Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 21 May 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 416 1 H. M. THE KING-EM-PEROR AT BIARRITZ. H. M. the King has been several weeks at Biarrittz, and every day hipopularity seemed to increase, owing to his unfailing tact and bonhomie. He registered at the Hotel dv Palais as the Duke of Lancaster, a species of incognito which deceived no one,
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  • 346 1 lIOMK OFFICE LAX m The laxity with which the Aliens Vc( is now administered by the Home Office is aptly shown m the report of a secret commission appointed by that department to ir.estigate the growth of the Chinese colony m Liverpool. It is now shown
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  • 313 1 The National Land and I lou-iug Association gave a luncheon to the Prime Minister on 20th inst at the Holborn Restaurant, over which Sir Brunner M.P., presided. Sir H. Campbell-Uan-nerman, responding to the toa^t ol Land Reform," said they were not ex treme revolutionaries, though they did not
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  • 444 1 Ihe Parst Ckromcle of London has invited the opinion of notable Englishmen connected with India on the question of Parsi European marriage.-. Such marriages among the Parsis are rather on the increase, and they have greatly exercised the mind of the community. The vasi majority
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  • 60 1 I hi: Duke of Connaught, Inspector General of the Forces, arrived m London on 23rd inst. alter a prolonged absence from England Oil a tour m the East. With His Royal Highness were the Duchess of "Coiiiiaught and Princess Patricia, WOO accompanied him throughout the tour, and Prince Arthur, who
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  • 183 1 Part of the official correspondence relating to the Jamaica incident has been published by the Colonial Office. When the matter was first made public the Earl of Elgin telegraphed to Sir A. Swettcnham "If such a letter is correctly attributed t<> you 1 must observe that both
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 r ipe people Pvermouth. VI __M^U^ B me' I ff vi -SUCCESSORS. laRTINI BH SOLA Co. I jt* TORINO. TORINO. drink th( k BEST Vermouth t!W(Jll( ri MAKTINI &KOSSI, which Vermouth on the ark' 't IKPOBTEE;S HE "SCHWEIGER" I IMPORT EXPORT CO., LTD. ,*****1 T LEVY HERMANOS.J SINGAPORE. I ■j
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    • 11 1 Ole Guarantee the Cargest Circulation of anp paper m Singapore. m
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  • 927 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUESDAY, 2 1st MAY. BRITAIN'S NAVAL SUPREMACY. Every true-born Briton is proud of the poetic proverb "Rule Britannia, Britannia Rule the Waves" and he invariably repeats those immortal lines of poetry whenever there is the slightest difference of opinion regarding the Supremacy of
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  • 539 2 According to the Malay Mail a rubber estate of 400 acres m I'ahaiiL' has just been sold for £100. The Malay Mail hears that 000o 00 coolies lor the F. M. S. arrived on I-th instant from Negapatam. Raja Harun-al-Rashid, son of 1 1 1 1 the Sultan of Perak,
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  • 144 2 Fheevei welcome Harmston's circus will open here on Thursday night, 00 their usual site at Beach Roaci. Colood Bob Love assures us that the show is stronger than ever. Everywhere the show opened m India it was well received, an.l the tour from start to finish has been
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  • 197 2 lhc weekly report on the India Rubber Market of Messrs. Gow, Wilson? Stanton, Ltd., of London, issued on Apnl 26, says:— At to-day auction, 802 packages ol Ceylon and Malaya Plantation grown rubber were under offer, of which about 379 were sold. The total weight amounted
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  • 36 2 HIPPO] ATI Mr. L. Sarrc a week^ i Last c£\ 5 the lions, .1 terribly lacerated. M< not touched, to the hospital. Later .-.ad. Fhe cauto the int:odu. I li«>n> into the i
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  • 44 2 ME BIGS I >nc i- apt mad( c I urned Awaj vi>it to pi above hold Ihe lubilet tilled, nearly every ial marvptf gain admit! Phis popularity ibov, nami m everyway the raaiugea* our to pl< >u last Satu appreciate :CCC Z
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  • 26 2 aui[>l< Free his wife were Mak 11. ig, S den!'. the b jumped on the manner a:, they were 'M while tin boat
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  • 7 2 lhc lapanen lla-hidaic. Itsliimaarm lio.r. lived
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  • 21 2 Acoordiiiii „,,-dcrcd m the I il naturalist o Usl v.ar to "P^V* his out several »l Dutch E**ll»*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 As/^F .HIGHLY (?f±JjMM F °R ALL I^l Je&J purposes. Tensile Strength tested by the Penang Municipal Engineer is as follows 5C2 Ib- per M|IMI« inch alter netting one day m air, and 6 days m water neat cement average of six teats. M 3 lbs. per square inch after setting
