Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 9 May 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 905 1 The quaint petition of the chiefs of Balait to the Raja of Sarawak, which was published recently m 'The Stan dard,' lifts a corner of the veil which has concealed from the people of this country certain diplomatic intrigues which have for the last year been going
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  • 38 1 The disturbed conditions which have prevailed m Persia almost since the accession of the new Shah are apparently quieting down and the excitement at Sabszewar, attendant on the murder of the Armenian Russian subject, seems to have subsided.
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  • 561 1 Bombay, April 24. H. E. the Viceroy.— H. K. Lord Minto and Lady Violet Eliott have returned from their sporting camp at Kikhikesh to Dehra Dun. His Excellency arrived at Simla this week. The Amir of Afghanistan.— The text of H. M. the Amir of Afghanistan's proclamation to
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  • 335 1 Ascension Day May 9th The Sunday after Ascension May 12th The )ffertories throughout the As pension Festival will be devoted to the above Fund. At present the Bishop of Sarawak and Labuan acts also as Bishop of Singapore including the Straits Settlemei ts, and the Federated Malay
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 CDC B< sl jiraits. i SuTTLE Co., Ld. v Ihe Stimulant I ot Sterling Value. ]l AGENTS ii LITTLE k CO., LTD. j LEVY HERMANOS.iI SINGHPORB. I EWELLERY AND PRECIOUS STONES, GOLD, SILVER I NICKEL. WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS. I Ddcon Double Sided Disc Records, l EVERY DESCRIPTION, I 1
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    • 276 1 Howarth Erskine,. Ei?gii>eers apd Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 24. Telegrams ERSKJNE." 1^ Cinematographs! einematoqraphs! Patbc Filips. Patbc Ml ids. I I ARRIVE PRESH AND NEW TO THE EAST BY EVERY MAIL, AT HOME PRICES. I J TO SECURE THE LATEST GO TO I I jj^-~ WEILL ZERNER I 19 STAMFORD
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee tbe largest Circulation or anp Paper m Singapore.
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  • 709 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY. 9th MAY. MORALITY IN SINGAPORE The Calendar of the Assizes concluded yesterday is probably the shortest on record, we mean to say, the local record. It is eminently satisfactory that it should be so. Three cases only to be dealt with and
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  • 176 2 We arc very happy to give publicity to the following letter trom Mr. Grove. We know of several instances m which the public are duped by the Police certificates and it is high time the public should be made acquainted with the .eal objec. of the certificate. The
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  • 385 2 For months past the School has been compelled to turn from its doors disetessingly large numbers of would be pupils. An effort is being made, therefore, to provide added accommodation for at least four hundred boys. H. K. The Governor,^ Sir John Anderson. K. C. M. G.,
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  • 312 2 Fhk Railway Board have sanctioned an expenditure of over one crore of rupees for rolling stock on the BengalNagpur Railway, including the two foot six inch lines. An earthquake of considerable intensity with its origin at a distance probably about seven thousand miles mi recorded at Simla at noon, on
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  • 26 2 This Cinematos draw g us-ialshan Ihei.ca:. and the the man:!.' no doubt accooDl toward- its popg Ihe pictures average gramme isg I he
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  • 38 2 The mcir.: Club gave 1 last nighi affair it turned Last Sat nighi be given ne 1 he\ and the very larg whom were appreciau every artiste I not la g plea- small amount I night's eoti
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  • 34 2 A mc< Christian .Wooaiui:. School, Sera- Ka re well o Mr. Rickard y tor the 1 laving severed I Ueth nterestcd are It is c. nember will maia ittend with
