Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 30 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 34 1 THE MERCHANT SHIPPING BILL Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.) IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. London, November 29, 8-40 a.m. The House of Lords has read the Merchant Shipping Bill for a second time.
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  • 39 1 ACTION OF THE LORDS CONDEMNED. London, November 29, 8-40 a.m. Meetings of the National Liberal Federation and of the Congregational Union have enthusiastically resolved on condemning the action of the Lords with regard to the Education
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  • 32 1 SUCCESS OF A LIBERAL. London, November 29, 8-40 a.m. The Hudderstield by-election lias resulted as follows Mr. Sherweli (Liberal) 5762, Mi Williams, (Labourite) 5422 and Mr. Foster Fraser (Unionist) 4B44.
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  • 63 1 A DANES NEW INVENTION. London, November 29, 8-40 a.m. Sir William Preece, presiding m London at a demonstration given by Mi. Poulsen, who has invented a new wireless system of continuous electric w aves, said that it meant the deathnell of the present systems of wireless telegraphy. Mr.
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  • 24 1 FAMINE IN HIE VOLGA. London, November 8-40 a.m. Famine i^> raging m several provinces m the Volga and the distress is terriWe.
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  • 74 1 IEN MILLIONS STARVING Sall of Children. London, November 29, 8-40 a.m. Reuter's correspondent m Shanghai wires that an International Committee have issued an appeal m Europe and America for the relief of the distress m North Kiangsu m China where the floods have devastated over 40,000 square
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  • 44 1 DETERMINATION TO FIGHT. London, November 29, 8-40 a.m. Mr. Balfour, speaking m tlie Junior Constitutional ulub, declared that the Cabinet's quarrel with the Lords was not merely a party movement and empha>iscd hN determination to light against oppression from religious minorities.
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  • 56 1 DOES NOT FAVOUR CALIFORNIAN ATTITUDE TOWARDS JAPANESE London, November 29, K-40 a.m. The "Times" correspondent at Washington soys that it is believed that President Roosevelt's forthcoming Message to Congress will show little sym pathy with Californian action towards Japanese, and that he will favour the
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  • 64 1 WILL LARGELY EXCEED ,£40,000. Umpire Rfeci ivi s 5750 iok His Servh 1 s. London, Ncwei. ber 29, 8-40 a.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Wedgwood stated that the cost ol the Tanjong Pagar award will largely exceed sterling, i ut that he was unable
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  • 70 1 FRENCH SQUADRON RECALLED. London, November »9, 1-55 p.m. The French squadron has not quitted Toulon roads. It was recalled by means of shore signals at the last moment OH receipt Of a telegram following a late Cabinet meeting m Parts. It is believed that owing to absence
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  • 20 1 Burglaries are of almost nightly occurrence m the Chinese quarters of the town. The perpetrators of these are seldom traced.
