Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 7 January 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 287 1 th J^Z™ derstand that the new bore at the Military Hospital, near the Preraane Ground, has proved successful, tk .2 O y. ln at:a de P th of 62 5 feet The Med.cal Officer: Dr. Campbell Highct saw .the bore tins morning, and will make his
    Stam Observer  -  287 words
  • 54 1 A Keltfr telegram, dated New Dec. 8, states that Mr. Maxwell, superintendent of public schools, announces that a thousand teachers from all parts of the L'nited States will visit Europe m March this year to study the different school systems. The visit is regarded as practically returning the visit of
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  • 223 1 A NEW GOSPEL FRAGMENT. SUBSTANCE OF AN INTERESTING DISCOVERY. London, Nov. 15.— The translation of the Gftspel fragment found m the excavations at Oxyrhynchus is not yet complete, but the nature of thus cat discovery was made clear by Dr. B. P. Grenfell at the meeting of" the Egypt Exploration
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  • 82 1  - Mr. J. Bromhead Matthews lias been elected a Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute. Wi have coven of communications on which Pemog has been described as being m China and India and even Africa, but the latest to hand certainly beats 'all previous specimens of geographical inaccuracy. After the name
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  • 677 1 PRAISE FROM THE PEKING ORPHANAGE Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The Sister Superior says the Sisters find them an excellent Remedy fo> Anaemia (weak waUry Blood j, as well as for Genera/ Weakness, Rheumatic Pains, and Stomach Troubles* Sister Ellen, Superior of the Orphanj age and Dispensary attached to the I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 68 1 Howarth Erskine Ei?£ii>eers ai>d Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone IS. Telegrams ERSRINE." I^* C^ N EM ATOGRAPH^^i THE LATEST FILMS m (pathe's.) WEILL ZERNER, ST r KD ™Z<,» E "^^L. IMPLEMENTS. I i T v till 111 \J I V L IWhiteaway I I Laidlaw Co. Stamford Sioad and SfCill Street,
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    • 9 1 WHI b USHERS Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO- LTD.
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  • 1758 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. MONDAY, 7TH JANUARY. THE CONGO ARROCITIES. The Congo atrocities which have bulked so largely m the eyes of the civilised world seem to be m a fair way of being brought to a head. The charges of cruelty and mis-government m the Congo
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  • 263 2 The Lnglish papers to hand by the last mail devote considerable space to the debate m Parliament on Transvaal Home Rule, of which a fragmentary account was wired by Reuter at the time. Major Seely, who has taken a le ;cfing part against the Chinese Labour
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  • 621 2 Dr. G. V on Weciel is due from Europe shortly by the N. D. L. Preussen. H. E. the Governor has left Penang m the Sea Mew tor Singapore. AssiSTANI Surgeon H. P. Mukerjee has been appointed a Deputy Registrar of Deaths for the Straits Settlements. >.\h of the most
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  • 406 2 It i*> interesting to note (says I luna Xtdtl) that whilst Attention j! »eing called to the kidnapping i upposed to be going on m td« and and the numbers of Chin* I :ome to Hongkong and profess I vishful to take passage to Sin-
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  • 269 2 PROF.OSLER ON VEGETARIANS ALCOHOL, AND tt m.\ In the course of a racy lectun ck ed at the Working Men's Co cently on The Care of the I Professor \V. Osier said that m the oiiginal food of man, and the four things net sugar, and .salt,
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  • 192 2 P. O. RATE WAR WITH CERMANS Sir Thomas Sutherland, the 12th ult at the meeting insular and Oriental Steam Na Company, said the most < point m the report was the divkfc and bonu> which they amount was identical with what paid last year, and they pay this alter setting
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  • 41 2 A mam <>f means who ha» iitl ing at Tniro made ti< qm post-office there, and m the attention shown to him ladj aaaistanta I fifteen shares m the V Diamond Mine Company ate quoted :it ."S IOS*, l>a^ received nearly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 t_ W tX I 1 I I 1 1 II V SCSchaefer d Co. I=^/I3SrOE STREET. r JOHN HADDON CO. INDIAN AND COLONIAL MERCHANTS, I SALISBURY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. Importers ol GenertU Pro- Buying Agent! tor Storedu< c Irpm Africa, Australia, deepen and Planters I- i r Shipping to all
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    • 285 2 karazona" Che Ideal Food Conic ttline $2.25 VITADATIO Che Famous herbal Rttnedp $1.75. FILL PART ILL LARS FROM_^=&^ THOMPSON, 1. THOMAS Co. DTie Jlustralian Stores, SINGAPORE. ART NEEDLE WORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217 Orchard Road. CROSSES AND EMBLEMS. CUT FLOWERS. ORDER IN lIMK lv PiucvEin Disappointment. ART NEEDLE WORK AM.