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    • 89 2 APPLES FRESH SHIPMENTS REGULARLY. JONATHANS-RED AND WOOIiIiY. FIVE CROWN-GREEN AND JUICY. Per dozen cts. 60. Per case (11 doz) $6.00 THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, SINGAPORE. Consumer* desiring a perfectly pure and palatable Brandy will do well to try FROMY ROGEE& COS Medical Preserve s&si ri W >*% fixim/
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    • 245 2 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS AND Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals. LARGER ft BETTER THAN EVER. The Only Show Twice Honoured By His iMajesty the Amir DURING HIS FOUR OF INDIA. GRAND OPENING NIGHT Thursday May 23rd 1907. Our all Star Company of London and Continental Artistes. 40 IN NUMBER 40
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  • 7 3 < I st the which ~ed to
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  • 10 3 I g to th< g ■reed, were 1 \i s
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  • 33 3 I I the I the I I I dras I and I ver; I I I I I I I I 'tint I n the c ii- may share
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    • 63 3 IHi: BABY DECORATED. London, May 20, 10.44 a.m. The infant heir to the Spanish throne has been baptized with elaborate pomp. There was a long procession to the Chapel consisting of the Sponsors, Princes, Foreign representatives, and grandees of Spain. King Alfonso rated
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  • 76 3 London, May 20, 3.45 p.m. A demand for an eight-hours' day culminated m a lock-out of so. 000 men n the building trade at Berlin beginning 1 to-day. 50,000 more will probably be idle. A meeting of delegates of twenty--o\cu mines m Johannesburg decided to call
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  • 37 3 London, May 20, 3 45 p.m. Benjamin Baker, X.C.8.. K.C. M the eminent Engineer, is dead. 1 Sir Benjamin Baker was joint Engirt m the construction of Forth Bridge and Consulting Engineer of the Nile Reservoir).
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  • 29 3 Queen Alexandra in Stormy Weather. rAKES REFUGE AT MESSINA. London. May 6.45 p.m. Returning from Corfu H. M. Queen Alexandra took refuge at Messina on account of stormy weather.
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  • 62 3 BANQUETTED BY FRENCH MINISTERS London, May :o, h.45 p.m. the occasion of the visit of the and Scotti-h Municipalities France Mr. Fnlliers and other French MinistCTl pte a banquet m their honour at Lyons. Speaking at the banquet M. Falliers stnted that visits consolidated the
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  • 28 3 London, May re. 6.45 p.m. account of the unrest m India the is have sent a manifesto proclaim- r loyalty and their contempt tor giuitora.
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  • 141 3 At a meeting of promoters of this Show iccided to hold the second jal Flower Show on Saturday, :^cr sth. The foh Puan Haji Sarepah, and the Sri Adika Raja. 1. I 0., are kindly landing their charming house and ::id on the Lahat Road
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  • 386 3 The Titmt is certainly doing good service m drawing the attention of the public at Home to the unrest prevalent m this country as evidenced by the antipartition riot« at Comilla and the a^aults of Europeans m Lahore m -equence of the Putijahee verdicts and elsewhere.
    I.D. Telegraphy  -  386 words
  • 556 3 USEFUL SUGGESTIONS Mr. Fred. J. Wright writes under date 2 7th April to the Times of Ceylon If something after the following suggestion was made law, it might he p to solve the present labour difficulties 1. Have every Tamil cooly m Ceylon registered and give him
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  • 64 3 QUESTION OF INDEMNITY From Hon!:ong Telegraph. 1 Shanghai, 1 ith May. The A<in/an'jf>>i<> reports that Sir John Jordan, the British Minister at Peking, has agreed to the appointment of arbitrator who will consider the question as to the a*nount of the indemnity to be paid to those who
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  • 135 3 BEAIITFLL MARCHIONESS SEIZED WITH MADNESS. A painful story comes from Milan, where the beautiful Marchesa Atala Rambki-Massaglia, member of an illustrious Italian family. became suddenly insane. She barricaded herself m "her palace, clotlied herself m robes of state, and then set fire to the furniture. The terror-stricken
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  • 277 3 Few m Ceylon will pretend to be greatly grieved at the check which the Mysore Government has put upon rubber planting m that province. It is a selfish way to look at it no doubt, but it is only natural that we should feel disposed to
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  • 836 3 BIG FEES WHICH HAVE BEEN Paid. In an interesting article on this subject, which appears m the current number of "Chambers'* Journal the wr.ter pomts out that less than 2 00 years ago doctors bled their patients m a way that would be thought barbarous to-day.