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  • 61 2 MAGIC CIRCL E. J'hc society know: ."ofwhicl is the pres di I grand sei Hall, rto society is the prr.ct o her mjrsl members attci the latest (level won by Mr v who* Mr. Karl i countable mai media," Mr. (>w ing m hi- con into a banjo, an showed
    61 words
  • 37 2 We icgrci I M* 1 o'clock yesi The deceased about 54 I health practice I this dcaUt at his bus>r^ death i-i^^^B Mr. Step J I know" m l funeral o I ccmetci\
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 434 2 /w^TV^^ HIGHLY. f^f^4^Mjk\^^ F R ALL l^l l£^j PURPOSES. 7V/f Tensile Strength tested by ike Penang Municipal Engineer is as follows ;oa lbs per square inch alter setting one day m air, and 6 days m water neat amen! aveiage of six tests 013 lbs. per square inch after setting
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    • 445 2 APPLES JUST LAUDED PRIME JOfIATHfINS. FULL FLAVORED,— CHOICE AUSTRALIAN APPLES. Per Dozen 60 cents. Per ease of 11 O^zen $6.00. THOMPSON, THOMAS k CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, SINGAPORE. IS^ Great Success Great Success Che lananesel AT Wl/V cJUj/MIIWV BEACH ROAD, f LJj MPdp raffles. Cinematograph. -THE SHOW THAT OVER SHADOWS
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    • 203 2 NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Tuesday 14th inst, and Thursday 1 6th at noon Race Days. 9.5.07—13-5-07. SALE OF PROPERTIES, The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co's Saleroom on Tuesda y afternoon. The Chinese godown premises No. 21-1 Angus Street, 3809 feet for
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  • 6 3 TEL E GRAMS. S 1. .Council
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  • 11 3 UN KNOWN of te imr life duce i „ld r and
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  • 7 3 UNK NOW N SD OLD ,:n.m. n
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  • 11 3 UNK NO WN am Mr I I I able I be
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  • 4 3 UN KNO WN I
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  • 6 3 UNK NOW N :;.m. I L
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  • 13 3 I >}• p.ra. r of the and d* warmest Ulityexi
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  • 9 3 MICHAEL «d Baron c the-
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  • 10 3 m. P S moved the •the 1 ;l uproa,
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  • 8 3 ►mmerce ived rctarra whHe favour of to v.
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  • 1564 3 COUNTERFEITING i)n Tuesday, Tan Jiah was charged with possession of counterfeit small pieces and with materials for the manufacture of such. At the conclusion of the case, the defendant said that he had not had an opportunity of calling his witnesses. Sir I lyndman Jones adjourned the case
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  • 236 3 A remarkable affair, reminiscent of the old ;Greek tragedies, has occurred at Osaka. Nearly twenty year ago, a young Japanese commercial traveller named Yamada deserted his wife and infant d?ughter and emigrated to Hokkaido, where he succeeded m amassing a considerable fortune. During his absence his wife
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  • 221 3 There is a good deal of unconscious humour m the world, and no small portion of it comes from America. The latest example is provided by the will of a Miss Louise H. Leclerc, of New. York, who has left a considerable portion of her fortune to French educational
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  • 89 3 Sir Frederick Nicholson, X.C.1. X., has left Madras for Colombo en route for England, whence he proceeds on tour through Europe, America and Japan m connection with the fisheries investigations. > Mk. Clive Darrill, the Bft. Sin. Australian giant, whose persistent wooing of the Tyrolean giantess now appearing at the
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  • 904 3 FATHER AND SON. Inspector Commended. In yesterday's is. ae |there appeared under Police News a n accouTof a father prosecuting his son and another for breach of trust and another for abetment and it was said that the de fendauts were each sent to prison for four months.
