Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 29 November 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 474 1 A PROBLEM >F GROWING IMPOR J ANCE. Mr. r. Ourakami, in the course i letter to I'Economiste Franquis, makes some interesting observations with regard to the position of women in Japan and their increasing entry into the commercial world rhe emancipation and education of women arc
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  • 39 1 Reuter's Agency wires (By submarine telegraph.> IMPROVED IN HEALTH. London, November 28, 9-5 a.m. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain has markedly improved in health and hopes to return to political life after a visit abroad. i—aaaaam***aa**m i i mnmama^m
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  • 36 1 COVERS 94 KILOMETRES IN <>'. HOURS. London, November 2S, 9-5 a.m. The French stecrablc balloon in charge of M Patrie covered a distance of 94 kilometres in <>\ hours before returning to the starting point.
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  • 70 1 DLL rO CONTAMINATED CHOLERA VIRUS. London, November 28th, 9-5 a.m. Pen out of 24 native prisoners in thc Philippines, who were experimentally inoculated with the cholera virus, have died. The operators explain that thc virus was contaminated with the bubo nic plague. The
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  • 34 1 THE "DAILY MAIL'S LATEST ENTERPRISE. LITERATURE EOR HIE BLIND. London, November 28, 9-5 a.m. The London u Daily Mail'' publishes on the ist proximo a weekly edition for the blind, printed in Braille characters.
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  • 49 1 ANTI-BRITISH AGITATOR MUSTAPHA AGAIN IN CLOVER. London, November 2S, <j-io a.m. The "Times,"' commenting on the lettet from its correspondent, says that Mustapha Kamel, the well-known AntiBritish agitator, is once more in favour with the Palace and is once again in possession of cash.
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  • 80 1 FINANCED BY HIE KHEDIVE. London, November 28, 9-10 a.m. It is suspected in Cairo that a large part of the money that was required for starting an Anglo-French edition of the bitter Anti British paper "Lewa" is furnished by the Khedive, or
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  • 102 1 WHILE BRITISH INFLUENt E IS PREDOMINANT. London, November 28, <i-io a.m. Commenting tut ther on the report the Tunes remarks that the money for thc Lewa was obtained through scandalous sales of grades of decorations by the Palace and says that thi-* cannot
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  • 46 1 RECOGNI HON OF SERVICES. London, November 28, <i-io a.m. The electors of Hull have presented to Sir Henry Seymour King an address enclosed in a gold casket to celebrate thc 2ist anniversary of his election as member for the City.
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  • 39 1 A HUGE CONTRACT. London, November 2<s, 9-10 a.m. The Burmah Oil Company have placed contracts with American and Glasgow firms for the laying of 275 miles of pipe-lines to convey oil from wells to sea-board.
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  • 20 1 London, November 28, (j-10 a.m. The South Africans have defeated Dublin University by 28 points to 3.
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  • 51 1 Referring to the launch o\ the SattUtua the Koh:.nun exclaims' "Behold here is a battleship bigger dian the Dreadnought designed and cons tlUCted exclusively by Japanese." Other newspapers are similarly jubilant and claim that the Satsuma is the biggest and most powerful Battleship not only in Japan but in th
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  • 442 1 IN rERES'J ING DESI kll'l [< »N OF Tin; SYSTEM An experienced Japanese naval officer, now in England, who has interested, he says, in correspoi and articles which have recently ap peared in the Naval and Military I< c i* l upon the food
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 237 1 pO' „jhO ANN' M fllf G IFT BOOKS POR BOYS GIRLS A I LITTLE'S jjOHN liITTIiE Co.litd.l j m ißadnificcnt No. J59 18 Cut. ROLLED C HH GOLD PLAIN CURB C if T«M l^f DOCBLE ALBERT AS 5 $M Vjj PER ILLUSTRATION |fi (El l a">' other Patterns in Single
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    • 264 1 Howarth Erskine lEpgipeers and Contractors. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 23. Telegrams ERSKjCNE." mmm fIRJ NEEDLE WORK I One of the Fintst and Largett I Electric Fan. in very Bedroom J AND i Buildings in Penang Cuitine and Catering under I Cl H\A/CR flfPnT Entirely under European ?^Pf^¥l Supervision oi an European
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  • 605 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 29th NOVEMBER. BERI-BERI. From the heading of this article it might, at first thought, be inferred that we are about to deal with this very mysterious disease from a pathological point of view. It is not so, however. We will simply try