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  • 412 1 FIVE HUNDRED INDIANS ESCAPE FROM RESERVATION Five hundred ute Indians have escaped from their reservation m Northern Montana, and it is reported that live troops of United States cavalry that have been sent m pursuit have fought a rear-guard action with th men, along the Powder lion:
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  • 356 1 INTERESTING PROPOSAI UY MESSRS FIELD. Messrs. J C. and .i Field, wlm are intimately associ ited with tli< p trade, have resolved t<> have nothing i<> do with the Trust, and th« y iin ited theii retail customers ti> meet them tin- otlw r day to discuss the
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  • 126 1 A story is told of John 1 rook, the comedian, ami Mr. Justice I lawkins new Lord Brampton. fhc) nri sapper together di tcu Vi Qls of the d.iv. The .lu<^< i dentally mentioned that he intended, on the morrow, giving the man he had been tr\ ing fifteen yea"
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 462 1 -^LITTLE CO., Ltd XMAS CARDS |V| noMl POSTAGE. AN unrivalled SELECTION LITTLE'S mX aaia— a— a— w^^ s^ a o SK nuwdi ill t w l\ l I C LT 1 1 r3^|C~J Ep^ii^eers ai>d Contractors. „,-,1,-«i.»,.,A, l i .»,.,A << ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Prcttv Pendant m Pearls. *> at rri
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    • 32 1 JOHN LITTLE &CO LTD Boys Own Annual Girls >wn Annuai Chatter bob Im ants Magazini Chums ALSO A LAJtGI SELH I lON OK GIFT BOOKS FOR BOYS A GIRLS A I LITTLE'S
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  • 567 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. FRIDAY, 30 TH NOVEMBER. OUR SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. The Government are to be congratulated on their generous and at the same time successful efforts to increase the existing school accommodation. Year by year the school-going population especially Chinese, is growing. When one looks back
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  • 191 2 The practice of carrying deadly weapons by the Asiatic community, notwithstanding existing prohibitions, goes far to show a predilection for this and an indifference to orders against it. The weapons occasionally found are revolvers, dangerously looking double-edged knives, sword-sticks, kunckle-dusters, bludgeons and peculiar weapons of Chinese-make, a combination
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  • 252 2 Gun practice was carried on at Fort Serapong, yesterday morning. Thl fashionable age tor marriage is from 27 to 32 for women and from y> to 45 for men. The Singapore hordes, for the Kuala Lumpor races, left on Wednesday, per s. s. Kistna and Selangor. The Dutch ironclad de
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  • 107 2 Bk iwkkn S and yesterday morning, a European resident on Ann Siang Hill came upon the body oi I Chinaman about ten yards (roan South Bridge Road The" body was face downwards, had a wound m the left side and abrasions about the head. He
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  • 101 2 MR. MACLARKN'S QUESTION Mr. J. B. Maclaren has given notice that at the meeting to be held i this day he will draw attention to the corrugated iron fence recently erected by the Railway Department on the side of Keppel Road between Borneo Wharf and St. James which
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  • 96 2 About 4 p.m. on Wednesday, a motor-car, with two men on it, was running down the incline at Hidadani, but on the right of the road. A tramcar was at the points, and the motoi driver m crossing the road to clear the tramcar, dashed into
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  • 193 2 atican •-""1 Spain m p f orcingth€ French final and cr £4& uphold the rer c r Pin V i ce U 1 »U8 A, who, tl P iff I if: I Danish nationality yews, and they are t?2 •od.) a mom h n mm Ihj agreement
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  • 150 2 i., conjurer lays l k which isthei ;::i tor>. who surr etrableringt when lie is a ting on his hams i sm !ll sacred drum wh en while lying IN Captain Gambici has conjuror, clothed and on a ban! t* use d l.v potters, ground contrivances find under
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 IV! ORDFR TO INTRODUCE IT WILL BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE, L c. yjN te' aht J^ the case of 12 bottles quarts, VL excluding duty, or 85 cts the %SP quart bottle, duty included. RECORD No. 1177. OLD TAILOR SCOTCH WHISKY. From the rc>ult^ .if'our analytis \ve arc able
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    • 255 2 FRESH GRAPES. 40 cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO I F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. i PER BOX $2.00 POSTAGE FREE $2 50 Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if not m Deposit Account. If y©u have not bad our