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  • 747 3 concerning the m the cure of I lgh mterestmg toU s information of 1 i" the detail* menI ;,,icd which wiUbe alui no doubt they published m EngI „i hardly realised I e P sti on of the steady m become (gi^ the disease its .Jeans to have
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  • 313 3 Dr. Saleebr writes m a home pnper:- Many readers may remember the early opposition to the entrance of women into the medical prote>sion. The -rock arguments need not be recalled, for the sufficient reason that they have, one and all, been refuted by time and
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  • 328 3 AMUSING SEQUEL TO THE bIEGE OF PORT ARTHUR. In connection with the proceedings against General Stoessel, the Japan Advertiser has translated from Russian papers some statements which show that a rather amusing development has occurred m the form of a suit lodged m the civil
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  • 41 3 An lordin(. to the Berlin correspondent of the Neu York Herald (Paris edition), the German military authorities arc constructing at Tegala dirigible airship, which will be aimed with light guiis and other means of offence.^ Reutei A-e:.cy wires. Mv submarine telegr.iph.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 j i. fugisakT H o"j^OP^.lsrElSE PHOTOGBAPHS I 381, VICTORIA STREET. A visit to this Studio will prove its superiority over others by the 1 latest photographs taken among them being prominent Europeans. I Special lady attendant Photos taken In for the convenience of t® any size between Straits Chinese Ladies
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1887 3 SHIPPING NEWS. •TX"|JIQ|QIIpT Q| Prinz Ludwig, Hamburg, Feb. 22 B. Breid, Nor. str. 645 tons, Capt Folk- V ■^jfo*^ Hi IJ^ Meyer. Mann, Jan. 4. From Bangkok, Dec. 30 Peleus, Liverpool, Jan 2 Mansfield '£c a d **f, Jc Sif ng QmL For T?YT3T?r« P TTPTi Prinz Alice, TTamburg, Feb
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  • 30 4 THE STRAITS COMMAND. MAJOR-GENERAL PERROTT APPOINTED OMMANDER OF THE 1 ROOPS. London, January 6, 8.35 a.nt Major-General Pcrrott has been appointed to command the troops m the u aits Settlement-.
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  • 28 4 TO STUDY AT MILITARY r INSTITUTIONS London, January 6, 8.35 a.m. Four German Captains have started for Japan to study at her military
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  • 21 4 London, January 6, 8.35 a.m. Die release of dividends has considerably cased the monetary stringency. 1 1 i
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  • 32 4 P London, January <<. 8.35 a.m. It is expected m Lombard Street ihat the Bank-rate will be reduced within a fortnight unless the foreign monetary situation changes for the
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  • 108 4 IN PRODUCTION IN Id PARLIAIIEN I OF A PRIVATE BILL. PkOVCfttS A MO>I ACUTI Controversy. Loncfon, Jan. 6, &.J5, a.m. The introduction into Parliament ot a private bill for the Channel Tunnel i^ impending. This has caused .1 nvM acutr controversy largely on party lines. The Liberals
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  • 75 4 PRESS CRITICISMS London, Jan. 5, 8.2 am Prince Von Ouelow's Manifesto is unfavourably criticised m the German Press. The Conservatives, especially, object to their bein<j invited to ally themselves with the Radicals. The latter are equally displeased on account of the lecturing tone of the hancell.-r.