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  • 271 2 In another column will bt found a Police Court report of a case in which an Arab lodging ho keeper was cited before a Magistrate tor infringing the law which provides that those who keep lodging houses should be licei A penalty was imposed and thc lodgers were
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  • 484 2 Seven long--entence prisoners arrived yesterday, per ss. Malacca, from thc F. M. States. All the quick-tirer- needed fo re-armament of the artillery ii have arrived in that country. In the south part of sze-chuen Province, a rich kind of coal have been found. The Chii :»rd of 1 rade has
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  • 54 2 flu underneatl c-onnei ha-. b< thi! I that Ch.el vvill 1, but no 01 was midwj san D thing column. I the i salan. ot tii. Librai greai abic i duty, Alexa. I ary are ai g K i are K i Canad I numb thc I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 A_____ INTRODUCE _^_f\J_Wr w *w *^n m m r ~w IT WILL BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE, i. e. r_\r% i^ mm the case of 12 bottles quarts, >~\ excludinq duty, or 85 cts the %S/ m 0 quart bottle, duty included. RECORD No. 1177. OLD TAILOR SCOTCH WHISKY. From
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    • 257 2 [fresh "I j GRAPES. 140 cents per lb. OR PACKED IN 5 lb WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. AND ELSEWHERE. PER BOX $2.00 POSTAGE FREE $2 50 Outport friends are requested to send remittance with order, if not If you have pot bad our Special Xmas list
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    • 29 2 NOTICE. All persons having bills against Julian Frankel are requested to send in same by the 7 December, Not Later. (Signed) JULIAN FRANKEL, Room No. 17, Hotel van Wvk.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 127 2 COMING EVENTS. To day, 29th Nov. High Water. 9-23 a.m. 10-10 p.m. German outward mail due. 2. B. I. homeward Christmas mail closes 3. To-morrow, "?©tb NovHigh Water. 9-53 a.m. 10-5I p.m. St. Andrew's Day. Special Dinner. Caledonian Hotel. Hall at Victoria Hall Municipal Commission. 2-30. Legislative Council. 2-30. Saturday.
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  • 293 3 -IN G WONDERFUL I ova THE rir *t C^ to enter Tibet. land of escape the P° wt o ss the Himthe Forlnd- m otor horn— il all nthecourtv Pal* •Jl rashi-ihunpo rning. shipped to India ,tta, trained in d then carried on coo lies. When
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  • 20 3 I r ""puny has proper inKrapl,, which 0 heart |owyouho* M be Xo lb., r„r n., you Don't not watch
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  • 749 3 Reuter's telegrams of 6th inst contain a statement by the Under S n e^ ta^ VofSt lt^ or the Colonies to the effect that Lord Elgin is satisfied that the immediate abolition of licensed gambling i„ the Federated MWay States /«J£! ticable,but that steps will betaken to restrict
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  • 138 3 Major H. R. Davies, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, is presently ea voyage to "the Far Easi to take up the duties ot Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General t<> Brigadier General W. H. 11. Waters, the new Chief of the forces in North China. Major Davies passed the last two years of his service
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 215 3 > Recreation Hotel. < SERANGOON ROAD, TRAMWAY TERMINUS, if >Has excellent accommodation for temporary and per- Q manent boarders. X Airy rooms with Verandah and bath .cms complete. GOOD TABLE WINES. Prices moderate which may be ascertained from the Manager. v, r Joe F. de CONCEICAO, > Manager. V I
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 591 3 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS EXPECTED. Name. Por/, Probable date of Arrival, and /Igents. Stkamkrs. Aparima, New Zeland, Nov.-; Boustead Arcadia, Colombo, Dec. 8 P. O. Alesia, Hamburg, Dec. 7 Behn Meyer Austria, Trieste, Jan. 12; Rautenberg Airlie, Sydney, Dee. 24; Boustead Awa Maru, London,— P. Simons Achilles, Liverpool, Dec 3; Mansiield
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    • 694 3 Preussen, Hamburg, Jan 25 B. Meyer gak Ling, China, Dec 23; Mansfield n 2 Alice, Hamburg, Feb 8 Behn Meyer Pr. R Luitpold, Hongkong, Dec 24; Behn Meyer Rembrandt, Batavia, Dec 22 Daendels Koon, Hamburg, May 31 Behn Meyer Riojun If am, Bombay, Dec Paterson Simons Rhnania, Hongkong, Dec. 19;
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    • 658 3 LATEST ARRIVALS. Banka, Brit str 127 tons, Captain Stewart, 28th Nov. From Natuna Is. 27th Nov. G.c, and 17 d.p. Teo Teow Peng. For Natuna Is. L 7 Rds. Ban IVhatt Soon, Brit str 199 tons, Captain Milne, 27th Nov. From Teluk Anson, 25th Nov. G.c, and 113 d.p. Taik
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  • 3 4 REUTERS
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  • 23 4 FRENCH SQUADRON SAIL FOR TANGIER. London, November 28, 1-40 p m. The French Squadron has sailed from Toulon for Tangier.