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  • 112 3 For some days past two China wo*nen, with feet not bigger than a ba'uy's, have been going about Calcutta collecting subscriptions m aid of their famine-stricken relatives and friends m China. The two women evidently do not know their way about the city, as their peregrinations have, so far, been
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  • 386 3 It is interesting to note that on March i at the second Court of the season Miss Das, daughter of the Hon. M. S Das, m. a., g. i. c., of Cuttack (Orissa) was presented to their Majesties by Lady Spicer. She wore the
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  • 262 3 The Emperor of China is the one monarch of the world who does not really rule. He is completely under the thumb of that clever woman and skilful diplomatist, the Dowager Empress, tie made one spasmodic struggle for freedom and progress, failed utterly, and sank into
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  • 193 3 An Ordinance to piovidc for the levying of Port Dues at the Ports o( Labuan. It is hereby enacted by the Governor of the Straits Settlements with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof as follows 1. This Ordinance maybe cited as "The Labuan
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  • 138 3 A NOTORIOUS GANG OK PACOITS. Rangoon, April 19.— Intelligence from Toungoo to hand states that a gang who, under the leadership of Nagateir have committed a series of dacoities m the Toungoo District during the last nine months, have now been accounted for. Tein himself who has been wanted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 Clarke Co. JS^* W7. Queen Street. Just landed ex S, S. Fortunatus 22 r Horses and Ponies m Perfect Condi- 5 tion specially and personally selected by O. Zimmermann for the local market. IPT- INSPECTION INVITED. Telephone No. g/6. VICTORIAS, BROUGHAMS, BUGGIES, DOG CARTS, RALEIGH CARTS, r SINGLE HORSE, PAIR
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  • 489 4 IKK MS OK 1 HE R ULWAY AGREEMEN I. It was recorded m oui last issue that the Cttioo-laptneae negotiations had resulted m the signing on Monday of an agreement with regard to the Manctnirian Railways. A further message from the Mainichi's Peking correspondent
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  • 198 4 There is one item," says the writer j of the new Obiter Dicta m the BtiigaUr, "or m the Bengal accounts which «]uite beat- me. 'I his. is a sun of Rs. 15,000 paid to the Maharaiah 0! Gidhour on account o! travelling allr \vances for attending
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  • 256 4 ADELPHI HOTEL. MrT.Dicwry t Mr.A Mrs. BAY. Borr, Messrs. G. E. whamberlin, J. Wilson, L. Mitchelmore, R. Heap, G. Baker, G. Rice, Smithcrs, J. Ballingal, \V. G. Pfeiffer, J. A. A Cumming, 11. Tilston, Mr. and Mrs. van Rossem, Messrs. G. Lawson, Stutfield, G. E. Rodwell. B.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 651 4 TRfIDES, PROFESSIONS fl^jJ "A COOP SHOT IS OUR LAST HOPF" SAID LORD ROBERTS. So young boys don't waste all your time on football and Cricket, but uractice Shooting also. A large consignment of Saloon or Garden Rifles and Guns 7, 9 and 410 bore just arrived, to be sold cheap.
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    • 109 4 V I NEGRI *< I D fAT! W inßa d se ßembJ house o\v xer Cycles, G Manulattur I T 1 orto s Ou: N.8.A1, PERAK DisSi Drugj Pcnume Oold bpectacits^ HOOT COMP^ Gt I PoKiJ t,, tu J UEVi 3 iYJ YEE CHEOIK /A/. ipoh For L'i-iu-i The Taiping
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 931 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Where Men-of-War. Flag and Tons. Com ders Arrived. From For When Lying. MiClellan Am. tra., 1870 Lothrop Jan v Manila 1 > »ck WEBasin Sea Belle F. 11. S. Yacht 48 Ahmat 'Feb 5 P. Swct. lor docking „E. Sec Ships Flag Tons. Master. Arrived.
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    • 310 4 Meyer Syria, Londoo, May 31; P. ft O SeydliU, Bremen, June 13 ;B. Meyer Salazie, Saigon, May 2c M M'timeSambia, Hamburg, June 8; B Meyer Sanuki Maru, Japan May P Simons Scandia. Hamburg, lune 2; B Merer Sultan> FermantC, May 10; Mantield Soanatra, China, May 14; PA O Sibiren, Saigon,
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    • 365 4 passengers expected Per [> and steamer Brittannia, connecting with the steamer Oceania at Colombo. From London, April is.— lo Sln .&ap<'re Mr. and Mrs. W. Rouse aild children, Mr. T. Meek, Mr. W. S. Elmslie, Mr. P. A. Church, Mr. T. B. Bcttendg, Mr. A. Cheetham, Mr. F. L. n€
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  • 20 5 Order, I by vvli^t d* required m ,nj«B the 5 the Awr -d the land j to ihe
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  • 5 5 .mil I tl.e 1
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  • 20 5 1 L I I i r 5 sons Lj Li 1 really L 1 1 r heads t I
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  • 8 5 k nth I 1 eases and epresentas
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  • 1 5 November.