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  • 209 3 It appears that the immediate reason for sending out Frau Selenka and Dr. Molokowski m connection with the German scientific expedition to the East is that the missing link, the "monkey-man," has been located m Java. These scientific expeditions are regularly sent out once every ten years
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  • 379 3 Hie requirements of the Congo rubber "trade," says a rubber journal, artect the various elements concerned m it m quite a variety of ways. Let us see what are the principal elements concerned. There is the native. There is the European owner of the rubber— the absentee landlord—
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  • 173 3 M. Padoux, Legislative Adviser to His Siamese Majesty's Government, has drafted a new Penal Code. This work If. Padoux mya m his report is based on the old draft Penal Code which is the joint work of I>r. Masao and 11 Schlesser, but differs from it substantially.
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  • 300 3 Captain Lee, of the British India mail steamer the Teesta wnicli ar rived at Penang on the 16th, is well known and there will be many who will be sorry to hear that he has been struck with a bad stroke of paraly-is on
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  • 176 3 From our Perak exchanges *c learn that Mr. John Francis ist grade Hospital Dresser has been permitted to retire from the service of the Medical Department on a well earned pension of $798 per annuVn after a career of 34 years m varied capacities
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 348 3 i Clarke Col W* SOT, Queen Str t et\ Just landed ex S. S. Fortunatus 22 Horses and Ponies m Perfect Condif tion specially and personally selected i I by C Zimmermann for the local i INSPECTION INVITED^ J Telephone fTo. 910. I r VICTORIAS, BROUGHAMS, BUGGIES, t 1 DOG
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  • 1044 4 Ihe following memorial was iorwarded to the Right Honourable John Morlev M. P. «S:c, Foreign Office: 1. Finance and Authority.— The funds are found by member^ of the Alpine Club; but the expedition is also under the auspices of the Royal Geographical Society. 2. Leaders
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 638 4 THfIDES, PROFESSIONS flG^| Carbide of Calcium. STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. 10-4-O7 (U.C GASOLENE LIGHT A CYCLE COMPANY5-/ Beach j Sole Road T? Agents (next to (:%&•> °t Raffles "Ariel" Hotel. i Cycles. Dealers m Gasolene Lamps, Bicycles, Motor Cycles, Accessories &.c. &c. Motor Cycles &c repaired.
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    • 122 4 1,,-1 /'*,■,.> NEGRISE^ S^fi ser e^ AN COIIIuss, »OLSE OWN O IPO™ Cycles, Mo* c, Cyck G Mad R V W A «c SILVAN Mar lon s UU! .V.i PERAK DISP^ i Drugj Pcrtumc UoW Sj 1 HOOT COMPa Gen YtAP POX M CHOF- ItEM M i-c: Y££ CHtONd ipoh
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1445 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Wen- of. War. Flag and Tons. Com ders Arrived. From For When Lying McQeOan Am. tra., 1870 Lothrop lan 12 Manila Manila Wahrf Sea Belle F. M. S. Yacht 48 Ahmat Feb 5 P. Swet. P Swet'ham K. H. Ships Flan Tons Master Arrived From
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  • 46 5 I" 1 r«*»gn* tlo n ,1,01.: his I Putt a^ an f r t ish methods rf» :i i -it the had Mid Iw been India [E British I d all Prince ient than ►Nt Mr. 1 G s .v what liva
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  • 7 5 1 i d v last
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  • 10 5 UNKNO WN m- I !le ed the pen rt. leaving
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  • 27 5 I XII. 37 ed at mounting I, r5.,4 Dutj a t* ev^ueW r ken c tas ben, the edin ta r'' Earner, h r and
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  • 472 5 A STORY OF FREDERICK THF GREAT. Frederick the Great of Prussia was his palace at Potsdam, when some of his orders by their excessive severity caused great discontent among the Prussian troops; so the soldiers then m garrison resolved to avail themselves of that ease and
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  • 99 5 Jhe appointment of a negro named j S nth Carolina, a> auditor the Navy Department at Washing--cd a storm of criticism of dent Roosevelt. When Mr. Tyler took up the duties of his post nearly woman m the.office and all men applied to be transferred to other
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  • 382 5 The report ot the directors for the year ended 1906 -trues that Mr. Buyers has just cabled to the directors advising progre-s to date a> follows 250 acres •ed with rubber, 360 acre;- burned, 800 acre- felled 1,410 acres. The manager's estimates for 1007 are based
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  • 607 5 «Ej Capital. Sabscbed j o f »wue Paid WPVf *Z Q°' L Sh£es Valuefupto, Reservt Company Quotations i I an n GOLD WOO »r 75 .000 l.^ooo j 3 ,500'S U ed 190,, ,300,000 .^oo SSS »jo JJ. K aHa na o.M, o L L d Too
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  • Commercial.