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  • 60 4 London, November 28, 1-40 a.m. A letter addressed to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannermann states that the Education Bill is a travesty of thc original form which would not admit ot tampering with the main principle. Failing an arrangement which would not prejudice the cause of education a way
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  • 157 4 An ordinarv neeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Board Room, on Friday, the 30th instant at 2-30 p.m. punctually. Agenda. 1. To confirm, if approved, the Minutes of thc Ordinary Meeting of 1 cth instant and of Special Meetings (2) ofthe same date. 2.
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  • 178 4 There is to bc another good night at the Jubilee 1 1 nil next Saturday night, in fact the largest pr< gramme that McAuliffe has ever presented to a Singapore audience, is tixed tor this night. A 10-round contest between Tim Jervis R. G. A. and Jerry Bull,
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  • 403 4 IMPORTANT TRADE MARK CASE CONCLUDED YESTERDAY. The case ol Me--r-. Adet Seward and Co. vs. Caldbeck Macgregor and Co. for an injunction restraining the latter from the use of their* 4 Bird's Nest" trade mark and general style of get-up of the brandy sold un<ler that name, as
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  • 1054 4 In early days 1 was a great admirer of my Lord Brag. For why I took him at his own valuation. He was always telling us that his estate was the largest in the country, that it was the best managed and his tenants
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  • 123 4 A new petroleum concern has been formed at Bremen, styled the European 1 etroleum l'nion, with a capital of m. 20,000,000. The new concern includes the Naphtha Product Company, Nobel Brothers of St. Petersburg and all other petroleum companies beloneuig to Messrs Rothschild Bros of Paris, as also the Deutsche
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  • 1445 4 Thk Allegation against E. Judah. Case committed to the Assizes. Yesterday morning, E. Judah was again brought before Mr. Colman for resumption of the preliminary enquiry into the allegation of forgery brought against him by Messrs. Nagardas, Perchondas, Bombay merchants, Malacca Street. The Hon. H. Foit and Mr.
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  • 96 4 The following notice to the owners and masters of vessels was issued yesterday by Captain Bl am ford Owners and Masterc of Vessels are requested to keep their Vessels as clear of the Ranges as possible during the Heavy Gun Practices which will take place from Fort
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  • 152 4 According to an official return just issued, the number of official functionaries killed or gravely wounded by revolutionaries in Russia, between February last year and May this year, was as follows:— General-Governors, Governors, and Town Prefects, 34. Prefects of Police and their tants, SS. Police Captains
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  • 125 4 CEREMONY WITNESSED BY THE EMPEROR AND CROWNPRINCE. Hongkong Telegraph) Shanghai, Nov. 16, 2.40 p.m. The Japanese battleship Satsuma, of 19,200 tons, was successfully launched at Yokosuka yesterday. The Emperor and Crown Prince of Japan were present, and the launching ceremony was witnessed by a huge concourse of
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  • 79 4 I rade between India and Netherlands India has not bulked large of late, but a decided impetus has been given to it by the running of a line of steamers direct between Java and Bengal. The Dutch Government intends to help on the movement by appointing a ConsulGeneral at Calcutta.