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  • 695 5 At any moment the dons and duennas of Spain may be called upon to rejoice over the birth of an heir to their p >pular young king. Spain, bcin'? pre-eminently the land ol etiquette and decorum, it goes without saying that the birth of the Royal
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  • 333 5 igain reports have been ved ot the severe and long continued depredations of band» of robbers highwaymen which infe>t the hilly districts inland from Amoy, and tods the end ot la<t year these reports were combined with loud complaints From the residents of the surrounding try so that
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  • 597 5 §5 Capital. Subsc bed Nu m b ,ssue Paid Q«! eh'c h Value up to escrvt < ompany Juotati-.ns I' OllaiCS p I I i GOLD. J ***** $175,000 140 ,000 woo' Sued wah G. It Co, Ud 10^^00,000 £350,000 3 5 C0°0 SI nicn tl m
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  • Commercial.
    • 142 5 On London. Bank a m s 2.4 7/16 Demand 2.4 1/8 Private 6ms 2.4 3/4 do. 3ms 2.4 1/2 O« Germany. Bank d d 2.39 Private 3 m s 2.45] do 6ms 2.47] On France. Bank d d 2.94 Private 3ms 3.03] do 6ms 3-O6 On India.— Bank T.
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    • 240 5 Coffee, Bali i6| per cent, buyers 3 p/c. 19 do Palembang, 20 p/c. basis 22.50 do Liberian No. 1 220 Cloves (Amboina) 62O Cocoanuts, per thousand 4°-°° Dragonblood raw Bela 43-° c Gambier Malacca 6 8 do Singapore <X^ )O do Cube No. 1 10 -45 do Ja^* Gambier
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 362 5 «r Vermouth. :r MARTINI ROSSI M^ SUCCESSORS^ MARTINI H| SOLA Co. TORINO. QP TORINO. If you wish to drink the BEST Vermouth m the world try MAKTINI <t KOSSI which is the Best and Purest Vermouth on the THE "SCHWEIGER" IMPORT EXPORT CO., LTD. "taik ho co. Es^ L rl
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  • 1542 6 A WOMAN'S RIGH rs AGITATION. Mr. Edward Dicey, m the course of a letter from Cairo, to the />"//// Te]<-<]r<n>lt. says: The eternal woman question is Olioe more to the front m the land of the Pharaohs. I remember, many years ago, when no distinct English
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  • 165 6 King Edward has been a Bencher for torty-six years. Ile was called to the Bar and made a Bencher 00 October 31, 1861, and he opened the Middle Temple Library on the same day. As a barrister and a Bencher of the Inn. his Majesty' has
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  • 88 6 Ad\ ices from Kabul state that the Amir lias already begun his tou r throughout his dominions. He left Kabul on Tuesday last with an escort of 200 Cavalry, a gun and 500 Infantry as well as a large retinue. He is now on his way to Herat
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  • 311 6 Singapore, 6th May 1907. Bean>, Long per catty 5 do. French do. 1 2 Beet' per lb. 18 Beef Steak do. 24 Bean Sprouts per catty Bamboo Sprouts do. 5 Blachan do. 10 Brinjals do. 4 Cabbage, Batavia do. nil do., China do. 12 do., Salted do.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 189 6 NOTICES. WEEKLY SAILINGS. The S. S. Pontianak", (Captain Casey, sails from this Port every Monday at 2 p.m. for Quantan, Pahang. Good accommodation for passengers, soecial rates for cargo. Apply to The BORNEO Co., Ltd. Agents. v. c. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Sealed Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office
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    • 899 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL 51U.000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 2! y,^ vX X) bilver Reserve 11,000,000 J Reserve Liability ol Proprietors U10.0U0.000 Court of Directors. G. H. MEDHURST, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr.VV.J. Gresson— Deputy-Chairman. Balloch, Esq. D. M. Nissirn Esq. h. Goetz, Esq. A J.
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    • 378 6 WANTED, WANTED To introduce our illustrated magazine Koto more homes, we will present a very valuable booklet, price 10 cents, to every person who sends us 12 one-cent, stamps for a 44 The Friend of Babas Oi nci So, Tras Street, Singapore. (23-4-07 to 22-5-07.) \YANTED Responsible Contractor to undertake
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    • 104 6 «»»«!I 5( ,.1 *v For i i; ,-i B v I Uarru- I List of Depots! 11 Astern :M Way bee J Abduilah, v I Me--:: t,. Raflfci Hoid I K« H. Adama-h, (wl Orchard I "avtnagi, Bri^p J Ml- Ne« i I E»hBJU a:::., j^jj Army a: I i
      104 words