    • 131 5 On London.— Bank a m s 2.4 7/16 Demand 2.4 1/8 Private 6ms 2.4 3/4 On Germany. Bank d d 2.39 Private 3 m 2.45^ On France. Bank d d 2.94 Private 3 m 3-°3i do 6ms 3.06 On India.— Bank T. T. 174a Private 30 d 176 On
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    • 228 5 Copra Klantan 10.65 do Mixed io.f do Bali 10.50 do Timor 10.60 do Sarawak 11.05 do Pasir 11 90 do Billiton "0.45 do Pulo '0.50 do Dongola 10.65 do Sankawang n '0.45 Coffee, Bali 15 per cent, buyers 3 p/c. 19.00 do Palembang, 20 p/c. basis 22.50 do Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 366 5 Hfll|lv\di ■^Jr^/ jf fi aK^^Kaflaaßlß^B^^B^BaA v Vw^tdawQaf/ mo -^B^- PORTE-VEfNE a Extrait Vegetal a IIXORA [Ti^T as illustrations below. .mli j T hcse differ^'»t Articles are also reffubrlv A&$K the seller of counterfeited articles wi be Kw f JjJ^<^\ P ro secution from c liable to Ifß perfumery §Sj J
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  • 1370 6  -  A. N. Cooper Hv M«n means of travelling have pushed walking out ol fashion. I'hc Rev. A. N Cooper who has tramped the world over. write! on tlie pleasures and Healthiness of walking. After the wedding festivities at Dinglcy Dell Mr. Wardlc proposed a twenty-five
    Rapid  -  1,370 words
  • 321 6 NEARLY ,£250,000 IN DEATH DUTIES ON THE ESTATE. Probate has been granted m the will of the late Mr. \Vm. Whiteley, who was murdered at his establishment m Westbourne Grove on Jan. 54 last. The gross value of the estate has been sworn at ss. 4d., and
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  • 118 6 Wi, read that Mr. Rockefeller has presented the town of Cleveland, U.S.A., with his summer home, Forest Hill) to be used as a public park, together with an endowment fund of two million dollars. The sale or use of tobacco or liquor is to be for ever barred within the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 378 6 NOTICES. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. We shall be greatly obliged to our advertisers if, when any change is required m their advertisements that such changes be sent to our office by 3 p. m. daily, otherwise we shall be obliged to hold the same over until the following day. rpllK meeting
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    • 914 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'AIIMJF CAPITAL *10,'J00,000 KESKXVE FUND:— sterling Reserve $10,000,000 «oi OJUvKK) Silver Reserve «11,000 000 21 UJU v)UU Resene Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhuhst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson- Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, d. M. Nissim Esq. E. Goetz, Esq,
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    • 619 6 E. 0. W." ADLETS. FC ft MUSICAL FARCE ENTITLED "THE RAJA OF STEffGAHPORE" WILL BE PLAYED AT THE TEUTOMIA CLUB (by kind permission of the Members) on July 2jrd and 2jth at g p.m. In aid of THE SOLDIERS, AND SAILORS FAMILIES ASSOCIATION of which HIS MAJESTY THE KING is
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    • 364 6 )R SALE, WANTED, &G, WANTED, \\7 ANTED To introduce our 32-paßc illustrated magazine into more homes, we wil. present a very valuable booklet, price 10 cents, to every person who sends us 1 2 one-cent stamps for a copy of the magaziue. Address 44 The Friend ot Babas Ornct <&>,
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    • 142 6 RATEsJ^sj FOR Tu t %l 3 Months 0 Month, 1 Year 0UT «N i\ 1 -Monti, 6 {Joiwin 1 1 ear ol I. lor M '"r« S e, 1i,,. u v a v,, Adv.,n v Llst of depots J Astern Daily 1, Wiay be ootatnei Abdulbh, Messrs Gheebooi i I
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