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  • 66 4 BROKEN ALL PREVIOUS SHOOTING RECORDS London, Jan 9 a.m. His Majesty the King and a large House»Party are staying at Chats worth Hou^e, and whilst out shooting, yesterIday, two thousand head of game fell to eight gun-. The King, who 1- m excellent health,
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  • 322 4 (From Messrs Latham <\ Singapore, ?i-t Dec. 1906. Rubber Companies A- regard- th< Companies, we have not sufficient I knowledge as to tiieir individual outturns, nor the quality of their produc- tions, to enable us to give much useful information regarding
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  • 38 4 OFFICERS WITHDRAW FROM THE ASSOCIATION. London, Jan. 5, 9 a.m. The German Mercantile Marine Officers at Hamburg generally have withdrawn from their Association, m accordance with the demands of the re- spective Steamship Companies.
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  • 47 4 HIS HOLINESS AND HIE EARL tOF ABERDEEN 1 London, Jan. 5, 9 a.m. message from Rome stttes that irl of Aberdeen, had an audience with His Holiness the Pope, who eulogised the Irish Catholics and gave a special Benediction for the Irish.
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  • 52 4 TERRORISTS DECLARE THEY WILL MURDER MEN IF THEY RESUME WORK. London Jan. 5. 9 a.m. Large cotton mills at Lodz continue closed. The owners are determined to transfer their factories to the interior unless the workmen submit Terrorists declare the}' will murder the men who
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  • 40 4 PROPOSED PUBLICATION OF HIS DOCUMENTS. London, January 5, 9 am It is stated that the French Government intend- to publish part of the document^ seized at the residence of Signor Montagnini, the Papal RepresI entative to France.
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  • 40 4 DONATION OF 0750,000. London, January 9 a.m. It is announced that Mr. Andrew Caruegie has given £750,000 tor the construction of a building at Washington to be u>ed a a central Bureau for the American Republics.
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  • 55 4 THE IMPORTANCE OF CHINESE STUDY. London, Jan. 5, 9 a.m. A China Society has been formed m London to encourage the study of Chinese language, literature and history A series of lectures have been projected. The Chinese Minister at London will read a paper at the opening
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  • 99 4 INVESTIGATING THE EXACT SIGNIFICANCE OF TREATY TERMS. London. January 5, S-25 a.m. The St. Petersburg correspondent to "The Time-" spates that during the ab-ence ot' Mr. Motono, the Japanese Ambassador, a Commission ha> been investigating the exact significance of the term rivers 'and inlets" under the Portsmouth
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  • 44 4 London, January 5, 1 p.m. Ihe Admiralty have issued a notice to mariners intimating, if possible, the closing of naval ports both at home and abroad at night during manoeuvres or m the event of -trained relations with any Power.
