehold building allot- ments situate in the district of Siglap. total area 22,320 sq. ft. 2. Twenty freehold building allotments situate at the corner of Holland Road and Bukit Timah Road, Singapore, opposite the Railway station.
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    • 746 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *1U.U00,000 RESERVE FUND:- Sterling Reserve «10,000,000 i ial y^ Silver Reserve $11,000,000 1 il wu vJW Reserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. <j. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson -"Deputy-Chairrn.n Jailech, Esq. d. M. Nissim Esq. E. Ooetz,
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    • 611 6 "E^P. W. H ftPL€TC.FI A MUSICAL FARCE ENTITLED "THE RAJA OF STENGAHPORE" WILL BE PLAYED AT THE TEUTONIA CLUB (by kind permission of the Members) on July 23rd and 27th at g p.m. In aid of THE SOLDIERS, AND SAILORS FAMILIES ASSOCIATION of which HIS MAJESTY THE KING is Patron,
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    • 392 6 PR SALE, WANTEjUcT FOR SALE. piCTURE post cards of Straits Settu raents &c.-Koh Co., e 'T'UCKS post cards and nos^T stamps-KoH Co., tagc Mhoo W>isit;s FOR SALE PRIVATELY O ne h :i m erican built rubber tyred 2 O m n a e re? C o^,e^) ed G g 3.
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    • 216 6 3 Month s 1 Month 3 Months JJontlh 1 Near AOVERTIStKc da '«y insertion F0I 'J inchSi^U a^vc hcad ln g g 2 >, th rice weekly j fbove headinf S •lit* or3c< Marriagcßirthorlw., 1 P» insertion. n S XR Tl U ABtb IN Advamj Fcrc^ract iNc willh Mive^ ln^
      216 words