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    • 178 2 NOTICE. All persons having bills against Julian Frankel are requested to send m same by the 7 December, Not Later. (Signed) JULIAN FRANKEL, Room No. 17, Hotel van Wyk. SITUATION WANTED. As Travelling Agent. By a European aged 27 well acquainted m B. India Straits Settlements F. If. S. and
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  • 470 3 KUALA LUMPUR NOTES. SB I ()UN CORRESPOIDWT.) Lumpur, Number. gaj just now. eatre, which we with us, there ia good the new theatre vu v l ip "Hon C hin, a capital nment, a good I thes< notea reach I douj Wayang itograph, the i i xtiaordith« names could I
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  • 78 3 Rugby, claim. the original forge uAer,es on Blacksmith." It it -.and the" -pread- still nourishes m W, Addon's novel /-aland was a tmcnt w ai part and machinery. Ap »g a -access. Ac- nt just made by Premiership, Sir the expense o! the the last financial vhilr the receipts besides,
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  • 1563 3 MORE MORPHINE AND COCAINIE SEIZED. Yesterday, Sergeant Mulcock chareed Hong Slew, before Mr. GrceS bemg mi possession of more than five grains of morphia c gavrev c rnc N c O 7 WhOmadelhe Dr. Brook, Assistant Government S»«93| grains of milk and sugar rate. grains of cocaine hydrochlochiora'te
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  • 285 3 CABINET HOPEFLL The Moscow University lias been closed m consequence of the disorderly conduct ot the students, who >aug the Warsaw funeral march. The St. Petersburg University will also be closed owing to the defiant attitude o( the students. The
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  • 156 3 We (Statti Observer) understand that it has been definitely decided that His Majesty the King will take a trip to Europe m the coming Spring, starting from Bangkok at the latter end of March or the beginning of April. It had been originally intended that His
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  • 597 3 STRANGE ATTACKS ON FRANCE AND JAPAN. Cleveland, Oct. 4 The Plain Dealer to-day prints an interview with John D. Rockefeller m which the latter comments on the demand for Government regulation of socalled private industries, and makes a strong plea for national development. Rockefeller is quoted
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  • 188 3 husband's Challenges TO COUNT BONI DE CASTELLANE. Paris. A rich crop of duels is likely to be the earliest result of the disclosures made m court. Recently when the Countess Boni de Castellane petitioned for a divorce from her husband. The identity of the four ladies who, m
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  • 53 3 A Chinaman who held a Powcr-of Attorney for certain property m South Bridge Road has absconded, after using the firm's chop to obtain $20,000 worth of jewellery and about $20,000 m cash from chetties. In addition to this, he got about $10,000 from sonic small shops. llc has made a
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  • 443 3 Rf.lief and Crops Calcutta, 16th November The number of persons m receipt of relief throughout India during the week ending 10th November was 61,865, showing a decrease of 487, as compared with the previous week. This total was made up as follows 13,394 m East Bengal and Assam,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 Jubilee rttßilo BEACH ROAD. Saturday Ist Dec at 9 p. m. ANOTHER GRAM) BOXING AND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT. PRICES OK ADMISSION $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 Soldiers Sailors m Uniform r5O cents* PROGRAMME 1. Overture 2. Trick Dogs Bill Snow 3. Tim Jervis, R.G.A. vs. Jerry Bull Sherwood Foresters. 10 ROUNDS CLOVE CONTEST
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    • 487 3 H. S. KIRWANS TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION STABLES (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially MM for stables, absolutely samtaiv and yp-to-dnte Accommodation for Horses and (arriges by day, week, or month at I\.;,ular Prices I Kxtra large loose boxes for Race Horses; ftbo a suitably equiptd and well
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  • 1146 4 AMERICAN IMPUDENCE. AN ADVEN 1 IKK AT IHL By James Douglas 1 was sating one e\ ening after dintw 1 outside the 1 ;iii- de la Paix. My favourite m .tt is tlir little alcove m the corner, U-^i<l<- the great glass Bcreea which protects the pavement from the sidelong
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  • 171 4 RAILWAYSSHOWA SHORTAGE OF jr />>oo,ooo. Johannesburg, tet. 3a 1 lie revenue ot" the Central South African Railways tor 1906 will m all probability show a shortage of j^ 000,000 as compared with the estimate^. The severity of the commercial depression, which has exceeded all anticipations, coupled with the
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  • 147 4 KAISERS SECOND COUSIN \O MARRY BERLIN COMEDIENNE I hear that the marriage ol Prince Joachim Albrecht of Prussia, second cousin of the Kaiser, with the Berlin actress, Marie Sulzer, is arranged for this week. It will be strictly pi vate. Fraeulein Sulzer, who ,is tivc years than