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  • 128 4 Largi white pith helmets will be "the rage" m the summer of 1907. Bootblacks at Charing Cross will say Shine, Sahib." to passers-by. The > wearing of helmet! of all kinds is a fashion which lias been gradually becoming more popula: every year. Last year
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  • 113 4 £100,000 CIFT TO A NEPHEW. Mr. William Burkitt, of King's Lynn, London, and of the firm of William and Samuel Burkitt, coin merchants, who left estate valued at ,/?2 19,501, bequeathed 100,000 m trust for his nephew, William Burkitt, for life, with remainder to his children and remoter issue. Under
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  • 819 4 From our own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, New Year s Day. A happy New Year to all your readers, Mr. Editor, and a prosperous one to the E.DM! The year of grace nineteen hundred and seven has opened here under the most lachrymose climatic conditions and everybody is
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  • 138 4 A special telegram from Uragatothe Japan Advertiser states that the destroyer Nagatsuki, built at the l.'ragaDock Company's yard, was successfully launched on Saturday at 3 p m. A large number of persons were present at the ceremony The scene of the launching and. m fact, the
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  • 112 4 A i all of cooked accounts and M faked tenders was unfolded at the adjourned hearing m London, on the Bth ult. of what is known as the West Ham Scandal m which three West Ham guardians and three officials stand charged with conspiracy to defraud m connection with coal
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  • 279 4 TRIED TO, DROWN HIMSELF. A youthful Chinese who had evidently come to the conclusion that life was not worth living, tried to shuffle off this mortal coil by drowning himself last Saturday morning m the sea off Anson Road. A Sikh constable said he saw the accused drive
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  • 111 4 The above-named show was well patronized on Saturday night, and a very excellent programme was presented. Every item was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all, particularly good was 1 the picture A great fire m London." The scene was absolutely true to life, and the light was
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  • 494 4 P. 0. DECEMBER PAMPHLET. The following notes appear m the P. AO. Co.'s pamphlet for December 1906 As the result ot a conference between the postal authorities and the traffic managers of the Enst Indian, Great Indian Peninsula and North- Western Railway Companies of India, it appears that, concurrently with
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  • 70 4 Ykstf.rday was the Feast of the Epiphany when the services m the Roman Catholic Churches were well-attended. The Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, the Church of the Mother of Lourdes and other churches were thronged with a large congregation, the sacred edifices being crowded to the doors. Bishop Barillon officiated
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  • 620 4 TEN PRISONERS KILLED BY INFECTED VACCINE. The following particulars of the tragic occurence at Bilibid Prison, Manila, to which reference was made m a recent cable from Reuter m these columns are given by the Manila Cablenews 44 On Nov. 1 6 Dr. R. P.
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  • 199 4 BUDDHA'S TOOTH. The Buddhists of Ceylon ate reported to be greatly excited over certain aspersions alleged to have been enst by Colonel Olcott on the relic of Buddha's tooth, which has been worshipped by them for 2,000 3'ears. The fender of the Theosophic Society, as is well known, ha^ done
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  • 109 4 A telegram from Omaha, Nebraska, from the Daily Chronicle's correspondent at Chicago, dated Dec. 1 2 states that an actress has died there from swallowing a live chameleon. The actress was Miss Louise Douglass, who wished to advertise her forthcoming appearance at one of the local
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  • 54 4 The Annual Universal Week of United Prayer for this year began yesterday and will be continued till Jan 13th. The meetings from to-day to Saturday Jan: 12th inclusive will be held at Bethesda," Bras Basah Road, at 8 p.m. All are earnestly invited to attend these meetings and to encourage
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 346 4 H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACINC COMMISSION STABLES fl (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATIOHD A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and n,, Hla I Accommodation for Horses and CanrifM by day, week, or month at Popular p EXTRA large loose boxes for Race Horses; also a suitably tqttiped
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  • 833 5 T HE ART OF SALUTATION. A colSespondeiit. 1 |os§€9 W« <*ye to J p rkm.l art of <;tlutat.on tne process d 5t The gentleman adupon-' d happen to be i robSrU^ h^\^,U to that effect, r woul lc<i n" to carry h- theories VC^ c on you, person. It ut
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  • 306 5 Mr. Joseph R.Oldham, a naval architect, dtps into the future ol the Atlantic liner m the pages of Cashier's Magazine." A quarter of a century hence he predicts we shall see a steamer i.joo ft. o! a gross tonnage of 67.500, and eed of thirty knots,
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  • 153 5 lhe Philadelphia corre-ponde the Daily Chronicle contribute^ to his proper the following interesting gem concerning Sir Thomas Lipton, under date Dec 14 Local society is all agog at the report that Miss Jane Morgan, daughter of a well-known financier, who is concerned m the
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  • 125 5 Princeton (N. J We liiesday Dec. 5 Mr. Carnegie to-day formally handed over to the University the Carnegie Lake," an artificial sheet of water three and a half miles long and from 400 to 1000 feet wide. In the coui>eofa speech Mr. Carnegie said he desired the lake
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 84 5 The following letter received by a Bangkok resident explains Use f and more-over has a moral to it:— Resected and Dear Madam.- I the bearer of this humble pardoned letter, was intockevcated on Christmas day. As it Tone of my merry days I was offered Sake' Tbese.ch v..ur M.,d,m to
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  • 772 5 v t Number Issue Pad l'ays..t S^l Capital. Subsc bed of Value up to Reserve Company Quotations presni t 3o| i Shares J I H price. 13i5.00 tlo $»o Bersawah G. *M. Co., Ltd. fc.oo nominal ***** $175,000 $140,000 3.500 unissued 4,000 $lo $10 Deferred) 3.00 1900
    772 words
  • Commercial.