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  • 1009 4 KING EDWARD AND THE PARLIAMENT. We take the following passages from the account of his tour round the world which Mr. W. J. Bryan, the probable Democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States, is contributing to American papers Before speaking of the British
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  • 105 4 it tyS" Sf R ubber Seed from thc i*. M. b. The Commissioner of Lands informs us he has lately heard from a leading Straits Settlement authority U m k 'VT*' Un,ike,y that an >- action v 11 be taken to prevent the export of rubber seed from the Straits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 377 4 t i H. S. KIRWAN'S TANK ROAD LIVERY, RACING, COMMISSION m. (OPPOSITE RAILWAY ST A ne» buildinK specially l,„ilt Accommodation for Horses :,„d C.,rri K cs 1,, Kxtra large loose ban fur ka H Ventilated storeroom, for the use of pet, I accommodation for syces all kinds of hors> Ok
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  • 312 5 I Paris, Nov. ist r jictition tor I c ***** Bom Basses. ia Gould, -ther of the recently. for the ot| which occuId at gr»j „,i l.!«-.»( the< ount and ni in .895 New ,verc at hrst soon money the house- „-old bnde ,sband in I very.
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  • 108 5 OMBINE ORGANISING IN AMERU a Chicago states that th a capital g mised there tish capital. gden Armour, Armour and Co., firms of packers, will t ol the new trust, Lipton i- the reBritish interest- ins Armour have issued a Limour, but there believe that the "'chael,
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  • 16 5 "lines to endow Arches th her late hus»»ons, which will be 'kind needing assist18k tor it
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  • 464 5 H. E. SHUM IN HONGKONG. UNOSTENTATIOUS ARRIVAL. His Excellency Shum seems to be following the divine precedent in the mystenousness of his movements Elsewhere will be fond the account ot our Ctnton correspondent showing the delightfully naive game of Kde-and-scek that his Excellency has been playing in those parts with
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  • 374 5 AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH. Canton, i sth November. Before H. E. Shum, ex-Viceroy of the two.Kwang, left Canton, most of the military, naval, and civil officials called at his amen to bid H. E. farewell and wish him bou voaOfe. After receiving the greetings of the high
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  • 105 5 Mk. lulian Frankel i- leaving here on or about the 7th of next month for Calcutta. Ile expects'to be away about a month, and he requests all persons having bills against him to send in same to him before that date. He is staying in the Hotel Van Wvk. Ihis
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  • 511 5 I he Chinese Court is one of the proudest m thc world, honestly believing itself to be without a rival in dignity or m resources or in a kind of divine right to primacy among the nations. It is as impatient of threats from merchants as we once
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  • 386 5 THE CAUSES OF PRESENT PROSPERITY. Mr. Tosa, Managing Director of the Hunan Steamship Co., speaking recently with reference to the prosperous condition of the Japan-China trade, attributed it to the growth of the purchasing power amongst the Chinese people, chiefly brought about by the rise in the
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  • 131 5 A Si. Pete* ;burg correspondent states that in view of the transference of the southern portion of the East China Railway to Japan, passengers travelling from Europe to Japan by the direct line between Russia, China, and Japan will travel by way of Vladiwostock, instead of Dalny, as hitherto. St.
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  • 323 5 AN ADVENTURE IN THE GRISONS. A Berne correspondent writes Smuggling in these days is far removed from the grim realities which characterised it seventy years ago. A charming piece of light comedy which has quite recently taken place in the Grisons brings this fact into clear
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  • 284 5 The Kopenick "hold-up" reminds a correspondent of the Daily News of a hoax of which the Mayor and people of Boston (Lines.) were the victims, many yaars ago Here is the tale One day a gentleman of smart bearing and military appearance arrived at the police
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  • 199 5 Mr. Rockefeller's Reported Strictures on Japan. A DENIAL BY THE STANDARD OIL COMPANV. Mr. J. W. Copmann, the Yokohama Agent of the Standard Oil Company has addressed the following letter to the newspapers .it the northern port Arriving here on the sth instant I find a telegram from my people
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  • 121 5 Speaking of a woman's conduct, a constable told Mr. Plowden at Marylebone that M she seemed to go mad all at once." Mr. Plowden Oh, no. Simply an hysterical woman. There are plenty of them in London just now. The rubber boom has the credit of engineering windfalls to the
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  • 760 5 l) -»te Number p ~~J~ Capital. Subscbed of v Xeupto Reserv< Company Ou.-tat. n, pr£en ation ar 5? r t_ price I f J 3.5.00 fco $10 Hersawah G. M. Co, Ltd. lOOOaHI«l 19C0 $175,000 $140,000 3.500 unissued lOft r r 4 oo 9l $I 'Deferred) oo.s
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  • Commercial.