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  • 200 4 London, Oct 30th. —A ing gia advertising m Hackney for a wife. He is quite young— only a a fact; and although he 18ft. 7m. tall and l>., he is si g ng b ways 1 1 name is Henri Got, and he was
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  • 350 4 At a meeting of the Common Council the Lord Mayor took bis seat for the last time, and made 10m valedictory remarks, m the cour-c which he said 11 I -hould like to refer to the inten uig tact that most of the duties and prigea
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 > Recrcatic^HoiTl < SWCOON ROAD. 1 H., '■'>■.'" S manent boarders. tem Porarv S A,ry ro o ms V, nim lh M E GOOD TABLE 4 W NES I > PnCCSmOd^ Wl eF i v/V r/ 1 I NOTICE 7| ESTABLISHED I XX 1903 j THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1505 4 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS Hongkong Dec 24; r/ w//o < Brit str i s*fc EXi^l^O 1 &D. S2£ Guan StftiJL* Fn*** date 0/ Annul, Rh^anirHongkong, Dec. i 9; Behn H^d^SS!^ Fromßaßan SS c Me >' cr Nov. G.c., and 28 d. p. Kirn Hock bumatra, japan, Uec. 19 ;P.& O. Hoe.
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  • 248 5 s A All, ll( ;,:i> m DODGE. f the firm of Leverett g, F.( London GroV, A. G Giles, lerttionofGfo--1 I number of .vie from the iation, supporting [,-ust. Mr. F. d, wrote to say /.1 00 t<> oppose admitting that the dustrj
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  • 153 5 DECORATED IG EDWARD. Majesty's j) had the honour King Edward at tee when his Majesty the Albert medal thus described ilar jrbance? at Baku' ■ur Englishmen nsurgents at ters m Bus cham Company, and danger of losing Englishmen had ited for Mjme time pei MIS position sh
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  • 63 5 Longest Distance,* 1 Kn.bbe and competed 1 August, Sepbeen won by •i who was pilots Butler m a night "nber 1 rrom London 1 5 miles, irs. -cc that the < the aeronaut m I make the ascent, 3 the ClubV Several at- gain the members during
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  • 25 5 'ne man uho saw n the flesh. Several him have de*'thin a few years. 'I <* him was as he <*"tygray hair, a id an m-
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  • 563 5 THE CASE FOR THE TIMES." MR. MOBERLY BELL fREPLIES TO THE PUBLISHERS. We have received a long letter from Mr. L. b. Moberly Bell replying to the many statements made on behaf of the publishers and booksellers m the p esent trade controversy. Mr Bell begins by pointing out that
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  • 356 5 MR ROCKFELLER THE FRENCH NATION. Referring to a subpoena recently issued requiring him to appear m court m an action against the Standard Oil Company, Rockefeller said While I .vas m active business I used always to respond. But now I am not m a position to give these enquiring
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  • 121 5 \cceptances— lf you accept an invitation to dinner you must go no matter what happens. The anly exception to this rule is when yoe die m the meantime; but cultured people are rearly guilty of this awkwardness. Last year, i 0,453 trees on the West County Estate, Kajang, yielded 13,322
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  • 656 5 JUMPS IN FROM OF TRAIN TO SAVE A WOMAN. (Daily Chronicle 2nd Nov.i Bishops-road Station, on the Underground Railway, was yesterday morning the scene of a remarkable episode of which the recklessly daring rescue of a woman fromwhat seemed certain death was the most startling phase. About a
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  • 278 5 SUFFRAGISTS TO BE TREATED AS FIRST-CLASS OFFENDERS. Quite recently the Governor of Holloway Prison received directions that the women suffragists m hi> charge are to be treated as hist class misdemeanants. An announcement to this effect was made by the Home Secretary m the house of Commons and
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  • 89 5 Rubber estates are still being formed m the Malay States, and tne m which Bangkok business men are interested is just getting to work. This is the lendarata Rubber Co. whose property is situated on the boiders oi Perak and Selangor, and which take* its name from the town of
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  • 856 5 WHAT THE SUFFRAGETTES SAY? CLEMENCY SCORNED. ''This is a proud day for us," said Miss Christabel Pankhurst to i Daily Chronicle representa:ive the other day. "The Home Se:retary has been compelled to acknowledge our woman prisolers as political offenders. A *reat enemy of our cause has been Tumbled by the
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  • 763 5 Uatei dumber T p I'avsat Capital. Subsc bed. of i*?Y\ n Reserv Company Quotations presen ation Shares Va lue up to pritc GOLD. 13i500 tlo $10 Bersawah G. M. 0., Ltd. 10.00 s< Hers 1900 $175,000 $140,000 3.500 unissued 4,000 $10 $10 (Deferred) ooStellen 1900; ,6400,000 £350,000
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  • Commercial.