    • 157 5 Gambier buyers 8 6.85 do Cube No. 1 m '°-45 Copra, Bali 10 35 do Fontianak ti 9-95 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 17-75 do White, Fair L. W. 5 per cent. 24-75 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 *-9 2 d Pearl Sago, small n 5-4° Coffee,
      157 words
    • 128 5 On London. -Batik j m s >/4 9/ (< > Demand 2/4,) do. 6ms Private 3 m -< On Germany. Bank dd Private 3m > 1.44 do <* m 4'> On France. -Bank d d 2.9J Private 3 m B *7 do 6 m s j.M<) On India. Bank
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 253 5 "For You" NOTICE WEEKLY SAILINGS. JfSft PHI S S. PONTIANAK KAI I A i M JB^ Casey,) from this Port every mF Ia \londay at 2 p.m. for Quantan, Pahang. Br ii'fl H accommodation for passengers, c I^Sj^i The BORNEO Co., Ltd. H|| TAN GEOK HAY, FUi'-ll (CHOP HIN MO
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  • 1411 6 HYPNOTISM AND A SCHOQL OF PSYCHOLOGY. I If you would see something of life as it really is, the mastery of human consciousness behind 'the smiling face of civilisation, enter one morning the famous clinique of Dr. Benlhin m the Rue St. Andre des Arts dose to the
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  • 351 6 WHAT ENGLAND MIGHT GAIN BY A WAR. A FRENCH MILITARY PAPER'S SPECULATIONS In an article entitled The Advantages of the Alliance, with England, the France Militaire says that m case of war between England and France on the one hand, and Germany on trfe other, England could render France enormous
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 640 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 on Qtin a Silver Reserve $10,260,000/ u wu u Reserve Liability ol Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A llaupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. VV. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman, li. Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D.
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    • 439 6 NOTICES. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Wednesday 9111 Jan, 1907 at 2.30 p. nt. Lot 1. Freehold allotment situate 'at Buono Vista Road off Passir Panjang Road area 1 acre and 26 poles. Lor. 2. Freehold Allotment situate at Buono Vista Road (adjoining the above) area 1 rood and 7 poles. G. A
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    • 287 6 m. Bolter, 69, HNSCN ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock oj\~ Smoked Russian Spratts Fresh Bombay Butter m 1 lb and 1/2 lb tins. Pickled Mackerel Russian Vodka m small bottles Italian Tomato Paste m lb. tins Russian Smoked sausage (4 kinds) Salad Oil m Big and*
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    • 370 6 E. D. M." ADLETS. FW SALE, WANTED M WANTED. WANTED. Typist and Shorthand writer. Must have good local knowledge. Chinese preferred. APPLY AT ONCE. Lloyds Greater Britain Publishing Co., Ltd., Raffles Hotel Buildings. Brass Bassa Road v.c. WANTED. STENOGRAPHER TYPEWRITER For Hongkong Apply personally British American Tobacco Co., Ltd. J2-JJ,
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    • 412 6 MISCELLANEOU^I j P Special Holi,j avl H TOCEYcSB Ob the mow nificent climate, Cood^f^l I A Mountain hon, Mn^ A health station foi A place ot education for t An attractive holid.n tors. f CHEAP RETURN TICKETS To CoLta Wki F.rst Saloon £22 h k I J Second Saloon £10
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