    • 131 5 Pepper. Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.75 do White, Fair L W. 5 per cent. 15.25 Sago Sarawak Flour 2.92 do Brunei No. 1 2.89 Pearl Sago, small 5.40 Coffee, Bali i6| percent. buyers 3 per cent. 19.00 Coffee Falembang, 20 percent, basis 22.50 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 20.50 Tapioca, small
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    • 101 5 Oh London. Bank am n/l6 Demand 2 s 12 On Frmnce. Bank dd j Private in On India. Bank I I". (J/f Hongkong, Bank t| d Private jo d s 3 pei cent dis On Shanghai. Bank d d Private .jo flia On fatfa, -Bank I I AX Private
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  • 1062 6 CAN GOOD TOBACCO BE GROWN IN ENGLAND LORD WALSINGHAM DESCRIBES Ills SUO ESSFUI* EXPERIMENTS Lord Walsingham ha- contributed the foil wing article to a London e.\change In 1885, a few gentlemen interested in agriculture determined to try some experiment- in growing tobacco in England. Arranwments were made with the Revenue
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  • 493 6 THE EXECUTION OF YAH -KAH-DER THE CHINESE BANDIT. China papers publish the following account bv a foreign eye-witness ofthe execution of the bandit Vah-Kah-Der at Soochow Vah Kali der was decapitated on the parade ground not far trom thc Soochow Cnehhsien's yaroen, in the presence of a large gathering of
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  • 346 6 IUTHAMPTON TO SOUTH AMERICA. •petition and the flourishdition 0 A gl have led the Royal Mail .Steam Packet C to pun bold shipbuilding po for U South American "service. eral tine rcsse'*, veritable floating palaces, have ref mtly been added to ts fleet, and the other day
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  • 97 6 Mr. Lloyd-Georae on the tsod ult made his first public appearance in Birmingham since his memorable c.j>cnencc ni 1901, when he had to c-c.ij>c From a hostile crowd in thci^uisc ol a policeman. Elaborate precautioos WCK taken by thc police for his safety A -tart ol plain clothes detccthes met
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 698 6 BA.-.XS. t *______*mm**mum»mm***-mmwm**mmm**mm*m*y^rammmimm^mi^^mmmm Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL *i0,000,000 RESEHVK FLNL) Sterling Reserve I $-20,260,0 Silver Resc rve 9W y lbO,oOn Reserve Liabil.ty <•! Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. Hi nipt, Esq— Chairman. Hon. v \V. Dickson- Dfputy-Chairinai.. E. Goetz, Est]. I H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann,
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    • 266 6 NOTICES. G. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 D'Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAISERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. y-S 06. u.c. m. Boiur t 69, ANSON ROAO. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock oj:Pickled Herrings in tin Smoked Russian Spratts Fresh Bombay
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    • 308 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. For Sale. This is the time ~to get ready for Christmas. Why wait till the last hour when you now have time to
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    • 398 6 ______*mji^ WANTED. WANTED. Three Motor Wagon Drive Apply personally to FRASER 6z NEAVE Ltd. Aerated Water Department, Anson Road. WANTED. A partner. Must bc a good Convasser. Must have small Capital. month's trial would be given on half profits before terms need be arranged. Apply in first instance, R. H.
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    • 177 6 D Special HoiiH 0. <;H»P "TURN TICK£ Second Saloon J*l Hie P. c C ga| nounce that arrangements wi J COLOMBO, KANOY a ktUl whereby and *t*m t Tour Tickets Reduced Tariff P S- H Co ist March, „5ir *»i Mr > f. KUDe Japane* CHARGES MOD£ R TE Fpom
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