    • 152 5 Gambier buyers 6.58 do Cube No. 1 10.95 Copra, Bali 1 1.40 do Pontianak 9.80 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.65 do White, Fair L. W. 5 per cent. M 24.75 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.95 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali 16] percent. buyers 3
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    • 135 5 On London. -Hank j m s 1/47/16 Demand 2/4 dp. 6m a 2 4 Private .5 ma 2/4 9/1(5 On drnnany. Bank d d 2.39 Private 3 m j do <> ma j^6 Ov< Iramr. Bank d d _..<jj Private jni d(> '< m s -.99! On India. -Bank
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  • 1255 6 A PLEA 1 •"< >R SOME FORM OF NAI lONAL IK UNING By a Liberal Tin permission recently given by the Board ol Education to include rifle instruction as a subject inthe curriculum of elementary schools was indiscreet, flu rifle is not 1 weapon that can nafely be
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  • 362 6 That the regiment of women suffragist demonstrators is a -tnge army d not det.act from the pathos of the recent exhibitions at the House of Commons and at Westminster Police Court. ssible to deny that a section I M won* en who have elected to go to prison
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  • 205 6 Jala and Sugahara, Japanese, residing m Tabuk, became involved m a quarrel the other evening, durinc: the course of which Jala inflicted probably mortal wounds upon his adver-ary by stabbing him with a dagger. Sugahara was taken to the Po-t Hospital where he now lie- m
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  • 89 6 One ol the pretty customs amoog I Japanese connected with the happitx of chi!dr< n i tl.c lender fancj ol pi »1 the birth of a daughtei fhe sapling is aflectionatd^ watered and tended, nourished and guarded as faithfully as the little life it represents and when
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 679 6 BANKS. Honekong Shanghai Banking Corporator PAID-UP CAPITAL ...$10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve 510.000.0u0 1 Silver Re» 1• c *iu.a50.000 Reserve Liah. I) ol ProprietMtl $10,000,000 Court of Directors. llaupt, Esq Chairman. Hon. > W. Didwoo— Deputy-Chairman, K. Goetii Ksq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lcnzmann, D. M. Nissim, Ksq.
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    • 270 6 NOTICES, G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D\ tlmttda Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06. U.C. m. Bolter, 69, AIVSON ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock oj\Pickled Herrings m tin Smoked Russian Sprats Fresh Bombay Butter
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    • 304 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 403 6 E. P. M." ADLETS. Ft WANTED. WAN 1 ED. Three Motor Wagon Drivers. Apply personally to FRASER NEAVE Ltd. Aerated Water Department, Anson Road WANTED. A partner. Must be a good Convasser. Must have small Capital. A month's trial would be given on half •profits before terms need be arranged.
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    • 156 6 N «w era E 0. A hull A place of An attractive I, C( <"P RETURN TICKETS v Htsi 5.,1..0n ft, ST0 «U«t Second Saloon S The P. nouncc nr,,: &2t,« ft P 4 0. S. N Co' i i»t March. 1 l!l *ln Ml > T. KUDO CHARGES MODERN
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